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How "clean" is the food?


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I have been reading with interest....I have almost always been impressed with the variety, freshness and quality of food on NCL..There are always healthy offerings somewhere on the ship...As others have said..it is a vacation..and I do not obsess about what I eat for a week...and wether it fits into my normal eating /cooking/dieting,etc routine. I also agree that the over salted foods is annoying (but it is in most land based eateries also!) but not a big problem.

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I have actually enjoyed reading this thread a lot. In recent years I developed a number of health issues and like the good girl I am I listened to what I was told by my Doctors. Things got worse. I started doing my own research, bought books, loaned books and read countless medical papers. I developed my own thoughts and ideas concerning the food I was eating and the effect it was having on my body. I made quite dramatic changes to what I eat. I started to lose weight and the numbers in my blood tests results cannot lie. I am getting better and I feel better and have more energy that I have for many years.


When I cruise I know I am held captive to what the ship has onboard and what is available to me when I am ashore. I try to stay true to my "diet" as much as I possibly can but go into it knowing that I will sometimes consume foodstuffs that I would not normally. I try to limit the damage as much as I can wherever I can but understand that I cannot have total control over what is actually in some of those dishes I eat. So, I try to choose carefully. That is all that any of us can do.

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I have actually enjoyed reading this thread a lot. In recent years I developed a number of health issues and like the good girl I am I listened to what I was told by my Doctors. Things got worse. I started doing my own research, bought books, loaned books and read countless medical papers. I developed my own thoughts and ideas concerning the food I was eating and the effect it was having on my body. I made quite dramatic changes to what I eat. I started to lose weight and the numbers in my blood tests results cannot lie. I am getting better and I feel better and have more energy that I have for many years.


When I cruise I know I am held captive to what the ship has onboard and what is available to me when I am ashore. I try to stay true to my "diet" as much as I possibly can but go into it knowing that I will sometimes consume foodstuffs that I would not normally. I try to limit the damage as much as I can wherever I can but understand that I cannot have total control over what is actually in some of those dishes I eat. So, I try to choose carefully. That is all that any of us can do.


We have a lot in common. I'm not into the overuse of Rx drugs (my opinion, of course). Better to eat properly than to take drugs for diet induced conditions. Also, I feel that pesticides and antibiotics in our food are unhealthy. One difference though is that I tend to go absolutely crazy on vacation and eat all kinds of everything!

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Does anyone know how "clean" the food is on the ship?


For example - is a turkey burger made of turkey / spices / veggies or would it have soy protein, wheat, hfcs, caramel color (etc...).


Is the hamburger or steak 100% beef?


Is the mac and cheese made with mac and real cheese (ya know --- milk, flour, butter, cheese) or that neon stuff my kids love?


There are some local restaurants that cook like you'd cook at home and there are some that are completely dependent on processed ingredients.


It's not important enough of a question for me to ask guest services but I'm curious if anyone knows.


I am guessing there isn't a person on here that can honestly answer your question, nor could guest services if you were to ask...I will bet, the cheese is cheese products, but I don't know that for certain and for a week or so, I don't really give a darn. You talk about how people cook at home: you would be shocked if you knew how many people eat primarily processed foods and how many do not even know the difference between cheese and cheese products.

Edited by newmexicoNita
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I am very into fitness, very self aware and attempt to eat 'clean' 24/7. I've been on 2 NCL cruises and have a strategy.


Never go out of your way to eat a fat source.. i.e nuts, guacamole, egg yolk, etc. you will be getting enough fat through the day, limit it where you can/


Breakfast is your easiest meal to get in some good healthy calories. Whole wheat toast (sure its garbage wheat but best option), Oatmeal, Hard boiled eggs (peel and remove yolk), yogurts, fruit etc. I usually slam a big breakfast, since it really the only meal you can count on each day.


Lunch, hit the salad bar, carving station and small carb side from the buffet.. rice, potatoes, etc.


Dinner, i always get the steak or fish option


Final rule, stop eating after diner. Don't go back to the buffet for cake, don't get any late night food. If you're hungry, wait for the reliable breakfast the next day


following these methods your pretty much eliminate the processed foods.


good luck

Edited by Oasis9389
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Thanks to everyone who replied. It's been interesting reading and I appreciate the insights.


Che5904: The food supply in Canada is much healthier than in the US. Just a few "ingredients" that are permitted in the US but banned in Canada:

rBGH (in dairy products),

azocarbonimide (stuff used in yoga mats and sneakers - used in breads to make them fluffy and light),

Olean (manufactured by Proctor and Gamble - a fat substitute),

BHA/BHT (initials make stuff seems less bad, right?)


Heinz ketchup ingredients for Canada and the US:


Canadian Ingredients

Tomato Paste made from fresh ripe tomatoes, Liquid Sugar, White Vinegar, Salt, Onion Powder and Spices.


US Ingredients

Tomato Concentrate, Distilled Vinegar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Salt, Spice, Onion Powder, Natural Flavoring.


