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LIVE: MSC Fantasia 17 night repositioning cruise Santos Brazil to Venice 5 March 2013

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Good morning from the Cappuccino bar, deck 7, where I am with Angela and a cafe Moroccino. The navigational brief tells us that we are sailing NE and will be in "Gibraltar Street" at 10 p.m. tonight.


The Daily Program also informs us that it will be gala night no. 3 tonight (still no informals so far), the main theatrical entertainment is "DANIEL SHOW" with no further explanation, and the entertainment of the day is pasta demonstration, chess lesson, mega bingo and Bolero lesson - though having been disappointed that it was not the Torvill & Dean version last time, I shall give that a miss also.


The accompanying sales sheet tells us that the new collection by Moschino is "available at European prices !!!", which I assume are higher than non-European prices, there is 40% off diamonds today only and you can buy a full-size model of the Fantasia for $28.


Now, I have just been in the main part of the pool deck, an area I normally avoid as should become clear as I to try to convey the madness that passes for daytime entertainment in that zone.


First, there is the music. It is an unending 'mix' of techno-disco with a constant beat piped at high volume all around the deck. The bass beat penetrates the body and resonates the bowels.


Even louder than this, and totally unrelated to the music, is the compare of the entertainment with the microphone. I have experienced a fair few hotels with animation teams in my time and I have come to the conclusion that they are professional idiots. On a cruise ship they employ only those who excel in their craft. The compare is prattling away at high speed in multiple languages (none of them English) with an enthusiasm any normal person would have to take narcotic stimulation to achieve. His voice is booming around the deck with no respect for punctuation or my eardrums.


Behind the compare is the giant TV screen which is showing a loop advertising the DVD of the cruise, i.e. again totally unrelated to the entertainment - drunk Brazilians doing the hokey-cokey a few nights before and the like. Beneath the screen is a row of six white-jacketed restaurant staff standing motionless while, bearing in mind that this is the 'Pasta Demonstration', there is another animator going amongst them dressed as a cat. I observed all of this from the relative safety of a nearby jacuzzi. You will understand why we make our own entertainment.


Yesterday, I left off just before the Madeira wine tour at Blandy's in Funchal. I pre-booked via email for 10 of us. There was no need as numbers did not appear to be at all restricted. In the event 12 of us arrived but Duane immediately left us. I can highly recommend the tour. There was just enough information and over the right period of time as we trundled though the old winery to maintain interest. The guide spoke clearly and loudly and although her jokes were well rehearsed they kept the tour light-hearted. Photos were encouraged. It finished with generous measures of dry and sweet Madeira and was a bargain €4.40 per person (10 or more rate, €5.50 otherwise).


Back onboard before leaving Funchal, I had just enough time for a Chianti at the wine bar, where I wrote yesterday's post, before joining the gang at Duane's Yacht Club suite for Joanne's birthday. She celebrated by dancing on a towel over red wine that Keith had kindly spilt on the carpet. I was new to this tradition. I stood near the door and felt a little strange answering to a succession of butlers bringing in supplies. I did my best by buttoning my jacket before answering each time but I feel Duane really needs a professional doorman.


Post dinner wine in La Cantina Toscana was followed by post-wine Strawberry caprioska on deck 14 with two of the Mosad security guys. I asked them what the news was, putting a finger to my ear to refer to their over-the-top earpieces, but they were not at liberty to tell me. Then, the man I had recommended strawberry caprioskas to in the same place two nights earlier appeared once more. Pointing to mine, I asked, "Are you having one?". "No" he replied tersely. I was curious, "Didn't you like it?". "I liked it too much.", he said, "I had five and lost all of yesterday." Make a note, never have five caprioskas. I would extend this to also being wary of having two of Max's 'special' caipirinhas.


Last night the Cruise Critics treat was a platter of fruit delivered to our cabins.


Life rolls on and is decidedly good.



