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Fascination Man Overboard 8-27-12? (MERGED THREADS)


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mrs atl - have a safe drive back to Michigan!


Is there anything to the reports of assaulting a female crew member?


I didnt hear that until this thread. I think he was eunning from security because he either assaulted his gf physically or verbally.

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Not think we ever know the truth...what happened and why was he in the crew area..that is when he was confronted by a female crew member and this is when the security officer went after him so I not believe the woman...I not think she be on the lido deck at 2am...not think the guy will run from his girlfriend who she says was there and witnessed his jumping ship. I have to believe the newletter Carnival put out because it just makes more sense to me even though there are pieces of the puzzle missing. Perhaps the gf was the crew member or perhaps they met on fb and met up there? You know how stories get when it goes from person to person blotched up. I know Carnival has security cameras so the question is will they release what really happened and the pieces that are missing to this story.


Im sorry you didn't make Key West, honestly its a quaint nice place filled with outdoor bars and a bunch of junk stores around the pier, nice to live especially if you like water but you didn't miss alot.


If I were on that cruise surely I feel bad for that guy, the family and the passengers but at the same time its really none of my business especially when the facts are not known. I would feel bad but its my cruise and go ahead having a great time. Situations happen in life everyday its just a matter of dealing with it and going on. Im not a cold person I just see this as more than what we know and I not stress over it as I just not know the entire truth what happened.

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Not think we ever know the truth...what happened and why was he in the crew area..that is when he was confronted by a female crew member and this is when the security officer went after him so I not believe the woman...I not think she be on the lido deck at 2am...not think the guy will run from his girlfriend who she says was there and witnessed his jumping ship. I have to believe the newletter Carnival put out because it just makes more sense to me even though there are pieces of the puzzle missing. Perhaps the gf was the crew member or perhaps they met on fb and met up there? You know how stories get when it goes from person to person blotched up. I know Carnival has security cameras so the question is will they release what really happened and the pieces that are missing to this story.


Im sorry you didn't make Key West, honestly its a quaint nice place filled with outdoor bars and a bunch of junk stores around the pier, nice to live especially if you like water but you didn't miss alot.


If I were on that cruise surely I feel bad for that guy, the family and the passengers but at the same time its really none of my business especially when the facts are not known. I would feel bad but its my cruise and go ahead having a great time. Situations happen in life everyday its just a matter of dealing with it and going on. Im not a cold person I just see this as more than what we know and I not stress over it as I just not know the entire truth what happened.


The story about the crew member confrontation/pepper spray, etc. was not from Carnival, it was from Cruise Critic News. They don't cite their source. It will be interesting to hear what other versions of the story eventually come out. I agree that possibly the crew member could have been the girlfriend.

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I was on this cruise. I didnt see this happen but talked to a woman who did. Apparently he was in the casino (maybe fighting or arguing with his gf) and being chased by security. He was up on the verandah deck and tried to jump but someone had tried to grab him so he fell to the lido deck. He grabbed a life ring and jumped off inro rhe ocean. The captain was notified and we turned around for five hours until the coast guard released us. We missed or port of call to key west. Call me insensitive but Im pissed. This was my familys first cruise. My kids were with me. I could have picked a shorter cruise to go to Nassau and Freeport. I had heard that Freeport wasnt much fun so I chose Key West.

This guy not onlt ruined his life but the people he was with and it spoiled a vacation for 2000 other people.

I do feel bad for his family and gf (i heard she saw him jump). But i dont have any compassion for his idiocy. If he had ptsd i feel like he should be getting counselling and treatment instead of getting so trashed and acting like an idiot on a vacation for 2000 other people. The atmosphere on the lido deck was quiet and the effects of this hit everyone aboard. My vacation was ruined. My kids saved and saved for souveniers from key west and got nothing..

This guys drunken actions affected every single person on the boat in one way or another and had he just taken the consequences of his actions, hed still have his life and everone could have enjoyed the vacation we planned and paid for.

Also, our cruise wasnt late into jaxport. We arrived around 6 am. Sorry for any spelling errors etc. I am still in the car on my way back to Michigan from Jacksonville on my phone.


Dear Mrs atl,


As your children grow up, they will have bigger disappointments than not being able to buy souvenirs at Key West, for which they had saved and saved. It is unfortunate that the presumed deceased young man, spoiled the vaction for all 2000 on board. My sympathies are for the family who have lost a son, a brother, a cousin.



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We also were not given a newsletter. We got a letter from them that said someone went overboard. He hadnt been found yet, and that we misses key west but that we get nassau first( was supposed to be 2nd) and freeport thurs. I dont know if the letter even said he jumped. I think it says he was witnessed going overboard. I could be wrong though. Its in the trunk right now.

