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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Med Review: Serenade, Pics, Surprises & Fun!

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Add me to the list of those having their credit card numbers stolen after using it for online reservations on my Med cruise. I'm not too sure of the connection, as mine was used to buy something in Maryland (I live in Texas) but it happened right after I got home from that trip. :confused:

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I love the "run of shame" - that fits perfectly! Alberto says it happens so much, that's why he now asks before we load up the van and take off!


I know all about the run of shame. In 2010 when we disembarked in Barcelona, we went on a ship's tour to the monastary at Montserrat. I heard them say they would load our luggage on the bus and unload it at Placa de Catalunya after the tour. What I did not realize was we needed to bring the luggage out to the bus. :eek: I even saw the bags on the carousel as we left the building but told Marie "Don't worry, they will bring them out".

The bus is about to leave and Marie is telling me she didn't see our bags so I get off the bus and ask if ours were loaded. The driver of course looks at me like I am nuts and ask did you bring them to me. Realizing my mistake I am now running back inside the building (where my bags are merrily go round and round on the carousel), I'm retriving the bags and walk back to the bus where everyone is staring at me because all the other buses are leaving and we are still sitting there.

Needless to say when it was time to get back on the bus after the monastary visit, we were the first. :o



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I know all about the run of shame. In 2010 when we disembarked in Barcelona, we went on a ship's tour to the monastary at Montserrat. I heard them say they would load our luggage on the bus and unload it at Placa de Catalunya after the tour. What I did not realize was we needed to bring the luggage out to the bus. :eek: I even saw the bags on the carousel as we left the building but told Marie "Don't worry, they will bring them out".

The bus is about to leave and Marie is telling me she didn't see our bags so I get off the bus and ask if ours were loaded. The driver of course looks at me like I am nuts and ask did you bring them to me. Realizing my mistake I am now running back inside the building (where my bags are merrily go round and round on the carousel), I'm retriving the bags and walk back to the bus where everyone is staring at me because all the other buses are leaving and we are still sitting there.

Needless to say when it was time to get back on the bus after the monastary visit, we were the first. :o




Hee hee...not only did you do the "run of shame"...but you were THAT family! Well...we were THAT family in Athens...purely unintentional, of course...but I'll save that story for another day. ;)

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Luckily for us, I had a handy-dandy gelato cheat sheet in the All-Important Binder. (Of course I did.) It translated the Italian word to the flavor it corresponded to in English, so we wouldn’t have any nasty surprises


I have been quietly enjoying your report all day since I found it this morning (yes, also at work!) and been catching up, but now I am finally compelled to post. Where did you find the Gelato cheat sheet? This sounds like something I DEFINITELY will need for our upcoming trip. If you haven't found your perfect 10 gelato by the end of your trip, don't worry - I promise to take up the search when we go in November!


I'm really enjoying reading this - our trip will be a more Eastern one than yours, but your posts on Barcelona have me already looking to plan a return cruise there!

Edited by saffy12
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Actually, The perfect 10 was only about two blocks away from the Pantheon. The name escapes me but on a trip to Rome a few years ago, I was craving "Risi" (rice) gellato and was told that the BEST gelato in all of Roma was this place by the Pantheon. As you walk out the front, turn slightly right and follow the street before you about two blocks. The crowds will be your clue. ..And now I'm hungry! :D


It is Giolitti. We had it while in Rome. We were on the May 29th sailing of Serenade and I had two flavors that I would give a perfect 10. White chocolate chip (it was fabulous with huge chips of white chocolate) and extra dark chocolate. My husband and nephew loved there flavors so much, they went back and got 2 more scoops. Having been to Italy several times to stay and on cruises, this was not my first Gelato so I am not making an unresearch evaluation.

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It wasn't San Crispino, was it? Because that's very close to the Pantheon, as well...now you have me wondering...and hungry, as well! :)


It is Giolitti. We had it while in Rome. We were on the May 29th sailing of Serenade and I had two flavors that I would give a perfect 10. White chocolate chip (it was fabulous with huge chips of white chocolate) and extra dark chocolate. My husband and nephew loved there flavors so much, they went back and got 2 more scoops. Having been to Italy several times to stay and on cruises, this was not my first Gelato so I am not making an unresearched evaluation.

