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LIVE from the Mariner of the Seas Barcelona to Dubai

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Saturday, May 18 - At Sea

Hello everyone! We are currently still cruising the Aden, though the coast of Africa will soon make its turn and we will be (pretty much) in open seas as the only land near will be Yemen. I forgot to mention we had time changes on both second and third sea days after we left Jordan; now the Mariner is already following Dubai's time zone, 8 hours ahead of US's Eastern. It is finally less warm than the past two days (with a nice breeze too) so we headed to the pool for some outside quality time under the sun. The Beatles' show tonight was great, as everyone seemed to enjoy it.


We had a minor problem with my dad's passport; they collected all of them before we boarded back in Safaga (and I have no idea why they did out outside. Come on, look at the size of this ship) since we wouldn't need them in Jordan. Turns out we got a letter saying they didn't have his passport...how come if we all handed them at the same time? It took the front desk about three days but they did find it somewhere, somehow, which is vital since it has both his UAE and Indian visas to be used on tuesday.


I know there has been curiosity about the suite, so I managed to sync my iphone pictures (which I had taken on the first day when the room was still organized) to my laptop. There you go:









The "master" bath. The other is pretty much a regular one with the "tube shower".






Also, someone asked about the bands onboard. The best, in our opinion, are the Fleur de Lys trio that usually play at the Promenade (we have also listened to them at Ellington's up on deck 14) and this lady we don't know the name who sings in different places, including the pool sometimes. Other great areas are both Wig & Gavel Pub and Bolero's that have live music at night. The pool band is ok, but sings the same repertoire over and over. Similarly, the songs played by the pool (when there is no live music) and Royal Promenade are the same. The second one's playlist, for example, seems to be the same since Mariner launched ten years ago. One can actually listen to the whole selection in one seating for a coffee, like I did, and figure all songs are pretty much from the same time the ship was built. Funny, interesting, but tiring if you're around the Promenade for too long. Not that it influenced our experience by any means (or should I chare RCI for "loss of enjoyment of life" like a Carnival Triumph passenger? Heheh), just answering one of the questions out there.

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Sunday, May 19 - At Sea


Good morning everyone! It is another beautiful, hot day onboard the Mariner! Our nearst land is already Oman, which means we are getting closer to the UAE! Tonight will be our last "lockdown" from outside areas; I hope they show a movie (preferably Skyfall) tomorrow night because we haven't watched anything on the poolside screen yet. Btw, they've been testing the 3D feature on the same screen...I'm not sure how that'll work in the middle of the main pool area, though. Talking about new features, they have closed some shops (like the main one in front of Cafe Promenade) that are already "under construction", and others will be closed tomorrow (like the general store). The new watch store was opened, as promised, on day 6, and it's really nice with products from brands like Omega, Mont Blanc, and Choppard.






And after.


Today I did something I should have done more times; had breakfast at Cafe Promenade. It was really "chill" just sitting by the indoor street and watching people pass by as I had some fruit, croissant, and a Starbucks Cappuccino (which I got for free, apparently because of the broken coffee machine at the Concierge Lounge, oh well I'll take it!). We went to the second of two (didn't go to the first one, where did time go?) headline shows presented by the Mariner of the Seas orchestra, singers and dancers, Latin Power (from Bolero's), and Fleur de Lys trio...it was great. Luca had told us about the surprise show the Beatles (from yesterday's show) would do at Ellington's (which has free drinks and appetizers for gold card people every night, btw) so we headed there before dinner. Too bad they started a bit late and we only listened to three songs or we'd miss dinner, but the margaritas were so good I wish I had tried them before...guess who's going to Ellington's tomorrow?? After dinner, which was amazing as always (just a hint: lobster), we went to Bingo for the first time in fifteen days and, after losing, stayed for the Love&Marriage show that is always a good laugh. Well, I better go if I want to wake up earlier to enjoy our last day onboard...sigh.

