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Costa Concordia SINKING


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I keep wondering about the man and his daughter who were reported to have slipped overboard.


Here is an article about them. The ship's doctor believes they perished because the father went back to his cabin to get his medicine:



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I read an article where an officer on board was quoted as saying that they had taken the same route by Giglio the last few sailings. Does anyone have access to Lloyd's list that can chart the route those sailings took? I've very curious as I sailed from Civi on the Concordia on Dec 27.

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But how did the Deputy Mayor get from the lifeboat at sea level up on to the deck of the ship?


He used a rope ladder. The same as other rescuers from the town did. There were ladders in place at the bow and stern that helped rescuers go up.


Captain Schettino could have easily gotten back on the ship as directed from the coast guard if he wanted to. Instead he chose to be a coward and stand on shore. He should have been onboard arranging the orderly evacuation of the passengers and crew until everyone was off the ship.

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How did the deputy Mayor board the ship from a life boat???? Who let this guy just take a lifeboat and start steering it?

The ship was already listing and there's never been a mention of a ladder.


I'd also like to know how he nagivagated the darkens ship and found the bridge? Wouldn't the doors to the bridge already be closed or locked at that point?


I believe that there was what is called a Jacob's Ladder that had more than likely been either released from the bridge of the ship, OR that one of the helicopter Coast Guard teams had let a ladder down. I know that listening to the audio and rereading several of the transcripts/translations, Coast Guard Captain De Marco mentions his Rescue personnel are already at/on the bow of the ship when he is ordering Schettino back to the ship.


Being that Giglio is a fishing town, I am quite sure that the Deputy Mayor knows how to get aboard a ship and how to navigate through them, with a flash light I am sure, plus the emergency lighting, which we can see in the videos taken by the evacuating passengers.


I also believe that the DeputyMayor, under the orders of the Mayor of Giglio, at the least, had no problem getting into a life boat and or commandeering one for the trip to the Concordia.


However he did it, I commend him for his heroism in the face of such an almost impossible task!!


BRAVISSIMO!!! (To our Italian friends, please forgive my mangling of your language)



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He used a rope ladder. The same as other rescuers from the town did. There were ladders in place at the bow and stern that helped rescuers go up.


Captain Schettino could have easily gotten back on the ship as directed from the coast guard if he wanted to. Instead he chose to be a coward and stand on shore. He should have been onboard arranging the orderly evacuation of the passengers and crew until everyone was off the ship.


I'm sorry but I can't see how one person can operate a lifeboat and then get onto a rope ladder, it seems a little difficult. Having driven a 32ft boat, I know how to manouver a boat of that size, but then how did he jump onto the ladder? Did he just leave the lifeboat floating or did he tie it up?

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But how did the Deputy Mayor get from the lifeboat at sea level up on to the deck of the ship?

He used his brains!! And was not a chicken when it came to getting on board the ship even in the time of extreme stress/duress or should I just say he was not a chicken ***t as was at least 1 member of the crew.


Read all the articles and you will see. Also look at the videos that are linked throughout this entire thread. The answers to your questions are in there, you just have to do what we've been doing since this happened, weeding through everything.....



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I'm sorry but I can't see how one person can operate a lifeboat and then get onto a rope ladder, it seems a little difficult. Having driven a 32ft boat, I know how to manouver a boat of that size, but then how did he jump onto the ladder? Did he just leave the lifeboat floating or did he tie it up?


He said he took the first lifeboat, and the first lifeboat was reported as arriving at the dock at 11:15. Being generous on the timeline to disembark the passengers and get back to the ship...maybe 11:30? He did say the list didn't seem that bad when he arrived.


So were there ladders in place that early?


In another report (I'll never find it, you'll have to trust me) it was reported he went with someone else, but in the original telephone interview (translated) he said he went alone.


The doctor is reported as saying he was there. But the details are a bit odd.

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Well, I watched the video and I can't say I saw any unprofessional behaviour by the officers on the bridge or any activity that would concern me.


I noticed that this guest tour occurred while the ship was 'at sea' and no other shipping in sight.


I was fortunate enough to participate in a Bridge Tour on the Celebrity Millennium last month, and our tour was nothing like what I saw in that video.


Upon entry onto the bridge were restricted to one far side (port console) and never allowed to wander aimlessly and unsupervised all over the bridge as those were seen doing in the video. Even (on our tour) when someone tried to cross the center of the bridge to go to the other side, bridge security warned them off. I went over to the other side (crossing behind the officer on watch) of the bridge to take a picture of the side of the ship because it was in the sunlight and got called to the carpet by security.


The bridge tour was very respectfully done, in quite voices not to disturb the crew on duty, and no one was touching controls or leaning all over stuff.


I personally think the video of the Costa Fortuna bridge tour is shocking in the manner the passengers were allowed to just run amuck (especially towards the end, playing with officers hats and posing for photos) and without any real supervision.


