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Cruising with infants


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I heard the twins want a week of quality time with their grandparents (or aunts, uncles, godparents, etc). I love cruising, but I think the appeal would pretty much dissapear if I had to worry about two infants.


Not this.

Highly ignorant and moderately offensive comment.


OP, you're going to have a wonderful cruise WITH your whole family as a unit.

If you'd like helpful information and advise, I'd suggest you check out the family board. There are a few others who have cruised with twins, and many (including myself) who have cruised with 6 month olds.

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We took our 9 month old years ago and it was terrible at times...no way was he going to sit and be still or quite in the main dining room so we ended up eating only at the lido...no shows for when the lights went down he thought it meant sleeptime and screamed so we had to let one of us go to see a show...no swimming pool with diapers...so we strolled with the stroller a lot.

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We took our 9 month old years ago and it was terrible at times...no way was he going to sit and be still or quite in the main dining room so we ended up eating only at the lido...no shows for when the lights went down he thought it meant sleeptime and screamed so we had to let one of us go to see a show...no swimming pool with diapers...so we strolled with the stroller a lot.


My experience with parents who have problems on board with kids are those that try begin instilling structure where that structure does not exist at home.

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OP Definitely check out the family boards (found under "Special Interest Cruising"). You will get some suggestions for cruising with infants. There is one poster who actively posts and travels solo with twins. Her screen name is Kerry's Girls. Happy Cruising!!!

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Not this.

Highly ignorant and moderately offensive comment.


OP, you're going to have a wonderful cruise WITH your whole family as a unit.

If you'd like helpful information and advise, I'd suggest you check out the family board. There are a few others who have cruised with twins, and many (including myself) who have cruised with 6 month olds.



Calm down Lerin.


I like how my comment to leave the twins is somehow more offensive than the OP stating she is leaving the husband at home...


I only mentioned it because in any marriage, it is important to have "couple" time. You were a couple long before you were parents and it is just as important to nuture that relationship.


Granted, I said that with the assumption that the husband was going, so that is not the case.

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After a long break of no cruising due to trying to get pregnant, succeeding and now having twins! We are looking at cruising again. So, here is my question to all the experienced parent cruisers. How do you sail with infants who are still sleeping in a crib at home? Does carnival have bassinets? Playpens? Bring your own? Mattress on the floor?

Congrats! Our last were twins, what a special treat! You mention 6 months old, just be sure as they have to be at least 6 months to sail on Carnival (proved by their birth certificate or passport). It will be tight in the room (based upon what kind of room you get) but you can make it work. Lots of good posts here and the mention of the family thread as well. Let us know how it weant after you return.

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My only recommendation would be to consider waiting until the babies are nine months old. That is a great time to travel with babies because they can sit up well in high chairs and are entertained by people watching and feeding themselves. At six months they may or may not be ready to sit independently at a table. You'll have a great time! Even if it is harder, it's still a week of no cooking, no cleaning, beautiful views, spending time with your mom and playtime with the kids.

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At first I was thinking, why bother as the kids will never remember, but this should be very relaxing and fun for you to have a change in routine after 15 very long months. Congratulations on your double joy. I am sure this will also be fun for you and your mother. I know as a grandma wannabe I would jump at the opportunity.


I traveled often with my three kids from ages 1, 3 and 5, sometimes with my husband, sometimes without and sometimes going to meet him if he was away on work assignments. I remember them doing well because of the novelty and enjoying the experience.


My advice? Be as prepared as you can be by expecting the unexpected, roll with the changes and just allow yourself to not to stress over small things. Room service is a lovely thing for those times that none of you feel like going out. Enjoy a massage, read a book, let others take care of you for a change. Take lots of pictures because the memories are precious.

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Please don't let the nay-sayers convince you to not cruise with your twins! If anything a Cruise is the PERFECT family vacation with small kids, because you can keep your own schedule, do a little "traveling" as you want, and really enjoy the time with them!


We've done lots of traveling with our little one, including a cruise in september (granted he is 2.5 now) and starting with a trip to Idaho when he was 6 weeks old! With a little planning, it can be a lot of fun!


