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Christmas/New Year's - LIVE - Voyager


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Agree Responder privided a good response. As he said, some of the nits we have heard are personal taste and as the saying goes, you can please some of the people some of the time but, you can't please all of the people all of the time.


The small nits like steak not prepared perfectly and 15 minutes longer to eat are really nits but, when a self proclaimed six stary Luxury line puts people in second rate hotels and leave them to fend for themselves for hours and thinks more of an art gallery that avoids prosecution by secret settlements that the passengers convenience by cutting in half the size of the computer room as well as some recent comments about possibly short staffing, that line needs to think twice about raising fares that are in the neighborhood of $1K per person per day.


Really enjoyed the 3 Regent cruises that my DW and I did but, the terrible home office support unfornately negated the excellent on board experience. You know that saying, one awe s%^& ruins all of the attaboys!!!

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I have used an ipad with no problems at all many times on Voyager as well as the other Regent ships. But I think I know what the problem with losing the connection is. After a few minutes (don't know how many, but 5 seems about right), if the wifi connection thinks that you are not actually online (there has been no activity), it will knock you off. I had this happen to me in the past when I first started using an ipad rather than the desktops. It is good in that it prevents you from inadvertently staying logged on and running up a big bill if you are still having to pay, but it is very annoying otherwise.


For me, it was mainly a problem when composing long posts. So I compose offline, then log on and post. I also download my emails then go offline to read them. Once you get used to doing this, you should not have the problems with losing the connection.


I have also done what computerworks advises before when having a tough time logging on, and it works.

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TC - Thanks for sharing your observations so far and I look forward to reading more. Glad you are getting some rest after your long journey. Hate having to wait until November to be back on Voyager since the updates (except Park West) sound lovely. Happy Holidays and may the children on board be well behaved and often out of sight. :)

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TC, Re your comment about the feeling of the ship being off, it's obvious to me what the problem is. Frank Galzy isn't the GM. Is he on vacation or on a different ship now? When he's GM, the cruising experience is wonderful!


Definitely miss Franck. His presence makes a big difference. We are pleased that Paul Reynolds is on board. Franck is on vacation and will return in time for our March cruise.


I am truly puzzled why posters who obviously dislike Regent and no longer sails on their ships continue to post on the board. Is the intent to make people considering Regent go elsewhere?


The sky isn't falling. I am posting my views whether positive or negative. Park West has been on Regent for years ... not something new or different. I still hate them... no big deal.


Being a holiday cruise there are many families (as it should be). It was our decision to travel at Christmas and to be in an aft suite. We prefer the typical mix of guests. Not complaining as it was our choice. Kindly do not over-react to my less than stellar comments. I am having a lovely time.

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TC, it was not us and we do not hate Regent at all. You know as well as I, you just fall into what you like. It is all about the product and what you like and that's all that matters.


Now I am hungry after your menu posting...... Need to go back to cooking school.....NOT.

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TC, it was not us and we do not hate Regent at all. You know as well as I, you just fall into what you like. It is all about the product and what you like and that's all that matters.


Now I am hungry after your menu posting...... Need to go back to cooking school.....NOT.


Most definitely not referring to you.. Tonight's menu has goose. I've never tried goose and feel that rack of lamb will suit me better.


Have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy New Year.


P.S. I have done my last two posts from La Veranda and my suite. No lost connection on my Kindle tablet (32 GB or what ever the numbers are called)

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First of all, TC, you must not dismiss goose out of hand. It can be quite wonderful, if roasted properly, although we still prefer roasted duck to roasted goose. Goose may be more "A Christmas Carol"; but duck has a more distinct flavor, we find. Nonetheless, if one has not sampled roasted goose, it is a worthy endeavor to do so.


Ah, as for the poster who has been on three (count 'em, three!! Whoopee!!) Regent cruises and is now, it seems clear, determined to slam Regent at almost any opportunity, despite his having declared his intention to never cruise again on that line - perhaps one might suggest, in all due gentleness, of course, that he might consider getting over it and moving on. How many times are we going to be given the special privilege of his rants about the poor customer service at Regent, even when we don't even disagree with the rants in many respects?


We are not by any means Regent cheerleaders and are booked on competitors of that line for our next couple of cruises. However, the repetitive whining and extravagant statements are not useful to anyone, irrespective of how cathartic they might be to the poster. (Geez, how much catharsis does one need before moving on??!!)


