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Nice/Eze/Monaco Bus 100 Schedule

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We rented a car from VF(actually Beaulieu-sur-mer,because of the time of year)...did Eze before anyone arrived....Monacco...St.Paul-de-Vence for lunch....Nice...Promenade des Anglais...market...and back to VF.France has great signs to all destinations.With 2 couples sharing,it was very inexpensive and gave us the freedom to come and go as we wished.A very enjoyable day.


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We have been to Eze many times and really recommend this small arty village. I am not sure about the bus (we have used the train and also drive ourselves). But, to get from Villafrance to Monte Carlo simply take the train. Its much faster than the bus and you can walk from the pier to the train station as long as your don't mind climbing the steps up to the station. This train line spans the entire Riviera and its easy to use this line to go anywhere from Menton to Cannes. They used to even sell a one day ticket (unlimited use) but I am not sure if this option still exists.



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PLEASE report back about the Nitschke Path from Eze to Eze sue Mer if you get a chance to climb down. Your plan is exactly what we want to do when we visit on the Milli in October (weather permitting). If it is really nice we may skip Monaco to go back to Villefrache and maybe the beach, but let me knoe how it goes.


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I will echo Sheepdog's experience. We usually rent a car in many ports (especially on the Riviera) but this is not for everyone. Keep in mind that during the summer months, the traffic around some of the towns (particularly from Nice to Cannes) can be pretty congested. We have done Eze, St Paul de Vence and Grasse in one day,,,but generally prefer to only go to one or two places. On an upcoming cruise we will be in Cannes for a full day on a Sunday. We have already reserved a car so that we can drive to St Paul de Vence (the best place to be on Sundays when many things are closed in Cannes, Nice, etc).



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Can anyone tell me the location where the Bus Line 100 arrives at Monaco/Monte Carlo? Where can you catch the 112 bus from Monte Carlo to Eze Village? Are they the same location? I can find the train station but not a bus station on any Monaco/Monte Carlo map. Thanks for any help.

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Can anyone tell me the location where the Bus Line 100 arrives at Monaco/Monte Carlo? Where can you catch the 112 bus from Monte Carlo to Eze Village? Are they the same location? I can find the train station but not a bus station on any Monaco/Monte Carlo map. Thanks for any help.


Where will you be coming from? The 112 runs from Nice through Villefranche-sur-mer to Eze Village and then on to Beausoleil. It doesn't run through Monaco. So, I don't know if this info is of any help, but line 100 stops in Monaco at Cimetiere, Place d'Armes, Stade Nautique, Casino, Place des Moulines, and Les Carabiniers.

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Thanks Mark the information was helpful and a little confusing. We are going from Villefranche to Monaco and then want to stop back at Eze Village on our return to Villefranche. When searching this forum it was noted several times that bus 112 is what one takes from Monaco/Monte Carlo to Eze Village. Had thought to go this way and skip the shuttle needed at Eze sur Mer. The following site http://www.eze-riviera.com/emotions/deplacement/bus.htm listed bus 112 Nice-Eze Village-Beausoleil (Monaco) --Monte-Carlo La Cremaillere which I don't know the location. Any help?

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We took 112 from Eze Village to Monte Carlo. The stop was on a street above the area of the casino - Blvd Moulins http://www.frommers.com/images/destinations/maps/jpg/149_monaco.jpg

If you scroll down on this page, there is some info on which streets the bus stops are on: http://www.frommers.com/destinations/monaco/0149010002.html


Also, Rick Steves book on Provence and the French Riviera has a small map with bus stop info.


Another idea is to email a Monte Carlo/Monaco tourist office and ask if they can provide bus stop location info (I did this with the Villefranche tourism office to find out where to catch the bus there.)


And you can always rely on people on the street (or the TI office shown on the above map) to give you directions (we did this to find the train station to return to V.F.).

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Sorry, it appears that I was mistaken about route 112 not going into Monte Carlo. The link in post no. 13 on this thread indicates that is does. I was looking at the schedule for 112 directly from www.rca.tm.fr, and there was no indication that those stops were in Monte Carlo. I have no direct experience with line 112, only line 100, so I defer to Susan-M and others who have actually done this. But in order to skip the shuttle from Eze village to Eze-sur-mer, do you plan to return to Monte Carlo to catch the 100?

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Thanks Susan for the helpful information. I love maps!