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Monday, May 20 - At Sea





It is, unfortunately, our last day onboard the Mariner of the Seas. Tomorrow morning we dock in Dubai at 6am where we leave her before she heads to Singapore. I was finally able to wake up earlier and walk around the ship already starting to say goodbye, followed by some quality time by the pool. We had asked Paulo, the maître at Giovanni's, if we could have the ossobuco for lunch (it's usually served for dinner only) and he promptly said they could make it for today. The food was, once again, amazing, and the restaurant always empty. I don't know if you ever wonder about this, maybe I do because I'm so interested on the industry and what not, but is (like in this example) Giovanni's always this empty? If so, is it worth to maintain it? I wonder if a "slight" price change would increase consumption enough to payoff, etc. Anyways, food was great and service even better as always throughout this ship. The afternoon was pretty much spent saying "good bye" to our favorite places around; deck 14 in general, the main pool, our balcony...I could have started packing but packing indicates it's over, right? We'll talk about this later. Fast-forwarding to before dinner (why am I mostly talking about food today?) at Ellington's for a drink, Luca told us he's going to the Legend later this year and gave us his personal email in case we book a holiday cruise on her (which is a possibility) since they'll be out of Florida. We thought it was nice of him. I also paid attention to all good-byes; it amazed me how close both crew and pax got on this cruise. Talking about that, we headed to dinner at the MDR for one last time. Thanks to Marco (HeyMarco in here) I heard there might have been a limited quantity of escargots onboard, but they weren't/couldn't tell everyone. For those not aware, there has been a shortage this year (at least since our cruise in January) and it has continued throughout this cruise. I actually forgot to ask Marco how did he find out (I know you'll read this - you said you would - so tell us Marco!) but it makes sense that they "suddenly" changed the altered "scallops" back to "escargots" on the menu...huh Rico's detective side in action...Anyways, Merliza was great (as always) and managed to get us three of those after I discreetly mentioned it. Needless to say there were awesome, as was the whole last dinner. I wonder if they had them since the beginning, got some in Jordan(?), or found new business in the field back "home" in Florida...heheh


Now this is when the packing comes back on my way. Remember I wanted to watch a movie (preferably Skyfall) on the poolside screen? Remember I still needed to pack? So, I saw Marco and Amy and they told me they were heading to watch it, but someone hadn't started packing yet. Ok I had time to at least catch half of it...if I hadn't forgotten I had to manage what would be taken to the rest of the trip and what would be left in Dubai till my return in ten days. How can one forget about that? How can one spend six full days at sea and wait till the very last seconds to do it, while one misses Skyfall by the pool? That question haunted my sleep all night...that and the simple fact (that you already know by now) that I was to jump off a plane tomorrow. Sweet dreams! Not.really.

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WOW - skydiving over the Palm Islands in Dubai! We were in Dubai last year before & after our cruise on the Brilliance & thought we had seen & done just about everything - until I saw this! Thank you so much for sharing this experience. I've officially put the Suez Canal & Petra on my bucket list now:)

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Tuesday, May 21 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates




"Oh we have time! It's a fifteen night cruise! Don't worry, we'll do it all". I usually find that, no matter how long a cruise or vacation is, there will always be a feeling of "uselessness", if you will? It's like there was so much to do that, even though we did a lot it seems like we didn't do enough. Am I alone in this one? My point is we had some pretty hectic stops for this cruise but the fact we had 10 sea days made me "chill" wayy too much (for example, by the pool) and not do many things I wanted such as improve my nonexistent (heheh) ice-skating skills. I guess we will have to be back...oh well.


The past fifteen days have been amazing and much better than expected. In fact, if I had to pick one word for our experience would be surprising; that because the ship is in surprisingly good shape (looking no older than the Oasis on her inaugural or the Liberty on her 7th voyage), the stops were surprisingly interesting and safer than many places we have been to, and our suite was surprisingly large with great amenities and an aft balcony to be remembered. No less important than the previous ones, the crew surprised us with the best service we have ever found on any ship, any line. From the bartenders who remembered us after a few days (including our preferences and sometimes even names) to the best dining room waitresses we have ever had in over twenty ships, and when I say everyone in between I mean it: Cafe Promenade, Champagne Bar, Bolero's, Johnny Rockets, Chops, Giovanni's, Carolina at the Crown&Anchor Desk, Luca at the Concierge, all the people at the front desk.


I don't know if anyone (from RCI, that is) will read this but Mariner's crew should be recognized for their constantly friendly attitude and impeccable service. Bravo. This was our longest cruise to this day, with the most sea days, and probably to what we thought would be the most vulnerable area we'd go on a cruise. Turns out I could have easily stayed for another fifteen days or more! It was also our first on a Voyager Class and, considering I felt the Liberty was a bit overcrowded, I used to generalize this preconception to this class too because of their similar design. In the end the Mariner seemed like the perfect size of ships with everything you need (and more), especially for longer trips, without getting too crowded. It was obviously not in her full capacity as I know, for example, our suite could handle up to eight people and we (as all other three of the same category) had only three. The Mariner has proved me Voyager Class ships to be very well designed and now I recognized they really were the beginning of a new Era in cruising. I was so impressed that better be careful, Radiance Class, they might take your spot as my favorite class! If only they had glass elevators and a closed solarium! I'm still not sure which is my favorite, after all.


