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Crown princess steaming home!


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it all depends if an infected person boards a ship and contaminates others. ships don't "have" norovirus.


and yes, the voyager of the seas also has an outbreak.


Is this on the current sailing or last week? I have a daughter this week on the Voyager and have not heard anything.

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Truthfully, I think the real issue was too many crew members were sick which caused doubling up on shifts etc. They never did provide how many passengers were sick, however the CDC has released 114 passengers (3.7% out of 3,078) and 59 crew (5% of 1,178). Although we were disappointed, I believe Princess took the responsible action of terminating the cruise early and provided all of its guests with a full refund.


I believe these are the current numbers from princess.com/news

226 passengers out of 3,078,became ill/reported.

63 crew members out of 1,178 became ill/reported.

Best to you as you continue your B2B, if that is still the plan.

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We returned home today from the cruise to "nowhere". We were fortunate in that we did not get sick on the cruise, but are disappointed that it was not the cruise we had planned.


All in all, Princess is being very fair with the passengers and we would not hesitate to book with them again.


We did not purchase the Princess travel insurance, however, Princess provided us a letter that indicates we will receive a full refund of our cruise fare; a discount of 25% of our current cruise fare towards a future cruise (this is already showing on our account through "my princess"), and the potential for reimbursement of other costs.


Princess did book us an airline reservation home which left at 7:30 PM out of Miami on a different airline that arrived at a different terminal from our departure. The official statement in the letter reads " should you decide to forego these plans, and travel home on your own schedule, please let the Passenger Services Desk know as soon as possible so we can cancel the flights we've arranged. Please know that your onward travel and any associated costs would be at your expense".


We inquired at the Passenger desk about our options, since the flight they booked would not work for us. They informed us we could cancel this flight, book our own arrangements and would be credited for cost of the flight they booked for us. Princess also provided free phone calls and 30 minutes of free internet service to assist us in making whatever arrangements we needed to make.


After we booked our own flight home and returned to the Passenger desk to cancel our flight, we were told that we were given incorrect information and they could not honor what we were told. However, we could submit receipts for reimbursement of the change fees to Princess and the costs would be considered for reimbursement (no guarantee). So at this point, we do not know if the change fees ($300) will be covered, nor have we received a refund for the cruise (however, they probably need a few days to process this).


Other information you may be interested in:


1. When we were delayed in boarding from 12:30 PM to 7:00 PM on Saturday, Princess gave us $20 onboard credit each as compensation for having to purchase our own lunch.

2. When Princess announced that we would miss Princess Cays due to the late start, they provided everyone with a $50 onboard good will credit (however, this was rescinded when they had to terminate the cruise and was now providing a full refund).

3. We did not arrive at any port. We were supposed to arrive at Curacao at 9:00 am on Tuesday. Instead, at 8:00 am, the Captain announced that he would be giving a very important announcement at in 5 minutes. Five minutes later, he announced that we would be terminating the cruise and returning to Ft Lauderdale on Thursday morning.

Note: Princess had turned the ship around during the night and our spouses had noticed the ship's position when we got up that morning because the sunrise was in a different position and we were now heading north...even knowing this, we were still surprised by the termination of the cruise.

4. When the announcement was made, they indicated the number of Noro virus cases was on a steady rise.

5. Later that morning, the captain announced that they had been checking the rooms of the passengers that were ill and they were out of their rooms....which made us very uncomfortable leaving ours.


The ship was on red alert the entire cruise. Some of the observations / experiences include:


1. Every passenger was required to use hand sanitizer before entering an area with food.

2. All food in the buffet was served to us. The variety of food was very limited compared to a normal cruise (for example, for lunch there were no sandwiches, very limited salad selections).

3. Room service was extremely busy, we often waited 20 to 30 minutes on hold waiting to place an order and 30 - 45 minutes for delivery of an order.

4. Lines at the grill were long (often about a 30 minute wait); dining room lines were extremely long (did not even try). I personally ate most of my lunches from the international cafe.

5. There was no fruit at the bars (e.g. lemon, lime) due to the red alert, and you could not take any food into the bars.

6. The crew worked extremely long days. We felt so bad for them. The red alert required more manpower (serving, cleaning), however, they had less crew available due to illness. The crew was exhausted, yet maintained their professionalism. I certainly hope that Princess does recognize their extra effort, because they were shortchanged on tips (even though we left some extra, it certainly did not compensate them for what they endured).

