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Ms Understood

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Can anyone explain how this works? I went online to book this. If I am charged the $250 is that for the whole room and I can then invite my friends to join us or is that per couple and everyone else has to book themselves? Also how many can do this? The description says exclusive for "up to 10 guests" but when I clicked to book it it says up to 8. I am confused :o



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Can anyone explain how this works? I went online to book this. If I am charged the $250 is that for the whole room and I can then invite my friends to join us or is that per couple and everyone else has to book themselves? Also how many can do this? The description says exclusive for "up to 10 guests" but when I clicked to book it it says up to 8. I am confused :o




Think of the $250 as a fee to reserve a private party space in a very rarefied section of the ship.


The cost includes private use of the space for the entire evening, as well as food from either Polo or Toscana (both menus are issued). Guests are encouraged to mix and match from either restaurant.


Oceania "suggests" that the party be capped at eight persons, but there are ten of those throne chairs in the room, so there is some flexibility. Our party increased to nine guests when our Cruise Director consented to join us, following the Venice Sail Away.

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So I can pay the fee and the room is then mine for that evening to invite whoever I want and there is no additional cost, is that right? Sorry to be so dense, we are 11 people in my little group but my DH who has a lap band says he wont be upset to skip it so we will have 10 and I guess I got confused about whether I could have 10 or just 8 which does not work for me and if the ship needs to know who else is coming, like my invitees to specialty restuarant reservations etc.



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So I can pay the fee and the room is then mine for that evening to invite whoever I want and there is no additional cost, is that right? Sorry to be so dense, we are 11 people in my little group but my DH who has a lap band says he wont be upset to skip it so we will have 10 and I guess I got confused about whether I could have 10 or just 8 which does not work for me and if the ship needs to know who else is coming, like my invitees to specialty restuarant reservations etc.




We were on board the Marina in March for my birthday. One of the members of our CC group made the reservation, thinking that he could get 4 other couples - 8 more people total in addition to them - to join them. We each gave him $25 per person - $50 per couple - to repay him as he put the whole $250 on his credit card.


If you have 10, you make the reservation in your name for $250 and the room is yours.


We had an absolutely splendid time. The service was incredible...and so was the food.


We are going to reserve it for future trips and am sure we can find others to join us...if not, for $250 you get this wonderful room to yourself....but it is much more fun to share :)

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So I can pay the fee and the room is then mine for that evening to invite whoever I want and there is no additional cost, is that right? Sorry to be so dense, we are 11 people in my little group but my DH who has a lap band says he wont be upset to skip it so we will have 10 and I guess I got confused about whether I could have 10 or just 8 which does not work for me and if the ship needs to know who else is coming, like my invitees to specialty restuarant reservations etc.




There is no additional cost, excepting the wines and/or cocktail service, which is elegant and expansive. In my opinion our Sommelier in Privée was absolute perfection. Our cruise had no sea days, so to save time we had our butler liaison with the Cellar Master, and we arrived "on the night" to find everything chilled and/or decanted beautifully. Additional bottles were on hand at a moments notice, the service really was seamless.


The ship does not need to know your guest list, and you may invite ten, but please realize that you will be asking for an exception, not going by the rule.


We always have our invitations pre-printed, but I got the impression that the ship would have provided that service if I had asked.

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"Guests will be able to enjoy a menu selected from Polo Grill, Toscana or a combination of both. Each guest can select their own menu. Within the sanctum of Privée, dining engages all the senses, leaving you and your guests immensely fulfilled. This dining extravaganza can be reserved for $250 per evening for a party of up to 10 guests."


Thanks J&S. I continue to be confused about the # allowed. This is what the general description of Privee says but when I booked it it said limited to 8. I am going to trust that the ten of us will be allowed to dine once we board.



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Privee has undergone some changes from its introduction on Marina last year. Originally, it was designed for 10 guests and can accommodate that number without problem. When first introduced, it also had a very special menu, and was only available at a cost of $1,000 for the ten guests.


It didn't take long for them to discover that the menu was so very truly special they were losing money at $100 per guest, so rather than raise the price, they reduced the number of guests to 8 and held the price at $1,000. this is the way it was at the end of February, 2011, when we concluded our 34 days aboard Marina in San Francisco.


Apparently, during the ensuing year, they decided that offering the special menu (which did not include the wine) was too much of a drain on staff and other resources, and I imagine there was resistance at the price point, as well. For whatever reason, I think it was under utilized.