I know he was chased out of the casino... on to verandah deck jumped but fell to lido grabbed life ring and jumped.. this was the only thing i know for sure.

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I was on this cruise. I didnt see this happen but talked to a woman who did. Apparently he was in the casino (maybe fighting or arguing with his gf) and being chased by security. He was up on the verandah deck and tried to jump but someone had tried to grab him so he fell to the lido deck..

Seems to me if he was being chased from the casino on deck 6 and he ran up two decks to the Veranda deck(deck 8),some one would had been able to stop him before hand.:confused::confused:

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Dear Mrs atl,


As your children grow up, they will have bigger disappointments than not being able to buy souvenirs at Key West, for which they had saved and saved. It is unfortunate that the presumed deceased young man, spoiled the vaction for all 2000 on board. My sympathies are for the family who have lost a son, a brother, a cousin.




Dear You,

Im glad you feel like because he was stupid and drunk that it was ok for my children to have been disappointed. Thanks. If the hurrican had hit, i wouldnt have complained about missing a port, it'd be out of any ones control. This was in his control. This was carnivals responsibility too. They should have handled this better. Im not saying I dont feel for his family. I do. But im pissed that an army sergaent didnt have enough control of his self to keep himself in line on a cruiseship. There was prob 1000 people drinking on this ship and no one else had security chasing them through the ship, or jumped 90 feet into the water below while the winds were blowing like crazy from Trop storm Isaac.

Call me crazy but shouldnt an army srgt have more tact than this?

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Dear Mrs atl,


As your children grow up, they will have bigger disappointments than not being able to buy souvenirs at Key West, for which they had saved and saved. It is unfortunate that the presumed deceased young man, spoiled the vaction for all 2000 on board. My sympathies are for the family who have lost a son, a brother, a cousin.




I doubt anyone would not feel sympathy for those family he left behind but his actions had a knock of effect for so many people and many feel they have a right to feel pissed because some drunkard assaulted his gf and then CHOSE to jump overboard with dire consequences.

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Dear You,

Im glad you feel like because he was stupid and drunk that it was ok for my children to have been disappointed. Thanks. If the hurrican had hit, i wouldnt have complained about missing a port, it'd be out of any ones control. This was in his control. This was carnivals responsibility too. They should have handled this better. Im not saying I dont feel for his family. I do. But im pissed that an army sergaent didnt have enough control of his self to keep himself in line on a cruiseship. There was prob 1000 people drinking on this ship and no one else had security chasing them through the ship, or jumped 90 feet into the water below while the winds were blowing like crazy from Trop storm Isaac.

Call me crazy but shouldnt an army srgt have more tact than this?


I cruise with young grandchildren out of Australia. I would protect them and make sure they have an amazing time while on holiday... be it exploring, swimming, or shopping on the various South Pacific islands.

I would not badmouth someone who lost their life in whatever manner for whatever reason. That is just me.



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I cruise with young grandchildren out of Australia. I would protect them and make sure they have an amazing time while on holiday... be it exploring, swimming, or shopping on the various South Pacific islands.

I would not badmouth someone who lost their life in whatever manner for whatever reason. That is just me.




And that is absolutely your right as it is someone elses to feel pissed about this situation. You are coming across very morally superior here.

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I cruise with young grandchildren out of Australia. I would protect them and make sure they have an amazing time while on holiday... be it exploring, swimming, or shopping on the various South Pacific islands.

I would not badmouth someone who lost their life in whatever manner for whatever reason. That is just me.



I agree with you and will even go a little further... If a man was robbing a bank and got shot and died, I would still feel sorry for him and his family... because his life was lost over something that didn't have to happen...just sayin'

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Dear Mrs atl,


As your children grow up, they will have bigger disappointments than not being able to buy souvenirs at Key West, for which they had saved and saved. It is unfortunate that the presumed deceased young man, spoiled the vaction for all 2000 on board. My sympathies are for the family who have lost a son, a brother, a cousin.




Does the fact that the kids will have more, and probably bigger, disappointments in their lives negate this disappointment in any way? Using your logic the family of the jumper should not be too grief stricken as they will all face future loses in their lives too. Every day, and every occurrence, in our lives has its own meaning. It does not have to be either ranked or compared with all of the other days and events.

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I agree with you and will even go a little further... If a man was robbing a bank and got shot and died, I would still feel sorry for him and his family... because his life was lost over something that didn't have to happen...just sayin'


You mean because the robber was doing something that he was not supposed to be doing.

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I cruise with young grandchildren out of Australia. I would protect them and make sure they have an amazing time while on holiday... be it exploring, swimming, or shopping on the various South Pacific islands.