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After reluctantly saying goodbye to The Most Perfect Pizza in Rome, we headed back with Alberto to the van, where our next stop was to be the famous Trevi Fountain.


As we loaded up, Alberto asks, “What is this research project you have? About gelato?”


I explain that since my previous visit to Italy in 2009, I was on a quest for the most delicious gelato in all of Europe. It had to be so perfect, that it ranked a “10” in my self-styled scoring system. To date, I had found some gelato shops that had come close – but hadn’t quite reached the Perfect 10. Sigh. So…research must continue. It was a rough job, but yadda yadda yadda….


Alberto says, “I take you to the best gelato shop in Rome, yes?”


Well. Who would say no? Seriously? “No, Alberto, you CANNOT take us to the best gelato shop in Rome. Why would you even suggest such a thing?!”


So…off we went…the Trevi Fountain could wait (it’s not like it’s going anywhere) while we searched out the best gelato in Rome.


After a relatively short drive, Alberto parks the van and directs us…he said, “Go that way” – as he points down a street…”Turn right at the first intersection – you will see San Crispino – which is the best gelato in Rome. Then – go back down the street for just a few minutes and there will be a surprise. I will wait for you here when you get back.”


Hmmmm….gelato…followed by a surprise?? This sounded intriguing.



Seriously...lose yourselves in the back roads of Europe...they are a delight in themselves....



We made our way down the little narrow street, turned right at the first intersection, and saw the mecca of gelato – San Crispino. Named after a saint, the gelato is purportedly heavenly, and we ducked inside to be met with an impressive array of tins...but with the lids on. Oh. Well. As we can’t seem to see the pretty colors and choose based on that (Oh, come on - admit it. We aren't the ONLY family that chooses gelato based on the pretty colors!) – we were forced to read the little signs in front of each tin.


Luckily for us, I had a handy-dandy gelato cheat sheet in the All-Important Binder. (Of course I did.) It translated the Italian word to the flavor it corresponded to in English, so we wouldn’t have any nasty surprises…thinking we would be savoring some nice vanilla, for instance, but instead getting…licorice. Or something worse. Don't laugh. It happens. I chose a pretty caramel-colored gelato back in 2009, thinking it would be butterscotch. I love butterscotch. Turned out to be cinnamon. I HATE cinnamon. I wasn't going to make the same mistake again. Fool me once, shame on you...etc, etc.



The guy behind the counter seemed almost impatient with us – but it wasn’t like there was a line behind us at this time. We were the only customers in the store. We asked if we could have a taste, and he emphatically said, “NO.” No taste for you!!!! Instead of the Soup Mean Guy (from Jerry Seinfeld - and CC doesn't allow the "real" word there), he was the Gelato Mean Guy.


Uh, okay. We each chose a flavor, and as we walked out, THEN the place got busy.


Interesting, when I came home and read reviews on TripAdvisor about this place, I’m not the only one to notice the rudeness of the staff behind the counter. They need to lighten up a bit. It’s just gelato. It's not like we were asking for a free sample of jewelry. Geesh.


Anyway…back to the gelato. How was it? It was good…but not a 10. Sigh. Nope. I’d rate it in the high 8’s….low 9’s….but not a 10. Research must continue.


While eating our delicious & cool gelato, we ambled on down the street, looking for our surprise. At one point, we pass a little restaurant, and a suave, distinguished Italian man (think George Clooney – but Italian) is standing out front, trying to drum up business for the establishment. He sees me and says, “Hey, pretty lady – why don’t you come over and eat here?”


Laughing, I say, “You’re too late. We’ve already eaten lunch.” Not one to give up, he affects a pout and says, “And you didn’t come HERE? A beautiful lady like you?” And he puts his hand on his heart, indicating how heartbroken he was.


Awww. Gotta’ love the Italian charm. I’d heard about it – it’s legendary, of course – but had yet to experience it. At this point, I was seriously considering moving to Italy, just to have my ego stroked like this every time I walked down an Italian street.


