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Chicago Boy

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We have had the same travel agent for several years and on this cruise she made a couple of mistakes. The first was she quoted us the wrong room rate that was considerably higher than what we paid and secondly when our plane reservations were booked the names on the plane reservations were not in agreement with the names on our passports. We didn't find this out until the 12th hour. Fortunately it all worked out and we were able to fly. The airline made the corrections for $100.00. I understand we all make mistakes. The problem I am having when I approached our travel agent about what happened she lied to me and tried to shift the blame to the airline. I am not looking for the money but am trying to decided if I should call her on it or just walk away and take future business else where. I really hate being lied to. We cruise a couple of times a year and we have referred several clients to this person. Thanks for your thoughts.

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We have had the same travel agent for several years and on this cruise she made a couple of mistakes. The first was she quoted us the wrong room rate that was considerably higher than what we paid and secondly when our plane reservations were booked the names on the plane reservations were not in agreement with the names on our passports. We didn't find this out until the 12th hour. Fortunately it all worked out and we were able to fly. The airline made the corrections for $100.00. I understand we all make mistakes. The problem I am having when I approached our travel agent about what happened she lied to me and tried to shift the blame to the airline. I am not looking for the money but am trying to decided if I should call her on it or just walk away and take future business else where. I really hate being lied to. We cruise a couple of times a year and we have referred several clients to this person. Thanks for your thoughts.


In my opinion too many people overly rely on a TA. It's your vacation and your money. You (people) have to take ownership for the accuracy of booking documents, including flights and hotels. Sorry but I think this one is on you

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In my opinion too many people overly rely on a TA. It's your vacation and your money. You (people) have to take ownership for the accuracy of booking documents, including flights and hotels. Sorry but I think this one is on you



Dear Redman, Thank you for your response. Your point is well taken. This one is one me. It is my money and my vacation so I should probably have been more proactive in making sure everything was correct. My decision is, in the future I will do it myself then I will know it is correct. Happy New Year and I wish you many happy cruises.

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Sorry, I don't agree. A travel agent is a professional; if they make an error in their work, they need to be honest and accountable. I understand that they work on very low margins, but that doesn't account for sloppy work. In my job, if I make a significant error, I am held responsible.


OP, if I were you, I would find another agent, and write this one a brief and polite note about why he/she will not be getting your business again. Or I would act as my own agent, do my own research and bookings. I like to make my own plans, primarily to be sure I am getting the best value, and the only time I use a TA is for the perks--but that's after I have done all the work and research on my own; they basically make their commission by actually booking the cabin and nothing else. It works for me and it works for them!

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We have had the same travel agent for several years and on this cruise she made a couple of mistakes. The first was she quoted us the wrong room rate that was considerably higher than what we paid and secondly when our plane reservations were booked the names on the plane reservations were not in agreement with the names on our passports. We didn't find this out until the 12th hour. Fortunately it all worked out and we were able to fly. The airline made the corrections for $100.00. I understand we all make mistakes. The problem I am having when I approached our travel agent about what happened she lied to me and tried to shift the blame to the airline. I am not looking for the money but am trying to decided if I should call her on it or just walk away and take future business else where. I really hate being lied to. We cruise a couple of times a year and we have referred several clients to this person. Thanks for your thoughts.


I agree that you should call her out on it, but gently :) While it is your responsibility to review the documents she sends over, if you've been working with her in the past then these mistakes should not be made. We have a TA that we use for all our cruises and do so because her pricing is always excellent, information is up to date and we don't have to worry about anything. While I do always check the invoices, travel docs, etc. she sends over I don't do so anymore with a fine tooth comb because I trust her. If she starts making mistakes then the value of using her decreases. I know if I ever make mistakes that cost my client's money it ends up coming out of my pocket. The same should be true in the travel industry.

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Sorry, I don't agree. A travel agent is a professional; if they make an error in their work, they need to be honest and accountable. I understand that they work on very low margins, but that doesn't account for sloppy work. In my job, if I make a significant error, I am held responsible.


OP, if I were you, I would find another agent, and write this one a brief and polite note about why he/she will not be getting your business again. Or I would act as my own agent, do my own research and bookings. I like to make my own plans, primarily to be sure I am getting the best value, and the only time I use a TA is for the perks--but that's after I have done all the work and research on my own; they basically make their commission by actually booking the cabin and nothing else. It works for me and it works for them!


