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Why We Left NCL?


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What about the smokers who have paid just as much for their cruise? They have to scurry off to some small corner of the ship in shame and huddle up in the Leper's corner?


Uhm, the non-smokers aren't the ones creating the smoke. Like I tell my kids, "you make the mess, you clean the mess."

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Coffeebean the way I read your last post was that you did not like the way you were treated. ...

Oh, now I get it. I do want to move all the smokers to a small section of an outdoor upper deck. That is exactly what happens on land and that is exactly what I experienced as a smoker.


As for the way I was treated...I was speaking of smokers in general, not just myself. The clean indoor air act was being implemented and I was so tired of having to take my bad habit outside and away from where I was at the time. It became a real hastle for me and I did not like having to go somewhere else to smoke. Seemed I was never in a place that allowed smoking. I put up the white flag and made the decision to quit the habit. I'm so thankful not to have that addiction taking over my every thought of every waking moment.

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wow!! great point. i never thought of that. i don't smoke, but then maybe aft is the way to go for no smokers!!!

My husband and I love the aft facing balconies. I certainly wouldn't want to be smoked out by, having smokers above, below and on each side of us. Cruising in our favorite aft facing balcony cabins would a thing of the past.

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Hmmmm - Good Question. On the flip side, I wonder about the overall cost to Insure a Ship (and) if the cost decreases as smoking areas are further restricted, i.e. No In-Room smoking, No Balcony smoking, etc.


Since when has an insurance company ever reduced a premium?


Some people accuse NCL of nickel and dimeing - insurance companies have a masters degree in extracting money (and for nothing of real value - at least you get something from the cruise line - a hangover, a half-filled bingo card, indigestion etc.:rolleyes:.)

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What about the smokers who have paid just as much for their cruise? They have to scurry off to some small corner of the ship in shame and huddle up in the Leper's corner?

In answer to your question...yes. I had to do that all the time on land when I smoked. My cigarette smoke polluted the air and I understood that. I did what I had to do to enjoy that cigarette... go off in a corner, away from all the non smokers. Why can't smokers do that on a ship?

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I wonder if NCL went smoke free what the increase in cost per passenger rate would be if NCL had to compensate for the losses in the casino, bars, specialty restaurants, shore excursions, etc...

It may be possible that more non smokers would find their way to NCL take the place of the smokers who left. Maybe their bottom line would not take as much of a hit as you imagine.

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Hmmmm - Good Question. On the flip side, I wonder about the overall cost to Insure a Ship (and) if the cost decreases as smoking areas are further restricted, i.e. No In-Room smoking, No Balcony smoking, etc.

That is a very good point. Sort of like life insurance premiums are less for non smokers.

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It amazes me that the US have such liberal smoking laws. We have work safe laws in place here and smoky places are deemd unhealthy. I thought smoking on balconies would also be a safety issue as fire is the greatest risk/hazard at sea. It only needs a few careless passengers to throw buts over-land on another balcony etc. That is another reason that many cruiselines ban smoking on balconies as it is a safety issue. Maybe the cruise lines need the booths used in China/Europe -where the smoker sits inside the booth and the smoke is contained therefor not effecting others.

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It amazes me that the US have such liberal smoking laws. We have work safe laws in place here and smoky places are deemd unhealthy. I thought smoking on balconies would also be a safety issue as fire is the greatest risk/hazard at sea. It only needs a few careless passengers to throw buts over-land on another balcony etc. That is another reason that many cruiselines ban smoking on balconies as it is a safety issue. Maybe the cruise lines need the booths used in China/Europe -where the smoker sits inside the booth and the smoke is contained therefor not effecting others.


Well #1 this has nothing to do with U.S. NCL is flagged in the Bahamas, head office is in U.S. and ship sails in international waters with workers from all over the world (except for the POA).


#2 There are much bigger fire hazards on a ship than just the possibilty of a smoker throwing a butt overboard. Actually anything thrown overboard can get sucked into (whatever they are called) on the side of the ship and cause a fire. 99.9% of all ship fires are started in the engine room. And IMO I would be more worried by all the electrical appliances brought on board such as extension cords, power bars, hairdryers, hair straighteners, curling irons etc.

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If you don't want to annoy other cruisers with 2nd hand smoke, then that's a good way to do it. If you don't care if other cruisers (who pay just as much) are offended from the by-products of your habit/addiction, then just book a balcony on NCL and puff away.


Here's what I don't get. There are so many annoying things to choose from, why is it that smoking is the annoyance that creates such vehemence?


I am more annoyed by the people who keep me up all night long in the next cabin with their loud music, screeching voices or babies crying. This goes on FOR HOURS and yet no one is passionate about that. Nope, we have page after page after page about smelling something for 2 minutes.


