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Trivia on RCI


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I know that some people do B2B cruises and attend trivia with the idea that they know the questions and answers.


This problem could be easily avoided if the cruise staff rotated their quizzes. Unfortunately however, some will take the lazy route and use the same quiz over and over again.


It's been two years since our last RCCL sailing, but they have used the same "Logo Identification" trivia for three years. (we love trivia; our group has come in second *three* times in Progressive trivia to whichever group has the real trivia fiends<g>). even on the third try, we couldn't win...


el henry

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This reminds me of a weird game of trivia we played.


One time (I think it was on a Princess cruise), they did a surprise topic, which wasn't announced until we got there. Turns out it was "James Bond" trivia, with about 15 groups of people there. Since we went through watching all of the Bond movies, we were excited about it until they asked the questions. These questions were probably appropriate for people who live in their mother's basement while watching each movie 20 times! :eek: The questions were off the wall, but we decided to stick it out anyway.


After going through all the answers, we ended up only getting 3 out of 20. The emcee started the "everyone with 10 right answers, raise your hand!". Crickets. "All right, how about 9?". More crickets. He kept going until getting down to three, we slowly raised our hands, and ended up winning the stupid game! :cool: We've played games where we would get 17 right, and still lose! Go figure.




We saw a cricket on a ship once. At the start of muster one time it jumped out from under the staircase and onto the carpet.




If a cricket can screw up a fire drill that bad I'd hate to see a real emergency.


Maybe some of the trivia participants saw the crickets first and were too traumatized to play.:)

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I am one of those people who would be on the team that wins all the time.

Since my team from Atlanta doesn't come with me, i meet up with other people. I don't play to win the prizes, I have all I need and what I win now, I give away. I play to win because it is fun for me.


Agreed. Us too. We do however like the bottle of wine for the Ultimate trivia and i do use every one of the pens we win because they write wonderfully. You'll have to join us and Caribill on the Mariner :D

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I've been on cruises where people pulled out binders with trivia answers. THAT was annoying.:rolleyes:


But with apologies to momphoto, I was part of a group on a cruise that won every trivia contest and many of the game shows as well. We weren't playing to win. We were just playing to have fun. It just happened we had such a broad range of interests in our group that we knew a lot of answers. The staff even tried to switch it up by going to an English pub trivia book for questions - but that didn't work since two members of our team were from the UK. Sometimes it is what is.


If you go into it with the attitude I'm only enjoying myself if I win, then you're going to miss out on a lot of fun. In fact on my last cruise, it seemed like the people on our roll call who were having the most fun, were the ones who were losing at everything. They were still enjoying spending time with each other and making new friends - and that's what's most important.

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Never seen a nautical themed quiz. We are also one of those families that enjoy quizzes and win very regularly. At the end of our last cruise we returned a pile of key tags and other junk and managed to trade them for beach bags and umbrella's. we also give things away to other competitors and particularly children rather than take the prizes. Sadly no pens on our last Brilliance cruise as at east they are useful.

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. . . Finally, I had enough and told him to get the hell out of there because he had the girl almost in tears. . . . but that was the last time I played C&A trivia.
We were playing on Spendour in the Med years ago. This cruise there was a British woman who liked to nitpik every answer.


Lovely asst CD from Brazil ran the games. A couple of days in, we are playing a game and the nitpicker started in during the question. One question for example was about the "wicked witch of the west" -- the Asst CD - not a native English speaker pronouced wicked as wick't, like the "past tense" of a candle wick rather than wick - ed. Well nitpicker had a field day with that until someone spoke up that perhaps when nitpicker's Portugese was even 1/4 as good as the Asst CD's English, then nitpicker would be able to complain and until then she should just "shut up". The game continued, nitpicker complaining each question. When it came to the answers section one question was about the smallest bird -- the answer on the CD's sheet was hummingbird, nitpicker said that "no, it is the butterfly hummingbird -- CD showed her the answer sheet but nitpicker went off on CD yet again. DH asked the table next to ours if they would finish "grading" the sheet that we had been grading and he and I left -- it was NO FUN any more. 45 minutes later, a gentleman flagged us down in the Windjammer with two key fobs, he had been grading out quiz and saw us leave but he was so upset with nitpicker that he claimed the prize for us because even after the CD threw out the hummingbird question, we had won by three answers! :)


From that day forward they had two people from the CD's staff to handle trivia. Nitpicker never went away, but between the other pax and the CD staff, she did not throw any more tantrums.


