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Viking Odin Romantic Danube River Cruise ---- horrible service


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Thinking of a Viking Cruise....consider the letter I just sent to Viking this morning and which is still unaddressed:


Dear Ms. Maldonado,

Pursuant to instructions on our Viking ticket/contract with respect to being 100% satisfied (page 23, paragraph 3), we expressed in writing (within the 24 hour window) to our program director yesterday morning that we were not satisfied with the service. This was again brought to the attention of the Hotel Manager, in person, upon arriving on the Viking Odin yesterday. Both the program director and the hotel manager stated that they have no authority in this area and that a person of authority, as it pertains to your service contract, was unreachable – nor could they state more specifically when someone could be reachable. We were told that there were time differences affecting this and/or perhaps someone later in the week would address the matter.

Our dissatisfaction has had nothing to do with water levels but with the lack of quality of care and communication from the onset.

1. Your message was presumptuous and rude suggesting/offering a $250 “goodwill” credit of a FUTURE cruise. Any attempt to resolve this with you were treated dismissively.. And it has come to our attention from all of the passengers on the ship that we have communicated with that they feel the same. We have travelled extensively with ocean cruise lines and when unforeseen circumstances were experienced, they have immediately credited us to our shipboard account and they have been generous beyond expectations.

2. Upon arriving at the NH city hotel, it was absolute chaos.. As we waited in an endless line for a room key, we were eventually given a room with separate beds (great way to start our anniversary) overlooking a roof of weeds. Moreover, there was no wi fi, and each separate bed was unmade with a folded duvet placed over a covered mattress sheet in a Spartan outdated hotel room with a little old fashioned TV. We were told that there were no rooms available with a king bed. Moreover, as we waited in the reception for our room, there were no refreshments, cool hand cloths, letters of instructions or direction – which was disorienting and uncomfortable when jet-lagged and toting luggage.

3. The staff we eventually were able to speak with were completely overwhelmed with the situation and repeatedly apologized for low water levels while the Viking customers were more concerned with interim accommodation and having some sense of direction. Most of us were communicating that with the amount of money we have spent for a cruise, the interim accommodation and conditions were horrible and we wanted at least 3 days of credit. We were told by Viking staff that they could not make any decisions and that no one was available that could. When we asked when and where we could speak with someone in authority, no one really knew, again citing time differences, “perhaps later in the week in Austria”, or maybe the hotel manager could help us (which we discovered could not). When I approached the captain he could not converse in English, so even he was not someone we could address our concerns with.

4. The first evening at the hotel, they herded us like cattle into one room and began the apology for water levels again. Again, no one in the interim was upset about water levels but rather the quality of our conditions and having some sense of direction; and, that no one from Viking in authority was present or communicable with.

5. The program director informed us that night that we must have our bags outside our door by 7am (a very early hour when one is exhausted and jet lagged) and that we must be ready to get on a bus by 8am -8:30am and that we would be on that bus (off and on) until 5pm. They were going to bus us around Nuremberg, take us for lunch, and then for a bus ride to the ship. I asked if we could go to the ship first to get settled and the reply was no. I asked if we could keep our hotel room so that we may lock our valuables and not have to bus-ride around with personal belongings, but I was told no and to just leave them on the bus - but when I asked if they would be responsible for our personal belongings, the answer was no. So I asked if we could skip the tour and stay in the hotel until later in the day and then go direct to the ship, but I was again told no and that I must go on the tour or be left behind. Ugh!

6. After a sleepless night we got onto the steaming hot bus with little room to place our personal effects. Viking guests on our bus were dripping sweat out of the heat, anger and exhaustion. The fellow across from me was gasping for air as he reached for his puffer. The bus driver could not turn the air on because we were sitting idle. As we began our bus ride, the air conditioning still did not work.

7. We reached some stops. We and other guests got out carrying all of our carry-on luggage as we went up and down cobblestone streets eventually ending up in a restaurant in the old town of Nuremberg. The restaurant was not air conditioned and the staff were overwhelmed as they just learned the day before that we were coming – they didn’t know earlier! After a one-hour wait we were served consommé with a few noodles floating in it and then 6 greasy and tiny breakfast sausages with cabbage. We started to chat with the restaurant manager as he shared with us his frustration that it was difficult to serve a large group on such little notice. He was sweet and asked if he could make me a cappuccino.

