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Middle Aged Drama Queen's Eastern Med Review: Serenade, Pics, Surprises & Fun!

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Wow! I have just read your whole review (up to this point) and I must say that you have inherited your Uncle Gene's story telling abilities!


You are a born writer and I am enjoying this so much!


As someone else said, you are right up there with Radio and Trainman!


Can't wait for your next review. Thanks so much.


Hey, Sherri, I "second that emotion"! . . . and don't forget to add Bionicman to that list of greats !

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Okay, I'm convinced, you really are a Drama Queen!


Seriously, what a great write up, full of drama and humor, and keeps me coming back. I'm looking forward to the next installment! :D


PS. That's a great picture of your family in Athens.

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See...you're NOT the only one who plays relevant music/speeches to make the moment more...poignant...so you can tell Ollie and Bert that you're not crazy... there's a Middle Aged Drama Queen who does the same thing to HER kids! :D

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Good to hear.


And btw, buying jewelry is always an acceptable excuse for being late on a tour. :)


I still felt really, really bad...as you are well aware, we seemed to be developing a pattern that day of being late. :( That drives the OCD in me NUTS!

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Loving your review!:)


You're like my DH, who's in law enforcement--we have his picture in front of police departments and police cruisers wherever we travel.


Ha, ha - thanks! Yes...I have photos of the Red Cross in Belize, Venice, and now Barcelona...I've even got a "Hidden" Red Cross taken at Walt Disney World...I wonder if anyone knows where it is???!!

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Hey, Sherri, I "second that emotion"! . . . and don't forget to add Bionicman to that list of greats !


Now I've got that song stuck in my head...thanks for that! And how could we leave off Bionicman from that list?!


Thank you! :)

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Okay, I'm convinced, you really are a Drama Queen!


Seriously, what a great write up, full of drama and humor, and keeps me coming back. I'm looking forward to the next installment! :D


PS. That's a great picture of your family in Athens.


Thanks, Dorothy...and yes. I accepted my title a long time ago, and I now celebrate it and embrace it. Some things in life are meant to be...I don't go LOOKING for drama...it just seems to find me! :D


And I agree - isn't that photo AWESOME?! It almost looks like we're in front of a studio backdrop of Athens...but we were on a really, really high mountain, overlooking the city....and I'm even wearing my "old lady hat." I managed to not lose it in the winds of the Acropolis! :p

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Great review - love every word and picture! thanks for doing all this work - am looking forward to your Freedom review!


Thanks, Betty!


I've really got to get this Serenade review finished, so I can get going on the Freedom...but with only 2 ports of call, and 7 days of sailing (and no pre- or post-days), it will be a SNAP! Instead of a novel, you'll get a short story. ;)

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Speaking of finishing the Serenade review, I'll try to get Athens finished up tonight...and then we still have:


Day 8 Kusadasi, Turkey (Ephesus)

Day 9 Santorini, Greece

Day 10 Sea Day (will be short & sweet....)

Day 11 Naples, Italy (Pompeii & Amalfi Coast)

Day 12 Sea Day (another short & sweet entry)

Day 13 Disembarkation (What a disaster!!!)

Day 14 Leave Barcelona/Flight Home (another disaster!)


And I'll wrap it all up with some summaries of the ship itself...especially now that I can compare it to the Freedom....so...we're at the half-way point. Imagine that!

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We last left our Grecian Gods and Goddesses returning to the ship at 5:00 pm… plenty of time before the 5:30 All Board and the published 6:00 pm sailaway from Athens…


If you’ve ever sailed in a balcony, then you know that part of what you get for the extra cost is the extra entertainment. What? You don’t know what “extra entertainment” I’m referring to? Sure you do…part of the fun of the balcony is standing on it and watching the “runners” run to the ship when it is approaching the “All Aboard” time. Of course, this only works if your balcony is on the side of the pier…and if you’re lucky enough to be on the pier side, then you’re lucky enough. Grab a drink from Concierge – or a bar – and sit out and watch the show.


