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Ultimate Cruise Snob Stories


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That's one for one of the other threads about what bugs you on cruises......people in mobility scooters, or becoming commonly called 'council go-karts' in the UK., why should we let them go first just because they can't/won't walk? At least they have a seat whilst they're queuing. If they were on crutches or had sticks then I would be the first to allow them to proceed.


Those posters concerned about wearing tee shirts from wherever would only be regarded as a snob by those 'redneck' types that wear wife beater vests, a cap at all times and have a beer can/bottle grafted to their right hand.

Proper 'posh' people or snobs would never be seen dead in a tee shirt!


My son once got his comeuppance on a holiday when he treated a luggage porter rudely. We were in Kenya when this young chap came to collect our luggage from the transport, my 12 year old son told him to pick up that case, that bag, his backpack,etc., I stopped the porter in his tracks, told my son to move all of our luggage from transport to reception. I then thanked the porter and tipped him out of my son's spending money - my son also got a 'clip round the ear'ole' as was appropriate for his rudeness!

my son has grown up a proper gentleman and his manners are exemplary....lesson learnt!

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I think that this thread is just to encourage everyone to be considerate of your fellow passengers ( and others in general), if it be at dinner and dressing accordingly, attending a scheduled event (theatre, trip, embarkation, etc.) punctually and basically treating others as you would wish to be treated.


If someone talks down to you then I feel one has the right of redress and the offender should be told quietly, in no uncertain terms why they should 'go forth and multiply', it is your duty so they will learn the ways of the civilised world.

Snobbery is a form of bullying, easily rectified, one just has to stand up for oneself and the bully/ snob will quickly get the picture and bugger off!


Good manners and etiquette are things that are becoming short in supply. Unfortunately 'Common courtesy' not as common as one might think.


I suspect it gave a lot of people the opportunity to vent. I must say, even with just hearing "their side of the story", the relator didn't always look too good.

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That's one for one of the other threads about what bugs you on cruises......people in mobility scooters, or becoming commonly called 'council go-karts' in the UK., why should we let them go first just because they can't/won't walk? At least they have a seat whilst they're queuing. If they were on crutches or had sticks then I would be the first to allow them to proceed.


I can understand it if they are being pushed by paid staff, as at airports. It's amazing how often people being pushed to the front of a queue have well-scuffed shoes on.

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Surely, he did. To which the answer was "Stop calling me Shirley!"


Our 2nd best snob experience was the several couples at a table for 8 who always bragged that they got the "best" of everything; wines, liquors, etc. Then midway through the cruise they started bragging about the "best, most incredible deal" they got for their cabin (price), stating the dollar amount loudly for the benefit of us all, as it was "so great!".


My wife and I looked at each other, smiled, and never said a word. Then we started giggling, and I had to leave the dining room briefly for a full belly laugh. We had gotten our cabin (also a mid-ship's balcony) for one-third the price !!! We held it together until we got to our cabin after dinner, then literally rolled on the bed laughing at their "incredible deal"


Every other "best" claim thereafter for the rest of the cruise brought smiles to our faces, and additional giggles as we remembered how great their claims were.

That was Leslie Nielsen(sp?) not Peter Graves..I know cuz I have a PhD in Films! *Changing my screenname to DOCTOR Jimandtoni !!!*

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That was Leslie Nielsen(sp?) not Peter Graves..I know cuz I have a PhD in Films! *Changing my screenname to DOCTOR Jimandtoni !!!*


Correct.....famous Canadian...


When asked, "Surely you can't be serious?", he responds with a curt, "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley." In several interviews he later reflected on the significance of the comedic line: "I thought it was amusing, but it never occurred to me that it was going to become a trademark. It's such a surprise...the thing comes out, people say, 'What did he say?!'"[

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You know? What do you know?

I know that my Dr. M dislikes using a title.


Ahhh... Another super nice person with obsessive and obscure interests!


Thanks, Dr. A.

Can't wait to get on the ship, but wishing you were tagging along. I may take a stab at a live from. Maybe not?:)


Drs. A and T, bon voyage from Dr. M and Pia. He's not your kind of doc, but he too prefers to go untitled unless in a professional setting.

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True!! Actually, "Doctor" is a college degree, not a job title. Most Doctors I know are physicians and surgeons. As well as a few ministers, and a couple of professors. And all I know, (with one exception) prefer to use simply their first name in social settings. (And I always call her by her first name....)



My best friend just got his PhD. He's the kind of guy who would never dream of asking people to refer to him as "Doctor". Therefore, that will be how I refer to him from this point foward. Just to annoy him.

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I know that my Dr. M dislikes using a title.




Drs. A and T, bon voyage from Dr. M and Pia. He's not your kind of doc, but he too prefers to go untitled unless in a professional setting.

