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Live from the Maasdam NE/C


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Wouldn't it be something if Tom "converted" the 500 ladies--single-handedly. Now that's a visual!!!




They've seen the light!!!!:eek:


Keep those fires burning TomC.......;) :cool:

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Ive been told that, when the women's religious conference leaves, the ship will be taking on a very large number of children for the Montreal-Boston cruise. And I'll still be on board. :eek:


We present: "Women of Inspiration" to "Kids of Desperation."


"Are we there yet?"


"I bet Billy he couldn't eat ten pieces of pizza. He did, but then he threw up in the pool. Do I still have to pay him?"


"You didn't tell me there's no 4th of July fireworks in Canada."


"I peed off the Sky Deck, but I think I hit someone on a verandah."


""Bobby's on top of the radar mast and can't get down."


"I think my sister Dorothy made a lot of friends, 'cuz there's having a meeting tonight in the Crow's Nest."


"Why is that old lady wearing such a funny hat? And what does 'impudent kid' mean?"


"The back pool has ropes all over it at night. Jimmy and me pretended we were Jesus walking on the water. Is that a sin?"


"I told my big sister she's going to end up like that old lady at the other table whose things hang down to her knees."


"The lady in the next cabin sure was scared when I climbed from our verandah to hers last night and woke her up."


"I'm not going to take that elevator -- it's full of girls and they giggle."



This post came to you live from the Maasdam

where you now realize wha candlelight and wine really produces.

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I'm in an internet cafe in Q City right now, after walking around following the directions on a map provided by a cute young thing in the cruise terminal. It's hot and muggy here and it's been quite a walk. I'm glad it's all downhill from here. I think this may be a French keyboard, but so far it's working ok in English. Punctuation seems to be ok with no accent signs.


And a great big Hello to all the onboard staff who are reading this. Glad to have you with me and I understand you are enjoying the thread. Maybe not learning anything new (and maybe you are), but having a laugh anyway. Dirk, thanks for the disinfectant in the dining spots and the Internet Cafe; I appreciate the efforts to prevent sickness before it happens. Especially in the internet room -- you just don't know where those people's fingers have been. I use it all the time on my way out, as Andrew the manager can tell you.


Quebec is lovely, as usual, with lots of people making it very lively. Just wish it were a bit cooler. That means, when I get back onboard, I will just have to get myself a cool bowl of yogurt.


The Front Office doesn't have my cabin assignment yet and the people are a bit perplexed, as I need it for tomorrow. Since I fall asleep regularly in the Lido, I told them I could stay there.


This post has come to you live from the Maasdam

where pax say, "If the Quebecers can't speak English, they should go back where they came from."

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Tom, youv'e gotten me addicted!! Just HAVE TO check back to read your latest adventure!:p


Since I'm clueless about AofG, and it seems so important to so many, guess I'm heading for our library so I, too, can relate!


Orion- can you tell me please how your tour in Montreal was? We will only be there for 4-5 hours and want to make the most of it!


Any suggestions from others greatly appreciated!:D

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Keep the updates coming! Sorry to hear that the showroom will be closed, but perhaps as you say, we can hope for a miracle!


Dog Mommie... We took a Gray Line Tour that lasted 6 hours, but there is one that lasts 3 hours. There are also double decker buses that give tours (I don't know how long they are). You might be better off with one of these, since the double deckers depart from the Jacques Cartier pier (right next to the Iberville pier, which is where the Maasdam will dock). The Gray Line tours depart from the Info Tourism office, which is quite a ways from the pier.


The other tour that we took was a short boat cruise on the St. Lawrence river. It's a glass enclosed boat that is air conditioned. They offer 1 hour tours several times during the day, or an hour and a half tour at 11:30 a.m. You can find the information at http://www.bateau-mouche.com


Today is Canada Day, and we went down to the Old Port because there was supposed to be a military parade with the Pipe and Drum corp and the RCMP. We got up early so that we would be sure to find a spot to view the parade. Unfortunately, it was a disappointment -- the Pipe and Drum corp consisted of about 4 people, and apparently the RCMP were UNmounted today -- no horses! Oh well, live and learn...


The weather is supposed to be cooling off, so hopefully you'll have a nice day here tomorrow, Tom. If we get a chance some evening, we'll stop by the Lido to say hello. (I'll do my best to make sure MY children are behaving themselves.)


