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Anyone ever get left behind in port?


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I will continue to always have my passport with me. I have a waterproof neck wallet that goes in the water with me, when snorkeling. It is no more valuable than my money, credit cards etc. I know right where consulate offices are and know procedures that probably some of you don't. I am not concerned and- IF there is a mishap for what ever reason, I am not going to fall apart and will be able to manage just fine. This has already happened to me, twice without any panic etc. and everything working out.


From the posts on this board, some are going to need their hand held and it will be considered a disaster. Best to know that now, I suppose. I don't want any middle men involved with my needed documents, so my choice is best for my in ease of travel.. Simply one path to follow of many.

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I will continue to always have my passport with me. I have a waterproof neck wallet that goes in the water with me, when snorkeling. It is no more valuable than my money, credit cards etc. I know right where consulate offices are and know procedures that probably some of you don't. I am not concerned and- IF there is a mishap for what ever reason, I am not going to fall apart and will be able to manage just fine. This has already happened to me, twice without any panic etc. and everything working out.


You've lost your Passport twice?

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If I'm in a country other that the US, I carry my passport. If your not going to carry it, kind of defeats the point. I would rather the very small chance of losing it and getting jammed up by immigration coming back into the states, rather than needing in abroad and not having it.

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If I'm in a country other that the US, I carry my passport. If your not going to carry it, kind of defeats the point. I would rather the very small chance of losing it and getting jammed up by immigration coming back into the states, rather than needing in abroad and not having it.


What about the people that travel with just a BC and DL? Should they carry their BC with them too just in case they miss the ship so they can go apply for a Passport a little easier or prove they are a US Citizen if they need to for whatever reason? My answer would be no.


The only reason you would need your Passport is if you miss the ship and unless you are a very poor planner, that should never happen. Therefore it is safest where it can't be lost or stolen on the ship. It will be left with the port authorities should that happen along with the contents of your safe which for me is a good thing because I don't carry any credit cards (if by chance I grab one, it's one with an extremely low credit limit in case of fraud or theft) and only a small amount, say $80 at the most in cash off the ship and there's no way I could get home on that.


There is a way higher chance of something bad happening to your Passport and your cash or whatnot than missing the ship if you are any kind of responsible person. Again, if that does happen you can rest assured it will be waiting for you when you return to where your ship used to be.

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We were on a PVT.tour in Athens a few yrs. ago.... Lovely Day--Great Tour--Marvelous Guide--interesting stops....

ALL was perfect, till the lovely, comfortable, roomy, clean, white Pvt. van ran out of gas, on the freeway, at 5 pm,

about 5 miles from the ship, about 1 hr before sailing. Absolute chaos resulted. Good part of the freeway was backed up--Jammed.

This small company had no EXTRA van to collect us. We ( 12 of us ) were Frantic.

SCREAMING police were furious with our driver, for causing the freeway mess.

Another van finally came for us ( don't know how this was arranged.) We got to the pier L A T E but our ship was waiting Because Our Van Causing the freeway delay, Also resulted in ships' sponsored tours getting back late.

Ships sponsored tours and their busses were behind us on the clogged freeway.

So we survived this nightmare by the skin of our teeth.

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We were on a PVT.tour in Athens a few yrs. ago.... Lovely Day--Great Tour--Marvelous Guide--interesting stops....

ALL was perfect, till the lovely, comfortable, roomy, clean, white Pvt. van ran out of gas, on the freeway, at 5 pm,

about 5 miles from the ship, about 1 hr before sailing. Absolute chaos resulted. Good part of the freeway was backed up--Jammed.

This small company had no EXTRA van to collect us. We ( 12 of us ) were Frantic.

SCREAMING police were furious with our driver, for causing the freeway mess.

Another van finally came for us ( don't know how this was arranged.) We got to the pier L A T E but our ship was waiting Because Our Van Causing the freeway delay, Also resulted in ships' sponsored tours getting back late.

Ships sponsored tours and their busses were behind us on the clogged freeway.

So we survived this nightmare by the skin of our teeth.


Yikes! I would have gotten out of the van and started walking! I always make sure any tours I do will be back at least 2 hours ahead of time. Just in case. And I don't go that far from the ship. Scary stuff.

