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Has this become common practice for stewards?

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The main problem is room stewards are now responsible for cleaning MORE cabins than they once were. :(




We had a wonderful steward last week on Freedom. (Jason) I asked him how many cabins he had to attend to, and he answered 13 - but 4 were Grand Suites. (one of which was ours) I was shocked to find out that he had no assistant steward to help - just himself. Even CCL still has assistant stewards! The only day he had help was the debark morning - there was another guy who was responsible for stripping the beds and putting new sheets on for the whole hallway. That is a lot of work for one guy. We tipped him nicely in addition to the regular gratuity at the end.

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I wish we could do away with the "room steward" altogether. The reason I cruise is to be free of obligations. I don't enjoy the feeling of needing to hide all my earrings or last nights clothing just so a stranger can come in and fiddle with my bedsheets and give me towels. I CAN open & close the curtains all by myself. And, I don't enjoy the fact that someone who just touched 50 other peoples' stuff is now touching my stuff. I value privacy, not communal living. I don't enjoy feeling like I must vacate the cabin in the morning and in the evening so the steward can "do his thing". I don't want to be on a "set" schedule... sometimes I'd like to have room service for breakfast, and not go out until mid-day. I don't like feeling pressured to leave the room so an employee can do something I don't want done in the first place. When you place a "do not disturb" sign, the steward always knocks anyway, so I end up being disturbed.


Honestly, having to endure a steward is like taking a stranger on a vacation with you.


I've considered paying them $20 at the beginning of the trip to just LEAVE ME ALONE. But that also perturbs me, because they're already paid to do the work, PLUS getting my pre-paid tips, so I don't believe I should have to pay them a 3rd amount to NOT work.


I wish that instead of a room steward, we could just have a "service window" at the end of each hall. So if I need 2 towels or another roll of toilet paper, I could just go get it myself. I don't have any idea what people do with buckets of ice in their rooms, but if I desired ice I'd like to get it myself from an ice machine.


I hate the feeling of obligation when I'm supposed to be vacationing. Have any of you ever just told the room steward that you don't want service on that trip? I remember one time telling the steward that I didn't need anything except 2 rolls of toilet paper (I was thinking ahead so I wouldn't have to let him in that night too), and he told me they aren't allowed to leave more than 1 roll per room. Good grief.


Sorry for the rant. I just wish I wasn't forced to be checked upon twice per day.


This is particularly relevant if like me, you want to try to sleep in or just lounge around in the morning without someone tapping on your door even though the do not disturb sign is prominently displayed.


I would be willing to PAY my steward to have no steward service at all. I would gladly clean my cabin bathroom on the first day, too.

Edited by Bookish Angel
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I wish we could do away with the "room steward" altogether. The reason I cruise is to be free of obligations. I don't enjoy the feeling of needing to hide all my earrings or last nights clothing just so a stranger can come in and fiddle with my bedsheets and give me towels. I CAN open & close the curtains all by myself. And, I don't enjoy the fact that someone who just touched 50 other peoples' stuff is now touching my stuff. I value privacy, not communal living. I don't enjoy feeling like I must vacate the cabin in the morning and in the evening so the steward can "do his thing". I don't want to be on a "set" schedule... sometimes I'd like to have room service for breakfast, and not go out until mid-day. I don't like feeling pressured to leave the room so an employee can do something I don't want done in the first place. When you place a "do not disturb" sign, the steward always knocks anyway, so I end up being disturbed.


Honestly, having to endure a steward is like taking a stranger on a vacation with you.


I've considered paying them $20 at the beginning of the trip to just LEAVE ME ALONE. But that also perturbs me, because they're already paid to do the work, PLUS getting my pre-paid tips, so I don't believe I should have to pay them a 3rd amount to NOT work.


I wish that instead of a room steward, we could just have a "service window" at the end of each hall. So if I need 2 towels or another roll of toilet paper, I could just go get it myself. I don't have any idea what people do with buckets of ice in their rooms, but if I desired ice I'd like to get it myself from an ice machine.


I hate the feeling of obligation when I'm supposed to be vacationing. Have any of you ever just told the room steward that you don't want service on that trip? I remember one time telling the steward that I didn't need anything except 2 rolls of toilet paper (I was thinking ahead so I wouldn't have to let him in that night too), and he told me they aren't allowed to leave more than 1 roll per room. Good grief.