So...let me back up a few days, while I have your attention. :) While the ship was docked in Civi…Civate….uh, Rome…we were on the pier side. The All Aboard time had been published as 6:30 pm, for a 7:00 pm sailaway. By 6:35 pm, it was clearly evident that not all passengers were onboard. The gangway was still out, as well as the ever-present hand sanitizer machine…not to mention, there were a half-dozen people (port employees, RCI employees, guys with stripes on their uniforms who looked really, really official) standing by the gangway having a frantic conversation with each other. There was lots of hand-waving going on, as well as lots of phone calls being made on cell phones. It was exciting stuff, let me tell you! Obviously, we were missing some passengers…but how many? And how long would we wait for them?


Normally, at about this point, you’ll hear the announcement on the PA system, asking for “such-and-such guests” to please report to Guest Relations. However, on this day, there ARE no PA announcements. Curious. As we watched, an RCI employee walked out with a HUGE stack of passports, that he proceeds to hand over to the Port Agent. HOLY COW! Just how many people had not made it back???!!!


I’ll answer that.


Thirty-two. Yes. 32 people had not made it back onboard while we were in Civi…Civate…uh, Rome. And so we wait. And we wait. And wait some more. For more than an hour, we wait. And guess what? These people were NOT on a RCI-sponsored ship excursion. No…they were DIY’s…and yet the ship still waited. So, there goes the oft-repeated mantra that ships won't wait for people who didn't take a ship excursion. I KNOW, right?! You're probably thinking that next, I'm going to tell you that the Tooth Fairy isn't real!!! (But don't worry - I would NEVER tell you that. She's very real...right, all you Klingons who are reading my report???!!!)



We heard later that these 32 random strangers had all been on one of the infamous Roman trains (that are oh, so reliable – said with snark), on their way back to the port, when the train broke down. Ooh, surprise, surprise. The ONLY reason the ship waited for more than an hour for them was because of the large number of passengers affected...so, that old saying, “There’s safety in numbers”….was certainly true in this case. If it had just been a small group of 4 or 5…then, "See ya’. Wouldn’t want to be ya’. Catch up with us in Athens."



So…speaking of Athens…we notice that the ship doesn’t sail away at 6:00 pm, as scheduled. We’re waiting…and waiting…and waiting. As we sit on the balcony, we’re speculating as to who we’re waiting for. Surely it can’t be another group of 32?



At exactly 6:30 pm, a single taxi cab comes racing right up to the gangway (which is unusual in itself, that it could get past security)…and out hops a young man. All by himself. He’s dressed in blue jeans, a ballcap, and a t-shirt…and he’s carrying a backpack. He comes onboard…and we immediately sail off.


So…my question to anyone…everyone…WHO WAS THIS GUY????


Speculation was…it was the Captain’s son (hee hee), or perhaps a new entertainer coming onboard…but whomever it was…an entire ship waited for his arrival. He was THAT guy.


And no. I really don't know who this guy was. I never found out - which drove me a little nuts. So...anyone know? Anyone want to hazard a guess?? I'm open to suggestions....


And don't tell me he was the LONE GUY on a RCI-sponsored excursion. :eek:


Anyway…back to the review/travelogue…


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We had another great night tonight in the Dining Room…Pascal is determined to stump Brainy Brad on the puzzles, and he throws at least three riddles at us tonight. By the end of the evening, Pascal announces that the score is 5-2, with us in the lead – but he’s even MORE determined to even the score.



Food porn! The prime rib was okay...not up to Kansas City standards, but...hey...what is?! (when it comes to beef!)



As I’ve said before, some of his puzzles involved toothpicks, which would be set down on our table. If you happened to be dining at the same time, and didn’t know what was going on…it would appear that our family was BORED OUT OF THEIR MINDS….because, there’d we sit…all five of us…staring at the center of the table, with our elbows on the table, chin in our fists, seriously concentrating and not speaking as we all tried to figure out the solution. It was almost laughable. I promise you – we weren’t bored; we were just trying to beat Pascal. And we weren't trying to be rude with our elbows on the table, honestly! We could just...think better...that way. :p



After dinner, we stroll out, and the usual photographers are set up, taking some casual photos. Tonight, you can get your photo taken in front of a Trevi Fountain backdrop. Wait. What? The Trevi Fountain?! Wasn’t that, like, 3 days ago? You would THINK they’d have backdrops of the Acropolis – or something Greek – but nope. Just another instance where I have to shake my head and laugh.



