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What is your best advice for cruising with babies?


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I think it's awesome you are traveling with three littles! We just booked an Alaskan Cruise on the Norwegian Pearl and have a 2 year-old in diapers. At least for a domestic cruise, NCL has cribs available to request which I assume are pack and plays. They also have a service where you can order diapers and wipes ahead of time to be delivered to your cabin. They are brand name and the wipes are fragrance-free. Of course there is a price premium, but it may be worth it for your family. Again, I am not sure of it's only for cruises leaving U.S. ports.

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I realize that this may not seem like a vacation to many people and appreciate/respect that opinion. However my husband and I are looking forward to time playing with our kids and exploring other countries. We love being with our kids and while we realize it will be a lot of work, we think it could also be fun. We may live to regret this decision, but we have already booked our trip and have no intentions of changing that plan.


I am really interested in advice from other people that have traveled with babies on things that they did that worked or did not work and things that they wished they had done differently. Thanks!


The biggest thing that did not work for us was thinking this was going to be fun, not to say there weren't fun moments. If you survive, there won't be a need to regret it, but don't be surprise that you and your hubby end up liking each other a little bit less for awhile. My advise, make sure you both are on the same page of who is going to do with and when with the babies. A devoted dad at home might be an aloof vacation dad. Other helping hands get tied up doing their own thing. I have traveled a lot with young children with memorable and no so memorable experiences. Whatever you decide to do or don't do make sure you ALL are on the same page. Most of our vacation have been land vacation because the whole idea of being stuck in a cabin with a winy child was more than I sanity could handle.


What I have done is to pack a suitcase of diapers along with favorite snacks and blankies. If you decide to explore, keep it simple. If you haven't done this, traveling with young children can be physically and emotionally dreading so far from relaxing. Over the years I have cruised, taken my kids to the Caribbean, Mexico, Europe and across the US. Now I have decided to do some of the trips over to see what it would have been like without the concerns - FUN:)

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I advise avoiding the child haters... But as a cruise ship is a public area it's open to all that can pay.


Interestingly there are adult only ships but no 'family only ships... Just a thought


Calling the poster a child hater or any kind of name calling is not very nice. Some parents are unaware or in clear denial of what its like to travel with young children.


Come on, the OP asked for opinions but only the posters who think it's cute and amazing should share. It's work and taking toddlers to Mommy and Me might be more beneficial for them. There is nothing cute about taking a toddlers out of their routine with time change, and into the hands of caregivers who you don't know. I have done it, at times question if it's best for them, but also pray about it. It's a family vacation/work but is it the best for a toddler. That's beside the point since the vacation is already booked, so communicate expectations to each other.

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The biggest thing that did not work for us was thinking this was going to be fun, not to say there weren't fun moments. If you survive, there won't be a need to regret it, but don't be surprise that you and your hubby end up liking each other a little bit less for awhile. My advise, make sure you both are on the same page of who is going to do with and when with the babies. A devoted dad at home might be an aloof vacation dad. Other helping hands get tied up doing their own thing. I have traveled a lot with young children with memorable and no so memorable experiences. Whatever you decide to do or don't do make sure you ALL are on the same page. Most of our vacation have been land vacation because the whole idea of being stuck in a cabin with a winy child was more than I sanity could handle.


What I have done is to pack a suitcase of diapers along with favorite snacks and blankies. If you decide to explore, keep it simple. If you haven't done this, traveling with young children can be physically and emotionally dreading so far from relaxing. Over the years I have cruised, taken my kids to the Caribbean, Mexico, Europe and across the US. Now I have decided to do some of the trips over to see what it would have been like without the concerns - FUN:)

Calling the poster a child hater or any kind of name calling is not very nice. Some parents are unaware or in clear denial of what its like to travel with young children.


Come on, the OP asked for opinions but only the posters who think it's cute and amazing should share. It's work and taking toddlers to Mommy and Me might be more beneficial for them. There is nothing cute about taking a toddlers out of their routine with time change, and into the hands of caregivers who you don't know. I have done it, at times question if it's best for them, but also pray about it. It's a family vacation/work but is it the best for a toddler. That's beside the point since the vacation is already booked, so communicate expectations to each other.

You've made your experiences and opinions quite clear in this and other threads.


In general the advice that "you need to know and understand your child's personality and make your vacation decisions based upon a real assessment of what your child will and will not be able to handle", or a warning that traveling with kids is "different" than travelling alone -- are constructive pieces of advice. But asserting that your expeiences and your opinion is the only one that really counts, is not constructive and sometimes your posts seem to come off that way (whether or not you intend them to come off that way).


