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Attention: Silver Oceania Club Members and above

Windward Lass

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Paul, but what about the others like Allan and me who have received GOLD rewards? We expect the benefits that are spelled out by Oceania to remain in place, to wit, the gratuities in the form of OBC when they are giving everyone free gratuities. You really shouldn't give with one hand and take away with the other. When you have loyalty, it should keep being rewarded, not diminished. We have sailed happily with Oceania for 10 years and have seen during the last year, some of the perks that were there for 9 years, being slowly taken away. So it's not a matter of being "grandfathered" in, it's a matter of respecting the loyalty of one's passengers and promoting good PR. Arlene;)



I couldn't agree with you more.

I suspect it is a matter of the "bottom line" economics for Oceania (as any other business). In the beginning there were not that many Silver/Gold members and the benefits were not a significant expense for the company - in fact, they were a great incentive to encourage loyalty.

Now, many years later and with a total of 5 ships, the members have grown exponentially and soon the Silver/Gold members will be "a dime a dozen" (sort of). This amounts to a very large expense for the company in terms of OBC given (and other benefits).

I don't like it but it is a sign of times. Airlines have done the same thing with their Frequent Flyer programs (especially Delta recently) as have hotel reward programs.

It's a business and the bottom line matters.

In the end, people will take Oceania (or not take Oceania) for many reasons other than Silver/Gold benefits changing.

For me personally, if the food quality deteriorates, the onboard experience diminishes (however I define it) and the costs get unreasonable - that is when I look for a new favorite cruise line.

As always, YMMV


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I hear you , but...

If you do not "grandfather" those that have already earned the Silver before the changes took place, you are taking away benefits that you promised they would get if the were loyal - not good PR.

OTOH, if you announce the "new policy" now, before others have earned the Silver, they will know what they will get once they reach it and can thus choose to go for it or not.

Just a different point of view :)


Hi Paulchili,


The comment below is not directed at you, but at the different point of view. :)


So there are two classes of silver members then. And the new silver class members will pay the same cruise fare and get reduced benefits even though they have been on the same (or possibly even more) number of cruises as the "grandfathered" silver members.


Effectively, new members are paying higher fares to pay out the benefits of grandfathered members which they will themselves never receive. Doesn't seem right, although assuming that it is only effective for that level only, the effective subsidizing will eventually end (when they graduate to the next level with the new reduced benefits for that level, since they can choose to go for it or not).


I think the larger problem is that the change seems to have come into effect at the start of the year but few knew about it until now. To avoid charges of misrepresentation, this change should be sent to every current member (so they can decide if the loyalty for getting to the next level is worth it), not just to those who are affected, as well as updating the website.


Oceania is well within their rights to change their policy, but we as customers also reserve the right to go elsewhere if we feel that a business in being unfair. A two way street.


This is really what it comes to in the end.

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I think the larger problem is that the change seems to have come into effect at the start of the year but few knew about it until now. To avoid charges of misrepresentation, this change should be sent to every current member (so they can decide if the loyalty for getting to the next level is worth it), not just to those who are affected, as well as updating the website.


I certainly agree with this.

It's only fair that ALL Oceania Club members be made aware of any and all changes in the policy - be they positive or negative.

We all know that O tries very hard to promote any new improvements in the program - this should then hold true for ANY changes that effect the Club members, not only for the "improvements" in the program.

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Just guessing here, but I'm interpreting this new policy as follows: if your T/A provides prepaid and there is an Oceania ppg due to club level or offer, you will get full value on each. However, if you get ppg because of your Oceania club status and there's a ppg special offer from Oceania on a new cruise booking, that is where the $250 sbc is substituted. Maybe. :confused:


If you were a Silver member or higher as of 12/31/2012

above is true..



I am with Lyn. Your answer isn't very clear Jancruz1. Could you please clarify?


The new policy described by loum140 seems like it should apply to everyone who's reached silver status period. By stating that it is true only if the silver status was achieved before December 31, 2013, you imply that those that the new policy does not apply to those who reach silver status after December 31, 2013.


So what then do these post-2012 silver members get, because both the above situations apply to them as well (PPGs from their TA (still full value?) and PPGs as part of Oceania promotion (nothing?))?

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....It's a business and the bottom line matters.

In the end, people will take Oceania (or not take Oceania) for many reasons other than Silver/Gold benefits changing.