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What about the people that travel with just a BC and DL? Should they carry their BC with them too just in case they miss the ship so they can go apply for a Passport a little easier or prove they are a US Citizen if they need to for whatever reason? My answer would be no.


The only reason you would need your Passport is if you miss the ship and unless you are a very poor planner, that should never happen. Therefore it is safest where it can't be lost or stolen on the ship. It will be left with the port authorities should that happen along with the contents of your safe which for me is a good thing because I don't carry any credit cards (if by chance I grab one, it's one with an extremely low credit limit in case of fraud or theft) and only a small amount, say $80 at the most in cash off the ship and there's no way I could get home on that.


There is a way higher chance of something bad happening to your Passport and your cash or whatnot than missing the ship if you are any kind of responsible person. Again, if that does happen you can rest assured it will be waiting for you when you return to where your ship used to be.


I have no idea if someone in that situation should carry those items or not. I would not go into another country without a passport. What mistakes people without passports make, after making the initial mistake of not having a passport, isn't my concern.

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I have no idea if someone in that situation should carry those items or not. I would not go into another country without a passport. What mistakes people without passports make, after making the initial mistake of not having a passport, isn't my concern.


I would also not carry my Passport in Naples. Pickpockets left and right there.

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Here's the the false sense of security that is giving you. First off do you really think any government official or security guard is going to care about a photo copy or picture either to report as stolen or allow you to use as ID. To an identity thief or forger a photo copy or picture of your ID or Passport is as good as the original. What they are really looking for to copy the credentials portion along with current Security features and insert the photo of their choice.

Secondly if you do lose your passport to theft while in port, while the US Consulate will help you get a new one it doesn't matter if you have photo copies. It does not speed up the process nor does it reduce the cost of the emergency replacement. If fact you would surprised to learn half of the problem is just getting to the US Consulate, most of them are not near the ports, and some are even on other islands or the mainland for that nation. So in most cases you wouldn't even head over there, it's more likely you you try to reboard the ship to retrieve the originals and make your report to ship's security. This still would require you to apply for a new passport or ID possibly with new numbers, and most likely at your own expense unless you have a police report or statement from port personnel concerning the theft. (A family member was as speciality entertainer for cruises and saw or heard about this frequently.)

You best bet is to take the bare minimum required name matched ID into port, usually a DL and your Seapass card. Take spending cash, credit/debit card, and an emergency fund (we take the credit card we paid for the vacation as it has a minimal Travel Emergency feature) and keep these separated from each other. Preferably try to get a traveler's wallet that you wear around your waist or upper arm, these are not as noticeable as the string around your neck ones to hold your cards. Also if the day's plan is for shopping take a backpack or some other bag that keeps your hands free yet is secure enough that it can't easily be ripped from your shoulders.


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While it may or may not give one a sense of security, a photocopy of your passport is one of the thinks the State Department says will help establish citizenship if you find you have lost your passport while in a foreign country...From the State Department FAQ on lost or stolen passports:


The following list identifies a number of documents/items you should take with you to the embassy/consulate. Even if you are unable to present all of the documents, the consular staff will do their best to assist you to replace your passport quickly.

Please provide:

  • A Passport Photo (one photo is required; get it in advance to speed the process of replacing your passport)
  • Identification (driver's license, expired passport etc.)
  • Evidence of U.S. citizenship (birth certificate, photocopy of your missing passport)
  • Travel Itinerary (airline/train tickets)
  • Police Report, if available
  • DS-11 Application for Passport (may be completed at time of application)
  • DS-64 Statement Regarding a Lost or Stolen Passport (may be completed at time of application)

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Over 30 years ago, we were on a small ship... the line is no longer in service...and stopped at Sarento. We got off with one of our table mates and took the hydrofoil to Capri. Had a glorious day and got on a return trip where we would arrive about two hours ahead of the time the ship was leaving. We went around a corner on the hydrofoil and saw the harbor...no ship. And it was two hours before the declared time to leave. None of us had passports, etc. we got off the hydrofoil and walked to the pier. The ship doctor, his girlfriend and two other passengers were standing there along with a ship employee. Turned out the ship had to leave early because of high waves. They went to Naples and in the meantime, hired a van to bring us to the ship as we were the only ones not back on board when they decided to move the ship. My heart almost stopped when we came into the harbor and no ship there!



