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"Live from" ms Volendam to Alaska! My First HAL Experience

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Sis got her Striploin Steak again (man, these are good):




They always taste really good, so if there isn't anything in particular that interests you on the menu, be sure to try it out! ^^


Bro got the "Ziti Pesto":




Personally, I prefer my pasta to be covered in creamy sauce, but still, cooked al dente with a coating of Parmesan isn't too bad (:


Finally, here was my (&& Dad's) "Flank Steak with Roasted Shallot Vinaigrette":




This was pretty good! It was cooked just the way I liked and flavourful! Only one thing. Sis & I were starting to feel sick. :(


The ship's rocking was constant and persistent, making every moment feel more and more dazed. I wasn't in as worse a condition then Sis, but I was feeling really bad.


I ate all of my steak and saw that Sis wasn't going to be able to sit through the rest of the meal. She left a large portion of her Striploin on her plate, and was starting to look in even worse shape.


Eventually, Dad suggested that he walk her back to the room and she turn in early. I intervened and said that I would bring her there since, I was feeling just as nauseous.


I looked at the beautiful Striploin on her plate in pain and vocalized that I couldn't bear the thought of such a beauty going to waste. Bro agreed, so he reached over and gobbled down the majority of it.


Basik noticed Sis not touching her food and came to ask her if everything was alright. He asked if she did not like it and would like to order something else, but Dad explained that it was due to the motion that she could not eat. Basik looked at us quizzically and said that "it's pretty calm right now! I can't feel a thing!" *hops around a bit* (LOL ^^)


He continues to do his own thing, but quickly comes back with a dessert menu, offering the dessert menu to Sis. (^^) "Do you want some dessert before you go?" Sis politely shakes her head no. "Are you sure you don't want some cake? Or some ice cream?" We laugh and she declines. He finally gives up ("Fine" :P) and goes back to serving his other tables.


Sis and I get up and make our way to the doors. I give Dad my camera and ask he take a picture of whatever he can remember to.


Apparently he forgot to take it before they started eating their dessert, so after taking a couple of bites AND THEN remembering, they tried their best to neaten it back up, stick the triangle wafer back in it, and take a shot. (LOL)


Here was Bro's Watermelon Sorbet:




They said it didn't taste like watermelon at all. The said it just tasted sourness. They were a little taken aback since they were expecting something sweet.


Mom & Dad ordered the Hot Fudge Sundae:




To their despair and carelessness of not reading the fine print, they were presented with a cup of chocolate syrup covered Colgate! :) HAHA. Only once it showed up, Dad realized what it was. ^^ They begrudgingly gobbled up as much as they could (to not simply waste it) and finished up their dinner.


While this was happening, Sis & I had just arrived in our staterooms in a near-death state. Like zombies who were about to throw up, I clawed at my bag for my room key, clumsily shoved it into the key slot, and we both stumbled into the comfort of our stateroom. Before entering our room, I grabbed the "An Invitation" card that was in our room slot.


All dressed up in dinner wear, we fumbled around (while simultaneously trying to avoid vomiting) and changed our clothes to pajamas in a mess of nausea, ship motion and grogginess. Once we were both changed and our sleeping buddies were brought out, we both collapsed on our beds. Our dresses and clothes were crumpled into a ball on the little table at the foot of my bed.


After lying down, my stomach settled and I played with my iPad for a bit. As I finished up my last game of Candy Crush, I heard Sis click the t.v remote. The screen came to life with a burst of colour, and we were met with a medley of old classic songs.


It was a documentary on old famous performers which features Gene Kelly. We smiled as we enjoyed the performances that were shown on screen. Some of which included:


(What we first turned on the TV to see):



(Which reminded me of a scene of Looney Tunes where Bugs Bunny sang it :D)


As well as:



We then eventually dozed off and slept through the night.

Edited by lovely_serenity
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As we slept, Mom, Bro & Dad were getting ready to watch tonight's show: "Dancing with the Stars". This was where they'd get amateurs to dance with members of the Volendam Singers and Dancers.




They said that they didn't really like the show because it was basically a performance where pretty good dancers danced with bad dancers.


They apparently didn't even stay to watch the entire thing. It was supposedly THAT bad. 0_0


Well, the entire time we were feeling sick, Mom claimed that our nausea was simply psychological. Uhm.. no. -___- If I feel like puking, it's because I feel like puking. I've always been susceptible to motion sickness ever since I was little. Yeah. Imagine that, I travel so often, and pretty much get sick that often too. o_o Bummer. Mom insisted that we were overreacting to the "minor" motion because we had gotten used to the calm water of the inside area of Alaska covered by islands.


As Mom had reassured us that it was due to our imagination that we were getting nauseous, we later checked out the map (at doorway between casino and Atrium) to see when the motion had occurred. It was at the exact time when our ship had poked out from behind the islands and was exposed to the Pacific ocean's waves. =______= ... Sure Mom, I'm imagining my vomit too.


