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I think you expressed yourself quite well this a.m. As you know, the Contessa has similar feelings when it comes to the US and Obama. What a circus in Ottawa yesterday, and I turned off the television.


O is meanwhile going to be out campaigning for Crooked Hillary and we have Old Billy meeting in private with our Attorney General prior to Benghazi info being released. Does not look good! I believe we will now have a popular vote for her to AG-EXIT. Wait until Trump gets a hold of this one :)


Jim? what are you and Jan and Joe having to say about this in AZ? ;-))


Why thanks Contessa.

"Circus".... yes, that's a better description.

Hum thinks the three of them like to be seen on a "world stage" looking statesman like. Might help "cute" (Kathy loves him and why the heck not) Trudy a tad but for Hum ....... well let's leave it there, don't want to be accused of talking about stuff Hum knows nuffin' aboooooooot (as the Canooks say).

As if that would ever stop Hum.



Has the whole Hilary email controversy gone away Contessa ? Seems mighty dubious to Hummy with still 187 mails still un-accounted for.

No the Russians knew all about what's on her Blackberry !

They hacked into her server long ago. A 12 year old boy living on the outskirts of Moscow did it one afternoon during a boring school lesson in 20 minutes "tops".

Doesn't she take the country's security at all seriously ?

What does she do with her dossiers of State secrets ?

"Well I know it's in my handbag somewhere" !

Where has Hum heard that before ?


There's something out "Billy, the horny old goat" that creeps Hum out a bit.

Hilary to Hum does not look a well woman (and no Commander, Hum Is wholly un-qualified to give an opinion but as Hum said before, that will never stop Hum).

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Why thanks Contessa.

"Circus".... yes, that's a better description.

Hum thinks the three of them like to be seen on a "world stage" looking statesman like. Might help "cute" (Kathy loves him and why the heck not) Trudy a tad but for Hum ....... well let's leave it there, don't want to be accused of talking about stuff Hum knows nuffin' aboooooooot (as the Canooks say).

As if that would ever stop Hum.



Has the whole Hilary email controversy gone away Contessa ? Seems mighty dubious to Hummy with still 187 mails still un-accounted for.

No the Russians knew all about what's on her Blackberry !

They hacked into her server long ago. A 12 year old boy living on the outskirts of Moscow did it one afternoon during a boring school lesson in 20 minutes "tops".

Doesn't she take the country's security at all seriously ?

What does she do with her dossiers of State secrets ?

"Well I know it's in my handbag somewhere" !

Where has Hum heard that before ?


There's something out "Billy, the horny old goat" that creeps Hum out a bit.

Hilary to Hum does not look a well woman (and no Commander, Hum Is wholly un-qualified to give an opinion but as Hum said before, that will never stop Hum).


Not heard about the Phoenix scandal over there? Last week, at the Phoenix, AZ airport, President Bill waited around for Attorney General Loretta Lynch's private jet to land then proceeded to spend a bit over 30 minutes in a private discussion aboard her jet. Now Bill, being a real honest guy swears they spoke about their grandkiddies, the weather, and food but NEVER spoke a word about the pending FBI investigation of Bill's lovely wife. Now these are both lawyers and surely know better but hey, it was just a social call. Seems Bill also appointed Loretta to her first judicial post. And Loretta supposedly gets the final say on Hillary. Yes, I believe it. I also believe Tinker Bell has the best Fairy Dust and that a similarly misunderstood Brit, John Profumo, also was always truthful. My God, how much more shall the Clintons show the finger to the rest of us? Come on SeaDream trip.

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Dearest Hum and Jim,


Jim stated it quite well. To put a bit of icing on the cake, Crooked Hillary spent 3.5 hrs. today at FBI in Washington DC for questioning. What a lovely way to spend her 4th of July weekend ;-). Stay tuned for more!