Your really good, constructive advice in both of these posts kind of gets lost in all of your negative comments. All of the adults involved in a trip that involves kids, particularly very young kids need to have a good expectation of who will be doing what and that to a large extent the needs of the kids will dictate our activities.

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This is an interesting thread...I have taken a ton of cruises on nearly every line with kids, and never really faced issues. Honestly sometimes adults act more like kids than the kids do :)


On diapers, we pack as many as we can possibly fit, and as a backup buy some where ever we land (this is for longer European cruises). Most ships also sell them on board.


We have even had some terrible experiences such as our cruise ship catching fire in Europe with a 1 year old (you can read about it on my blog: http://www.visitflyovercountry.com/2013/07/our-worst-travel-disaster.html).


It all comes down to attitude IMO.

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You've made your experiences and opinions quite clear in this and other threads.


In general the advice that "you need to know and understand your child's personality and make your vacation decisions based upon a real assessment of what your child will and will not be able to handle", or a warning that traveling with kids is "different" than travelling alone -- are constructive pieces of advice. But asserting that your expeiences and your opinion is the only one that really counts, is not constructive and sometimes your posts seem to come off that way (whether or not you intend them to come off that way).


Your really good, constructive advice in both of these posts kind of gets lost in all of your negative comments. All of the adults involved in a trip that involves kids, particularly very young kids need to have a good expectation of who will be doing what and that to a large extent the needs of the kids will dictate our activities.


Please take from my posts, good or bad what you wish but know it's honest. If you do not like my style please use the ignore option. Reality, some of my travels were negative but I do this a lot, heck maybe more than I should. A toddler is a toddler is a toddler, the terrible twos, oops precious twos for a reason:). I have vacationed with YOUNG children and it can be stressful being pulled out of their routine, regardless of personality. I am not advocating to stay home but realize the trip might be more about your wish than their best interest. I have done my fair share of those, oh my son in Europe for a month. He cured me of the bowl of wax that we all need to travel together, so we went to Hawaii without him, lovely!.


OP- you might want to pack Benadryl as a sleep aide. Test it out before since it makes some toddlers hyper. Check to see how many bottles you can take on the plane with the liquid limitation. You can pack power packets and ask the stewardess for hot water.

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Definitely check with pedi before using Benadryl for toddlers. I know it used to be widely used for toddlers, but I believe they now discourage use. Even if pedi says it is ok, test it before planning to rely on it--from what I've read it can at times have the opposite of the desired effect.


Was our cruise with DD as relaxing as past cruises...absolutely not, but we still had a great time. Would we do it again....Absolutely! I travel for work regularly so all the time I had with DD was extra special as was the time with DH. We honestly thought we would use our family & friends to watch DD a lot more thn we did. We hope to take a short trip each year just DH & I, but we plan to always include DD in our "big" vacation of the year.


One thing I think I forgot to mention earlier was boxes of shelf stable milk. These were a big help on embarkation day (til we got the lay of the land) and on previous road trips we've taken.

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Please take from my posts, good or bad what you wish but know it's honest. If you do not like my style please use the ignore option. Reality, some of my travels were negative but I do this a lot, heck maybe more than I should. A toddler is a toddler is a toddler, the terrible twos, oops precious twos for a reason:). I have vacationed with YOUNG children and it can be stressful being pulled out of their routine, regardless of personality. I am not advocating to stay home but realize the trip might be more about your wish than their best interest. I have done my fair share of those, oh my son in Europe for a month. He cured me of the bowl of wax that we all need to travel together, so we went to Hawaii without him, lovely!.


OP- you might want to pack Benadryl as a sleep aide. Test it out before since it makes some toddlers hyper. Check to see how many bottles you can take on the plane with the liquid limitation. You can pack power packets and ask the stewardess for hot water.

Reality, we have all traveled with young children which is why we have posted on this thread. You have found what works for you, that does not mean that is what is best for everyone else. You need time to reconnect, some of us have never lost that connection. Some of also do not have to give our child a "sleep aide" either. A toddler is a toddler is a toddler, there are much better alternatives than resorting to drugging a child.

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Reality, we have all traveled with young children which is why we have posted on this thread. You have found what works for you, that does not mean that is what is best for everyone else. You need time to reconnect, some of us have never lost that connection. Some of also do not have to give our child a "sleep aide" either. A toddler is a toddler is a toddler, there are much better alternatives than resorting to drugging a child.