So, they underwent another change, reducing the price to $250 for the entire room, regardless of the number of guests, and offering menu choices from either Polo or Toscana, mix or match. Initially there were comments about the fee, since the identical food could be enjoyed in Toscana or Polo (only one at a time, not mix or match) for no additional cost. Concenring that, it should be understood that the use of Privee still occupies the resources of high level staff, and the fee is for the use of the private dining facilities, not the food.


Is it worth it? Having dined in Privee last year at the higher, special menu, rate, and again this year at the new rate, I have to say it is worth every penny, and will be one of the highlights of the cruise for anyone who gets to enjoy it. Whether you organize a group and pony up $25 per person or enjoy the room as someone's guest (thanks, Jim and Stan, and Cenia and Glen), you will have a fabulous and memorable experience.


What's the explanation for the discrepancy in how many guests are permitted? As Jim has said, there are still 10 places at the table, and 10 of the luxurious alligator-skin throne chairs. The confusion has likely arisen because the writers of the web site descriptions were not ware of the permutations of the various options. It was originally 10, then changed to 8, then changed to the lower price and new menu offerings. The web writers remembered it was for 8 and so stated, not realizing that the newest iteration alloowed it to return to 10. One of the minor shortcomings of Oceania is that its website is not always as up to date as one would like. Perhaps the editors of the web site are not as anal as they should be about chasing down minor errors.

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We were also on the March TA, and our CC board had 4 groups, 3 of 10 and 1 of 9. We all met outside of Toscana and paraded through to Privee. I don't normally eat bread and butter, but just had to try the very special and very delicious butter from France. Truly a treat. Marlene

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Privee has undergone some changes from its introduction on Marina last year. Originally, it was designed for 10 guests and can accommodate that number without problem. When first introduced, it also had a very special menu, and was only available at a cost of $1,000 for the ten guests.


It didn't take long for them to discover that the menu was so very truly special they were losing money at $100 per guest, so rather than raise the price, they reduced the number of guests to 8 and held the price at $1,000. this is the way it was at the end of February, 2011, when we concluded our 34 days aboard Marina in San Francisco.


Apparently, during the ensuing year, they decided that offering the special menu (which did not include the wine) was too much of a drain on staff and other resources, and I imagine there was resistance at the price point, as well. For whatever reason, I think it was under utilized.


So, they underwent another change, reducing the price to $250 for the entire room, regardless of the number of guests, and offering menu choices from either Polo or Toscana, mix or match. Initially there were comments about the fee, since the identical food could be enjoyed in Toscana or Polo (only one at a time, not mix or match) for no additional cost. Concenring that, it should be understood that the use of Privee still occupies the resources of high level staff, and the fee is for the use of the private dining facilities, not the food.


Is it worth it? Having dined in Privee last year at the higher, special menu, rate, and again this year at the new rate, I have to say it is worth every penny, and will be one of the highlights of the cruise for anyone who gets to enjoy it. Whether you organize a group and pony up $25 per person or enjoy the room as someone's guest (thanks, Jim and Stan, and Cenia and Glen), you will have a fabulous and memorable experience.


What's the explanation for the discrepancy in how many guests are permitted? As Jim has said, there are still 10 places at the table, and 10 of the luxurious alligator-skin throne chairs. The confusion has likely arisen because the writers of the web site descriptions were not ware of the permutations of the various options. It was originally 10, then changed to 8, then changed to the lower price and new menu offerings. The web writers remembered it was for 8 and so stated, not realizing that the newest iteration alloowed it to return to 10. One of the minor shortcomings of Oceania is that its website is not always as up to date as one would like. Perhaps the editors of the web site are not as anal as they should be about chasing down minor errors.


Don, you and I agree on most things but I cannot see paying for a room to eat in when I love Polo and Toscana..I personally do not like spending money for just a pretty room..IMHO


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Jan, I am with you. And I have been puzzling about the attraction with the new conditions.


My recollection was that originally Privee was a special menu (wines were extra, as opposed to La Reserve where wines are included). But it was a special menu. Why would I want to pay $250 for a small private table when I'm ordering from Polo or Toscana ... when I can order from those restaurants in my suite or just go to the venues themselves?!


(True, not everyone is in a suite. Maybe if I weren't in a suite, then I could see it being worth it.)


No, it doesn't work for me!


I had been trying to figure out if we would have wanted to try Privee under the original conditions -- we might well have wanted to do so if we had a group of friends on a cruise. But I wouldn't do it at all under the current conditions.


Maybe the reason for the change is that no one was going for Privee --or maybe I should say NOT ENOUGH people were going for it, whereas La Reserve is very popular.


But if I want to sample the Polo or Toscana menus, I'll do so in my suite or in the restaurants themselves.



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Jan, I am with you. And I have been puzzling about the attraction with the new conditions.