Well, this is it for our cruise portion, my friends. Thank you very much for following along, I'm sorry for the technical problems with connection as well as any grammatical errors made on these past 21 (already!?) days. Sometimes I keep writting (on the bus, before sleep, or on the plane like now) and don't catch them. Now, if you recall the itinerary posted way back before I left Florida, we still have some twelve days before I head back home. I know this is a cruise website, but I also have to infer most of you (like me) would enjoy continuing on to India, Maldives, and Oman. That being said (or written), I will continue to update this with info, thoughts, and pictures! You all are invited to come along, LIVE, on our post-cruise!



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Well, this is it for our cruise portion, my friends. Thank you very much for following along, I'm sorry for the technical problems with connection as well as any grammatical errors made on these past 21 (already!?) days. Sometimes I keep writting (on the bus, before sleep, or on the plane like now) and don't catch them. Now, if you recall the itinerary posted way back before I left Florida, we still have some twelve days before I head back home. I know this is a cruise website, but I also have to infer most of you (like me) would enjoy continuing on to India, Maldives, and Oman. That being said (or written), I will continue to update this with info, thoughts, and pictures! You all are invited to come along, LIVE, on our post-cruise!



Ricardo - you can't just leave us stranded in Dubai!! Of course we are following along until the end of your journey! :)

And skydiving? WOW!!!!:eek:

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Thanks for all responses! I think we'll have some free time tonight (Delhi is 9:30 hours ahead of US's Eastern) and I can respond them.


Tuesday, May 21 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Good morning! The cruise ends, but we're still far from flying back home! I didn't get much sleep for our last night onboard; not only we were about to disembark, but also flying to India and skydiving, both for the first time. Needless to say I was a bit (just a bit...heheh) grumpy when waking up at 6..."just 15 more minutes...please, please". We got our carry-ons and went up to Chops where we were supposed to wait and get our passports from Luca. He was great giving us #2 luggage tags (instead of the previously assigned #6) so they'd get out at around 7:15, as he gave us our passports. I had arranged the driver to be waiting for us at 7:30...it wouldn't happen. In addition to local authorities taking about one extra hour to release the ship, my dad's passport wasn't there. Remember the "issue" with Guest Relations? So, the passport hadn't been returned to Luca's "box". I told my dad he should've talked to him since the beginning, but he didn't, so it wasn't his fault by any means. We waited some extra 10, 15 minutes and he was back with it...imagine how worried we were! After getting off (it was already past 8am) we found an incredibly "messy" terminal. I mean, this is Dubai, the place where airports and malls are easily comparable, and then there's a "tent-looking" terminal whose half (the baggage collection half, our half) lacked ac? I can't lie, I was expecting a much better facility. I can't say it was terrible (though I wanted at the time) because there are many worse places, but it wasn't fun to look (and eventually wait) for bags inside a 100+ degree tent...


We met Barti just before 9, and had many "to-do's" before our flight at 3:30. I found Barti on tripadvisor, I think, and he was great answering my questions regarding timing by email and making sure everything was set. He has large van for 8 people and/or 5 large bags, which was just enough for us (and our stuff), and stayed with us all the time together with a driver. We quickly stopped at the hotel I'm staying before I head back home and dropped off a bag with stuff I won't use after the cruise (more formal shirts, jeans, etc.). We usually do something like this because of baggage allowances, weight, etc. For example, I have additional allowance with Lufthansa because of my gold status, but not with Emirates, so I left this bag in Dubai and didn't have to pay extra (which most airlines charge by kilogram). Some planning will save you lots of bucks...imagine paying for every.single.kilogram for four flights! Anyways, they dropped me off at Skydive Dubai and, while I jumped, went to the airport to see if we could change our flight and/or check-in the other bags so we wouldn'd rush/miss the flight in case my jump delayed or something.




Now, skydiving. I had been wanting to do it for a while but never really took the time (and finances) to go to the place several people I know have been to in Florida. I found out about Skydive Dubai last year when we spent a week in the UAE, but they were completely booked and I decided not to "waste my time" trying a walk-in (not guaranteed). I also think my additional 20ish pounds I had back then wouldn't add up to the allowed bmi (there is a max weight and bmi that's different for men and women). Anyways, it was a reason to go back to Dubai...and here I was booked on a cruise ending in Dubai, about 13 months later, still no skydive. I didn't think twice and decided to book it; my slogan for it has been "If it is to do it, then do it in style", and what better than doing it over The Palm? I booked exactly four weeks and a day before, and spaces were filling up very quickly. They required half of the payment at booking, non-refundable, and that is why I was so worried about missing the 3:30 flight (first jump was at 10, but of says 2-4 hours). It is pricey, but still cheaper than the place back in Orlando (come on, really!?) and is a very serious/safe company. The package includes a video of your jump and lots of pictures, but they charge for lockers now (10AED, less than $3). Also, keep in mind they will only accept AED, MasterCard, and Visa. I had to walk some blocks under the hot sun to exchange cash because I was sure Wells Fargo would block my card (as they did when I booked this...heheh) and it delayed my jump by an hour.



