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.......idle jottings


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Well, if you think it's time to bid au revoir because the well runneth dry and you'd like a break? I'd say great! See you in a while...but you know we will be here when you get back! :)


However, if your calling it quits because one "dear chum " said hurtful things!

Then you are leaving idle jottings for the wrong reasons!...

Haven't known you very long but I have never seen you buckle to negative comments before!?

you usually give as well or better than you get! OK! Rant over!...:D

Keep in touch brother Hum! Xo


Well Kathy, Hum's feeling the love ......... the "tough" love!


And of course, darling, darling sis you are 100% right ....... again!

Oh if only Hum could give you a hug right now!

Hum loves the directness, no "pussy-footing around" with you is there!

That Prime Minister Trudeau of yours ....... hmmmm.

A bit underwhelming compared to the next President of the US.

Hum thinks you should stand for PM next time (it would take the "heat" off Hum! Win, win!).


Have a great time with your other family in St.Lucia sis.

All the best to Danny too. Great guy.

Hum always remembers the night with the guitar playing restaurant owner who looked like he was head of the "mob" in Montreal!

His "henchman" drove us home when we couldn't get a taxi. Awfully nice of him. Oh and his wine cellar. You know Hum thinks he enjoyed our company as much as we enjoyed his!

"Bye, bye American pie........."

Please tell M & M that Hum relinquished FB.

At least some dear people have been spared.

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Baby steps Trapper. Baby steps. Scraps are better than nothing.:eek::D


Think of them as a handy pack of "bite size chunks" for the busy modern person!



Maybe if you cleaned up some of the jokes you send Hum, you could fill in!

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Think of them as a handy pack of "bite size chunks" for the busy modern person!



Maybe if you cleaned up some of the jokes you send Hum, you could fill in!


Those ARE the clean ones. You should see the ones from which I spare you.:eek::D I know how sensitive you are and all.

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Those ARE the clean ones. You should see the ones from which I spare you.:eek::D I know how sensitive you are and all.


Hum has no time to "tittle tattle" with ruffians!


Hum has to check his flower pressings before practising his piano recital at the Church hall on Saturday for the Women's Guild and there is the fuchsia satin suit to adjust.

Busy, busy, busy!

And all in a tizzy.


Good luck tonight at the biker gang initiation ceremony.

Don't be too rough on the new boys, not everybody has the same experience as you at the "live chicken head removal" (with bare teeth) ceremony.

Oh and do wear a new pair of jeans!

The bike grease on the current pair is disgusting.

And remember, fingernails, fingernails, fingernails!


Sorry but us "sensitive" types you know.

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Hum has no time to "tittle tattle" with ruffians!


Hum has to check his flower pressings before practising his piano recital at the Church hall on Saturday for the Women's Guild and there is the fuchsia satin suit to adjust.

Busy, busy, busy!

And all in a tizzy.


Good luck tonight at the biker gang initiation ceremony.

Don't be too rough on the new boys, not everybody has the same experience as you at the "live chicken head removal" (with bare teeth) ceremony.

Oh and do wear a new pair of jeans!

The bike grease on the current pair is disgusting.

And remember, fingernails, fingernails, fingernails!


Sorry but us "sensitive" types you know.


The "chicken head" thing reminds me that Alice Cooper lives just a few miles from us. Good old Phoenix boy. I forget, which is your First Cousin and which is your second Cousin, Boy George or Elton John????:D

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The "chicken head" thing reminds me that Alice Cooper lives just a few miles from us. Good old Phoenix boy. I forget, which is your First Cousin and which is your second Cousin, Boy George or Elton John????:D



Freddie Mercury actually

Queen (obviously)

He had a moustache.

Just like yours........pretty boy.


Hmmm......classy neighbourhood by the way.

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Well Kathy, Hum's feeling the love ......... the "tough" love!


And of course, darling, darling sis you are 100% right ....... again!

Oh if only Hum could give you a hug right now!

Hum loves the directness, no "pussy-footing around" with you is there!

That Prime Minister Trudeau of yours ....... hmmmm.

A bit underwhelming compared to the next President of the US.

Hum thinks you should stand for PM next time (it would take the "heat" off Hum! Win, win!).


Have a great time with your other family in St.Lucia sis.

All the best to Danny too. Great guy.

Hum always remembers the night with the guitar playing restaurant owner who looked like he was head of the "mob" in Montreal!

His "henchman" drove us home when we couldn't get a taxi. Awfully nice of him. Oh and his wine cellar. You know Hum thinks he enjoyed our company as much as we enjoyed his!