Depending on how big your twins end up being, you may be able to fit 2 in the crib, but I think with the right room type you COULD fit 2 cribs if your willing to give up the couch.. here is a pic of the crib in our room in September on the Dream:




We ended up moving the little table and putting it on the wall and I think that would leave enough room in front of the couch for a 2nd.


But anyway, go ahead and plan your cruise with the twins!! It will be an amazing experience!!

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I only mentioned it because in any marriage, it is important to have "couple" time. You were a couple long before you were parents and it is just as important to nurture that relationship.




Forgive me for the long reply, but this is one topic that's important to me at this stage of my life.


Every time the topic of cruising with infants is brought up, this happens. I know that people have the best intentions telling the OP to leave the kids home for a more relaxing cruise, but that's not what she came here for. The advice to leave the kids home, while well intentioned, is unsolicited and yes, to a certain degree, rude. It would be no different than telling the OP to leave her elderly parents or physically challenged family member home because they'll be a challenge and it will be more fun without them.


Every parent is full aware that raising kids has its challenges. It's no different whether at home or on vacation. But that's part of the bargain when one chooses to have kids. When we took our son on his 1st cruise at 12 months, it was a wonderful experience, but I would be a hypocrite if I said that we didn't have our moments of "what have we done??". But we learned from our rookie mistakes on our first cruise and made adjustments for our subsequent cruises. Our son is 3 and he's been on 4 cruises, including Alaska this summer which was our 19 month old daughter's first cruise.


Would it have been more fun going without kids, taking helicopter rides, dog sledding, flight seeing, kayaking along glaciers or doing any other adult-only activities? Possibly, but NONE of that will ever replace the time we got to spend with our children instead. And that's what the OP wants to do with her children as well.


About every couple needing some time together, it's true. But once again, that's not what the OP came here for. She wants to know about cribs, not about marriage counseling. Every couple chooses how they spend some quality time with each other, and obviously the OP is choosing not to make the cruise part of the time allotted for couple quality time. I'm sure there will be other moments for her and her spouse that we don't know about.


I'm a HUGE advocate of taking vacations as a family, which is why I'm being vocal about this comment. Yes, I'm fully aware that I need to dedicate time just to my wife, and we find ways to do so, but we choose to take vacations as a family.


My parents took all of us as kids on every single vacation they took while we were growing up. As they celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary next month surrounded by their now 3 grown kids, their 3 spouses and their 6 grandchildren, I'm positive that they made the right choice. :)

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Forgive me for the long reply, but this is one topic that's important to me at this stage of my life.


Every time the topic of cruising with infants is brought up, this happens. I know that people have the best intentions telling the OP to leave the kids home for a more relaxing cruise, but that's not what she came here for. The advice to leave the kids home, while well intentioned, is unsolicited and yes, to a certain degree, rude. It would be no different than telling the OP to leave her elderly parents or physically challenged family member home because they'll be a challenge and it will be more fun without them.


Every parent is full aware that raising kids has its challenges. It's no different whether at home or on vacation. But that's part of the bargain when one chooses to have kids. When we took our son on his 1st cruise at 12 months, it was a wonderful experience, but I would be a hypocrite if I said that we didn't have our moments of "what have we done??". But we learned from our rookie mistakes on our first cruise and made adjustments for our subsequent cruises. Our son is 3 and he's been on 4 cruises, including Alaska this summer which was our 19 month old daughter's first cruise.


Would it have been more fun going without kids, taking helicopter rides, dog sledding, flight seeing, kayaking along glaciers or doing any other adult-only activities? Possibly, but NONE of that will ever replace the time we got to spend with our children instead. And that's what the OP wants to do with her children as well.


About every couple needing some time together, it's true. But once again, that's not what the OP came here for. She wants to know about cribs, not about marriage counseling. Every couple chooses how they spend some quality time with each other, and obviously the OP is choosing not to make the cruise part of the time allotted for couple quality time. I'm sure there will be other moments for her and her spouse that we don't know about.


I'm a HUGE advocate of taking vacations as a family, which is why I'm being vocal about this comment. Yes, I'm fully aware that I need to dedicate time just to my wife, and we find ways to do so, but we choose to take vacations as a family.


