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never EVER leave valuables in your bag!


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regardless if the story is true or not...an ignorant move by the VICTIM, yes.


However, one should not blame the victim of any crime! Yes, common sense should have been used and anything of value should be kept on person...but hey, wouldn't that be everything I have in my luggage?


My shoes are of value. My clothes are of value....some very pricey pieces I have. I cannot lock up everything in my safe.


Sometimes we have to have faith in people to do the right things. Sometimes, they just don't.


No need to tempt them. However, namecalling and insulting the victim of the crime is wrong!


It's like telling a woman who was raped, she shouldn't have worn a short skirt.


Please don't blame the victim. Carelessness on his/her part yes. But we all should be able to have our valuables in our luggage, locked or unlocked, and it be delivered safely to our cabins.


Very sad indeed.

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Everyone here thinks EVERYONE is a troll.. it's nuts! :eek:


If you really think the person is a troll, let the thread die. By everyone responding and saying "it doesn't add up" or "this person is a troll", you are doing exactly what a "troll" wants -- they want to stir up controversy. Let the thread die and the troll doesn't get what he wants.


But, just for a minute, suspend your belief that the poster is a troll for one second.. this person still does not deserved to be called stupid. People deserve the benefit of the doubt.


:???? why do you care>>>??? ...you can give him tea and sympathy if you want, but I think this is a fake post and if it is not fake it is just a stupid post by a person who is yeah..stupid



there are a lot of things that don't "add up" about this story....not to mention the way this person claims they were on other ships but this was their "first cruise"

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The poor guy


I can't help but feel sorry for him sometimes we all have moments of silliness and if someone is adamant that all bags need to be checked and you haven't cruised before what do you do? It's suprising how compliant people can be on holiday/vacation if someone in an official uniform tells them to do something ..


I am always observant when it comes to travel and especially hand luggage we keep our money in our hand luggage and cards and whatnot cameras there just isn't any other way to keep them but we never let them leave our sight even going through security scanners


I'm not gonna get into the whole "did it actually happen" "is he a troll" type debates but I do think it is a terrible thing to happen

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incharge, true excitement always can make ppl forget things, but still overall, why would anyone put it in a carryon bag. i have traveled with a carryone and STILL important stuff is in my bag that I carry myself. not to get checked without me being there


I keep valuables in my carry on. I always keep it with me, it's at my side and you can bet I am watching it like a hawk. If I have to slide it underneath the seat ahead of me on a plane, I make sure the compartment that has valuables is accessible only from my end - not the end that is away from me under the seat.


With the skill of some pickpockets, carrying it on your person is not always foolproof. And I figure it's going to be a lot harder to grab my carry on with the wheels & run off with it than it would be to grab my purse and run.


If this is true, I feel bad for the OP of the original thread on funville. They made a big mistake by letting their carry ons out of their own possession, but as they entered the cruise terminal someone who appeared to be in authority told them they had to do it this way. Maybe they had cruise newbie stamped all over them. Or maybe the whole tale is a crock. The latest post I read on funville is noting the cruise history - in the funville profile they claim 3 other cruises besides the one on the Victory.

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Question: When you arrive at the cruise terminal in puerto Rico, where/when do they take your luggage. I have never been too this terminal so just wondering. Regarding carry on luggage, I would NEVER let that out of my hands/sight, even when going through scanner/xray/security regardless of where I am I always keep an eye on my carry on bag. I'm not worried about my luggage as I never carry anything of value other than my clothes or shoes in my bag.


We have sailed out of San Juan twice. It is very obvious where the porters are located and who they are.I have never seen any of them ask for items like the OP described, but they will take whatever you give them, of course just like at any port a nice tip is probably a good idea.

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regardless if the story is true or not...an ignorant move by the VICTIM, yes.


However, one should not blame the victim of any crime! Yes, common sense should have been used and anything of value should be kept on person...but hey, wouldn't that be everything I have in my luggage?


My shoes are of value. My clothes are of value....some very pricey pieces I have. I cannot lock up everything in my safe.


Sometimes we have to have faith in people to do the right things. Sometimes, they just don't.


No need to tempt them. However, namecalling and insulting the victim of the crime is wrong!


It's like telling a woman who was raped, she shouldn't have worn a short skirt.


Please don't blame the victim. Carelessness on his/her part yes. But we all should be able to have our valuables in our luggage, locked or unlocked, and it be delivered safely to our cabins.


Very sad indeed.


It is his fault because it could have been avoided by using common sense. It's like I used to tell my son when he was little. Don't leave your bike out front because if it gets stolen it's nobodys fault but your own. It's called personal responsibility.

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It is his fault because it could have been avoided by using common sense. It's like I used to tell my son when he was little. Don't leave your bike out front because if it gets stolen it's nobodys fault but your own. It's called personal responsibility.


