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Carnival Imagination Lost/Found Cash


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I just stepped off the Carnival Imagination from a quick 3 night cruise as a follow up to my 5 night aboard Ecstasy and I must say I am remarkably upset about an occurrence that I experienced:


2 days ago I was walking with some friends and noticed a large amount of money at the bottom of the Upper Deck stairs. For obvious reasons, I will not disclose the amount found, but it was in the hundreds of dollars. The money was neatly formed as if it had been recently removed from an ATM. I immediately went to the Guest Services desk on the Empire Deck and asked to speak to the head of Security. They asked why and I told them what I had found. "We have a procedure to deal with lost and found money" and also said the head of Security was occupied. I counted out the amount in front of them (and their cameras) and signed a receipt from them for the complete amount.


Yesterday morning, I inquired to see if the owners of the cash had inquired if anyone had turned it in (thinking perhaps of a family that needed that cash to get back home (shuttle/taxi/food, etc.) and they said no. I checked again this morning prior to leaving the ship and still no one had inquired. I asked the agent what would be done with the cash and they said it was being sent to their corporate account.


ARE YOU SERIOUS? Had I known that, I would have simply originally told the Guest services that I had found money, how much it was, then told them that if someone inquired, then Guest Services could alert me. I find it DEPLORABLE that Carnival would keep that cash! I would have easily given it to a charity instead of it being stolen (in my mind) by Carnival.


In case those reading this are not familiar with security cameras on ships, I know FOR A FACT that Security could have EASILY tracked down the owners of that money. The wad was fresh, was in an OPEN AREA in front of the steps (so it must has JUST RECENTLY been dropped), and Security could have simply reviewed the digital recording from the timeframe that I found it and traced the person's steps to their cabin.


CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES, I find your procedures DEPLORABLE in dealing with this and am posting this here, as well as messaging John Heald and writing a letter to Gerry Cahill. I have cruised your lines for decades and am now SUSPENDING booking with any of your brands until I receive an explanation for the complacency and their greed in retaining the lost money.

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I totally agree with you. I can see waiting a couple of weeks to be sure someone doesn't contact them about the loss and then, if no one claims it, send it to you.


I am interested in hearing why they feel they are entitled to the money. It is nothing but pure greed for sure. Please post when you hear their answer. Thanks.

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Maybe you should brush up on lost/stolen/abandoned property laws before you find their actions deplorable. Maybe morally, you feel that they had a duty to track down the owner, but the owner has an obligation to recoup their lost/stolen/abandoned property. It's not a flip flop. I would certainly notice if I lost several hundred dollars.


Would it have made you feel better if Carnival made an announcement over the PA system for anyone who lost money to come claim it? Half the ship would be at guest services guessing at the amount so they could claim "their" money.


Sorry, but legally, they did what is right. As long as, when the rightful owner shows up saying they lost the money, they return it.


And yes, you probably should have told them of what you found and said "if anyone comes to claim it, tell them to contact me in Room XXXX and tell me whereabout it was lost and how much they lost". Then the *true* rightful owner of the found money would have ended up with it one way or another.

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I'm fairly certain my response is going to be unpopular, but many companies have this same policy. It's not a popular one for certain. I worked for many years in the casino industry and any money turned in that is not collected within 30-45 days becomes company property. I'm not certain if they do it for liability purposes in case an original owner eventually does try to collect. You are correct that the cameras could have been used and most definitely should have been. That was pure laziness on someone's part. It does make me wonder if found money can be collected by an employee after before mentioned time, although I highly doubt that. Most corporations have done away with that policy also.

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Kudos to you for being honest! Most would have just kept the money... I probably would! ;) No seriously, you are right... someone may have needed that money for transportation, food, etc. and felt sick when they realized it was missing. I get upset over losing $20, let alone hundreds! :eek:

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Maybe it was the ship's (from the casino...is that the only place that has cash?) money a staff member dropped and they didn't want to come forward with the fact that they dropped it. Though I would think ship cash would be carried around in some sort of pouch. Cause as a passenger, if I had dropped that money, I would have most definitely gone to guest services desk and asked about it.

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I just stepped off the Carnival Imagination from a quick 3 night cruise as a follow up to my 5 night aboard Ecstasy and I must say I am remarkably upset about an occurrence that I experienced:


2 days ago I was walking with some friends and noticed a large amount of money at the bottom of the Upper Deck stairs. For obvious reasons, I will not disclose the amount found, but it was in the hundreds of dollars. The money was neatly formed as if it had been recently removed from an ATM. I immediately went to the Guest Services desk on the Empire Deck and asked to speak to the head of Security. They asked why and I told them what I had found. "We have a procedure to deal with lost and found money" and also said the head of Security was occupied. I counted out the amount in front of them (and their cameras) and signed a receipt from them for the complete amount.


Yesterday morning, I inquired to see if the owners of the cash had inquired if anyone had turned it in (thinking perhaps of a family that needed that cash to get back home (shuttle/taxi/food, etc.) and they said no. I checked again this morning prior to leaving the ship and still no one had inquired. I asked the agent what would be done with the cash and they said it was being sent to their corporate account.