I would not badmouth someone who lost their life in whatever manner for whatever reason. That is just me.



Protect them from what? 2,000 people paid the price of one individual. I guess it's safer in the south sea islands so a port will not be missed because no one will act wildly and jump there.

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Some of the posts on this thread remind me of the initial posts about a young lad who jumped off Carnival Ecstacy in 2007.


Immediately it was a case of "too much booze"..."young kid messing about"...."ruined a cruise for everyone else"...


And then the true story came out about the lad...how he had been assaulted within an inch of his life in a race hate attack, how he had endured countless operations and therapy sessions to get his life back on track....


Then the posts on CC changed to how sorry everyone was that this tortured young man had been through so much and could not go on with life any longer....sympathies and understanding poured from this website...and rightly so...


His name was David Ritcheson...he was just 18 when he took his life. No-one knew who he was, nor why he jumped til long afterwards...but many assumptions were made about him.....just as assumptions are being made about Sgt Kemp on this thread and just as with David Ritcheson, there were people complaining about how selfish he was and how he ruined everyone's cruise....


Just stop and think for a few moments before casting aspertions about someone who has taken their life...whether drink is or is not involved is immaterial, he lost his life, his family have lost a son/brother/nephew....


A cruise can be repeated, or if a port is so important, take a landbased vacation there instead......but a life cannot be repeated, once gone, it stays gone...and since mental health issues affect each and every single person at some point in their lives...next time YOU look in the mirror, whisper to yourself "there by the grace of God go I"...cos one day YOU might find yourself looking into the abyss and YOU might see no way out other than to end it all...never say never, cos YOU do not know when it could affect you....


And for those who do not know about young David Ritcheson....




So pause for thought when typing your disgust at Sgt Kemp, no-one knows what was going through his mind, no-one knows what he was thinking...and no-one knows what drove him to doing what he did...


His death is sad, its tragic and his family & friends deserve sympathy and condolence....not further pain and anguish from those who never knew him.

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You mean because the robber was doing something that he was not supposed to be doing.

yes, that too. It still doesnt make me not feel for a life lost ... and perhaps a family torn apart...

Why beat up on a dead man... if people want to know what happened, that is fine.. but to whine about a couple of hours lost in key west is crazy...

I have a nephew who has been in and out of jail all of his adult life (he is in his early 40s now, he is a drug addict. He has tried to recover but has not happened. Just got out of jail again about a month ago, so far he is clean... my point is... he stole to get his drugs, even off his own family and friends. He is an addict.

If he overdosed, I would be terribly sad. If he got shot stealing from another, I would be terribly sad. He is an addict. And while what he did is wrong, he still is a human being... just like this guy that lost his life...

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yes, that too. It still doesnt make me not feel for a life lost ... and perhaps a family torn apart...

Why beat up on a dead man... if people want to know what happened, that is fine.. but to whine about a couple of hours lost in key west is crazy...

I have a nephew who has been in and out of jail all of his adult life (he is in his early 40s now, he is a drug addict. He has tried to recover but has not happened. Just got out of jail again about a month ago, so far he is clean... my point is... he stole to get his drugs, even off his own family and friends. He is an addict.

If he overdosed, I would be terribly sad. If he got shot stealing from another, I would be terribly sad. He is an addict. And while what he did is wrong, he still is a human being... just like this guy that lost his life...


You seem to use the fact that he is an addict as an excuse for his actions. Obviously the legal-judicial system feels differently or it would not keep sending him back to jail. And while you would be terribly sad if he got shot while stealing from another, what if he shot someone while stealing from that person? Most addicts become addicts because of their own actions. Yes, addicts are still people. But most of them are responsible for screwing up their own lives and often times screwing up the lives of those whom they come in contact with. I feel far more sympathy for the family and others whom they violate with their stealing. They are innocent bystanders to another's actions.

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Some of the posts on this thread remind me of the initial posts about a young lad who jumped off Carnival Ecstacy in 2007.


Immediately it was a case of "too much booze"..."young kid messing about"...."ruined a cruise for everyone else"...


And then the true story came out about the lad...how he had been assaulted within an inch of his life in a race hate attack, how he had endured countless operations and therapy sessions to get his life back on track....


Then the posts on CC changed to how sorry everyone was that this tortured young man had been through so much and could not go on with life any longer....sympathies and understanding poured from this website...and rightly so...


His name was David Ritcheson...he was just 18 when he took his life. No-one knew who he was, nor why he jumped til long afterwards...but many assumptions were made about him.....just as assumptions are being made about Sgt Kemp on this thread and just as with David Ritcheson, there were people complaining about how selfish he was and how he ruined everyone's cruise....