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Contessa, it surely seems to me that the fix is in. You or I or even Hum would have long since been pounding rocks and painting license plates. Yes, I know convicts no longer do those things and license plates are probably made in China but you get the point. Meet me at the TOY Bar and I will show you the undercover pictures taken at PHX.:eek::D

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Oh my Jim,

Contessa loves a juicy story. Perhaps Lyin' Loretta showed HornDog Bill her big boat? What!! A stain on her dress too?


It is almost 5pm in NY and Contessa is looking forward to sipping on a nice Rose' aka "Summer Water"


Ciao for now xoxo

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Have a lovely evening. It is a mild 95F here at present and we are smoking a butt on the grill. If you are Southern you know that is food and not being perverted. Of course beer is involved with that as a pre Tequila mouth freshener. The enticing smell of roasting pig is infusing the neighborhood. Probably keeping us safe from certain types....... Ah will December get here soon enough? One thing i have never had on SD is good pulled pork. But then, the egg with caviar inside makes one feel it is ok. :D

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Yee Haww! Been out shootin into the air to celebrate! Had to come in for a Tequila break at sunrise. Celebratin the British bit of sanity. I agree with Hum. My British relatives agree with Hum. O does not agree with Hum. Who cares? Britain will be much better in the future but it will take some pain to get the gain. It will help when the worry warts stop running in circles and just get on with it. In the short term the Sterling drop will help us go mooch off of Hum. In the long run it will make Britain a better place to visit Hum. And yes, our stock market is nearly back to pre Brexit manufactured "panic". As predictable as the inner city thugs that take any excuse to do their Christmas looting.:eek: So, as the heat bakes us into puddles, I can look forward to final payment day for SeaDream. There is a God!:D:D


Well Hum is glad at least someone is celebratin' Independence Day in Britain !

Feeling the joy.

Glad to see you also repaired the ol' tequila still and in that heat too !

What a man !

Yes the stock market here rose yet again: third day on the row (sadly Hum "cashed out" though but Hum was a tad relieved, there is bound to be a "pull back" some time and it's better to be safe than sorry).

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Isn't there something about Pimms and strawberries that goes along with this event? Got to see it once. Felt sorry for the galley slave rowers as all the Posh People ashore seemed to be having all the fun. :D



That's Wimbledon Jim (Pimms and strawberries) which is also going on at the moment.

Henley is champagne, lunch followed by afternoon tea and scones.

All delicious.

Our lovely travel agent introduced us to four other couples: all of whom had see THAT film and were very complimentary about it.

Arriving in Henley was a pain, traffic, traffic, traffic !

Henley is a small and beautiful river side town up the Thames.

Blondie decides to get out and walk at one point.

A huge mistake, in heels, she resembles "Patsy" from "Absolutely Fabulous" stumbling over the grass !

Finally we enter a huge gorgeous tent after collecting our champagne and we are allocated a table right next to the river's edge:! wonderful.

This event is mainly attended by young "toffs" and mostly young men (20-25) which is very disappointing but Blondie showed much fortitude and made chums with the "dashing", bearded, maitre d' who kept the table supplied with champagne and wines constantly throughout.


We had a most amazing meal and then joined a cavalcade of boats "pootling" up and down the river with a variety of boats from the most classic to a boat of Elvis'es and "Pirates of the Caribbean".


Back for tea and scones and then off to the Mandarin Oriental, Hyde Park for a Carol King (supported by Don Henley and others) later today after the famous Sunday Brunch with time for an afternoon nap too.


Article about Henley:




Met these two famous film personalities too:



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Who ever do they mean ?

Two bottles before embarking and one bottle onboard and as charming as ever, j'espere.

Now take these "young dandies" ...... "with just the whiff of a barmaid's apron" and they are gone ! Bless 'em.

Combined with boys demonstrating to other boys, male dominance and claiming the "Alpha make" spot and with so few young ladies, the antics to attract the beautiful young belles was most amusing to our older group (of course Hum did exactly the same but with far less confidence than these "Captains of Industry", future Conservative Cabinet, General and probably Archbishops !).