I am annoyed by children screeching and knocking into people and being rude to adults while their parents are ignoring their behavior. No threads about that.


I am annoyed by teenagers running up and down the hallways late at night and slamming doors and shouting and waking up those of us who are trying to sleep. No threads about that.


I am disgusted by drunks slobbering all over the place. No long threads about that.


There are chair hogs, line cutters, people who touch the buffet food with their hands and untold annoying behaviors by others on cruises. Why is it that the only topic that creates such division is smoking?


I will enjoy a smoke with my morning coffee, with my after dinner cocktail and before I go to bed on my balcony on my next cruise. I think it is highly unlikely I will choke anyone in my facinity during those 5 minute interludes.


Boggles my mind.

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What boggles my mind is the same smoking thread that goes to 15 pages and the new ones that appear every few weeks and on and and on. It's like that movie "Groundhog Day".


Of course, I'll be back in two weeks on the next smoking thread where nothing is solved to comment on another Dead Horse thread.


p.s. I'm just joking on a slow day at work. Actually, it's not that slow. I just don't feel like working. I think I'll go hang around outside in the rain with the smokers. :D

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Here's what I don't get. There are so many annoying things to choose from, why is it that smoking is the annoyance that creates such vehemence?


I am more annoyed by the people who keep me up all night long in the next cabin with their loud music, screeching voices or babies crying. This goes on FOR HOURS and yet no one is passionate about that. Nope, we have page after page after page about smelling something for 2 minutes.


I am annoyed by children screeching and knocking into people and being rude to adults while their parents are ignoring their behavior. No threads about that.


I am annoyed by teenagers running up and down the hallways late at night and slamming doors and shouting and waking up those of us who are trying to sleep. No threads about that.


I am disgusted by drunks slobbering all over the place. No long threads about that.


There are chair hogs, line cutters, people who touch the buffet food with their hands and untold annoying behaviors by others on cruises. Why is it that the only topic that creates such division is smoking?


I will enjoy a smoke with my morning coffee, with my after dinner cocktail and before I go to bed on my balcony on my next cruise. I think it is highly unlikely I will choke anyone in my facinity during those 5 minute interludes.


Boggles my mind.


Well thats quite easy. Most of the really strong replies come from those who used to smoke and have now quit and entered apparent saint hood. Forget the fact they never gave a flying hoot about how their smoking affected anyone back when they did smoke. But for some reason now know the "error of their ways". They also have claimed that they did not like to be treated like that, but now feel quite justified to treat others the way they didn't like. And for anyone who will now say that it is now known all the apparent unhealthiness, and annoying issues of smoking. I have smoked for over 41 years and these things were being known way back when I started. The only difference between now and then is that we didn't feel the need to treat smokers as if they were from some other planet and have the social acceptance of name calling, bashing or being down right rude to them. We got along and found ways to live with each other.

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What boggles my mind is the same smoking thread that goes to 15 pages and the new ones that appear every few weeks and on and and on. It's like that movie "Groundhog Day".


Of course, I'll be back in two weeks on the next smoking thread where nothing is solved to comment on another Dead Horse thread.


p.s. I'm just joking on a slow day at work. Actually, it's not that slow. I just don't feel like working. I think I'll go hang around outside in the rain with the smokers. :D


yup kinda like an instant replay:( sooooooooo please tune in next week, for another episode, Ha Ha

sorry bout the rain :p

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Here's what I don't get. There are so many annoying things to choose from, why is it that smoking is the annoyance that creates such vehemence?


people who keep me up all night long in the next cabin with their loud music, screeching voices or babies crying.....children screeching and knocking into people and being rude to adults while their parents are ignoring their behavior....teenagers running up and down the hallways late at night and slamming doors and shouting....drunks slobbering all over the place....chair hogs, line cutters, people who touch the buffet food with their hands


I will enjoy a smoke with my morning coffee, with my after dinner cocktail and before I go to bed on my balcony on my next cruise. I think it is highly unlikely I will choke anyone in my facinity during those 5 minute interludes.


Boggles my mind.




You are obviously annoyed by all the things that you listed above. How would you feel if those people told you "too bad, learn to live with it"? Non-smokers can be very annoyed by 2nd hand smoke. That's just a fact of life. You say that you "enjoy a smoke", but there are so many other things in life to enjoy. Why "choose" something that annoys other people? That, in and of itself is a huge reason to not smoke. Let alone the health issues.


Maybe the next cabin has a child with athsma and they are affected by the smoke? If on your balcony, only three cigarettes get smoked each day, as you say, then that's not so bad. But most smokers need more than three cigarettes. Some people report that they can't use their balcony at all because they get smoked out.