Tonight’s show in the Tropical Theater was the “Magical Mayhem of Neal Austin”…and because it said in the Compass that it was a “comedy magic show you must not miss” – well, then – we weren’t about to miss it. And I’m glad we didn’t miss it. It was hysterically funny…Neal is a British guy who is somewhat like Mr. Bean. (If you go to that website-that-shall-remain-nameless, that has videos, you can see some of his stuff). It was actually the best show we’ve seen all week, and it resulted in a standing ovation from the audience. Yeah, we’re getting pretty desperate at this point – but hey – it WAS funny. (Show times were at 7:15 and 9:15 pm)



In the Centrum, traditional Greek music was being played by a band, “Trio Greco” – who were pretty good…some people were in the spirit, totally doing their best “Zorba the Greek” dancing impressions…which was fun to watch. Opa!



If you weren’t into Greek music, then you could always wander to the Pit Stop and watch the Italy vs Germany soccer (football) game… OR…you could wander up to the nightclub, where it was Michael Jackson night.



We were exhausted…so the only moonwalking we did was straight to bed. Where we found this….something….A rabbit? Huh. Not sure.




A blind rabbit?



Tomorrow: we’ll be in Turkey. I’ve never been to Turkey…I’m not sure what to expect in Turkey…this will be an entirely new experience….how will it go?

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The photo of your family in Athens is gorgeous! Hope you've had it enlarged and framed!


I really need to be taking notes, or at least copying and pasting your hints. I have started bookmarking the tour operators you used. Someday...my ship will come in!

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Hi, Lisa!


With regards to the Black & White night, that was a total surprise for all of us onboard...we'd never seen it/heard of it, either...most passengers were just lucky that our formal clothes fit the theme! We had all packed assuming there would be a white night...for Santorini, as you said. However, no...there was not an official "white" night...but since we had all planned for it, we dressed for it, anyway! I'm not sure if this was all due to the Cruise Director...who seemed to have a mind of his own, if you get my drift....I'd say you'd be fine going in with a white dress - so you fit the theme no matter what they decide to throw at you! (Actually, for 70's night, I just threw on one of my maxi dresses - that had a wild, paisley print - and I fit right in!)


The restaurant...if you're familiar with the square that is right by the Plaka neighborhood...walk through the square like you're facing the Acropolis, and head to the right...it's right down the street...it runs right by the railroad tracks. The actual address is 41-45 Adrianou Street, in the Plaka.


Hope that helps!



Thanks Sherri,


Panic over - we will pack accordingly.


We have taken a note of the restaurant - I have a feeling I know where you mean.


I also down loaded 1 to 17 of the Janet Evanovich books, so here's hoping I enjoy them too.


I am a little apprehensive about reading the rest of your review, hoping that you will not be reporting back any nightmares as my cruise nears and I want a smooth cruise! I am in a lowly GS and with the ship refurb coming up, I hope everything is not looking in need of replacement! :eek:


Lisa :)

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Bwahahahaha....I seriously spit out my Diet Dr. Pepper reading that...you're right. Someone ELSE can navigate; I'll just be your tour guide with all of the fun tips, trivia and useless information that you need to know. ;)


Wow...an Arctic Circle cruise? That would be awesome! But...hopefully, if you choose the Med, I've given you some new & fresh ideas of things to see and do. ;)


I'm glad I made you laugh as you have me since I started reading this review.:)


I loved my trip to Athens a loooonnnng time ago. Things have changed alot since I was there. The first temple at the Acropolis was completely engulfed in scafolding so that you could barely see it, and the Parthenon as almost as bad. Also, they had just started excavating the ruins below the Acropolis.

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Just a thought about the late comes where they jeld the ship. since it was not an RCL tour and they were on a train, how did they notify the ship? Who carries the phone number of the ship? I know when we tour, I wouldn't have the number. And I don't carry my phone when off the ship in another country. Just wondering??


