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Liberty of the Seas - In depth review of our Mediterranean Cruise!!

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I know you may have said above, but who did you book your tour via again? Right now we're looking at RomeInLimo.. And your guide took you inside the vatican or just to the vatican?



We used Rome In Limo. Our driver picked us up and took us into Rome and around the city. They also provided (for an additional 150 euro) a private guide for the Vatican. She took us into the Vatican and toured with us. She was able to explain everything we were looking at. Had we not booked her, I doubt we would have gotten as much enjoyment as we did.


Once the tour of the Vatican was finished, we met up with our driver who drove us back to the ship.


If you want more specific info (costs, etc), email me. My email is below and I can explain in more detail.

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The drive to Sorrento was beautiful. Lots to see and we were able to stop at one point to get pictures of the Amalfi Coast. Once in Sorrento, we stopped at a wood working factory (inlaid wood) and got a demonstration on how it’s done. We were able to shop and then headed downhill to the city center for lunch. Be careful if you go to the pizzeria in Sorrento. We were going to order one or two pizza’s the six of us and he told us they were small. I am not sure what he thinks small is, but those pizza’s were large to us!!! LOL… we had a lot of wasted pizza!! Well, maybe not a lot. It was probably the best pizza I have ever had. My sister finished up quickly and wanted to shop a little, so she left and said she would meet us at the bus. Of course we ended up waiting on her… lol. She was only a min or two late, but still. Be on time!!!






The Amalfi Coast. I think that was a Princess ship .











DH and I walking back to the bus after lunch.







An old home (??) down in a gully.





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We headed to a farmhouse above the city where they showed us how they made olive oil and mozzarella cheese!! After the demonstrations, they invited us to sit and enjoy samples of the cheese with tomatoes and olive oil. They have a place where you can purchase lemoncello, olive oils, and marmalade (orange and lemon). Their prices are great, so I bought several bottles of oil and lemoncello’s.



These were the only pictures I got of the farmhouse visit:






Maria making mozzarella cheese








Maria and her cheese!!



We met Bob and Melissa at Johnny Rockets for dinner (I didn’t eat since I was still full from our lunch) and then headed to the theater to see Saturday Night Fever. They did a great job! We all enjoyed the show!! (We got their early and got great seats, even though a woman tried pushing my 6 foot something husband out of her way so she could get into the row we were already in???? lol… some people).


Greg and I got back to our cabin with every intention of going to bed (both of us were exhausted at this point) but our toilet was not working. I called maintenance and they said they would get someone right on it. So we called room service and ordered a burger to share. An hour later, maintenance still had not shown up, so I called them again. She apologized and said that they were working on it already and when we looked out the door, we could see them at the end of the hall. I wished they had called me and told me, but that’s ok. We decided to head up to the casino for a bit (awww darn!) and then headed back to our cabin and for some much needed sleep.

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SEA DAY!!!! SLEEP IN… sort of!! Haha


We were able to sleep in till about 9am and then headed up to the Windjammer for breakfast. Today was our Meet and Mingle (why on the last day I have no clue, but oh well). We got up there, visited, took pictures, snacked and had a great time. The Activities director was there and had a drawing for door prizes. He said if he called your name, you had to give him your “super secret” screen name… haha.


Well, he called my name and when I gave him my screen name, he pointed at me, laughed a little bit and said… “ooooh I know who YOU are”. OMG.. haha! I am famous…. or infamous…. not sure which!!! OUCH!!! LOL



Pictures from the Meet and Mingle

















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Once the meeting was over, Greg and I headed back to our cabin to pack. We like to get it done early so that we can enjoy our day. With all of our bottles and snowglobes, we also wanted to make sure we had room for everything!! No problem at all. We were even under our weight limit!!! Go us!!!