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To put it simply, it can't. Sorry to see Boris drop out of the hunt as he might be a good leader. And with his hair, he could be Mr. T's cousin.:D I have to say the SeaDream board is very tolerant of airing of politics. Only here is it still mostly of the mindset "I can disagree with your politics and still like you". Mostly, in this country anyway, you simply cannot disagree politically and still "be friends". Any other board on CC and the hostility would be terrible. I guess SeaDreamers are just smarter.:eek::D Heck, over at Cunard you better never mention self tied bow ties or the flamethrowers will be out in force. I know Mr. Hum would never use a self tied bow tie........Probably never use a tie of any kind.:D


Well the brutal truth is, is that if he can't put up with a little treachery (by Gove) then he is "not fit for purpose" as a PM.

It came as a real shock and a huge disappointment.

He is portrayed as a "bumbling fool and toff" by the nasty uber-left but he is hugely smart.


The talk is of treachery by his former ally (Gove) who has all the charisma of Mr.Bean without the charm, he is so self-effacing that he convinces everybody not to vote for him. And it is of course his "pushy", "schemin'", Machiavellian missus that is behind it all including "stabbing in the back" of Boris. So why did Boris push out Gove ? Because he had the "dirt" on his former friend Boris !

Isn't politics a veritable "den of inequity" ?

And so the new front runner for the post is the Margaret Thatcher wannabe, Theresa May.

No Saint Theresa, this one.

Very ambitious and strong person but who voted to stay in Europe. Odd ?

She attended Henley with Hummy but Hum was too busy gulping champagne and chatting to the travel agent ladies.


So the country has lost a potential leader with passion and some charm for a pair of cold "fish". We, over here, look "over the pond" with some envy at the more charismatic characters you have "on your side of the pond": yes including Hilary.


You are right Jim, we can express our views here and have a bit of fun without causing offence (hopefully).

Our appreciation of our chums and being sensitive to their views is of prime importance and most know one another by now to know there is a bedrock of kindness, affection and appreciation for one another.

It may be an opportunity for Hum to say that he regrets any offence caused to fellow chums by Hum's robust "all bluster" drivel.

And if you really feel Hum should "put a sock in it" then say so.....nicely though.

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Ever heard of a ship called "The World" ?

Well it's the biggest privately owned ship in the world.

It comprises of 165 rooms ranging in price from £ 660K to £ 8.5M.

Running costs depend on room size but Hum has heard the top rooms can pay £225K per annum!

The owners decide where they sail and currently they are in London.

Some wanted to go to the Carol King concert in Hyde Park where last night she played all her songs from "Tapestry".

She is 74 and as attractive as ever and her performance was brilliant supported by Don Henley in an earlier performance.

We were fortunate to go.

Blondie was recognised from THAT film !

Funny isn't it we saw Henley the day before yesterday and Henley yesterday


Well, guess who has been invited to "take a peek" ?


Maybe there is a chance to meet up with a former SD, Chief Officer, Mikkel, who is now CO on "The World"; anyone remember him. Ruddy nice chap.


See link here:


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Henley is a small and beautiful river side town up the Thames.

Finally we enter a huge gorgeous tent after collecting our champagne and we are allocated a table right next to the river's edge:! wonderful.


Did they wait for flood waters to get rid of Hum?! :D

Was Hum's table placed next to the escape door?!;)


Great photo of two gorgeous women!


Hum asked about a ship called "The World" - yes gcmv knows this "hooker" - not my style ... ;)


But dearest chum - do you know the Star Breeze yacht?

Perhaps Herr and Frau gcmv will do a cruise in September around Sicily on her.

We know - SD is in a different (higher!) category, but the itinenary fits perfect for us.

Any proviso from your side?