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I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading this thread, it almost feels like I am there with you. And Tim, I have laughed out loud at so many of your comments, you have a real gift of communication there. All in all, you have made my mornings brighter as I tune in to hear your latest escapades. The only question I had to ask was about the value of the drinks passage, and you have left me in little doubt about that!

Thanks for taking the time to post.

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Good morning from Malaga where it is a mild 15 degrees with mixed showers and sun.


The 'Daniel Show' in the theatre last night was an unexpected treat. Daniel is a man who pretended to be an osterich hatched from an egg in front of us. He laid an egg whch in turn hatched. Then in the second sketch his hands flirted with each other before making love. This section should have been 18-rated. Next he had a fight with his own jacket. At this point I thought it was becoming too cerebral for me and I made my exit. I enjoyed the music.


Awaiting in my cabin last night were a plate of canapés for being one of the 13 (we still have no official explanaton) plus a plate of chocalate-coated fruit for an earlier issue with the allegrissimo all-inclusive drinks package. Whatever I leave is always removed when I go to breakfast so I refused to go to breakfast this morning.


I had a jacuzzi in the rain at Lido Catalino (stern section of deck 15) while the masses cleared off the ship, then walked the mile to the centre of Malaga. Shuttle bus tickets were being sold at $8 for the day by the excursons office and these busses were waiting outside the terminal building. Just beyond were the usual touting taxi drivers and finally the city bus no. 90 running ever 5 minutes, I imagine at considerably less than $8 return.


More to follow....



P.S. Duane is being very quiet on this thread of late. He has asked me to apologise on his behalf and explain that his butler, Donny, is unable to type fast enough for Duane's dictation.

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Awaiting in my cabin last night were a plate of canapés for being one of the 13 (we still have no official explanaton)


This is surely because of the fact you are cruise critic people and will therefore most probably be doing a live blog, or end of cruise review.


With this in mind, may I kindly point out to MSC I will be in the Musica on the 10th Sept, cabin 12019 ;-)


P.S. Duane is being very quiet on this thread of late. He has asked me to apologise on his behalf and explain that his butler, Donny, is unable to type fast enough for Duane's dictation.


You just can't get the staff!

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Thank you Tim for conveying my apologies……


Good afternoon from my usual perch in the Top Sail Lounge here in Yacht Club. Regrettably, I have fallen behind schedule and given that the days have merged into one my catch up may end up like a piece of Swiss Cheese.


Before I begin a little background on an issue I had in the beginning of the cruise. As mentioned earlier there was an issue over flowers I had pre-booked for my suite. These flowers were to commemorate the first anniversary of the passing of my mother and given that I had quite particular requirements the hefty sum of AUD90.00 was agreed upon. You can imagine my disappointment when I embarked and there were none however, given that it was still early I was hopeful that they would make it into my cabin before the CC Meet and Greet as it was my further intention to distribute some amongst the ladies in attendance.


This was not to be.


Several days passed and no flowers had appeared and by this stage the insult to my mother’s memory was unacceptable and as she had never condoned mediocrity I decided to express my disgust at the situation and proceeded to cancel the flowers as their late arrival would merely add insult to injury. I further took this opportunity to convey my expectation of compensation in the form of on board credit. It has become evident that all issues financial in nature need to go through Napoli, whose service I can best describe as incompetent arrogant and delayed.


Had this been an isolated issue perhaps it could have been overlooked, however Wendy and Vincent, also travelling in Yacht Club, with experiences on Seabourn were left to their own devices in Sao Paulo (and we all know how dangerous Sao Paulo is) irrespective of the fact that they had paid for hotel and transfers through MSC. They too had been waiting several days for Napoli to return regarding their added cost of taxi and inconvenience suffered which, and it saddens me as a fan of MSC to say this is indicative of Napoli’s attitude that the client does not come first.


