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5/23/12 1st time X/cruise, med. engagement, Paris; oh my! Solstice Med. Trip Report


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I came across your review last evening and have been reading almost non stop today. I love it.


We took our three teen/ early 20 daughters on a Med cruise in the spring of 2011 and then stayed in Barcelona following. We had an absolutely wonderful time. Reading your review and the excitement you bring to it certainly helps me to remember our trip. It makes me step back and appreciate our trip a bit more because they were also so excited with all of the sites. We walked for hours in Barcelona and like you on your trip in Europe visited numerous bakeries and restaurants. We loved Dubrovnik as well. It was a gloomy rainy day when we were there but we braved the weather and walked the wall. We didn't go to the hole in the wall but since reading your review I looked it up and here is the link with instructions to get there. I'm assuming that this is the correct place. http://www.cafebuza.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6&Itemid=4


I'm now daydreaming of going off to Europe again but including Paris in my trip.


I look forward to the continuation of your review.


Sounds like you had a fantastic trip too! It is so hard to pick which city to stay in pre/port cruise, there are so many! I think the link you posted is to the other Buza bar, there are 2. The one we went to is the original and is smaller. I am sure they both are great... but not sure if the one you posted has the steps going into the sea. This website brings you to the original one. http://www.howiseelife.com/blog/2011/02/04/euro-trip-redux-find-buza-bar-dubrovnik-croatia/


Thanks, Ashley, for making time to post another great installment. Your sweet personality comes through with every sentence :)


Whatever are you going to use that HUGE bag for? I bought a leather Longchamps purse when I went to Paris in 2001 (one and only time there, so far) and it has stood the test of time. These will for you, too.


Aww thank you! It is going to be my new travel bag. It can zip up to be half the size which is nice. It will replace my old Vera Bradly duffel that is now falling apart. I think this one will last a long time like you said :D

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Again, such a fantastic review! Just hanging on every word...


One question for you - you mentioned that you planned the trip and gave the information on the ports and cities to your family at various times throughout. How much information did you give them before the cruise? I'm our trip planner and I'm trying to decide how much detail to give my parents before and how early. I don't want to totally overwhelm them, but I also want them to be prepared. What were your trip sharing techniques for your family? I noticed a couple of posts where you mentioned itinerary meetings. Was this the first time your family heard about the upcoming itinerary or was it a review?




Hmm lets see. Well for the cruise since they knew the itinerary, I told them I arranged a guide for Rome, Florence/Pisa, and Naples/Pompeii/Amalfi/etc., and they did not need to worry about a thing- I had all the tickets bought etc. For the other ports we watched TV specials and I would say "we are seeing that, and that, and that etc." Pretty much for the cruise portion they did not know a whole lot except the City names and major attractions. Once in a while they would e-mail me saying "Hey we just watched this special on Gaudi and we have got to see his works in Barcelona" and I would say back "already got it covered" so they had A LOT of trust in me.


For Paris, again, they kind of left it up to me. I would e-mail my entire family the working itinerary and ask them for comments/suggestions but they never replied back haha. They pretty much just told me to plan it. The only thing my parents did was book the cruise, hotel, and plane tickets and the rest I took care of (Vatican tickets, Rome in Limo, etc.) and just asked for their credit card number ;) like I said, they must have trusted me a lot.


So throughout the process I would e-mail them (I live in another state) with updated word docs/excel sheets (what to pack, cruising 101, eating in Europe, itinerary, tv specials, etc). But again, they never replied back lol. I would call and they said they read over it. I told them to keep a piece of paper on the fridge and if I thought of something they might forget I would call them and tell them to go jot it down.


Then once they drove up to Atlanta (Where I live) I held an orientation the night before we left. I made up packets that had a detailed itinerary, European customs/etiquette, Solstice 101, etc. We went through each page and discussed everything. My dad got bored half way through and my brother played on his phone. Only my mom and TYler really listened haha. So it might have been a little too much.


Since it was some members first cruise I talked about newbie cruise stuff too.


Hope this helped you, as you can see I write a lot and probable too much sometimes ;)


My mom is on these boards she might be able to chime in and offer better advice since she lived through my trip planning haha.


My brother did a study-abroad summer program at the Sorbonne. He absolutely loved it! He's a poet and one day would love to be an Ex-Pat living in France.


NO WAY! How lucky! That is so cool! Did you visit him?

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I have really enjoyed your review and have to commend you for being in grad school and planning such a fab trip!!! I felt I was overboard on planning our (hubby and I) trips--but you really win the prize for planning:D


Thank you for being so detailed and taking the time for all of us on cc...:)


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Oh and BTW--we are staying 3 nights in Paris then 5 nights with friends in London before our next cruise in June...so I am busy taking notes on Paris from your experiences...


Do you think the metro system in Paris was easy to maneuver?? (for newbies??) Thanks;)

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I'm loving this thread...:) you are so sweet to take the time to do this! One of my DD's is in her third year of PHD program, so I kind of understand the need of a 'distraction obsession' that is very unique to doctoral candidates... it's so nice that we are all benefitting from yours! Looking forward to your next installment!