OMG, I cant believe your morons who continue to blast the OP. And I am amazed that after 5 pages of threads, no one or very few have blasted the criminal/porter and their company for what he did. Was it careless? YES. But to call the OP stupid and even call into question his family tree is outragious. Come on people, Are you so infatuated with Carnival that you cant even bring yourself to see the obvious? A crime occurred. Is Carnival so precious to you that you even defend a CRIMINAL! AMAZING!

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It is his fault because it could have been avoided by using common sense. It's like I used to tell my son when he was little. Don't leave your bike out front because if it gets stolen it's nobodys fault but your own. It's called personal responsibility.


Really? It's not the thief's fault for stealing stuff that doesn't belong to them??

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OMG, I cant believe your morons who continue to blast the OP. And I am amazed that after 5 pages of threads, no one or very few have blasted the criminal/porter and their company for what he did. Was it careless? YES. But to call the OP stupid and even call into question his family tree is outragious. Come on people, Are you so infatuated with Carnival that you cant even bring yourself to see the obvious? A crime occurred. Is Carnival so precious to you that you even defend a CRIMINAL! AMAZING!


Did you just call me a moron?

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stating that a longshoreman deceived them is ridiculous imo. I've yet to have a conversation with one, they look busy and not looking to chit-chat. I hand over luggage/tip and scurry away. If story is true, just an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for not thinking it through as to knowingly checking carryon full of cash:rolleyes:. All the excitement of being newlyweds could contribute to lapse of judgement, but if the poster in question made the mistake of checking all his bags, why not own it?


They collect the cash for your SS card at the terminal, I think.

I was wondering how they got on board without ID and a boarding pass?


they had to have photo ids along with another pile of cash/CC for sign & sail, perhaps the other spouse had them in hand. Always a good idea to have your own id on your person.


Let's say the OP had a travel folder with passport and other documents in their hand, ready to board. In all the confusion, put the wallet in the carry-on, thinking they would be taking it on with them anyway. Fast forward...carrying the bag, gets to that first check point, and was told to check it. All excited, with that travel folder in hand, completely forgot about that wallet in the carry on. It's possible this is what happened. I hate to think they would have intentionally left that wallet in there.


Forgive me, but I always try to find another reason why/how something can happen, without jumping to conclusions. People do things in a moment of excitement they would not ordinarily do. I would love to hear his/her answer for how this came about.


No, I have not had it happen to me. :)


me 'neither but i have had nightmares about making this sort of thing ;)i use a travel folder too on travel days, an accordian style one where I put all photo id's and bulk of cash/CCs. Only a small amount of money/ID is kept in lanyard but both the folder and lanyard go into my day bag that stays with me at all times until i find a safe to stow it.

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You know I like to think people are smart and don't like to say bad things about anyone but really? WHY would you put valuables AND a wallet full of money in a checked bag? I am sorry, but you can't blame the cruise line for that one.


There are dishonest people everywhere and valuables should be kept on your person not a checked bag. Hard lesson learned.

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Question: When you arrive at the cruise terminal in puerto Rico, where/when do they take your luggage. I have never been too this terminal so just wondering. Regarding carry on luggage, I would NEVER let that out of my hands/sight, even when going through scanner/xray/security regardless of where I am I always keep an eye on my carry on bag. I'm not worried about my luggage as I never carry anything of value other than my clothes or shoes in my bag.


The porters take your bags at the SJ Carnival pier before you enter the terminal. You still need all your identification papers and CC or cash before you board.

The pier workers are NOT Carnival employees. They are employees of the pier (probably a union). They have always been friendly and willing to accept my tips. Of the 4 times I've been to SJ PR, they have never asked for my carry on luggage.

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A number of years ago, I was taking my golf clubs out of the back of my car. The next morning I had a phone call from the RCMP, asking my name, did I own a car, and was my car parked in front of the house. Of course I went to look, and sure enough it wasn't there, nor were my keys hanging from my hook.


When I took my golf clubs from the back of the car, I must of left my keys dangling, and forgot to take them out of the lock. I guess at some point, probably kids walking down the street, saw the keys, eyes lit up and away went my car.


My car was recovered about a block or two away. The only person I could blame was myself, I was the one that left my keys in the lock. Should the kids have taken my car, no, but I shouldn't have left the temptation. Mind you, there was a good crack in the windshield from where their head had hit it when they hit a cement post. Personally, I always hoped that they had a good headache :p But I accepted the responsibility that it was me that ultimately caused it to happen, and have always made sure to have my keys with me.

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OMG, I cant believe your morons who continue to blast the OP. And I am amazed that after 5 pages of threads, no one or very few have blasted the criminal/porter and their company for what he did. Was it careless? YES. But to call the OP stupid and even call into question his family tree is outragious. Come on people, Are you so infatuated with Carnival that you cant even bring yourself to see the obvious? A crime occurred. Is Carnival so precious to you that you even defend a CRIMINAL! AMAZING!


