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Middle Aged Drama Queen Goes BIG: Solo & Last Minute on the ALLURE!!!


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I should get one day off in my 14-day deployment, so Broadway - here I come! :)


Too bad I'm not living up in NJ anymore...

My all time favorite is "Phanton of the Opera"...a classic! If you've already seen it or want something "happier" I'd say "MamaMia!" or "Jersey Boys" (awesome!).


Have fun, be safe, and "write back" soon! :)

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YES!!!!! I LOVE Phantom of the Opera - that would be an awesome show to say, "Oh, I saw that on Broadway" - as I think it's the longest running show on Broadway at this time! "Mamma Mia" would be good - but I was also thinking of "The Lion King" - or "Wicked" -ack. Too many choices! You'd think I was going on a VACATION rather than to work!!!


For those who want to follow along, my blog will be updated...all you have to do is go HERE. I usually blog about everyday life, but if my everyday life is a Red Cross deployment, that's what I'll be writing about. My Bucket List has been posted on my blog for 5 years, and look at #47 - see a Broadway play! Woot!


Have a safe trip, I'll be following along on your blog and waiting on the rest of your review with the rest of the crowd! Only four months until our Mediterranean cruise which has been planned with many of your tips!


I'm going to vote for Wicked...it's amazing! But you really can't go wrong with any of the shows you mentioned.

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Good luck with your deployment - dress warmly! Also, as a fellow community volunteer don't ever minimize the great work you do just because no one pays you;) It's taken me a long time to recognize the value of what I do, even though there is no paycheck, and society should too, but in the meanwhile we can celebrate it even if no one else will!!:D


Ps I vote for wicked- phenomenal!

Edited by Familygoboston
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Now, see...I'm aging myself...but I immediately thought that Madonna would have an outfit like that...I didn't even think of Katy Perry...not my generation! ;)





YES!!!!! I LOVE Phantom of the Opera - that would be an awesome show to say, "Oh, I saw that on Broadway" - as I think it's the longest running show on Broadway at this time! "Mamma Mia" would be good - but I was also thinking of "The Lion King" - or "Wicked" -ack. Too many choices! You'd think I was going on a VACATION rather than to work!!!


I'm going out as a Facilities Supervisor...which means I'll be working to close shelters down (hopefully), close kitchens down, close warehouses, and eventually, the HQ - but only when they're ready to close. Otherwise, I'll be working in Supply - where I'll order the supplies needed for all of the facilities. I love what I do - I have to, since I do it for free!!! :D:D


For those who want to follow along, my blog will be updated...all you have to do is go HERE. I usually blog about everyday life, but if my everyday life is a Red Cross deployment, that's what I'll be writing about. My Bucket List has been posted on my blog for 5 years, and look at #47 - see a Broadway play! Woot!



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Go with an open mind. Some of the really hot shows, like the Lion King, which is truly awesome, rarely see any tickets here.


However, as a single traveler, you can scoop up some amazing seats. I got third row center for Driving Miss Daily with James Earl Jones (sigh) less than 90 minutes before show time. Another night I got 8th row center for Billy Elliott about 2 hours ahead of show time. Both for 50% off list price too.


And, David Letterman's Theater is in the same district, perhaps you can get lucky and get a last minute seat here.


Lots of great deals at the 1/2 booth, for last minutes shows, it can't be beat.


We'll be here, pretending to be patient, as we anxiously await the rest of your review.


Be safe, and, thank for you helping.



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Sherri, good thing the weather seems to be a bit warmer today and perhaps tomorrow, although I did see something about some weather blowing in around Sunday. But it should be mid 40s for a fe days and seasonable so you should definitely be able to get out and about.


The TKTS booth will have whatever is available and unfortunately the hottest shows won't be there, but don't discount something else. I know people who caught something they would not have normally picked and absolutely loved it. Just being in a theater for a live show is a thrill enough for me.

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I'm only through page 12, and enjoying this so much! Thank you for the great review!


I'm even seeing pics of things I didn't see! For various reasons, there was a lot we didn't do. One of those reasons was finding and returning to favorite places like Park Cafe for salads for lunch! Went with 2 daughters and my sister. Now I want to go back and share this ship with DH!



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Ah, the coke machines. Let's talk coke.






If I won the lottery, I'd have one of these in my home. It would be AWESOME!


First, let me begin by saying that I am a soda-popaholic. I love Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper, specifically - but anything fizzy will work. It's what I begin my day with, and what I end my day with (although I prefer the decaf Coke in the evenings - and previously, I could not get decaf Coke onboard.)


Being allergic to wine, I have to subsist mainly on soda pop - and so I always, always, always buy the Soda Pop package while onboard. RCI could charge $100 a day for the soda pop package, and I'd be the first sucker in line to buy it - I'm that addicted. Sigh.


In the past, when I needed a fix, I'd have to elbow my way up to the Pool Bar and wait - impatiently - for a harried and busy bartender to notice me and fill me up with my nectar of the Gods.




Thanks to the ingenuity of ...um...someone - who should be immortalized forever on the shrine of genius inventions - I now just have to elbow my way up to the Freestyle Coke Machine and wait - impatiently - for other harried and busy cruisers to figure out the workings of said machine - and soon enough, I am walking away with my nectar of the Gods.