"Bye, bye American pie........."

Please tell M & M that Hum relinquished FB.

At least some dear people have been spared.


Oh Hum,


Danny says I can be a tad overbearing at times! :eek: please know the directness comes from a place of love!

And well...since you brought it up! Politics! That is...don't be trashing on my J.T!

He is the answer to trashy politicians like Harper and ahem...Trump!

I know you mentioned in the past that you've been to St.Lucia...but have you been to MY St.Lucia!?...let me show you my Island, will you? The loveliest of them all!!! :D

Nice to hear you had a good time in La belle Province! Anytime you want to come back...we'll be here for you and Blondie!


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Hum, please don't abandon us entirely! Although you are entitled to a rest now and then.


If we need to send you a message, we'll go through Blondie!


When is the release date for the BBC epic? Will it be posted on the BBC website, or must you send we privileged few a DVD??:D




"BBC epic" !!! Hahaha.......that's a good one Lady V!

There are a lot of fine documentaries on British television at the moment, really fine. We are so lucky in this country.

The dramas either fall into two categories, modern, grizzly, horrid, modern dramas about "oiks" or nice, period dramas with sophistication about "toffs"!

The US has a lot of fine dramas but Hum can never get into them......no time.


As for posting, Hum is not sure what he is doing right now!!

He is all over the place.

The jottings dried up, then they spluttered thro' "the faucet" with a lot of detritus, then they were quite manic.......oh to be a jotter!!! Oh to be Jim!!


One preview has been shown of the film to the "head honcho" of our posh travel company (the one who wined and dined us at Heston Blumenthals....a brilliant evening).

She was delighted.

Which came as a relief, for if her company or her clients looked bad it wouldn't be good (Hum must dig out her review).

We were supposed to see a private view with the film company in London but that was cancelled, with no news of another date.

In the UK there will be a referendum to decide whether we stay or leave the European Union and so there will be television debates, lobbyists and open discussion problems. So maybe it will have to be put back until after the election.

Television programme schedules are all array.


As for the public screening on BBC2, its anytime soon but we shall be away (guess where? Yep. We would have wanted a copy to show the crew).


Your copy is guaranteed provided we can arrange it, especially as you had a cameo appearance adding class, beauty and sophistication (as always).

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"BBC epic" !!! Hahaha.......that's a good one Lady V!

Your copy is guaranteed provided we can arrange it, especially as you had a cameo appearance adding class, beauty and sophistication (as always).


You are too kind, Mr. Hum! You mean I didn't end up on the cutting room floor? :eek:


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Hum, I was looking back to a blog I did from our 2015 World Cruise and one day when we were in Portofino we had a beautiful view of a vessel I know you are very familiar with.


I figured I would post it here.






Beautiful is'nt it?

Nice one Keith.

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Oh look Sea Dream have a new travel document wallet!

Quite nice ain't it?


Hmmm. We just got our docs by email. Missing out on the wallet. Sure would like to have a set of those luggage tags, though. I think we may go retro next month and use these -


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I don't mind not having a simulated imitation pleather folder (our TA sent our docs in a genuine cardboard folder), but I can always use new luggage tags. I would think Oslo would be happy to have us hanging their adverts (that's for ho-hum's benefit) on our valises. Since DW always gets off the ship with more luggage than we had when we left home :rolleyes:, SD should put the tags in our rooms.

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Hmmm. We just got our docs by email. Missing out on the wallet. Sure would like to have a set of those luggage tags, though. I think we may go retro next month and use these -


We use the blue and canvas ones all the time. Hum's new folder looks a lot like our old ones. Too late for April Fools? All we got was a lousy print it your self email. Very special.....:D


I don't mind not having a simulated imitation pleather folder (our TA sent our docs in a genuine cardboard folder), but I can always use new luggage tags. I would think Oslo would be happy to have us hanging their adverts (that's for ho-hum's benefit) on our valises. Since DW always gets off the ship with more luggage than we had when we left home :rolleyes:, SD should put the tags in our rooms.


Of stop your whining you two!


Hum keeps forgetting that only 1st Class passengers receive the fine document wallets!

At least SD allow ALL types of passengers to eat with the “hoy-polloy” now (a mistake but there you have it, a sign of the times).



And what on earth do you use the old folders for Jim?

Carrying your dollars to deposit into that Panama bank of yours probably.

They're onto you matey! You've spoilt it for everyone.


Yes the purser and security has noticed you getting off the ship with more luggage than you came on with TrapperZ.

