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Compensation for ruined cruise


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I wouldn't come back either after the judgmental attacks by the CC bullies (cowards) hiding behind the safety of their keyboards who have leaped to all kinds of conclusions, made uneducated assumptions and equated wanting time with their spouse with being a bad parent.


Sorry OP, and best of luck to you.

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Best paragraph in this whole post. :D I think it may be an age thing. Those of us who are a bit "older" (grown kids, etc.) grew up when we were taught that things don't always go the way we want. Sometimes you have to make lemonade out of those lemons.


Some younger people today have been taught that things have to be perfect and just the way they plan or it's "ruined". Any bump in the road and they fall apart.


Good summary of this thread - I would only add that, after "...they fall apart." they start seeking compensation: every disappointment, regardless of seriousness, is a matter for reparations.

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The OP was sailing with young children. It is virtually impossible to predict perfection in any weekly life of a family. It sounds like they wanted their "together" moment and didn't get it. Suck it up Princess! You are parents now. If that single dinner on that specific night was that important to you, you should have brought someone on board with you to 100% make sure it happens. There are going to be many times in your life when it doesn't go the way you want it to because you have children and hundreds of other things that could happen. Let's say you are home and someone you care about has a medical emergency and you have to wait another day. Will you ask for compensation then? Life happens! Asking for any compensation because the situation didn't go the way you wanted is ridiculous.





and this is the crux of the whole thing. when you become a parent all your needs and wants become secondary at all times for the next 20 years. the only way to GUARANTEE something is to make your own arrangements. and even then there are no guarantees.


I have had date nights 'ruined' because DH had to deploy on short notice, or got called in to the ship. hell the first five years we celebrated our anniversary at least a month off. I clearly remember a birthday where it was me, him, the stepson AND the ex wife stuck in a too small apartment because everybody's car decided to die at the same time.


or the time where the traffic was so backed up on a particular street that we had no way of reaching the Italian restaurant we had scored reservations for and still be able to make the concert on time.


and I maintain that until the OP comes back and shows us that they DID have written confirmation ON HAND and showed the kid's club staff and were still denied, they are owed exactly squat.

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Let's get real here for a moment. Was there one poster on here that thought the OP should get a full refund for the family cruise?


Was their one poster that thought the youngest child's fare ( the one that missed out on the kids club) should be refunded?


Many posters agreed that the cruiseline should apologize and perhaps offer some OBC or a small amount of cash. I think I might have been the most generous stating 25% might be the amount that I could see given in this situation. They booked 2 years out ( paid $2800 for all if memory serves me) so lets say the child's fare was $500. 25% of that is $125.


I can't remember what OBC amounts people were throwing around but I dont remember reading high amounts.


Personally if I were the OP I wouldn't do more than write one letter to corporate stating my case and my disappointment in how this situation played out. I would enclose details and e-mails along with the letter. I would want an apology and for them to admit where they went wrong.


Like I said earlier on in the thread, OBC would be unwelcome to me as I would simply rather cruise a different line after a disappointing cruise.


So an apology, perhaps $125 cash refund or some OBC for good will. Doesn't seem like a lot if the original post is 100% true. Certainly not the amount that people new to this thread must think posters were asking for by the posts calling people entitled ........!!

Edited by Karysa
Added an r on for, changed post to thread
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Best paragraph in this whole post. :D I think it may be an age thing. Those of us who are a bit "older" (grown kids, etc.) grew up when we were taught that things don't always go the way we want. Sometimes you have to make lemonade out of those lemons.


Some younger people today have been taught that things have to be perfect and just the way they plan or it's "ruined". Any bump in the road and they fall apart.



I am a little older and I see it differently I see a overall erosion in customer service. If a cruise line is willing to take my money two years out they should provide the level of service listed at the time I booked. At the least if they change that service THEY should make the effort to inform me it shouldn't be a matter of stumbling across it on CC. The little effort it would take to filter out affected people is so minimal with todays software. When we contact the cruise line we should have the right as a customer to except competent trained service. Not mistake free but a employer that gives them the tools to be the best they can be. Truth be told never have not received less than outstanding service from any of the three lines I have cruised on but from many of the posts here that is the exception apparently.


