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This will be my last post on this forum as it is obvious it is no longer needed. I thought my thanks to all last night would be the last (which is still as heartfelt today as it was then) as I am past ready for this nightmare to be over, but since NCL posted their media response I feel it is only fair in the interest of both sides to post mine. I have no agenda against NCL or any interest in changing anyone's mind. That is never what this was about. I was being stonewalled and was reaching out to anyone and anything that would assist me in locating my parents, determining their condition and bringing them home. Nor will I attempt to ascribe motives to any of their actions. No one can truly know what motivates another. So here is the release I provided:


In response to the question "this is NCL's position how do you respond?"


This is not unexpected given how they chose to deal with me this afternoon. They have spun the facts to their advantage by being incomplete in their statement. I do not deny that my parents were appreciative of all the care they received. They are friendly, gregarious people who collect contact details of many people they meet in their travels regardless of the circumstances by which they meet them. As an example, they just had a phone conversation with another person they met at the clinic who as of today is back in Miami. Nothing in this statement however, addresses the primary issues I have with NCL which are:


1) They did not notify me on Wednesday when I could have been the most help with a clear head able to contact the insurance carrier on their behalf if they don’t feel assisting a stressed passenger in this way is good customer service.


2) They denied to me having any knowledge they were even off the ship until the State Department guy called them on it. This fact should be easily verifiable.


All I ever wanted from them was information which would have cost them nothing. They are the party who turned it into the situation it became.


You are never going to win against a corporation's marketing machine and I could really care less if that is the type of company they choose to be. What a completely different side of the organization they showed than that which they profiled on "Undercover Boss". As I have said repeatedly, I have what I wanted which was the location, knowledge of the welfare of and the return of my parents to their home. I want nothing from NCL nor did I expect anything.


I truly appreciated everything WTSP did along with the many other players involved to bring this situation to conclusion. I am a fan of your station.


Many thanks and best regards.

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You know what? I am really sorry for your parents. My parents are both around 80 and I'd be beside myself if something like that happened to them. I can just imagine that my mom would be confused about where they are and that I would come unraveled over that. And you are also correct that the Emergency Contact of record (you) should have been called and that it seems strange, to say the least, that the NCL rep would claim to be unable to contact the ship in less than a few days and deny knowledge that they were off the ship.



However, while you cite these in your latest post as your "primary concerns", this thread honestly did not start out quite that way. In the OP, the issue of how NCL treated your parents was given as much emphasis as the way they communicated with you. You said they dumped your parents without funds or assistance to get home. You also used the phrase "NCL uncermoniously dumped my parents in Cartagena, Columbia" and wound up your OP by saying that "as elderly residents ... NCL's treatment is less than humane".



I'm glad your parents are ok. I"m sorry you were unable to get reasonable information by calling NCL. But I don't think that the fact that they seem to have really been good to your parents is just a corporate marketing machine "spinning" the facts of communication with you. I don't think it's fair to dismiss their statement as mega-media spin just because it addresses the very serious accusations about how they treated your parents while, yes, not addressing some of the subsequent communication misses.



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you know what? I am really sorry for your parents. My parents are both around 80 and i'd be beside myself if something like that happened to them. I can just imagine that my mom would be confused about where they are and that i would come unraveled over that. And you are also correct that the emergency contact of record (you) should have been called and that it seems strange, to say the least, that the ncl rep would claim to be unable to contact the ship in less than a few days and deny knowledge that they were off the ship.



However, while you cite these in your latest post as your "primary concerns", this thread honestly did not start out quite that way. In the op, the issue of how ncl treated your parents was given as much emphasis as the way they communicated with you. You said they dumped your parents without funds or assistance to get home. You also used the phrase "ncl uncermoniously dumped my parents in cartagena, columbia" and wound up your op by saying that "as elderly residents ... Ncl's treatment is less than humane".



I'm glad your parents are ok. I"m sorry you were unable to get reasonable information by calling ncl. But i don't think that the fact that they seem to have really been good to your parents is just a corporate marketing machine "spinning" the facts of communication with you. I don't think it's fair to dismiss their statement as mega-media spin just because it addresses the very serious accusations about how they treated your parents while, yes, not addressing some of the subsequent communication misses.