At one point you can see the ship is doing over 17 knots. We really don't know that there isn't any other ship traffic around because we only see forward of the bow briefly.


I spent 10 years of the bridge of ships in the US Navy and know not everything shows up on a radar. Small craft, debris, whales. Not that the Costa Fortuna was in any danger when the bridge crew was involved in entertaining their bridge guests.


But that doesn't change the fact that they weren't fully dedicated to their surroundings and were completely distracted by the passengers.

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He used his brains!! And was not a chicken The answers to your questions are in there, you just have to do what we've been doing since this happened, weeding through everything.....






I have been weeding throught everything just like you, you will see that I have posted on this thread several times.


I have never said the Deputy Mayor was a chicken. I am questioning his replaying of the events and the validity of the reporting.


If you have travelled on a ships tender you will know how challenging it is to secure.


Somethings just sound fishy that's all.

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Check out the thread "Wife of Italian Ship Captain Furious: Report"


A french magazine is printing an interview with Fabiola on Thursday. There's a link to some of the information in a news article, and there is a little more information on the website of the magazine itself. It's just a preview, though.


I'm not sure about the degree of journalist professionalism, just because they mentioned the size of her bosom, which seemed a bit irrelevant :D


But it's interesting. (The preview, not her bosom...I mean, some people might find that interesting too. It's certainly note-worthy...)

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I was fortunate enough to participate in a Bridge Tour on the Celebrity Millennium last month, and our tour was nothing like what I saw in that video.


Upon entry onto the bridge were restricted to one far side (port console) and never allowed to wander aimlessly and unsupervised all over the bridge as those were seen doing in the video. Even (on our tour) when someone tried to cross the center of the bridge to go to the other side, bridge security warned them off. I went over to the other side (crossing behind the officer on watch) of the bridge to take a picture of the side of the ship because it was in the sunlight and got called to the carpet by security.


The bridge tour was very respectfully done, in quite voices not to disturb the crew on duty, and no one was touching controls or leaning all over stuff.


I personally think the video of the Costa Fortuna bridge tour is shocking in the manner the passengers were allowed to just run amuck (especially towards the end, playing with officers hats and posing for photos) and without any real supervision.


At one point you can see the ship is doing over 17 knots. We really don't know that there isn't any other ship traffic around because we only see forward of the bow briefly.


I spent 10 years of the bridge of ships in the US Navy and know not everything shows up on a radar. Small craft, debris, whales. Not that the Costa Fortuna was in any danger when the bridge crew was involved in entertaining their bridge guests.


But that doesn't change the fact that they weren't fully dedicated to their surroundings and were completely distracted by the passengers.


I've been on Bridge tours many times and what you describe is how they've been, respectfully.

I tried to do some research on the elevators. I know we dicussed them early on but did we ever come to a conclusion about them? With the loss of power and the ship in distress, would someone have checked them or would the rescuers be able to gain access to them now?

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I was fortunate enough to participate in a Bridge Tour on the Celebrity Millennium last month, and our tour was nothing like what I saw in that video.


Upon entry onto the bridge were restricted to one far side (port console) and never allowed to wander aimlessly and unsupervised all over the bridge as those were seen doing in the video. Even (on our tour) when someone tried to cross the center of the bridge to go to the other side, bridge security warned them off. I went over to the other side (crossing behind the officer on watch) of the bridge to take a picture of the side of the ship because it was in the sunlight and got called to the carpet by security.


The bridge tour was very respectfully done, in quite voices not to disturb the crew on duty, and no one was touching controls or leaning all over stuff.


I personally think the video of the Costa Fortuna bridge tour is shocking in the manner the passengers were allowed to just run amuck (especially towards the end, playing with officers hats and posing for photos) and without any real supervision.


At one point you can see the ship is doing over 17 knots. We really don't know that there isn't any other ship traffic around because we only see forward of the bow briefly.


I spent 10 years of the bridge of ships in the US Navy and know not everything shows up on a radar. Small craft, debris, whales. Not that the Costa Fortuna was in any danger when the bridge crew was involved in entertaining their bridge guests.


But that doesn't change the fact that they weren't fully dedicated to their surroundings and were completely distracted by the passengers.


I was also fortunate to get a tour of the Millennium's bridge while at sea. We were instructed prior to entering the bridge area to keep our voices low and not to wander around. We were provided with a coloured sticker like we were on excursions we were kept off to the side the entire time. We were allowed to take photographs but could not get near the main console.


I noticed on the video around the 47 sec mark that someone does hush them. Not sure if this was crew member or another passengers.

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I tried to do some research on the elevators. I know we dicussed them early on but did we ever come to a conclusion about them? With the loss of power and the ship in distress, would someone have checked them or would the rescuers be able to gain access to them now?


All I've ever heard was one eye-witness account that mentioned during the power outage, people screaming in the elevators. I don't know if they have any failsafes. The lights went back on. That's all I've seen.