It dispenses up to 125 flavors of Coke products. You'd almost have to try 18 flavors a day for the 7 days of your cruise to try them all. (I didn't do that.)


It's very simply, actually.


Either pre-purchase your Soda plan before you sail (online), or once you're onboard (like I had to do, since I booked at the last minute).


You'll get an AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, PRICELESS cup like this:





These cups are the ONLY cups that work at the Coke Machines. (But don't worry - you can still elbow your way up to the Pool Bar, flash your SeaPass with your Coke sticker/imprint, and get coke in a regular glass, without your amazing, beautiful and priceless soda cup).



The floor mats in front of the Coke Machines have the directions on how to use it:




But whoever looks DOWN?? Especially when in front of this amazing technology...so here...I'll help you:


1. Plop some ice in the cup. (Yes - you must have ice - even just a tiny bit)


2. Place the cup on the chip-reader window tray.


3. Push the button of your desired nectar of the Gods.


4. Push the button (again - if needed) if you want to fine-tune your selection.


5. Hold the button down until your cup is filled.







I loved the Diet Coke selections. After selecting Diet Coke, I then had the choice of fine-tuning it:


1. Cherry Diet Coke

2. Lime Diet Coke

3. Orange Diet Coke

4. Raspberry Diet Coke

5. Vanilla Diet Coke

6. Plain, old boring regular Diet Coke


Well. I tried them ALL. I loved them ALL.


But...I think...just maybe...the Raspberry Diet Coke was my favorite.


In the evenings, I'd go for a decaf Diet Coke fix...and I was a very, very happy girl. I'm easy like that.


There you go. Your easy directions on the coke machines.


There were two located on Deck 5 - in the Promenade - by Sorrento's.

There was one located on Deck 15 in the WipeOut Cafe.

There were a couple located on Deck 16 - in the Windjammer.


I never had to wait more than a person or two to get in line to use them...much faster than waiting at the Pool Bar.


My only complaints, which are minimal:


I was never one to carry my giant coke cup around with me - it's large, bulky and cumbersome.


When you're at the Solarium, you have to walk ALL the way to the back of the ship and either use the one in the Wipeout Cafe - or hop up a deck to the Windjammer. I WISH there was a machine located closer to the Solarium - or even the Beach pool. Being a solo cruiser, i didn't like leaving my towel, suntan lotion, etc, unattended while I went in search of a refill.


The little spigot/sippy thingy on my cup was a pain to deal with. It would automatically close every time I tipped my cup back to drink - so I'd have to hold it open with one finger and drink...it was awkward to do and awkward to watch. I tried to put a straw in, but the cups are too tall and my straw drowned in the depths of the cup, never to be seen again.


Anyway...there's the lesson of the day on the Freestyle Coke Machines.


And now I need to go pour me a fresh one. :)


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the raspberry diet coke!! I too am an addict and can't wait to get raspberry diet coke for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on my June Allure cruise!!!


PS: I am just now getting caught up on your trip report- I LOVE your style of writing!!

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I have been raptly reading you EPIC. I sail on allure in 19 days and can not wait. I recommend the lovely musical "once.". It is interesting, dynamic, sweet and has great music! I am a lifelong New Yorker, and can't recommend this one enough! As to your work, I live in one of the boroughs most affected by Sandy, and with so many friends directly impacted, I am grateful to you and all the other folks who have helped them and are helping them to renew, rebuild, and recover. Thank you.

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I have been raptly reading you EPIC. I sail on allure in 19 days and can not wait. I recommend the lovely musical "once.". It is interesting, dynamic, sweet and has great music! I am a lifelong New Yorker, and can't recommend this one enough! As to your work, I live in one of the boroughs most affected by Sandy, and with so many friends directly impacted, I am grateful to you and all the other folks who have helped them and are helping them to renew, rebuild, and recover. Thank you.

Hey I'm on the same sailing as you! :)

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Now, see...I'm aging myself...but I immediately thought that Madonna would have an outfit like that...I didn't even think of Katy Perry...not my generation! ;)





YES!!!!! I LOVE Phantom of the Opera - that would be an awesome show to say, "Oh, I saw that on Broadway" - as I think it's the longest running show on Broadway at this time! "Mamma Mia" would be good - but I was also thinking of "The Lion King" - or "Wicked" -ack. Too many choices! You'd think I was going on a VACATION rather than to work!!!


I'm going out as a Facilities Supervisor...which means I'll be working to close shelters down (hopefully), close kitchens down, close warehouses, and eventually, the HQ - but only when they're ready to close. Otherwise, I'll be working in Supply - where I'll order the supplies needed for all of the facilities. I love what I do - I have to, since I do it for free!!! :D:D


For those who want to follow along, my blog will be updated...all you have to do is go HERE. I usually blog about everyday life, but if my everyday life is a Red Cross deployment, that's what I'll be writing about. My Bucket List has been posted on my blog for 5 years, and look at #47 - see a Broadway play! Woot!