As a fervent non-Regent-cheerleader ;), I agree with the previously posted negative comments regarding the reduction in space in the computer center to make room for a dedicated space for the dreadful Park West organization. When, oh when, will Regent finally sever its unfortunate ties with that tainted company?

Edited by freddie
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Sometimes the cause is that you connected to a weaker access point on the ship, and the iPad remembers that setting. There are access points all over the ship.


Try this before giving up...

Go into Settings > General > Network > WiFi.

Once you locate your ship WiFi network name, tap on the blue arrow to the right of it and then select "forget this network."

After that, reconnect and add it back in.


This sometimes helps.


I found this interesting, and will try on my next cruise in March. I've had numerous problems with my iPad on the ship since I got it about two years ago. Friends with laptops have no problems, and I was constantly being "dropped". On my last cruise, the Mariner, the new system had already been implemented with the broader band width. I don't think it will take until next November for this to be on the Voyager. But as they increase the "free" services to anyone with concierge services, and lower the cost of internet packages, the more usage there will be. And then it depends where you are in the world, I have found many times. Alaska can be horrible, where the middle of the Atlantic is fine. Thanks to RachelG of this board, I now know how to at least compose offline so that I will not lose my posts, especially the longer ones. That's frustrating to me, wasted time.


Enjoying reading the posts from Gnomie and TC, keeping in mind that all of us have different tolerance levels for what bothers us and what does not. Also knowing the hospitality industry somewhat, and that what one "waiter" has to do with 9 or 12 tables depends entirely upon the back-up staff they have behind them, who deliver the food, clear courses, etc. No one has commented on the wine servers, usually that is more of a gripe sounded on this board. What a couple dining alone may perceive as slow service goes unnoticed by a table of 6 who are too busy chatting to notice. All personal perceptions, and all are valid. The voice of one dissatisfied guest rings loud and clear.

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I just got thrown out of editing after only 20 minutes, thought we had 30. Any way, I said:


But there's a continual thread here that people do NOT like this new Park West outfit taking over what I assume were the few computer stations to the right of the big arc to the left, where I thought there was the printer and a coffee area.


I also gave credit to Rallydave for explaining reasonably to me the cause of iPad problems, as I am usually chiding him about his rails against Regent in spite of no cruises for awhile (I cruise at least 2-3 times a year, and still, like Responder, somewhat "tethered" to Regent.


While I strongly agree with Freddie that he is definitely NOT in the camp of being a Regent "cheerleader", I love reading his impressions of both his own experiences, and his impressions of other posters. Myself included. I count myself as generally a cheerleader, I guess after over 30+ cruises because I keep going back with no excuses.


The best advice I can give to newbies on this board, or even people with 1-3 cruises is get on whatever ship you are boarding, no matter the line, and wipe your slate clean about perceptions. Be determined to enjoy it, and let what happens happen. Then it is up to the cruise line to make you happy. At the end, you will get off and hate it, love it, want to come back maybe/maybe not. So many posters here are wedded to certain GMS, Captains, Cruise Directors, etc. I have no dream team. So going on looking for one who is not there, you think, "Oh, I'm not getting so-and-so, and may start out disappointed from the beginning. I think that's a big mistake.

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freddie: Thank for almost talking me into trying goose. As good as Regent chefs can be, they are generally not as good as a home cooks such as yourself. The food onboard thus far has been excellent. The pastry chef, on the other hand, has not prepared anything to my liking. Unfortunately, my DH has an upset stomach so I am having lunch in CR without him. I had some Virginia Christmas ham -- different not know that Christmas hams were from Virginia.


jip: of course you are correct about waiters. I was trying to determine if our server had a heavier workload than last year.


I will post Christmas Eve menus tonight when I can use a 'real' computer.


Hope the two of you and your families have a very Merry Christmas.

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First of all, TC, you must not dismiss goose out of hand. It can be quite wonderful, if roasted properly, although we still prefer roasted duck to roasted goose.