Edited by gcmv
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Took a trip down to London yesterday taking care of a little business and after fully partaking in a "working lunch" I staggered into the sunlit street and whilst regaining my balance, looked up and lo and behold what do I see before these blurry and disbelieving eyes?


It can't be...can it? Surley not, must be hallucinating or is it that the fifth congac is now exerting it's influence on proceedings?


The bon vivant, the quintessential internaltional Englishman of the old school, the revered and acclaimed television travel broadcaster, a redoubtable leader for this country in times of crisis…and, wait for it, wait for it…a restauranteur!!! Step aside Richard Carling of The Ivy fame you now have major competition! It appears that Mr Hum has opened a restaurant in Central London, just off Oxford Street!!! And as we all know that he is of the shy and retiring type there is no way he would announce to the world that he himself was now in the restaurant business… would he?... apart from his name emblazoned across the entire frontage of the property, lit up by high voltage spotlights, even someone coping with the effects of a "working lunch" could not miss it.


So how come I spy with my one functioning blurry eye a Vietnamese restaurant “The House of Ho” on the corner of Percy Street and Rathbone Place? (Look it up on Google…I kid you not!)


It all fits together now doesn’t it? His posh international travel agent dispatches him incognito to Vietnam on an under the radar fact finding mission, signs up the top chefs and launches a new dining concept on the poor unsuspecting London public.


Is it Mr Hum or an imposter? A doppelganger? Oh God Forbid…an identical twin brother!!?? The London restaurant scene is now in a state of flux, nay sheer panic at this development…questions are being asked in the House “Order, order, enough of this frivolous EU stuff, the Minister for the Protection of the British way of life and promotion of pork pies and black pudding will answer questions on the seeming infiltration of the London restaurant scene of an apparent international man of mystery, purportedly last scene falling into the Thames at Henley from a small capsizing rowing boat as he frantically tried a row away from the throng of young ladies pursuing his alleged manliness”. “What....not one question? Yes Mr Corbyn? “Please sir, can I resign?”

Edited by MACT
spelling corrections
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Very good research, MACT - Bravo! :)


Gcmv found a second point of presence - take a closer look here:




Ho-hum never mentioned this during our in-depth conversations ... ;)

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”Did they wait for flood waters to get rid of Hum?! :D

Was Hum's table placed next to the escape door?!”


Great photo of two gorgeous women!


Hum asked about a ship called "The World" - yes gcmv knows this "hooker" - not my style ... ;)


But dearest chum - do you know the Star Breeze yacht?

Perhaps Herr and Frau gcmv will do a cruise in September around Sicily on her.

We know - SD is in a different (higher!) category, but the itinenary fits perfect for us.

Any proviso from your side?


Hum will have you know, the table was reserved for dignitaries and celebrities !!!

"Wash Hum away, escape door".!!!

Really GCMV !!


Yes GCMV, they are gorgeous ladies and oh so smart !!!

Smarter than Hummy (suppose that doesn’t take much).


“The World” trip is one of curiosity really and to gulp as much champagne as possible and scoffing anything that's going whilst looking to be a serious buyer; of course, Hum is going under the name of a “Jim Avery” from Arizona, so the promise of a 20% deposit and the damage caused on the day of the visit will not end up at “Hum's door” !

Your “Commando” comment inspired Hum to also make reference to “The Commander” as a possible “good tap”; the man just doesn’t know what to do with all the “filthy lucre”. Last time Hum heard he was buying a Modigliani painting.

So maybe Hum’s a bit smart after all.

And finally Hum will mention you, Baron von Heidelberg, as another seriously interested party!


We are already booked for SDII in September old chum ….aaahhh.

So we cannot join you on Star Breeze (formerly Seabourn Spirit, now under Windstar),

Sorry old chum.


Germany had the game won against Italy and then that silly man hand-balled and gave away a penalty !!

German players looked exhausted and then Gomes retired from competition.

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Tears of joy, tears of joy are flowing !!!