Being patient people we decided to give Napoli a week to respond and it was with a sore heart that I eventually felt the need to have a chat with the Hotel Manager, Neven and so on the last sea day I attended at his office to, amongst other things reminisce about Durban and all the MSC kids I had attended school with, the old MSC Symphony (ex Enrico Costa) and the issues that had now become a joke. It was at this meeting that it became apparent that Neven, and his staff have been trying their hardest, within the restrictions, as I can only imagine dictated by Napoli to ensure that we, including those associated to us via the original invitations that I had sent out for the Meet and Greet were treated like VVIPs, some of which experiences you have already read and some more are to follow as I catch-up.


However, and irrespective of the fact that we have opted to try and enjoy our cruise, a bitter taste remains as on our return from our tour of Madeira we were informed that we would be reimbursed our costs with additional USD10 each, which given that we have paid in excess of USD5000 for our cabins I find insulting and totally unacceptable.

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Good morning from the Aurea Spa bar at the pointy end of the Fantasia. This is our penultimate sea day, a sad reminder that this cruise is drawing towards its natural end.


The bridge informs us that we will spend the whole day on an ENE course and that the North African coast was visible at 7 a.m. Conditions are cloudy with a few visible breaks and it was mild as I walked the pool deck. The music at this time of day outside is far gentler than usual as the stretching exercise class takes place. This is just as well because if they tried stretching to the pulsating techno stuff I am sure it would result in increased stress and probably multiple injuries. The animator who runs this class gave me an evil nod as I passed no doubt because I refused to dance with her at the Black Card Event. I don't dance in public - one swing of my arms and there can be a dozen on the floor.


Service at breakfast was excellent. This is due to being led, while looking for Angela and Keith, to a section at the very far corner of the dining room where I was given a table for 6 and four waiters to myself. I consumed vast quantities of grapefruit squash and coffee-effect hot drink while waiting for Angela and Keith. When I gave up o them I asked, "Can I order please". The waiter went to the other three and I heard him ask them, "What is 'kan-aye-auda'?". Another came over, Basil Faulty style, "I am sorry, he is Brazillian". I was told today's special was potato and bacon. What came was actually omelette with potato and possibly traces of bacon.


Language issues are a predominant part of MSC cruising experience for English speakers without a latin language. Even the centrally-produced printed information in English appears not to have been proof-read by a native English speaker often with comic effect. The menus are only partially translated with many things remaining in Italian and not described.


Another way in which MSC differs from some other cruise lines is that they are not big on sail-aways. There was some animation-team led event when we left Santos but I believe there has been no mention of sail-away since. Yesterday, as we left Malaga and, judging by the announcements a certain Mr. Francisco, Joanne Keith and I had our own mini sail-away party at the stern on deck 15.


The Aurea Spa area is particularly highly staffed and I had to say good morning a dozen times in the short walk between the doors from the covered pool area to the Spa bar, mostly to Balinese ladies who greeted me in their traditional. There were also two MSC spies disguised in white overalls as maintenance men pretending to repair a banister. The Cruise Critics 13 know we are being watched.


My drink of choice in the Aurea Spa Bar is 'Very Veggie' described as "Beetroot, Carrot, Lime, Celery and a Slice of Ginger". It comes with a garnish which appears to my eyes to some sort of weed that is well past its best. It is a refreshing drink with the beetroot and ginger fighting for my stomach's attention.


Entertainment highlights for today are listed as "Fruits and Vegetables Carving Demonstration", Cha Cha Cha and Salsa dance lessons and "Mega Bingo" with the show this evening described only as "Pirates".


My entertainment highlight however will be a visit to the Fantasia bar at 4pm, where Max has promised to tell me the secret recipe for his special caipirinha, subject to his manager's approval. He told me yesterday that he made it different every time depending upon my mood. I asked how he knew the first time. He replied that he didn't, so he just "gave it everything". That was the caipirinha stopped me speaking within a few seconds of the first sip. This is the one I hope to obtain the recipe for. I feel the ability to serve these to certain people I encounter would be immensely useful.


While Skying with my mother yesterday she told me that my face was looking fat. I replied, "So yours would be if you had to live in these conditions!". Unfortunately, it is not just my face that is getting fat.


Ciao, Tim.