BTW, I would also be annoyed by all the inconsiderate things that you listed above. Just like everybody else.

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Well thats quite easy. Most of the really strong replies come from those who used to smoke and have now quit and entered apparent saint hood.


Much of your post is very true in my case. When I was a smoker, when I would ride in a friends car, I wouldn't ask "do you mind if I smoke?", I would say "where is your ashtray?"


Yes, I was very wrong and very stupid. That was when I was 18 years old in the 70's. I had a lot to learn back then, and yes, things were very different regarding tolerance for smoking. At least 1/2 of my friends smoked. The number of smokers has dramatically decreased since then, especially in Northern California.


I don't think I have entered sainthood, but I have seen this issue from both sides. I'm very happy on the smoke free side and I will never go back. I have zero desire to "enjoy" an occasional smoke. I try not to be rude to smokers, but if they are letting their smoke blow in my face, I feel like they are being rude to me. Many smokers try to be mindful of their effect on others, and if they can do that successfully, then what they do is their business. But many smokers could care less.


One time I was in a taxi and the driver had a sign that said "Thank you for not breathing while I smoke". He didn't get a tip.

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I haven't smoked in about 10 years. I can only take so much smoke in interior environments, like the casino. However, I cannot remember ever being bothered by smoke outside. With all the wind on the balconies, can it really be that bad? Maybe, even as an ex-smoker, I'm just not that sensitive to it. We will have a smoker joining us next month on our cruise, so I guess I'll find out first-hand.

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I choose to cruise NCL because they allow smoking on balconies. If and when they eliminate that, I will choose another line to spend my money. If all lines eliminate balcony smoking, I will stop cruising. EASY!


I don't smoke but DH does. He feels the same way. He's the one who likes to cruise, I could care less. The big difference is that non smokers cruise and complain, but still cruise. Smokers won't cruise.

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I don't smoke but DH does. He feels the same way. He's the one who likes to cruise, I could care less. The big difference is that non smokers cruise and complain, but still cruise. Smokers won't cruise.


The second hand smoke might be making you dizzy. I think you meant, couldn't care less.

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Most of the really strong replies come from those who used to smoke and have now quit and entered apparent saint hood.


One more point about why ex-smokers have strong opinions about this issue. Lets look at people who know this issue from both sides:


If you talk to a group of ex-smokers, 100% of them will tell you that quitting was the best decision they ever made, they have absolutely no regrets that they quit. They are 100% sure that it was the right decision.


But if you talk to a group of people who started smoking later in life (if you can find any). "Nobody" will talk about how it is a great, fulfilling activity that has done nothing but enrich their life. Money well spent. They can't imagine why they didn't start smoking sooner. Why doesn't everybody smoke? I can't wait until my children are old enough to get started.


If this isn't a good indicator of how people feel about smoking, or the merits of smoking, then I don't know what is.

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One more point about why ex-smokers have strong opinions about this issue. Lets look at people who know this issue from both sides:


If you talk to a group of ex-smokers, 100% of them will tell you that quitting was the best decision they ever made, they have absolutely no regrets that they quit. They are 100% sure that it was the right decision.


But if you talk to a group of people who started smoking later in life (if you can find any). "Nobody" will talk about how it is a great, fulfilling activity that has done nothing but enrich their life. Money well spent. They can't imagine why they didn't start smoking sooner. Why doesn't everybody smoke? I can't wait until my children are old enough to get started.


If this isn't a good indicator of how people feel about smoking, or the merits of smoking, then I don't know what is.


It's pretty obvious no real research was done on this subject highlighted in red above because very few things in this life are 100% anything. I quit 1.5 years ago. I have made many better decisions than to quit smoking.....I feel sorry for you if that is truly the BEST decision you have ever made. I'm not saying it wasn't a good decision but it was far from my best decision!:rolleyes:

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It's pretty obvious no real research was done on this subject highlighted in red above because very few things in this life are 100% anything. I quit 1.5 years ago. I have made many better decisions than to quit smoking.....I feel sorry for you if that is truly the BEST decision you have ever made. I'm not saying it wasn't a good decision but it was far from my best decision!:rolleyes:


First of all, congratulations that you quit smoking.


Please don't get hung up about the wording. Would you be happy if I had said the "vast majority" of people have "almost no" regrets and are "99% sure" that that they made the right decision when they quit smoking? Would you not agree that there are many, many, many more people who are happy that the quit vs. the people who are happy that they started?


I've made many decisions in my life, but quitting smoking is certainly towards the top of the list. It was certainly a no brainer. Who knows, maybe I wouldn't be alive right now if I didn't make that decision. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be married to my wife because she would have never married a smoker. There's no need to feel sorry for me, I'm doing fine.

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