Knowing there is another "cussed old bugger out there" like Hum feeling exactly the same way.

A bloody good drink is in order.

A Cornas !!!

Good stuff old chum, fine good stuff !!

And cheers !


"Cussed old bugger" eh?


My good lady would no doubt whole heartedly agree as I appear to have gone into overdrive these past few weeks...talking up the cause of we, well me, the little people, the common man, against the untouchable, unaccountable metropolitan liberal elite.


And don't get me started on the FBI findings about a certain person's emails.


All these weights of the world on my young shoulders, 25 years young and not a day more, carrying the burden of the silenced, the oppressed, the disenfranchised and exposing the sheer nonsense spouted by so many so often (excluding the good company on this forum...wait a minute, this is exactly what "idle jottings" is all about, to idly spout sheer and utter unadulterated nonsense dressed up as intelligent, thought provoking discussion).


How about "TOYOBs" as in "Top of the Yacht Old Buggers"? First session at 11.00am known as "clean the pipes and kick start the liver" before the serious libation session commences before lunch.

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Your “Commando” comment inspired Hum to also make reference to “The Commander” as a possible “good tap”; the man just doesn’t know what to do with all the “filthy lucre”. Last time Hum heard he was buying a Modigliani painting.


So Commander, you might be able to help us. All our Canadian winter neighbors have long since left our sunny street (the sissies) but we are beginning to have a problem you might be able to solve. Since Hum says you live in a snowbank and don't "know what to do with all the filthy lucre", can you ship us a few tons of ice??? It has been a hot one so far and you know how much better Tequila is when properly chilled.:eek: SeaDream just can't get here soon enough.:D

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Sorry, Jim, but with the vagaries of the markets these days, things are a little tight right now. This to say nothing about the cost of our newly acquired

Modigliani, for which Sotheby seem anxious for settlement.


Regret your Canadian neighbors have baled out on you .... we're a strange

lot you know, but know they will be back when the snow flies here. Meanwhile

Amana has got some great prices on air conditioners that will tie you over.


All th best,


The Commander

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Took a trip down to London yesterday taking care of a little business and after fully partaking in a "working lunch" I staggered into the sunlit street and whilst regaining my balance, looked up and lo and behold what do I see before these blurry and disbelieving eyes?


It can't be...can it? Surley not, must be hallucinating or is it that the fifth congac is now exerting it's influence on proceedings?


The bon vivant, the quintessential internaltional Englishman of the old school, the revered and acclaimed television travel broadcaster, a redoubtable leader for this country in times of crisis…and, wait for it, wait for it…a restauranteur!!! Step aside Richard Carling of The Ivy fame you now have major competition! It appears that Mr Hum has opened a restaurant in Central London, just off Oxford Street!!! And as we all know that he is of the shy and retiring type there is no way he would announce to the world that he himself was now in the restaurant business… would he?... apart from his name emblazoned across the entire frontage of the property, lit up by high voltage spotlights, even someone coping with the effects of a "working lunch" could not miss it.


So how come I spy with my one functioning blurry eye a Vietnamese restaurant “The House of Ho” on the corner of Percy Street and Rathbone Place? (Look it up on Google…I kid you not!)


It all fits together now doesn’t it? His posh international travel agent dispatches him incognito to Vietnam on an under the radar fact finding mission, signs up the top chefs and launches a new dining concept on the poor unsuspecting London public.


Is it Mr Hum or an imposter? A doppelganger? Oh God Forbid…an identical twin brother!!?? The London restaurant scene is now in a state of flux, nay sheer panic at this development…questions are being asked in the House “Order, order, enough of this frivolous EU stuff, the Minister for the Protection of the British way of life and promotion of pork pies and black pudding will answer questions on the seeming infiltration of the London restaurant scene of an apparent international man of mystery, purportedly last scene falling into the Thames at Henley from a small capsizing rowing boat as he frantically tried a row away from the throng of young ladies pursuing his alleged manliness”. “What....not one question? Yes Mr Corbyn? “Please sir, can I resign?”