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NO WAY! How lucky! That is so cool! Did you visit him?


No, I never got the chance. He was only over there for about 2 months. I know he absolutely loved it though. He also spent a semester in London, my Mom had an opportunity to visit him there. I never did an exchange program. I wish I would have, but I'm terrible with foreign languages and that was always a huge obstacle in my mind.

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Do you think the metro system in Paris was easy to maneuver?? (for newbies??) Thanks;)


If it helps, my family was there about 15 years ago. I had just completed a year of Middle School level French and we were able to navigate it just fine.

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Oh and BTW--we are staying 3 nights in Paris then 5 nights with friends in London before our next cruise in June...so I am busy taking notes on Paris from your experiences...


Do you think the metro system in Paris was easy to maneuver?? (for newbies??) Thanks;)


Thank you! Well in my opinion, yes, but I also researched how to use it including which stop stops and lines for the main attractions. However I asked Tyler and he said he thought it was easy. He thought the hardest part was finding the location to buy the tickets because we went for the first time during "rush hour" so it was crowded. I highly recommend you buy a carnet, which is a 10 pack of tickets. You can also use these tickets for the RER train (to get to versailles) and the buses. :D


No, I never got the chance. He was only over there for about 2 months. I know he absolutely loved it though. He also spent a semester in London, my Mom had an opportunity to visit him there. I never did an exchange program. I wish I would have, but I'm terrible with foreign languages and that was always a huge obstacle in my mind.

Oh ok. I too wish I would have done a real study abroad experience. I did a mini one when I graduated high school but it was only for 3 weeks.

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Post# 24: OUI, OUI, OUI! (Post 1 of 4)


Still 06/06/2012, night time


This is still the same day as my previous post. If you will recall, we visited the Louvre, Notre Dame, Pont des Arts, Sorbonne, Longchamp, HOHO, and more. It has been an eventful day! And still more to come…


My dad got to fulfill one of his dreams. While Tyler and I were off exploring my dad got to rent a Lamborghini and drive it around Paris! He took a video but the video is really bad quality. That was by far of one of his highlights of the trip.

VIDEO: Dad driving Lamborghini through Paris at night






While I was resting up Tyler went to go find the gym. He was gone quite a while so I figured he had found it. He arrived back at the room and said he wanted to get ready to go back to the tower so we could finally see the tower light up at night.


While we were getting ready to leave my brother calls the room and this was our conversation:

Brandon: hey are you guys going to the tower tonight?

Me: yes, why (in an angry tone)

Brandon: mind If I come?

Me: no (in an angry tone, I really wanted to say errr Brandon NO you cannot come I think Tyler might propose tonight! But of course I couldn’t say that with Tyler right there)

Brandon: Ask Tyler if he minds?

Me: No, he doesn’t mind (what, why? I guess he isn’t going to propose tonight)

Brandon: ok I will be there in a minute


Err, ugh, hm, ho hum, boo. That was what I thought. I really thought maybe Tyler would want to propose tonight. Tyler is a private person and I knew he would never propose around a lot of people. So there goes this chance, now we have Brandon tagging along. Oh well.


So the THREE of us took off…


First we crossed the busy Avenue des Champs Elysees




Then I was on a mission and did not want to miss the first light-up of the night. Brandon and Tyler were making fun of me and decided to take this paparazzi style picture to showcase my speed walking skills




As usual we spotted the tower growing larger and larger the closer we got




We finally made our way to Champ de Mars (the green space around the Tower). I had been dreaming for years of laying in the grass in front of the tower. However do to the rainy weather it was always wet. And it was wet tonight but I don’t care. I am not going to let a wet butt ruin my fun.


SO we sat and waited for the tower to light up. (10pm was the first light-up FYI)





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Post# 24: OUI, OUI, OUI! (Post 2 of 4)


It finally lights up and tears fill my eyes. We cheered with the others. I had been waiting years for this moment- seeing the tower lit up at night with Tyler.







VIDEO: Eiffel Tower Lights Up!




Well the lights turned off and no proposal, ok, so that is how it is going to be huh? HA! I was secretly hoping Tyler would propose one this trip, especially in Paris. I know people back home were thinking it too, we have been together for 10 years.



We started to walk back on the path that was now familiar to us. We stopped at our favorite little Tower viewing spot, I posted this earlier from our second day in Paris, it was day time remember? It is down the tree-lined path surrounding the Tower. In a private little nook you can see the Tower perfectly between the trees, most people do not know about this little area. Tyler suggested we stop here and watch the show again since I did not get a picture the first time of the 2 of us because I was too mesmerized by the sparkling tower. I was not sure how often the tower lit up, maybe every 15 minutes I thought? SO we waited and waited and waited and waited, 15 minutes goes by, 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Ok tower? You can turn on now.






Finally at 11pm the tower lights up again! I quickly yell at Brandon to take a picture of Tyler and I because I am not waiting another hour!