By the way, how's your Bulgari toiletry franchise going these days?

Oh and can they have their instrument navigation system back please?

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I use the old folders as an underwear press.


Didn't know thongs needed to be pressed, Jim. And as for you, ho-hum, I think you have spent too much time in the owner's suite. You obviously have forgotten what it is like to sail SeaDream in steerage. Constantly falling out of the top bunk every time the ship rolls. Sharing the head with the cabin next door. Having to wait until everyone else has eaten, and then getting to enjoy the scraps they have left behind. Is asking for a couple of new luggage tags too much? I don't think so. I'd even be willing to pull an extra watch up in the crow's nest in exchange for some nice perks.

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Didn't know thongs needed to be pressed, Jim. And as for you, ho-hum, I think you have spent too much time in the owner's suite. You obviously have forgotten what it is like to sail SeaDream in steerage. Constantly falling out of the top bunk every time the ship rolls. Sharing the head with the cabin next door. Having to wait until everyone else has eaten, and then getting to enjoy the scraps they have left behind. Is asking for a couple of new luggage tags too much? I don't think so. I'd even be willing to pull an extra watch up in the crow's nest in exchange for some nice perks.


Haha.....great stuff TrapperZ.

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Every now and then, a breath of fresh air permeates the otherwise stale and languid pennings of these



Such were the musings of Ho Hum, whose legion of followers will now, it appears, be relegated to

to the usual mundane reviews of Sea Dream's foibles ... faulty air conditioning, bratty kids,

diapers in the hot tub, etc etc.


Particularly distressing is knowing the relative ease in which Hum dispenses his witticisms and the

variety of responses they evoke. No, Mr. Ho, it will not be the same around here.


Kisses to you and Blondie and perhaps on your return you will be sufficiently refreshed to

reconsider your most premature demise .




Oh you sweet, sweet man.


Although somehow quite different from your usual historic references to Hum and his outpourings…… not so lovingly effusive back then, were they old chum?

Terms of endearment, terms of endearment, that’s what they were……no doubt.


You vex Hum so.

The thought of you huddled around a simple open fire in the bleak, bleak “settlement” of the un-forgiving, icy tundra chewing on frozen beaver fighting off all manner of beast and besmirched in dung to ward off the biting winds ……but somehow with internet !

No doubt the work of Kathy’s, Pierre Trudeau….....how he is transformed the bleak lives of you “wretches”.


But the witticisms just ain’t a flowin’ old chum, there’s the “rub”!

Jim brings it out of Hum, you do too and Abenaki but it soon fades.

Not all of us have your fine resilience sir or are as immune from life’s barbs as Jim.

He is right, Hum is sensitive.

And that aint going’ to change and heck Hum aint ashamed of it either…......well maybe the inability to resist the occasional despairing “wave” at times that wash over Hum drenching him which is soon followed by a spate of self-loathing at Hum’s stupidity, inability at this at that….....the whole enchilada!

But that is Hum’s lot and it is accepted; fully.

On the few occasions like these Hum is happy to huddle into a quiet place away from the “throng” and even dear chums for quiet, grace laden solace (accompanied by a few good bottles naturally).


Of course the old cynic in Hum says, you are “flanneling” Hum to receive a copy of the DVD with Hum embarrassing himself and Blondie dazzling everyone.

Say it isn’t so, say it isn’t so!

It’s true, it’s true!



OK you shall have a copy……….provided Hum does not look anything like the photo of Hum on the boat which you sought to blackmail Hum with.

Hum has no problem “coming out”.

Hum embraces his feminine side.

Being feminine is a damn lot harder then being masculine.


And provided your buddy does not mention his ruddy email ever, ever again!

Oh where is the ruddy gratitude helping theses wretches!

“They know not what they do, Lord”

Ruddy right they don’t!

If there is a God, why doesn’t he “smite” a few of ‘em?

Maybe he needs glasses, silly old fool.

For heck sake they lit a fire in the middle of ruddy no where, surely it’s easy enough to pick out one of em’?


Nay, they suffer enough…the poor “blighters”.


Kisses to you both too.


Wine now.


Si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes

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Mr. Hum...So happy to have you back.

I decided to try a new adventure and took my family on a Disney cruise to celebrate my Grandson's 5th birthday. My 80 year old Father and his much younger wife also joined the group. 7 of us total.


I will tell you, that is the last time I will venture into an adventure like that one.

Wonderful for a 5 year old, but not my cup of tea.


I do not post on here often, but wanted to let you know that I missed your writing

and was happy to see you back upon my return.

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