So from then on or the rest of the trip, every time we felt motion, we would tease my mom and say "You're imagining it :P, you're tipping over and falling, BUT YOU'RE IMAGINING IT. ^^



End of Day 6

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On the Veendam we went to the Casino cashier and were able to purchase cards to keep for $1.00 if you needed cards to play with. Not necessarily HAL though :(

Oh, :( that seems kinda.. Nickel and dime-ish in their part. I heard that the librarian gives out HAL Logo cards for free in the Exploration's Cafe! I tried to get myself one, but the librarian was never there, and apparently, he had also run out :/

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Still loving your review :)


I had the same problem with motion sickness when we did this itinerary on Zuiderdam last year. Every time the ship would come out into open water, I was feeling it. Then again, maybe it was all in my head too ;)


For sailaway from Skagway on our cruise, I ordered the Frozen Peach Margarita from the "mocktail" menu. What I got was definitely not a virgin drink! They charged me for the alcohol too. Be careful when ordering from that menu; make sure they know you actually want the non-alcoholic version that it says you are supposed to be getting!

Edited by spacepotatoes
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Hopefully The Neptunes will still be on the ship when we sail her. Love that kind of performers!


When we were on Volendam, all of April this year, The Neptunes were a trio of young men - also very good. I think that the group that plays in the Ocean Bar is always called The Neptunes, regardless of who is in the group.

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Still loving your review :)


I had the same problem with motion sickness when we did this itinerary on Zuiderdam last year. Every time the ship would come out into open water, I was feeling it. Then again, maybe it was all in my head too ;)


For sailaway from Skagway on our cruise, I ordered the Frozen Peach Margarita from the "mocktail" menu. What I got was definitely not a virgin drink! They charged me for the alcohol too. Be careful when ordering from that menu; make sure they know you actually want the non-alcoholic version that it says you are supposed to be getting!


Thank you (:


Oh really? I thought it was just us! ^^' Bonine probably helped us not throw up, but we still felt the motion! Haha :p


Yeah! Make sure you tell them to make you a virgin one! :D Or else that's what'll happen if you don't specify! And don't worry, I'm pretty sure that if I ever order something like that, just by looking at me, they'll know that it'll have to be a non-alcoholic version!

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Hopefully The Neptunes will still be on the ship when we sail her. Love that kind of performers!

Yeah! They were my favourite musical performance group! The man was very nice too, when we got up to leave & get ready for dinner, he waved at me while he was singing! :D

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When we were on Volendam, all of April this year, The Neptunes were a trio of young men - also very good. I think that the group that plays in the Ocean Bar is always called The Neptunes, regardless of who is in the group.


Oh, for real? o_o I had no idea! I guess, they change the people, but not the name! :p I guess they'll just have to hope that they get the same Neptunes I did! ^^

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Did you notice how crowded the Crow's Nest was during the cruise?


Yes, yes I did. During the day time, simply taking a quick sweep, there aren't many available seats anywhere. Mainly filled with groups of people mingling. On glacier day especially, it was PACKED. There were nearly no places to sit whatsoever. There even had fold out chairs as opposed to only the usual couch/sofa seats.

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Day 7: At Sea



I woke up refreshed and not tired at all (well, I slept at like, 9pm last night, what do you expect? o_o). I reached over to my night stand on my right and checked my iPod pocket watch. It was a little past 9am. I also noticed this sitting against the telephone:




Oh yeah! I brought this in last night before passing out! I recall taking a glance at it before going to sleep. It was an invitation to the Mariner's Society Brunch! I then remembered that it was rescheduled to be today due to the late embarkation on Day 1 for cleaning. Meh, I'll take more pictures of the invitation later. First thing's first. I looked out the window and saw the sun shining in. Woah! Nice weather in the morning! :O That's rare!


I changed out of my pajamas and grabbed my camera to quickly to some scenery shots before the weather could change. And from experience, that DOES happen A LOT -_-'. My theory would have later proven itself to be correct.


As I was getting ready, Sis started to squirm in her sleep. By instinct, I freeze all movements to avoid waking her up. 0_0' Her eyes flutter and then slowly open. I pull everything on (that I wasn't wearing yet) and close the drawer before she totally wakes up. I look over and see Bro still dead like a log and breath a sigh of relief. Boy, would that have been an awkward encounter, had he woken up while I was changing on my bed. ^^' I guess that's what I get for being too lazy to go to the bathroom. At least I was under the covers! :p


Anyways, I get up to leave and Sis rubs her eyes and looks up:


" D: Where are you going?"


I explain to her that I will be back shortly and that I was just going up a floor to take some pictures. I ask if she would like to come with me and she accepts. ... -_- I don't want to wait for her to get ready. The ship is still moving and everything that I don't get a shot of will pass right by.


"Okay, okay, you go upstairs first and then I'll meet you up there once I'm done getting ready." she says.


"Alright! ^^ Just go up one flight of stairs and turn.. hmm right! :D"


I collect all of my belongings and exit the stateroom. Still not totally awake, I climb up the stairs with a monopod attached to my camera.