We went exploring, taking pictures and decided to have lunch. We then headed to the casino for a bit (we had winnings to play with from the night before) and then headed to our cabin to nap before dinner. We went to the dining room for our final dinner and then headed down to the Promenade for shopping and a final cupcake (buy 6, get one free… I got my free one… lol). We took our recent purchases back to our cabin and packed them before my sister and niece came to see our cabin and say goodbye.


We went to bed early knowing we had a full day ahead of us tomorrow!








Our "required" wake pictures!

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Now the fun begins.....


Our final wake up call at 6. No room service this morning… darn! We headed to the Windjammer for breakfast and then met in the dining room at 8 for our 815am turn to get off the ship. Becky and Amanda met us in the dining room and got off the ship with us. It was all very quick and very easy…. Up until this point.


We were group 24. We headed to the luggage carousel with everyone else. Becky got her first bag and then Amanda got hers. Then we got mine. They got their final bag, but we were still waiting on Greg’s. I told them to go ahead and we would see them later. We were getting increasingly worried.


We waited and waited and then we saw Bob and Melissa. They were group 27. When they both got their bags, I knew there was a problem and I had one VERY upset husband. I told him to hold on and went over to the desk to tell them we were missing a bag. I gave them a description and the girl went to look for it. No luck. So I had to fill out a lost luggage form. Once I got everything filled out, we headed out to the bus that was to take us to the airport. I had prepaid our transfer, but had not received vouchers. So, on top of losing a suitcase, my poor husband was upset over the possibility of not getting to the airport when they asked for our vouchers. I am guessing a lot of people didn’t get vouchers because when I told him I had prepaid, he took our cabin number and he had lots of cabin numbers written down.


Once at the airport (my poor hubby was still upset) a RCCL employee came on the bus and explained to all of us where we were to go and said if any of us were waiting for luggage from the ship, to see him. Greg and I just looked at each other and said…hmmmmm. Once off the bus, we went over to the man and explained our situation. He told us to get in line (It was long with one person working), give him 5 minutes and one of us come back and check with him. So after 5 minutes or so, Greg went out while I stayed in line with my luggage. A few minutes later, here comes my husband with his suitcase…… thank goodness!!! It still had our group number tag on it, so I am not sure where it was, but we got it and that’s all that matters.


We got our boarding passes and were told to go to gate B10. There is no such gate… haha. After searching and searching we finally asked and were told we needed D10. UGH!!! We got to our gate and heard my Aunt calling my name. They should have been in the air already, but turns out their flight had been cancelled so they were put on a later flight. My mom ended up having to stay in London for the night and my Aunt had to stay in New York. They both ended up getting home a day later than planned.



While waiting at our gate, I got a picture of our plane






See the duct tape??? LOL, we didn't have that nice warm, fuzzy feeling!!


We boarded our flight to JFK on time and left a few minutes late. Lunch was served, chicken and rice or lasagna with spinach and mushrooms. The cookies… ewwww. They served a snack 2 hours before landing which was a Margherita con Pesto pizza and was pretty darned good!!!


We landed at JFK with a 2 ½ hour window to catch our connecting flight to Nashville. NEVER AGAIN. If we do this again, I will make sure we have a 3 or more hour window. Immigration at JFK is a complete mess. No clear lines. US Citizen lines were full of people from other countries who could not read or speak English and it slowed us all up. This took almost an hour. When we finally got thru there and found our luggage, we had to go thru customs and then recheck our luggage. Then, we had to go thru security to get back into the airport. We almost missed our flight. Of course our connecting flight was at the very last gate of the terminal…UGH!!


We got on our connecting flight and got to Nashville 30 mins early!!! I called the Radisson and they sent the van over immediately, thank god. At this point, we had been up for 21 hours, and looked like it too.. haha. The staff was wonderful and got us checked in pretty quickly and even put us in a suite!! We dropped off our luggage, headed out to get a quick bite to eat and then back to the room for a nice hot shower and a good night sleep in one of their sleep number beds.