Keep up the great commentary!

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tomc, sleeping in the Lido, eh? I'm sure the staff will appreciate that, especially your buddy, the Yul Brinner look alike. I think his name is Valeri, from the Ukraine. Well, at least that's who was there for our trip. We enjoyed talking to him.

Bon chance dans Quebec!! :)

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And a great big Hello to all the onboard staff who are reading this. Glad to have you with me and I understand you are enjoying the thread. Maybe not learning anything new (and maybe you are), but having a laugh anyway. Dirk, thanks for the disinfectant in the dining spots and the Internet Cafe; I appreciate the efforts to prevent sickness before it happens. Especially in the internet room -- you just don't know where those people's fingers have been. I use it all the time on my way out, as Andrew the manager can tell you.




Tom.....There's a decent chance Dirk is reading this. :)

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You're posts are so delightful .. A wonderful treat!!


I loved your list of kids quotes....


Glad to read you're enjoying your cruise ... Hope they assign a cabin soon for your second week .. if not, be sure to snag one of those tables with a bench seat in the lido so you'll be comfortable!!:p


Thanks for your wonderful posts!! So glad we have another week of updates coming our way!



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... Since I'm clueless about AofG, and it seems so important to so many, guess I'm heading for our library so I, too, can relate!...


Good girl! Start at the very beginning of the series. No skipping! :)

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And Doggie Mommie, after you read the books pick up the videos/DVD's of the TV series. http://greengables.tripod.com/ One of our best Canadian series, I think. :)


Megan Follows is wonderful as Ann and Colleen Dewhurst as Marilla Cuthbert.


I just read this clip from one of the AOGG web site



The Green Gables house used in the Anne movies was actually two distinct buildings, both privately owned and both located in Southern Ontario. The reason for choosing these houses (aside from their visual appeal) was because most of the principle filming was done in Southern Ontario, and since the Cavendish Green Gables is constantly in use as a tourist attraction, it was inaccessible to be used as a movie set.

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You are anything but ordinary:)


What a great outlook you have on things, and a very witty way of describeing it.

As you can see we are all enjoying this so much, thank you again for sharing :)


So many people here always say, "a cruise is what you make out of it" OR "You need to go with the right attitude"


If that is the case, you must have a wonderful time wherever you go. :)

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I know the HM is reading this because we were chatting about it. He thinks it's pretty funny. Mention meeting S7S on the last trip. I told him RuthC will be aboard soon and I think he knows her, too.


We're in Montreal now, taking on pax. All comments will be prior to this, as I could not access CC last night due to the site being down, so I used up my last ten minutes writing to my family.


* * *


Piano Bar. I did not get a chance to see if Bill Forrest will be doing the trans. It's almost impossible to break thru his coterie of admirers who hang out at the bar around the piano like adolescent girls swooning over some star-of-the-moment, while the peasants sit at the tables trying to enjoy the music, if such is possible. Some evenings, all you see are the bobby-soxers and nobody in the rest of the room. Good for the girls, bad for the sales.


Women of Inspiration. Or Women of Faith, their actual name, on the Inspiration conference cruise. Someone at our table reported being at breakfast --briefly-- with some of them, until they started telling what she discreetly referred to as "gynecological jokes." At that point, she figured it was time to move ... as far away as possible. Obviously, the church stuff was wearing thin. I, privately, wondered if the women had been eating tarts that morning.


VEGASJIM.Troy Anderson does indeed remember you. I said, "If you really don't, it will remain our secret and I will give a bland reply." But he did and gave details, very happy that you remembered him.


Women of Faith Wannabee Secret Service Agents. Not sure if I followed up on the Secret Service agents on board. They were actually the coordinators for the women's religious conference. Ear pieces for their radios, badges, unsmiling. Jesus may love us, but I'm not too sure about these guys. Again, the gals were just great and we will miss them. Especially since 190 teenagers are boarding today.


Barking Sounds on Deck. Since I am neither embarking nor debarking, I was barking out on the Lido deck as people left. What the heck; they'll never see me again. I figured it was appropriate.


My Ability In French. This is how it went in Quebec City, since I am so fluent in French (my brother having lived here for 40 years, it rubs off).


tomc: "Do you 'ave zee interlnet weeth een walking deestannnnce 'ere?"

local #1: (Some remark about Inspector Clouseau.)

local #2: "We 'af no 'ting like dat. But we 'af moose an' Molson and women avec les plus grandes tetons, ho ho ho. Dem make good mouse pads."


