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Using airport shuttle NO CAR SEAT???


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We most of the time don't take them. We arrange for the shuttle from the hotel to the port have them or we just take out own car since we live in Fl. We rarely do excursions in port that require them and if we do we use the seat belts. Travellynx always accommodates us in Ft Lauderdale and Miami for car seats. We have never had a shuttle company refuse to provide car seats and most it's free of charge. We did take them when they were infants/small toddlers but now at 7 and 4 we found we really don't use them because we don't take excursions. We mostly walk around in port.

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I would be genuinely interested to know - I'm not trying to make a snide point here - what exactly is the procedure for fitting three child seats in a vehicle while keeping full control of three young children?


It's very easy. Put the children in the vehicle first. Install car seats. Install children in car seats. Then drive. ;)

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It's very easy. Put the children in the vehicle first. Install car seats. Install children in car seats. Then drive. ;)


My friend does this--let's them play in the front seat while she installs the car seats. Middle seat first and baby goes in there. Then the next youngest, and the booster seat last. With the keys in her pocket she figures the worst thing that could happen is she turns the car on and the radio blasts and wipers turn on.

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You can't take a car seat on a bus. Years ago on an excursion bus we weren't sure what the excursion was using so we had the car seat and we had to stow the car seat under the bus. So if you know if advance that you are using all buses - you can leave your car seat at home. :)


We had to become experts at trying to figure out which tour company was using which *type* of transportation. If the excursion was using a bus - then we knew to leave the car seats in the cabin's closet. We also booked excursions using ferry/boats that allowed us to leave the car seats in the cabin.


This was the post to which I was referring. What did you do for child restraint on the excursion bus where you had to store the child seats underneath, and on the bus excursions where you left the car seats on board? Did the bus company provide car seats?

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This was the post to which I was referring. What did you do for child restraint on the excursion bus where you had to store the child seats underneath, and on the bus excursions where you left the car seats on board? Did the bus company provide car seats?


AGAIN - and I don't know what you are getting at since you don't have a dog in this fight - pun intended.


On that Disney bus ^^^ explained to you already when you asked before - we brought the car seats. We were told that due to safety reasons - car seats were not allowed to be used on that excursion bus because that bus had no seat belts. We stowed the car seats underneath the bus.


If there are NO seat belts on a FULL SIZED PASSENGER bus then car seats cannot be properly installed because the car seats become a projectile in an accident. So "strapping a baby into a car seat" becomes a moot point.


So you have to KNOW THE TRANSPORTATION. If we had known it was a bus without seat belts - the car seats would have stayed in the cabin. But as Ducklite has pointed out numerous times on this thread - the bus companies are NOW making buses with seatbelts so you won't know until you get there.

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I'm not really "getting at" anything, I'm curious about an apparent contradiction in your posts and asking for clarification, which so far you have not provided. And of course, since we don't know anything about each other apart from what we post on CC, you have absolutely no idea what "dog" I may or may not have in "this fight". I thought it was a discussion and any CC member was free to participate.


My question was what you did for child restraint on the excursions where you were not able to use your own car seats. In my first post about it I asked "did they (your kids) go without?". In my second post I asked, "What did you do for child restraint?" I did NOT ask where you put the car seats, since you had stated that in one of your posts.


So I will rephrase. Did your kids ride on your laps, or did they sit unrestrained in the regular bus seats, or what? I'm wondering, because you have been quite critical of the OP for not bringing a car seat and potentially letting some driver they don't know drive them on unfamiliar roads with an unrestrained child. But it appears from your posts that you have done the same with your own children.


So if you could clarify, I would appreciate it, since my questions were perfectly clear. If you don't want to answer, that's fine too, of course.

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So I will rephrase. Did your kids ride on your laps, or did they sit unrestrained in the regular bus seats, or what? I'm wondering, because you have been quite critical of the OP for not bringing a car seat and potentially letting some driver they don't know drive them on unfamiliar roads with an unrestrained child. But it appears from your posts that you have done the same with your own children.


So if you could clarify, I would appreciate it, since my questions were perfectly clear. If you don't want to answer, that's fine too, of course.


People who use car seats in every situation DO feel comfortable taking full size buses without them. Actually, many people who do not feel comfortable using cabs without car seats in cities where it is legal to do so (NYC, Chicago) will instead take buses or subways, which are designed in such a way as to prevent injury in a crash without seat belts.


Personally, I have, a handful of times, put a younger child in a city cab without a car seat. Others might choose to take the bus instead.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no need to get our collective skivvies in a bunch.


We have seen advice regarding the car seats run the gamut of opinions. It comes down to what you have read, and what you are comfortable with after acknowledging the information given.


I still think about what my parents did with me when I was a toddler in the 70s.

I'm pretty sure I survived... I think I'm well-adjusted. I'm not adamant about the car seat thing on a cruise vacation.

That's my perogative. It's cool.


It's not like going to Southeast Asia and watching parents load the kids in a backpack carrier while riding their motorcycle around town with helmet. Not like that at all.