I don't see young people the way many of you do I see a savoy group that know good customer service and expect it. Most of the outlandish complaints on here IMHO come from us older folks. The OP using the term "ruined" is excessive but so is saying it was no big deal both swing the pendulum to far. Frankly if we turn off the TV and get out and see what the young people are really up to I find them to be a better group than we were. They better be with the kicked can we are handing them. Climbing down from the soap box now.


I make no effort to hide that NCL is my favorite cruise line and will continue to be but neither am I under the illusion that they are perfect. Even if the response was vague they dropped the ball here. Best case scenario is the OP gets a apology and a little OBC to entice them back. Since we know that the cruise lines monitor the boards maybe the attention this thread has gotten they will see it and set down with the IT folks and Customer service and improve how they roll out changes that have narrow scope of people affected but a big impact. Before someone jumps in I am not talking about liquor prices going up or minor things like that. By the way notentirelynormal strong support here for cruise lines informing customers of partial charters another way customer service can be improved.

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While I agree it would be nice for the cruise lines to let passengers know when changes are made in policies that may impact their cruise they are under no obligation to do so. I can certainly understand their unwillingness to undertake that obligation because the can of worms that it would open. The only thing that we are guarenteed for our fare is transportation on the ship and food. Everything else is subject to change without notice, including the ports of call (but most of the lines that I am familiar with will notify passengers of that change if the change is known far enough in advance).

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While I agree it would be nice for the cruise lines to let passengers know when changes are made in policies that may impact their cruise they are under no obligation to do so. I can certainly understand their unwillingness to undertake that obligation because the can of worms that it would open. The only thing that we are guarenteed for our fare is transportation on the ship and food. Everything else is subject to change without notice, including the ports of call (but most of the lines that I am familiar with will notify passengers of that change if the change is known far enough in advance).


The written communication essentially grandfathering this child in to the kids club is why many if not most posters think the cruiseline is at fault here for those looking for a synopsis.:)

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First I will admit that I didn't read all the 10 pages of posts. I am 99% sure this is NCL. when NCL made the change three years ago, you couldn't get an answer from NCL exactly what they were doing with the 2-3's(I have the correspondence to prove it if you want to see it). It took many letters to get a simple response as to whether the 2-3's would be included in the drop off program(the answer was no), NCL did allow an transition period(not at first some complaining was necessary).

But they did ultimately decide what they were going to do. I understand what they did and why. I also don't understand not coming to Cruise critic sometime during those two years and seeing what was happening on that cruise line.

If NCL reps did tell the original poster that they would be accommodated-and they can reasonably prove it, NCL does owe them something(a good OBC at least)...maybe even a free cruise. Free cruises aren't free. You still pay taxes and non-commissionable fares. You are of course entitled to your own opinion on this.....\\\thanks a pr rep got in touch with Cruise critic and this was posted.



here is an excerpt from these conversations note they at the time(mid2012) undecided of what to do with the 2-3's....


"FWIW, here's the response I got from Norwegian's PR rep -- it agrees with the recent posts:


"For the time being, children from the ages of 2 to 3 can participate in Splash Academy’s Turtle Age Group (3-5). When the next phase of the youth program rolls out in the fall of 2012, there will be a specific program for this age group within Splash Academy."


We'll follow up with Norwegian in the fall."


I look forward to the next chapter and thanks for your time and good offices...

Sid Meyer


ps fwiw means "for what its worth"....




Dear Kevin


This was posted today on the NCL threads of Cruise critic.



Originally Posted by NJ Johnny View Post

"Spoke to NCL today and I was told that the Gem's new program is fully implemented and that all ships will be fully implemented at their individual launch dates. This leaves the almost threes with major changes as they can not be droppd off in the new program and must have parential supervision and be with the six month babies. All this info conflicts with what some other posters have been told. We need some straight answers here!!!!!"