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Over 30 years ago, we were on a small ship... the line is no longer in service...and stopped at Sarento. We got off with one of our table mates and took the hydrofoil to Capri. Had a glorious day and got on a return trip where we would arrive about two hours ahead of the time the ship was leaving. We went around a corner on the hydrofoil and saw the harbor...no ship. And it was two hours before the declared time to leave. None of us had passports, etc. we got off the hydrofoil and walked to the pier. The ship doctor, his girlfriend and two other passengers were standing there along with a ship employee. Turned out the ship had to leave early because of high waves. They went to Naples and in the meantime, hired a van to bring us to the ship as we were the only ones not back on board when they decided to move the ship. My heart almost stopped when we came into the harbor and no ship there!

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I think the ship's Dr would have had to revive me from a heart attack.

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While it may or may not give one a sense of security, a photocopy of your passport is one of the thinks the State Department says will help establish citizenship if you find you have lost your passport while in a foreign country...From the State Department FAQ on lost or stolen passports:


The following list identifies a number of documents/items you should take with you to the embassy/consulate. Even if you are unable to present all of the documents, the consular staff will do their best to assist you to replace your passport quickly.

Please provide:

  • A Passport Photo (one photo is required; get it in advance to speed the process of replacing your passport)
  • Identification (driver's license, expired passport etc.)
  • Evidence of U.S. citizenship (birth certificate, photocopy of your missing passport)
  • Travel Itinerary (airline/train tickets)
  • Police Report, if available
  • DS-11 Application for Passport (may be completed at time of application)
  • DS-64 Statement Regarding a Lost or Stolen Passport (may be completed at time of application)

I think you are confusing where the State Department wants the photo copy of the passport is to be kept. It should not be on your person, it should safely be with a person you trust that is not traveling with you currently. They should be able to email or fax it to the Consulate on a moment's notice.

Authorities will laugh behind your back if you try to report a copy or photo of your passport as stolen to have it invalidated and replaced. So either carry the original document or card or leave it in the safe of the cruise ship or hotel, and know the politics of where you are visiting.

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What about the people that travel with just a BC and DL? Should they carry their BC with them too just in case they miss the ship so they can go apply for a Passport a little easier or prove they are a US Citizen if they need to for whatever reason? My answer would be no.


The only reason you would need your Passport is if you miss the ship and unless you are a very poor planner, that should never happen. Therefore it is safest where it can't be lost or stolen on the ship. It will be left with the port authorities should that happen along with the contents of your safe which for me is a good thing because I don't carry any credit cards (if by chance I grab one, it's one with an extremely low credit limit in case of fraud or theft) and only a small amount, say $80 at the most in cash off the ship and there's no way I could get home on that.


There is a way higher chance of something bad happening to your Passport and your cash or whatnot than missing the ship if you are any kind of responsible person. Again, if that does happen you can rest assured it will be waiting for you when you return to where your ship used to be.


The Birth Certificate people are SOL in many cases. Your missing the ship comments are narrow.. There are numerous other reasons for missing a ship than poor planning. And, frankly, if you are that prone to pick pockets you better look in the mirror and change your habits. There are many safefuards that are available. I always see careless people, neck wallets swinging from their necks on the outside, having open wallets out, men with wallets in back pockets, busy with cell phones etc. Pickpockets are a lazy bunch they go for the easy mark, which will be these people first. On average- they don't tell their pal - hey lets see if we and break a tough mark just for fun. They go for volume and easy.


Yes there is always some risk, it can be reduced with different methods and firming up your habits goes a long way. If you aren't a frequent traveler, perhaps, read what the frequent ones do and what they see. Could offer you an edge.

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We were in Jamaica and had taken a carnival excursion to dunns river falls. It was over an hour away on the bus. On the way back we are sitting in traffic and see the smoke coming from the ship. We made it back, barely, but luckily were in a carnival sponsored excursion. It is my understanding that it is not 100% guarantee they will wait for you, if you will be extremely late, they will ensure you get to the next stop, on their dime, but that's good info to know.



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The Birth Certificate people are SOL in many cases. Your missing the ship comments are narrow.. There are numerous other reasons for missing a ship than poor planning. And, frankly, if you are that prone to pick pockets you better look in the mirror and change your habits. There are many safefuards that are available. I always see careless people, neck wallets swinging from their necks on the outside, having open wallets out, men with wallets in back pockets, busy with cell phones etc. Pickpockets are a lazy bunch they go for the easy mark, which will be these people first. On average- they don't tell their pal - hey lets see if we and break a tough mark just for fun. They go for volume and easy.