Sorry for the rant. I just wish I wasn't forced to be checked upon twice per day.



There used to be the perfect cruise line for you - Easy Cruise! Unfortunately (for you) they went out of Business.

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Our cabin rarely needs "cleaning"...so if the attendant hasn't been in before WE want to use our room, I will take the dirty towels, and get clean ones...that's about all we need...and then tell the attendant that we do not need service now!

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This is just my observation after 9 cruises and not subject to any claim of fact. It looks to me like each steward is assigned a block of rooms to be done with only a certain time they have to finish. It appears to me they have some digression on how that gets done. I do know they are aware of which dining option you have. I have seen that the first day or two of a cruise they are watching and learning your habits.


On Sea Days I try to avoid going back to the room when I know they are likely to be around. I have personally seen a steward skip one room to go to another if he/she sees the occupants leave. I've messed them up by skipping dinner and being in the room when they didn't expect. On those sea days, if I forget something I make sure to let them know I will be in and out and try to be accommodating to them as well. (Not saying your not), but you might have gotten a newbie?

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If you don't want steward service, just tell them.


I tend to keep very odd hours when I'm on a cruise, I usually tell the steward upfront the first day, "Look, I'm easy going, but I usually don't get in until the wee hours of the morning, if you see my Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, don't worry about doing my room. If you've finished everybody else, and I'm still not up, no worries. If I need anything, I'll let you know."


Usually they seem skeptical until they see me coming back to my stateroom in the a.m. while they're starting to make up other rooms. Then they just grin and say, "Need anything Miss Katy??"


I've gone days without cabin service simply by letting them know my needs. No one has ever knocked on my door and woken me up.

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Service on our cruise in December was minimal to say the least. We keep the room tidy but literally all the steward did was the bed, towels and wiped down the bathroom. I could do that in 10 minutes tops. The carpet was not vacuumed all week. The sand bothered me so much I wanted to go get Henry myself. DH left a hanger on the floor, I did not pick it up just to see and it laid there in plain sight, would have had to step over it. Might be the worst steward we ever had. I would not go so far to say service has gone down but we did not tip this last one any extra. I did not complain as I did not want to get him in trouble. Did not make or break my cruise just totally not impressed with his cleaning. Hopefully next cruise will be better.

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I think just like in any service area, you'll see good service and bad. We were on the Allure last December and 2 separate cabins -- our cabin steward was awful just like yours -- we met him on the second day and did not see him until the last day. Never could get ice, never could find him, never knew when our cabin would be made up. Called housekeeping only to find out that they use a paging system and he never answered his pages. We would leave the cabin in hopes that leaving another hour or so would give him enough time to get the cabin done. I have to say that it was always done by 4:00 pm. Since they don't leave ice automatically anymore, I usually leave a note indicating that I would like the ice bucket filled every night. It didn't work on the Allure this last time.


On the other hand, the couple we were traveling with had the most wonderful steward I've ever met. Their steward knew even our names because we met up in their cabin, he was always in the hallway with a smile greeting everyone and paying compliments. He was ready to serve all the needs of the passengers. He also left the couple some flowers because it was their anniversary.


Needless to say, our cabin steward got no extra gratuities whereas the steward that looked after our friends received a hefty tip.


We had the same experience lately. One steward was very good, the other was awful.


This just shows that no matter the automated tipping, no matter the larger work load, it depends on the individual's willing to do their job.


The mandatory tip is always paid by us. At the end any additional tips they get according to the job done. And this is the right thing to do IMO.

Edited by Aldeya
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In talking with our steward last month we found out that the average contract has been extended to 8 months! That is a long time to be away from your family. Working 8 months, ten hours a day, with no days off is more then I would want to endure.


The moral overall was noticeable down. One crew member told me that they were "getting pressure from above". I do not know if that meant pressure from Supervisors, Captains or Miami. But it was very noticeable across the spectrum.

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I see the problem the Stewards are like a dog in a round house.. 1/2 of you are complaining not enough service and not at the time you find convenient. the other folks are complaining too much attention they don't need bothered their room doesn't get dirty don't want to be bothered, etc. so generally the steward is damned if he does or damned if he doesn't.. unless you pull him aside early in your trip and explain to him what you want and how and when you want it don't complain. these folks aren't mind readers.


if you have the do not disturb tag out and they knock why do you feel obligated to jump and answer the door?


when we get back to the room we just throw jewelry etc into the safe it saves clutter on the counter anyway. we have left out lots of stuff and nothing has ever come up missing or seemed to have been played with.


does anyone over 12 really care about how often they get towel animals??