However, I laughed some more – because obviously the guy had been out in the hot sun for too long and desperately needed some water - and we head on further down the street, in search of our surprise, leaving my Italian George Clooney boyfriend behind. Although having an Italian George Clooney boyfriend was certainly enough of a surprise for me...I knew the Klingons - and Hubby - would want something better.


We came to an intersection, turned right…and there it was...



Ta da!!!! Our surprise!!!


The Trevi Fountain….one almost stumbles upon it, as tucked away and hidden like it is…a little hidden oasis in a city of concrete. The dancing and gushing water is refreshing, and just gazing upon it somehow refreshes your soul and spirit.


Being that it was a little hot that day, I wanted to go all La Dolce Vita (if you don't know what that means - sigh - it means you're young...google it) and plunge right in, but figuring that such an act would FOR SURE land me in Italian jail...I reluctantly resisted. But I wanted to.



Of course we all had to take our respective turns of tossing a Euro into the fountain, as it insures a return to Rome (worked for us – we threw our first coin in 2009, and here we are – back again!).





Before we began our adventure, we had the kids watch the 1954 movie, “Three Coins in a Fountain” – so they would understand the significance of the tradition.


And in the interest of fairness...because, contrary to what my kids may think, I do NOT play favorites (and even if I did, I would never tell THEM who my favorite is!), I must post all three of the Klingons throwing their coins in. So they know that I'm playing fair, after all.




"Uh, okay, Mom...not sure why I'm doing this, but I'll placate you..."




Of course, I also downloaded the Academy Award-winning song, “Three Coins in a Fountain,” sung by Dino himself – and played it on my iPhone as we took our turns tossing our coins. The Klingons thought that was rather cheesy, but I thought it was a nice touch, myself. <shrugging>






Barbarians are in ample supply here – no matter what time of day you arrive. You just have to suck it up, Buttercup, and plunge in – figuratively, not literally – by finding a somewhat “empty” spot in front of the fountain to take your photo.





An estimated 3,000 Euro are thrown into the fountain each day, which is used to help the city’s poor.


By the way…there is a small bit of scaffolding in front of the fountain at this time (you can just see it in my first photo – towards the left). Apparently, part of the fountain has been crumbling; some blame the damage on the freak snowfall that hit Rome this past winter…some say the Italian government has not been protecting their famous landmarks. Whatever the case, the fountain is large enough, that no matter the scaffolding, you should still be able to enjoy it.


I know we did.


After we head back to meet up with Alberto (and yes, in case you're wondering, I walked by my Italian George Clooney boyfriend one more time - on purpose - just to have him smile at me...because I'm easy like that) - it was time for further conquering of Rome. We still had much to see...and time was running out....




hi sherri - care to share that gelato list of italian to english? sounds like a handy dandy thing to have! thanks!

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Wow...a lot of us have had credit card issues after trips to Europe...me thinks there is a common denominator there....It's been a bit frustrating, as well as scary, to say the least!


Now that we know where the Perfect 10 is in gelato, I just need to convince Hubby we HAVE to get back to Europe asap - for research purposes, of course!


Attached is a PDF file of my cheat sheet of gelato flavors...I hope it helps you all!

Gelato Flavors.pdf

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It wasn't San Crispino, was it? Because that's very close to the Pantheon, as well...now you have me wondering...and hungry, as well! :)


No, But I found my note. It's Giolitti.

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Add me to the list of those having their credit card numbers stolen after using it for online reservations on my Med cruise. I'm not too sure of the connection, as mine was used to buy something in Maryland (I live in Texas) but it happened right after I got home from that trip. :confused:


I put a deposit down for a private charter in Grand Cayman a few days ago...the very next day I have charges from Australia of all places...they were denied the charges but the thiefs were quite charitable...the only charge that did go through was a "donation" to the Australian red cross for $102 bucks! Filling out the dispute forms today....such a pain...this was my royal Caribbean card and we use it for everything....had to call all the bills we pay with it...a big friggin hassle!


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No, But I found my note. It's Giolitti.


Please forgive this quiet intrusion... but... when you go into the gelato cafe do you have to go to one area and get a ticket that indicates how many scoops you're going to have and then go to the gelato area and tell them the flavors that you want? We had this experience at a gelato cafe close to the Pantheon and I would love to know the name because I didn't take any notes and don't remember!


