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Keeping extra pounds at bay


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No pun intended!


I know this topic won't appeal to many, and I know the logic of "you're on vacation - live a little!" and I don't necessarily need to hear from those of you who will advise to splurge just this once.


I do want this thread to include responses from those who can offer helpful suggestions, or who understand what it's like to be in the middle of a successful weight loss journey and not wanting to mess it up!


I've lost more than 30 pounds in the last few months, not by depriving myself, but by making wiser choices and keeping my overall calorie count down. I've eaten healthily, I stay satisfied, I exercise a bit each day, and the excess weight has come off.


I have a 13-night cruise coming up, and while I know I probably won't lose weight with 24-hour yumminess available, I would like to come off the ship at the end of the two weeks weighing roughly what I do when I get on it.


I plan to make liberal use of the fitness area while I'm on board.


Are there any other tips from experienced cruisers who can relate?


Bluecruise...I've been there. My last cruise (10+ years ago) I had just lost quite a bit of weight and did not want to put any back on, but, wanted to enjoy my cruise! :)


I remember...getting on treadmill early morning (because of a big time change for me, I was up super early...so not to wake the husband I went to fitness center) and walked at least an hour and did some other things too.


Walked a lot around ship...rarely using elevators--I remember having 4-5 flights of stairs to get to room. And walking some more!


I tried to keep it light breakfast and lunch...ate many meals at aqua spa for breakfast & lunch. Tried to stay out of buffet.


The MAin Diningroom portions were very small (dont know if they still are), many times I could of had 2 or 3 servings...but, I never had more then one. Quite honestly, if you eat what they serve you---I would think the portion size would be good. It may have changed. I guess what I'm saying is I ordered what I wanted and enjoyed it...thank goodness for small portions! :)


I also remember keeping my drinking in check...probably 80% water and a glass of wine or speciality drink a few times. Im not a soda drinker. So mainly water.


Then, again, because of the time change by 10pm I couldn't keep my eyes open...so no late night eating for me.


I did not gain weight...in fact I think I lost a few lbs.


You can do it since it sounds like you will have a plan! Enjoy!

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No pun intended!


I know this topic won't appeal to many, and I know the logic of "you're on vacation - live a little!" and I don't necessarily need to hear from those of you who will advise to splurge just this once.


I do want this thread to include responses from those who can offer helpful suggestions, or who understand what it's like to be in the middle of a successful weight loss journey and not wanting to mess it up!


I've lost more than 30 pounds in the last few months, not by depriving myself, but by making wiser choices and keeping my overall calorie count down. I've eaten healthily, I stay satisfied, I exercise a bit each day, and the excess weight has come off.


I have a 13-night cruise coming up, and while I know I probably won't lose weight with 24-hour yumminess available, I would like to come off the ship at the end of the two weeks weighing roughly what I do when I get on it.


I plan to make liberal use of the fitness area while I'm on board.


Are there any other tips from experienced cruisers who can relate?


I find it best to stay out of the buffetts and only go to the MDR for most meals. The portion control is easier for me there. I must then not order the yummy desserts and all of the other goodies onboard. I stay away from the bread also. I gained 5 pounds a week last time instead of my usual 10 and unfortunatley did not excersize.

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Pretty much an echo of what has already been said:


salad bar is amazing, lunch I do pretty much only veggies


walk, walk, walk, walk & stairs, stairs, stairs, stairs!

I have a very active 7yr old so either way, so I burn a lot of calories chasing her around. after she goes to bed, I can do some crunches, etc in the cabin.


active excursions in port, look for long walkin tours, hiking, other active touring options.


I did not weight myself before or after our last cruise. I had my only bathroom remodeled while we were gone and was living in my moms basement for a couple weeks once we returned stateside, so I didn't bother to look for the scale. I know I gained more than I would have liked. Shortly after we got home, I fell ill with a high fever virus of some kind, so lost whatever I'd gained. So it all worked out in the end.


I lost 20 pounds a few years ago and still struggle at times but have essentially managed to keep it all off. I only have a small collection of cruisewear that I purchased after my initial weight loss. I HATE to shop for clothes, so I *have* to get down to xxx weight before each cruise so my dresses fit and I look good for all those formal photos. Perhaps this sounds silly but it is enough motivation for me. If I gain a few pounds from there, I'm ok with that. We cruise in June and I'm very active in the summer with my children so it is easy to shed weight again if needed.


Thanks for posting, this is a great topic. Years ago I once gained 10 pounds on a week and a half vacation!!! That is just so unhealthy. I've learned to splurge a little when traveling - within reason!!!

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I am in the same boat. Finally lost (again) the same 20lbs lost and found over the years. My plan for our upcoming cruise is to order room service for breakfast - healthy cerial/yogurt/fuit (no pastries) try to be "good" at lunch with a lightly dressed salad plus a protein, order what I want for dinner BUT no bread on the table by politely requesting it be removed as we sit OR as it arrives AND walk, walk, walk.