I'm sorry Fred, but I come from duck/goose territory, the "wild" variety. I am sure the ones you speak of are wonderful. Think there must be a difference. While I am not in "Duck Dynasty" territory, they are still the same bird, if they are in the wild. My former (and beloved) mother-in-law would welcome any wild fowl into her home and clean them with a vengeance. And she didn't have to. omg, those wild fowl taste so different from those you might get in a restaurant like when I was in Paris for the first time and it was actually "mild". Perhaps that is why I, well, just purse up my mouth and nose at the thought of them! haha, I tried, when I was in my 20's, to enjoy when I was at my MIL's house! I am just not a wild fowl person.


As an aside, I went into my local Walmart tonight to buy extension cords, and could not believe how many Duck Dynasty products were on the shelves! Unlike whatever restaurant that pulled them off the shelves, they were everywhere. Who knows.

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Greetings from the Voyager on Christmas Eve day - the ship looks quite festive and all are awaiting the "country fair" that is scheduled for this afternoon. We have never had a country fair on a Regent ship, but have done so on the Oceania and it was loads of fun. I am happy to report that the internet situation has improved from the previous segment but there are still many problems.


Last night, for the first time since boarding, I was able to access the internet (using my laptop) from my room. I spent some time writing a blub for CC and when I tried to post, I was knocked off and couldn't get back on for the rest of the evening. I was already in bed and didn't think it was important enough to get out of bed and go down to the fifth floor in an attempt to get a connection - on the last segment I had to go down to the 5th floor in the middle of the night to respond to an email that needed my urgent attention, something one does not expect from a "6 star line". Regarding ipad usage, this is what I have learned - the electronics of the ipad are designed to preserve battery life and as such, the strength of the wi-fi connection is not as strong as a laptop, which is why most people are having difficulty accessing the internet. I have both an ipad and a laptop with me and am having more success with my laptop, although I have taken my ipad on many cruises without any problems. Regarding internet speed - the speed on the Regent ships is actually MUCH faster than other ships. The reason for this is that the majority of Regent passengers get free internet and it is not a money maker for the ship - other cruise lines purposely slow down their connection so that people have to spend more time on line and therefore spend more money - this is another way that the other cruise lines nickel and dime their passengers. From experience, my connections on Regent are MUCH faster than on other cruise lines.



Yesterday morning I handed in my end of cruise comment card for the Dubai-Singapore segment and I did not hold back - WITHIN HOURS, not only did I receive telephone calls from department heads, including the executive chef, the GM sought me out and spoke to me for 30 minutes addressing my concerns - I am truly impressed and Regent does get an A+ in this regard and things are being handled in a much better manner than from our Mariner experience last August. I do not complain about petty things - that is life. But, for a six star line, one does expect a certain level of service and expertise and one of our major complaints is that it seems that the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing or worse, they refuse to provide passengers with the truth so that numerous rumors are flying throughout the ship. Maybe because I am a bean counter I take notice of things more closely but one needs to main a certain level of "luxury" to be considered a 6 star cruise line.


I am not a big spa user and I find the prices at Canyon Range to be on the high side, however, they featured a pedicure special during the previous segment and I must admit, it was the BEST pedicure I have ever had! I think it is important that the ship have a spa on the level of Canyon Range - that does add to the luxury feel and status. But to have the daily announcements turn into commercials for the spa seems cheap and petty.



Also, they need to completely re-do the boutique - they have the ugliest things I have ever seen and the "duty and tax free" prices are a joke. The "guest" jewelers on board are also a disgrace - charging crazy prices for questionable quality merchandise. Last summer on the Mariner we bought some really cool gifts - this time there is nothing I would take for free and we are still trying to decide what to do with our remaining shipboard credit. I have sometimes bought some jewelry but the prices are nearly double what I would spend at a high end jewelry store in the states.


Regarding Park West - during the previous segment, we only saw one "sold" sign on anything. I wonder if they are following this thread because yesterday, OUR FIRST DAY OF CRUISING, there were sold signs on two expensive pieces which I find quite unusual - who buys art the minute they get on the ship??? Regent has allocated Park West a considerable amount of prime real estate so one really has to wonder exactly how much is sold on each cruise and what is Regent's cut - plus the fact the auctioneer gets a cabin which cannot be sold to paying passengers - no wonder their prices are so high. I go to the auctions not only because I like to keep my eye out for new and upcoming artists, but because I like to keep track of all the lies the auctioneers tell the audience = I have to wonder who believes this stuff. One has to think that if people have the money to take a Regent cruise, they must not be the most stupid people in the world, but you never know.