ARE YOU SERIOUS? Had I known that, I would have simply originally told the Guest services that I had found money, how much it was, then told them that if someone inquired, then Guest Services could alert me. I find it DEPLORABLE that Carnival would keep that cash! I would have easily given it to a charity instead of it being stolen (in my mind) by Carnival.


In case those reading this are not familiar with security cameras on ships, I know FOR A FACT that Security could have EASILY tracked down the owners of that money. The wad was fresh, was in an OPEN AREA in front of the steps (so it must has JUST RECENTLY been dropped), and Security could have simply reviewed the digital recording from the timeframe that I found it and traced the person's steps to their cabin.


CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES, I find your procedures DEPLORABLE in dealing with this and am posting this here, as well as messaging John Heald and writing a letter to Gerry Cahill. I have cruised your lines for decades and am now SUSPENDING booking with any of your brands until I receive an explanation for the complacency and their greed in retaining the lost money.


Of course it's going to be sent to Corporate- the owner of the money obviously didn't realize while they were on the ship that the money was gone and if and when they do realize it once they leave the ship who are they going to communicate with? Yep, Corporate. I do not know what Corporate will do with it if it ultimately goes unclaimed but it does make sense that the next stop for it is there.


As for the security cameras I doubt that the resolution from the cameras is good enough to pick up a small falling object and it is not a simple matter of tracing a person back to their cabin.

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I just stepped off the Carnival Imagination from a quick 3 night cruise as a follow up to my 5 night aboard Ecstasy and I must say I am remarkably upset about an occurrence that I experienced:


2 days ago I was walking with some friends and noticed a large amount of money at the bottom of the Upper Deck stairs. For obvious reasons, I will not disclose the amount found, but it was in the hundreds of dollars. The money was neatly formed as if it had been recently removed from an ATM. I immediately went to the Guest Services desk on the Empire Deck and asked to speak to the head of Security. They asked why and I told them what I had found. "We have a procedure to deal with lost and found money" and also said the head of Security was occupied. I counted out the amount in front of them (and their cameras) and signed a receipt from them for the complete amount.


Yesterday morning, I inquired to see if the owners of the cash had inquired if anyone had turned it in (thinking perhaps of a family that needed that cash to get back home (shuttle/taxi/food, etc.) and they said no. I checked again this morning prior to leaving the ship and still no one had inquired. I asked the agent what would be done with the cash and they said it was being sent to their corporate account.


ARE YOU SERIOUS? Had I known that, I would have simply originally told the Guest services that I had found money, how much it was, then told them that if someone inquired, then Guest Services could alert me. I find it DEPLORABLE that Carnival would keep that cash! I would have easily given it to a charity instead of it being stolen (in my mind) by Carnival.


In case those reading this are not familiar with security cameras on ships, I know FOR A FACT that Security could have EASILY tracked down the owners of that money. The wad was fresh, was in an OPEN AREA in front of the steps (so it must has JUST RECENTLY been dropped), and Security could have simply reviewed the digital recording from the timeframe that I found it and traced the person's steps to their cabin.


CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES, I find your procedures DEPLORABLE in dealing with this and am posting this here, as well as messaging John Heald and writing a letter to Gerry Cahill. I have cruised your lines for decades and am now SUSPENDING booking with any of your brands until I receive an explanation for the complacency and their greed in retaining the lost money.


I think they meant that the cash was sent to their corporate headquarters where is someone wrote there explaining they left their money on a certain ship, during a certain sailing and the amount lost that corporate would know where to send the lost, then found money.

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That is why when I found a ditty bag with a big wad of cash and sign and sail card and a bunch of other stuff I didn't turn it in. I asked Purser to notify the cabin of so and so I was waiting for them in the atrium lobby with their belongings.


A lady and man came quite soon. It was the 3rd time that day she'd lost the S&S! I handed it to her and she said "thanks" and walked off with her husband chiding her for being so unthankful. She came back to me and asked my table number. That night I got a nice hello and much better thank you from her and a (terrible) bottle of red wine.


Must have been close to $700 in it. I wasn't sure if the $$ would be in it when she got if back if I'd given it to the Purser. Not that I think he was a thief but who knows. I knew I wasn't.

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Lesson learned I guess.. I found a large amount of money in my cabin once and debated on what to do. I like to think people can be trusted, but for some reason I had the feeling that if I turned it in to guest services, it would NOT have been returned to the owner. I ended up taking it home and I actually tracked down the owner myself through this forum.

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Not to start an argument or a debate, but if they have security cameras then they can detect something falling or at the very least something that is there that wasn't a moment ago. Today's technology is unbelievable and I can't imagine Carnival wouldn't have the cameras needed to take care of business. You would be surprised at what they can detect.

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Just an FYI and you can research this.


Any unclaimed monies found on the the ships if unclaimed are donated to local charities by Carnival.


I believe Disney does the same thing.


Disney does that. They also hold all property that is lost for 30 days, then sell it to Cast members and the money raised goes to charity. You would be amazed at what people leave in the parks and don't claim at lost and found!