Remember at the beginning when I said something about a fruit and cheese tray? Well, my husband woke me up to tell me that the hotel had just delivered this tray of fruit, crackers and cheeses. I wouldn’t even open my eyes… lol. He said there was a note with it so I told him to read the note. The note congratulated us on our wedding… hahahaha!!! They delivered the tray to the wrong room. I told him to take it back down to the desk, because it wasn’t ours. Well, they said enjoy! It was their mistake. And we did!!! I woke up at 330am (1030 Barcelona time… lol) and had a nice little snack!


We got up the next morning, had breakfast, loaded the car and headed home. We were home by noon!! My daughter, and the dogs, we all happy to see us!! We have one dog that smiles (really, she does) and she was so happy we were home she had a smile on her face everytime she looked at either of us!!!!

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Great! We were looking at Rome In Limo, that's another vote for them... They had not mentioned the private guide option but its still a year away.


And thanks again for the review and info! It's going to be a LOOONG year wait until we go!




We used Rome In Limo. Our driver picked us up and took us into Rome and around the city. They also provided (for an additional 150 euro) a private guide for the Vatican. She took us into the Vatican and toured with us. She was able to explain everything we were looking at. Had we not booked her, I doubt we would have gotten as much enjoyment as we did.


Once the tour of the Vatican was finished, we met up with our driver who drove us back to the ship.


If you want more specific info (costs, etc), email me. My email is below and I can explain in more detail.

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Final thoughts and experiences.....


These are OUR thoughts and experiences. If you don't agree, please do NOT bash.


This was the trip of a lifetime for us. We had planned for this for about a year. We scrimped and saved for this trip. We booked both the cruise and air thru Royal Caribbean. I have no complaints there. I am very grateful that we were able to fly in 2 days before the cruise so that we could see Barcelona and we would not be so tired. This was a VERY port intensive cruise. Lots to see and lots to do. When people ask me how I enjoyed it, I tell them it was everything I hoped for and more... and it truly was.


Would we do it again? Yes. Will we cruise with Royal Caribbean again? Maybe. As I said earlier, the food was hit or miss. I don't think any of us had a truly sensational meal. I skipped desserts more often than not because they just didn't appeal to me. I lost 8 pounds on this cruise, so maybe that was a blessing??? lol


Also, my husband was not happy about the fact that he could not get iced tea after 9pm unless we ordered it from room service (he likes his tea). The buffet closed at 9 and if he wanted something to eat, it was either pizza, sandwiches from Cafe Promenade (same ones each night with shriveled olives) or room service.


When we boarded the ship and I put cash on our account, I had our cards hole punched to that we could wear them on lanyards around our necks. Twice, when Greg went to get a drink from a bar, the bartenders gave him a hard time. They told him that getting his card punched meant he was under 21 and could not purchase alcohol. This was news to us. If that was the case, then why in the world did they not explain this to us when I asked for them to be punched?? Of course he wasn't carrying his wallet with ID. They both eventually served him, but it ticked him off.


Me, I don't like crowds very much and worried that on this large ship would be a problem. It never was. The staff was wonderful. They always had a smile on their face and always spoke when passing by. Most of the guests were great. We only ran into 2 rude people. One American woman and one Spanish woman. Both were horribly rude. One got physical with my almost 70 year old mother and tried pushing her out of an elevator during a shore excursion and the other hit and pushed a man as he exited an elevator on the ship.


Well folks, that is my review. I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions, please ask away and I will answer them if I can. If you want, you can email me also.


Thanks for taking the time to read about our trip of a lifetime!!!

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Pam, great review!!!!


I loved the photos, especially of the Colleseum (sp?) and Pompeii. Archeology is a bit of an obsession for me (despite the fact that I can't spell the places that interest me:o ) Europe is definitely on my bucket list.


I'm glad you got to experience it!

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Pam, great review!!!!


I loved the photos, especially of the Colleseum (sp?) and Pompeii. Archeology is a bit of an obsession for me (despite the fact that I can't spell the places that interest me:o ) Europe is definitely on my bucket list.