So, you see how I command instant respect in Quebec City.


* * *


This post came to you live from the Maasdam

where it's funny as HAL watching everyone else leave the ship.

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Oui, monsieur tomc, vous ne parlez pas Francais!! Pas de quoi!!


My advice, stay away from the 'plus grandes tetons' subject matter!! It translates the same in English as in French and you may get punched in the face!! Why tick off more than one 'nationalite' at a time? (Retorical question)


Here's wishing you more exciting adventures on the Maasdam, tom!!


Happy fourth!!:D

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DH and I very much enjoyed meeting "Mr." Dirk as I call the HM. Please give him our greetings.

Captain van der Loo leaves today and Captain Henk Draper takes over, He is absolutely fabulous and I hope you think as highly of him as we do. He's a terrific man with wonderful humor. Please send him our greetings as well .....DH and I send the warmest greetings to him. (Mention the Board to him as well, if you wish. :D )


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This post came to you live from the Maasdam

where it's funny as HAL watching everyone else leave the ship.


Ahhh but alas this time next week you will have to debark so the laffnvegas can embark:D but then in two week from now we will have to do the same so RuthC and her fun group can embark.:)


So Tom did they find you a cabin with a bed? I would think they could just shove more of the 190 teenagers in one cabin and find one for you:D

So looking forward to your next week of reviews, not sure how I will top it but I will try.


I do have a question??? Did you buy an internet package? Last time while on the Westerdam I purchased the $100 one but thinking of only doing the $55.00 one this time and make my comments and reading to the CC board brief. At the end of the last time I was using up minutes just reading the CC Board and emails.

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DH and I very much enjoyed meeting "Mr." Dirk as I call the HM. Please give him our greetings.


Captain van der Loo leaves today and Captain Henk Draper takes over, He is absolutely fabulous and I hope you think as highly of him as we do. He's a terrific man with wonderful humor. Please send him our greetings as well .....DH and I send the warmest greetings to him. (Mention the Board to him as well, if you wish. :D )







Sail, I am so glad to hear that Captain Draper has a wonderful sense of humor I love that personal humor and friendlyness in a Captain.

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Oui, monsieur tomc, vous ne parlez pas Francais!! Pas de quoi!!


My advice, stay away from the 'plus grandes tetons' subject matter!! It translates the same in English as in French and you may get punched in the face!! Why tick off more than one 'nationalite' at a time? (Retorical question)


Here's wishing you more exciting adventures on the Maasdam, tom!!


Happy fourth!!:D


Bonjour CG/Cira, c'est conseil très bon pour Monsieur Tom!

It is best to stay away from "les filles/femmes avec les tetons plus grandes" and stick with Molson instead:)

Looking forward to your return trip reports, Tom!

Have a great Fourth!


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I do have a question??? Did you buy an internet package? Last time while on the Westerdam I purchased the $100 one but thinking of only doing the $55.00 one this time and make my comments and reading to the CC board brief. At the end of the last time I was using up minutes just reading the CC Board and emails.

I only purchased the 100 minute $55 dollar package but.....the internet cafe was down just about our whole first week and into the second week.

In the past, if we had minutes left over from week one, we were not permitted to carry them forward into week two. I always grumbled about that and wonder if they finally changed that. I forgot to ask as I couldn't even get on line week one.

The last day, they sold fifteen minute or thirty minutes for a very low price so you could add on a few minutes if that is all you needed to 'finish up'.

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I told him RuthC will be aboard soon and I think he knows her, too.

Oh, oh. Should I have a disguise? :confused:

Or will he recognise me anyway by the chocolate on my fingers? :rolleyes:

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Tri will still be in the dining room and I think that Twinkle will still be Bar Manager....but not for long.



Craig DiRocco already left and Captain van der Loo left today and Captain Henk Draper boarded.


It is true that "Mr" Dirk is leaving..... I was VERY surprised when he greeted by one evening (after we had previously chatted a number of times) and said...You didn't tell me you're "Sail7Seas". :) I got a good laugh!!! He's a very nice man and very good Hotel Manager. Afterall, he DID oversee MADM getting a 96 on her recent USPH Inspection.


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