Also entre the buffet on the side which does NOT offer ice cream.:)

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when we first started cruising my husband felt he had to eat everything. that was 27 years ago. now we eat what we want, skip the bread and potatoes. we find we cannot eat as much as we used to, even at home. i made a new rule. now i only cook every other day. if we have leftovers ok, otherwise we are on our own or we go out. when we go out lots of times we share a meal. we always split an omlette. i have to have eggs benedict and french onion soup. ad

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We did a 12-night TA when I was most of the way through a weight loss program and I didn't gain a single OUNCE. Here's what I did:


  • I weighed myself on the spa scale the first day. It registered about 10# different from the one at home, but that became my baseline and I weighed EVERY DAY. Edit to add: I was up a bit - maybe 1.5 # - in the first couple of days due to the supposed sodium deal, but I drank so much water that this was pretty much negated.
  • Took the stairs ALWAYS, except when I was in really high heels
  • Water water water water as other have said
  • I had the same thing for breakfast every day (hard boiled egg whites, bacon {not American bacon - English or Canadian bacon}, fruit, or an egg beater omelet). ONCE I had a waffle with loads of butter and syrup, but only once at it was at the end of the cruise so I wouldn't be tempted every day.
  • Lunch was almost always salad bar and lean protein. NO BREAD.
  • NO BREAD at dinner - except for that unbelievable lemon pepper bread in specialty dining
  • For dinner I'd basically have whatever I wanted
  • I took dessert at dinner if something looked fantastic
  • If anything didn't taste unbelievable it stayed on the plate. One bite and done. I did not care what I wasted.
  • Walked the deck every day.
  • I did drink (I like my wine!), but stuck to lower calorie drinks like wine or highballs (rum & diet, vodka & soda water, etc.).
  • NO PASTRIES from Cova!


I think you have to pick what will work for you. I'm not willing to completely deprive myself when we vacation, but I knew I'd just hate myself if I came home up 5#. I would rather walk for an extra half hour and be able to have a dessert or cocktail, so that was a choice I made. I also learned that I enjoyed using the gym late in the afternoon when the ship was in port. It was quiet and my short attention span could equate 30 minutes at 4:30 with a cocktail at 6:30 :p


Good luck! And enjoy your cruise!

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Celebrity has quite a few options that can be helpful, especially at the buffet for lunch and breakfast. The made to order stations are wonderful. I eat egg whites (not necessarily an omelete) with spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms. They have turkey sausage and plenty of fruit. whole wheat toast. This allows you to eat a light, healthy breakfast w/ protein, especially on days with excursions. Lunch - always salads, vegetables, fruits. I think Celebrity does a great job at dinner in the MDR. There are always healthy options that are marked on the menu. Salad dressings are not already on the salad and their are often fruit soups. The portions are moderate and balanced. Stay away from their bread at dinner.. it's addictive. There are also sugar free options.

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I also lost 30 recently. I figure if I can take off another 5 before my 15 night cruise, I'll have room to grow. I really don't exercise, but I am more active on a cruise than at home, so that should help. I agree, if something isn't totally yummy, leave it on the plate. I have a huge problem with Celebrity breads. I love them. Then again, I love it all. Usually on a cruise I will gain a few but will take it off very quickly once back home if I get back on the stick. Wish me luck!

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We decided that we would only eat something if it tasted amazing. With all the good food available, it's amazing how often we find that we were eating what was given to us regardless of whether it was really good. There's a lot of "filer" available. Cut out that part, enjoy the rest and have a great cruise!


[*]If anything didn't taste unbelievable it stayed on the plate. One bite and done. I did not care what I wasted.


Every time I cruised I always put on around 5 lbs despite never using the elevators and exercising every day.


Not eating everything on the plate was the key to changing this habit. I LOVE food and eating on a cruise and will still order multi course breakfasts, lunches and dinners each day (I probably average 10 courses per day across the 3 meals), but never eat everything on the plate, especially things like the mash on the side that accompanies the main element of the dish.


Any like the previous posters, if it doesn't taste amazing...especially the desserts.....leave it be. My theory is if I'm consuming extra calories they need to taste darn good to make it worthwhile :D I typically find that 1 or 2 courses each meal will be amazing, with the rest being just good. I think leaving it also sends a message back to the kitchen that there is room for improvement on that dish ;)


I find making sensible food and exercise choices onboard actually increases my overall enjoyment of the cruise and not diminish it as some may think.


Eat, Exercise, Enjoy :D



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My strategies:


Take the stairs as much as possible, especially going UP.


Do physical excursions (swimming, zip lines, hikes, bike, kayak, etc).


Two desserts per cruise... creme brulee and ice cream (once each).


Ask for "no starch, double vegetable" at dinner.


