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JW and Jerome's Excellent Adventure on the Celebrity REFLECTION!


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I just spent the last 2 nights reading all 26 pages of this adventure so far. You can't leave us hanging.

The biggest thing I am worried about is that the reflection can restock the bar after these 2 guys sail again In November, as my family is scheduled to sail the week that they get back. We are all sorry that they are not on the thanksgiving week sailing with us, it sounds like they had a ball on board and would be the life of the ship. 123 Drunk sounds like a great thing to us.


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Hello! Hello! Hello! Yes We are here! No I will not leave you hanging!


I am kinda here!. The Review will be on again, I am told (promised), tomorrow. My computer was hacked and a virus ensued, my hard drive crashed and it has taken a week to get back to normal......geez, I need a Martini! For all of our fans. One Thousand Pardons! I am Jones-ing Too! I can finally post on Cruise Critic without the computer shutting down!


Just want a clean bill of health for my baby, my Computer. I am not supposed to even be on here! :p

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Thank you so much for this excellent review. Waiting patiently for next instalment.

Have just read about your experience in Tuscan Grill, shocked to the core.

Shame on you Celebrity for not putting this right.

If Celebrity are reading this We think they should make arrangements to give you the best meal EVER in Tuscan Grill on your next sailing.

Not only would it be the right thing to do but think of the positive review Celebrity would achieve after your next sailing.

We are on the Reflextion in August and will now be trying the Lawn Grill, simply because of your review.

P.S. love the pictures of your house. You must be a wonderful couple to do so much for charity.

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and one more thing....don't get me started yet about the Observation Lounge...oh my gosh.......I think for the first time ever on a Celebrity Cruise, two men danced together.....hey, it's alright for ladies to do so, but us guys, well, Jerome and I put it to the test and we danced together to Beyonce's...."All The Single Ladies" because he put a Ring on my Finga, yeah baby! Heck, after 21 years of being together, we had a blast! That was a party to be at and I am getting way ahead of myself.


:D:D:D Can't believe I missed this thread!! I'm having so much fun reading your report!!! Congrats on the Ring on your Finga!!

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After a visit with The Church, we piled back in our Air Conditioned Cinderella Coach with Barry and made our way out to South Friars and the Carambola Beach Club experience.


On our way, we went up and down mountain roads, rickety, rackety, uppity down, bouncy bounce, oh my tushee hurts! As we passed the Marriott on the Atlantic side, I noticed the wave action and our driver said that the beach there is beautiful, but the waves make it too rough to swim. Most people stay in the pool area. Jerome and I had originally thought about the Marriott as a day excursion but chose Carambola because of the reviews about the food and the calm waters.


I had scoured the boards for something other than “The Ship Wreck” Bar and Grill, as that place really didn’t seem to be a good fit for Jerome and I. I had read a few posts on Carambola Beach Club, read the Trip Advisor Reviews and of course the * Bk site. I must say, what was written was actually Under-reported, in my opinion Carambola Beach Club is by far one of the best beach excursions we have ever taken.


Having arrived at the entrance of the club, it’s really a five star dining establishment with a magnificent beach club built on to it, one is taken aback by all the gorgeous Teak and Mahogany carved wood and structure. As we entered into the Lobby, there is a Grand Piano, a reception desk and a one thousand bottle wine room encased in stained glass. Large island tropical floral arrangements abound and I feel as though I just walked into a Ritz Carlton Hotel Lobby. Through the lobby I look out these big Teak Doors and Windows and exclaim “Look at that Beach, and the Volcano, and The Beauty!” Oh what a magnificent sight it was. I did not know that there was someone standing right next to me when I was talking out loud. I was startled when I saw her and I said “I am so sorry, you scared me, I was talking to myself!” She said, “It’s alright, everyone does when they first come in and see that view.”
















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Thanks JW - those last few posts were just what the dr ordered! I needed a pick me up today. We were at the C in St Kitts this past April and it is a beautiful spot!


Looking forward to meeting you next April!:)

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And one more Carambola shot of Jerome on the Beach. I love this picture of him and so proud that he is my "Better Half"!




Don't you love it when you find the "One"?


We will be going to St. Kitts in Feb 15. You just helped me decide what to do there.



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JW I have spent most of today reading your posts. I have not laughed so much in ages. Your review was fabulous. My hubby and daughter have been having updates this evening everytime I went away from pc. You have made me think I need to book 16th November. Allison x:)

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JW I have spent most of today reading your posts. I have not laughed so much in ages. Your review was fabulous. My hubby and daughter have been having updates this evening everytime I went away from pc. You have made me think I need to book 16th November. Allison x:)



Well quite frankly, Yes, You do!