You do what you feel is best. Just understand the consequences, and be ready to assume responsibility if the unthinkable happens.

It's cool.

Edited by Mack2
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AGAIN - and I don't know what you are getting at since you don't have a dog in this fight - pun intended.


On that Disney bus ^^^ explained to you already when you asked before - we brought the car seats. We were told that due to safety reasons - car seats were not allowed to be used on that excursion bus because that bus had no seat belts. We stowed the car seats underneath the bus.


If there are NO seat belts on a FULL SIZED PASSENGER bus then car seats cannot be properly installed because the car seats become a projectile in an accident. So "strapping a baby into a car seat" becomes a moot point.


So you have to KNOW THE TRANSPORTATION. If we had known it was a bus without seat belts - the car seats would have stayed in the cabin. But as Ducklite has pointed out numerous times on this thread - the bus companies are NOW making buses with seatbelts so you won't know until you get there.


I just completed the paperwork to export a new bus to Jamaica--It has seat belts but no shoulder harness.

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People who use car seats in every situation DO feel comfortable taking full size buses without them.


Ray LaHood called for mandatory seat belt installation in all motorcoaches back in 2010 after a series of accidents caused by driver error which resulted in ejection related fatalities. The proposal did not include retrofits, nor did it include urban transit buses which operate "frequent stop" fixed route service and often have standees.


Motorcoaches that are properly maintained and safely operated have an extremely low risk of passenger injury during a collision. The collisions which result in death are generally roll-overs due to driver fatigue or poor maintenance. Icy roads can also be a factor.


Buses weigh a minimum of 13 tons. Imagine hitting that with your car. There's a one in five chance that you'll be killed, three in five that you'll be seriously injured. The people inside the bus will feel the collision, they might even fall from their seat onto the floor, but they won't go flying, they won't be ejected by the force, and in most cases they will sustain nothing more than minor injury if they are injured at all. A car that hits a bus will be a total loss. The bus will sustain damage to the exterior. Other than a front end collision where there could be damage to the drivers cockpit area or front door and ramp, you will not see a bit of damage in the passenger compartment unless you know specifically what to look for. Buses are built like tanks to protect their riders. The heavy frame and it's assorted components as well as the structure are engineered to absorb the shock of a collision.


Here's a good example of how safe buses are. There were only minor injuries that were treated at the scene.

After you watch the video, look at the still shots in the paper http://lancasteronline.com/article/local/251100_SLIDESHOW--Building-collapses-on-North-Queen-Street.html


Had this happened to a car, people would have died--and possibly been ejected from the concussive force of the collapse.


By the way, that bus is a Gillig, the same brand that makes up about 70% of the Disney fleet.

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Ahhhh I had a car seat question and read through the entire thread. I am still confused.


We have never cruised with our kids....


They are 7 and 8 and in canada they do need to be in booster seats at their age/weight.


Opinions welcome on what we should do? We do not plan to stay on teh ship in port - or 'walk' near by. We want to taxi, bus - whatever we can around the beautifu islands.


Torn between bringing our booster seats or not?




PS. Shame on those of you being so rude....sorry we are all not as perfect as you are.

Edited by messybessy
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Heck, and I agonized over bringing a booster seat for my then 8 year old a few years ago ... :D


OP, I really hope that you rethink your decision.



Did you end up bringing it? Mine are 7 and 8 and I honestly cannot decide what to do?



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Did you end up bringing it? Mine are 7 and 8 and I honestly cannot decide what to do?



I did research on Florida laws at the time. Based on her age, it wasn't required so I did not bring it but I did ask for our shuttle service to bring one for her anyway. We didn't plan on doing any excursions or taxi trips so I wasn't worried about the islands.

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Ahhhh I had a car seat question and read through the entire thread. I am still confused.


We have never cruised with our kids....


They are 7 and 8 and in canada they do need to be in booster seats at their age/weight.


Opinions welcome on what we should do? We do not plan to stay on teh ship in port - or 'walk' near by. We want to taxi, bus - whatever we can around the beautifu islands.


Torn between bringing our booster seats or not?




PS. Shame on those of you being so rude....sorry we are all not as perfect as you are.


Hi, I'm the OP!

I wish you the best of luck with your question. Apparently, the car seat/booster topic is just about divided as democrats vs republicans or more so "bad parent" and "good parent"...at least that's how some view it! I've made my decision and am now just sitting back reading the posts. Have a wonderful cruise:)

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Did you end up bringing it? Mine are 7 and 8 and I honestly cannot decide what to do?



Have you looked at the Bubble Bum? It is an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety "best bet" booster, and it folds tiny. It is perfect for travel. My Target just started selling them, though they've been on the market in the US for about a year.



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Santimonious is right! Some of you I could just hug. Others, whom I have respected in the past, feel this respect slipping away.


OP, can't wait to read the review! And I hope you and the fam have a wonderful and safe cruise :D

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Have you looked at the Bubble Bum? It is an Insurance Institute for Highway Safety "best bet" booster, and it folds tiny. It is perfect for travel. My Target just started selling them, though they've been on the market in the US for about a year.