I think some of the problems on the current cruise, especially the internet difficulties, is due to problems suffered during the dry dock period. One of the most annoying problems too date is when the stench of sewage seeps throughout our suite. The first two days out of Dubai were HORRIBLE and it seemed that management didn't care. On the third day, when I was really miserable from the constant smell, they sent up someone to spray the room yet again and I lost it because they refused to accept the fact that there is a serious problem with the ventilation system. They brought an "Air purifier" machine into the room but that was so loud it sounded like a freight train and it was impossible to have a conversation in the room. We were being told it was due to problems at the port, but the smell continued while at sea - we thought the problem was finally fixed but again yesterday the stench returned. On the last segment it become so bad some people bought incense which I have to admit made things much better. We will see how things progress, but it would be better for all if management would admit from the beginning that there is a problem instead of constantly making excuses, which is what I experienced on the Mariner the previous summer.


TC - on sea days, I can be found in my "office" on the six floor across from the library, working on my computer and trying to stay caught up with my work obligations!


gnomie :)


ETA - I have now wasted more than 3 hours trying to get this message across - each time I try to post, I get thrown off line and lose the entire message -this is most frustrating :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I'm not bothered abput internet access when I'm on the boat apart from needing to print off boarding passes on the last day and I'd be very cross indeed if I had to queue. Let's hope the improved internet access allows us to connect in our cabins and print to the printers in the computer room. Better still get rid of the art store.


Thank you for posting the menu TC, I've salivated all over my keyboard but maybe that's too much information.


I only go on cruises every fifteen months and my last was on Voyager back in August so I won't be eating in Compass Rose until I cruise on Navigator in April 2015.


Enjoy your trip and keep the menus coming.



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ETA - I have now wasted more than 3 hours trying to get this message across - each time I try to post, I get thrown off line and lose the entire message -this is most frustrating :mad: :mad: :mad:


Your post almost sounds exactly what I could have posted about last month's Oceania Cruise'


As far as being knocked off the internet onboard, You can use word or even your own email address to write posts and then copy and paste them into Cruise critic to avoid losing them. It has happened to me too often.

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The Christmas Eve day country fair was so much fun - my Mom and I laughed and laughed and had a great time. Winners received raffle tickets which we deposited in a large bin and at the end eight numbers were selected for prizes. This surprised me and again demonstrated the financial cut-backs. A few years ago we were on Oceania and had a very similar activity - however, people won the reward points which they could use in the store to "purchase" Oceania branded merchandise. I guess no one told HQ that it benefits Regent greatly the more people around the world are seen either wearing or using Regent branded merchandise. Of the eight prizes, the only ones really worth anything were the spa certificates for a facial (2) and what I consider a fantastic prize - a navigation chart for the cruise from Dubai to Singapore that was signed by the captain and officers. While I understand that the purpose of the fair was to provide an activity for a sea day, a ship of this status should have had either more prizes or prizes of significance, i.e. a monetary certificate off a future cruise, etc. That creates not only excitement and buzz, but generates good will. I sometimes wonder if the individuals who work in the marketing department of Regent ever went to business school - I only took two marketing classes, both of which were required for graduation, but I look at Regent as an excellent candidate for a case study and analysis. What a great final exam project that would have been - unfortunately I graduated from B-school prior to cruising on Regent.


While I am aware the current situation is such that a large percentage of Regent passengers are repeat customers, ANY business must be extremely careful that they risk loosing their core customers and their bread and butter if they change their brand too radically and too quickly or sometimes just making negative changes at all. B-school is full of case studies of entities that were on top of their game and then failed miserable due to poor marketing/financial/accounting decisions.


I am happy to report that Regent still provides needlepoint kits, for those of us who love to needlepoint - while I truly appreciate the gesture and would not want it eliminated, I wish they would order some new kits. The company who makes these kits has so many new and exciting designs, which have yet to make their way on to Regent. I have made almost all of the designs they currently have and then use them as presents - the completed coin cases are used as gift card holders and I fill the cosmetic cases with lots of different things that one would need for travel and they have always been well received and appreciated.


A very nice touch is that there are many presents under the tree - one gift for each child on the cruise and Santa has arrived on the ship.