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What a gorgeous day! Even though there was a torrential downpour, it only lasted about 10 minutes. In any event, we said our farewells to the Staff and Miss Daisy, and Barry our driver, came back to get us right on time. Also hitching a ride with us were the “O! Canada!” Fig Newton’s (Later, for why we call them Fig Newton‘s) and we enjoyed reminiscing ,on the ride back to the port, with them about our wonderful day at Carambola. The ride back was just as bumpy as going, but for some reason seemed quicker. Our carriage arrived back at Port Zante, but we were dropped off on the main street, right outside the entrance, so we were able to shop outside the port a bit before going in. Very charming and very quaint stores line what I think is called The Pelican Shopping Mall. Once through the shops, it then opens into Port Zante.


Jerome and I were looking for our standard St Kitts Tee Shirts, and I wanted one especially that was Tie Dyed, because that is what St Kitts is known for. Yeah, I wanted to revert back to being a “Hippie“, Jerome’s words not mine. I was NEVER a Hippie. There are quite a few shops and boutiques selling almost everything, and as we went into one shop, there were Jewelry Cases filled and filled with Watches. Rolex, Patek Phillipe, Longines, Tag Heuer, Gucci, Seiko, Breitling and many other Big Designer, Expensive watches.. Each case had boxes and boxes of Rolex's etc, and I said to Jerome, “Gosh Dang, how could they sell anything in these cases, it looks like a Fire Sale!” The Sales Lady heard me and said “These are all Replicas” “Which one you want on your pretty wrist?”

I could not believe it. We were in a Counterfeit store! And my wrist is NOT pretty, it's handsome, thank you very much!


“Jerome!” I said loudly, as he had just picked out the perfect tee shirt for himself, “Oh Jerome!” I said, “We need to leave right now!” Jerome said, with a puzzled grin “What’s the matter with you?” “Are you drunk?” “Sick?” He continued “Are you gonna throw up?” To which the Sales Lady hovering around me said, “If you gonna be sick, you need to be outside.” I said to her, as well as Jerome, “No, I am not sick!” I continued ,”I am not going to be sick, drunk, or nothing!” Jerome asked “Then what is the matter with you?” I stood there, completely dumbfounded, having a Senior Moment because I actually forgot what I was going to say. “I Forgot!” I said, and I turned and then belted out so everyone in the store could hear me “Counterfeits!” “They Sell Counterfeits!” “The whole store is filled with Counterfeits!” I thought I was going to be arrested!


I was so proud I remembered! Yeah, I thankfully remembered! Whew, no pre-Alzheimer’s here, nosiree, not yet!…..but, Uh Oh. The Pakistani or Indian Owner comes running up the aisle towards me, and asks me in his accent, “What-iz-de-prablim?” “Nothing”, I said, “Nothing at all”, taking a giant swallow. “I was just pointing out to my friend that the Rolex watches were so reasonably priced at $200 dollars!” “Especially THAT one, the Platinum Presidential!” I pointed to a particular watch in one of the cases. He says to me “Ah, zat-iz-zay marealous peece”, “High qualtry repleeca”, “Look a heeah, I show itz to jou” Jerome whispers to me “Are they really all fakes?” Geez, the guy has sonar! He says to Jerome, “We don like to call dem fakes, we like Replica!” “Triple A Rated Chinese Replica!” Exclaiming, “No one know!”


“I’ll know”, I said and even though I did briefly think about buying one, as they were amazing replicas. I had seen these Triple AAA Replicas on line, but never in person. They were certainly the real deal, real fakes but amazingly replicated. Oh those Chinese! I am, however, of the deep belief that to acquire a REAL Rolex or Breitling or Patek Phillip, is a Life Milestone. I don’t need to show off to someone else, a false sense of wealth. If I am going to wear a Rolex, then it’s going to be real, even if you can’t tell the difference! Because I’ll Know! Plus, something tells me that the United States Customs Service would know too, and maybe they would not believe it was a fake and then I would be in the Duty Soup! Big Doodie Soup!


Nope, I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life, almost like I was doing something illegal. Crap, hold on a minute, if I bought one, brought it back into the USA, then it would be ILLEGAL! Oh well, we said our Goodbyes with Jerome buying his $12.00 tee shirt and we moseyed on.


We are walking around and we run into Saints Thomas and Patrick and there is St Thomas, running from side to side “I can’t talk, I am so sick, I am going to throw up!” Jerome says to Patrick, “He’s as much a Drama Queen as JW is!” “I’m gonna throw up!” I said to him, “Well dear, you should not have partied so much last night.” Thomas shot back “Oh Shut up! Or I’ll barf all over you!” I stepped away quickly. I turned to Patrick and said, “Wanna make him feel better?” “Then come in this shop with me and buy him a Rolex, that will cure him!” I walked him back inside the counterfeit shop and told the Mr. Pakistani/Indian-i owner that here was a customer for him, and guess what? I guess St Thomas felt better because later that evening, he said he felt great and he was sporting a brand new watch that he just had to show off to us!. Hmmm.


