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Lobby for a Platinmum+?


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Wow, the entitlement mentality around here is astounding. Time2cruise1 presents very simple math examples on why Platinum perks may not be sustainable and all your responses are that we feel like we are better than the rest of you and deserve separate perks. That is patently not true and you know it. The Platinum perks are going to change and many of you are not going to like it. So, enjoy them while they are here.


My wife and I achieved Platinum back in 2003 and there were no perks in writing. On our first sailing as Platinum we were the only Platinums on board. We had a nice dinner with the Captain and Latitudes rep. The next cruise not so much.

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This 1000 number that is being mentioned.....does anyone have any idea for sure of how much growth per year the Platinum program is having right now? There are so many complainers and prophets of doom for most any change on this board.....just cruise, be happy, don't worry! Some people don't even attend these parties etc. We are platinum, went to our first Latitudes party last year...on a 14 day b2b we went to all the parties the first week, didn't go to any the second. We cruise to have a great time....and we do!.....but not because of any perks. We cruise NCL because of the value, the service, and the ports. Anything else is gravy!

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This 1000 number that is being mentioned.....does anyone have any idea for sure of how much growth per year the Platinum program is having right now?


On our last cruise on the Sun there were 450 Platinum members aboard. Remember the Sun is one of the smaller ships in the fleet and it was also a 10 sailing.


As for the growth of Latitudes, since Cruise Critic is such a small sampling of the total cruisers in the world I would have to guess that the growth of Platinum members is quite high. It seems like every day there are a few new members to the "club" on these boards.

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Wow, the entitlement mentality around here is astounding. Time2cruise1 presents very simple math examples on why Platinum perks may not be sustainable and all your responses are that we feel like we are better than the rest of you and deserve separate perks. That is patently not true and you know it. The Platinum perks are going to change and many of you are not going to like it. So, enjoy them while they are here.


My wife and I achieved Platinum back in 2003 and there were no perks in writing. On our first sailing as Platinum we were the only Platinums on board. We had a nice dinner with the Captain and Latitudes rep. The next cruise not so much.

What irks me, you wouldn't have near the points you have now if you didn't take the "too easy to get" points (when they came into fruition) that you now say are "too easy" for other cruisers to use to get to Platinum.

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This 1000 number that is being mentioned.....does anyone have any idea for sure of how much growth per year the Platinum program is having right now? There are so many complainers and prophets of doom for most any change on this board.....just cruise, be happy, don't worry! Some people don't even attend these parties etc. We are platinum, went to our first Latitudes party last year...on a 14 day b2b we went to all the parties the first week, didn't go to any the second. We cruise to have a great time....and we do!.....but not because of any perks. We cruise NCL because of the value, the service, and the ports. Anything else is gravy!


The 1000 number is, IMHO, nothing more than an assumed inevitability. No hard facts have been presented to support that number.


As to the rest of your post...especially the last 2 sentences...it sounds like you share the opinion presented in post #30 of this thread. :)

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On our last cruise on the Sun there were 450 Platinum members aboard. Remember the Sun is one of the smaller ships in the fleet and it was also a 10 sailing.


As for the growth of Latitudes, since Cruise Critic is such a small sampling of the total cruisers in the world I would have to guess that the growth of Platinum members is quite high. It seems like every day there are a few new members to the "club" on these boards.

Well, when I make your "club", rest assured that I won't attend your party, because it is not that important to me, so I won't take up any space or cost NCL anything for that. Now, who really believes that some in the "club" don't want to be separate from the rest.

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What irks me, you wouldn't have near the points you have now if you didn't take the "too easy to get" points (when they came into fruition) that you now say are "too easy" for other cruisers to use to get to Platinum.


Firstly, I never said they were "too easy to get" points. I have just pointed out that the top level is getting bloated and something is going to have to give.


Secondly, If they did not have the extra points for every little thing, I would still have a butt load more points than most people here. Including you!


Everything is relative. I will be going on my 29th NCL cruise next month and the 30th in January. What have you done to earn your level of Latitudes? Hmmmm?

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The 1000 number is, IMHO, nothing more than an assumed inevitability. No hard facts have been presented to support that number.


As to the rest of your post...especially the last 2 sentences...it sounds like you share the opinion presented in post #30 of this thread. :)


I agree about the 1000 number, sooner or later. But it doesn't portend the Collapse of the World As We Know It.


#30 states it perfectly! We are REALLY looking forward to our next cruise on the Dawn, not because of anything, just because! We've loved every cruise on NCL from balcony on through suites. I for one don't think you can take a bad cruise....unless you are on CCL stuck in the middle of the ocean with no hot food and no toilets!