Well let Hum rest assure you that Ho Hum is a quintessentially a "man of the people", the noble, honest, simple man who speaks plain common sense.

Yes old Hummy postures "airs of pretension" but he is happy to call himself "peasant".

Yeah, noble peasant.

A man who is content to be amongst regular working people who have experienced the "rough side" of life.


The restaurant has nought to do with this Hum.

If it did, it would be the "Colombe d'Or" in St.Paul de Vence.

The menu ain't changed since 1954 !

Hum loved it.


The Brit equivalent is a gastro-pub, ruddy 'orrible expression but Hum adores the cooking style of Tom Kerridge: a British yeoman of the kitchen (though sadly self-cognisant of his previous ample girth which was due to fine British ales which he has sadly now resisted).

Being fat demonstrates "happiness and fine eating and drinking in the bank".

Provided one has eat well and drink well, it (being a "lardy ass") is a badge (ruddy big 'un) of honour !


Ho Hum is a common name; that was the point.

To demonstrate an appreciation of the ordinary.

Now we have to make clear what Hum refers to as "ordinary".

It ain't McDonalds !

It is simple fare: water, wine, bread, butter, vegetables, ordinary "cuts" (offal even), simply served with awareness, in quietude and a beautiful space by attentive servers.

That's it !!!

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And finally Hum will mention you, Baron von Heidelberg, as another seriously interested party!


We are already booked for SDII in September old chum ….aaahhh.

So we cannot join you on Star Breeze (formerly Seabourn Spirit, now under Windstar),

Sorry old chum.


Germany had the game won against Italy and then that silly man hand-balled and gave away a penalty !!

German players looked exhausted and then Gomes retired from competition.


Baron von Heidelberg - best honorific gcmv ever heard! ;)


How long will you stay on SD II in September? One, two, three or four successive cruises? :rolleyes:

We will depart from Civitavecchia on 12th of September and will be back there at 22th. Is there a chance to beckon hum and blondie from ship to ship?


Tonight it's semifinal against France - three of our best players will be missing and "Schweini" is struck - beside the worldbest goalkeeper, we will need lots of luck to go to the Final. Is ho-hum going to watch the match on TV?

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Is ho-hum going to watch the match on TV?


Why would anyone presume that ho-hum has a telly? I've heard that he has in his employ a large number of persons who act out sporting events, concerts, dramas, and everything else the proletariat would watch on the Beeb. He and Blondie then watch these performances from the comfort of their veranda while being served fine wines and caviar by SeaDream waiters who are supposed to be on holiday. I believe he even has a Dame Edna impersonator (who is actually a woman).

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Baron von Heidelberg - best honorific gcmv ever heard! ;)


How long will you stay on SD II in September? One, two, three or four successive cruises? :rolleyes:

We will depart from Civitavecchia on 12th of September and will be back there at 22th. Is there a chance to beckon hum and blondie from ship to ship?


Tonight it's semifinal against France - three of our best players will be missing and "Schweini" is struck - beside the worldbest goalkeeper, we will need lots of luck to go to the Final. Is ho-hum going to watch the match on TV?


Dearest Baron,

We will be sailing from Athens on the 16 September and arriving into Rome on 30 September.

So again we miss one another.........aaaaaahhhhh.


Of course Hum will be watching the match.

Who wins tonight wins the World Cup.

It is going to be an interesting match.

Hum has French chums and one very important German chum !


So Hum's position is: let the best team win.

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Now we have to make clear what Hum refers to as "ordinary".

It ain't McDonalds !

It is simple fare: water, wine, bread, butter, vegetables, ordinary "cuts" (offal even), simply served with awareness, in quietude and a beautiful space by attentive servers.

That's it !!!


So, something along the lines of Hooters?

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