8. As we were about to leave our table, my husband sympathized with one of the Viking staff whom were bombarded with the resentment, anger, frustration and confusion of all these guests – she broke completely down and cried. It saddened me deeply to see this young lady in distress.

9. Eventually we got back onto our steaming hot bus ride to the ship. We were told it was about 1.5 – 2 hours, depending upon traffic. There was no traffic whatsoever and we arrived in 2.5 hours.

10. Upon arriving at the ship, the pleasant part of this note is that the staff were friendly, charming and helpful. The condition and circumstances of the ship were lovely and as were advertised. However, we are on the 3rd day of our supposed cruise, we haven’t moved an inch on the water, and we are not where we are scheduled to be…..and this element is acceptable as water conditions warrant it.

So there you have it for our romantic Danube River cruise which we paid you $6500U.S. for. We want to be refunded with 3/8 of our ticket price as it is outlined that we may receive it on page 23, paragraph 3 of our service guarantee. With respect to this clause and guarantee of your contract, it has been breached already by Viking by a) not already providing our refund; and, b)no one in authority has been in touch with us within the 24 hour time-frame outlined in your stipulation.

I expect you to respond punctually to this email communication and that you refund me as outlined above without further aggravation

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Interesting, what someone can complain about...


Viking has already answered you in the other thread.


The NH City hotel is regarded as a 4 star hotel (and the most modern in Nuremberg). What you may regard as spartan is usually called modern design. What you call a roof of weeds is regared as ecological roof covering (here in Germany). I´m not sure what you mean with "bed was unmade with a folded duvet placed over a covered mattress sheet" but here´s a photo of the hotel rooms




You can see a folded duvet and yes, there is a sheet around the matress. But that´s they way we´re having our beds here in Germany.


Regarding your lunch.... those 6 "breakfast" sausages with cabbage are local food, the Nürnberger Bratwurst - which Nuremberg is famous for.


And as you´ve stated yourself: There was only a short notice for the restaurant and also for the hotel. It sounds like both, the hotel and the restaurant made the best out of it. BTW it is really hard to find a hotel on short time notice for app. 100 passengers and accomate them all according their wishes. Hey, it was only one night and you had a clean room!!


Sure it´s unconvenient that the air condition didn´t work right away in the bus. I had this recently too on a bus transfer to a ship with a luxury cruise company and noone complained. And they might have told you that the bus won´t return to the hotel but go on the city tour then lunch and then to the ship. Wow do you think they are able to go back to the hotel to let you pick up your belongings? Sure there´s no liability taken by the bus driver for belongings left in the bus. But I´ve never heard about an empty bus being robbed while the driver is waiting for the passengers (at least not here in Germany).


Sure maybe communication wasn´t perfect. Sure you´ve been exhausted after the flight (but believe me the jetlag going to the US is harder than the one going to Europe). Sure it has been a rough start. And maybe the offered compensation is not satisfying. But 3/8 of your ticket price because of one "spoiled" day or let´s say a day that didn´t go as expected? I totally agree with you that there should be a little more compensation.


But of course this is a company decision and the representants onboard can´t decide anything (most of them aren´t even employees of the river cruise company but hired by a third company which is pretty common on the rivers). So be patient, relax and enjoy the rest of your trip!!


I´ve been through this before. The worst I´ve had was a 23 hour cruise out of Passau to Vienna and the we got stuck due to high water. We were bussed to Bratislava one day and to Budapest another day (including a hotel stay in a 5 star hotel, but it was a cruise company ranking way higher than Viking). And yes, neither the breakfast, lunch nor dinner were as good as it used to be on the ship. But the cruise company made the best out of the situation and the poor CD (who was on his first trip ever) didn´t get any sleep throughout the whole week. On the last day we opted not to be bussed to Melk but stay in Vienna and do some more sightseeing there. We´ve been bussed back to Passau. Yes, we did get a compensation and it was either 25% refund or 50% discount on a future cruise. On another cruise I got stuck in Paducah, KY, for three nights due to high water but everyone was having fun!



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Interesting complaint re beds

In Europe most beds have just the duvet & some are folded at the end of the bed some are laid flat ..that is just how it is

I am sure all the cruise lines are scrambling to find rooms for their guests on short notice...you never know months in advance that the river levels will be a problem


You may as well just head for home because I doubt you will enjoy the rest of your trip

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I have been lurking on this site for many months now, researching, not only which river cruise I would prefer, but what to expect. I think what happened to the poster could happen on any river cruise with any company. By the time I get to my cruise, I am hoping I am ready for anything :D


It pays to research any vacations, by land, escorted or not, cruiseship or rivercruise. Also any cities you will be visiting, to get the most out of your vacation.