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Leeke - why blame the victims? Come on... your agism is showing. You probably believe that anyone over 70 belongs in a nursing home, right??? Walk in someone else's shoes before suggesting they are not "privleged enough" to cruise with only capable people like you! Regardless of whether NCL followed their legal obligation or not, they did not do what was right, moral or humane. They ran as fast as they could to escape the norovirus which has now become public.


The OP was the one who made an issue of the age, with the inference that NCL should have treated the 80 year old couple differently because of their age.

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You know what? I am really sorry for your parents. My parents are both around 80 and I'd be beside myself if something like that happened to them. I can just imagine that my mom would be confused about where they are and that I would come unraveled over that. And you are also correct that the Emergency Contact of record (you) should have been called and that it seems strange, to say the least, that the NCL rep would claim to be unable to contact the ship in less than a few days and deny knowledge that they were off the ship.


I understand this feeling, but it is not one that fits the legal situation. Children have no special rights over the wishes of their parents unless and until they file for and receive a custodial relationship over them.


We do not know who the emergency contact of record was; I suspect his parents do as we do, and have each other as emergency contacts. As both his parents were evidently happy with the arrangements made, if his father had his mother as the emergency contact, NCL had no obligation to go any further. If NCL did indeed offer his mother and father the chance to call anyone at home, and they refused, his issue is with his mother, not NCL.


There is a role reversal that happens as our parents age, and its easy to think we are their parents, and their protectors. But as long as the parents act sane, and assert their individuality, their wishes must be honored. If Mom doesn't want to call her son, she doesn't have to.


I think the OPs real issue is with his parents, who may be failing, but insisting they are still able to handle things as they always have. That is a very difficult situation to be in, and I really do sympathize (I'm going through it now with an elderly aunt who has dementia.)

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Still doesn't answer my one question... Is NCL really out of contact with their ships for days?? Are there sometimes when the only communication with their ships email??? Doesn't really make me feel all that safe on board.


Second...who do I believe? I believe Mark, the OP. The reason: I have been lied to by NCL back in 2006. They tried to spin the story their way as they are doing in this case...but my TA and I had written proof and proved to them they were lying. Of course, they spun that to in saying that someone had passed "innaccurate information" up the chain.


As a victim of NCL corporate/customer services lies, deciet and spin... I understand what Mark is expereincing. I also laugh at NCL's response...I have read better Press Releases from first year journalism students than NCL's staff can write...lol.


Mark...you are a fine son who's parents should be proud of you. I am so glad that all is turning out well for your parents. You stood up to NCL and their lies and roadblocks and WON in my book. (you exposed their corporate incompetence once again.).


Don't worry about what the NCL Rah Rahs on this board are attacking you with....they have been waiting for something to hit you with and NCL, in normal fashion, gave them what they wanted and and will sit back and let them try to discredit you. I learned a long time ago on this board to ignore many of them because their comments are so predictable and "corporate line."


Like you, I too am leaving this thread. Mark, may I suggest that you ask the Moderators to close this thread...something you as OP can do. Good Luck to you and your parents.

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All, below is our response. We sent this to media outlets who inquired about the situation today. Also, our customer relations team did speak with the OP (the couple's son) today.


Norwegian Cruise Line Public Relations


On Wednesday, October 12, Mr. Coleman was medically disembarked from Norwegian Star while the ship was in Cartagena, Colombia as he needed shoreside medical attention. He was accompanied by his wife.


Prior to disembarking the vessel, the ship’s Guest Service personnel assisted Mr. and Mrs. Coleman with packing their belongings and making arrangements for their transfer to the hospital. At that time, the couple were given the option to contact their family via phone before disembarking, but chose not to. Since the guests had travel insurance, they were also provided with the relevant contact information for emergency assistance through the travel insurance company.


Norwegian Cruise Line’s port agent in Colombia assisted the guests and accompanied them to the hospital, ensuring that all necessary paperwork there was accurately completed so that Mr. Coleman could receive the care he needed.


The port agent provided his contact information to the guests and offered to assist them in purchasing toiletries and/or clothing, but the guests declined the offer. Mrs. Coleman was offered assistance with a hotel room, but she declined and chose to stay in the hospital.


On both Thursday and Friday, Norwegian’s port agent visited the couple in the hospital in the morning and the afternoon. The port agent also assisted the couple in obtaining plane tickets for their return to Tampa.