You need to step back because you are wayyyy out of line. The OP asked for advise and I gave what worked for ME over 18 years of traveling on every possible form of trips with them. If you have better alternative to the ear ache, than drugs/Benadryl then share it. My kids know mama not only will use drugs when necessary but duct tape when needed. You can't diagnose me as a child hater but maybe a bad parent for saying it's not all peaches and cream, really? Yet my son wrote this and the law says he is an adult:



"To my amazing mother, terrific father, and absolutely beautiful little sister.

I love you all so extremely much. I can’t put it into words the amount of feelings I have for you three. You are the most amazing, forgiving, generous, loving family I could ever ask for, I couldn’t be more grateful for the love and support that you give me each and every day. Mom, I appreciate your stern but gentle love, the work you have put in to become a better mother each and every day has shown so brightly and I’m so proud of you for bettering yourself out of the love for your husband and kids. Dad, I honestly couldn’t ask for a better male role model than you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart with all seriousness. I appreciate the sacrifices you make for me every day working at the hospital, I really do appreciate them. You’re easily the best father and best man I could ever think of or meet, I love you. Mikayla, you have blossomed into such a smart, talented, dedicated, GORGEOUS young woman and you only have better things waiting for you. I love you to death, I couldn’t ask for a better sister than you, you make me so proud seeing you dance and get good grades at such an early age, making your own money and getting right on your permit testing, and also staying away from the wrong crowd make me so absolutely happy to call you my little sister.


Mom, Dad, I think this is what you’ve been waiting for. I took a long soul searching walk, and I really realized something. I’m so ready to go into college headstrong and make the best out of it and do my absolute god darn best in my studies and academics. I know I might not get the grade every time, but I’ll be darned if I look back on my college career and thought, “Man, I could have done better than that.” I’m ready to give it 100000% x 100000. I’m dedicated, motivated, and anticipating me to excel in every task I attempt in college. The payments you two are making are so appreciated, and I ask for you not to look at them like payments, but more as investments into my future. The greatest investment you could ever make, I’m going to work my god damn hardest for a deep sense of satisfaction in a job well done in myself, but also the pride of my mother and father. That’s more important than any amount of money or any degree in my opinion. I love you guys. So much."


OP- you won't regret doing it and each trip presents certain challenges. We are devoted to take trips with our kids but also without them. We try to figure out what trips will work best for them which makes it sometimes easier on us.

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You need to step back because you are wayyyy out of line. The OP asked for advise and I gave what worked for ME over 18 years of traveling on every possible form of trips with them. If you have better alternative to the ear ache, than drugs/Benadryl then share it. My kids know mama not only will use drugs when necessary but duct tape when needed. You can't diagnose me as a child hater but maybe a bad parent for saying it's not all peaches and cream, really? Yet my son wrote this and the law says he is an adult:




OP- you won't regret doing it and each trip presents certain challenges. We are devoted to take trips with our kids but also without them. We try to figure out what trips will work best for them which makes it sometimes easier on us.

Spin it all you want, you recommended Benadryl as a "sleep aide", not anything else. No where in my post did I call you a child hater, no matter how you want to spin my words.


As far as what you say your son wrote, that has nothing to do with anything in this thread.


Follow your own advice and step back because you are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of line.

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Spin it all you want, you recommended Benadryl as a "sleep aide", not anything else.


Really, oh sooooooooo wrong. I recommended

1. Benadrly for sleep aide -the ears. This was common remedy years ago for parents traveling with young kids.


2. Packing diapers and favorite snacks


3. MOST important - communicate expectation so everyone will be on the same page





No where in my post did I call you a child hater, no matter how you want to spin my words.


Really, but correct you did not, but stated "You need time to reconnect, some of us have never lost that connection."


As far as what you say your son wrote, that has nothing to do with anything in this thread.


OMGSOH, Really, - First it made me proud beyond words and it proved the Benadryl did not hurt.


Follow your own advice and step back because you are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of line.


Really, I shared my advise and experience asked for by the OP. I look forward to reading what clever things you have done while traveling with your young kids. I am searching on this thread and haven't read what you have contributed to the OP. I apologize if I missed you very informative thoughts because we are here because we ALL travel with YOUNG children, correct? I am sure it would be much appreciated if you share your experience instead of addressing me, unless you find mine more interesting that your own...really:) I stated mine, what about yours to help the OP, since sharing is caring, really!

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So true.

Really,similar to a FB LIKE;):D, sooooooooooooooo cute! +2. What the heck +10 for good measure!


The Benadryl is to help kids get through flights since flying can be painful on the ears. Yes, I used it when my kids were toddlers, FLYING.

It knocked one out but made the other hyper for a even more painful flight.


OP- good luck!

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The Benadryl is to help kids get through flights since flying can be painful on the ears. Yes, I used it when my kids were toddlers, FLYING.

