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Need to lose weight


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Not just for my upcoming cruise, but for a better longer life.


Trying WW, which I know it works but not following the program, overeating most days, and making the wrong food choices.


I was losing weight, but now it's stop and I've started to gain weight.


Anyone else on here struggling with weight and any ideals for avoiding giving into cravings and overeating,,need tips and tricks to redirect my thoughts from eating.

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Not just for my upcoming cruise, but for a better longer life...



Of course we all want that, so I would recommend you try a life-changing program similar to what diabetic patients do when they are newly-diagnosed (myself included). It is a high fiber, low carbohydrate plan which includes the knowledge to make better food choices, and adding exercise to your daily routine. It's just a better general eating/health plan overall.


You can get the particulars online or better yet, make an appointment with a registered dietician at your local hospital or clinic. S/he will be able to guide you as to how to get started and why this works. Certainly you don't have to be diabetic to start this, but one of the contributing factors for diabetes can be obesity or being overweight, so it absolutely will not hurt to check this out and get started. It's a much better option in the long run than buying some company's pre-packaged food and trying to live a "normal" life while doing that. Cheaper, too. ;)


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Of course we all want that, so I would recommend you try a life-changing program similar to what diabetic patients do when they are newly-diagnosed (myself included). It is a high fiber, low carbohydrate plan which includes the knowledge to make better food choices, and adding exercise to your daily routine. It's just a better general eating/health plan overall.


You can get the particulars online or better yet, make an appointment with a registered dietician at your local hospital or clinic. S/he will be able to guide you as to how to get started and why this works. Certainly you don't have to be diabetic to start this, but one of the contributing factors for diabetes can be obesity or being overweight, so it absolutely will not hurt to check this out and get started. It's a much better option in the long run than buying some company's pre-packaged food and trying to live a "normal" life while doing that. Cheaper, too. ;)



good suggestion! we have a full time dietician at our supermarket

dont forget to exercise

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I am trying to lose weight also. I don't really believe in a lot of the plans where you buy food from them, for various reasons.


Since I'm cooking for my family as well, I try to choose healthy choices. Every dinner has a vegetable, and I make extra. If I'm eating dinner and find myself still hungry, I will add more of a veggie instead of meat or starch. My veggie choices are with no preservatives, no butter or sauce...just steamed in the bag.


If you have kids, get outside and play with them. If you have a dog, take him/her for a nice long walk.


If you are hungry in between meals, choice wisely for a snack. Del Monte mandarin oranges, no sugar added. You get vitamin C too, for just 40 calories.


Chicken and fish when broiled or grilled, are great meat choices. I am also looking at more whole grains in my diet.


I've only lost 6 or 7 pounds in about 4 months, but I know I am doing things to change my lifestyle, not doing a quick weight loss scheme that will only end up making me gain it all back.


Good luck! And remember, if you eat better and exercise more, you are already on the right track.

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Every diet plan works for someone and none of them work for everyone. There are lots of great suggestions above. I struggle with it too. I have 295 days to lose, but so far, in the last two months, I have lost ZERO!

For me, staying away from bread and pasta carbs, helps, and excersize. I put my elliptical in front of the tv, which can keep me moving, but it is so much nicer to just sit on the couch. :)

There are some threads on here dedicated to weight loss. Maybe there are more motivational suggestions.

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All of the suggestions have been great, I'd just like to add eat more raw, green leafy and crunchy veggies. Steaming is fine, but sometimes adding the raw helps with the increased fiber and it is more filling. Also one of my snacks are raw almonds. Nuts and seeds are great snack foods too.


And watch your sodium intake and drink lots of water.

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Yes all great ideals. I just need to stick with it. I do get in exercise at least 4 times a week, MY problem is what and how much I'm eating.


I need to take it one meal at a time, and stop thinking about how much I want to lose or when I want to lose it by. One bite at a time.


I will try to greatly limit my intake of breads, sugar and processed foods.


I will search for threads about weight lost on these boards, I need all the support and help I can get.

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I joined WW 3 years ago and have lost 95 lbs. I am 5 lbs. from my personal goal. I'm now a leader for WW. Love it. It's the easiest to live program I've ever tried. It's just a healthy lifestyle.


I agree WW has worked for me in the past. and I know I can follow it for life. I just need to get back focused and on track.

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I have done a lot of different diets, including WW. Here's what I've learned:


Don't beat yourself up if you have a rough meal. The whole day is not a loss, and with the bonus points you get from exercise or not using all of the points, you make it up here and there. Stick with it, and you'll get there.