If I had to pick one show it would be Lion king. Not only for the music but the imagination and vision to bring the story to the stage is unparreled.

Edited by smeck
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Sherri, I have read all of your reviews but have not posted, I just want you to know that for your European review I believe I didn't do any house work for a week while reading it and laughed out loud on more than one occasion and hysterically from you personal alarm story. I was so sad to see that it came to an end. I have not done my dishes for two evenings now because I have been reading this one. You really do write beautifully. I have been reading the last few pages and figured you would get deployed any time (shucks) but I really didn't think for Sandy, I expected more to do with all of the snowstorms and power outages. Anyhow great on you for doing this work. Can't wait for your return but my hubby will appreciate the dishes not piled to the bottom of the cupboards so he thanks you too!!!


I vote for Jersey Boys, I saw it in Vegas and at the end I was so impressed I said out loud "Wow" I thought it was the best show I had ever seen.


Safe travels.

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The Vitality Fitness Center/Spa (cont)


There are a TON of “free” seminars that are offered throughout the week on the Allure…and they have a dedicated classroom for such seminars:





Here are just a few of the seminars that were offered the week I sailed:


Cellulite and Spider Vein Solutions

Secrets to a Flatter Stomach

How to Look 10 Years Younger

Free Footprint Analysis

Walking in Comfort and Relieving Back Pain

No More Bad Hair Days

Look 10 Years Younger with Restylane & Dysport

How Acupuncture Can Relieve Back & Knee Pain

Detox for Health & Weight Loss

Get a Brighter Whiter Smile

Relieve Back Pain with Better Body Alignment & Posture

Non-surgical Facelift w/ Dermal Fillers, Restylane & Dysport

How to Increase Your Metabolism

Arthritis Solutions

How to get Thicker, Fuller Hair


And so on…and so on…and so on…ad nauseam....


Here’s a HUGE tip for anyone who’s never sailed before on RCI:


The seminars are most definitely free. However – I can pretty much guarantee you that EVERY one of these “free” seminars is a pitch to sell you something.


If you don’t mind the sales pitch – and are good at saying “no” when needed – or don’t want to say no and don’t mind shelling out major $$$ for whatever it is they’re selling you (shoe lifts, vitamins, creams, lotions, fillers, etc) - then go, enjoy….but just be forewarned.


Across from this little seating area was the Vitality Cafe...




The Vitality Cafe was originally conceived as a bar...so that if one partner is working out by lifting weights in the gym, the other partner can be working out by lifting drinks in the bar, each waiting for the other to finish. However, the idea was changed into a healthy eating venue - featuring such items as smoothies and banana breads and wraps. Note that this is NOT a free venue... and it was NEVER crowded when I went through there.




Interesting that this has changed. I was on Oasis and the vitality Cafe was free. The only time there was a charge is in the evening when it converted to some type of Romantic dining venue. I disappointed as this was my favorite place to dine for lunch

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Interesting that this has changed. I was on Oasis and the vitality Cafe was free. The only time there was a charge is in the evening when it converted to some type of Romantic dining venue. I disappointed as this was my favorite place to dine for lunch


I don't go on the Oasis for another eighty some days, but what you are describing sounds like the solarium bistro which has healthy breakfasts and lunches but is a pay rest for dinner.


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That is correct...at least when I went cruised there was no charge. That was in 2010. This was a relaxation cruise and I spent all my mornings and afternoons in the Solarium. Didn't leave to eat because the food in the Cafe was so good...and interesting with lots of flavors.

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Loving your review! Looks like I'm going to have to fill my time while you are working with your past reviews.


Question: You mentioned something about negotiating a price you are comfortable with (in the jewelry store purchasing your tanzanite necklace). Should I take this as the prices not being firm? On my previous cruises I never thought to try and negotiate a lower price. I've only been on 3 cruises but there was a Tanzanite ring on each of those cruises that I absolutely fell in love with. I just couldn't bring myself to purchase the ring though because I didn't feel good about the price. It just didn't even cross my mind to try and get the price reduced. If this is the case I have a feeling I'll be getting myself a new ring on my next cruise!

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I love your review and im totally addicted to it! I actually wooped with excitement the other night as i thought i was up to date with your review and when i logged in i had 4 new pages to read!

Ive been on the Oasis and i was still saying "Wow!!" four days into my cruise!

We are getting married on the Allure next March so i am loving your review as there are a few differences to the Oasis....

By looking at the restaurant reviews i dont think we wil be in the MDR either!


Take care in New York and i would really recommend that you go and see Wicked if you can... its an awesome show and ive seen it five times now and would go back and see it another 5000 times! Amazing! Its the only show that ive been to where they have a standing ovation at the interval...its that good!!


Loving all the hints and tips from everyone else aswell!!


Im sad again as ive caught back up with all the posts.... cmon people more tips feed my review addiction please!! :) hee hee



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I so love your reviews. Thank you for writing them!

As for Broadway shows I highly recommend Once. But get in line early because when the doors open you can actually go on stage and buy a beer and "hang" with the band playing wonderful Irish music. Then you can say that not only have you seen a show on Broadway but you've actually stood on a Broadway stage!!

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