My parents took all of us as kids on every single vacation they took while we were growing up. As they celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary next month surrounded by their now 3 grown kids, their 3 spouses and their 6 grandchildren, I'm positive that they made the right choice. :)



BRAVO!! Very well said!! IMHO, trying to convince someone asking for advice about how to bring kids on a cruise that they shouldn't brink kids on a cruise is rude and selfish! I'm also very vocal about it!


And its not limited to Cruise Critic, its rampant on the internet... this idea that vacationing should be for adults only and kids should be left home with grandparents.... not only is it not that simple.. but those who travel WITH their kids have much more fun!


Heck, I even devoted an entire post to this topic on my blog, because too often the naysayers rain on people's parade!

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Forgive me for the long reply, but this is one topic that's important to me at this stage of my life.


Every time the topic of cruising with infants is brought up, this happens. I know that people have the best intentions telling the OP to leave the kids home for a more relaxing cruise, but that's not what she came here for. The advice to leave the kids home, while well intentioned, is unsolicited and yes, to a certain degree, rude. It would be no different than telling the OP to leave her elderly parents or physically challenged family member home because they'll be a challenge and it will be more fun without them.


Every parent is full aware that raising kids has its challenges. It's no different whether at home or on vacation. But that's part of the bargain when one chooses to have kids. When we took our son on his 1st cruise at 12 months, it was a wonderful experience, but I would be a hypocrite if I said that we didn't have our moments of "what have we done??". But we learned from our rookie mistakes on our first cruise and made adjustments for our subsequent cruises. Our son is 3 and he's been on 4 cruises, including Alaska this summer which was our 19 month old daughter's first cruise.


Would it have been more fun going without kids, taking helicopter rides, dog sledding, flight seeing, kayaking along glaciers or doing any other adult-only activities? Possibly, but NONE of that will ever replace the time we got to spend with our children instead. And that's what the OP wants to do with her children as well.


About every couple needing some time together, it's true. But once again, that's not what the OP came here for. She wants to know about cribs, not about marriage counseling. Every couple chooses how they spend some quality time with each other, and obviously the OP is choosing not to make the cruise part of the time allotted for couple quality time. I'm sure there will be other moments for her and her spouse that we don't know about.


I'm a HUGE advocate of taking vacations as a family, which is why I'm being vocal about this comment. Yes, I'm fully aware that I need to dedicate time just to my wife, and we find ways to do so, but we choose to take vacations as a family.


My parents took all of us as kids on every single vacation they took while we were growing up. As they celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary next month surrounded by their now 3 grown kids, their 3 spouses and their 6 grandchildren, I'm positive that they made the right choice. :)


Wild applause

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My only suggestion is to wait til they are here to decide so you know if they will be good travelers. At that point, 2 of my 3 kids still slept in the swing due to reflux. One we took to Florida at 7 months and she screamed every night refusing to sleep because it wasn't her bed. Thankfully we were staying with friends so she wasn't disrupting others. You will have a better feel for things once they are here and you know if you have calm easy kiddos or colicky fussy kiddos.



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We've been trying to have a baby for 14 years and just had our little miracle 8/22. We had booked a cruise with some friends before we knew she was on the way and had to reschedule until next June - didn't want to have our baby in Jamaica. We were planning to leave her with my parents but now aren't sure we can do without her for a whole week!


Can we bring our own PNP or are we stuck with that metal crib?



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We've been trying to have a baby for 14 years and just had our little miracle 8/22. We had booked a cruise with some friends before we knew she was on the way and had to reschedule until next June - didn't want to have our baby in Jamaica. We were planning to leave her with my parents but now aren't sure we can do without her for a whole week!


Can we bring our own PNP or are we stuck with that metal crib?



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We tried leaving our then 1 year old home for a 4 night cruise. It was PAINFUL. Never left her home again.

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Thanks everyone for your feedback and pictures! Very helpful! As for leaving them at home, nah, I've waited years to have them I want them to come and have fun with us. I know they don't take anything away from it at this age but it will still be fun.


I knew about the no water diapers allowed, thanks for the tip on the small blowup pool, that's a great idea.