I have to tell you my gelato story: my DH is a gelato lover and I'm OK with it but I don't have a real sweet tooth (I know... weird, right?...) Anyway, he went up and got a ticket for two scoops and I got a ticket for one scoop. He ordered his gelato... in English... as we all know, most Italians in Rome speak English. I love to try to speak the language of the area that we are traveling in... so I went up and said (I'm translating into English because I can't remember the basic Italian that I learned!... much...) I am having a good time in Rome and I would love to have a scoop of gelato. He smiled at me and asked me for the flavor. I told him. He looked at my cone and told me that one scoop was very lonely and needed company. I said that it was OK. He then proceeded to add another flavor... and another flavor... so I ended up with a 3-scoop gelato cone! My DH was jealous and amazed! I just laughed... it pays to learn the language! I will just always remember this exchange as it warmed my heart so much...


Anyway, if you could tell me whether my description of the layout of the place is similar? Thank you.

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Add me to the list of those having their credit card numbers stolen after using it for online reservations on my Med cruise. I'm not too sure of the connection, as mine was used to buy something in Maryland (I live in Texas) but it happened right after I got home from that trip. :confused:


Wow...I live in Cibolo too! small world!


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I put a deposit down for a private charter in Grand Cayman a few days ago...the very next day I have charges from Australia of all places...they were denied the charges but the thiefs were quite charitable...the only charge that did go through was a "donation" to the Australian red cross for $102 bucks! Filling out the dispute forms today....such a pain...this was my royal Caribbean card and we use it for everything....had to call all the bills we pay with it...a big friggin hassle!



One of the charges that the thieves did on my card was to attempt an $800 wire transfer to....Australia. While talking to the bank, the lady was like, "Are you sure you didn't do this yourself?" and I was like, "I would KNOW if I was wiring $800 to Australia!!! I don't KNOW anyone in Australia!" Not to mention, I've never wired money in my life and wouldn't have a clue as to how to do it.


Well...these stories go to show how careful we need to be when using credit cards. The experts recommend only using one credit card for online purchases - which makes sense. I used more than one and have had more than one card compromised. :(

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Please forgive this quiet intrusion... but... when you go into the gelato cafe do you have to go to one area and get a ticket that indicates how many scoops you're going to have and then go to the gelato area and tell them the flavors that you want? We had this experience at a gelato cafe close to the Pantheon and I would love to know the name because I didn't take any notes and don't remember!


I have to tell you my gelato story: my DH is a gelato lover and I'm OK with it but I don't have a real sweet tooth (I know... weird, right?...) Anyway, he went up and got a ticket for two scoops and I got a ticket for one scoop. He ordered his gelato... in English... as we all know, most Italians in Rome speak English. I love to try to speak the language of the area that we are traveling in... so I went up and said (I'm translating into English because I can't remember the basic Italian that I learned!... much...) I am having a good time in Rome and I would love to have a scoop of gelato. He smiled at me and asked me for the flavor. I told him. He looked at my cone and told me that one scoop was very lonely and needed company. I said that it was OK. He then proceeded to add another flavor... and another flavor... so I ended up with a 3-scoop gelato cone! My DH was jealous and amazed! I just laughed... it pays to learn the language! I will just always remember this exchange as it warmed my heart so much...


Anyway, if you could tell me whether my description of the layout of the place is similar? Thank you.


I need to learn Italian. ;)


I knew some very basic phrases, such as hello, please, thank you, etc. But I obviously need to learn more so that my gelato won't be lonely in the future. ;) Sounds like YOU have an Italian boyfriend...not an Italian George Clooney Boyfriend, but an Italian Gelato Boyfriend. ;)

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Sherri....I will say this first.....this is by far the best RCCL review I've ever read (and I've read a lot of them here)....by a good margin.


Secondly, thanks for sharing this with us.....you have a beautiful family, which coincides with the beautiful author of this review!!!!!!!!!!!



Edited by graphicguy
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Sherri....I will say this first.....this is by far the best RCCL review I've ever read (and I've read a lot of them here)....by a good margin.


Secondly, thanks for sharing this with us.....you have a beautiful family, which coincides with the beautiful author of this review!!!!!!!!!!!