I hope no one finds out that I heal computers - the nice dinner conversation would get hijacked into a tech support session (and pure boredom for everyone but me and my newfound 'client')... It happens all the time and I can't stop myself from helping! :o


I guess I also need a clever euphemism for what I do, like the school principal, architect and other "Incognito Professionals" use.



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Not really sure how to classify this one.....It seemed snobbish at the time.


My husband and I were on our Honeymoon doing a Panama Canal cruise from San Diego to Galveston, Texas. There was a large contingent of Texans on board. One day we ate lunch in the MDR and were seated at a large table of ladies. They were all chatting away and the lady sitting next to me starts to ask everyone where they are from and, one by one, they state what part of Texas they were from.


When she got to us she said "So, what part of Texas are y'all from?" My husband says "We are actually from Alberta, Canada". Well a look of shock and horror came over her face - I swear I thought her eye balls were going to pop out and her chin would reach her chest bone! She said :eek::eek:"REALLY?":eek::eek:. We confirmed that yes, indeed, we were from Canada. Well, her facial expression turned to utter disgust and her nose turned up. She then turned her body in her seat so that her back was to me and started chatting with her friend next to her about something else. She never spoke to us again during lunch.


We didn't give her any mind though...we were on our honeymoon and just enjoyed our meal and each other. We didn't know if she thought Texans were better than everyone else or if she thought Canadians were low class or she hated Canadians and we didn't care to ask.


We did have a big chuckle over it later though.:D And to this day I can still see her facial expression - something I will never forget.:p

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Not really sure how to classify this one.....It seemed snobbish at the time.


My husband and I were on our Honeymoon doing a Panama Canal cruise from San Diego to Galveston, Texas. There was a large contingent of Texans on board. One day we ate lunch in the MDR and were seated at a large table of ladies. They were all chatting away and the lady sitting next to me starts to ask everyone where they are from and, one by one, they state what part of Texas they were from.


When she got to us she said "So, what part of Texas are y'all from?" My husband says "We are actually from Alberta, Canada". Well a look of shock and horror came over her face - I swear I thought her eye balls were going to pop out and her chin would reach her chest bone! She said :eek::eek:"REALLY?":eek::eek:. We confirmed that yes, indeed, we were from Canada. Well, her facial expression turned to utter disgust and her nose turned up. She then turned her body in her seat so that her back was to me and started chatting with her friend next to her about something else. She never spoke to us again during lunch.


We didn't give her any mind though...we were on our honeymoon and just enjoyed our meal and each other. We didn't know if she thought Texans were better than everyone else or if she thought Canadians were low class or she hated Canadians and we didn't care to ask.


We did have a big chuckle over it later though.:D And to this day I can still see her facial expression - something I will never forget.:p


Wow. You know, you may have just caught them off guard, and they may know nothing about Canada. In other words, you were a "foreigner", and they can't relate to anything "foreign"


I'll bet you could have extended the conversation and just answered Alberta...then she would have asked where is that, and you could have mentioned a few suburb towns and she would have made a mental note to google it later LOL

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Do the ships have several captians?

As Captain Dino (from the Diamond) announced last year (October) that he would be the captain of the new Royal.



I beieve Capt Dino is to be the Staff Captain on the Royal. (a delightful genteman!)

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We stayed on the ship one day at port and went to one of the pools. I was in the pool relaxing and in came a woman with a baby in diapers...and not even swim diapers. It kinda freaked me out cause I sure did not want to get sick during the cruise. And there were signs everywhere saying no kids in diapers. I got out and went to my chair and decided to go talk to a pool steward. He went and talked to the lady and she got out of the pool and made a call on her cell phone. After the call she just went and got back in the pool. I did not want to make a huge deal about it but it really bothered me. Later on during the cruise I saw the Captain introducing his wife to some of the passengers. Yes the woman in the pool was the Captains Wife.


Captains wife or not, my next move would be to the Princess HQ. Diapers in a pool are just plain wrong and both the wife and Capt should know better.

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Sometimes, someone you start off thinking is a snob, isn’t—other factors come into play causing them to be stand offish....I offer this story.


My cousin and I both in our late 50s cruised on RCI where at the time, all dining was traditional. We had an assigned table for 6 that was rectangular in shape and right by the window. On the first evening, we arrived at our table first so naturally took the two seats opposite each other by the window.


Some time passed before we saw two older ladies approach our table. We smiled and said hello. They acknowledged us then sat at the far end of the table leaving the seats between us empty….a tad awkward. No one else joined us…on that night or on any other night.


My cousin who is blonde, vivacious and very friendly said ‘please, come join us’. The two ladies looked across at each other and mumbled ‘no, thanks, we are fine here.’


Our server came and took our drink orders . The two ladies did not have wine or a cocktail and seemed most interested in burying their heads in the menu, ignoring us.


My cousin, not one to be easily brushed aside, asked with a friendly tone and smile ‘so, is this your first cruise?’ and they nodded yes. Dead silence after that. My cousin pushed on….’so, where are you ladies from?’ They said ‘oh we’re Canadian’. My cousin said ‘so are we….so where about are you from?’. They said ‘Saskatchewan…a small town you wouldn’t have heard of it’.