On Saturday, Norwegian’s port agent visited the couple at 2 p.m. to again tend to their needs. At no time during their stay in Colombia did the couple express any dissatisfaction with how the situation had been handled. To the contrary, the port agent advised that the couple were so appreciative of the efforts on their behalf they wanted to send an email thanking them.


On Sunday, Norwegian’s port agent assisted the couple with transportation to the airport for their flight to Tampa which arrived later that day.


This pretty much explains everything - especially why the "emergency contact" wasn't called. Why would NCL call their emergency contact if the passengers were perfectly able to make the call themselves and chose not to? In my opinion, the only reason I would expect NCL to call my emergency contact is if I were unable to call them myself, for whatever reason (such as serious illness, death, etc).


NCL did just what they needed to do. That being said, I certainly understand the feeling of helplessness their son had when his parents were in a foreign country. Helplessness turned into frustration and anger. Venting is a good way to release the anger, and that appears to be what happened here.


Glad his parents are back home - safe and sound.

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I'm sorry to post so late in the postings, but to the OP: I feel compelled to add that I'm glad your parents are home and safe.


As a person with elderly parents the same as yours; I really understand the frustration in dealing with them. They feel they can make all decisions concerning themselves, on their own without interference of their children; they've done this for 60+ years and don't want to change that now. As adult children, we can add our input and wish they would consult us more. There are least a dozen times in the last few years when the results of their decisions would have been better if they had just spoken to us, one of their five children. Remember, they still believe we are 'children'. I know my parents, also, would have refused calling us (don't want to bother anyone) and then a few days later on in the process, would get their 'facts' mixed up and start getting upset.


In defense of NCL, I believe them when they said the parents refused to contact their son. There was nothing more that they could do since in their eyes, the parents are fully capable of making their own decisions. They went on this trip all alone after all! NCL was not obligated to override the parents decision and certainly could not relay that information to someone calling them; until 'officials' were involved.


Having said all that, I know NCL is not always totally forthcoming in their actions and comments. We have had several situations where we needed to go back and forth to prove our points and get the results we knew were correct. Thank goodness they were not of this magnitude, but having to do with bookings and rates and such. We've had 2 travel agents over the last 10 years and they both hated to deal with NCL and did not have issues with other cruise lines.


Another thing to everyone, I get tired of the bashing of someone who posts for the first time. I think you could tell right away that the OP was genuine. Give people a break and just ignore the trollers and NCL bashers ... you know who they are ... by responding positively or negatively just empowers them to continue. They're getting what they want!


Again to the OP, glad your parents are home safe and sound.

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Still doesn't answer my one question... Is NCL really out of contact with their ships for days?? Are there sometimes when the only communication with their ships email??? Doesn't really make me feel all that safe on board.


Second...who do I believe? I believe Mark, the OP. The reason: I have been lied to by NCL back in 2006. They tried to spin the story their way as they are doing in this case...but my TA and I had written proof and proved to them they were lying. Of course, they spun that to in saying that someone had passed "innaccurate information" up the chain.


As a victim of NCL corporate/customer services lies, deciet and spin... I understand what Mark is expereincing. I also laugh at NCL's response...I have read better Press Releases from first year journalism students than NCL's staff can write...lol.


Mark...you are a fine son who's parents should be proud of you. I am so glad that all is turning out well for your parents. You stood up to NCL and their lies and roadblocks and WON in my book. (you exposed their corporate incompetence once again.).


Don't worry about what the NCL Rah Rahs on this board are attacking you with....they have been waiting for something to hit you with and NCL, in normal fashion, gave them what they wanted and and will sit back and let them try to discredit you. I learned a long time ago on this board to ignore many of them because their comments are so predictable and "corporate line."


Like you, I too am leaving this thread. Mark, may I suggest that you ask the Moderators to close this thread...something you as OP can do. Good Luck to you and your parents.


I don't believe for a minute that NCL is out of touch with their ships, but I can believe that customer service may only be able to communicate with them via email and that a different department has direct contact.


I did talk to my wife about this last night and we both agree on one important thing- if we were the passengers in this situation and we had decided not to call our children, for whatever reason we made that decision, then we would have been very angry with NCL if they had either 1) made the call to our children anyway or 2) gave our children any information at all if they called NCL. It would be a different matter if both of us were incapacitated of course, but as long as one of us is okay then we would see no reason to worry anyone back home. And we also agreed that if one of our children took the issue to the press we would be angry about that, too.