I think that the name `Cruise Critic`gives the impression it is a site for complaints, not a site to share experiences. I have noticed several times that a brand new poster has complaints, when it would have been easier to join and learn before the cruise what may happen.



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I agree with all the posters. If you can't 'go with the flow' then just stay home. I have never travelled with Viking but they sure are getting bashed on these boards of late. Neither they or anyone else can do anything about the water levels but they have done an admiral job getting their passengers accomodated for the night in decent hotels. Yes, river cruising is very expensive, much more so than ocean cruising and there are way more opportunities for something to go wrong, i.e. the water levels. But if you have done your homework, you would know what risks there are and what one might expect should a river get too low or high to travel on. Sorry Paul88, no sympathy here.

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I have been lurking on this site for many months now, researching, not only which river cruise I would prefer, but what to expect. I think what happened to the poster could happen on any river cruise with any company. By the time I get to my cruise, I am hoping I am ready for anything :D


It pays to research any vacations, by land, escorted or not, cruiseship or rivercruise. Also any cities you will be visiting, to get the most out of your vacation.


I think that the name `Cruise Critic`gives the impression it is a site for complaints, not a site to share experiences. I have noticed several times that a brand new poster has complaints, when it would have been easier to join and learn before the cruise what may happen.




Now that's the spirit Burlington Cruiser!:)

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SOme folk are better off staying home. IF you can't enjoy or tolerate another cultures food or beds, then stay home.


Couldnt agree me. Strikes me that the OP had decided waaaaay before the cruise even started that he wasn't happy. No wonder the poor Viking girl cried if all the passengers were as antsy as he was.


Loved the bed complaint, just goes to show how a little ignorance goes a long, long way!!

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We have travelled extensively with ocean cruise lines and when unforeseen circumstances were experienced, they have immediately credited us to our shipboard account and they have been generous beyond expectations.


Seems as if it is a common occurrence to complain and get compensated.


Just wonder who identifies what "unforeseen experiences" qualify for a credit to a shipboard account...



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I know that if my river cruise turned into a bus tour, I would very much appreciate the option to not participate and get a full refund. We would be much happier on our own at that point, traveling by train and choosing our own accommodations and destinations.


I do not know if Viking offered that option but I would have been content with that much more so than being taken around by bus and spending long hours traveling to make sure I saw the destinations on the planned itinerary.


One must always roll with the punches in travel and many other things in life but it would be a plus to be able to make lemons into lemonade if that option were available.


The one aspect of the OPs complaint that was truly disappointing IMO was that there was seemingly no one from Viking empowered to give real answers and assist guests. I find that surprising.

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Some folk are better off staying home. IF you can't enjoy or tolerate another cultures food or beds, then stay home.

Amen!!!!This reminds me of my sister looking for a Burger King in Amsterdam, while my wife and I enjoyed a dish of the "new herring"

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Amen!!!!This reminds me of my sister looking for a Burger King in Amsterdam, while my wife and I enjoyed a dish of the "new herring"


I will never understand that either. I read posts looking for info on where the poster can find a McDonalds or chicken wings when they are in Europe and I have to shake my head. Why travel if you are not interested in experiencing what the area has to offer.

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If I look out of my room window now I am looking into a from of the Viking Odin..along with 4 other ships we are berthe in Passau..unable to move up river due to low war levels plus an accident between 2 barges..we are getting bussed to Regensberg in the morning to have our tour and rest of the day there, in that time the captain will find out if and when we can continue..Avaln have been fantastic, conveying all information on to us..we were to have lunch onboard tomorrow but now we'll be given a voucher for sausage, dessert and a beer or soft drink etc at the sausage place..so all good. The cruise companies have no control over the water levels but we are all happy and well informed at this stage :)

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It seems to me that part of the OP's complaints have to do with how Viking handled / communicated the disruptions. I would be a tad annoyed if I felt like there wasn't anyone available to give clear, concise explanations. However, as I reread his post, it did seem like they were told where to go and when. They must have gotten some directions because they made it onto the bus. Interesting however that Tassietravellers is stuck in a similar situation but is on Avalon and she feels like the situation has been handled well and doesn't have any complaints.