Another thing a lot of people do is only concentrate on your final number that you want to lose or goal weight. Break it down into easily achievable goals, like 5 lbs instead of 50 lbs. Concentrate on losing that 5 lbs and what it will take to get there, then make it happen.


Yes, bite by bite is good, but step by step and glass by glass is better. Find ways to incorporate more activity into your day. Don't sit still when you get home. If your home is anything like mine, there is always something to clean or wash. Keep your mind busy. If you are physically at a point where you can't move anymore, pick up a hobby or a new book to read. Keep your brain going. If you're bored you will be thinking about food. Then obsessing about food. Then rationalizing the food. Then sorting out how many points you'll need to borrow for the food. Don't let your brain get to that point!


Drink plenty of water. You have to stop drinking beverages with sugar, even artificial sweeteners. Studies show sugar in drinks make you crave certain types of food, most of which are no good for you when you're trying to shed pounds. If you're hungry, start with a glass of water. If youre still hungry (not craving) in 30 minutes, have a handful of almonds or walnuts. Nuts even out your blood sugar, which helps reduce cravings. Fresh green veggies like celery and broccoli are super low cal, super high fiber, and low-no points.


Watch the clock too. After 8 pm, your metabolism is going to start shutting down for the day and any calories you consume are going to stick.


Make small changes over time, and eventually you will reach your goal. Make a positive mental connection when you do something good for yourself. Focus on how it feels after you have a big glass of water and a healthy snack. Concentrate on how every good action is moving you closer and closer to your goal, and you'll be less likely to self-sabotage.


And most importantly, don't despair! Healthy weight loss happens very slowly over time. Be patient with the process. I have been where you are, and a lot of others have too. Go to your meetings for inspiration from others and ideas for healthy meals and substitutes. Your leaders are there for you. And we are too!


Good luck to you! If you want it badly enough, you'll make it happen!

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I have gone from a size 14 down to a six three years ago. I seem to be able to maintain a size 8. Breakfast is 2 poached eggs (microwave poacher is fast) and a piece of whole grain toast or I have a half cup of oatmeal with skim milk. One thing that works is to keep the 1/2 c measuring cup in the oarmeal. Check calories on the bread and find one that is under 100 calories. My morning snack that holds me to lunch is nonfat Dannon yogurt with a tablespoon of unsweetened applesauce and a little low cal sweetener. Read labels on yogurt as some is loaded with things that jumps up the calories. I eat Progresso Weight Watchers approved soup most days for lunch with a piece of fruit. I buy the ones with meat as I think it stays with me longer. If not having soup I buy low card wraps and have lettuce, turkey and mustard. I have an afternoon piece of fruit or a low cal string cheese. I usually have a piece of fruit driving home so I don't inhale the refrigerator when I get home. I start dinner with a salad with low or non fat dressing and my husband makes dinner so I eat what he cooks. I have gotten him to not cook with butter and if he cooks with gravy or sauce I don't eat the sauce. I also do not eat butter, ketchup or mayonaise period. I use mustard a lot. I use my George Forman grill a lot too. Get rid of all of the fattening stuff in the house. I have no will power and can't have the bad stuff around. I do not drink any sodas or juice as both loaded with calories. I have been brewing my own flavored teas for an after dinner treat. Sometime I have one of the individula package of popcorn or a piece of whole wheat toast with a little all fruit spread but try not to snack before bed. I eat very low calories during the day so I can not upset my husband. He is retired so it is nice to come home to dinner. I sit most of the time at work so try to walk at lunchtime.

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I basically had to change my thinking process....that I'm not on a diet, but, a healthy eating way of life.


Never tell my self I can't have something....but, will say maybe I'll have it another day or just limit myself to 2 or 3 bites.


Basically try not to eat processed foods. It is hard at first, but, the more "whole" foods I replaced in my diet...the less I want processed foods.


Made a huge change cooking too...again not easy at first, but, now it has become a way of life. Shop lots at farmers markets and try to eat locally grown.


My weight has come off slowwwwww...but, I guess at least it is going down.


I do try and walk 3-4 miles--4x a week.


Best of luck!

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I've dropped 32lbs since Sept 22. What I've done was cut out all soda. I stick to strictly water or Crystal Light. If you're hungry, eat protein, it keeps you fuller longer. Also, try and have all fruits and carbs 8 hours before bed time, this way the sugar has time to digest and move through your system.