Aw, thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it....! :)

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All this talk of gelato...its called ice cream people.


Oh, ye of little imagination.


Actually...there IS a difference between gelato and ice cream...several differences, in fact...the churning methods, fat content and serving temperatures are all very different. The fat content in gelato is lower, which leads to the flavors being more enhanced.


You can have your ice cream...I'll take gelato. ;)

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Sea Day.


Thank HEAVENS. We’d been going at it, pretty hard, for the last several days, and this first sea day was a welcomed respite…despite the fact that we would lose an hour overnight due to a time change.


Lots of things on the Cruise Compass and agenda today…World’s Sexiest Man Competition, the Captain’s Gala Reception, the Adult Dodgeball Competition, numerous trivia challenges, the Cruise Critic Meet ‘n Mingle, and the highlight – the Cabin Crawl. Whew.


Can I tell you how awesome it was to sleep in a little, and not be awakened by a wake-up call? (I almost typed “alarm clock” until I remembered that RCI ships do NOT have clocks in the cabins…if you need a clock – bring your own. Just an FYI.) And speaking of sleeping, I have slept like a baby since getting onboard…I do have to give RCI kudos on their comfortable beds and bedding. The pillows, the mattress, the sheets, the duvet – they’re all super comfy and cozy and cuddly. (And no, I’m not trying to sell you on their bedding – which IS for sale, btw – but I’m just putting in my 2 cents).


Mickey and I head out to our favorite spot in the Windjammer to indulge in some breakfast…for most of the cruise, it’s a well-kept secret, but we notice that as the cruise continues, more and more people are discovering “our spot.” Where is it, you ask? If you go to the back of the WJ, and go out the doors…keep continuing to the aft of the ship…there are some open-air tables that are just divine. We’ve loved heading out there every morning and running into fellow CC’ers, such as Steve & Amy, as well as Cathy & Ken. It goes to show that CC cruisers are usually the most well-informed and know the secrets of the ships.



A little piece of heaven...away from the barbarians...fresh air...great views....



Our Meet ‘n Mingle is scheduled for 11:00 am in the Vortex Lounge…until then, we just hang out - picking up the cabin, working on trip notes, and working with Daniel, our Concierge, on food & drinks for the scheduled Cabin Crawl. I also have to assemble our Hometown Gift Exchange gift…I’ve put together a gift basket of little trinkets that are significant to Kansas City. Part of me wonders just how many other CC’ers will participate in the Gift Exchange? What if I end up with my own gift, because I’m the only one who brought something?!


At 11:00, we head up to the Vortex for the M&M. Now…prior to the cruise…our Roll Call here on CruiseCritic was EXTREMELY active…we had well over 2,000 posts, and had gotten to know each other pretty well. We’d also had the hugely successful Tapas dinner in Barcelona the night before the cruise, as well as the hugely successful Sailaway Party on the Sky Deck. I figured that at least a few of the CC’ers on our Roll Call would show up…but exactly how many? Hmmm…


I shouldn’t have worried. We walked into the Vortex, and it was already packed. Michelle, the Serenade’s Activities Director, was our emcee, and she commented that this was one of the largest M&M’s she had ever attended. She seemed a bit…shocked. Well. We weren’t shocked; we all knew that we were a friendly bunch who liked to party and get together…! After the usual speech and the raffle (of which I won a camera bag, woo hoo!), Michelle left and turned the party over to us.


The Hometown Gift Exchange was a huge success, as well…over fourteen gifts sat on the table, and it was fun to open them, one by one, as the giver explained to the recipient the significance of the gift. We learned a lot about everyone’s home towns. There were t-shirts, ball caps, mugs, jewelry, Christmas ornaments…but one of the coolest things was a “Challenge Coin” that a retired police woman, Anna, gave to someone. It’s a unique coin carried by the law enforcement officers in her hometown in North Carolina…and if you’re ever at a bar, and someone else throws down the Challenge Coin, you have to throw yours down, as well…the loser buys the other a beer. Cool, huh?



I had distributed a Cruisin’ Schmoozin’ game that I had put together, that encouraged everyone to get up and actually – duh – mingle. It was fun to see everyone get up and talk…if anyone left that party not meeting someone, that was their own darn fault.