Off to the block party which has just started!


gnomie :)

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Park West are a bunch of crooks and have been sued many times and still have lawsuits pending. Park West was given the boot by Cratal and NCL.


I admit like a fool I got suckered into buying some art from them. Google Park Westl lawsuit and you will be shocked. Regent really needs to get rid of this phony art dealer.

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We dropped 2k on their art work.....only to be told by an appraiser it was worth $500.00. I was also told a class action lawsuit is in the works.


Support your local artists and dealers with a good reputation and not scamming people.




With the quality of Regent and their very good reputation they allow them onboard. I am still furious over our purchase on Crystal. Buyer Beware.

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You said the magic word suitetravels. If you like art find a local that fits your taste, support them. Park West takes advantage of those who pretend to like art and yet know nothing.

I am quite sophisticated about art and could not believe what was offered on our last cruise. Basically reproductions worth way below offered price if worth any thing at all!

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Will try to take a picture of the new space with my Kindle and post it. It takes up the entire area where the right half of the computer area was. I don't want to use my camera and have to download. Park West does not need that large room. It is just a lot of pictures and a tiny desk.


It is 3 am Christmas morning. Santa has,already been onboard:) Yesterday was lovely! Haven't had time to get on a computer but will eventually. Have lots more to post (as usual). In addition to holiday menus and a updated bar list, I have some comments about Voyager's vibration.

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TC, thanks in advance for posting the picture of the new Park West space. I've been meaning to ask you which side of the computer room was given to Park West. Also, what, if anything, has Regent done with the former space used by Park West on Deck 6 opposite the Library?

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TC, thanks in advance for posting the picture of the new Park West space. I've been meaning to ask you which side of the computer room was given to Park West. Also, what, if anything, has Regent done with the former space used by Park West on Deck 6 opposite the Library?


The right side where there were more individual stations. What is left is a big circle of tables with internet person and printer in the middle.. Will check out deck 6. Have not been there yet.


Must have had brain freeze when I said that I can post from my Kindle. I could email a photo easily and maybe someone could post it.


When most passengers go ashore I'll take the opportunity to use the computer. We have been to. Bali twice and prefer to wait until. The rain stops this afternoon.

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2:30 - 3:30 p.m Santa's Grand Atrium Extravaganza!

Enjoy the fun of the fair as we celebrate the festive season. Ho, ho, hosted by every department from the Housekeeping team to the Engine room, you are invited to try your skill and luck at Santa's different booths on decks 4 & 5 with a chance to accumulate raffle tickets, drawn by Santa for exciting prizes afterwards! The more tickets you hand to Santa during the 45 minutes, the more chances you have of winning! And don't forget Santa's Elves, who will take your vote as you choose which booth is your favorite. Enjoy the fun of the Holiday Fair as Santa arrives on board!


4:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Christmas TeaTime:

Enjoy an array of sumptuous seasonal delights from Regent's Pastry Chef Honore along with soothing background melodies from Duo Pianist Boogie.


6:00 p.m. - IT'S THE VOYAGER'S HOLIDAY BLOCK PARTY! At the sound of the ship's "cocktail bell", we invite you to bring a glass fro your suite and join fellow guests in the corridors as members of the ship's company serve drinks and canapes. Take the chance to meet your friends and neighbors as Captain Mario Sanguineti, General Manager Massimo Arzani and Cruise Director Paul Reynolds dash around every deck to meet and greet you in this fun get-together to start off your evening.


9:30 p.m. - REGENT PROUDLY PRESENTS: THE VOYAGER'S SEASONAL HOLIDAY SHOW: 'Twas the night before Christmas so come and celebrate with festive cheer and a show of seasonal favorites, presented by the Regent Singers and Dancers and some of the Voyager's talented crew. Packed with holiday spirit and merriment, enjoy some special appearances and surprises along the way! Don't miss the Christmas Spectacular, all wrapped up for you to enjoy, live with the Regent Signature Orchestra and more!


11:15 p.m. - A SERVICE FOR CHRISTMAS EVE: Guests and crew members are invited to gather together to share and celebrate this special evening with an interdenominational service of readings and carols led by Cruise Director, Paul.


Note: As my DH was was ill with a stomach issue (not related to the Voyager), I did not personally attend these events. I can say that the "fair" is always fun -- one of our favorite events.


Next post...... dinner menu.

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