Ketchup in consumed abundantly in my house - Heinz now sells "Simply Heinz" which has the ingredients listed for the Canadian version.


As I said in the original post, I'm curious about what other think about the food on NCL. Fortunately, it's not an allergy or food related illness so I don't feel it's important for me to contact NCL.


I'm trying to feed my family healthier ingredients - like bread that doesn't contain HFCS and azocarbonimide.


Trying to convince DH that diet coke with lime is an incredibly unhealthy choice or drinking a quart of Crystal Light to rehydrate after the gym isn't going a well as I hoped LOL. I know DS14 is going to get a Mountain Dew after school on Friday from the convenient store, not much I can do about that but I can make sure I don't buy it to have in the house.


Isdoo, I do eat fast food. Less often than we used to but sometimes Subway is so convenient and dare I say yummy .... even with their yoga-mat bread.


Can't wait to enjoy a variety of food on NCL next month!


Thanks for the tips everyone!


off subject a little, but I will say one thing: on our trip to Canada last fall one of the best parts was the fresh produce stands everywhere. We have our farmers markets, but not the number of little stands you guys have. We were spending the first part of our vacation at a time share so we cooked a lot of our own meals. Now, the price for food; that was something else.

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I am very into fitness, very self aware and attempt to eat 'clean' 24/7. I've been on 2 NCL cruises and have a strategy.


Never go out of your way to eat a fat source.. i.e nuts, guacamole, egg yolk, etc. you will be getting enough fat through the day, limit it where you can/


Breakfast is your easiest meal to get in some good healthy calories. Whole wheat toast (sure its garbage wheat but best option), Oatmeal, Hard boiled eggs (peel and remove yolk), yogurts, fruit etc. I usually slam a big breakfast, since it really the only meal you can count on each day.


Lunch, hit the salad bar, carving station and small carb side from the buffet.. rice, potatoes, etc.


Dinner, i always get the steak or fish option


Final rule, stop eating after diner. Don't go back to the buffet for cake, don't get any late night food. If you're hungry, wait for the reliable breakfast the next day


following these methods your pretty much eliminate the processed foods.


good luck


There are very different sources of fat. There is nothing at all wrong with avocados, egg yolks, or nuts. If you are going to limit a fat source, it should be bacon and other garbage.


Potatoes, rice, and other complex carbs are complete junk. They cause blood sugar spikes and lead to weight gain. Protein is always the best choice.


Good sources of whole foods are meat, fish, eggs, chicken, and veggies. Root vegetables and starches are almost as bad as eating a candy bar, and whole grain bread ... well, you're better off eating a snickers bar than touching that.

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There are very different sources of fat. There is nothing at all wrong with avocados, egg yolks, or nuts. If you are going to limit a fat source, it should be bacon and other garbage.


Potatoes, rice, and other complex carbs are complete junk. They cause blood sugar spikes and lead to weight gain. Protein is always the best choice.


Good sources of whole foods are meat, fish, eggs, chicken, and veggies. Root vegetables and starches are almost as bad as eating a candy bar, and whole grain bread ... well, you're better off eating a snickers bar than touching that.


Trust me... you are getting inot this with the wrong person. I said don't go out of your way to eat fat. Yes that woudl include bacon buddy. The reason for this is your body only requires a certain level of fat a day .5-1 gram of body weight.


On a normal day i control my fat source, so yes i get all my fat from olive oil, nuts, avacdo..


Now, when you order your lunch or you order your dinner fish meal, steak meal. you can be rest assured everything they cook is going to be soaked in oil. You will be eating 20-30 grams of fat per dinner meal w/o trying. So again dont go out of your way to eat fat, as your would normally, you get enough.


Carbs.. SMH.. buddy. i eat 500 grams of carbs a day, i have 8% body fat, i wont even touch your thoughts on that.


Your whole foods line is correct........... thats what I said to eat, no?


All you did was spit out what the media wants you do think, its calories vs calories out. Don't eat processed food. All you need to know.

Edited by Oasis9389
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While the food is not of the "organic" quality, or top end chef's restaurant, there is quite a bit of quality, but also lots of processed food. Remember, the average cruise ship prepares 8000+ meals per day (pax and crew).


The eggs are not powdered (virtually no one uses powdered eggs anymore, other than the US Army:D). They are, however, "pasteurized egg product", which means that eggs are taken from the shell, scrambled, pasteurized, and then packaged in gallon jugs. This is a USPH requirement for eggs that may be used in things like dressings, mayonnaise, and sauces like hollandaise where the eggs may not be thoroughly cooked. "Real eggs" or eggs in the shell are only used for fried eggs at breakfast.