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They feel they can make all decisions concerning themselves, on their own without interference of their children;


Kind of like it was for them when we were teenagers and we felt capable of making our own decisions without interference from our parents.

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Sounds to me like there is blame to go around on both sides. NCL could have been more helpful by the sounds of it and they should have ensured the OP was contacted. You can only believe about 10% of what a company tells you these days and when they release a statement you can bet that it contains half truths and truths that have been stretched to the limit of believability. OTOH, it does sound like the parents did not contact the insurance company as they should have and they probably should have contacted their son directly as soon as it was practical to do so.


6 of one, half a dozen of the other in my opinion.

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All, below is our response. We sent this to media outlets who inquired about the situation today. Also, our customer relations team did speak with the OP (the couple's son) today.


Norwegian Cruise Line Public Relations


On Wednesday, October 12, Mr. Coleman was medically disembarked from Norwegian Star while the ship was in Cartagena, Colombia as he needed shoreside medical attention. He was accompanied by his wife.


Prior to disembarking the vessel, the ship’s Guest Service personnel assisted Mr. and Mrs. Coleman with packing their belongings and making arrangements for their transfer to the hospital. At that time, the couple were given the option to contact their family via phone before disembarking, but chose not to. Since the guests had travel insurance, they were also provided with the relevant contact information for emergency assistance through the travel insurance company.


Norwegian Cruise Line’s port agent in Colombia assisted the guests and accompanied them to the hospital, ensuring that all necessary paperwork there was accurately completed so that Mr. Coleman could receive the care he needed.


The port agent provided his contact information to the guests and offered to assist them in purchasing toiletries and/or clothing, but the guests declined the offer. Mrs. Coleman was offered assistance with a hotel room, but she declined and chose to stay in the hospital.


On both Thursday and Friday, Norwegian’s port agent visited the couple in the hospital in the morning and the afternoon. The port agent also assisted the couple in obtaining plane tickets for their return to Tampa.


On Saturday, Norwegian’s port agent visited the couple at 2 p.m. to again tend to their needs. At no time during their stay in Colombia did the couple express any dissatisfaction with how the situation had been handled. To the contrary, the port agent advised that the couple were so appreciative of the efforts on their behalf they wanted to send an email thanking them.


On Sunday, Norwegian’s port agent assisted the couple with transportation to the airport for their flight to Tampa which arrived later that day.


I love that NCL reads these boards and clarifies things like this :)

It seems the son was just very distraught and scared for his parents and very emotional when posting (as I would be too!!). It's nice to know NCL didn't drop the ball here....

Unlike nbsj, I believe this is what happened.

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RE: contacting the ship


Just before we left on our Jewel cruise, I couldn't find the 800 number I had last year for contacting the ship. I give the number to all relatives of the 5 of us traveling. I called NCL because I thought it was on the website and couldn't find it. After 2 departments I was given a 011+ number and was told this was a DIRECT number to the purser's desk on board. I wrote down that number but also called our TA and asked for the 800 number. I gave both numbers to all our family.


For emergency contacts: Strange coincidence but I usually list my brother for me and his sister for the DH. I have Mom list her husband. I figure this gives the cruise line plenty of people to try and contact on our behalf.


Knowing this I find it so strange that NCL told the OP they couldn't reach the ship.



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I don't believe for a minute that NCL is out of touch with their ships, but I can believe that customer service may only be able to communicate with them via email and that a different department has direct contact.


I did talk to my wife about this last night and we both agree on one important thing- if we were the passengers in this situation and we had decided not to call our children, for whatever reason we made that decision, then we would have been very angry with NCL if they had either 1) made the call to our children anyway or 2) gave our children any information at all if they called NCL. It would be a different matter if both of us were incapacitated of course, but as long as one of us is okay then we would see no reason to worry anyone back home. And we also agreed that if one of our children took the issue to the press we would be angry about that, too.


I absolutely agree with you on this one. NCL should have given a better answer than "we can only email the ships" to the son.


We tried one time to find out if a relative had made her cruise because she had called during a layover and was concerned about making it in time. NCL wouldn't give us any information. But they told us that, straight up, and I don't know why they wouldn't in this case.