As you know I was informed that the up to three's can still be dropped off. This answer contravenes this.




This is what I wrote in response./


"the people at NCL the customer service people have no clue. They are reading from the website. The information is still wrong. They will at least to the end of the year let the 2's to up to three attend the free drop off program(with a cell phone if the child is not yet toilet trained). Its clear to me they haven't made up their minds about after 1/1/13. It may be a nursery program of some sort with or without an additional fee if drop off is allowed...





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First I will admit that I didn't read all the 10 pages of posts. I am 99% sure this is NCL. when NCL made the change three years ago, you couldn't get an answer from NCL exactly what they were doing with the 2-3's(I have the correspondence to prove it if you want to see it). It took many letters to get a simple response as to whether the 2-3's would be included in the drop off program(the answer was no), NCL did allow an transition period(not at first some complaining was necessary).

But they did ultimately decide what they were going to do. I understand what they did and why. I also don't understand not coming to Cruise critic sometime during those two years and seeing what was happening on that cruise line.

If NCL reps did tell the original poster that they would be accommodated-and they can reasonably prove it, NCL does owe them something(a good OBC at least)...maybe even a free cruise. Free cruises aren't free. You still pay taxes and non-commissionable fares. You are of course entitled to your own opinion on this.....


Since the OP just joined cc on Dec 20, 2013 perhaps they only recently found out about cc.

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While I agree it would be nice for the cruise lines to let passengers know when changes are made in policies that may impact their cruise they are under no obligation to do so. I can certainly understand their unwillingness to undertake that obligation because the can of worms that it would open. The only thing that we are guarenteed for our fare is transportation on the ship and food. Everything else is subject to change without notice, including the ports of call (but most of the lines that I am familiar with will notify passengers of that change if the change is known far enough in advance).


I fail to see how informing the OP of the change is "opening a can of worms"? or any changes for that matter all they are doing is reminding them of things that are public record and posted on the internet. They would insure that THEIR customers don't depend on a third party for the info. A third party that I might add that cruise line personal will readily ask you not to post a problem on until they have a chance to resolve.

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I'm not sure what your compensation should be but I do believe you deserve some since you called them and made it clear if your child couldn't go to the kids club then you'd be cancelling and they assured you. THEY are representatives and THEY are the ones giving wrong information so it's their fault.


Some that said they go on a "family" vacation to be with the kids, that's fine but others do want a little away time.

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I fail to see how informing the OP of the change is "opening a can of worms"? or any changes for that matter all they are doing is reminding them of things that are public record and posted on the internet. They would insure that THEIR customers don't depend on a third party for the info. A third party that I might add that cruise line personal will readily ask you not to post a problem on until they have a chance to resolve.


It opens a can of worms because once they assume the obligation to notify every passenger individually they must notify every passenger and woe be to them if they happen to over look one. Sure, they can send an email readily enough but not every passenger has email so they would need to send letters to them. The amenities onboard are not guarenteed.

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It opens a can of worms because once they assume the obligation to notify every passenger individually they must notify every passenger and woe be to them if they happen to over look one. Sure, they can send an email readily enough but not every passenger has email so they would need to send letters to them. The amenities onboard are not guarenteed.


In this particular case the OP stated the cruiseline wrote an e-mail stating said child could attend the kids club if he met the other criteria. ( being potty trained was the criteria in this case I believe)


The written communication from the cruiseline IS the smoking gun in this particular case.

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The written communication essentially grandfathering this child in to the kids club is why many if not most posters think the cruiseline is at fault here for those looking for a synopsis.:)


The only ray of hope the OP has but as I said way back in the beginning if they do get anything it will be a token OBC for a future cruise.


Since the OP just joined cc on Dec 20, 2013 perhaps they only recently found out about cc.


I thought that the OP said that she read about the change on CC and then made the inquiry to the rep (so she either 1] read CC without signing up for an account or 2] is a member under another user name and created a new user name in Dec 2013 in order to make this post. I would prefer to believe scenario 1).

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and this is the crux of the whole thing. when you become a parent all your needs and wants become secondary at all times for the next 20 years.