Jerome and I headed towards the ship and then I saw it. Bright Red Lights. Jerome was taking a picture of the ship, but there it was…..bright as day! CASINO! Right there at the Port! Hot Damn, I’m in! Jerome says, “Oh No, here we go!” “Trouble, I am going to be right out here at the bar!” “Okay, Whatever“, I said as I waved him over.


There it was! I saw the machine from the entrance! BOMBAY! My favorite. Oh Look! There is Wolf Run. Then I heard it. “WHEEL….OF…..FORTUNE” Anyone who plays the slots knows exactly what I am talking about. It’s the recording of the audience at the game show saying “Wheel Of Fortune!”.


Music! Music to my ears! I sit down at Wheel Of Fortune and it’s a dollar machine. Oh wait! Do they take American Money? I hear “Cocktails?”,. “Cocktails?” and a wonderful young lady approaches me and says “Cocktails?” I said, “Why yes, of course, and can you tell me, do the machines take American Money?” “Yes sir, they do”, she replied, “and so do I!” I looked at her inquisitively, not knowing just exactly what she meant, and she said quickly, “In tips!” “Oh my, I saw the look on your face!” she said, “Tips sir, just tips!” I said with a laugh “Then I would love A Grey Goose Martini with three olives, Please!” Oh, I thought as she was walking away, are the drinks complimentary while gaming? Answer: Yes! Tips in American Money, please!


So here I sit at the Grand Ma of Slots. The Wheel Of Fortune Dollar Machine. Come On Wheel! I plunk in twenty dollars and boom! Right off the bat. I hit the Wheel Bonus! “Beep Boop, Beep Boop, Beep Boop” The sound of the ding dongs waiting for me to press the Bonus Spin Button. Whoosh! The Wheel bonus is spinning, spinning, slowing, slowing down, almost going to stop, slowing, OH MY GAWD! And…. Here comes my Martini!


I tipped my cocktail server, and then she said, “Sir, you just won a thousand dollars!” I said, “I did, didn’t I?!” One Spin. Three Dollar Bet. One Thousand Dollars. Nice. I hit the Cash Out button, and my ticket spit out reading $1,017.00. I took the slip to the bar where Jerome was nursing a beer with another couple from the ship we had met, and discretely showed it to him. He thought it read $17.00. I said look again. “Holy Ship, JW!” I said, “Would you be quiet!” I went and cashed the ticket in, and went to my favorite machine, Bombay. I always change the bet on Bombay by using the touch screen, as I bet a certain number of lines and a certain number of coins for each line. I don’t use the pre-selected buttons at the base. I Pressed the spin button and Bing Beep Boop Brrrrring!!!! Holy Cowmoly! I got the bonus! Now the bonus on the Bombay is worth at least a couple of hundred bucks.


Here we go…….I went thru the 25 free spins with a substantial win, then got the re-spin bonus. Ten more spins. The Re-spin added more to the pot, and then I then got the Treasure Chest. Pick one of the three, voila! Winnings multiplied by 10. Game ended. I took my ticket to the cashier again. The lady behind the counter said “Again?” I said “Again!” and tipped her too!


I met up with Jerome outside the casino and he said to me, I hope you didn’t lose it all! I said, “Don’t be mad at me, I kinda did.” “JW!” He started yelling, “What is the matter with you?” I said “Calm you titties in your britches!” “Kidding!” I barked, “Let’s get on the ship, NOW!”


See, on the Bombay machine, I won. Won all the money I lost the first night on the Reflection. Won all the money I lost in San Juan the first go round. Won it all back. I know how to stop when I am that far ahead! We won, that’s all. We came home with the exact amount of money I intended to lose on The Reflection, but didn’t have too, after all.


Note To Self: Land Based Casino Slot Machines ONLY, JW! If I want to play Roulette or Black Jack on a ship, then that is what I am going to do. No Slots for me on a ship again!


Play at St Kitts Casino at the Port! I had a blast!

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JW I have spent most of today reading your posts. I have not laughed so much in ages. Your review was fabulous. My hubby and daughter have been having updates this evening everytime I went away from pc. You have made me think I need to book 16th November. Allison x:)


There are still wonderful cabins open!

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JW, glad to see that your reviews are back on-line following your computer issues.


Carambola on St Kitts sounds great. We are on a cruise that includes St Kitts in November 2013. The group we are with has planned for excursions in several of the ports but in St Kitts we are on our own. You said that you set your day up with Liz -- I found her page on FB. Can you tell me how long in advance of your cruise you set this up with her and what she charged for the trip to/from? Did you pay her or the resort itself for the chaises and umbrella? And I guess food, drinks were extra and paid directly to the resort?


Please point me to the right place if you have given any of these costs already, and please excuse my asking again.


Thanks in advance, Gary, Fort Lauderdale

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