7. The entertainment was very limited due to reduced staff (lots of movies and repeated shows).


Given the choice, I would have much rather had the cruise I planned. My vacation time is used, airfare/parking costs/pre-cruise costs incurred, I did not have the opportunity to visit the ports I wanted to see, the food options were limited (the fact that I did not gain any weight I guess is positive :)), the entertainment was limited and I was not really comfortable using facilities outside of my room (luckily we had a beautiful Caribe balcony). But all in all, I think Princess and it's crew did everything they could to make this situation a positive experience and to try and compensate their customers for their losses. At no point was anything life-threatening....just not as comfortable as desired.


If you have any specific questions, I will do my best to answer them for you.


Happy cruising ;)

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Off the ill-fated Crown this morning, home safe and sound and feeling fine.


This was our second Princess cruise. In our opinion, Princess handled the situation--apparently unprecedented--with grace and generosity. It is NOT the cruise line's fault, we understand and appreciate that and hope others do as well. There were an awful lot of unhappy people onboard; we tried to avoid them, as we were having a great time!


Here's the bottom line: we had five full days on a nice ship, met some wonderful people, enjoyed delicious meals, good shows. The staff, cabin steward to cruise director to waiters to the captain, bent over backwards to keep us happy and well. I wished the average passenger would have been half as polite, upbeat, and pleasant as the average crew member. We heard a lot of bitter complaining. In our minds, a much better choice was to make the best of things and enjoy our time on the ship.


Princess is refunding us 100% of our cruise fare plus port fees and taxes. They flew us home today on their dime. We get 25% of this cruise fare off a future cruise. What other product can you buy today that will refund 125% if it isn't what you expected?


We had five relaxing and luxurious sea days--for free! We enjoyed delicious meals; impeccable, gracious, and cheerful service; fun shows and a beautiful ship. The absence of salt shakers and ketchup bottles doesn't seem so important.


We will not hesitate to sail with Princess again and in fact booked a "next cruise" before we debarked today.


Glad to answer any questions about th 2-4 Crown sailing and the procedures in place!

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I saw a report on the news tonight (I won't say which channel because as far as I'm concerned ALL the media is blowing this way out of proportion) about the Crown and made it sound a lot worse than it seems to have been based on the live reports on CC. Go figure :rolleyes:


A few passengers were interviewed including one man who got sick on his "first and last cruise" :(


It kind of makes me sad, that so many people are going to miss out on such an awesome way to vacation because of this. A former co-worker of mine had Noro on a cruise a few years ago, was quarantined in her cabin for days, and still cruises frequently. I've had Noro myself, on land, and while I wouldn't wish for a repeat of that at all, even if I did get sick on a cruise there's no way I would erase my bucket list of future cruises because of it. I just don't see it happening.


Hospitals, schools, anywhere large numbers of people are close together seem to have been hit this Winter. I'm probably more nervous about getting on a plane next week :eek: than I would be if I was getting on a ship.

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Midway through my 12 hour battle with active Noro on the Ruby Princess last week, I told myself that I would never set foot on another cruise ship even though I already had another cruise booked. Well, before they released me from captivity in my cabin I was already planning for an additional cruise. I missed three out of four ports, was stuck in an inside cabin for 72 hours and I still had a decent time...... it was not the stress reducer I needed, but still better than work!

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I was going to say the very same thing D&L....please don't feel TOO bad for us all...just got home about 2 hours ago and although I realize and can sympathize that many had vacation plans that made for some difficult rearrangements, remember, we are all getting ALL of our money back...

We, my husband,myself and another couple, had a great time...and it was by far the MOST relaxing cruise of the 7 Princess cruises I have been on.....no lines for a tender...no big shopping bills at the end of the cruise ...just long days sunning, walking the promenade, seeing shows, gambling, bingo, high tea, trivia, reading... the weather was beautiful and the sea was like glass...even through the southern Caribbean.

I prefer to be served in the Cafe Caribe or Horizon court and I would think for all the reasons discussed, it should ALWAYS be done that way. I saw the comedians Alfred and Seymour and they were the funniest guys you have ever seen...they had the Princess Theatre in near hysterical laughter yesterday afternoon..that alone was worth a weeks entertainment! As far as the norovirus, don't forget that there were 3900 people who DIDN'T get it on board that ship! My thoughts are that it's like the common cold with albeit nastier symptoms...if you have low resistance at any given time, you can catch it and someone else with the same exposure, but higher resistance, even sharing your room will not.