Really, that is such hooey. At 18 and child is considered a legal adult, so add pregnancy and you are at 19 years. All you needs and wants DO not become secondary unless the child is the love of your life and the center of your universe. They become a part of your world and you create some kind of balance, usually weighted in their interest, but making other things like your relationship a priority. How would your child ever learn the universe doesn't revolve around them because he will be the first telling the teacher you aren't the boss at me. One should refrain from giving parenting advise when they can't even get the legal age right. Why 20 and not 30? This is not about parenting because reading some of our posts, its claer many of our own parents have failed, miserably. We hide behind a keyboard and throw flames at those we don't know and can't see, knowing our true identify may never be revealed. They have raised cowards who best advise comes from google not real experience. Based on your own words are you the person your parents raised until you were 20, kind, thoughtful, understanding?


Did the cruise line failed to notify the OP and therefore at least an apologize needed.

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Since the OP just joined cc on Dec 20, 2013 perhaps they only recently found out about cc.


Correction. First post was Dec 20, 2013 and OP joined cc in Dec 2013. She stated that she found out here on cc a year after booking the cruise that the age for the kids club changed. She then added that this is when she got in touch with the cruiseline and their communication began. The communication ended in a written email from a cruiseline representative that said child could attend the kids club just shy of his 3 rd birthday if he met the criteria. ( potty trained I believe)


Sounds like the OP did what many folks on cc would have instructed her to do if she would have asked 1 year out.

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The only ray of hope the OP has but as I said way back in the beginning if they do get anything it will be a token OBC for a future cruise.




I thought that the OP said that she read about the change on CC and then made the inquiry to the rep (so she either 1] read CC without signing up for an account or 2] is a member under another user name and created a new user name in Dec 2013 in order to make this post. I would prefer to believe scenario 1).


Sorry was typing see my last post.:)

Edited by Karysa
Dotty changed to sorry :)
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what you see is what you get in my case. I pull no punches and I make no apologies. yes even face to face.


We are not seeing you so could you do a better reveal so we know where we don't want to be? Your name, a picture, lets see who is behind the punches!

Who is really behind the keyboard throwing flames, throwing punches, and giving parenting advise that makes a couples time together secondary and the kids the center of the universe, until 20:eek:? How many kids do you have because that should be important when parenting advise is offered or parents get flamed.



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maybe a little history will help. NCL's kids drop off program prior to 2012 included the 2's and above to age 3. It was free except for group and port play sitting times. The changes included making the port play free but changed the age to 3 and over. While its technically true that the under 3's can come and be part of guppies they must be accompanied by a passenger adult at all times. The under 3's grew out of something called the under two zoo(that was started on a Rosie cruise). This was totally unsupervised just a room with toys. The Guppies are supervised to some extent now but must be accompanied.



NCL also didn't charge for under 3's until recently at all(port charges only) and doesn't collect the DSC for them either.

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I don't think they should be compensated considering they knew about the changes. And if they did get a email they should of brought it. And if they were still denied then they should get a little obc


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I would have brought the email as well. If I forgot it I would have had a guest services employee watch me retrieve it from my e-mail account.

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I guess I'm having problems with the OP in a few areas. Obviously we don't know about the correspondence between them and the cruise line. That info would be really nice to know.


Regardless of the kid not being allowed into the kid's area I find it amazing that anyone, parent or non, would say their cruise was RUINED because everything didn't go as they expected. Not amazing or even great, but ruined? How many threads have been started about bad Customer Service reps? In fairness, I can see how it wasn't super because of it but once you ask for compensation - well then you lose me. I've had toilets back up on me, wine go missing, stewards taking their tip before it was given but I've never ever consider my cruise "ruined" because of it or asked for compensation. Until reading these boards, it never occurred to me that people actually did.


All of you who have jumped to the defense of the OP that YES they should be compensated - where are you when people complain because they sailed with a large group and venues weren't available and the groups took over areas that should have been for everyone or there was unacceptable behavior? They expected to use a bar or area that was off limits. How exactly is this different? Ya, ya, the letter but again, remember, the OP hasn't told us what proof she has to insure the kid was allowed. Remember too, that they had an entire year to cancel.