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Just a thought about the late comes where they jeld the ship. since it was not an RCL tour and they were on a train, how did they notify the ship? Who carries the phone number of the ship? I know when we tour, I wouldn't have the number. And I don't carry my phone when off the ship in another country. Just wondering??



That's a great question, Louise!


When you receive your daily Cruise Compass, the port agent's contact telephone number is on the back...in the bottom right-hand corner. It will say, "Ship's Agent" - with a phone number...it also has an 800-number for the ship. It's always a good idea to have that Cruise Compass with you while in port - just in case. If you were to get ill while in port and have to go to the hospital, you'd want some way to contact the ship and/or port agent.


We ALWAYS had a telephone with us while traveling. I purchased a relatively inexpensive international phone - and after the initial purchase of the phone, I don't have a monthly contract; I pay only for every phone call I would make. That phone came in handy, sometimes, as you'll see later in the trip report. I never knew if we were going to need to call a tour company, or to call for emergency services; I just felt more peace-of-mind having it with me. (I also had my iPhone with me, although I didn't use it for phone calls. I used it mainly for music and Rick Steves' audio guides in the port...however, as a last resort, I COULD have used it in a pinch to make a phone call.)


I'm not sure who in the group of 32 called the ship...I DO know there was another cruise ship in Rome that day, that had the same situation...quite a few of their passengers were on that same train. We could see the Port Agent making several phone calls; it appeared they were checking the status of all of the passengers, as the train authorities were trying to get them all on a different train back to the port.

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Thanks Sherri,


Panic over - we will pack accordingly.


We have taken a note of the restaurant - I have a feeling I know where you mean.


I also down loaded 1 to 17 of the Janet Evanovich books, so here's hoping I enjoy them too.


I am a little apprehensive about reading the rest of your review, hoping that you will not be reporting back any nightmares as my cruise nears and I want a smooth cruise! I am in a lowly GS and with the ship refurb coming up, I hope everything is not looking in need of replacement! :eek:


Lisa :)


Oh, Lisa! No - don't worry about any bad surprises coming! As far as the ship itself...sure, it has some nicks and scratches...but doesn't everything? If MY house had over 2,500 visitors each week, it would sure show some wear & tear...but nothing bad, at all! Let me say I found the service on the ship (for the most part) impeccable...we enjoyed our wait staff and our cabin attendant very much. (It was actually Guest Services that I had a small problem with - as you'll read about later - but nothing major...honestly!) The Serenade is a lovely ship, and your suite will be lovely! If you go to Concierge, tell Daniel that Sherri said hello (remind him I'm the one who was allergic to wine...who stayed in the Royal Suite! But don't tell him I called his non-alcoholic wine "grape juice" - he'd kill me. ;))


So...enjoy! You're going to have an AMAZING time! Especially if you learn from my mistakes, and take my tips to heart! And have an open mind and a good attitude. ;)

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Loving the review Sherri! I am convincing my husband to take me and the 2 klingons on this trip next year.


Bring on the rest of the review.:)


Good luck! Tell him it can be your birthday, Christmas & anniversary present combined - all wrapped up in one neat package with a giant bow! :)

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The photo of your family in Athens is gorgeous! Hope you've had it enlarged and framed!


I really need to be taking notes, or at least copying and pasting your hints. I have started bookmarking the tour operators you used. Someday...my ship will come in!


Thanks, Joan...even with my old lady hat??!! The Klingons gave me SUCH grief over that hat - but it was a godsend in the brutal Mediterranean sun!

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Hi Sherri the review continues entertaining me (to the point I probably spent a lot on international roaming while seating & reading it at an airport):eek::rolleyes:

Anyways, the only thing that comes to my head about the late guy in Athens is being an important crew member? I mean...let's say my dad enjoys the casino a little too much :p and based on chats w all the friends he has made (who work at ships' casinos) it seems to be one of the best jobs onboard...they are usually young and have port days free, obviously they need them onboard to make some more $$$ off the barbarian cruisers at night so there you go :D

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