Try Myfitnesspal.com and make sure you're getting enough calories, you body will start to horde if you don't. 1200 is good for a woman, but you might have to boost it a little to make up for exercise. Find your sweet spot.


I started with "The 17 Day diet" its basically taught me how to eat right. I don't follow it 100%, maybe about 85%. But it's helped me make healthy choices, and in the end that's what it's all about.

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I joined WW almost 3 years ago. It took me 11 months to lose 65 pounds and another 11 months to lose the last 15 pounds. I've been at goal for a year.


It helps me to keep WW friendly treats in the house. The only WW food I eat is the Giant Latte bars. I eat a cup of frozen grapes every day and also like frozen bananas (they taste like banana ice cream). I like several flavors of Dannon Light & Fit yogurt; I eat one every day.


Walden Farms makes a zero calorie chocolate sauce that I eat over strawberries.


Laughing Cow cheese wedges on Wasa crackers is a go to breakfast; they're also good on sliced cucumbers for a snack. My other common breakfast is oatmeal; I use twice as much water (and cook it longer) to increase the volume. If I weren't so lazy in the morning, I'd make a veggie egg white omelet--but I do sometimes have that for a weekend lunch.


Veggies dipped in salsa are a good snack.


If we're going out to eat, I try to check out the menu online in advance so I can plan. I often eat some veggies before I go so I don't arrive starving.


I increase the size of portions by adding veggies. A frequent side dish is "clean out the frig" pilaf, made with rice, quinoa, barley, orzo, or couscous and whatever veggies I've got, which always includes onion. With carrots, peapods, bean sprouts, garlic, ginger, and sesame oil, it's Asian. With oregano, zucchini, mushrooms, basil, and tomatoes, it's Italian. With green peppers, tomatoes, mint, oregano, cinnamon, and feta, it's Greek.


I HATE exercise, but I do it for 45 minutes at least 6 days a week.


It's a minute by minute committment, and I have not found it easy--but I'm not on cholesterol medication anymore, my blood sugar has dropped, I ski much easier, and don't need to nap like I used to. It's also a lot more fun to shop for size 8 clothes that it was to be busting out of a size 18--and I don't hate the way I look in pictures.

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Great tips! I'm struggling too. Lost close to 40 pounds back in 2004-2005 but cancer treatments had me gaining 10. I exercise and just do the best I can to lose the rest of my weight--20 more would be great.


Funny how some periods a person can be so strong and fight temptations and other times ....


But, I'm at the gym 5-6 times a week and keep plugging. Enjoy the cruise and make the best choices. I usually end up doing pretty well on cruises; try to walk the decks, start the mornings with the free gym classes, and walk my tail off at the ports.


Good luck and don't beat up on yourself--you're heading in the right direction! Oh, and WW is the best--it works.

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I joined WW at the end of Jan and have lost about 12 lbs so far. I only really want to lose another 5 or so. What helped me was DH did it with me and he lost 20! He has stepped up his role in the kitchen some too! I find tons of recipes online and use the WW recipe builder. We hardly ever eat out anymore which is a big change for us. I hope I lose a few more in the next 3 wks!

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I am doing the WW points system as well. I have noticed that when I stop losing, it's because (#1) I've stopped tracking what I am eating, and (#2), I've started skipping meals. I have to have three meals and two snacks minimum or my metabolism drops like a stone.


One thing that I would advise is that you visit your MD and have bloodwork done. Most Americans are deficient in Vitamin D, you may also want to have your Thyroid tested. Hypothyroidism is another reason people have a hard time losing weight.


This is the cruise critic ww points thread: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1489715

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I am not a fan of Weight Watchers. I lost my weight using Nutrisystem. they taught me a lot about food exchanges (which is what diabetics use) and how to eat on my own for the rest of my life. I have lost 96 pounds and maintained it very successfully for over a year now.


In a nutshell, here is a meal plan for women who have less than 100 pounds to lose. If you eat the foods in the right blocks it's amazing how full and satisfied you'll feel. Many days I found myself asking "do I really have to eat desert? I'm full" and the answer is YES, you must eat everything in order to give your body all of the nutrition it needs to allow it to lose. Undereating when dieting is just as big of a problem as overeating when trying to lose weight.