Just stop and think for a few moments before casting aspertions about someone who has taken their life...whether drink is or is not involved is immaterial, he lost his life, his family have lost a son/brother/nephew....


A cruise can be repeated, or if a port is so important, take a landbased vacation there instead......but a life cannot be repeated, once gone, it stays gone...and since mental health issues affect each and every single person at some point in their lives...next time YOU look in the mirror, whisper to yourself "there by the grace of God go I"...cos one day YOU might find yourself looking into the abyss and YOU might see no way out other than to end it all...never say never, cos YOU do not know when it could affect you....


And for those who do not know about young David Ritcheson....




So pause for thought when typing your disgust at Sgt Kemp, no-one knows what was going through his mind, no-one knows what he was thinking...and no-one knows what drove him to doing what he did...


His death is sad, its tragic and his family & friends deserve sympathy and condolence....not further pain and anguish from those who never knew him.


Agree....first and foremost, whatever happened, there is a family mourning the loss of a son, brother and more. No matter why this happened, it is still a tragedy, and too easy to lay blame on the man who went overboard and very insensitive to do so. It is a very sad event. Sadder yet for those who knew this man.

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Some of the posts on this thread remind me of the initial posts about a young lad who jumped off Carnival Ecstacy in 2007.


Immediately it was a case of "too much booze"..."young kid messing about"...."ruined a cruise for everyone else"...


And then the true story came out about the lad...how he had been assaulted within an inch of his life in a race hate attack, how he had endured countless operations and therapy sessions to get his life back on track....


Then the posts on CC changed to how sorry everyone was that this tortured young man had been through so much and could not go on with life any longer....sympathies and understanding poured from this website...and rightly so...


His name was David Ritcheson...he was just 18 when he took his life. No-one knew who he was, nor why he jumped til long afterwards...but many assumptions were made about him.....just as assumptions are being made about Sgt Kemp on this thread and just as with David Ritcheson, there were people complaining about how selfish he was and how he ruined everyone's cruise....


Just stop and think for a few moments before casting aspertions about someone who has taken their life...whether drink is or is not involved is immaterial, he lost his life, his family have lost a son/brother/nephew....


A cruise can be repeated, or if a port is so important, take a landbased vacation there instead......but a life cannot be repeated, once gone, it stays gone...and since mental health issues affect each and every single person at some point in their lives...next time YOU look in the mirror, whisper to yourself "there by the grace of God go I"...cos one day YOU might find yourself looking into the abyss and YOU might see no way out other than to end it all...never say never, cos YOU do not know when it could affect you....


And for those who do not know about young David Ritcheson....




So pause for thought when typing your disgust at Sgt Kemp, no-one knows what was going through his mind, no-one knows what he was thinking...and no-one knows what drove him to doing what he did...


His death is sad, its tragic and his family & friends deserve sympathy and condolence....not further pain and anguish from those who never knew him.


Wonderfully said.


Life is so very precious and is far too short. My son's dear friend, age 19, drowned this week just days before the start of their sophomore year in college. Weather it be an intentional death or an accidental death, it is horribly tragic and extremely sad and effects so many lives. The lack of compassion on this thread is equally sad.

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Sad indeed. This man fought for our freedom too.....another element to add.


Anyhow, I came on here to ask if they had found his body yet. Anyone know? So very sad for his family. I know all too well about loss. I had the most horrific loss a person could endure.

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Costasmurfette nicely said ...


but we not know the entire truth, pieces of this puzzle are missing to judge whether this guy did any wrong or not.


For those who are complaining they lost port time (sorry that happened but its life) might goodness just think of all the possiblities that bad things can happen that is the least of your worries. People I guess not understand that life can end in a blink of an eye, in just seconds something could happen to totally change your life drastically or you never know whether you have a tomorrow. Yes, its bad to experience these things but they happen.... its up to us to have strong minds and go on (Im talking about those who feel they were victims of this passenger). I feel very bad for what happened especially to that soldiers family and friends....but even if I were on that cruise I won't be whining over petty things such as missing a port there are so many worse things out there than this happening. Perhaps I have a strong mind, perhaps its just the way I am, perhaps I learned its not healthy to stress myself over issues that I didn't create and make the best out of the situation.:rolleyes:

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Does the fact that the kids will have more, and probably bigger, disappointments in their lives negate this disappointment in any way? Using your logic the family of the jumper should not be too grief stricken as they will all face future loses in their lives too. Every day, and every occurrence, in our lives has its own meaning. It does not have to be either ranked or compared with all of the other days and events.



You don't get my point re disappointments, so it's futile to debate further.

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