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....there is 40% off diamonds today only and you can buy a full-size model of the Fantasia for $28.



Wow, "a full-size model..." :eek: Must be very large and heavy to bring back home, through the customs and onboard the aircraft :)


Thank you so much guys for your reports! Is has been mostly entertaining and enjoyable. I will miss your daily updates.

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Venting aside I had best continue…….


The last of the 6 consecutive sea days was remarkably colder than what I was accustomed to and as a result I elected to remain indoors. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner are seemingly to merge into one extended, varied meal offering additional assistance to my growing waist line.


I seem to have entered into a bit of a routine, breakfast in L’Etoile, lunch with Angela, Keith and Tim in “The Golden Circle” and dinner in L’Etoile, often with Wendy and Vincent, with the time in between being spent……well I cannot actually say exactly what I do during my “free time”, I don’t know myself but you can rest assured I am busy enough for the time to fly by. MSC is definitely a cruise line for people who are able to entertain themselves. The daily program is not nearly as busy at that on a Holland America cruise but to be honest I never liked Holland’s excessive selection as I believe it to be reminiscent of my time in pre-school an age group where necessity requires it. At 32 I fall into the younger spectrum of solo cruisers and perhaps it is my age which disables me from understanding why people need to be entertained constantly throughout the day and as such are incapable of entertaining themselves.


Yacht Club guests are able to book private excursions through the Concierge and on the final of the six I decided to take a car for Madeira and take Angela and Keith along as company. Soon after Wendy and Vincent arrived in The Top Sail Lounge for a quick coffee while informing me that the excusion that they had booked had just been cancelled with the explanation of not enough English speakers for the tour to be made in English. Noticing how livid Wendy was with the situation; and who can blame her, I suggested that we change my car for a van and we spend the day together. New instructions were conveyed to the concierge who then proceeded to arrange everything from there, our tickets were waiting for us in our suites when we retired.


Awaking to the popular tunes of bad vibrations by the bow thrusters I opened my drapes and watched as we rotated into our dock………….the weather looked awful. After my usual breakfast in L’Etoile and cigarette in The Top Sail Lounge, where I met up with Vincent and Wendy my butler Donny arrived and we were on our way off the ship via the coffee bar where Angela, Keith, Elizabeth and Stan were waiting. Whisking them away with us Donny led as we climbed off the ship and walked through the cruise terminal towards the waiting bus, where coincidentally the head butler was waiting to assist further.


This was one of the best private tours I have ever done….the driver, whose name eludes me was ex Portuguese Secret Service who regaled us with everything from local culture, property prices, history, politics and even went so far as to translate a song that was playing but was in Portuguese. Having never been to Madeira before we said that he was to decide what, how and when save for the fact that at 14:30 there was a wine tasting and that lunch was to be had at a restaurant where the locals go and not the tourists.


I don’t want to bore you with the intricate details but all I can say is that everything was excellent, as expected. Interestingly though while talking, the driver did indicate that his boss had phoned him to reiterate that we are to receive the absolute best service as according to the information he received from the ship we are VVIPs.











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On our return to the ship we could see a lonely figure in tails waiting eagerly for our bus, it was Darwin, Wendy and Vincent’s Butler, waiting for our arrival so that he may escort us aboard.


Once onboard and on the advice that Donny was having some R&R I arranged with Vasant, my original butler a cheese and wine soirée in my suite in celebration of Joanne’s birthday, which soirée was an astounding success, even with folk dancing by Joanne after Keith (not her husband) Keith spilt red wine on my living room floor. Having been in discussion for several days earlier about the auspicious occasion Wendy, Vincent and I had decided that we would treat Joanne and Keith (her husband) to a dinner at L’Etoile. So, after everyone had left my suite Donny was summoned to escort us to dinner; and with three subtle knocks on the door Donny was there, with a friend in tow……..Darwin. So, with one butler leading and the other taking up the rear five of us were escorted along deck 7 towards the rear elevators which would take us to L’Etoile. On arrival, no less than three waiters clambered around us to ensure that everything was perfect, which the evening was.