1 Dairy Serving

1 Protein Serving

1 Fruit Serving

1 Carbohydrate Serving



1 Fat Serving

2 Protein Servings

2 Vegetable Servings (2 Tbsp. Fat Free Dressing, if desired)

1 Carbohydrate Serving


Afternoon Snack

1 Dairy or Protein Serving

1 Fruit Serving



2 Fat Servings

3 Protein Servings

1 Vegetable or Fruit Serving

1 Carbohydrate Serving

2 Vegetable Servings (2 Tbsp. Fat Free Dressing, if desired)



1 Dairy Serving

1 Carbohydrate Serving


dairy/protein=12g carbs, 8g protein, 3g fat, 100 calories

lean protein=55 calories, 3g fat

vegetable=5g carbs, 2g protein, 25 caloires

fruit=15g carbs, 60 calories

carb=15g carbs, 3g protein, trace of fat, 80 calories

fat=45 calories, 5g fat

free food=anything 20 calories or less (you are allowed 3 of these a day)



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I am very fit and active and suggest you start there. Diet is important but IMHO not more than exercise. Get moving first then work in the nutrition.


My winter exercise is usually skiing. This year however the weather did not cooperate. In my desperation for a fun aerobic activity I tried Zumba and I LOVED it. It doesn't even feel like exercise and it burns tons of calories. I use the Wii Zumba but I've also done the regular one and enjoyed it too.

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I am very fit and active and suggest you start there. Diet is important but IMHO not more than exercise. Get moving first then work in the nutrition.


While that may sound like logical advice... since you're a fit and active you don't understand how extra weight and bad food choices make the body actually feel. Until you get your body burning fuel efficiently it can be a challenge to get active on a regular basis and having extra weight on you adds to the difficulty of the challenge since you have more mass to carry while doing it and requires more strength.


Get the food under control first, then add in exercise (if you want to do it). I lost almost 100 pounds without going to the gym or working out.

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I am very fit and active and suggest you start there. Diet is important but IMHO not more than exercise. Get moving first then work in the nutrition.


My winter exercise is usually skiing. This year however the weather did not cooperate. In my desperation for a fun aerobic activity I tried Zumba and I LOVED it. It doesn't even feel like exercise and it burns tons of calories. I use the Wii Zumba but I've also done the regular one and enjoyed it too.


Sorry, I'm going to disagree with you (I'm a Leslie, too, BTW :) )

Anyhow, abs are made in the kitchen. Your diet is 80% of the battle. Exercise IS important, but if one needs to tackle exercise or food first, food is more important. I work out two hours a day 6 days a week (hour of spin, elliptical, or stairmaster and an hour of weights/plyometrics). I sit on an exercise ball at work. I take the stairs. I park as far away as I can. All that means nothing if I'm giving my body junk.


I'm surprised you enjoy Zumba as a fit, active woman. I've tried it several times, but it just isn't that great of a workout for me. I don't break a sweat. I think the problem is too many breaks. I wasn't challenged by P90X for the same reason. That said, many people LOVE Zumba and find it fun (I got stressed out because I didn't feel I was working hard enough). You have to find something you enjoy that you stick with. However, to continue to see changes, you need to mix up your workouts as your body gets used to the current regimen.

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DH and I are having success with the 17 day diet (Dr. Mike Moreno). It is easy to follow and no calories, points, or exchanges to count. You eat liberally of allowed foods (mostly lean proteins. non-starchy vegetables, low sugar fruits). The biggest changes (and in my thinking the most effective for us) is the addition of probiotics (we eat two servings of greek yogurt each day) , limiting carbs and choosing from fruits and high fiber grains, and no carbs at night. WE have definitely changed our eating habits andthe way we approach meal planning. WE have both had recent checkups and our "numbers" (BP, Cholesterol, etc) are WAY better than last year.

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Not just for my upcoming cruise, but for a better longer life.


Trying WW, which I know it works but not following the program, overeating most days, and making the wrong food choices.


I was losing weight, but now it's stop and I've started to gain weight.


Anyone else on here struggling with weight and any ideals for avoiding giving into cravings and overeating,,need tips and tricks to redirect my thoughts from eating.


I agree that certain things work for certain people and you have to do what works for you and your life. Try to go with what you think you can deal with the best and see if it works, if it doesn't switch it up until you find something that does.


I do WW and I recently started cutting carbs too. WW worked for a while and was a steady loss, but I started trailing behind and having bad weeks, so my doctor suggested cutting my carbs back for more results. I started losing more steadily again, though I still have bad days. I track my points in my etools by manually entering them and then I put the carbs for each food and serving in () beside it, then add them up at the end of the day and put them in as a '0' point food and say TOTAL CARBS (???), in the anytime sections to keep up with it.

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