. . . There was also a certain group on our cruise that were 6 people and won 90% of the trivia games the whole cruise. Was very annoying...I mean how many luggage tags/magnets do you really need? Its great that your team of 6 is smart and knowledgeable but to go to every single trivia and always win took the fun out of it for many....plus the fact they had been on the ship for a month and were still doing this??
That they were on the ship for a month and were probably using their previous cruise trivia contests to "cheat" this one is annoying. DH and I are always loyal trivia players but average a cruise a year and not always on RCCI -- typically we like to join with another couple of people as a good excuse to meet new people. We tend to always be "competative"


One Voyager cruise DH, our then 13YO DD, and I ended up joining up with another family with a 15YO DS and a severely autistic teen DD as a "seven person" team -- We felt bad because we did win all but one of the trivia contests and scavenger hunts all week. All were "close" and no one on our team "cheated" -- our developmentally disabled team member was always so tickled when we won. We had fun, and I know a lot of the other participants also seemed to have fun as well.


We really do look at trivia as a way to meet other pax.

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My favourite is the progressive quiz. I become quote obsessed about not missing one of them. On our last cruise, the rest of my team wanted to do something else one evening and couldn't make the progressive quiz so I went on my own. We got our best score that night with just me doing it! Maybe because we weren't all arguing about the answers :)

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Onessa, I hear you on the nitpicker issue! We have had one of those on our team once. :eek:

It was on the Explorer. Not only that, but she kept yelling at her husband loudly during the trivia game, because the poor guy kept dozing off to sleep. The host was a very sweet girl (British or Australian, don't remember) and she would constantly correct her English accent.

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Bingo! Quick story...I went to a C&A trivia a few cruises ago and one of the questions was, What's the largest ship in the RCI fleet? When going over the answers, the staff member giving the trivia said the answer was Oasis. We all politely protested and said it was Allure, but one guy took it too far, crumpled up the paper and shouted "this is bulls..t!" He went on to say he was going to contact some officer he knew on the ship and complain about this poor staff member. He went on to say he has told them time and time again that Oasis is not the correct answer. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Finally, I had enough and told him to get the hell out of there because he had the girl almost in tears. He knew not to mess with me and he did leave, but that was the last time I played C&A trivia.


By the way, that guy was one of the top cruisers on that sailing. From what I was told, he always acts that way :rolleyes:


Have a feeling i might just know who this guy is...if its not him then there are 2 of them scary.

One time I heard that my guy was escorted out of trivia by security :eek:

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It's been two years since our last RCCL sailing, but they have used the same "Logo Identification" trivia for three years. (we love trivia; our group has come in second *three* times in Progressive trivia to whichever group has the real trivia fiends<g>). even on the third try, we couldn't win...


el henry


I have to agree with you on the logo quiz. I go to it hoping it will be different. When it isn't, then I let my team mates do it as far as they can go, then I'll "hint" about the rest. Usually there are several teams that get them all (lol).


We like the one that names three things and you put down what they have in common. Elephant-car-tree = things with trunks. They do change those around.


My only "complaint" is that sometimes the hosts English is lacking. It was so bad on the Voyager last year during the TA that one of the passengers had to read the questions. They were training crew for the transition to the Asian market and this gal wasn't quite ready for prime time yet.


They do have mistakes, though. One question we got was "what basketball player is the only player to have his number retired on three different teams?" We scratched our heads and finally wrote down someone we knew was not right. The answer: Nolan Ryan!!!!!!! The ship was full of Texans!


Another time the answer for a composer that died in 1932 was Mozart.


Then we have had the question that involves the avacado. On one answer sheet it is the fruit with the most calories. On another, it is a vegetable with the most calories.


And even if we have had the questions several times before, more often than not it is greeted with "We've had that before" and no idea what the answer is again.


Tucker in Texas

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This may seem obvious to those of you play trivia but was wondering if you can just play as a couple. We haven't played on any of our cruises but I think it would be fun.


Usually they call for teams of 4-6 people, but you can play on your own too. If I'm not in a large group I just ask others sitting around me to form a team. It's a good way to make new friends.

