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Costa Concordia SINKING


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A. 100% of those responding believe they have sufficient evidence to find Captain Schettino guilty in the Court of Public Opinion.



* No responses and undecideds not counted



Talk about skewing the numbers!

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You certainly have an interesting view of things. First of all Mickey d Mouse is from another country - Australia. Most likely (s)he didn't study the Mason Dixon line in school. Second, I don't think ANYONE believes that there is an actual line. Even the state borders are not actually drawn on the ground. Finally line was surveyed at one time and thus can be referred to, even if the line is not used today for any purpose.



Additional background: The Mason–Dixon Line was marked by stones every mile and "crownstones" every five miles, using stone shipped from England. The Maryland side says (M) and the Delaware and Pennsylvania sides say (P). Crownstones include the two coats-of-arms. Today, while a number of the original stones are missing or buried, many are still visible, resting on public land and protected by iron cages.

See photos at : http://www.masondixon-line.com/map.html

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Here is the press story that most of us saw off the AP wire today.

Cruise crew member sues over Italy disaster


"The lawsuit seeks to represent all 4,200 passengers and crew aboard the vessel when it struck rocks and capsized Jan. 13. It was filed Thursday on behalf of crew member Gary Lobaton, who is from Peru."


"Carnival is based in Miami and Costa in Hollywood, Fla. The lawsuit says Chicago is a proper venue because Carnival does substantial business in Illinois."


Is there another lawsuit being launched for a crew member who is from Chicago?


Ok, thank you. When you responded earlier, I think I thought I worded my sentence wrong.

No name was mentioned in the story I heard. What you have here with the rest of the story sounds the same.

Please excuse my error. Had a shot in my knee this afternoon and it still has me a bit distracted. Pain pill and thinking/typing aren't working for me very well. :rolleyes:

It makes even less sense that this filing will go anywhere. After concentrating so hard on the part of the lawsuit about being on behalf of all the pax, I just had so many questions trying to understand how or why he felt this would work.

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How much is it worth to suffer through a terrifying cruise ship grounding?


Italian ship operator Costa Crociere SpA on Friday put the figure at euro11,000 ($14,460) plus reimbursement for the cost of cruise tickets and extra travel expenses, seeking to cut a deal with as many passengers as possible to take the wind out of class-action lawsuits stemming from the Jan. 13 grounding of its Costa Concordia cruise liner off Tuscany.



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You certainly have an interesting view of things. First of all Mickey d Mouse is from another country - Australia. Most likely (s)he didn't study the Mason Dixon line in school. Second, I don't think ANYONE believes that there is an actual line. Even the state borders are not actually drawn on the ground. Finally line was surveyed at one time and thus can be referred to, even if the line is not used today for any purpose.




That is what I said. The line is not used for any purpose. It is only of historical interest. It does not mean anything anymore. At one time it was the line between the Free states and Slave states. There are no more slave states. You can't generalize what people are like in the US by what side of the Mason Dixon line they live on like she has done.


And I don't think we should generalize about Italians.

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Or the one flying when dad's plane suffered an engine bolt failure...737 almost lost an engine due to a bolt failure resulting in the enginge bobbing from the time of the failure until they were back at LAX with CFR crews & of course the press there to greet them....the press in the terminal.


That flight crew had it on the mark, it ended up almost as if there wee no problems other than of course turning around and having to try to fly home again....many of the pax did skip that next flight instead taking the evening off from flying.


I guess one difference with pilots vs. Costa's Captain Chicken of the Sea, is that the pilots know if they fail likely their life is over, not just their flying job... CCOTS however could just float away in a lifeboat, in a seat that should have had a passenger in it.





Thanks Dave!



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You are right!

The Captain will never have the luxury to sail a ship in open sea.


Not true!


He just will never be paid to sail on the open seas........and I doubt that he will sail anything over 50 feet in length.:D


His old tenders (lifeboats) were longer!:eek:



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Well, going further on your story, and knowing what movie you are talking about, I tend to think Schettino won't be pulling ball bearings out of his pockets.


It was obvious he doesn't have a sense of bearings, or he wouldn't have grounded the ship, and also lacks the b***s, or he would have stayed on the ship.


Where's Mr. Roberts when we truly need him........OH.........wait, I think the mutiny is over, and the ship has sunk!:D



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Ok, thank you. When you responded earlier, I think I thought I worded my sentence wrong.

No name was mentioned in the story I heard. What you have here with the rest of the story sounds the same.


Please excuse my error. Had a shot in my knee this afternoon and it still has me a bit distracted. Pain pill and thinking/typing aren't working for me very well. :rolleyes:


It makes even less sense that this filing will go anywhere. After concentrating so hard on the part of the lawsuit about being on behalf of all the pax, I just had so many questions trying to understand how or why he felt this would work.