Our party of four and several others I spoke to, were quite happy with a very relaxing 4 day 5 night cruise and all our expenses reimbursed and 25% off a future cruise. I believe it was very well handled.

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Just wanted to update you as we just received a letter highlighting the details:

7 day cruise fare + gov fees and taxes will be refunded in full


They are transporting us to Orlando where we will receive two nights at the Orlando World Centre Marriott Resort


$60 per person per day non receipted to cover food expense


Also will receive a 25% future Cruise Credit based on actual 7 day cost


Free phone call and or wifi for remainder of cruise


All in all a very nice gesture.


We just enjoyed a spectacular sunset as well!


On the other hand... if you weren't sick, a free five day cruise, two free days and nights in Ft Lauderdale, and a BIG discount on your next cruise...


4 days really, since we didn't board until Sat. evening and debarked Thursday morning.


Note that the Orlando portion of that was for those who are booked B2B for 2/11 as well. The rest of us did not get the 2 days in Orlando w $60 a day, but did get their flights home paid for instead, so like you say, it wasn't too bad.


I can't even complain about it and I was only healthy 2 days out of the trip. A shame I had to sort of waste a week of vacation, but Princess' compensation was certainly reasonable.

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They are doing the same itinerary that we did last week. The Crown would have been scheduled for arrival in Curacao at 1:00PM today. Aruba on Wednesday followed by two days at sea en route to Fort Lauderdale.



Just home from the 2/4 Plague Princess sailing. I knew something was up when I got up before sunrise on the morning we were supposed to make Curacao and saw we were sailing toward the North Star, not away. But I thought maybe we were going to approach Curacao from the south for some reason...


We did not get sick, maybe b/c we were fanatical about handwashing, etc., but 3 of our group of 30 or so were down. I suppose we might still be infected and not manifesting symptoms yet. We were speculating (emphasis on speculating) that the last batch of pax passed it to the crew who passed it to the 2/4 pax, and so on, but who knows?


Anyway, we did have a good time and met a lot of very nice people, both pax and crew. And I have to give kudos to Capt Nash - he was very straightforward & sincere about the whole thing. Kinda funny to hear a ship's captain on the PA pleading with people to turn in poo samples though.


We thought the food was quite good, cabin service was excellent, buffet service wasn't all that slow. Traditional dining in the DaVinci at 5:30 was quite slow though - never got done with dessert before 7:30.


Thanks to Pam in CA for the tip about using the Promenade Deck to get around the obstruction on Deck 6.


Addendum: I miss my balcony!

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We returned home today from the cruise to "nowhere". We were fortunate in that we did not get sick on the cruise, but are disappointed that it was not the cruise we had planned.


All in all, Princess is being very fair with the passengers and we would not hesitate to book with them again.


We did not purchase the Princess travel insurance, however, Princess provided us a letter that indicates we will receive a full refund of our cruise fare; a discount of 25% of our current cruise fare towards a future cruise (this is already showing on our account through "my princess"), and the potential for reimbursement of other costs.


Princess did book us an airline reservation home which left at 7:30 PM out of Miami on a different airline that arrived at a different terminal from our departure. The official statement in the letter reads " should you decide to forego these plans, and travel home on your own schedule, please let the Passenger Services Desk know as soon as possible so we can cancel the flights we've arranged. Please know that your onward travel and any associated costs would be at your expense".


We inquired at the Passenger desk about our options, since the flight they booked would not work for us. They informed us we could cancel this flight, book our own arrangements and would be credited for cost of the flight they booked for us. Princess also provided free phone calls and 30 minutes of free internet service to assist us in making whatever arrangements we needed to make.


After we booked our own flight home and returned to the Passenger desk to cancel our flight, we were told that we were given incorrect information and they could not honor what we were told. However, we could submit receipts for reimbursement of the change fees to Princess and the costs would be considered for reimbursement (no guarantee). So at this point, we do not know if the change fees ($300) will be covered, nor have we received a refund for the cruise (however, they probably need a few days to process this).


Other information you may be interested in:


1. When we were delayed in boarding from 12:30 PM to 7:00 PM on Saturday, Princess gave us $20 onboard credit each as compensation for having to purchase our own lunch.