I agree that the travel agent should stand behind the reservations that he/she made for you. You should ask for, and be reimbursed for the additional airline charges for your TAs error. This is a major goof, since you have used that TA previously.


I agree with CathyCruises that it is best to be less dependent on a TA. Do the research yourself - including the airline reservations (unless your TA can get a better price for you).


We have used the same online TA for around 10 years and she has never made an error on our reservations. BUT, I do my own research and use her as a booking agent in order to get OBC (which comes out of her commission) for our booking. I know what our cabin should cost and any promotions available. If we are able to add a promo to our booking, she takes care of it for us - and at times has argued with Celebrity to get the promo added to an existing reservation.


There are lots of TAs out there who want your business. Don't stick with one who gives questionable service.

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I will add my vote for the TA making good on the $100 you paid the airline. If you have been using her for a while, she should have that information in her computer/files. It's kind of obvious that she wasn't paying attention when she booked the air fare.


I don't understand the improper price quote. Twice, I've been given a quote by an agent of one of those big online companies only for her to tell me that the cruise line would not honor the quote. I don't use them any more. Once I can maybe understand, but twice says there's a problem there.


There are good travel agents out there, but as other posters have said, you have to be proactive.


Even if I'm using an agent, like Choice Air or Expedia for air line tickets, I always get my confirmation number and go to the airline web site. The first thing I do is change the seats. :) Then I make sure the names and passport information is correct.

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Dear Redman, Thank you for your response. Your point is well taken. This one is one me. It is my money and my vacation so I should probably have been more proactive in making sure everything was correct. My decision is, in the future I will do it myself then I will know it is correct. Happy New Year and I wish you many happy cruises.


What a very nice response, thank you. It is actually easy these days with almost every provider having an Internet presence. Online checkin for cruises and flights facilitates the verification processes. Happy New Year to you. Hope our ships will not pass in the night.

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We have had the same travel agent for several years and on this cruise she made a couple of mistakes. The first was she quoted us the wrong room rate that was considerably higher than what we paid and secondly when our plane reservations were booked the names on the plane reservations were not in agreement with the names on our passports. We didn't find this out until the 12th hour. Fortunately it all worked out and we were able to fly. The airline made the corrections for $100.00. I understand we all make mistakes. The problem I am having when I approached our travel agent about what happened she lied to me and tried to shift the blame to the airline. I am not looking for the money but am trying to decided if I should call her on it or just walk away and take future business else where. I really hate being lied to. We cruise a couple of times a year and we have referred several clients to this person. Thanks for your thoughts.



i just dropped my TA for similar reasons. She took a couple of years off and now she doesn't have the edge she used too. Doesn't return Emails or phone calls in a timely matter ( 4-5 days later) . This seems to be a problem with many TA's now.

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I would call them out on it and request that they pay for the additional $100 that the airlines charged you to correct the error. Glad to know I'm not the only one to have issues w/ their TA. This is the first and only time I have used a TA. Don't see the benefit it in since I seem to be doing all their work in fixing details dealing w/ my reservation.

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Sometimes you have to use a TA. The price I got on my upcoming cruise is about half of what the Azamara web site and other big online TA's show. From what I have heard from people who are TAs it was a special price for travel agents and my agency picked up on it.

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I have always use an online TA, big company. Get the OBC and other perks, but not the real ongoing customer service.

Last cruise we used a brick and mortar TA because of their expertise with the land portion after the cruise. She found great prices for airfare, not part of any Crusie Air, great hotels , transportation ,guides. we got no OBC or other perk ,but the best service ever. Always returned phone calls and gave me cell number when we were departing to make sure all things were ok when we arrived at our destination.

To the OP , I would find another TA.

Edited by Azulann
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i just dropped my TA for similar reasons. She took a couple of years off and now she doesn't have the edge she used too. Doesn't return Emails or phone calls in a timely matter ( 4-5 days later) . This seems to be a problem with many TA's now.


Full disclosure - I am a travel agent. I tend to stay out of travel agent discussions because I'm biased, but I just had to vent on this comment.