Thank you for sharing this!!! We will be taking my five year old with us on the cruise and I was wondering what the heck I was gonna do about the car seat issue. Gonna order one now!!!

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:eek: YUCK!!! Lots of nastiness going on in this thread! Ughh just makes me sick how disgustingly rude and judgmental some people can be. :mad: Anyway, OP whatever you decide I hope everything works out and you have an awesome vacation with your family. I'm going with my daughter who will be 23 months during the cruise. I am NOT bringing her huge Graco 70 carseat. I don't have any excursions planned and even if I did I doubt I'd take her (even with a carseat). The rules are different down there (Caribbean) and the roads can be verrrry windy and scary. I've been frightened a few times myself. We'll be staying close to the ship on port days or stay on the ship all together. There is an island with a butterfly farm I wanted to take her too though. I'll have to think about that one.

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Ahhhh I had a car seat question and read through the entire thread. I am still confused.


We have never cruised with our kids....


They are 7 and 8 and in canada they do need to be in booster seats at their age/weight.


Opinions welcome on what we should do? We do not plan to stay on teh ship in port - or 'walk' near by. We want to taxi, bus - whatever we can around the beautifu islands.


Torn between bringing our booster seats or not?




PS. Shame on those of you being so rude....sorry we are all not as perfect as you are.


I'm coming into this discussion late (we were on a cruise...) but I'm a Canadian car seat tech and my boys are now 8&5 yrs. We have travelled with them since the youngest was 28 months old.

I would bring the boosters. Low backs are easy to pack in a duffle bag, the hard part will be finding shoulder belts, but it can be done. If you post what ports you will be in many of us can give you tips as to options for transportation. It will take a little bit of planning but I assure you it is possible to use boosters and have a good time visiting an island. Someone else suggested the Bumblebum, just so you know this isn't approved for use in Canada, so you could use it on vacation but not at home. I have heard from other car seat tech instructors that it passes the Canadian crash testing, but it isn't legal for use.

My personal opinion is that child restraints are an easy way to keep my children safe and I don't want to find out what the local trauma unit looks like if we are injured in a collision. I get frustrated when people post information that is wrong e.g. you can't find seat belts in Mexico (or any other port for that matter), it is always safe to use seats from car rental/transportation companies, or my personal favourite that we all rode without restraints so it must be safe. But I digress :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

My grandkids are 7&9-Canadians, did not take seats this year on flight, or Allure, but was very uncomfortable on an out trip, the condition of the taxi we had to take from dolphin swim was awful, and wish we had them.

But, in past we had them on a disney cruise, and they would NOT let us use them - said they were not needed and their insurance would not allow them on their private bus.

Used to take them when the kids were younger, but stopped at 5&7.

Have booked private limo's 3 times, (including this year) and requested seats be in them and never got them - there you stand at the aiprort - cruise ship waiting, and you end up without them, no point arguing - but, wish we had just brought them!

Hardly every see people bother with them on airplanes, but they do make the seats more comfortable for the kids, better to see out windows and reach tray etc.

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We've decided to not take my 22mo old DS's car seat on our 9-21-13 cruise.


If the hotel shuttle is a mini bus, I know it won't be a problem, but if it's a "van" will we be denied a transfer to our hotel?


Anyone else in the same boat? :D (lol) Any suggestions? This is our only concern, as we have booked a shuttle service (with car seats) to the port.


I'll spare you any additional condemnation.....you've gotten plenty of that already. :) Instead I'll try and answer your question. I doubt that they would deny you but they could. I know I've read stories on these boards where cab drivers turned them away but not van's. You could probably search to see if any instances exist or just call the hotel and ask.


In our house DH loathes to travel with the car seat. I prefer to be safe than sorry. We battle sometimes over bringing the seat so I plan a little bit more to save it being an issue. I've ridden on several shuttle vans in the state of Florida. Some have had seatbelts, some have not. Most have not had tethers. At least for the car seats I've owned, a tether is necessary to secure it properly. So, my husband uses this as a rationale for leaving it behind. For our upcoming cruise, I will book our own transportation. That will either provide car seats or be the larger mini-bus type. In ports, I have planned activities that we don't have to drive/ride anywhere. On the one day that we will, I plan to leave her with her grandparents on the ship. I was thinking about the Hop on, Hop off in Key West though hmmm........


I'm sure now you know that several topics raise the ire of cruisers on this board...tipping, chair hogs, smoking, children anywhere on the ships but kids clubs, :D and of course car seats.


Lighten up people!

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A bit of digression, but I don't believe all FAA approved car seats fit in the plane seats. Seat width varies by airline so you may be out of luck. We've heard this is the recommended solution for air travel http://kidsflysafe.com/. It weighs about a pound and is very portable.


It is not certified for use in buses, but if the bus has a lap belt and won't let you take a car seat I'd use over nothing at all.

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