At this time I would like to just thank the staff and crew of Fantasia for the excellent, above and beyond service I have received. Deven, the Hotel Manager and his staff have really pulled out all the stops and irrespective of my venting in an earlier post I continue to maintain that MSC Cruises is a good value for money and elegant product and as such my cruise line of choice, however in the event that Mr. Vago or even Mr. Aponte is reading this thread, which seems to be getting a lot of hits I would just like to comment that a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link and until such time as your head office starts realizing that you are moving passengers and not cargo MSC will continue to attract negative comments.

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Thanks All Aboard and Tim for letting me share in your journey. I'm particularly interested in MSC since we're booked on the Musica (Black Sea) in October. We're first timers on MSC. Tim, care to share the caipirinha recipe? We spent some time in Rio two years ago and those babies are addictive.

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Good morning from the pool deck, somewhere near the Glass Bar. I am enjoying a cafe Moroccino as we approach Palermo, Scilly. Mt. Etna is rumoured to be erupting at the moment but there is no sign of it from where I am sitting. Most of the gang have arranged a private tour when we dock but I shall do my usual wander on foot and see whatever I see.


The music around the main pool area is bearable in the morning up until the point that 'Stretching' gives way to 'Aerobics' at 9:30 when the volume and tempo increase. At 10, when the 'Good Morning Game' starts, it all falls apart and I have had to retreat to the more civilised Lido Catalano at the rear of deck 15. I have read about the use of classical music to keep hooligans away. I am obviously the target of the techno-pop they play around the pool.


Yesterday, Wendy, Vince and Duane condescended to join Angela, Keith and me in steerage for lunch. Duane insisted upon sitting at Virgil's station. Virgil is the best restaurant waiter we have encountered by some margin. He is impeccably mannered and polite, is very sensitive to our needs and always goes well beyond the call of duty to satisfy them. The six of us agreed to be on our best behaviour as we added an extra load to his station that he would not otherwise have been burdened with.


As ever, after the main course Virgil asked if everything was OK. When Angela said her steak had been tough, we all turned to her in unison. Then to Virgil's face. Mortified, he nodded once, eloquently and gently apologised then slipped away. I think we all believe in giving honest feedback but Virgil is particularly sensitive to any failings from cultivation to toilet bowl and carries the responsibility very heavily. Duane characteristically told Angela that if Virgil shoots himself and is not available to serve us tomorrow it is her fault.


I had a hard time finding a quiet jacuzzi after lunch. I am not really confident about jacuzzi etiquette and my limbs seem to be much longer than anyone else's so I prefer to avoid any potentially embarrassing situations by going solo. After surveying the ship, I ended in the consenting adults area at the top of the ship where there was just a loving couple in the larger jacuzzi there. Shortly after Stan and Elizabeth arrived and frightened the couple away. I was grateful. They joined me. The consenting adults pool is not particularly vigorous or warm so, novel as it was for me to socialise in the jacuzzi, we made the pleasure short lived.


At 4pm, Joanne, Duane and Michael joined me for Max's caipirinha demonstration in the Fantasia Bar. I was given permission to video it and will be posting on YouTube in due course. However, Max withheld the secret ingredient until after the camera was switched off and I have promised not to reveal it to any living person. So the only known way to experience Max's special caipirinha is to ask Max for one, or one of the four of us. If the four of us start dying in mysterious circumstances, it was Max that did it. Duane was staying dry as he was heading for the casino so the other three of us shared the sample. Michael and I stayed for one more. One of the last things I remember is Michael complaining about his ability to walk and talk. The health advice remains in place - never have more than one of Max's special caipirinhas.


I do remember defying the casual dress code for dinner in navy suit, white shirt and red polka-dot bow tie - I am very rebellious when the moment calls for it - and finishing the night with Keith and the Mossad boys on deck 14. The latter I teased by asking if I could take their photos. They are very camera-shy.