One of those most detested of all.... AMBULANCE CHASERS:(


This evening Alex Beach, from Albuquerque, one of the Concordia passengers aboard the 13th cruise, says that she feels the $14,000 per passenger, over and above full refund, etc., was a good settlement and she and her husband are taking it.



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That is what I said. The line is not used for any purpose. It is only of historical interest. It does not mean anything anymore. At one time it was the line between the Free states and Slave states. There are no more slave states. You can't generalize what people are like in the US by what side of the Mason Dixon line they live on like she has done.


And I don't think we should generalize about Italians.


Charles, please be realistic in expecting anyone not from the US to know exactly what the Mason Dixon Line actually is. To many non US the Mason Dixon line is a fictional line separating the North from the South, i.e. pre civil war era and the rights to own or not to own slaves.


Someone from a non US country mentioning the Mason Dixon line is generalizing the feelings about Souther hospitality and genteelity over brash, rash and sometimes crude Northerners. Though I have also met some really white trash from both North and South of the Mason Dixon Line.


It would be like you or I calling the Outback as the dividing line between European decendants of the Original Ex-Convicts settlement and the Aborigines of Australia. It is a generalization and nothing else.


I think very few of us on this thread are generalizing the Italians as a whole.


Ease up a bit my friend, I think you are over analyzing comments to much:)


Let me note right now, before I forget... I hope if there are any typos in this post that you will all forgive me. My meds have kicked in and I am getting loopy. Sleeping pills do that to ya sometimes;)



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Charles, please be realistic in expecting anyone not from the US to know exactly what the Mason Dixon Line actually is. To many non US the Mason Dixon line is a fictional line separating the North from the South, i.e. pre civil war era and the rights to own or not to own slaves.


Someone from a non US country mentioning the Mason Dixon line is generalizing the feelings about Souther hospitality and genteelity over brash, rash and sometimes crude Northerners. Though I have also met some really white trash from both North and South of the Mason Dixon Line.



That is not what she said. But in any case I was just trying point out to her in case she was not joking that if the American travellers she met fit one personality type or another it was a coincidence as to where they lived in relation to the Mason Dixon line.

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Charles, please be realistic in expecting anyone not from the US to know exactly what the Mason Dixon Line actually is. To many non US the Mason Dixon line is a fictional line separating the North from the South, i.e. pre civil war era and the rights to own or not to own slaves.


Someone from a non US country mentioning the Mason Dixon line is generalizing the feelings about Souther hospitality and genteelity over brash, rash and sometimes crude Northerners. Though I have also met some really white trash from both North and South of the Mason Dixon Line.


It would be like you or I calling the Outback as the dividing line between European decendants of the Original Ex-Convicts settlement and the Aborigines of Australia. It is a generalization and nothing else.


I think very few of us on this thread are generalizing the Italians as a whole.


Ease up a bit my friend, I think you are over analyzing comments to much:)


Let me note right now, before I forget... I hope if there are any typos in this post that you will all forgive me. My meds have kicked in and I am getting loopy. Sleeping pills do that to ya sometimes;)




Joanie.......I for one, understand and "feel your pain". Monday was a shot in my left shoulder, which needs three days to really take effect, and I hope that you are among the lucky ones that, just an injection takes the pain away.


I also understand the pain killers that you are taking.....but have to tell you.......you are totally making sense...........even if you are feeling "NO PAIN"!!;)


Sleep well.......and take this up again tomorrow.


I, for one, have really enjoyed, not only the honesty of this thread, mixed with some wonderful humor, a bit of satire, but mostly, of CC members that really care for one another, and the people that were lost on the Concordia.


Folks, they are no longer missing,...........unfortunately.


The captain of the ship, along with a few other officers, and some of the personel at corporate headquarters, needs to find another line of work.


I started to say "after serving prision" but....not knowing the Italian laws, I cannot correctly comment.


I do know this. There were (are) some crewmembers, from waiters, busboys, stateroom attendants, etc, that saved many lives. I hope, in the end, they are recognized and rewarded for their competence, when those officers above them were not competent, or showed a great lack of leadership.


So, to the leaders of this thread........carry on number 9!!;)


And continue to stand by, to stand by!:rolleyes:



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Not true!


He just will never be paid to sail on the open seas........and I doubt that he will sail anything over 50 feet in length.:D


His old tenders (lifeboats) were longer!:eek:




If I take the Kayaks or Sunfish out on the bay during Spring Break, I'd be fairly upset to see CCOTS at the control of any boat of any sort, especially a jet ski or other power boat if I am under sail or paddle.