I don't understand my peers who take 4 - 5 days to respond to an email. I don't work for an online agency, I'm actually in a brick and mortar, and the only time an email or phone call waits is if I have a client sitting in front of me.


In the current climate where information and responses are instantaneous, and the level of competition I have from the internet (we don't provide generous OBC and huge perks), I have to make sure my SERVICE is what is invaluable to my clients.


It sucks to hear that there are agents out there who are lax about getting back to people.


And regarding the OP - your travel agent enters your names into the reservation system. They can't blame this on the airline, and you having to go out of pocket because of the fault (regardless of whether it was the airline or TA) is just plain wrong.


The fact that an error was made isn't what bothers me most - we are humans and typos and things happen. It's about taking responsibility for it that's important. I would say to give this person a chance to make it right, though I fear she missed the boat (no pun intended) when she denied culpability and you had to go out of pocket.



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I've done a mix of self, internet, Cruise Line and local. I'm going to stick with local because our experience has been positive. they follow up better and if there is an issue, I've been able to pass them the info and know they are taking care of it especially when on the cruise or overseas.


We had friends end up in the hospital in Paris and had to cancel their cruise and needed new bookings to get home. The local TA stepped up and worked it all.


For this particular case, I'd move to another TA. I'd let them know you are leaving, and leave it at that. Yes, they probably owe the OP $100 but I've gone the route of, unless it is a major issue, I don't get into back and forths. Just me.


They lose out by losing business and having an unhappy customer. I've passed a number of customers to our current TA and word of mouth works both ways- positive and negative.



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Full disclosure - I am a travel agent. I tend to stay out of travel agent discussions because I'm biased, but I just had to vent on this comment.


I don't understand my peers who take 4 - 5 days to respond to an email. I don't work for an online agency, I'm actually in a brick and mortar, and the only time an email or phone call waits is if I have a client sitting in front of me.


In the current climate where information and responses are instantaneous, and the level of competition I have from the internet (we don't provide generous OBC and huge perks), I have to make sure my SERVICE is what is invaluable to my clients.


It sucks to hear that there are agents out there who are lax about getting back to people.


And regarding the OP - your travel agent enters your names into the reservation system. They can't blame this on the airline, and you having to go out of pocket because of the fault (regardless of whether it was the airline or TA) is just plain wrong.


The fact that an error was made isn't what bothers me most - we are humans and typos and things happen. It's about taking responsibility for it that's important. I would say to give this person a chance to make it right, though I fear she missed the boat (no pun intended) when she denied culpability and you had to go out of pocket.




Excellent response and thanks for stepping in when you usually don't. The slow response was a reason I'd go self-booking, but this TA responds so well it isn't an issue. I always thought I might miss out on a price drop or a move to a better SR location using a TA but that hasn't been the case with a local TA as it was with an internet organization in tried.


Good to hear it from you.



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Sorry, I don't agree. A travel agent is a professional; if they make an error in their work, they need to be honest and accountable. I understand that they work on very low margins, but that doesn't account for sloppy work. In my job, if I make a significant error, I am held responsible.


OP, if I were you, I would find another agent, and write this one a brief and polite note about why he/she will not be getting your business again. Or I would act as my own agent, do my own research and bookings. I like to make my own plans, primarily to be sure I am getting the best value, and the only time I use a TA is for the perks--but that's after I have done all the work and research on my own; they basically make their commission by actually booking the cabin and nothing else. It works for me and it works for them!


Thank you for your kind words of support. You are absolutely right, since we were dealing with a professional we should have been able to rely on her. Now that we know we can't we will move on. When the time is right we will in a nice way let her know that it is time for a change. For us it is an issue of trust. If we cannot trust our agent to do the right thing then we don't need to give her our business.

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I will add my vote for the TA making good on the $100 you paid the airline. If you have been using her for a while, she should have that information in her computer/files. It's kind of obvious that she wasn't paying attention when she booked the air fare.


I don't understand the improper price quote. Twice, I've been given a quote by an agent of one of those big online companies only for her to tell me that the cruise line would not honor the quote. I don't use them any more. Once I can maybe understand, but twice says there's a problem there.


There are good travel agents out there, but as other posters have said, you have to be proactive.