Breakfast today was unusual. Keith, Angela and I had agreed which table we would meet at in advance - the same six-seat table by the rear window in the far corner that I had sat at alone the day before. I arrived first and the greeting head waiter wished me bonjorno and said, "You know the way". I did. Angela and Keith were not far behind and the 'juice', 'coffee', menus, bread and brioche services were all prompt as they would be with four waiters between just the three of us. I asked the coffee waiter for "white coffee please". "With milk?" was his deadpan reply. I rose to the occasion, "Yes please, white, with milk". He was only carrying the coffee flask and so had to return to his station. Then he went off, I assumed to get milk. He returned empty-handed and proceeded to chat to his colleagues. I interrupted, "Excuse me, may I have some milk?". He replied with surprise, "Milk?". I wasn't sure how long I could participate in this comedy routine before having to laugh.


None of the four waiters was qualified to take our breakfast order and we had to wait an age for 'the waiter' for this. Angela and I elected to have the daily special. We didn't ask what the special was because the waiter never knows so it further delays breakfast while the information is sought and besides, whatever description they give bears little relation to what actually comes. With hindsight we should have asked. I would say that today's special was 'minute fried eggs', which would have benefited from another minute.


It is 11:15 and we have begun docking at Palermo, 1hour 15 mins before the scheduled arrival time.


Until tomorrow,



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Good morning from Il Cappuccino bar with a view of Valetta, Malta. Outside, it is thoroughly overcast but a pleasant walking temperature. Today's entertainment highlights are listed as Performance Dance Lesson, King vs. Queen (?) and Mega Bingo. The evening show is Starwalker Michael Jackson Experience which I will give a wide berth.


Manoeuvring into Palermo was mightily impressive yesterday. The final corner was very tight and whoever had the helm did the 100,000 tonne equivalent of a handbrake turn to get around a harbour wall. At one point the stern was just feet a few away from the wall in visibly shallow water and I thought we were going to hit. Then the siren of one of the observing pilot boats sounded and I was resigned to the cruise being disrupted by the collision. Had we not made it you would have heard by now. The siren had been to warn off a small boat approaching us.


Coming into Valetta this morning was equally impressive. Around 7 a.m the violent juddering of the thrusters threw me out of bed. I drew the curtains and initially could not work out what direction we were moving. The ship was spinning while still moving and at some speed. I feel I have already circumnavigated Valetta on a waltzer. Whoever has the helm has my respect but I can't help thinking it may end in an expensive disaster. Still, don't let that put you off the Fantasia. Arriving in port is exciting!


I met the Palermo tour group upon their return in the Fantasia bar and the rest of the afternoon melted into the evening from there. Maureen, John and Duane were invited to dine at Captain's table last night and I anxiously await Duane's report.


Breakfast was relatively successful today with the daily surprise being beef burger and boiled potatoes gently dipped in oil.


Last night's gift was a platter of fruit which Formed my first breakfast before my birthday jacuzzi. Yes, it is my birthday (take note MSC). Duane, Wendy and Vincent are very kindly treating Angela, Keith and I to dinner at L'Etoile, the Yacht Club restaurant to celebrate. I have made them promise there will be no waiters singing Happy Birthday, towel animals, rose petals etc. It is also the last formal night with Farewell Cocktails starting at 6:15. I look forward to sharing our experiences here.


First, a trip into Valetta to Skype my mother who always claims my birthday is her day as she did all the work.


Ciao Regazzi,



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Tim ... Happy Birthday .... :)


I remember coming into Valetta on the Costa Deliziosa and unlike you guys we were up and about as it was around 11am, the ship did exactly as you described travelled forward while turning round to face the way we had come into port, once turned we moored across from where all the cafe`s and the bar`s are.


Did you have to walk the long way around in order to get off the pier? ie towards the stern of the ship and then past the row of bars and cafe`s.

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Have a very good birthday Skipper Tim! I also remember our arrival in Valetta with the Celebrity Reflection as very impressive! Since the Reflection was registered in Malta, we were received with all honours.