Granted I haven't travelled on Viking yet, and probably won't because of a lot of things I have read on this board, but it seems like part of the problems are with their communication when faced with issues. Maybe the other line staffers are able to appear more confident / in control and don't get flustered, therefore giving the passengers a feeling that all is in control and taken care of.

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I will never understand that either. I read posts looking for info on where the poster can find a McDonalds or chicken wings when they are in Europe and I have to shake my head. Why travel if you are not interested in experiencing what the area has to offer.


Agreed! Note to Tassietraveler. The sausage shop in Regensburg is the oldest in Europe. Be sure to order a large number as they are on the small side.

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Interesting however that Tassietravellers is stuck in a similar situation but is on Avalon and she feels like the situation has been handled well and doesn't have any complaints.


Wonder if it is less to do with Viking, and more to do with an individual's interpretation of how things are going...


Viking did respond to this gentleman's complaints in the forum - and it seemed as if the changes to the 1st 2 days were not quite as extensive as indicated in his post. He was counting day of embarkation as day 1... they registered in a hotel instead of boarding a boat. So - location changed, but they did have accommodation.They did have a meeting that evening, so were informed of the plans. It is obvious, however, that the change in plans did not meet with this gentleman's approval.


Viking has taken lots of hits recently, and I wasn't sure if I would travel with them. But - got a great deal on a cruise for next year, so decided to jump. I swore I would never travel with Scenic after the reviews here - but did (again, as a result of a great deal) and was so glad that I booked with them.


Time will tell... I will be posting about my cruise with Viking. I have yet to have a "perfect" cruise - so expect I will have something to review in relation to how they handle the "unexpected".


As posted above, it is too bad for this gentleman (and his wife, as it appears that they are doing this trip for their anniversary) that he hadn't found this forum before he booked his trip. He would have been aware that water levels are a concern - and perhaps made other plans.


Others are posting about the beautiful weather, and lack of rain. So, their positive travel weather is having some negative effects in other areas.



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Dear paul88,


We wanted to alert you (just in case it may somehow be missed) that a representative from Viking contacted you a few hours ago via email. We recognize that due to the time difference this email most likely came in while you were sleeping and so he asked that you let him know a time that was convenient for him to contact you over the phone. We hope you received his email and can arrange for a time to speak. The time difference makes it a bit of a challenge, but he mentioned that he would try to stay awake late in hopes of catching you during your morning hours.


We understand that you contacted another member of the Viking team and were frustrated at what seemed like a lack of timely response. We hope you'll understand that unfortunately you contacted one employee directly during her weekend (U.S. vs Europe) and this fact had some impact on the perceived response time. We do recognize these timing issues, and point them out only in an attempt to assure you that we are fully aware of the challenges they can represent. In the meantime, please know that you can also contact us directly at TellUs@vikingrivercruises.com.


We sincerely hope that each day of your trip has thus far been met with at least one experience that will turn into a fond memory of Europe. And now that you have boarded Viking Odin, we hope the remainder of your river cruise will be that which you had imagined and dreamt of.


Very best,

Viking River Cruises

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We were told that in Germany, it is illegal to run the engine and therefore the air when the bus is sitting idling.


Exactly, for environmental reasons!


The sausage shop in Regensburg is the oldest in Europe.


And don´t call them breakfast sausages :D;)!! They are as famous as the Nürnberger Bratwürste.


Don´t forget to taste the sweet mustard by Händlmeier which is regarded as the best in Germany (it´s also from Regensburg).


caviargal, although I´m not familiar with the fine print of every river cruise company. But usually they can "turn your cruise into a bus trip" because of river level problems which are out of their control. And in the OP´s case there´s only one day of the cruise affected. I don´t see any reason to give them an option to cancel. And they are already in Germany. A cancellation is only making sense when you know a good time ahead that the cruise won´t be going on as planned (Viking did offer cancellation or rebooking when the longships 3 and 4 didn´t get ready in time). In the OP´s case it was only a bus trip of 2.5 hours to Vilshofen. All the other time they´ve been on the bus was their scheduled city tour!! And I doubt that they´ve been on the bus straight from 8:30 am til 5 pm as most parts in Nuremberg you have to walk (and they had lunch in the downtown area which is a pedestrian zone mainly).


I won´t comment on communication by Viking. I haven´t been there and didn´t hear what their representatives did say.