For me personally, if the food quality deteriorates, the onboard experience diminishes (however I define it) and the costs get unreasonable - that is when I look for a new favorite cruise line....



Will anyone leave Oceania due to the revision in the loyalty program, probably not. However, it does constitute yet another line item in what is an ever changing landscape. When one considers it in conjunction with the revision in the on board booking experience; 5% discount to a sliding scale, the elimination of net invoicing for those using ta's and other smaller items all over a relatively short time frame, the direction is set.


It certainly is O's right to run the business as it sees fit. Will the cumulative effect of such changes spur some to look to other alternatives at some point, highly likely. Each like step makes that decision somewhat easier. As always it is an individual equation on both the supply as well as the demand side. It's as much about the pattern as it is the absolute math.

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I guess I am a bit miffed at the new policy but I know it is a business decision

we are not silver yet but will be on our next cruises


They have more cabins to fill & unlike the a few years ago they do not seem to be booking up on some sailing like in the past ...times change & prices have increased along with the times


I know they are offering PPG to attract new people to Oceania but by ticking off their current loyal members could be detrimental

I am sure people will not stop sailing on O because of the change in policies but too many may just do it for some


Offer other incentives for cruises or up the PPG to at least 50% of what Club members would have gotten on the sailing where PPG are across the board

They could add other perks for the Silver + club members if they want to downgraded the PPG on certain sailings


I know the PPG are only on some sailings so it is not going to affect a lot of cruises

Unless of course if this is going to be a permanent deal like the 2 for 1 's


Life goes on but I do not have to be happy about the changes





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I agree with you. We made Silver Status with our cruise on 5 Jan 2013 so of course we didn't make the cutoff even though we booked the cruise while on-board in 2011.


We're starting to look at different cruise lines now, comparing itineraries, prices, perks, etc. Our loyalty to O isn't as rock-steady as it has been in the past.

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Lyn (& others),

I don't like it any more than you do and agree with Goldman that a "trend" is more troublesome than any individual event.

I have made observations (and comments here) that our last couple of O cruises were somewhat different from our earlier experiences - and not for the better (many rude passengers, more children, more meals that were not great, etc).

Many aspects of cruising in general (and Oceania cruising in particular) seem to be changing - not all for the best.

We will be paying close attention to everything on our next O cruise and keep re-evaluating our choices and preferences accordingly (like vaitape).

That said, at the moment I cannot name a cruise line I prefer to Oceania. However, that is not written in stone (we have cruises booked with 3 other cruise lines in the next 18 months in addition to our O cruise, mostly because of the itineraries offered) :)

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I am with Lyn. Your answer isn't very clear Jancruz1. Could you please clarify?


The new policy described by loum140 seems like it should apply to everyone who's reached silver status period. By stating that it is true only if the silver status was achieved before December 31, 2013, you imply that those that the new policy does not apply to those who reach silver status after December 31, 2013.


So what then do these post-2012 silver members get, because both the above situations apply to them as well (PPGs from their TA (still full value?) and PPGs as part of Oceania promotion (nothing?))?


I wish I could but I am not allowed to by cruise critic


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I wish I could but I am not allowed to by cruise critic



Given the CC restrictions and inference additional details are available, might you contact O with the suggestion they use their plethora of customer information and electronic contact routines to provide their customer base with applicable information.

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Man oh man, I'm confused.


Was the cutoff date the end of 2012 or will it be at the end of 2013? I've seen both dates posted on this thread.


For pete sake, can't O post changes/updates on their website or send out notices via either email or snail mail?? We certainly receive enough info regarding sales and cruise itineraries etc etc etc via either method.


And good that some of us know additional info but if it can't be posted, why allude to it in the first place?

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Oceania must keep current loyalty level benefits. However, if they choose to offer things that loyalty level people would normally get, it does lessen the value of the deal offered. We are both higher level Oceania and Regent cruisers. When we see the free things offered by both lines that we already would get, we do not get enticed. In fact it is almost a negative response, that it would not be a good deal for us.


The bottom line: Oceania and Regent must entice new sailors. However, they have to remain loyal to those who have brought them to the current success. After looking at the active Cruise Critic site on this issue, there definitely should be some compensation for levels already attained when perks are used as enticement. There may be a middle ground as the company seems to be trying to establish. Ultimately, as loyal members of both lines, we will benefit from the success of this company and new loyalty members brought into the fold.