Straight from Rico's instagram!


The experience is priceless. I was very calm, actually, and the two times I thought I'd freak (jumping from the plane, which he does it, and touchdown) were smooth. The view is beautiful, and I didn't feel scared at all...ok, maybe when he pulled the parachute and I was sure something had gone wrong and I was about to free fall from hundreds on meters into the Gulf...heheh. Didn't happen, and I enjoyed the ride. Both Darcie and Naomie (the intructor and photographer, respectively) were cool and, I think, found it weird that I was quiet and neither scared or ecstatic. Even I found that weird...I guess it was too surreal. I would highly recommend it, if you're in for an adventure.


Now, Barti had told us we'd be fine leaving Skydive Dubai until 1pm, and I was done (with the 45 minute wait for the video and pics) at 12:55...wow! They had been told (apparently by an awesome customer service at the Emirates store) that we could go on the 10:30pm flight for about $12 a person...not bad. We would arrive in Delhi at 3am, though, and check-in closed one hour before the flight, so we went to DXB and made it even in time to have lunch before boarding. Barti was great all the time entering the places to help us (including my future hotel and the airport both times), I would highly recommend him. The flight, a short two and a half hour ride, was on an empty 777-200LR, so very good. Service was amazing just like we remembered from last year, and the space on economy was the best of any line we have flown.






It was our first time at the airport during the day (our flights from and to New York JFK were there at night) so it was cool taking off, and look who I saw...



Mariner on her first call in Dubai and with the Burj Khalifa back there!


Tomorrow is our first day in India; stay tuned!

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A truly fabulous review with awesome pictures(you could teach some people who try to do live blogs with dire pictures a thing or two ;)). Keep it coming!


Cruise Critic needs a "like" button for that statement little britain :D


I had relatives on this cruise so it's been great following along. They are currently enjoying the sweltering heat in Dubai and haven't participated in any skydives!


Looking forward to your next instalment.

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Hi Rico! We arrived home from Dubai last night and I just found this thread. Great job on updating through the cruise and writing such an amazing review. I have to agree with you, it was a fantastic cruise and the crew were amazing. We were ready to get off after 30 days though :)


We just walked right in about 7am and picked up our passports so no problem there but we had a suitcase missing and it took an hour before we found it, tagged with someone elses number (1) tags. Ours was (9) Just as well I had my old Presidents Club tags on it to prove it was mine.



Edited by joandian
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Finally some time for responses!


No worries -- I love Luca and wish he could transfer to the Navigator!

We also did the Chops wine pairing dinner on our cruise and thought it was great, especially because they were very generous with the wine. We only had one table of 10 people for our dinner!:eek:


He's awesome, isn't him? 10 people :eek: well, at least they made a second one...so maybe more people asked for it...


OMG' date=' Ricardo, your thread is fantastic! :D I snuck on here at work just to see if you had been able to post - and I was rewarded with all your photos! I have just emailed my husband and told him we have to sit and read it together tonight, and then promptly start researching a similar trip for 2015.[/size']

I love your descriptions, and your enthusiasm. Just delightful. :)


Thank you! Apparently Royal Caribbean is not offering it anytime soon, but maybe another line (X, for example) will ;)

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I'm following the thread because I'm getting on in Dubai. Any tips?


I hope the updates on the ship (not many, though) could help! Enjoy your cruise! :)


Rico: Thank you! The pictures made me speechless. Thanks for showing me that part of the world. Not what I thought it would look like.


Celia: Was last on mariner 2012. You could just ask any server or bartender. I do remember you are not 21 so if not comfortable I understand.


Like the pirate info also. Not many will experience that either. Ha!


Thanks a lot! I tried looking for her but ended up not asking anyone...to be honest I don't know what happened to time on the 6 sea days :eek: sorry :o

Pirate days were cool...I enjoyed the "suspense" heheh :p

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WOW!!!!!!!! Absolutely incredible!!!!!!!!!!! To see Mariner with the dunes in the background when we were just on her last month!