It knocked one out but made the other hyper for a even more painful flight.


Errrr.... I don't think sore ears is an indication for benadryl, a powerful antihistamine. I think it's generally used more as....an antihistamine.

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Errrr.... I don't think sore ears is an indication for benadryl, a powerful antihistamine. I think it's generally used more as....an antihistamine.


My pediatrician recommended it to help then sleep through the flight and avoid the popping in their ears and painful scream. I am sure they are other things that can help like having them suck on their bottle. Also things over the counter by now, that we don't always think about for the PAINFUL popping ears. In other words we were knocking our kids out before everyone on the plane knock us out from them crying- sleep aide! However it doesn't work on ALL kids so you might need another plan. I was just on a flight (Airtran on 7/24) where a poor kid cried the entire flight.


Thanks for the Errr, back at yah;) I give this a +2, what the heck.

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My pediatrician recommended it to help then sleep through the flight and avoid the popping in their ears and painful scream. I am sure they are other things that can help like having them suck on their bottle. Also things over the counter by now, that we don't always think about for the PAINFUL popping ears. In other words we were knocking our kids out before everyone on the plane knock us out from them crying- sleep aide! However it doesn't work on ALL kids so you might need another plan. I was just on a flight (Airtran on 7/24) where a poor kid cried the entire flight.


Thanks for the Errr, back at yah;) I give this a +2, what the heck.


I would find another pediatrician. Any "doctor" who recommends giving Benadryl to minimize ear popping is seriously misguided and, probably, a hack. Painful ear popping can be minimized with sucking on a bottle or sippy cup upon takeoff and descent. You're advocating something that can be very dangerous depending upon the age of the child. Drugging children just to keep them quiet is NOT advisable and not good parenting, IMHO.

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I would find another pediatrician. Any "doctor" who recommends giving Benadryl to minimize ear popping is seriously misguided and, probably, a hack. Painful ear popping can be minimized with sucking on a bottle or sippy cup upon takeoff and descent. You're advocating something that can be very dangerous depending upon the age of the child. Drugging children just to keep them quiet is NOT advisable and not good parenting, IMHO.


My kids are now 18 and 15 and chew gum for the problem. I was simply stating what I have DONE. I trust the OP can take from the many suggestions what is best, such as the bottle which I also think I mentioned.


"Check to see how many bottles you can take on the plane with the liquid limitation. You can pack power packets and ask the stewardess for hot water."


"I am sure they are other things that can help like having them suck on their bottle."


Good for bad parenting, both at times sometimes downright horrible, thank God my kids made it through countless flights, road trips, and cruises. Is it possible to simple answer the OP question and TRUST she can make the decision best for her children.


OP- I am simply stating what I have done so please take all that is posted on any internet site with a grain of salt. The truth is you don't know for SURE if I or anyone here even have kids or been on a ship. Ok, I am a TRULY the very, very, very proud mama of 2 great teens, no denying:D

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My kids are now 18 and 15 and chew gum for the problem. I was simply stating what I have DONE. I trust the OP can take from the many suggestions what is best, such as the bottle which I also think I mentioned.


"Check to see how many bottles you can take on the plane with the liquid limitation. You can pack power packets and ask the stewardess for hot water."


Good for bad parenting, both at times sometimes downright horrible, thank God my kids made it through countless flights, road trips and cruises. Is it possible to simple answer the OP question and TRUST she can make the decision best for her children.


I understand where you're coming from, but drugging a little child for the mere purpose of easing ear pain or reducing inconvenience on others is not a valid reason, IMHO. Drugs of any kind have consequences and advocating such a thing is ill-advised - just my opinion.

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I understand where you're coming from, but drugging a little child for the mere purpose of easing ear pain or reducing inconvenience on others is not a valid reason, IMHO. Drugs of any kind have consequences and advocating such a thing is ill-advised - just my opinion.


Thanks but I would have been less than honest if I did not stated what I have done. My kids, your kids, the OP kids, for each to decide. Listening to a child scream for 4.5 hours is more than the inconvenience of others, which happened on my last red-eye flight. I ended up with a massive headache and was so tired almost missed my connecting flight. Not saying the screaming kid did not have a RIGHT to be on that flight, just saying God knows I wish I wasn't. Good or bad parent, I am not the type to put my kids in certain situation and expect others to deal with or inconvenienced by it. OP- take all that is said/suggested with a grain of salt.


OK- lets eliminate Benadryl from the equation and say I got super lucky with mine.


+10 for taking that away:). I know the ++++ are coming for this one!