Less than 2 months until those daily short cruises...on the ba, with EPIRB and Hand Held Marine Radio in case I need help.

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That is what I said. The line is not used for any purpose. It is only of historical interest. It does not mean anything anymore. At one time it was the line between the Free states and Slave states. There are no more slave states. You can't generalize what people are like in the US by what side of the Mason Dixon line they live on like she has done.


And I don't think we should generalize about Italians.


Well, I guess you and I interpreted what Mickey d Mouse said differently.

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I, for one, have really enjoyed, not only the honesty of this thread, mixed with some wonderful humor, a bit of satire, but mostly, of CC members that really care for one another, and the people that were lost on the Concordia.



I do know this. There were (are) some crewmembers, from waiters, busboys, stateroom attendants, etc, that saved many lives. I hope, in the end, they are recognized and rewarded for their competence, when those officers above them were not competent, or showed a great lack of leadership.




!00% agreement from me with this.

I have spent many many hours following all the posts and links and have learnt so much about not only this tragic event but also about those who have posted. We all would make wonderful travelling companions. Heartfelt thanks to you all.

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Additional background: The Mason–Dixon Line was marked by stones every mile and "crownstones" every five miles, using stone shipped from England. The Maryland side says (M) and the Delaware and Pennsylvania sides say (P). Crownstones include the two coats-of-arms. Today, while a number of the original stones are missing or buried, many are still visible, resting on public land and protected by iron cages.

See photos at : http://www.masondixon-line.com/map.html



Wow, I was born and have lived (over 66 yrs) in the USA. Until reading this, I have never known the Mason Dixon Line was not imaginary. It amazes me find it's an actual "marked" line. Thanks so much for the link. It was fascinating.

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That is what I said. The line is not used for any purpose. It is only of historical interest. It does not mean anything anymore. At one time it was the line between the Free states and Slave states. There are no more slave states. You can't generalize what people are like in the US by what side of the Mason Dixon line they live on like she has done.


And I don't think we should generalize about Italians.


unfortunately Australian sarcasm has a different effect on people I did not mean to offend it is just my personal experience over 30 years of travelling, maybe its just people from Wisconsion, Michigan, New York Chicago etc seem to get my weird sense of humour, not syaing anything else cause I dont want to cause more offense sorry Charles

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!00% agreement from me with this.

I have spent many many hours following all the posts and links and have learnt so much about not only this tragic event but also about those who have posted. We all would make wonderful travelling companions. Heartfelt thanks to you all.


I wonder if there is ever anyway I can find out who it was that saved us in that lifeboat

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I shall become the best of friends with all the members of my Life Boat Crew!!! I think there is a Life Boat Station Captain (I believe an Officer) and the actual young man or woman who will be making sure we not only get on board the life boat, but knows how to steer it!!


If people (fellow passengers) thought I was dripping saccharin before, wait till they see me in 37 days!!


I will be best friends with EVERYONE who can save me if necessary:)




Good thinking, Joanie.


I'll go out of my way to befriend Outback Aussies and Calgary Canucks. A couple of American retired cops and ex military would be nice additions to the group.



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I believe the lawyer who filed this case is simply focused on padding his pockets with money. The idea that the lawyer is suing on behalf of a crew member from Peru in a location where the company has no business office means to me that he is just gaming the system to obtain financial compensation. I expect that the first judge who reviews this case will dismiss it for not being the correct venue.


A yes, venue. But, the rationale may be to have filed in Chicago to get a favorable ruling on jurisdication over the subject matter and parties and take a forced transfer to the proper venue elsewhere.

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unfortunately Australian sarcasm has a different effect on people I did not mean to offend it is just my personal experience over 30 years of travelling, maybe its just people from Wisconsion, Michigan, New York Chicago etc seem to get my weird sense of humour, not syaing anything else cause I dont want to cause more offense sorry Charles




Not to worry Mate. The next round is on me. ;)



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Mickey_d_Mouse - I deeply feel your ordeal, am glad you made it out alive and are communicating with us on this thread.


Being a Southern transplant here in the Northeast makes me feel compelled to chime in about the Mason-Dixon line.


Today the MD line is just an archaic and symbolic division between the Northern and Southern United States. The line was first established during the antebellum period primarily to divide slave states from non-slave states.


Today most of the stones and survey marks that defined this line are gone and the ruins reduced to lessons and discussions in history classes.


While some bigoted people still use this line as a divider to establish northerners as rich, well-mannered, cultured, and intellectual individuals and southerners as ruining the international reputation of Americans, being rowdy, obnoxious, racist, fat, and stupid, generally this line is rarely referred to.


Having travelled to many countries and having met all types of personalities I can safely say that demeanor is not a function of geography. :)

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