My hubby was in Arabia during the Gulf War and he said it was routinely 130 degrees out there!

Stay safe Rico and thanks again for your consideration to keep us so well informed and entertained...loving this!:D I never put the middle east on my bucket list, but thanks to your pics I just might!;)


Thanks for reading...India's been hotter than anywhere else :eek:

Glad to get it on your bucked list ;)


Wow, now I am jealous. I really wish we could have stayed on for this second leg. Maybe someday


Hope you make it soon! :)

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I was reading your trip report and photos. I must tell you that I really enjoyed it and wow your photos look so amazing and so beautiful...


I had been in Barcelona twice for Disney Cruise and your photos bring back my memories...also I have been Panama Canal 2008 too but your photos oh wow something different:p


Thank for showing the photos...




Thank you! Glad the pics are turning out ok :D


We are joining the ship in Singapore. Have you any news on the onboard bands, singers, musicians etc.


Thanks :)


Hope the last updates helped. Have fun! :cool:

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Rico, your review is just fabulous and your photos are the best. Thank you for sharing. :)


Thanks for following! :)


Thank you Rico for responding! I've been loving your review and photos! We would love to do the trip through the Suez Canal so it's on our bucket list though it's a long, long way from home!


Enjoy the rest of your cruise!




Thanks Gae! I'm glad to make this itinerary into so many bucked lists! :)

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Great Review! it was a lot of fun to read and bring back some memories of my time in Barcelona. It is such a great city. It is also awesome to see someone else my age on cruise critic, with the same love of travel that I do. I will be doing a complete Oasis trip report after my cruise in July, hope to see you there!


Also good to see someone my age out here...and enjoying this. Thanks for following and I'll stay tuned to your Oasis one...it'll be my "escape" during moving month...thanks :D


This has been an awesome live report! Thanks again for your efforts...I can't wait for the rest!:)


Thanks again! :)

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WOW - skydiving over the Palm Islands in Dubai! We were in Dubai last year before & after our cruise on the Brilliance & thought we had seen & done just about everything - until I saw this! Thank you so much for sharing this experience. I've officially put the Suez Canal & Petra on my bucket list now:)


Another bucket list! Great!


Heheh...skydiving...let's say this was my individual (because it didn't include my parents) eccentric portion of the trip :rolleyes:


Thank you for the excellent review. I will definitely be staying on to hear of your land trip. :)


Thanks! :)

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Ricardo - you can't just leave us stranded in Dubai!! Of course we are following along until the end of your journey! :)

And skydiving? WOW!!!!:eek:


Thanks again for following! Will post updates asap...and skydiving heheh my slogan for it was "If it is to do it' date=' then do it in style"...mission accomplished ;):p


A truly fabulous review with awesome pictures(you could teach some people who try to do live blogs with dire pictures a thing or two ;)). Keep it coming!


Hahaha that made me laugh :D

Thanks a lot!

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Cruise Critic needs a "like" button for that statement little britain :D


I had relatives on this cruise so it's been great following along. They are currently enjoying the sweltering heat in Dubai and haven't participated in any skydives!


Looking forward to your next instalment.


Oh, believe me, Dubai was "fresh" as compared to India...we're dying here :eek:


Thanks for reading!


Wonderful review and pictures!! I would be freaking out about the "missing" passport! :)


Thank you! Hahah...we were actually "ok"...my dad was saying they'd have to give us (or at least him) a free cruise continuing to Singapore (until they found the passport) and that he wouldn't accept anything less than the Royal Suite :p

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Funny, you managed to shoot a picture of my uncle in the back there!


Oh I knew it :rolleyes:

Hahah that's too funny...what are the chances!? Now they can have a "natural" picture on their album...you're welcome ;):D


Hi Rico! We arrived home from Dubai last night and I just found this thread. Great job on updating through the cruise and writing such an amazing review. I have to agree with you, it was a fantastic cruise and the crew were amazing. We were ready to get off after 30 days though :)


We just walked right in about 7am and picked up our passports so no problem there but we had a suitcase missing and it took an hour before we found it, tagged with someone elses number (1) tags. Ours was (9) Just as well I had my old Presidents Club tags on it to prove it was mine.




Hey Jo!


Glad to hear you guys made it back safely! For some reason I thought you were staying to Singapore (well...so many people...so many different travel/cruise patterns :eek: ). Glad you're enjoying this and enjoy your time relaxing at home (I'm starting to miss my own too...can't wait for a whole day in bed watching tv heheh).


Say hi to Ian!

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