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Post# 24: OUI, OUI, OUI! (Post 3 of 4)




I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story:

















OMG can you believe it? HOLY FRICKIN’ COW. NO WAY DID HE JUST PULL THAT OFF? Of course I said YES!


So you want to know the back story? Him and Brandon had this planned the ENTIRE time! When Tyler went to the “GYM” he really went to talk to my Dad to ask for his permission! And they planned the whole phone call and everything. Sneaky guys, you got me!


After all that excitement, I forgot about the cold, forgot about my running nose, forgot about the rain, I JUST GOT ENGAGED IN PARIS! MY FAVORITE PLACE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! AND TO THE MOST AMAZING MAN!


And just like that.... I am now an engaged woman!

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Post# 24: OUI, OUI, OUI! (Post 4 of 4)


After the excitement Tyler was hungry, of course. We made our way back towards the hotel.


The Tower seemed extra magical tonight






SO we went to eat at of all places….. drum roll please….





McDonalds! Ha, the first place I go to after getting engaged in Paris is the golden arches. We bought Brandon a beer and some food. I owe my brother big time! I can't believe we have pictures of the actual proposal! Back to Mickey D's, It was one of the only quick food option places open because it was now almost midnight. SO we stopped at the one on Avenue des Champs Elysees next to the hotel.






Meanwhile, my parents are back at the hotel on pins and needles waiting for us to arrive. We greet them and all hug and cry and had champagne and called it a night. A very sweet night.


Best day of my life. It started out with a metro ride, Louvre, Notre Dame, Lovers Bridge, Sorbonne, Macarons, Longchamp, and finished with a diamond ring. Best day EVER.


And I owe my brother big time, THANKS BRANDON!



Edited by CruisingGatorGirl
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Post# 24: OUI, OUI, OUI! (Post 3 of 4)


And just like that.... I am now an engaged woman!


Congratulations! May you live happily ever after ... ... ...


"Love... is a many splendoured things...."

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It was worth the wait!! I had tears in my eyes and chills down my spine. And that picture of the two of you at the Tower right after your engagement is gorgeous. But I think you should figure out a way to use the pic of the two of you earlier sitting with your backs to the camera as a wedding favor or part of the wedding program or your thank you notes (looking toward a future of happiness, perhaps?). It's just perfect.


I have figured out why we all are so fond of you Ashley. It's because in a world full of fake reality and purchased beauty, you are genuine, beautiful and joyful. You appreciate all you have and all of the people who love you. Don't ever lose that quality....it's too rare and you will always be surrounded by happy, loving people if you keep that spirit.

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What a great way to start my day! :D Congratulations, and as everyone else has said -- Thank you for sharing your story and wonderful photos.

I'm sure it isn't lost on you that the sides of your ring are very reminiscent of the ironwork of the Eiffel Tower.

Thanks again -- now back to my preparations for Thanksgiving!

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What a great way to start my day! :D Congratulations, and as everyone else has said -- Thank you for sharing your story and wonderful photos.


I'm sure it isn't lost on you that the sides of your ring are very reminiscent of the ironwork of the Eiffel Tower.


Thanks again -- now back to my preparations for Thanksgiving!


That was the first thing I thought when I saw the ring! Did he plan it that way? Now, THAT would be amazing!!


Ashley, I have loved every minute of your story, and as so many others have said, your beautiful spirit has sparkled all the way through your tale of love and adventure.


Congratulations to both of you, and the best of luck in the future. You are a beautiful couple and you are blessed with a lovely, caring family to surround and support you.


May you fulfill your dream of living in Paris one day!


Je vous souhaite tout le bonheur que la vie peut apporter. :)

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I have figured out why we all are so fond of you Ashley. It's because in a world full of fake reality and purchased beauty, you are genuine, beautiful and joyful. You appreciate all you have and all of the people who love you. Don't ever lose that quality....it's too rare and you will always be surrounded by happy, loving people if you keep that spirit.


Totally agree! :)

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Thank you so much for sharing your special moment.

And a HUGE congratulations. What a special and amazing memory.

I wish the photos of our engagement on the Spanish steps were so gorgeous (we were stranded in snow the first snow in 25 yeas for Rome and I had a very attractive wooly hat on and a very red nose).

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Thank you for your wonderful review! I too love Paris and would love to live there at least for a few months--I only speak what I call "romance novel French" and can make it around okay.


My last trip I tagged along with two friends--we rented apartments on Ile Ste. Louis. I called mine Ikea (but it was under $100 a night) and theirs Versailles--with beautiful wall hangings, antiques, main level, etc.


Felicitations on your engagement--wishing you a lifetime of happiness.

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I started reading you report when you first posted. I went away on cruise for a week came back and was excited to read your next installment. I would get excited each time I found a new post. It was worth the wait. I was seeing the pictures of him proposing tears were running down my face. Congratulations!! I don't know you but I do know you are a remarkable woman. Thanks for taking the time to share your wonderful story.!

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