I'm glad you got to experience it!



Thanks Kerry!!!! It was wonderful, you need to go!!!


Your next adventure is coming up soon!! Excited??

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Great! We were looking at Rome In Limo, that's another vote for them... They had not mentioned the private guide option but its still a year away.


And thanks again for the review and info! It's going to be a LOOONG year wait until we go!



I know about that LONG wait!!! When you book them, they will ask you if you are interested in the private guide for the Vatican. DO IT. We had 6 of us on the tour and by the time we divided both tours up by 6, the cost was not much more than the ships tour and we got to see SO MUCH more than they did.

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That is a fabulous read. Than you for taking the time.


Really the hole punched in the card - I thought everyone did that for their lanyard! Sounds like they were having a bad day and took it out on poor Greg. Quite unnecessary.


I am down to 9 months wait now. And liberty is moving back to the USA until next year.

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I booked provisionally with them tonite. I requested the private guide for both the Vatican and Pompeii. They offered me a small discount for using them at all 3 ports, which so far is the plan (I didn't note if you used them at other times)


We'll hopefully be able to find another couple or 2 to share each tour with via the Roll Call (so far its quiet but it is almost a year away...)


I know about that LONG wait!!! When you book them, they will ask you if you are interested in the private guide for the Vatican. DO IT. We had 6 of us on the tour and by the time we divided both tours up by 6, the cost was not much more than the ships tour and we got to see SO MUCH more than they did.
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I know about that LONG wait!!! When you book them, they will ask you if you are interested in the private guide for the Vatican. DO IT. We had 6 of us on the tour and by the time we divided both tours up by 6, the cost was not much more than the ships tour and we got to see SO MUCH more than they did.


I agree 100%!!! We were on Brilliance, and we had most of the same stops that you did. We used Rome In Limo in Rome, and it was wonderful!!! We had 3 couples on it...we met up here on Cruise Critic...and the split cost was reasonable. I liked that the van could get closer than the busses could. We also had a private guide for the Vatican, and I wouldn't do it any other way. She was fabulous!


We did private tours in Florence, Rome, Sorrento, and Turkey. It was well worth it! We enjoyed ourselves so much more! The cost wasn't anymore than the ship tours, and if they were, it was so nice to have a private driver. We were able to share all of our tours with our Cruise Critic friends!


I loved your review, and reliving our trip through your pictures!!

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What's the go with the holes in the card for the lanyard? What a pair of twits! I am sorry Greg, but you DO look like you are over 21!!!!!!!


We have booked Rome in Limo for our Rome tour and we were considering booking the tour guide in the Vatican..... looks like we will now with what you have said.


Great review Pam!

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That is a fabulous read. Than you for taking the time.


Really the hole punched in the card - I thought everyone did that for their lanyard! Sounds like they were having a bad day and took it out on poor Greg. Quite unnecessary.


I am down to 9 months wait now. And liberty is moving back to the USA until next year.



Thanks so much! Yes, I think the Liberty starts her TA cruise today. Would have loved to do this cruise too!!

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I booked provisionally with them tonite. I requested the private guide for both the Vatican and Pompeii. They offered me a small discount for using them at all 3 ports, which so far is the plan (I didn't note if you used them at other times)


We'll hopefully be able to find another couple or 2 to share each tour with via the Roll Call (so far its quiet but it is almost a year away...)



Great!! You won't be sorry!!

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I agree 100%!!! We were on Brilliance, and we had most of the same stops that you did. We used Rome In Limo in Rome, and it was wonderful!!! We had 3 couples on it...we met up here on Cruise Critic...and the split cost was reasonable. I liked that the van could get closer than the busses could. We also had a private guide for the Vatican, and I wouldn't do it any other way. She was fabulous!


We did private tours in Florence, Rome, Sorrento, and Turkey. It was well worth it! We enjoyed ourselves so much more! The cost wasn't anymore than the ship tours, and if they were, it was so nice to have a private driver. We were able to share all of our tours with our Cruise Critic friends!