And did I bother to take any photos??!! NO! I was too busy meeting and mingling and making sure everyone else was doing the same. (If anyone at our M&M is reading this that DID take photos, let me know…please share! I’d love to see them!)


The party broke up around noon, and it was time to head to the Jammer for some lunch. The ship was full-steam ahead for Athens, Greece, and we were just passing Stromboli, a small island off the north coast of Sicily, containing one of the three active volcanoes in Italy.






Our Cabin Crawl is scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon, so we have time to head up to the Sports Court deck and watch the boys participate in the Adult Dodgeball Contest, which started at 2:00 pm. The participants – of which there were several – were throwing the balls at each other as hard as they could…and I wanted to say, “Guys…chill. You’re just playing for a key chain.”



Brad, Taylor, Tyler and Jim - the CruiseCritic team!



You’d have thought it was an authentic Olympic Gold Medal up for grabs – this was hardcore stuff. Too-Tall Taylor has been a pitcher for as long as we can remember, and he throws a mean fastball with amazing accuracy. He was definitely our offense.





Brainy Brad doesn’t participate in any sports – with the exception of one: dodgeball. He’s loved this game since he was a kid, and because he can’t throw a ball to save his life, he’s learned some great defensive maneuvers.






The boys are teamed up with Jim, and his 21-year old son, Tyler, who are part of Cruise Critic member’s vctn4me#1’s family. (Hi, Joleen!) They make a fantastic team, and knock off the other teams, one by one, until it’s their team and another in the championship game. At some point, it comes down to just Tyler…and although he makes a fantastic defensive drop & roll, that not only earns him a round of applause from the audience, but a nice scab/bruise on his shoulder as a souvenir, he is eventually knocked out of the game.



Tyler...flying solo...


Our guys end up taking 2nd place, of which they receive a silver medal. Not real silver, mind you. Just fakey, Royal Caribbean silver. But we are still very proud of our guys.



The tournament ended at exactly 2:27 pm – which gives us a whole 3 minutes to run to our room, grab our Mardi Gras beads which were required for the Cabin Crawl, and head to the Centrum – our meeting point. Will we make it? And what if no one shows up for it? Will all of my planning have been for naught??!!



Edited by KansCocoa
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Please forgive this quiet intrusion... but... when you go into the gelato cafe do you have to go to one area and get a ticket that indicates how many scoops you're going to have and then go to the gelato area and tell them the flavors that you want? We had this experience at a gelato cafe close to the Pantheon and I would love to know the name because I didn't take any notes and don't remember!


I have to tell you my gelato story: my DH is a gelato lover and I'm OK with it but I don't have a real sweet tooth (I know... weird, right?...) Anyway, he went up and got a ticket for two scoops and I got a ticket for one scoop. He ordered his gelato... in English... as we all know, most Italians in Rome speak English. I love to try to speak the language of the area that we are traveling in... so I went up and said (I'm translating into English because I can't remember the basic Italian that I learned!... much...) I am having a good time in Rome and I would love to have a scoop of gelato. He smiled at me and asked me for the flavor. I told him. He looked at my cone and told me that one scoop was very lonely and needed company. I said that it was OK. He then proceeded to add another flavor... and another flavor... so I ended up with a 3-scoop gelato cone! My DH was jealous and amazed! I just laughed... it pays to learn the language! I will just always remember this exchange as it warmed my heart so much...


Anyway, if you could tell me whether my description of the layout of the place is similar? Thank you.


Yes. That is exactly how Giolitti is set up. You pay up front and get your ticket then go towards the rear and pick your Gelato.

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If you wish to use your Bank of America card (and the cards from many other providers). Go to their website and look for their "one time use" program. It may be called Safe card or SafePay or something similar.


You setup a temporary credit card account through the Banks program that assigns you a temporary credit card number that you can use for online purchases, It does not cost you anything, but you can set the length of time before it expires, and the maximum amount that can be charged against that credit card number. If a thief somehow steals the number they cannot run up your main credit card account. You can use the program as many times as you wish, each time getting a new temporary number if you wish.


Any amounts that are charged to the temporary account are automatically added to your regular credit card account by your Bank.

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