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  • 4 months later...
Very unfair, but this new policy could come back to bite them also. I for one has been on 7 cruises, so what do we do? Should we try to make 10 so we can get the perks that come with it or worry they will not be there when we get to that level? Oceania needs to have a policy that their guests can rely on. There are other cruise lines of the same class as O that have cruises with ports just as good, so it could be time to look at them. Oceania is still our number one choice but they must show that they will treat us fairly. :confused: :mad:


RJB, you are right on with this comment! Please state this on your comments card in your stateroom of your next cruise. We love Oceania, but this kind of negative "give and take away" business will sour many to future cruises. We are actually thinking of trying another cruise line like Seabourn for our next cruise. I will mention this on my comment card. O keeps raising the prices of their cruises to where they are just as much as some of the premium cruise lines. And now that they are taking away benefits, who can trust them!


Since our TA always gives free PPG, when we booked our 11th cruise, we expected to have O convert the PPG into SBC like they promised. I was very disappointed to learn that now that I've gotten to this status, they decide to change this rule! I wonder like you, if they will continue to take away what they promised! I will raise this with the club Ambassador on board this next cruise and write it in my comments. Yes, they will give us $250 but that's not the same as the $490 SBC that the PPG is worth!




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Let me throw another log on the fire. Along with OBC and PPG silver status also includes10% off Shore excursion collection, 10% off Beverage package but one must read the very very fine print at the very end of the brochures to find out that these two benefits must be purchased before one boards if one wants the discount. Thus my anticipated $120 off for a 10 day cruise didn't happen as I bought on board with my OBC's. Same goes for Shore ex. I went to Reception where the gentleman said I did not get the discount because it would take effect on my 11th cruise not the 10th which of course was wrong info so I returned to cabin to get a brochure and lo and behold there is a tiny asterisk at bottom of Rewards page that refers you to another page to the "Terms and Conditions" section. It is here I found the tiny print that said I get no 10%. I was not pleased:mad:

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I couldn't agree with you more.

I suspect it is a matter of the "bottom line" economics for Oceania (as any other business). In the beginning there were not that many Silver/Gold members and the benefits were not a significant expense for the company - in fact, they were a great incentive to encourage loyalty.

Now, many years later and with a total of 5 ships, the members have grown exponentially and soon the Silver/Gold members will be "a dime a dozen" (sort of). This amounts to a very large expense for the company in terms of OBC given (and other benefits).

I don't like it but it is a sign of times. Airlines have done the same thing with their Frequent Flyer programs (especially Delta recently) as have hotel reward programs.

It's a business and the bottom line matters.

In the end, people will take Oceania (or not take Oceania) for many reasons other than Silver/Gold benefits changing.

For me personally, if the food quality deteriorates, the onboard experience diminishes (however I define it) and the costs get unreasonable - that is when I look for a new favorite cruise line.

As always, YMMV



I am truly amazed at the uproar over this policy change given all the changes we, as travelers, have endured in all forms of travel from cruises to air, hotels, car rental, credit card loyalty and any other travel related loyalty program in the last five years. We can bitch about the Oceania loyalty changes, we can complain how unfair they are but like Paul succinctly stated above, it is a matter of bottom line. Get used to it, more of the same will be attempted. Some will stick, some will be adjusted and some eliminated. It was previously stated that the loyalty programs are just now becoming mature and therein lays the revenue issue. It's like a Ponzi scheme where the first in rely on later entries to cover their returns. Eventually the program has to change (or collapse) because not enough new blood is coming into the program to cover the initial members costs.


I, personally, hate the fees assessed for services I took for granted over nearly 50 years of flying for business. With the advent of these new fees, have I stopped flying, NO. Will I stop flying, NO. I do however make every effort to avoid, eliminate or minimize said fees when and where possible. Every one of the airlines have changed their frequent flier program, some numerous times. In fact, it has been so frequent in some cases that the frequent flier could not keep up with the changes or the current applicable program rules.


So here is the real answer, aside from all the bitchin and moanin. Make your statement with your wallet! FDR understands your wallet, in fact, he is trying to get into your wallet with these new loyalty changes. The only message that will be heard LOUD & CLEAR is a shrinking revenue base as supported (or lack thereof) by your wallet! I agree that one MUST make a statement on the comment cards but that won't be as LOUD & CLEAR as the statement you make with your wallet. Complaining to each other won't make this issue change. Get the message to FDR!