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I'm sorry but I can't see how one person can operate a lifeboat and then get onto a rope ladder, it seems a little difficult. Having driven a 32ft boat, I know how to manouver a boat of that size, but then how did he jump onto the ladder? Did he just leave the lifeboat floating or did he tie it up?


He did not use a ship's lifeboat - despite reports saying this. He went out in a boat from the town that had several other people on it according to his own words. He is just one of several who boarded the ship from multiple rescue boats.

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Here is an article about them. The ship's doctor believes they perished because the father went back to his cabin to get his medicine:




That is so very sad. As the mom of a little girl that absolutely breaks my heart. :(


Its hard to imagine and understand what happened on the ship when the floor became the walls and water started flooding in. Those poor folks who died in those conditions.

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I have been weeding throught everything just like you, you will see that I have posted on this thread several times.


I have never said the Deputy Mayor was a chicken. I am questioning his replaying of the events and the validity of the reporting.


If you have travelled on a ships tender you will know how challenging it is to secure.


Somethings just sound fishy that's all.


Sir, I apologize if I came off sounding mad or upset with you. That was not my intention and I was not trying to insinuate that you had not been reading, viewing etc... I am sorry.


I know that your questions are exactly the same as mine were when I first read/heard about the Deputy Mayor getting on board the ship and staying there the entire time. My questions though, I believe were answered by my own feelings of, "Where there is a will, there is a way." This man found a way and I ano longer question how he did it. I just thank God that he did. And I think before this is all over, we will hear of other locals who also jumped in and saved many more.


Hope that explains what I mean and that you accept my apology??



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That is so very sad. As the mom of a little girl that absolutely breaks my heart. :(


Its hard to imagine and understand what happened on the ship when the floor became the walls and water started flooding in. Those poor folks who died in those conditions.


Now, this is totally speculative & completely unfounded, but I have been wondering all day if the body found to-day was that of this poor little girl.


I say this simply because in the past, every time a body has been found, it has been immediately identified as a man or a woman. To-day, nothing. Is this because it is a child, & to say it was a child would immediately identify her before the family had been informed?


I could of course be wrong though.

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While doing a Google search to try and find a photo of the Deputy Mayor of Giglio, I came across something I've not seen mentioned anywhere on the internet, in media reports or on these boards:eek:


Carnival Halts Some Cruise Marketing, Plans Safety Review After Capsizing





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Now, this is totally speculative & completely unfounded, but I have been wondering all day if the body found to-day was that of this poor little girl.


I say this simply because in the past, every time a body has been found, it has been immediately identified as a man or a woman. To-day, nothing. Is this because it is a child, & to say it was a child would immediately identify her before the family had been informed?



I had wondered that too this morning since what I read didn't mention more info than "a body". But I think somewhere else since then I have seen it reported as an older woman?

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Sir, I apologize if I came off sounding mad or upset with you. That was not my intention and I was not trying to insinuate that you had not been reading, viewing etc... I am sorry.


I know that your questions are exactly the same as mine were when I first read/heard about the Deputy Mayor getting on board the ship and staying there the entire time. My questions though, I believe were answered by my own feelings of, "Where there is a will, there is a way." This man found a way and I ano longer question how he did it. I just thank God that he did. And I think before this is all over, we will hear of other locals who also jumped in and saved many more.


Hope that explains what I mean and that you accept my apology??



Hi Joanie,

No need to apologize, I just wanted to explain my approach and try clarify. Some of the recent media reports have been somewhat sensationalistic and there's been a absent of fact checking even from mainstream media outlets.

Thanks again, see you in the dining room!


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I had wondered that too this morning since what I read didn't mention more info than "a body". But I think somewhere else since then I have seen it reported as an older woman?


Ahhhh, thank you.

I haven't checked since this morning. (I left home "with suitcases" during the afternoon but have since sneaked back in via the back door. ;))

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That is so very sad. As the mom of a little girl that absolutely breaks my heart. :(


Its hard to imagine and understand what happened on the ship when the floor became the walls and water started flooding in. Those poor folks who died in those conditions.



It is quite sad. As a father of a 4 year old girl who I've taken with me on 2 cruises, I can imagine anything on the boat that would stop me from trying to get her on a lifeboat and certainly not meds that could easily be replaced.

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OK, so gentlemancruiser made me want to research for myself even more than before, just how someone I assumed was an older gentleman (just assumed because of his position as Deputy Mayor) was able to get on board the Concordia in such a way as to help in evacuating so many.


I found a video that shows just how youthful .this man is!! He also appears to be a rugged (works out/hard work) type individual. Hope the last makes sense?? He is almost at the end of the video. http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/news_europe/2012-01-21/italian-ship-oil-barriers-in-place.html


I can now very vividly picture this man climbing up any obstacles to help in the evacuation!!



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