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What irks me, you wouldn't have near the points you have now if you didn't take the "too easy to get" points (when they came into fruition) that you now say are "too easy" for other cruisers to use to get to Platinum.

Many of the posters here hit Platinum under the old program so not sure what you mean.




I agree with SeaShark, the new program rewards behaviour not loyalty. It gives the same points to someone on 1 14 day cruise in a suite booked 9 months in advance on a Lat sailing as it does someone who takes 8 cruises booked last minute in a balcony. Seems the 8X cruiser has shown more loyalty, just saying.

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Well, when I make your "club", rest assured that I won't attend your party, because it is not that important to me, so I won't take up any space or cost NCL anything for that. Now, who really believes that some in the "club" don't want to be separate from the rest.



Wow, sensitive much? I don't really care about the level status that you seem to think there is.


I have cruised with NCL since 1989 and have enjoyed every one of my cruises, that is why I keep coming back. Perks or no perks I enjoy many things about NCL and have come to be well taken care of by them outside of the Latitudes program. If that makes me an elitest, so be it. Enjoy the perks while they last because things will change and I am sure you will be one of the first here complaining about it.


Buh bye!

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Firstly, I never said they were "too easy to get" points. I have just pointed out that the top level is getting bloated and something is going to have to give.


Secondly, If they did not have the extra points for every little thing, I would still have a butt load more points than most people here. Including you!


Everything is relative. I will be going on my 29th NCL cruise next month and the 30th in January. What have you done to earn your level of Latitudes? Hmmmm?

What you don't understand is that I don't care how many points someone has or how they got them. I just believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

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Wow, sensitive much? I don't really care about the level status that you seem to think there is.


I have cruised with NCL since 1989 and have enjoyed every one of my cruises, that is why I keep coming back. Perks or no perks I enjoy many things about NCL and have come to be well taken care of by them outside of the Latitudes program. If that makes me an elitest, so be it. Enjoy the perks while they last because things will change and I am sure you will be one of the first here complaining about it.


Buh bye!

Not sensitive at all, just telling it as I see it.


I'm very happy that you have cruise with NCL for so long, congratulations.


I've never cruised (well over 30 cruises) because of the perks I get, I cruise because I enjoy it and enjoy the ships/cruised lines I cruise on, so if they drop all perks in the future, I will not have a problem with it. However, I will enjoy the suite perks in my upcoming cruises!!!!


Buh bye!

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Many of the posters here hit Platinum under the old program so not sure what you mean.




They still have benefited from the current program (extra points for suites, booking 9 months ahead, etc.) to get their points to the number they are at now. BTW, many didn't make Platinum until the current program.

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Well, when I make your "club", rest assured that I won't attend your party, because it is not that important to me, so I won't take up any space or cost NCL anything for that. Now, who really believes that some in the "club" don't want to be separate from the rest.


Maybe you have that attitude because as you state, you haven't yet made the club. For those of us who patiently waited through our 15 cruises to get them, we really appreciate the rewards for our loyalty. And when you do make platinum, you may not want to attend the party, but I'm guessing you'll make good use of the free laundry, priority tender tickets, free dinner with wine in Le Bistro, sparkling wine in your cabin at sailing, etc. And after enjoying them, you will probably get on the boards and complain loudly when they are taken away from you. Maybe you should wait until you reach platinum level before making so many negative observations about those of us who have them.

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They still have benefited from the current program (extra points for suites, booking 9 months ahead, etc.) to get their points to the number they are at now. BTW, many didn't make Platinum until the current program.


So how exactly have hey benefited when there is no higher tier?

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They still have benefited from the current program (extra points for suites, booking 9 months ahead, etc.) to get their points to the number they are at now. BTW, many didn't make Platinum until the current program.


Correct and those extra points have no benefit for those that made it the old fashion way. Both my sons were Silver before the new program next day they were Platinum and never spent a dime if their money with NCL.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - Jim

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Maybe you have that attitude because as you state' date=' you haven't yet made the club. For those of us who patiently waited through our 15 cruises to get them, we really appreciate the rewards for our loyalty. And when you do make platinum, you may not want to attend the party, but I'm guessing you'll make good use of the free laundry, priority tender tickets, free dinner with wine in Le Bistro, sparkling wine in your cabin at sailing, etc. And after enjoying them, you will probably get on the boards and complain loudly when they are taken away from you. Maybe you should wait until you reach platinum level before making so many negative observations about those of us who have them.[/quote']

Actually, I get many of those perks from CAS, as well as cruising in a suite. As far as the party, I don't go to the ones on the other cruise lines that offer them; I don't need the free drinks.