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caviargal, although I´m not familiar with the fine print of every river cruise company. But usually they can "turn your cruise into a bus trip" because of river level problems which are out of their control.


I do understand that very well as we were in Europe when the river levels were very low last year. There were several Viking ships sitting empty whose guests had been bussed for the remainder of the trip. Our AMA Captain was able to navigate us as planned, with the exception of the day spent sailing the Rhine gorge. Since the boat could not sail that stretch, they chartered a new, 600 passenger day cruisers, stocked her full of food and drink and took guests down that stretch of river.


My comment was a general one. If I arrived to take a cruise and instead learned that it was going to be mostly a bus tour, I would opt out as that is the least desirable way for me to spend my time in Europe. I dislike organized bus tours and stay away from the boat's extra excursions that involve buses. I would expect and appreciate having the option not to take a vacation that was not at all what I booked. I would be happier heading to the nearest train station and figuring out the trip on my own.

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In Dec.2010 we had the opposite problem on the Danube, the water was too nigh. We had to dock near Passau and ride buses to Regensberg and Munich, resulting in very little time in the towns. We never made it to Nurnberg, thereby missing the most famous Christmas market. We often didn't know from one minute to the next what would be happening because the situation kept changing. AMA did not offer any compensation nor did we ask for any. To top if off, Heathrow couldn't handle the snow and we were stranded in Germany an extra week.


We booked our next river cruise about a month later. It is more rewarding to be a traveler than a tourist.



BTW, we spend 2 weeks in Germany in June. The way the OP described the bed is pretty typical. Also many, many places were not air conditioned, including large establishments.

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We don´t have much AC over here. You will find AC in large deparment stores or malls. But small shops and most restaurants don´t have any AC. Nor do our offices... my offices room currently has 81°F. I do have a fan but that´s it!


Caviargal, I know that your comment was a general one. But anyway in this particular case of the OP only one day was affected. And I don´t know how many would opt out when they are already here in Germany - maybe for the first time, not prepared to do anything on your own, in many cases not really knowing where they are as they´ve expected a guided tour where you don´t have to care about anything.



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I do understand that very well as we were in Europe when the river levels were very low last year. There were several Viking ships sitting empty whose guests had been bussed for the remainder of the trip. Our AMA Captain was able to navigate us as planned, with the exception of the day spent sailing the Rhine gorge. Since the boat could not sail that stretch, they chartered a new, 600 passenger day cruisers, stocked her full of food and drink and took guests down that stretch of river.


My comment was a general one. If I arrived to take a cruise and instead learned that it was going to be mostly a bus tour, I would opt out as that is the least desirable way for me to spend my time in Europe. I dislike organized bus tours and stay away from the boat's extra excursions that involve buses. I would expect and appreciate having the option not to take a vacation that was not at all what I booked. I would be happier heading to the nearest train station and figuring out the trip on my own.

I woul think that to do this you might need cancel for any reason, but I am not sure even that would help once you left home.

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Caviargal, I know that your comment was a general one. But anyway in this particular case of the OP only one day was affected. And I don´t know how many would opt out when they are already here in Germany - maybe for the first time, not prepared to do anything on your own, in many cases not really knowing where they are as they´ve expected a guided tour where you don´t have to care about anything.




I agree that most river cruisers would be far more comfortable having everything taken care of for them, even if it were buses and tours and hotels when needed. We are not average river cruisers and are well traveled so for us, that would have had a very negative impact on our trip.


Paul, I wondered about that as well. We have travel insurance that covers a lot and one day I will pull out the policy and read it (we have annual travel policies as we travel so much for business and pleasure both) and it covers cancellation. Technically, if one books a cruise and gets a bus tour instead, that would be cancellation of the trip one booked. But not sure how I would fare with that argument.


We were on the rivers in December of 2010 with Avalon when there was 22 inches of snow in a couple of days. shutting down FRA and some bus and train routes. Rising water levels made us adapt the schedule but Avalon did a great job of handling the situation and communicating what was happening. One day some passengers who had not returned to the boat after the morning tour were unaware that we were leaving Regensburg earlier than scheduled due to rapidly rising waters. I still remember sailing away and seeing our CD, Hans, standing in the snow and waiting for those passengers. He had chartered a coach and he waited for every last one of them and then made the trip to meet the boat, stopping for dinner along the way.


We stopped in the middle of the river late that night and they came aboard from another boat that had taken them to us.


Very well handled by Avalon.

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