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My older kids pediatrician would prescribe Tylenol with codeine for my kids when we were flying from Seattle to San Antonio. My oldest son had a really tough time with ear infections and eventually got tubes put in. They are 19 and 21 now, they turned out fine :eek: My mom used to rub brandy on my gums when I was a baby, I too turned out ok.


I would never give my kids Benadryl though..gave it to my older son one time and let's say it didn't put him to sleep. It had a very opposite effect. :D


Really, I shared my advise and experience asked for by the OP. I look forward to reading what clever things you have done while traveling with your young kids. I am searching on this thread and haven't read what you have contributed to the OP. I apologize if I missed you very informative thoughts because we are here because we ALL travel with YOUNG children, correct? I am sure it would be much appreciated if you share your experience instead of addressing me, unless you find mine more interesting that your own...really:) I stated mine, what about yours to help the OP, since sharing is caring, really!
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Reality, we have all traveled with young children which is why we have posted on this thread. You have found what works for you, that does not mean that is what is best for everyone else.
- yup. This is the point many of us have attempted to make -- Blk_Amish's reality, is not reallyitsmemea's reality. reallyitsmema's reality, may not be my reality. My reality may not be the OP's reality. we all have our own experiences - we are all trying to let the OP know what works or does not work for each of our realities.
You need time to reconnect, some of us have never lost that connection. . . .
And there is another reality -- reallyitsmema and I may have had similar experiences; while other people feels that "alone time" helps them. But when the OP explains "We are taking our 3 children (all 2 and under) on the NCL Epic cruise at the end of August." and asks for advice as how to make this an enjoyable experience. I'm not entirely certain that saying "don't bring the kids, because you should use this time alone to reconnect" is all that useful. The OP made it very clear that the kids were coming.


So back to the topic at hand - hints/suggestions that anyone has found that helps when you are travelling with very young ones?

  • Make certain that you and your spouse's expectations as to parenting roles are clear. Who is responsible for doing what, and that this is not your vacation, nor my vaction, but it is our family's vacation and we are all in this together :)
  • Since OP indicated that other family members would be joining them, I would also have the expectations talk with those family members. If OP is expecting Grandma and Grandpa (for example) to pitch in in any way, make certain all agree.
    If the family traveling with has expectations for you/your family make certain you know those and that those expecations are reasonable
  • Transporting supplies for three little ones is daunting - many good thoughts here as to options.
  • Three porta-cribs of any type in just about any cabin is going to be pretty much impossible, so one or more of you or the kids may need to be spending the night in one of the other family member's cabins.
  • It would be a good idea to "warn" the matre d and your waiter if you will all be dining in the MDR. If you want a "speeded up" service and/or if you have special considerations for the kids (milk for you to put into sippy cups "right away" and maybe some bread or crackers?) Whatever might help - if they know ahead they are happy to help out.

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. . . I would never give my kids Benadryl though..gave it to my older son one time and let's say it didn't put him to sleep. It had a very opposite effect. :D

It's not just kids - when my dad was in his 70's he needed some surgery. They needed him to be awake, so they gave him a local for the surgery but gave him a fairly standard "cocktail" of drugs that should have "relaxed" him -- among the ingredients was Benadryl. While DF was amount the "less than .1 of 1%" of the population that has an extreme adverse reaction to Benadryl -- It actually made him psychotic (sp?) it wore off in about 6-8 hours but they had to reschedule the surgery.


If you do choose to try drugs to help a LO on a long trip --

1) check with your child's pediatrian before trying anything

2) check that your child is tolerant to the med before first trying it while "in flight"

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My older kids pediatrician would prescribe Tylenol with codeine for my kids when we were flying from Seattle to San Antonio. My oldest son had a really tough time with ear infections and eventually got tubes put in. They are 19 and 21 now, they turned out fine :eek: My mom used to rub brandy on my gums when I was a baby, I too turned out ok.


I would never give my kids Benadryl though..gave it to my older son one time and let's say it didn't put him to sleep. It had a very opposite effect. :D


Yeah, I have seen that reaction which is why I originally suggested to test it at first. Except for me, every older woman from my country was taught to drink beer or wine before breasting feeding. The poor kid on my last flight needed help and I not sure what I would have done if I heard my child scream the way he did. I now learned it's REALLY better to address those posters who share or comprehend my reality and ignore the rest, but sooooo many. I wish and pray others would do the same.


Op- I hope a few of my suggestions helped , the REAL reason for my posts. In my reality, communication is crucial.


Now I am going to plan that couples cruise on Princess or Couples resort in Jamaica to reconnect and rediscover....FUN!


Really - peace, love, joy and happiness however you choose to vacation, connect, reconnect, discover and rediscover.

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