Nothing made with flour... no bread, no crackers, no cereal, no pasta, no pastries, no gravy, etc.


One hour per day in the gym, minimum.


Ask for a plate of raw veggies every night instead of an appetizer.


Ask for a plate of steamed veggies with dinner if the choices are "iffy" on the menu.


Nothing breaded or fried.


B'fast and lunch are always simple... and the same. Eggs and a little fruit for b'fast. Salad and lean protein for lunch.


Alcohol is limited to wine and mixed drinks without added sugar or fruit juices.


LOTS of plain water.


Even with all of this, I will gain weight!!! But not as much as I used to... when I would gain 1# per day. I have a 15 night cruise next month and I do NOT want to gain 15#! LOL

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My strategy

* use stairs

* Aqua spa cafe or equivalent for lunch

* if ashore no lunch or a very light lunch

* active on shore activities

* water, water, water but not the standard ship water, too much sodium for me

* three treats a day - a treat can be a martini, a breadstick, an almond croissant something naughty but nice. Extra treats can be bought my doing a mile round the deck, gym trip etc


In the end, you may put some weight back on but it should be shiftable when you get home. You are not going to end up back where you were so relax and enjoy


Ps I do not weigh myself onboard I prefer to work with my home scales and I never weight until 24 hrs after I get home as I get fluid retention on long flights

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I find it really interesting to read everyone's strategies for keeping the weight down with all that temptation on cruises.

Sometimes it feels like we're surrounded by people stuffing their faces with plates piled high and we're the only ones watching what we eat. It's good to know we're not alone, so thanks for your stories. :)

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No pun intended!


I know this topic won't appeal to many, and I know the logic of "you're on vacation - live a little!" and I don't necessarily need to hear from those of you who will advise to splurge just this once.


I do want this thread to include responses from those who can offer helpful suggestions, or who understand what it's like to be in the middle of a successful weight loss journey and not wanting to mess it up!


I've lost more than 30 pounds in the last few months, not by depriving myself, but by making wiser choices and keeping my overall calorie count down. I've eaten healthily, I stay satisfied, I exercise a bit each day, and the excess weight has come off.


I have a 13-night cruise coming up, and while I know I probably won't lose weight with 24-hour yumminess available, I would like to come off the ship at the end of the two weeks weighing roughly what I do when I get on it.


I plan to make liberal use of the fitness area while I'm on board.


Are there any other tips from experienced cruisers who can relate?


I understand your problem as I also lost weight and try to keep it off on cruises. everbody has given you good advise, small portions, use the gym, stairs watch desserts. I also minimize my carb intake . I find if have minimal dessert, bread pasta and other flour and sugar related foods you should be ok. Grill fish and meat without the heavy gravy. You might gain a pound or two, but once home and back to your routine, you will eliminate the extra weight. Enjoy the cruise make good choices. More to a cruise then eating.

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Great suggestions. I would ditto having lunch in the Aqu Spa - beautifully presented, healthy plates and delicious! Use stairs,etc as others have already said. Have a breadstick at dinner - Celebrity's breadsticks are wonderful. Both my husband and myself try to be careful throughout the cruise and also are finding that we just cannot eat as much as we could when we were younger. We try to balance healthy with occasional treats, ie, the waffles twice during the cruise for breakfast and the other mornings just fruit and raisin bran. We usually split lunch when in port as we find most portions way to large in any restaurant. For our last cruise, I did diet the week before to lose a few extra pounds to give myself some "wiggle" room. I did seem to gain a few pounds anyway, but they seem to come right off the week we get home with a little dieting. When we did a two week cruise a few years ago, we found that we could not eat so much by the second week. Do a lot of waking in the ports.


Enjoy your cruise!

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I find it really interesting to read everyone's strategies for keeping the weight down with all that temptation on cruises.

Sometimes it feels like we're surrounded by people stuffing their faces with plates piled high and we're the only ones watching what we eat. It's good to know we're not alone, so thanks for your stories. :)


I agree! I originally posted this thinking I wouldn't see a lot of people interested in this topic, because most people I see posting are only talking about indulging! I don't mind indulging occasionally, but a cruise has the potential of being a good excuse to "indulge" for 14 days straight, and I know I would regret it after!


It's so good to hear from you all, and you've given me some great strategies! If anyone else has more, keep them coming! Even though you may not be on my cruise, it's so great to know I'm not alone on this other journey!

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Hi all my tips are basically the same. I usually have big breakfast no carbs protein and salad for lunch no starch ar dinner order xtra veg and i order dessert wth 1 2 3 rule 1 bite to start 2 if if good 3 if very good then i give rest to dh who never gains a lb!! Also sometimes i might order the cheese and fruit plate. We cruise in 4 wks so i am trying to be xtra good now. I still hv a glass of wine or a cocktail though, can' give that up lol

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I agree! I originally posted this thinking I wouldn't see a lot of people interested in this topic, because most people I see posting are only talking about indulging! I don't mind indulging occasionally, but a cruise has the potential of being a good excuse to "indulge" for 14 days straight, and I know I would regret it after!