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I wish we could do away with the "room steward" altogether. The reason I cruise is to be free of obligations. I don't enjoy the feeling of needing to hide all my earrings or last nights clothing just so a stranger can come in and fiddle with my bedsheets and give me towels. I CAN open & close the curtains all by myself. And, I don't enjoy the fact that someone who just touched 50 other peoples' stuff is now touching my stuff. I value privacy, not communal living. I don't enjoy feeling like I must vacate the cabin in the morning and in the evening so the steward can "do his thing". I don't want to be on a "set" schedule... sometimes I'd like to have room service for breakfast, and not go out until mid-day. I don't like feeling pressured to leave the room so an employee can do something I don't want done in the first place. When you place a "do not disturb" sign, the steward always knocks anyway, so I end up being disturbed.


Honestly, having to endure a steward is like taking a stranger on a vacation with you.


I've considered paying them $20 at the beginning of the trip to just LEAVE ME ALONE. But that also perturbs me, because they're already paid to do the work, PLUS getting my pre-paid tips, so I don't believe I should have to pay them a 3rd amount to NOT work.


I wish that instead of a room steward, we could just have a "service window" at the end of each hall. So if I need 2 towels or another roll of toilet paper, I could just go get it myself. I don't have any idea what people do with buckets of ice in their rooms, but if I desired ice I'd like to get it myself from an ice machine.


I hate the feeling of obligation when I'm supposed to be vacationing. Have any of you ever just told the room steward that you don't want service on that trip? I remember one time telling the steward that I didn't need anything except 2 rolls of toilet paper (I was thinking ahead so I wouldn't have to let him in that night too), and he told me they aren't allowed to leave more than 1 roll per room. Good grief.


Sorry for the rant. I just wish I wasn't forced to be checked upon twice per day.


I love cruising.........with all it entails...The good, bad and the ugly...

OMG there is something very disturbing about this post.....

Oh you got me ha ha ! you were being funny...............RIGHT?!

Certainly hope so.

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We have not had any serial problems as you describe. An occasion or two on sea days where we left the cabin for only a fairly brief time, and it did not get serviced, but I don't expect the steward to be just standing there waiting for me to leave so he can rush into my room.

I am always impressed with the job the stewards do on juggling which cabins to service at what time, with everyone having so many different schedules. We do try to be diligent about using the privacy/service card, but unfortunately many do not, and still expect that their cabin will always get serviced, leaving the steward with the choice of not knocking on doors or not servicing those cabins and having a string of complaints lodged against him/her.

Like everywhere else, I'm sure their work loads are maxed out, and it sounds like you may have had a few inexperienced ones who had not perfected their methodology yet.

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I thought I recognized your name from our roll call. I don't think you are along though. Several people on our roll call was complaining about the lack of service every where on our cruise; diamond event at night, dining room service, etc.


I guess we just hit it lucky.


Hi Rosie & Emily. Glad you had a good attendant but, like several others, I also experienced a less than stellar stateroom service on the 9 night Serenade sailing. Poor guy had staterooms on two different hallways which added more difficulty to his job. Often my room was not done until late morning when I prefer it done early. As I understand it, in the past the attendants could hire someone to help them and they could do more staterooms quicker. Hear that is no longer allowed.

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Hi Rosie & Emily. Glad you had a good attendant but, like several others, I also experienced a less than stellar stateroom service on the 9 night Serenade sailing. Poor guy had staterooms on two different hallways which added more difficulty to his job. Often my room was not done until late morning when I prefer it done early. As I understand it, in the past the attendants could hire someone to help them and they could do more staterooms quicker. Hear that is no longer allowed.


They can have someone help them if absolutely necessary on changeover day but the guys who help them expect some kind of pay - RCI won't provide the pay so if the attendant needs help, it comes out of their own pocket.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Hi Rosie & Emily. Glad you had a good attendant but, like several others, I also experienced a less than stellar stateroom service on the 9 night Serenade sailing. Poor guy had staterooms on two different hallways which added more difficulty to his job. Often my room was not done until late morning when I prefer it done early. As I understand it, in the past the attendants could hire someone to help them and they could do more staterooms quicker. Hear that is no longer allowed.


did you give this information to the steward?