Mark, thanks, that was what was confusing me that it was said it could be done but it was not listed as a stop on the rca site. We will be in Monaco on May 24 and Grand Prix event weekend starts on May 25 so I wanted to know as many escape routes as possible if its overly busy:D . Plan A is after taking the 112 from Monaco/Monte Carlo to Eze Village we intend to walk down the Nietzsche path to Eze-sur-Mer and take the train back into Villefranche.

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Lynn, (if your still out there somewhere)

Just used this post to finish up the planning for Villefrance for our cruise this May. Thank you so much for going to the trouble of giving out the links to the bus lines! You made it so easy.


We will be there from 7am till 11pm. We plan on going to Eze first, as we are going to walk down the Nitz. Path (weather permitting!). So we want to do this before it gets too hot. Since there does not appear to be a bus from Villefrance straight to the village, we are planning on taking the train from VF to Eze, the 83 bus up to the village, then after walking around in Eze will walk down the Path. Then we will grab the train to Nice, and enjoy a late lunch. Expect to head back to VF late afternoon, so we will take the # 100 bus. We will go back on the ship where we plan on a quick change (dress up a little) and back to the #100 bus for a trip to Monaco for the evening. The guys want to go to the casino. Back to VF via (the last trip at 8:30 pm) # 100 bus. And dinner in VF or on the ship. All subject to change, of course, depending on weather and our mood!


But whatever we do, the bus schedules are invaluable.


Just one question, do you remember where the bus station for the #100 bus is located in VF and Nice?. I know where it is in Monaco.


Thanks again.


I genuinely suggest you reconsider this plan which is pure madness for a day. It is far too much and seems entirely improbable to me. As a very small example. The train station in Nice is a very long walk from any area you'd have lunch. So are you going to research more buses - or are you going to taxi to and from lunch? The 100 bus stops at the top of VF vilage and the walk adds considerably both to and from the ship, particularly uphill in the early evening when you're heading for Monaco. This has also been overlooked. I promise you that you will not make Monaco in the evening before you need to return on the last bus.


I know this area intimately and I'm suprised that no one else has tried to warn you that you are taking on far too much for a day.



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I too planned too much for our day in V.F. but just revised it as the day went on. We thought we would do Eze, Monaco and the Rothschild Estate on St.Jean-Cap Ferrat. We managed the first two, but not the last and were completely satisfied with our day there. I think it's easy to be overly ambitious.... but the important thing is to schedule your "must-see's" first and the not so important ones last. Itsanita did say that the schedule was subject to change depending on mood and weather.

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Yep Jeff, we probably are nuts to try and do so much. As Susan said we will go with the flow as the day goes on.


However, once checking on the bus and train schedules, and finding out where the stops are, (thanks to everyone's help on these boards) we did come up with another plan that may save some time.


We may start in Nice in the am, that way we can take the # 82 or #112 bus from Nice right to Eze village when we are ready to leave (that will save time as we won't have to wait for the shuttle up to the village). After walking around Eze and down the Nitz. path, we will take the train back to VF...do what ever we have time for or feel like doing at that point.

There are trains from VF to Monaco around 6,7,& 8 pm if we are still wanting to go there. With a return train around 1030pm, arriving in VF at 1045ish. Our ship leaves VF at midnight. And there are always cabs. So....it still sounds doable, on paper anyway!


We shall see!! But I truly appriciate all the comments, they really help get things back in perspective.

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Yep Jeff, we probably are nuts to try and do so much. As Susan said we will go with the flow as the day goes on.


Anita, for what it’s worth, I don’t think you are trying to do too much.


When we stopped in Villefranche on the Millennium last year, we took the train to Nice, walked up to the railway station for the single track train and took the train as far as Entrevaux. We walked through the old medieval town and all the way up to the citadel high up the hill above the town. We took the train back to Nice and wandered down the Promenade des Anglais and through and old town, then took the bus back to Villefranche. We took the tender back to the ship for a late lunch/early dinner, tendered back to Villefranche, and took the bus to Monaco/Monte Carlo to walk around the Palace area and around the casino a bit. Then obviously back to Villefranche where we finally walked around town a bit before heading back to the ship.


You seem to be on the right track in researching the transportation ahead of time and being ready to "go with the flow".

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Anita, for what it’s worth, I don’t think you are trying to do too much.


And how about adding Anita's proposed trip to Eze to your day's schedule? The Gare de Provence which is the station for the railway you used is a short walk from the main Nice station and is not in any way comparable to Anita's proposed trip to Eze between, Nice, an afternoon at VF and the trip to Monaco. Relying on getting the last bus is also very brave as the driver simply doesn't stop when full. This is France, it's a single decker coach and it's the last bus of the day between Menton and Nice.