2. When Princess announced that we would miss Princess Cays due to the late start, they provided everyone with a $50 onboard good will credit (however, this was rescinded when they had to terminate the cruise and was now providing a full refund).

3. We did not arrive at any port. We were supposed to arrive at Curacao at 9:00 am on Tuesday. Instead, at 8:00 am, the Captain announced that he would be giving a very important announcement at in 5 minutes. Five minutes later, he announced that we would be terminating the cruise and returning to Ft Lauderdale on Thursday morning.

Note: Princess had turned the ship around during the night and our spouses had noticed the ship's position when we got up that morning because the sunrise was in a different position and we were now heading north...even knowing this, we were still surprised by the termination of the cruise.

4. When the announcement was made, they indicated the number of Noro virus cases was on a steady rise.

5. Later that morning, the captain announced that they had been checking the rooms of the passengers that were ill and they were out of their rooms....which made us very uncomfortable leaving ours.


The ship was on red alert the entire cruise. Some of the observations / experiences include:


1. Every passenger was required to use hand sanitizer before entering an area with food.

2. All food in the buffet was served to us. The variety of food was very limited compared to a normal cruise (for example, for lunch there were no sandwiches, very limited salad selections).

3. Room service was extremely busy, we often waited 20 to 30 minutes on hold waiting to place an order and 30 - 45 minutes for delivery of an order.

4. Lines at the grill were long (often about a 30 minute wait); dining room lines were extremely long (did not even try). I personally ate most of my lunches from the international cafe.

5. There was no fruit at the bars (e.g. lemon, lime) due to the red alert, and you could not take any food into the bars.

6. The crew worked extremely long days. We felt so bad for them. The red alert required more manpower (serving, cleaning), however, they had less crew available due to illness. The crew was exhausted, yet maintained their professionalism. I certainly hope that Princess does recognize their extra effort, because they were shortchanged on tips (even though we left some extra, it certainly did not compensate them for what they endured).

7. The entertainment was very limited due to reduced staff (lots of movies and repeated shows).


Given the choice, I would have much rather had the cruise I planned. My vacation time is used, airfare/parking costs/pre-cruise costs incurred, I did not have the opportunity to visit the ports I wanted to see, the food options were limited (the fact that I did not gain any weight I guess is positive :)), the entertainment was limited and I was not really comfortable using facilities outside of my room (luckily we had a beautiful Caribe balcony). But all in all, I think Princess and it's crew did everything they could to make this situation a positive experience and to try and compensate their customers for their losses. At no point was anything life-threatening....just not as comfortable as desired.


If you have any specific questions, I will do my best to answer them for you.


Happy cruising ;)


Thank you for a very fair revue of the situation. I'm sorry your cruise was not what you planned but sometimes things happen that we can't control. Sounds like you made the best of the situation.

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I was going to say the very same thing D&L....please don't feel TOO bad for us all...just got home about 2 hours ago and although I realize and can sympathize that many had vacation plans that made for some difficult rearrangements, remember, we are all getting ALL of our money back...

We, my husband,myself and another couple, had a great time...and it was by far the MOST relaxing cruise of the 7 Princess cruises I have been on.....no lines for a tender...no big shopping bills at the end of the cruise ...just long days sunning, walking the promenade, seeing shows, gambling, bingo, high tea, trivia, reading... the weather was beautiful and the sea was like glass...even through the southern Caribbean.

I prefer to be served in the Cafe Caribe or Horizon court and I would think for all the reasons discussed, it should ALWAYS be done that way. I saw the comedians Alfred and Seymour and they were the funniest guys you have ever seen...they had the Princess Theatre in near hysterical laughter yesterday afternoon..that alone was worth a weeks entertainment! As far as the norovirus, don't forget that there were 3900 people who DIDN'T get it on board that ship! My thoughts are that it's like the common cold with albeit nastier symptoms...if you have low resistance at any given time, you can catch it and someone else with the same exposure, but higher resistance, even sharing your room will not.

Our party of four and several others I spoke to, were quite happy with a very relaxing 4 day 5 night cruise and all our expenses reimbursed and 25% off a future cruise. I believe it was very well handled.


Sounds like you are another who made the best of a bad situation. I'm glad you and your friends had a nice relaxing cruise even though it wasn't the cruise you hoped for when you set sail.