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When I was getting ready to board the valor in Miami a few years back I realized my wallet was missing. Went back to the car and it wasn't there. Evidently I had left it with all of my money on the top of my car. Someone turned it into port security and I got it back from the carnival desk crew. I was lucky. They did tell me if I had not claimed it, it would have been sent to corporate but they weren't clear on what would happen after that.

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Disney does that. They also hold all property that is lost for 30 days, then sell it to Cast members and the money raised goes to charity. You would be amazed at what people leave in the parks and don't claim at lost and found!


The parks and the hotels! They've had wedding gowns, prosthetic limbs, dentures. I've been back to Property Control and the piles of stuff are incredible. Piles and piles of clothing, high end sunglasses, DSLR cameras, more strollers than you can imagine, jewelry, shoes, backpacks, designer hand bags, luggage, toys, the list goes on.

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Not to start an argument or a debate, but if they have security cameras then they can detect something falling or at the very least something that is there that wasn't a moment ago. Today's technology is unbelievable and I can't imagine Carnival wouldn't have the cameras needed to take care of business. You would be surprised at what they can detect.



I'm sure the VERY BEST cameras, of the HIGHEST resolution

are being used by Carnival.... in the casino. :-)

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Maybe you should brush up on lost/stolen/abandoned property laws before you find their actions deplorable. Maybe morally, you feel that they had a duty to track down the owner, but the owner has an obligation to recoup their lost/stolen/abandoned property. It's not a flip flop. I would certainly notice if I lost several hundred dollars.


Would it have made you feel better if Carnival made an announcement over the PA system for anyone who lost money to come claim it? Half the ship would be at guest services guessing at the amount so they could claim "their" money.


Sorry, but legally, they did what is right. As long as, when the rightful owner shows up saying they lost the money, they return it.


And yes, you probably should have told them of what you found and said "if anyone comes to claim it, tell them to contact me in Room XXXX and tell me whereabout it was lost and how much they lost". Then the *true* rightful owner of the found money would have ended up with it one way or another.


I expected rude answers, so thank you for not letting me down. I am no lawyer, therefore I have no desire to 'brush up' on the laws you suggested prior to finding their actions deplorable. My 'finding them deplorable' is my personal feeling and is, therefore, just that.


To your assertion that they perhaps had no moral obligation to look at their video camera systems to simplify find the person who dropped it - It would have literally taken a matter of a few minutes for security to review that series of 4+ cameras covering that small area. How difficult might that be?


I say you sound like you had a bad day today and perhaps need a nap.

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This past September I wrote a thread about my experience on the Carnival Freedom. Before debarking my husband rushing and not feeling well left almost $500 in our cabin. We didn't realize the mishap until a couple of hours after debarking. I told my DH we need to call Carnival and let them know. He told me to forget it. At this point he was sicker than he was previously. He said there is no way crew members were going to fork over all that untraceable cash. I called our PVP anyway. She gave me the number to Carnival's lost and found and told me to file a claim ASAP.I did just that. They told me if I don't hear anything in, I believe 30 days, consider it a lost. I called on a weekly basis to check up. Low and behold they told me a check for all my money was in the mail. Don't know if our taking excellent care of our cabin stewart had anything to do with it, But our money was returned and we were SO HAPPY!!

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I was recently on the Breeze and when I got to my cabin after embarkation our safe was still locked from the previous voyage. I notified my steward thinking he could open it, but he said he would have to call his manager.


I had to be present when the manager came to the cabin and used a swipe card to open the safe. He examined it thoroughly, even taking up the little piece of fabric on the bottom.


There was nothing in the safe, but I had to sign a form that the safe had been opened by the manager and that nothing had been found.

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To your assertion that they perhaps had no moral obligation to look at their video camera systems to simplify find the person who dropped it - It would have literally taken a matter of a few minutes for security to review that series of 4+ cameras covering that small area. How difficult might that be?


Synthetic.....maybe a little insight might help. I work at a casino in Nevada as a surveillance officer.....and I have had an occasion to peek at the surveillance system on the Carnival Spirit...and you are right, they do have a pretty good system. However, what most people don't realize is that while most cameras can "pan, tilt and zoom", they are usually stationed in a position that is pulled all the way back to get the widest view. Once the video is shot and you want to playback, you can't zoom.


So, in the event one could monitor the item falling from a pocket, you have to consider that the identify of the person is obviously unknown.....you may or may not be able to identify the person (especially after they change their clothes) and usually the person doesn't stop to "have their pictute taken". And lets face it, unless there is something about the person that really stands out, there are 3000+ people on the cruise. People think it's so easy to see everything and identfy everybody, but it really isn't that easy.


We see things all the time in the casino, but can hardly ever ID the people.....and obviousy we can confirm that something happened, but again, it's up the the security personnel to ID the people.


People loose their wallets, glasses, cellphones etc everyday and expect surveillance to find them!!!!! It's an obvious assumption that we watch everything every minute (which we do), but when you playback it's hard to identify people.


Hope maybe that helps with that issue........and like posted above and like the casinos do, found money and property are donated to charity.....so that might make you feel a little better anyway.......besides, you did the right thing and you would hope that someone would do the same for you if you lost the money.....so thanks for being a good human being and an honest cruiser!

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