Did you just call me a moron?


My point is that the idea that the passenger is at fault is moronic! I read 5 pages of comments lambasting the passenger. Where is the outrage against the dock worker? Where are the comments about dock worker screening and are they doing enough to put honest,hard working people on the docks? Where are the comments about Carnival's responsiblility or the dock worker's union to ensure theft does not occur? Where are the questions as to why the porter is even looking in luggage in the first place? Why dont we call the dock worker stupid or question his upbringing or family tree?


I agree that the passenger made a very poor decision, but lets put the blame where it belongs. With the crook!

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It should just be common sense to not leave money where it can walk off. Dont put electronics in checked luggage, as that has also walked off.



Hmmm..... they told me when I was going through security to put EVERYTHING in my pockets in my carry on, then they ran it through the machine thingy. But......I never left it out of my sight

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My point is that the idea that the passenger is at fault is moronic! I read 5 pages of comments lambasting the passenger. Where is the outrage against the dock worker? Where are the comments about dock worker screening and are they doing enough to put honest,hard working people on the docks? Where are the comments about Carnival's responsiblility or the dock worker's union to ensure theft does not occur? Where are the questions as to why the porter is even looking in luggage in the first place? Why dont we call the dock worker stupid or question his upbringing or family tree?


I agree that the passenger made a very poor decision, but lets put the blame where it belongs. With the crook!


Weird way to get your point across. Who are you going to blame for the theft when there is nobody to blame? No proof, no witnesses, no nothing. His word against hers blah blah blah. No company is going to take responsiblity for theft. Why would they? How could they? Unless they catch someone red handed all they can do is make a report. Or unless the theif comes forward and says yeah I did it. That's why we all need to take responsiblity to protect ourselves, i.e. don't give a bag full of cash to a stranger. If I did that I would be calling myself a moron lol!

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Are bags supposed to be put into rooms on day 1? On my cruise, our 3 rooms for our part of 6, those 7 bags were just sitting out in the hallway.


We have always found them outside our door. If by chance they see me at my door they will bring them inside. The crew members delivering them have no keys to the cabins.

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OMG, I cant believe your morons who continue to blast the OP. And I am amazed that after 5 pages of threads, no one or very few have blasted the criminal/porter and their company for what he did. Was it careless? YES. But to call the OP stupid and even call into question his family tree is outragious. Come on people, Are you so infatuated with Carnival that you cant even bring yourself to see the obvious? A crime occurred. Is Carnival so precious to you that you even defend a CRIMINAL! AMAZING!


I have spent the last couple of days reading about all the negative and mean-spirited posters on the CC Carnival forum. This thread is a perfect example of that observation. Pretty soon, no one will post on this forum if they are either asking for help or making an observation of something that is not perfect in their experience while cruising with Carnival.


If you look at my signature you will see that I am a fan of Carnival Cruise Line. My wife is already Carnival Platinum and we have booked the cruise that will give me that level of brand loyalty. What I am not a fan of is the nucleus of Carnival apologists who use this forum to demean anyone who posts anything short of, "This was the best cruise ... ever."

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now, i remember why i don't read on this forum very much.......anymore. Being uneducated on an activity or just simply stupid (to borrow a well used term here) is not a choice many people make. On the other hand, rude is a choice.



like!!! :)

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My point is that the idea that the passenger is at fault is moronic! I read 5 pages of comments lambasting the passenger. Where is the outrage against the dock worker? ...


While I do feel bad for the passenger and also a vile hatred for whomever was the d-bag who stole their stuff, in the end the responsibility in this particular instance lies with the victim.


Unless you have grown up without any access to news, whether it be print, radio, TV or internet, you really should realize that at no point do you allow anything valuable to be separated from your person. This person allowed this separation and sadly paid the price.


Calling them names, etc doesn't change the fact they made a grievous mistake and paid for it.


Calling others here "morons" who state that is also wrong and that is just not nice :(

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The porters take your bags at the SJ Carnival pier before you enter the terminal. You still need all your identification papers and CC or cash before you board.

The pier workers are NOT Carnival employees. They are employees of the pier (probably a union). They have always been friendly and willing to accept my tips. Of the 4 times I've been to SJ PR, they have never asked for my carry on luggage.


I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. It's really nice when you can help others understand howthingswork at the pier so this type of incident never happens again. They would have to take me along with my carry on luggage, would never let that out of my sight. Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...


just read this on carnival's roll call page. first time this person has even posted.


I do feel bad that they lost their money and had to cancel the rest of their trip after their cruise. but good warning to other first timers out there to NOT do this.


I almost wonder if this is the first time they have ever traveled. I have NEVER left important things in a suitcase/carryon ever. it is always on my person. stupid stupid..


soooo, for all first timers.. do be aware of something like this.


I think there was a post on this in early May.

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