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Probably not. They are refunding the entire cruise fare and covering the change fees for changing flights to Thursday instead of Saturday. They aren't paying for the airfare itself....


Yes, they did pay the airfare itself. If you can get a credit for the unused airfare you had booked for yourself to return on the weekend, you get to keep it. Princess picked up the whole tab for the return airfare. We had to pay for baggage fees, which I wouldn't have had to do with my original airline flight, but Princess may be willing to refund that. I'm not 100% clear on whether they said they'll reimburse out of pocket expenses or only if you had insurance, but I get the impression they'll reimburse even without insurance if we file a claim with them at the address they provided.

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Kinda funny to hear a ship's captain on the PA pleading with people to turn in poo samples though.


Thank you for the giggle and maintaining a good perspective. While I'm sure it wasn't the "ideal" cruise you had planned, I'm glad you had a good time. Thanks for sharing!

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Hubby and I are just home from the 2/4 Crown sailing and agree that Princess handled the situtation well. We did not get sick and used the 4 days well relaxing at sea. Entertainment could not change because there was no way to get the old entertainers off and new ones on. It was appalling to me to see people at the pursers desk screaming and swearing at the staff. IT WAS NOT their fault! It was horrible how some of the passengers were treating the staff. We felt the food was very good and it didn't bother me at all to have to be served. The lines were a little longer at times but exactly what kind of hurry did we need to be in. We had one of the best meals at Sabitinis last night with super service.


I have been on many cruises and this is the first time I've ever dealt with something like this. Will it stop me from cruising......NO WAY. In fact when I jsut signed onto princess it tells me that it is 115 days until my next cruise:D

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They can request, and will be granted, an exceptional circumstances waiver.


Unfortunately, since the duty free shops were open, they will still need to clear customs.. I am not sure about immigration since they did not leave the ship.


We did not have to pass through Customs, though they said we were limited to only 1 bottle of liquor and 200 cigarettes since we made no ports of call, and if we had purchased more from the shops return them for a refund.

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We are on the Crown this Saturday. Got a notice yesterday from our TA saying that there is a "move over" offer on the table. Anyone with a balcony cabin is eligible - you can delay to a future cruise on the Crown in exchange for perks:

- upgrade to mini-suite

- second passenger free

- up to $150 in air change fees covered.


Not exactly sure what the motivation is. We work and have to plan vacation time well ahead so could not take this. We will be there on Saturday hoping for the best.



There have been postings by others that the voyage is oversold. Princess probably has some balcony GTY bookings not assigned yet, so they make more over offers to passengers with assigned cabins so they can create the vacancies they need to fill the GTY bookings.


This is what Princess does anytime a ship is oversold.

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We returned home today from the cruise to "nowhere". We were fortunate in that we did not get sick on the cruise, but are disappointed that it was not the cruise we had planned.


All in all, Princess is being very fair with the passengers and we would not hesitate to book with them again.


We did not purchase the Princess travel insurance, however, Princess provided us a letter that indicates we will receive a full refund of our cruise fare; a discount of 25% of our current cruise fare towards a future cruise (this is already showing on our account through "my princess"), and the potential for reimbursement of other costs.


Princess did book us an airline reservation home which left at 7:30 PM out of Miami on a different airline that arrived at a different terminal from our departure. The official statement in the letter reads " should you decide to forego these plans, and travel home on your own schedule, please let the Passenger Services Desk know as soon as possible so we can cancel the flights we've arranged. Please know that your onward travel and any associated costs would be at your expense".


We inquired at the Passenger desk about our options, since the flight they booked would not work for us. They informed us we could cancel this flight, book our own arrangements and would be credited for cost of the flight they booked for us. Princess also provided free phone calls and 30 minutes of free internet service to assist us in making whatever arrangements we needed to make.


After we booked our own flight home and returned to the Passenger desk to cancel our flight, we were told that we were given incorrect information and they could not honor what we were told. However, we could submit receipts for reimbursement of the change fees to Princess and the costs would be considered for reimbursement (no guarantee). So at this point, we do not know if the change fees ($300) will be covered, nor have we received a refund for the cruise (however, they probably need a few days to process this).


Other information you may be interested in:


1. When we were delayed in boarding from 12:30 PM to 7:00 PM on Saturday, Princess gave us $20 onboard credit each as compensation for having to purchase our own lunch.