It is nice that you have formed such a nice community with cruise crtic members. In my upcoming cruise there seem to be not many. Our roll call is "tote Hose" as Germans would say.

Edited by travelberlin
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Happy Birthday Tim. Have a great evening. Mine is tomorrow but mine won't be as much fun - all day at airports or on flights to Dubai for my cruise on the Atlantica. Maybe BA will treat me to some bubbly? No don't think that will happen

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First, a trip into Valetta to Skype my mother who always claims my birthday is her day as she did all the work.


Ciao Regazzi,




Wishing you a very happy birthday and I agree with your Mum :) I have always told my boys the same amd have just spent the weekend celebrating one of their birthdays with then. I have loved reading your live from Fantasia, so Happy Birthday, and thanks for all your great posts.


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Happy Birthday Tim. Have a great evening. Mine is tomorrow but mine won't be as much fun - all day at airports or on flights to Dubai for my cruise on the Atlantica. Maybe BA will treat me to some bubbly? No don't think that will happen


Have a nice cruise AmoMondo! By the time you read this I assume it will be already your birthday, so feliz cumpleanos!

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Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Timmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Happy birthday to you.


I would have done a traditional northern England version, but I fear it may have been lost on the other forum users. :)


Thank you for your live blog, honestly feels like being there with you. It's great to have another live blog with an honest commentary of the MSC experience (even if you haven't got a walk round promenade! :p ) Only 2 days left and I'm getting the holiday blues.

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Happy birthday to Tim


Happy birthday to Mairi


Never thought I would have became a regular on CC, was here because a little concerned with our first cruise in years and an unfamiliar line...just glad to read so many interesting reviews and have my questions answered

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Good morning from the Fantasia bar where Max and Raman are thankfully on duty. I need their gentle service today as I nurse a poisoned head. It was a good birthday and thank you for all your birthday wishes. Also, happy birthday AmoMondo! Almost sharing a birthday makes me wonder if there is any truth in astrology after all.


The news from the bridge is that we passed Capa Santa Maria di Leuca (isn't that a song?) at 7 a.m., long before I was conscious I am afraid, "The rest of the day we will be at sea, navigating along the Italian coast, which are on the Adriatic Sea". There is a fierce wind on deck, the sky is dark grey and consequently the interior of the ship is very busy. I shall put my wooly hat and gloves after posting this and suffer alone outside.


It is some considerable sadness that this is my last 'live' post of the cruise. The next update will be from Venice Marco Polo tomorrow with the story of the end and I will add photos and links once back to reality. However, the cruise is not over until this fat lady docks.


I had intended reviewing the parts of the ship I had not reached but I can't imagine staying the distance. Max makes a mean Moroccino too.


Last night, L'Etoile was sublime. I photographed the menu and will share this in due course. I had the soup, lobster for the first time since being half my height, copious quantities of heavy, smokey Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile, finished with a selection of cheese. The service was efficient, polite and discreet and I can see how those in Yacht Club may find eating in steerage a little frustrating some times. The they must miss out on half the laughs too.


For example, this morning it was again our pleasure to have Gabriel, the coffee waiter I commented upon a couple of days ago. His job in the mornings is just coffee. He also has the only coffee flask in the dining room with a broken release such that when he pours it sprays over the cup and saucer. He started the routine as he left off. He asked Angela, "Coffee?". Angela, used to the difficulties, said very clearly, "Yes, black coffee please." Gabriel replied, dead pan again, "With milk?". He is either utterly useless or completely lost as a comedian in his current profession.


Still learning from my mistakes, I asked what today's special was. "Fried eggs with beans". To ensure my eggs were cooked, I asked instead for omelette with beans. The unexpected reply was, "Sorry there are no beans". Now you see how the chef was setting me up for the surprise if I had ordered the special. I am sure there will be no such fun in Yacht Club.


After L'Etoile last night, we convened at our regular perch at La Cantina Toscana. I followed Duane into the casino to see what went on there. After 10 minutes of fast-moving cards, unfamiliar expressions and alien hand gestures, I was none the wiser. Some of us reconvened on deck 14 to take the air before bed.