My cousin’s dearly departed hubby had served in the RCMP and back in those days, the only places you were stationed were ‘small towns in Saskatchewan that you’ve never heard of’. So my cousin said ‘oh I’ll bet I have….what town?’. They named some little one horse town where of course my cousin had indeed heard of and had lived in.


Finally the ladies …sisters as it turned out….warmed up a bit and eventually were sharing stories back and forth with us. But, they still never moved from their chairs at the end of the table.


The next evening, we arrived at our appointed time and lo and behold the ladies were sitting in the chairs by the window and practically ‘yoo hooing’ us over to sit down next to them. They then admitted as it was their first cruise they didn’t know what protocols were and felt a little overwhelmed by the size of the ship, getting lost, what to do and when, etc.


Then, the one sister giggled and asked for a suggestion for what drink she should order as she was a recent widow and felt a bit out of her realm. We volunteered that we were both widows and her demeanour softened noticeably. We suggested a gin and tonic as a safe choice. Needless to say, by the end of the cruise, they felt much more relaxed and were friendly whenever they saw us.


On the last evening we had made arrangements with another couple we had met to dine in one of the specialty restaurants and the sisters were devastated that we wouldn’t be dining with them on the last nite. But, we made a point of going back to our table after our dinner and we had dessert with them.

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I beieve Capt Dino is to be the Staff Captain on the Royal. (a delightful genteman!)


Capt Dino Sagani will be the relief captain on the Royal. He rotates in and assumes full command when the regular captain takes his scheduled time off.

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Wow. You know, you may have just caught them off guard, and they may know nothing about Canada. In other words, you were a "foreigner", and they can't relate to anything "foreign"


I'll bet you could have extended the conversation and just answered Alberta...then she would have asked where is that, and you could have mentioned a few suburb towns and she would have made a mental note to google it later LOL


Just tongue in cheek here, but for some, anyone not from Texas is a foreigner. After all, it is the Republic of Texas! ;)

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Wow. You know, you may have just caught them off guard, and they may know nothing about Canada. In other words, you were a "foreigner", and they can't relate to anything "foreign"

Many people do not even know US places well. I graduated from New Mexico State. In one job interview, the lady who interviewed me was in shock: Wow! You went to Mexico for college!

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Just tongue in cheek here, but for some, anyone not from Texas is a foreigner. After all, it is the Republic of Texas! ;)


That's funny, I thought everyone from Texas was a foreigner. After all, it is the Republic of Texas! :p

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We had a tablemate who made sure he wanted to be referred to as "Doctor", and corrected anyone who didn't. Even though it wouldn't have changed my opinion of him, he wasn't a medical doctor, but probably had a Ph.D. in basket weaving. We never called him "Doctor". Glad it was only one night.

I've met people like that. My standard reply is, "Gee, I'm an MBA. Tell you what. I'll call you Doctor and you can call me Master."

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I hope no one finds out that I heal computers - the nice dinner conversation would get hijacked into a tech support session (and pure boredom for everyone but me and my newfound 'client')... It happens all the time and I can't stop myself from helping! :o


I guess I also need a clever euphemism for what I do, like the school principal, architect and other "Incognito Professionals" use.




Best one I ever saw on a business card was "Bit Whacker"

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Just tongue in cheek here, but for some, anyone not from Texas is a foreigner. After all, it is the Republic of Texas! ;)


And on one cruise a Texan on formal night came to our table with formal boots and a cowboy hat. He indicated that, in Texas, the hat was formal attire.

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Hey! Not all PhDs are pretentious morons. Sometime they a really, really nice people that just had too much time on their hands and a weird obsession with an obscure topic! Seriously!:o


Absolutely agree--I know plenty of Phd's who are also genuine, fun and humble.


But, someone who insists on being addressed as 'Doctor', medical or not, on a cruise, at dinner--yep, pretentious moron pretty well describes them.

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I hope no one finds out that I heal computers - the nice dinner conversation would get hijacked into a tech support session (and pure boredom for everyone but me and my newfound 'client')... It happens all the time and I can't stop myself from helping! :o


I guess I also need a clever euphemism for what I do, like the school principal, architect and other "Incognito Professionals" use.



i have been retired for so long I can't remember what I did. At least that is how I answer the question.
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Captains wife or not, my next move would be to the Princess HQ. Diapers in a pool are just plain wrong and both the wife and Capt should know better.
I have trouble believing this story happened on a Princess ship.
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We didn't know if she thought Texans were better than everyone else or if she thought Canadians were low class or she hated Canadians and we didn't care to ask.


Oh, come now. Americans use the eagle as their national symbol. Texans use a star. Canadians use --- the leaf of a tree. I mean, not even the entire tree, just one leaf. How then do you expect to earn any respect! :)



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