2. When Princess announced that we would miss Princess Cays due to the late start, they provided everyone with a $50 onboard good will credit (however, this was rescinded when they had to terminate the cruise and was now providing a full refund).

3. We did not arrive at any port. We were supposed to arrive at Curacao at 9:00 am on Tuesday. Instead, at 8:00 am, the Captain announced that he would be giving a very important announcement at in 5 minutes. Five minutes later, he announced that we would be terminating the cruise and returning to Ft Lauderdale on Thursday morning.

Note: Princess had turned the ship around during the night and our spouses had noticed the ship's position when we got up that morning because the sunrise was in a different position and we were now heading north...even knowing this, we were still surprised by the termination of the cruise.

4. When the announcement was made, they indicated the number of Noro virus cases was on a steady rise.

5. Later that morning, the captain announced that they had been checking the rooms of the passengers that were ill and they were out of their rooms....which made us very uncomfortable leaving ours.


The ship was on red alert the entire cruise. Some of the observations / experiences include:


1. Every passenger was required to use hand sanitizer before entering an area with food.

2. All food in the buffet was served to us. The variety of food was very limited compared to a normal cruise (for example, for lunch there were no sandwiches, very limited salad selections).

3. Room service was extremely busy, we often waited 20 to 30 minutes on hold waiting to place an order and 30 - 45 minutes for delivery of an order.

4. Lines at the grill were long (often about a 30 minute wait); dining room lines were extremely long (did not even try). I personally ate most of my lunches from the international cafe.

5. There was no fruit at the bars (e.g. lemon, lime) due to the red alert, and you could not take any food into the bars.

6. The crew worked extremely long days. We felt so bad for them. The red alert required more manpower (serving, cleaning), however, they had less crew available due to illness. The crew was exhausted, yet maintained their professionalism. I certainly hope that Princess does recognize their extra effort, because they were shortchanged on tips (even though we left some extra, it certainly did not compensate them for what they endured).

7. The entertainment was very limited due to reduced staff (lots of movies and repeated shows).


Given the choice, I would have much rather had the cruise I planned. My vacation time is used, airfare/parking costs/pre-cruise costs incurred, I did not have the opportunity to visit the ports I wanted to see, the food options were limited (the fact that I did not gain any weight I guess is positive :)), the entertainment was limited and I was not really comfortable using facilities outside of my room (luckily we had a beautiful Caribe balcony). But all in all, I think Princess and it's crew did everything they could to make this situation a positive experience and to try and compensate their customers for their losses. At no point was anything life-threatening....just not as comfortable as desired.


If you have any specific questions, I will do my best to answer them for you.


Happy cruising ;)


WOW! I think you nailed it 100%, even the fact that i told my wife that this was probably the first cruise I didn't gain weight. ( i didn't starve)


We were booked on Southwest coming home where there is no charge for luggage.


They booked us on USAir and had to pay $50 to check our bags.


All in all not too hard to swallow.


Oh yeah we only had our room made up once a day as we never came out until the afternoon.


Was kinda freaked out walking around with all those germs around.



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Hubby and I are just home from the 2/4 Crown sailing and agree that Princess handled the situtation well. We did not get sick and used the 4 days well relaxing at sea. Entertainment could not change because there was no way to get the old entertainers off and new ones on. It was appalling to me to see people at the pursers desk screaming and swearing at the staff. IT WAS NOT their fault! It was horrible how some of the passengers were treating the staff. We felt the food was very good and it didn't bother me at all to have to be served. The lines were a little longer at times but exactly what kind of hurry did we need to be in. We had one of the best meals at Sabitinis last night with super service.


I have been on many cruises and this is the first time I've ever dealt with something like this. Will it stop me from cruising......NO WAY. In fact when I jsut signed onto princess it tells me that it is 115 days until my next cruise:D


On the Grand in 2005, people were screaming and swearing at the staff because we missed a port.:( If those people had been on the Crown they probably would have imploded!:eek:

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Here's a little know fact:


People with norovirus are contagious from the moment they begin feeling ill to at least 3 days and perhaps for as long as 2 weeks after recovery, making control of this disease even more difficult.


So basically the health forms they have people fill out are just about worthless unless the virus has surfaced. Even right now their could be people who have had the problem at home & not realized it which could start the problem all over again this Saturday.

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