Even if I'm using an agent, like Choice Air or Expedia for air line tickets, I always get my confirmation number and go to the airline web site. The first thing I do is change the seats. :) Then I make sure the names and passport information is correct.


Interesting wording here. We are not supposed to name travel agents in our postings but isn't Expedia in essence a TA? You can call them and book a cruise, airfare to and from and hotels just like the large, internet based, cruise orientated TA/site, I mean sites of course. Walks like a duck? Lipstick on a pig?

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Interesting wording here. We are not supposed to name travel agents in our postings but isn't Expedia in essence a TA? You can call them and book a cruise, airfare to and from and hotels just like the large, internet based, cruise orientated TA/site, I mean sites of course. Walks like a duck? Lipstick on a pig?


Thanks for trying to get me in trouble. :rolleyes:


I am sorry I used the name of the other company I might book air travel with. It was used as an example.

Edited by Kellie Poodle
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We have had the same travel agent for several years and on this cruise she made a couple of mistakes. The first was she quoted us the wrong room rate that was considerably higher than what we paid and secondly when our plane reservations were booked the names on the plane reservations were not in agreement with the names on our passports. We didn't find this out until the 12th hour. Fortunately it all worked out and we were able to fly. The airline made the corrections for $100.00. I understand we all make mistakes. The problem I am having when I approached our travel agent about what happened she lied to me and tried to shift the blame to the airline. I am not looking for the money but am trying to decided if I should call her on it or just walk away and take future business else where. I really hate being lied to. We cruise a couple of times a year and we have referred several clients to this person. Thanks for your thoughts.



If she did not offer the money or attempt to get it from the airline if she really believes that it was the airlines fault then I too would just look for another TA or book future trips myself.

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We have had the same travel agent for several years and on this cruise she made a couple of mistakes. The first was she quoted us the wrong room rate that was considerably higher than what we paid and secondly when our plane reservations were booked the names on the plane reservations were not in agreement with the names on our passports. We didn't find this out until the 12th hour. Fortunately it all worked out and we were able to fly. The airline made the corrections for $100.00. I understand we all make mistakes. The problem I am having when I approached our travel agent about what happened she lied to me and tried to shift the blame to the airline. I am not looking for the money but am trying to decided if I should call her on it or just walk away and take future business else where. I really hate being lied to. We cruise a couple of times a year and we have referred several clients to this person. Thanks for your thoughts.


Personally I think it is your decision to make, not the people on this forum.

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Personally I think it is your decision to make, not the people on this forum.


The poster asked for our thoughts, they did not ask us to make the decision for them. I for one think that this is an interesting issue and worthy of discussion on a cruising board.

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Did the TA send you the booking info immediately after making it ? If they did when did you contact them with the mistake? Good travel agents will send it to you ask for review and contact them within 24 hours of any errors.


If they sent the info and asked for a review you should of followed up. If the agent sat on the booking and didn't get it to you timely then they should pony up the 100 dollars.


Tickets can be canceled within 24 hours without penalty so most errors can easily be corrected. Of course I think but not sure changes in fare pricing would apply that is why I said most, but good agents would know to use this if possible.

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We have had the same travel agent for several years and on this cruise she made a couple of mistakes. The first was she quoted us the wrong room rate that was considerably higher than what we paid and secondly when our plane reservations were booked the names on the plane reservations were not in agreement with the names on our passports. We didn't find this out until the 12th hour. Fortunately it all worked out and we were able to fly. The airline made the corrections for $100.00. I understand we all make mistakes. The problem I am having when I approached our travel agent about what happened she lied to me and tried to shift the blame to the airline.


Good companies and good customer service will make their clients whole when they make mistakes.


Yours did not and lied to you. Never deal with them again.

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As a TA our number one concern should and always be the satisfaction of our clients. My clients trust me to find the best deals and provide the best service. Like stated above a agent should always give you your booking invoice within 24hrs and you can review the documents. I will only book clients who either in person show me there passport or email a photo this way any errors made are on me no excuses. Giving names over a phone or evening in person without visual proof just opens the door to errors! I had a travel agent that was awful when I booked my destination wedding and from that experience it motivated me to be a TA and go above and beyond for my clients! All the best in future travels!

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