Question for you (or anyone that might know) - how do they heat eggs enough to "pasturize" them without having them solidify? It's a slow day and now I'm curious! :)

Edited by ronandannette
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Question for you (or anyone that might know) - how do they heat eggs enough to "pasturize" them without having them solidify? It's a slow day and now I'm curious! :)


No clue, but the same holds true for milk. I could make snide comments about pastures and Louis Pasteur, but I'll leave that for slow day cogitation.:p

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Trust me... you are getting inot this with the wrong person. I said don't go out of your way to eat fat. Yes that woudl include bacon buddy. The reason for this is your body only requires a certain level of fat a day .5-1 gram of body weight.


On a normal day i control my fat source, so yes i get all my fat from olive oil, nuts, avacdo..


Now, when you order your lunch or you order your dinner fish meal, steak meal. you can be rest assured everything they cook is going to be soaked in oil. You will be eating 20-30 grams of fat per dinner meal w/o trying. So again dont go out of your way to eat fat, as your would normally, you get enough.


Carbs.. SMH.. buddy. i eat 500 grams of carbs a day, i have 8% body fat, i wont even touch your thoughts on that.


Your whole foods line is correct........... thats what I said to eat, no?


All you did was spit out what the media wants you do think, its calories vs calories out. Don't eat processed food. All you need to know.


Buddy? LMAO! Oh boy :rolleyes:

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Question for you (or anyone that might know) - how do they heat eggs enough to "pasturize" them without having them solidify? It's a slow day and now I'm curious! :)


Okay, slow day for me, too. Google is your friend. Apparently, to pasteurize liquid egg product, you heat it to 142*F and hold for 3.5 minutes. Temps and times vary with additives in the egg product like salt and sugar.

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Question for you (or anyone that might know) - how do they heat eggs enough to "pasturize" them without having them solidify? It's a slow day and now I'm curious! :)


I looked it up online LOL They heat them (in the shell) to 140 degrees at 3 minutes to kill the bacteria, while constantly moving the egg so it doesn't cook. Interesting, huh?

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Trust me... you are getting inot this with the wrong person. I said don't go out of your way to eat fat. Yes that woudl include bacon buddy. The reason for this is your body only requires a certain level of fat a day .5-1 gram of body weight.


On a normal day i control my fat source, so yes i get all my fat from olive oil, nuts, avacdo..


Now, when you order your lunch or you order your dinner fish meal, steak meal. you can be rest assured everything they cook is going to be soaked in oil. You will be eating 20-30 grams of fat per dinner meal w/o trying. So again dont go out of your way to eat fat, as your would normally, you get enough.


Carbs.. SMH.. buddy. i eat 500 grams of carbs a day, i have 8% body fat, i wont even touch your thoughts on that.


Your whole foods line is correct........... thats what I said to eat, no?


All you did was spit out what the media wants you do think, its calories vs calories out. Don't eat processed food. All you need to know.


Hey, kjbacon;


Want to share some popcorn, and get out of the way while the various health food factions sling avocados at each other? Anyone remember her post from about 20 back in regards to chilling?

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Okay, slow day for me, too. Google is your friend. Apparently, to pasteurize liquid egg product, you heat it to 142*F and hold for 3.5 minutes. Temps and times vary with additives in the egg product like salt and sugar.


Too funny! I must have been typing my response when you posted yours. GMTA LOL

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I looked it up online LOL They heat them (in the shell) to 140 degrees at 3 minutes to kill the bacteria, while constantly moving the egg so it doesn't cook. Interesting, huh?


Yeah, pasteurized shell eggs must be sealed in a wax substance because the shells are permeable. Both shell eggs and liquid eggs can be pasteurized.

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In case that was a serious question, or for anyone who may not know.


I'm assuming that is what the OP was talking about when they asked "or that neon stuff my kids love"


FYI Che, they don't call it Kraft Dinner in the States. Also, "gasp", :eek: the macaroni is elbow shaped there, not longer and straighter like it "supposed" to be. Thank goodness the powdered cheese in the packet is still rediculous bright orange!

Edited by ronandannette
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Okay, slow day for me, too. Google is your friend. Apparently, to pasteurize liquid egg product, you heat it to 142*F and hold for 3.5 minutes. Temps and times vary with additives in the egg product like salt and sugar.


Sure...but then what would I need y'all for?? :D

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Hey, kjbacon;


Want to share some popcorn, and get out of the way while the various health food factions sling avocados at each other? Anyone remember her post from about 20 back in regards to chilling?


Calling complex carbs the same as snickers hardly makes her a health food faction. You should be seeking complex carbs, veggies are complex carbs.


Surely she met simple carbs are the same as snickers, lines like that I knew she had no clue.

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Calling complex carbs the same as snickers hardly makes her a health food faction. You should be seeking complex carbs, veggies are complex carbs.


Surely she met simple carbs are the same as snickers, lines like that I knew she had no clue.


Surely I meant complex carbs when I compared a slice of whole wheat bread to a snickers bar. :rolleyes: A slice of whole wheat bread will raise your blood sugar and trigger an insulin response faster than a snickers bar.



Clueless :rolleyes:


PS - welcome to cruise critic.

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