Yes there is always some risk, it can be reduced with different methods and firming up your habits goes a long way. If you aren't a frequent traveler, perhaps, read what the frequent ones do and what they see. Could offer you an edge.


I don't need to look in the mirror for anything. Haven't been pick pocketed, don't plan to be. I know how to protect myself the best I can, but sometimes that even isn't enough. My aunt was on an NCL (I think, could have been Celebrity) cruise tour when the bus behind them was held up and robbed at gunpoint. All those people that carried a lot of money, Passports, jewelry, etc were stripped of their possessions. It was so traumatizing that she refuses to go on a cruise ever again. I do none of that so I have nothing to lose.


The majority of the time when people miss the ship it IS due to poor planning. Like I said, if I were to miss the ship due to that or illness or hospitalization, my Passport will be waiting there for me safe and sound. No need to risk it unnecessarily as there's no need for it on a Caribbean island. My Passport card or Driver's License will suffice.


But you do what you want and I will do what I want. Knock on wood I haven't missed a ship yet and hope to continue that trend. Guess you have worse luck and maybe are one of the few that do need to carry it. But if you didn't and get left behind, know that your Passport and the rest of your safe contents will be waiting for you.

Edited by firemanbobswife
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When we sailed to Greece a few years ago the cruise line took our passport at embarkation. We got them back on the sea day after our last port. No one took their passport off the ship in any port- we didn't have access to them.


We leave them on the ship all the time. Take drivers license and ship card.


We also take the port agent info with us. Usually posted in the shops daily publication.


We also leave copies of passport and birth certificate with someone not on the trip with us. With fax and e-mail this info can be sent to us if necessary.




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When we sailed to Greece a few years ago the cruise line took our passport at embarkation. We got them back on the sea day after our last port. No one took their passport off the ship in any port- we didn't have access to them.


We leave them on the ship all the time. Take drivers license and ship card.


We also take the port agent info with us. Usually posted in the shops daily publication.


We also leave copies of passport and birth certificate with someone not on the trip with us. With fax and e-mail this info can be sent to us if necessary.

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I think you are confusing where the State Department wants the photo copy of the passport is to be kept. It should not be on your person, it should safely be with a person you trust that is not traveling with you currently. They should be able to email or fax it to the Consulate on a moment's notice.


Authorities will laugh behind your back if you try to report a copy or photo of your passport as stolen to have it invalidated and replaced. So either carry the original document or card or leave it in the safe of the cruise ship or hotel, and know the politics of where you are visiting.




No confusion. The statement was made that having a copy was of no value. State department website says it is of some (limited) value. I never weighed in on the topic of what one should or should not take off the ship.



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A good friend of mine was on a Carnival cruise years ago to Hawaii. They were on a Carnival excursion that had two buses traveling and the brakes went out on one of them. Her bus stopped to check on them before heading back to port. I don't recall which Hawaii port it was from her story from years ago but long story short the ship had to leave without them. Apparently they were not allowed to remain in the port any longer and ended up having to leave. They did of course transport those people to the next port. Carnival can't guarantee 100% to not leave you as they may not have clearance at some ports for the time frame needed for people to return depending on the issue. But they can guarantee to get you to the next port. This is why you need to have a passport and not just a birth certificate even though it's not required on some cruises when leaving the US.

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No confusion. The statement was made that having a copy was of no value. State department website says it is of some (limited) value. I never weighed in on the topic of what one should or should not take off the ship.



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I'm not disputing having a copy or a photograph of the info page on a passport. I'm warning people that having those on their person is just as much of an attraction to a thief s the actual book or card. The copied proof of passport issuance is better locked in the cabin/room safe, as some do with the original or left with someone not traveling that can get it sent electronically to a consulate or even custom officials once back at homeport. To foreign officials a copy of a passport is useless as ID or proof of nationality.

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This is why you need to have a passport and not just a birth certificate even though it's not required on some cruises when leaving the US.


Carnival has no such requirement for US citizens (and traveling from one Hawaiian island to another would not require a passport for a US citizen).

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