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This may seem obvious to those of you play trivia but was wondering if you can just play as a couple. We haven't played on any of our cruises but I think it would be fun.


You can just round up other people to make a team of 6. You can play just as a couple. We have, and have done pretty well, sometimes. But you will really have an advantage if you play with others, everybody has different areas of knowledge.


The disadvantage to playing with others, is sometimes they will argue a bit, to convince you their answer is correct. Since it's all in fun, we are easily swayed by other answers. :):D:)

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This may seem obvious to those of you play trivia but was wondering if you can just play as a couple. We haven't played on any of our cruises but I think it would be fun.
Usually the max per team is 6 [but sometimes 4] and they will announce "teams of no more than 6, no less than 1". If there are any teams of less than one, they rarely win:p Perfectly okay to play as a couple [and you don't HAVE to tell your score if you don't want to]. There will be preformed teams that are full, but there are almost others who are looking to join together in a team that would be happy to merge with you.



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Many Years ago on HAL when trivia was not as popular as it is today,only about 15 people playing. If you did not know the correct answer you were incouraged to make up a funny answer instead. When going through the answer at the end the funniest answer also got a prize. Made it a lot more fun for everyone.


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Another thing our team does is write "ITYS" on the back of the sheet for "I Told You So." If someone is "outvoted" on an answer, then they take an ITYS. That's worth more than the correct answer to us most of the time. Bragging rights--priceless.


Tucker in Texas


That's funny! :D I will have to remember that one. :D:):D


Same thing about questions we have heard before....if we got them wrong the first time...most times, we will remember the question, but have a similar or the same wrong answer again. :D

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Usually the max per team is 6 [but sometimes 4] and they will announce "teams of no more than 6, no less than 1". If there are any teams of less than one, they rarely win:p Perfectly okay to play as a couple [and you don't HAVE to tell your score if you don't want to]. There will be preformed teams that are full, but there are almost others who are looking to join together in a team that would be happy to merge with you.




LOL, Team less than one...always a winner! :D:D

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One thing to note is that, if someone is a serious trivia player, and cruises on Royal a lot, its a good bet that they'll win. The same questions are always asked...doesn't really matter what ship or itinerary.


The only one that was unique was on our last cruise, which was cryptic trivia. It was logic problem/puzzle questions as opposed to questions like "Who was Time's Person of the Year in 1939"

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One thing to note is that, if someone is a serious trivia player, and cruises on Royal a lot, its a good bet that they'll win. The same questions are always asked...doesn't really matter what ship or itinerary.


The only one that was unique was on our last cruise, which was cryptic trivia. It was logic problem/puzzle questions as opposed to questions like "Who was Time's Person of the Year in 1939"


I've played trivia on all my RCI cruises and except for the ultimate Trivia on the second leg of our BTB, nearly all the general trivia we've played was different. Most of the Cruise Directors staff seem to have their own questions which makes it great fun.


We had a few teams on our last cruise who were argumentative and got into a pi**ing contest after one sports trivia, trying to one up each other with their knowledge. We also had a guy sit in with us one game who was so obnoxious and thought he knew everything and got even more obnoxious when he was over ruled. Actually this guy was in one of those fore mentioned groups too :)

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I've played trivia on all my RCI cruises and except for the ultimate Trivia on the second leg of our BTB, nearly all the general trivia we've played was different. Most of the Cruise Directors staff seem to have their own questions which makes it great fun.


We had a few teams on our last cruise who were argumentative and got into a pi**ing contest after one sports trivia, trying to one up each other with their knowledge. We also had a guy sit in with us one game who was so obnoxious and thought he knew everything and got even more obnoxious when he was over ruled. Actually this guy was in one of those fore mentioned groups too :)


General Trivia could be different. I am usually down for the theme trivia sessions.

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Some people do take it way too seriously. On our last cruise during the there was one woman that would go up to the host after the game and argue every time about some answers. Our time started taking bets on how long she would argue with him. Five minutes usually but sometimes more. The more she would argue, the more the host would dig in so she seldom won if ever. Those who were patiently waiting to speak to the host would side with him no matter if he was entirely wrong just to irritate her.


One time she was particularly vocal and we happened to win that session. We took our key chains over to her gave them to her since they seemed so important to her. She was not amused!


Tucker in Texas

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