I can certainly understand the hardship of not having the room done until late morning. WOW

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I wish we could do away with the "room steward" altogether. The reason I cruise is to be free of obligations. I don't enjoy the feeling of needing to hide all my earrings or last nights clothing just so a stranger can come in and fiddle with my bedsheets and give me towels. I CAN open & close the curtains all by myself. And, I don't enjoy the fact that someone who just touched 50 other peoples' stuff is now touching my stuff. I value privacy, not communal living. I don't enjoy feeling like I must vacate the cabin in the morning and in the evening so the steward can "do his thing". I don't want to be on a "set" schedule... sometimes I'd like to have room service for breakfast, and not go out until mid-day. I don't like feeling pressured to leave the room so an employee can do something I don't want done in the first place. When you place a "do not disturb" sign, the steward always knocks anyway, so I end up being disturbed.


Honestly, having to endure a steward is like taking a stranger on a vacation with you.


I've considered paying them $20 at the beginning of the trip to just LEAVE ME ALONE. But that also perturbs me, because they're already paid to do the work, PLUS getting my pre-paid tips, so I don't believe I should have to pay them a 3rd amount to NOT work.


I wish that instead of a room steward, we could just have a "service window" at the end of each hall. So if I need 2 towels or another roll of toilet paper, I could just go get it myself. I don't have any idea what people do with buckets of ice in their rooms, but if I desired ice I'd like to get it myself from an ice machine.


I hate the feeling of obligation when I'm supposed to be vacationing. Have any of you ever just told the room steward that you don't want service on that trip? I remember one time telling the steward that I didn't need anything except 2 rolls of toilet paper (I was thinking ahead so I wouldn't have to let him in that night too), and he told me they aren't allowed to leave more than 1 roll per room. Good grief.


Sorry for the rant. I just wish I wasn't forced to be checked upon twice per day.


Wow, you obviously have some serious anger management issues.....I suggest you try camping – that way you can scream your head off, get it out of your system, and do so without anyone getting in your line of fire.

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Royal cut back once the towel animals unionized.

Love your light touch in putting things in perspective with humor! When you have time, could you tackle some of the other threads here where people seem to be majoring in the minor.

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I see the problem the Stewards are like a dog in a round house.. 1/2 of you are complaining not enough service and not at the time you find convenient. the other folks are complaining too much attention they don't need bothered their room doesn't get dirty don't want to be bothered, etc. so generally the steward is damned if he does or damned if he doesn't.. unless you pull him aside early in your trip and explain to him what you want and how and when you want it don't complain. these folks aren't mind readers.


if you have the do not disturb tag out and they knock why do you feel obligated to jump and answer the door?


when we get back to the room we just throw jewelry etc into the safe it saves clutter on the counter anyway. we have left out lots of stuff and nothing has ever come up missing or seemed to have been played with.


does anyone over 12 really care about how often they get towel animals??


Hey I care about those towel animals! Idk I think they are really fun, especially unique ones, I think it adds a personal touch of the steward to your experience



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free

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Hey I care about those towel animals! Idk I think they are really fun, especially unique ones, I think it adds a personal touch of the steward to your experience



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk - now Free



I do too. I missed them on Princess because they didn't have them.



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We experienced the same issue on FOS. Our cabin was last in the order. We spoke to the stateroom attendant to let him know we are early risers. We asked nicely if he could switch the order, but would understand if he could not. He gladly accommodated us and started in our cabin. :)

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We have been experiencing the same problem. We just asked him to clean our room earlier as we like to come back and nap.


I also take sticky notes to leave on the bathroom mirror if I have anything I need. We don't always see him the first day so I leave the note when we leave for the Diamond Plus lounge.

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We had the same problem as OP did on our Feb 2013 cruise on the Brillance. Some days the cabin was not attended to until 2pm. I read on this post that they no longer have assistants. We are sailing on the Jewel next month so I will be more understanding. Hpwever, RCCL is not a motel 6. It is a cruise ship and passangers expect a higher standard of service. Just my opinion.

Edited by Kaboochi
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