I again could not remember going to bed and we speculated that a member of staff comes nightly to collect me from the bar, undresses me, puts away my clothes and tucks me up in bed.


This is only my second MSC cruise, the first being on the Musica from Venice to Rio last November/December. I have tried to avoid repeating the content of that 'live review' (http://cruiseforums.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1738773) but almost all of the ship/cruise line observations have applied this time too.


The single biggest difference is that this time I have been blessed with the excellent company of the Cruise Critics roll call members.


I had anticipated that we would have had one get-together early on and then say hello only in passing. Instead, it has been a non-stop hoot of a party with us meeting in different combinations in different places and doing different things. It is a 17-night cruise and many would find that too-long. Honestly, there has not been enough time to fit everything in. Only my liver is looking forward to the end of this cruise. If my life were a museum of moments and friends, which it is, then I would say that I am very proud of the recent acquisitions, and I am.


See you at Venice Marco Polo.



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Skipper's log supplemental.


Duane has kindly shared his remaining internet time among the gang so I have the opportunity for one last live post from the MSC Fantasia.


I am sitting in Il Tropici, the forward section of the pool deck with a sliding glass roof which is currently closed. The bar here is called the Vitamin bar. I have to admit that the Vitamin barman pulls a good beer.


Outside I can see the sea swelling to match the wind but so far the Fantasia's stabilisers are coping admirably. We are wobbling and shaking rather than rolling. If they switch the stabilisers off overnight, as has been known, I may wake sea-sick.


To get to Il Tropici, I used the forward lifts (elevators). These also service the Yacht Club on deck 15 and the two middle ones of the four have card readers on every floor and inside the lifts. When a Yacht Club guest swipes their card, all button requests are cancelled and the occupants are asked to leave at the floor where the Yacht Club guests alights. The procedure is the same as when the doctor has a medical emergency but instead of being rushed to the surgery on deck 4, Yacht Club guests are rushed to their free bar in the Top Sail Lounge on deck 15.


I competed with a latino lady with a Yacht Club card. She managed to cancel all stopping requests but I managed to re-request deck 14 several times behind my back as she repeatedly re-swiped her card. I am sure she suspected me. Occasionally the language barrier is an advantage and she had to suffer the inconvenience of a stop along the way.


Toilets. I didn't mean to shock but very few reviews mention the public ones aboard. For completeness therefore, I should. Gents are on the port side (left facing forward) and ladies are on the starboard (right) side either in or just outside the stairwells. This was also the case on the Musica and by inference across their respective classes. The entrance doors are consistently dark wood set in a dark wall with dim ambient lighting, often around a blind corner. They can be quite a challenge to find.


The symbol for ladies is clear but is somewhat ambiguous for men. Having studied both symbols closely, I can say that the man is the woman without a skirt. Unlike the internationally accepted convention for gents where the man stands with his legs apart, the MSC man has his ankles, calves and thighs firmly together. Having just tried, I can tell you that for stability, in this weather, a man need to keep his feet well apart.


I have not mentioned Duncan. Duncan is an 82 year-old Scot who, as far as we know, obtained the best cruise deal on the ship. He told me that he paid £785 for the 17 nights cruise, including flights to São Paulo and back from Venice to Scotland with both airport transfers and with a cabin for sole occupancy. His travel agent, Victoria Travel based near Birmingham (UK), are especially worthy of a mention here as, if true, and I have no reason to doubt Duncan, they telephoned him with the deal rather than he enquiring. I asked him if he had any other cruises booked. "No, I will just wait for their next phone call". To be researched.


The clouds are clearing with my hangover but the wind and the sea appear to be rising. Even smokers corner (port side of the pool deck just forward of the buffet) has been abandoned. We may be in for a bumpy night.


Finally, and it was remiss of me not to mention it before, happy 40th wedding anniversary to fellow Cruise Critics aboard, Elizabeth and Stan.


Ciao until tomorrow,



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