It's so good to hear from you all, and you've given me some great strategies! If anyone else has more, keep them coming! Even though you may not be on my cruise, it's so great to know I'm not alone on this other journey!


You will be on the ship for 14 days. Always keep in mind that the food will be there tomorrow! It isn't going anywhere (unless you overdo it and it goes onto you!!)


Allow yourself a small indulgence each day. That way you will will not feel deprived and you will be in control of the situation.


For breakfast, I start with 1/2 grapefruit. After I have eaten it, I think about what next. Sometimes an eggwhite omelet, sometimes a poached egg on toast, or fruit & yogurt.


Another thing I always do at a buffet is check out the food and make my decision before I even get myself a plate. My killer is the ice cream. So, for lunch I go to the salad bar and fill my plate with veggies. I may top it with some protein and use either low fat dressing or oil & vinegar sparingly. Then I have my ice cream treat.


At dinner, I order low sodium which immediately eliminates the sauces. I get fresh veggies as a sidedish and if I do order a dessert, I have one or two spoonfuls.


We do select dining, and one time we were sitting next to a couple who sent back the bread basket. I was very impressed!


Hope these tips help.

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If the gym gets boring or crowded, I sometimes walk the stairs. Start at any stairwell. Walk up to the highest deck... then over to the next set of stairs and walk all the way down to the lowest deck common to the next set of stairs. Go to the next stairs and walk all the way UP again, then over and down, over and up. You'll make a figure 8 if you have three stairwells. You'll also get to see all of the "art" displayed.


I also use the "3 bite rule". The first bite of anything is always the best. The second confirms it. The 3rd is just another bite. Anything after that and you're just eating it to finish it. ;)


Another strategy is to keep in mind the amount of exercise you need to do to burn those extra "treats" off. At my weight I would need to walk at a brisk pace for one hour to burn about 200 calories. That's 3.5 miles in one hour. Which is the equivalent of eating a medium pear and a large orange, OR 4 oz roasted chicken breast (size of a deck of cards), OR 1/2 cup of vanilla soft serve ice cream. In other words, walking 3.5 miles in one hour does NOT equal a splurge for me. It doesn't do much to limit weight gain, either. But it keeps my head in the game and improves my overall health. I read something recently that stuck with me...


"You can't exercise away a poor diet."


Here's a neat cal burn chart:



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I have lost a ton of weight and I'm still losing.

I think every day about my plan for my cruise in December.

I plan to walk the halls, decks and treadmill (break it up into smaller increments).

Become a food snob. The first 4-5 bites are always the best - stop eating after that if it's a higher calorie food.

If I want a yummy breakfast, I'll have a low-cal lunch (grilled tuna, chicken and salmon from Aqua Spa cafe).

Light breakfast - yogurt, fruit - maybe can splurge a little at lunch.

The desserts always sound better than they actually taste - same with the ice cream - I have to remember that.

Stop eating when you are 'satisfied' - don't wait until you feel full.

I will eat what I want in specialty restaurants, but not finish each course, leaving room for the other courses.

Make an eating plan today - go over it every day and you will do fine!

Good luck to you - and to me too!

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I also lost 30 lbs two years ago and have managed to keep it off. We are just off the Infinity to Alaska. I took the water package and drank Pegrino all day. A egg white omelet with fruit for breakfast, lite lunch and fish for dinner and voila no weight gain. We did eat at Qsine one night and that was the one splurge. I tried everything including desert. Like others have said, take the stairs when possible and use the exercise facilities if it suits you ! You can have a great time and not over indulge.

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Vigorous pool walking is very efficacious. If you vigorously pool walk for one hour that is equivalent to two hours of land walking. Additionally, if you perform your ancillary exercises while pool walking then you will have exercised for the equivalence of three hours when you are finished. Additional walking to other venues on the ship is (excuse the expression) icing on the cake. Ergo, if you also perform ancillary exercises for, at least, 1/2 hour on your balcony, then by days end you will probably have exercised about four hours.

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I typically gain about 5 lbs per cruise.... so I usually try to drop 5 right before so I have a little wiggle room.


Also, the walking really helps, when we took the 12 night Azamara...the food was amazing so we did not deprive ourselves, but on the Mediterranean itinerary we did so much walking and stair climbing.. I didn't gain a pound and my husband lost a few. I will definitely add more stairs and walking this time since we will have a bunch of at sea days.


I also don't eat a lot at the buffet....I just don't like them much...so that helps with the temptation. I also take my own Truvia and drink tea so I don't add the sugar of softdrinks, which I really don't like much anymore anyway!!

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