Once I arrive at Deck 3, I turn left (I know, I know. I told her to turn right, but the scene looked nicer there! ^^ If I were fast, I'd be able to meet her on the other side before she shows up!) and push the double set of doors open (There are 4 doors, 2 sets of doubles). Outside, i am met with this view!




I turn to look to my right and take this picture. Here is a shot of port side going forward!




After spending around 5-10 minutes out there taking pictures, I then remember. Sis! 0_0 She could be on the other side right now! I close up my monopod, pick it up and go back inside. I walk across the hallway and push the other set of doors open. I walk outside, look around and realize that Sis isn't even there. o_o... Huh?


I guess she's not here yet.. Hm. Whatever. I continue to take pictures of this side now. I release the locks to the monopod, and it extends the metal poles height. Here was my immediate view in front of me:




Ooo, look! we're making ripples on the water! :D That's how calm it was. We were making the only waves in the entire body of water.




I look to my left and take a shot of starboard side forward! c:




*sigh* :( We're already on our way back to Vancouver. I will be met with 3 make up tests/quizzes, as well as 6-7 more new tests, quizzes and project.

:,( Awh. *cries


I guess I'll just have relax to the max today! Play to the fullest and eat to the fattest! :D

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I finished taking my pictures and went back inside. I then thought to myself, "Where in the world did Sis go? O_o" I went and checked out the opposite door again, but decided to continue my search in my stateroom. If she wasn't there, I'd go back upstairs.


I opened the door to my cabin and saw Sis sitting on her bed, changed. o_o Huh. I guess she was REALLY slow at getting ready.


She greeted me with a smile and said that she had just finished showering. With the lights all turned on, Bro woke up had already gone back to his room. In his place, Mom stood there, hanging wet towels and things that she had recently hand washed.


I sat on my bed, thinking about whether or not I should go eat something right now. When was brunch again? I picked up the invitation to get one more look:




*pops it open*




Let's see.. Hmm.. *takes a closer look*




11 am! That's when brunch is going to start! I looked at the time, it was nearly 10am. I guess I could grab a snack before everyone finished getting ready. *closes it back up and puts it in my camera bag* (just in case we need it as admission later. If I don't put it in my bag now, I'll probably forget)


As I sat there contemplating as to what I should do, I looked up and noticed Sis & Mom making a ruckus. o_o" Mom was hanging towels and had just run out of hangers. She had scanned the room for extras. To my sister's dismay, Mom had set her sights on Mr. Monkey's hanger.


Sis: *realizes what Mom's after* D: !!! NOOO!!


They both make a mad dash for the towel monkey whose fate laid in the hands of a 14 year old child. Sis grabs Mr. Monkey off from his hanging position above her bed and hugs him.


Mom: Give me that hanger! ^^" I need it to hang this towel!


Sis: Dx NO! *runs around the stateroom*


Mom chases her into the corner of the room (at the foot of my bed) and Sis stretched Mr. Monkey as far away as possible along the wall.


Silly, silly Sis. =o=" Mom's taller than you.


Mom easily reaches over her and un-clips Mr.Monkey from his hanger.




She hold onto him and looks down at the results of her lost battle. She pouts:






As she's holding onto him pouting, Mr. Monkey's feet unrolls. "Ahh! D,:" Her anger now arises.


She looks up at the ceiling and points. "This is all your fault! D:<"




All this time, I'm laughing my head off. I wipe a tear from the corner of my eye and tell Sis that I'll be back shortly.


I head upstairs to the Lido and check out what morning Lido breakfasts look like (for the first time). I never wake up early enough to be able to see Lido Breakfast set up after my MDR breakfast.


I start on my food picture taking spree.




Knowing that I can't eat too much before I'll have to eat brunch, I mainly take photos.

Edited by lovely_serenity
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Everything is GREAT!!

The invitation that you got is for the special Mariner's Brunch. It does not replace the embarkation lunch that you missed when you got on the ship.

Maybe confuse these 2 events.

On our recent cruise we did not have the Neptunes playing in the Ocean Bar. Insteadwe had 2 sets of the screaming HAL Cats.

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Yes, yes I did. During the day time, simply taking a quick sweep, there aren't many available seats anywhere. Mainly filled with groups of people mingling. On glacier day especially, it was PACKED. There were nearly no places to sit whatsoever. There even had fold out chairs as opposed to only the usual couch/sofa seats.


Thank you! I am still enjoying your review so much!

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Everything is GREAT!!

The invitation that you got is for the special Mariner's Brunch. It does not replace the embarkation lunch that you missed when you got on the ship.

Maybe confuse these 2 events.

On our recent cruise we did not have the Neptunes playing in the Ocean Bar. Insteadwe had 2 sets of the screaming HAL Cats.


Oh, I didn't know that D: Awh, what a bummer. We lost a Mariner's embarkation lunch because of that dang gastrointestinal virus :(

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Oh, I didn't know that D: Awh, what a bummer. We lost a Mariner's embarkation lunch because of that dang gastrointestinal virus :(


We have missed several embarkation lunches because the main dining room was closed due to special functions.

Did you remember to get your Tile at the end of the Mariner's Brunch?

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