The last message from the OP explains that of course his parents are satisfied with the treatment from NCL:


I do not deny that my parents were appreciative of all the care they received. They are friendly, gregarious people who collect contact details of many people they meet in their travels regardless of the circumstances by which they meet them.


Several things in the OPs first post were incorrect, and probably stem from his stress level due to the situation and incomplete information from his parents rather than any attempt to defame NCL. In that post, he clarifies that he really just has two remaining concerns, that NCL didn't contact him and that they wouldn't release passenger information to him. But his parents didn't ask for him to be contacted, and they weren't incapacitated, and they are happy with the treatment they received.


I would love to hear from the mother or father themselves.

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I guess I pretty much agree with fshagan on this. NCL's answer about only being able to email ships was a very poor and inadequate response to the OP BUT OP's parents did not ask NCL to contact him (and his mother was certainly not incapacitated) - the parents are responsible adults - so that is THEIR decision to make (not NCL's to make for them).


So I feel NCL should have been honest with OP about the logistics of contacting the ship BUT that they would have actually behaved somewhat inappropriately had they contacted him against his parent's wishes - so their behaviour in that was correct and OP's original contention that NCL had virtually abandoned his parents seems pretty inaccurate.


My Conclusion for what it's worth (from all that I have read):


I am glad to hear that OP's parents are doing OK and I understand his being upset.


NCL needs to have PROPER procedures in place to deal accurately and honestly with inquiries like the OPs.


However people need to understand that elderly parents cannot be treated like dependent children and one cannot expect others to treat them as such. OP should come to some kind of arrangement with his parents that they can ALL live with about how such emergencies will be handled in the future. It was very useful of OP to make this post because I think it will make a lot of people who have elderly parents who travel realize that they MUST have some kind of an understanding WITH THE PARENTS about what will happen in the event of an emergency (and what constitutes an emergency).

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I do wonder why the OP contacted the newspaper after he knew what was going on and had raised the issue here? There was nothing to be gained with the newspaper and I certainly don't think NCL should have or could have responded to a newspaper request about individual health issues of passengers.

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Scary yes, but sounds exactly like something my mother would do. She would not accept help or call home unless something went really wrong and she desperately needed our help becasue she wouldn't want to trouble anyone, or for her family back home to worry about her!

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If this statement from NCL is accurate then it's scary how this couple is now distorting the facts.


Below is the complete statement from NCL:


On Wednesday, October 12, Mr. Coleman was medically disembarked from Norwegian Star while the ship was in Cartagena, Colombia as he needed shoreside medical attention. He was accompanied by his wife.


Prior to disembarking the vessel, the ship's Guest Service personnel assisted Mr. and Mrs. Coleman with packing their belongings and making arrangements for their transfer to the hospital. At that time, the couple were given the option to contact their family via phone before disembarking, but chose not to. Since the guests had travel insurance, they were also provided with the relevant contact information for emergency assistance through their travel insurance company.


Norwegian Cruise Line's port agent in Colombia assisted the guests and accompanied them to the hospital, ensuring that all necessary paperwork there was accurately completed so that Mr. Coleman could receive the care he needed.


The port agent provided his contact information to the guests and offered to assist them in purchasing toiletries and/or clothing, but the guests declined the offer. Mrs. Coleman was offered assistance with a hotel room, but she declined and chose to stay in the hospital.


On both Thursday and Friday, Norwegian's port agent visited the couple in the hospital in the morning and the afternoon. The port agent also assisted the couple in obtaining plane tickets for their return to Tampa.


On Saturday, Norwegian's port agent visited the couple at 2 p.m. to again tend to their needs. At no time during their stay in Colombia did the couple express any dissatisfaction with how the situation had been handled. To the contrary, the port agent advised that the couple were so appreciative of the efforts on their behalf they wanted to send an email thanking them.


On Sunday, Norwegian's port agent assisted the couple with transportation to the airport for their flight to Tampa which arrived later that day."

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Hi Everyone,

My title says it all. My friends got a free cruise with ncl & it still cost

them to upgrade, $1,000. I didn't want to tell them my feelings about ncl because they were excited. They had been on Hal with us so they expected

it to be the same. This was their 2nd.cruise. They said it was horrendous.

I feel so sorry for this elderly couple. This is why it pays to have a passport!

They had to fly home.


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