Some have said how wonderful it is that the older child didn't want to go to the kid area because the sibling couldn't. Really? I guess I'm seeing a different view. I want my kids (and grandkids) to be individuals. While I think it's great that the kids bond and want to support each other, I see no reason why the OP complained her oldest didn't attend. That was his decision and his parents went along with it. How on earth could this be the fault of the cruise line? So they want to do it together but since it's not possible it ruined their cruise that their oldest kid refused to go? Remember also, that we don't know how old the eldest was. He might not even have been in the same group as the 2 YO.


The OP was sailing with young children. It is virtually impossible to predict perfection in any weekly life of a family. It sounds like they wanted their "together" moment and didn't get it. Suck it up Princess! You are parents now. If that single dinner on that specific night was that important to you, you should have brought someone on board with you to 100% make sure it happens. There are going to be many times in your life when it doesn't go the way you want it to because you have children and hundreds of other things that could happen. Let's say you are home and someone you care about has a medical emergency and you have to wait another day. Will you ask for compensation then? Life happens! Asking for any compensation because the situation didn't go the way you wanted is ridiculous.


Adapting is important in life and as a parent. In all honesty, if your anniversary is on Monday and you have to have your special moment on Tuesday (or the following week) will it really ruin your life? I've been married for a while. The MEAL isn't as important as the thought and the actual event. Dinner out is just a meal. To me, it's more important that my DH tells me he loves me and makes any kind of special gesture to show me he loves me too. Everything else is gravy. I'm just fascinated that not having dinner together on the exact date effected their life so much. Let's pretend you are on land. Your anniversary is on Monday but you can't get a sitter or the boss makes you work late or there is an accident. Would you ask for compensation from your boss or the person that had the car accident? Is your special moment ruined? No, you re-schedule. We can only hope that this couple will have many years ahead of them to celebrate their life together. What's more important? Dinner on a specific date or a life time commitment?


I've had a cruise where we had a special circumstance. The baby was 3 days short of the six month rule (my DD was pregnant when we booked). We contacted the cruise line and asked what we could do. There were 26 of us going on this cruise. They made an exception to the rule BUT we had major hoops we had to go through. We had to produce medical records showing she was a healthy baby when born and not premature, that there were no medical issues, get her a passport at 4 weeks old, etc. We then had to get written permission from both the ship's doctor and the Captain. It was a HUGE deal. I'm grateful for all the work everyone did but it took us two weeks to get this approval and involved many phone calls, email and documents. The approvals were in hand when we boarded.


Yes, you are see it differently. The kids have all year to be individual but at away we teach them to stick together when possible. Being individuals doesn't mean kids can't choose to be there for each other and get sad when they can't or refuse to be apart. Some parents can't leave their own kids to spend time with their own spouse basically turning the kids into cripples, unable to function. Isn't that the advise most of the parenting expert give to siblings on here. Just a different adjustment once they leave and one some encourage. My goal as a parent is raise children who are there for each other because I know I may not be around for them as I would want. I tend to leave their butts to take time with my DH, not that the connection is lost but to make it stronger. Can you belive getting flamed for wanting time with your man:D


What't the big deal about getting compensated for a vacation not going as planned where the company failed to do something reasonable. It's called the hospitality industry where people with a bit of smarts can travel for FREE amounting to thousands of $$$. My next cruise, hotel for 2 nights free ($600), 2 r/t non stop free ($560), airport parking free ($90) and a check where I converted my points to get a better payout ($800). This year already 10 days in Hawaii with r/t air staying at the Grand Hyatt Regency in Kauai and Westin in Maui, plus car rental (Free), first class ticket to Jamaica (free). Next year after my cruise a ticket to UK (free). I failed this year to meet free travel goal, darn.


What wrong with the hospitality industry showing some love? NCL, lets show this couple some love, or else my next cruise on you will be for free

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