We'll see if it happens. Waiting to hear back from my mom if she can swing it. It will be her and I and the 2 babes. Leaving my hubby at home.


We felt the exact same way you did. Our son was a little bit older when he went on his first cruise but we had a great time. He was closer to 2 but still in diapers. We took a blowup pool which worked out well for baths too because it was just a shower. If you need a nanny, let me know! lol It's definitely do-able but just need to be flexible if things don't work out as planned due to crabbiness, etc.

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We took our daughter on a cruise a week after she turned 6 months and she absolutely loved it! In fact, it was easier than when she was 15 months old and we were with a group of 20. As long as you prepare well you will have no issues. The cribs are kind of small (mini-crib size, rather than full size) but she also just slept in one last month and she is a VERY tall 2 1/2 year old now. I would recommend having a balcony though, it was a HUGE help so that we can enjoy ourselves when she is napping or sleeping, plus we could throw some towels down and let her roll around and play out there. I know some people don't get it and it will be a different cruise with an infant, but what isn't different with an infant? I still have very fond memories of that first cruise with her and would do it again in a heartbeat. One of my favorite vacations ever and the staff really went out of their way to accommodate us in every way. Remember a lot of the staff have their own kids back home that they don't see nearly enough and they will delight in interacting with your munchkins. The hardest part for us has always been the shower though, so an inflatable tub is a great idea when they are so little, or a suite, but not all suites have a bathtub. Enjoy your cruise - you won't regret it! Oh and if you get a balcony take a monitor, you won't hear much through the closed door!

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I totally understand wanting to take your child(ren) as it is a family vacation and most people have a positive outcome. However, if the child(ren) does not turn out to be a good traveller it can be hell on your neighbours. On two of our cruises we were beside families whose children screamed and cried the whole night, I felt so bad for them but it was our vacation from hell. We booked balconies we thought they would be wonderful & romantic NOT. We could not use our balcony as they thought this would be the best place to take their screaming child. We would see them during the day and the kid was happier than a clam - would give me hope for the night but did not happen - the screaming would start about 8:00 and go on periodically ALL night long. We are late night people and when we would get to the cabin at around 2AM we would actually tiptoe around our cabin - if it was quiet we would go out on the balcony for a nice drink (whispering again in our own cabin) and like we hit a gong the kid would start and they would come out on their balcony. We had children so it was not like we were not understanding but what a waste of money - we took our children on most of our cruises but not until they were older but that was us. Each person has to decide what they are comfortable with

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I cruised with my daugther when she was 8 months old and we had a great time. She has been on two more since then and is booked for two more next year and she is only 1 and 1/2. I don't leave my daughter with anyone over night. I prefer to vacation with her. We had a great time. It's a different vacation with child then without but we had a great time. As for the crib it took up a lot of room in the cabin, so we ended up asking them to take it out and my daughter slept with us. That's a little harder to do with twins but I'm sure your room Stewart will take it down when your not using it. You have to be sure you bring either thing you need. Meaning Diapers, food, milk if formula feeding, cause these things are not on the ship. Hope that helps have fun.

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Oh my twins are already here. They're 3 1/2 months now. They'll be just over six months when we want to cruise.


To the poster who tried for 14 years, I hear ya. These two were 8 years in the making and are IVF babies.

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They'll be 6 months. They can sleep together in a playpen no issue. They're used to being together. How big are the cribs?


Personally, I wouldn't take children that young on a cruise. With so many people living in close quarters I'd be more comfortable if their immune systems were a little more developed.

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Personally, I wouldn't take children that young on a cruise. With so many people living in close quarters I'd be more comfortable if their immune systems were a little more developed.


I wouldn't either and didn't. But back to the OPs question - if they are fine sleeping together, I would suggest a pack n play as lightweight as you can get it. That crib looks small for two babies. Enjoy your trip!

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Oh my twins are already here. They're 3 1/2 months now. They'll be just over six months when we want to cruise.


To the poster who tried for 14 years, I hear ya. These two were 8 years in the making and are IVF babies.


We didn't quite hit that mark... but our little man was 3 years work and an IVF miracle! I'm so glad your 14 years ended in joy!

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