I have no problem with what perks you get or will get in the future, I just have a problem with those that say it is now "too easy", when they got many of their points the same way. At least be honest and just say, we would like another tier for those with 200 or 300 or 500 points or more, because we feel we are more loyal than others are because we have cruised more days than most.

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Actually, I get many of those perks from CAS, as well as cruising in a suite. As far as the party, I don't go to the ones on the other cruise lines that offer them; I don't need the free drinks.


I have no problem with what perks you get or will get in the future, I just have a problem with those that say it is now "too easy", when they got many of their points the same way. At least be honest and just say, we would like another tier for those with 200 or 300 or 500 points or more, because we feel we are more loyal than others are because we have cruised more days than most.


I also get additional perks when I cruise free with CAS, but those are in addition to the platinum perks which I really appreciate. And please put your bias aside when responding to each individual post. I have said nothing about "too easy." I merely stated the obvious, eventually the rewards will be degraded due to the inability of the ships to accommodate increasing platinum members. You seem to have a lot of anger toward anyone who expresses this particular concern.

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Evidently, it varies greatly by ship and sail date.


On my recent Breakaway cruise, I asked the latitudes rep how many Platinums were aboard. As NCL has been sailing for NYC for years and there are now ways to get extra points, I was expecting a big number. He replied that there were 82 (or so, IIRC), but that there were many "frequent cruisers" (maybe he said two thousand something). I was stunned there were so few Platinums. If by "frequent cruisers", he meant latitudes members, a large number does not surprise me.

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Actually, I get many of those perks from CAS, as well as cruising in a suite. As far as the party, I don't go to the ones on the other cruise lines that offer them; I don't need the free drinks.


I have no problem with what perks you get or will get in the future, I just have a problem with those that say it is now "too easy", when they got many of their points the same way. At least be honest and just say, we would like another tier for those with 200 or 300 or 500 points or more, because we feel we are more loyal than others are because we have cruised more days than most.



Really, and how many is that? I believe I am at about 240 days just with NCL and about 280 days overall.


Jim, please feel free to chime in here. :eek:

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Really, and how many is that? I believe I am at about 240 days just with NCL and about 280 days overall.


Jim, please feel free to chime in here. :eek:

I said: At least be honest and just say, we would like another tier for those with 200 or 300 or 500 points or more, because we feel we are more loyal than others are because we have cruised more days than most, because you are more loyal than someone who has say 80 points. That is my point. I think there should be at least two more tiers. One at 200/250 and one at 500 with additional perks and then God bless the person that gets to 1,000, they should get a free cruise.


I don't have a problem with more tiers and more rewards for those loyal customers who have 200, 300, 500, etc. points. My problem is the way the issue is be presented. For someone to say that it is "too easy" to become Platinum now, is really saying, in my opinion: We got it the hard way and now these people are getting it too easy and they are not worthy of getting what we are getting. It seems as though those that are saying it are discounting the people that are now loyal customers (who acheived it through a program NCL put together) and are less worthy because of the way they acheived their points. And then you have the people that say it is getting too expensive for NCL. Does anyone really know the true cost of the things that the Platinum cruisers are getting over and above the other tiers. Chocolate covered strawberries, which probably at raw cost is $1. Concierge service cost $0. Dinner a LeBistro with wine raw food cost maybe $6 and wine maybe at wholesale $3. Behind the Scenes tour $0. Laundry cost maybe $ .50 and sparklinging wine cost $3. Which totals about $14 and I think I'm on the high side, because NCL's contracts are super, super wholesale prices because of the amount they purchase. So (1) NCL is not going to go broke giving away these perks and (2) don't you realize that they factor in the costs of all perks into the cruise fares, so that the customer is actually paying for these perks.


If someone were to have just come on and said that they think that those that are loyal customers who have garnered 200+ points should be given a new tier or two, I would have said absolutely and would have suggest some of the perks that I think should be added; such as, free shore excursion, dinner in a specialty restaurant with Captain or officer (depending on how many of that tier are on the cruise), 5% to 10% off their next cruise, which chould be combined with any other offer, OBC, free DSC, etc. But many came on here and IMHO downgraded other cruisers as not being as worthy as them, even though they got their points under NCL's program.


So if NCL decides to, as some have said, reduce Platinum rewards, I certainly wouldn't have a problem with that nor would I complain. I don't cruise for rewards/perks (eventhough CAS has been very, very good to me), I cruise because I enjoy it and I don't cruise on a particular line only because of the perks, I cruise on lines that I like their itinerary and service.

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