I loved your review, and reliving our trip through your pictures!!


I am so glad you enjoyed the review! Thanks so much!!

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What's the go with the holes in the card for the lanyard? What a pair of twits! I am sorry Greg' date=' but you DO look like you are over 21!!!!!!!


We have booked Rome in Limo for our Rome tour and we were considering booking the tour guide in the Vatican..... looks like we will now with what you have said.


Great review Pam![/quote']



Eileen, you must... lol. It truly is a remarkable experience. She knew just where to go and got us thru various lines pretty quickly. We would not have seen as much or learned as much without her!


Thanks!! Glad you enjoyed the review!!

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Hi Pam ... On all of our RCI cruises we have never heard anything about the hole in the card thing! and as Greg does look under 21 i would not have served him either LOL ..... :D


I think the only time we have done ships tours was on the Queen Victoria and only because we had a very large OBC that we used to pay for them with, sadly with tours you miss lots of other things that is one reason we prefer to travel to places by Train knowing of course that if you are late back then its your own fault. At least with Private tours you also see more than with a ships tour.


With the itinery you had at least if the ship sails its not too far to the next port and can use the Trains to get you there unlike in the Caribbean!


A few years ago we travelled from Miami by Train to Fort Lauderdale and back so that we could take a trip on the Carrie B that goes around the inland waterway and into the port.


We know it can be daunting doing things on your own but if its well planned and researched it can save you money and allow you to see things that many others on the cruise will not see, plus it helps to have a plan B for each stop ..... :)

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Pam you did great picking out of those 1800 pictures.


Should have warned you about the food as on our one and only RCCL we found it mediocre at best. Rich & I just stopped ording protein as it all tasted "freezer burned" to us.


Yep, if only Greg looked his age! :p;)


JFK, such a fun place!



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Hi Pam ... On all of our RCI cruises we have never heard anything about the hole in the card thing! and as Greg does look under 21 i would not have served him either LOL ..... :D


I think the only time we have done ships tours was on the Queen Victoria and only because we had a very large OBC that we used to pay for them with, sadly with tours you miss lots of other things that is one reason we prefer to travel to places by Train knowing of course that if you are late back then its your own fault. At least with Private tours you also see more than with a ships tour.


With the itinery you had at least if the ship sails its not too far to the next port and can use the Trains to get you there unlike in the Caribbean!


A few years ago we travelled from Miami by Train to Fort Lauderdale and back so that we could take a trip on the Carrie B that goes around the inland waterway and into the port.


We know it can be daunting doing things on your own but if its well planned and researched it can save you money and allow you to see things that many others on the cruise will not see, plus it helps to have a plan B for each stop ..... :)



LOL, he doesn't look his age, does he?


Dave, Greg and I talked about it the other night and both agreed that if we do this cruise again, we will do more private tours and maybe even do our own tours. While the ships tours were fine in most places, I knew we were missing things.


But, I think instead of doing a cruise, we will be doing a land based vacation. And I can't wait!!!

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Pam you did great picking out of those 1800 pictures.


Should have warned you about the food as on our one and only RCCL we found it mediocre at best. Rich & I just stopped ording protein as it all tasted "freezer burned" to us.


Yep, if only Greg looked his age! :p;)


JFK, such a fun place!





Thanks, Barb!!! It was fun going thru all the pictures. Now I get to do the scrap book!!!


The food just wasn't great. It wasn't what we expected anyway. The meat, our waiter said we could get it either rare or well done. No in between. Greg's steak that first night was dry. A few nights later, I tried the same steak and asked for rare and it was still mooing... lol.


I will be sure to pass on to Greg your comments (and everyone elses too) about how "young" he looks.. haha!! He said if it had happened once it would be one thing, but it happened twice at two different bars with 2 different bartenders. THAT is what pissed him off... lol.

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