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Same goes for Shore ex. I went to Reception where the gentleman said I did not get the discount because it would take effect on my 11th cruise not the 10th which of course was wrong info so I returned to cabin to get a brochure and lo and behold there is a tiny asterisk at bottom of Rewards page that refers you to another page to the "Terms and Conditions" section. It is here I found the tiny print that said I get no 10%. I was not pleased:mad:


I cannot see where it states you get the discount on the 11th cruise only that you have to prebook the package

or am I misunderstanding you ?


In order to receive discounts on the Unlimited Passport Collection and Beverage Packages, purchases must be made prior to sailing.




Not that I have any intention of pre booking the excursion package ;)

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I cannot see where it states you get the discount on the 11th cruise only that you have to prebook the package

or am I misunderstanding you ?


In order to receive discounts on the Unlimited Passport Collection and Beverage Packages, purchases must be made prior to sailing.




Not that I have any intention of pre booking the excursion package ;)


No Lyn, the gentleman at Reception told me wrong info that I could not get 10% off until my cruise #11 (which was wrong info) when in fact I do not get discount at all unless I prebooked package(s) before boarding for my 10th. In other words they proclaim we get 10% off Bevs but do not state that they must be purchased prior to boarding (thus not being able to use OBC toward the pkg). That is what ith which I had a problem. I did not read fine print as so many advise

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No Lyn, the gentleman at Reception told me wrong info that I could not get 10% off until my cruise #11 (which was wrong info) when in fact I do not get discount at all unless I prebooked package(s) before boarding for my 10th. In other words they proclaim we get 10% off Bevs but do not state that they must be purchased prior to boarding (thus not being able to use OBC toward the pkg). That is what ith which I had a problem. I did not read fine print as so many advise


A large percentage of OBC is extended by the cruise line and Oceania doesn't want you paying for a discounted item, service or commodity with their money as doing so would dilute their profit margin. :( Liquor packages and excursion packages specifically, along with Privee reservations and Culinary classes are items that are paid for with your credit card when pre-booked, several of which represent either a discounted package price or have a discount available to some passengers. Oceania wants you to use OBC for high margin purchases like Internet, boutique purchases, casino markers, onboard wine (you get the idea)!;)

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No Lyn, the gentleman at Reception told me wrong info that I could not get 10% off until my cruise #11 (which was wrong info) when in fact I do not get discount at all unless I prebooked package(s) before boarding for my 10th.


Thanks Deb

I just misunderstood you


I did read the fine print but we would not book either type of package so no worries for us :D



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A large percentage of OBC is extended by the cruise line and Oceania doesn't want you paying for a discounted item, service or commodity with their money as doing so would dilute their profit margin. :( Liquor packages and excursion packages specifically, several of which represealong with Privee reservations and Culinary classes are items that are paid for with your credit card when pre-booked,nt either a discounted package price or have a discount available to some passengers. Oceania wants you to use OBC for high margin purchases like Internet, boutique purchases, casino markers, onboard wine (you get the idea)!;)


I did not notice any discount prices for pre booking culinary classes can you elaborate ???

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I did not notice any discount prices for pre booking culinary classes can you elaborate ???


I did not specifically call out culinary as a discountable item (I did specifically call out liquor and excursion packages), my comment was a general comment regarding profit centers and how Oceania structures payments (pre-board or on-board) to achieve margins favorable to the company, not the passenger.

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Maybe the Oceania Club should send an updated email or letter too all Oceania club members spelling out the new deal ;)


I still think it is unfair to loyal O cruisers JMO





Oceania never notified us of any changes. But they send out all kinds of brochures with repititious information.

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I cannot see where it states you get the discount on the 11th cruise only that you have to prebook the package

or am I misunderstanding you ?


In order to receive discounts on the Unlimited Passport Collection and Beverage Packages, purchases must be made prior to sailing.




Not that I have any intention of pre booking the excursion package ;)


The gentleman behind the reception desk told me that I could not get bev pkg discount until cruise 11. I knew he was wrong, that's when I looked for myself and found the reason I was not able to get the discount unless I purchased prior to sailing.

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The gentleman behind the reception desk told me that I could not get bev pkg discount until cruise 11. I knew he was wrong, that's when I looked for myself and found the reason I was not able to get the discount unless I purchased prior to sailing.


Sorry Lyn. I posted twice to your question. Should have scrolled down a bit further. Too cold to remember if and when I did what

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