Anyway - I stand corrected and bow to your better judgement and knowledge Mark!



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The Gare de Provence which is the station for the railway you used is a short walk from the main Nice station and is not in any way comparable to Anita's proposed trip to Eze between, Nice, an afternoon at VF and the trip to Monaco.

Indeed, the Gare de Provence is a short walk from the main Nice station. Our venture to Entrevaux, on the other hand, was a good 5-hour journey.


Relying on getting the last bus is also very brave as the driver simply doesn't stop when full. This is France, it's a single decker coach and it's the last bus of the day between Menton and Nice.

Anita has the option of taking a later train, and she is willing to take a taxi if necessary.


Anyway - I stand corrected and bow to your better judgement and knowledge Mark!

Jeff, there is no reason to "bow" to what was simply an opinion offered to Anita with the intention of offering encouragement and in recognition that she is prepared to be flexible and change course if needed.

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OK Mark,


I'm not certain how often you've travelled and explored here, but I spend 3 months or so each year in the area, and not being nuts - I rarely drive but mostly use public transport.


There is a point where a plan becomes so improbable it becomes for all practical purposes virtually impossible and certainly not enjoyable. That then becomes what closes the difference between what might be an opinion and and what might be a fact. Offering an opinion that contradicts decent first hand knowledge and defies all probabilities and encourages people to attempt the virtually impossibe is not being exactly helpful, but informing people knowledgebly I guess is.

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one final pointer for your intended trip to the casino at Monte Carlo.


There is a requirement for entry to the casino, what they call "official ID". See:




This has caused a problem in the past for visitors from cruise ships, particularly those not docked at Monte Carlo, as you would have deposited your passport and only have your ship ID card. This normally isn't concidered "official ID" and doesn't have country of origin, date of birth or a photo.


The reason they ask for this is partly because citizens of Monaco aren't allowed into the casino. To avoid a long trip and possible dissapointment it might be worth e-mailing the casino first to enquire as to whether a photocopy of the passport and the ship ID will suffice, and then take a copy of any confirmation with you. It might seem over the top, but as others will undoubtedly post and correct me - 90% of people get in OK but some have been refused depending on how busy they are and who is on the door.


Enjoy your trip.



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Jeff and Mark,

Thanks for all your comments. We all have different perceptions on things and its good to hear them all. Its important to get all this info so we can make "informed decisions".


As far as the Casino goes...I emailed them a while ago and did get a response to my questions. I'll copy it below for anyone else who may be interested. What made us decide to go to the Casino in the evening was

the dress code. I am assuming from the respose we got that in the afternoon, men don't need jackets and ties, but woman cannot wear pants or opened toed shoes??? If anyone has any other experience with the dress code in the afternoon, we'd love to hear it. ENTERING the casino is a priority for our husbands.


Anyway, here's the response I got from the Monte Carlo Casino:


"Further to your recent e mail we are pleased to confirm that the dressing

code established to enter the Casino is a casual dressing , except for

summer clothes ( like pants ) or opened toes .


During evening time and especially in the private rooms men are required to

weat jacket and tie.


We are pleased to confirm that , in order to enter the Casino, a driving

license will be considered enough.


Please note that the entry ticket will cost 10 Euro per person .


Trusting that everything is in order , we stay at your entire disposal for

any further information you may require.



Sincerely Yours



Tiziana Fabbro

Marketing Department"

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Dear UK1,


You are obviously very knowledgable about Villefranche and the surrounding area. We will be there in June on the Millennium. We arrive at 7:00 a.m. and depart at 11:00 p.m. We would like to pace ourselves as we have four very intensive ports in a row (Villefranche, Florence, Rome, and Naples.) We have never been to this area of France before and are looking for recommendations as to what to see. We will be traveling with our children ages 10 and 12.


The ships offers a 4 hour tour that includes Nice and St. Paul-De-Vence. I would also like to visit Eze village. I was thinking about the 4 hour ship tour and then visiting Eze village on our own. Is this too much for one day? If so, what would you recommend?


How long does it take to reach Eze village from Villefranche? Do you recommend the train or bus?


Please let me know what you feel are the "must sees". (Monaco, Nice, Eze village, St. Paul-De-Vence, etc.) We are not comfortable renting a car so we will either do a tour through the ship or on our own using public transportation. (or a combination).


Finally, any recommendations for a great place to have lunch would be appreciated.


Thank you,



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