My recollection was that originally Privee was a special menu (wines were extra, as opposed to La Reserve where wines are included). But it was a special menu. Why would I want to pay $250 for a small private table when I'm ordering from Polo or Toscana ... when I can order from those restaurants in my suite or just go to the venues themselves?!


(True, not everyone is in a suite. Maybe if I weren't in a suite, then I could see it being worth it.)


No, it doesn't work for me!


I had been trying to figure out if we would have wanted to try Privee under the original conditions -- we might well have wanted to do so if we had a group of friends on a cruise. But I wouldn't do it at all under the current conditions.


Maybe the reason for the change is that no one was going for Privee --or maybe I should say NOT ENOUGH people were going for it, whereas La Reserve is very popular.


But if I want to sample the Polo or Toscana menus, I'll do so in my suite or in the restaurants themselves.




Even in the largest Suites, it just isn't practical to entertain more than six people IN the stateroom, and that is where Privée really shines.

6a0120a92e343a970b016303323f46970d-300wi Anyone who has ever hosted a dinner party in a restaurant can tell you that the $250 fee is a pittance for a private room of this caliber, and although I would love to see the more luxurious menu reinstated as an option, the Polo/Tuscana combination is a nice compromise for the time being.

No option on the ship, -from the Spa to the Boutiques, will ever be a perfect fit for all Passengers, but an elegant, well served, private party room adds distinction and a certain level of luxe to the Dining Options on the Oceania Class Ships, and is certainly a draw for the new cruisers that Oceania is hoping that they attract.

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Thank you, Don for that very understandable and comprehensive explanation. My little band of travellers are (is?) not in suites. I found the notion of a private room for just us to be very appealling and worth $250. Plus the room itself looks lovely. Too each his own,


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Thank you, Don for that very understandable and comprehensive explanation. My little band of travellers are (is?) not in suites. I found the notion of a private room for just us to be very appealling and worth $250. Plus the room itself looks lovely. Too each his own,



I did not mean to say that other people should not use Privee ..I was just telling you how I felt about the room myself..Jim at your party in Privee I would have paid almost anything per couple for that fabulous dinner..but as you know I entertain on the ship all the time and do it in Polo and Toscana and even at the Captains table in the GDR which seats 11 guests (when he is not using it) Privee is a beautiful room, no doubt about it..I dont think it has found its use yet..just guessing that I can see yet other changes in the future..


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If for no other reason, the shape of the table, the insulation from the rest of the ship and the accoustics of the room make it perfectly possible to enjoy conversation among all 10 guests, with everyone able to hear, even me who Betsy says is hard of hearing (it's not true; she has acute hearding and mine is normal :cool:;)). I find it impossible to enjoy converstation at any other venue with more than four guests at a table.


Also, while all of the staff is very good, only the best are in Privee. The servicde is superb. I think there must be competition among the crew to serve in Privee.


If you're lucky enough to be sailing East at sunset, the view is fabulous.




Unfortunately, on the second night we were in Privee, with the Captain, the ship was sailing a few points off East -- I tried to get him to turn the ship for a while, to no avail. ;)


Maybe it's because I'm a hick from Okeechobee, but Privee is always a very special experience for me, regardless of the menu. Polo and Toscana are just another restaurant in comparison.

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Even in the largest Suites, it just isn't practical to entertain more than six people IN the stateroom, and that is where Privée really shines.



No argument from me about THAT. When I referred to dining in the suite, I meant just the two of us -- or maybe four. No more than that.


For those people who enjoy the experience in a private room, Privee is worth it. For some of us tight wads, it just isn't!



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Count me in on your side. I may be in the minority but I didn't find Privee to be an especially appealing venue. It looked like a board room to me. I find the ambience much more pleasant in either Polo or Toscana.

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I think it's absolutely great that some don't like the idea of Privee; with a capacity of 10, and over 1200 pople on board, the cruise would have to be 120 days long to accommodate everyone. :cool:

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Oceania will never have to worry about trying to accommodate everyone in Privee.


Lets see, Wripro, you don't like your dining rooms too big and you don't like them too small.......this is sounding suspiciously Goldilocks-like


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We had a wonderful experience in Privee in March. Everything about it was special and we hope to have the opportunity to dine there again on our next cruise on Marina. We felt the extra cost was worth every penny...or cent ;)

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On the contrary, I love small intimate dining rooms. I just don't like Privee. For me it's too white, too reminiscent of a board room and I don't like sitting around a big table with nine others. Especially when it's the same food I can get in Polo or Toscana which are just the right size. If that's Goldilocks I plead guilty.

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