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EQUINOX - 10 Day Ultimate Caribbean - Picture Trip Report 3/14/14...


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Afternoon Wandering Dominica


So back from our great scenic tour of Dominica and up to Oceanview for lunch. Before lunch I used the Go Pole reach to take some selfies on the balcony. I love the wide fisheye effect and how you can even see the balcony below. I just switched my Facebook profile to the pic below first time changed since 2012 from a Grand Cayman photo.




After lunch Donna wanted to head back outside to do some shopping at those tents alongside the dock while Ken and I wanted to wander around and get photos dock side.






I just love this next picture of the Beautiful Celebrity Equinox. I took this same picture in 2010 and knew I wanted to get it again. The sky couldn't be better no dark skies anywhere. This picture is also worthy of a Facebook update.




So Ken and I headed off to left of the Port entrance and first thing you will see is this Anglican Church. Special to Ken because he is Anglican Minister. Ken pointed out to me sad that the church was locked.




We didn't wander to far just far enough down the street to get this next picture of Equinox.





Kevin Reid

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Balcony Cigar Smoker & My Opinion on Policy


So when we get back to our stateroom after our quick port side walk there to greet us on our table was a silver doomed dish with a letter. Below is what was under the dome.




Why? I guess my title makes it kind of obvious. Celebrity's apology for an other guests actions on their balcony. Not Celebrity's fault but the fault of a fellow inconsiderate guest. So here goes...


It was during the second sea day (Sunday) Ken and I were out on Balcony and I could smell Cigar Smoke. My First thoughts were... wow that wind is really strong for that cigar smoke to be either coming up from Deck 5 or down from Deck 15. I Know realize that second part of my thought made no sense because the Deck 15 smoking is at the back of Deck 15 not the front. I ignored the smoke and Ken and I soon left our balconies not mentioning anything to Donna. Fast forward to Tuesday and after we left St Kitts Donna was out on the Balcony by herself. She could also smell cigar smoke but was not going to ignore like i did. Donna was like me and though it might be drifting up from the allowable smoking area. Then she took a peak/look to each side of the balcony because the cigar smell was to strong for "Drift". That is when she noticed a gentleman in 1505 flicking/butting his ashes on the railing and into the wind. Of course Donna is not as Cruise Critic savvy as we are and did not know for sure that smoking was not permitted on balconies. So Donna phoned Guest Services to inquire. Within 15 minutes the telephone rang and there was somebody outside of our door so Donna invited this Guest Services (not sure but Donna said she had a uniform on) person in to see the violator (Mr. 1505) with her own eyes. The gentleman in 1505 was still out there smoking his stogie and pretty obvious he was now busted by Guest Service personnel. Now I returned a few minutes later and Donna recapped the whole story to me. That is when I told Donna my cigar smell story. So I went out on Deck and low and behold Mr. 1505 is still out there smoking and flicking his cigar. So Donna gave another call to Guest Service just to alert them that Mr. 1505 had not stopped smoking.


When we were coming back from Tuscan that evening I noticed a folded piece of paper that was lying in the hall very close to our door. I picked it up and it was a copy of the Celebrity Smoking Policy. So I am pretty sure this must of slipped or fell out of Mr. 1505's pocket, he wouldn't tossed it there would he?, so I picked the paper up and placed it in Mr. 1505's mail slot because I am sure he will want to review the policy latter. Now I can't say for sure if Guest Services spoke directly to Mr. 1505 or just dropped off a copy of the smoking policy in his mail slot. But it worked no further cigar smoke from Mr. 1505. Thank You Celebrity.


So here is copy of the letter from Celebrity apologizing for something that was not their fault. Another reason why we will continue to book with Celebrity. Should also mention that Celebrity followed up with phone calls to make sure that the problem was solved. We thanked them and told them that the Starwberries were not necessary but appreciated.




While I am on this topic of smoking I also want to give my "review" of Celebrity's smoking policy. I think that Celebrity is one of the industry leaders as far as their smoking policies but, they could do BETTER. This next comment is a point I want to make to Celebrity which I have mentioned in their surveys. Me as the guest I have the choice whether or not I want to enter the Celebrity smoking areas and be around second hand smoke but your (Celebrity) employees do not have that same choice. Smokers today are by far in the minority and are also a small minority on Celebrity ships. It is just such a pity that so few can ruin a public area for so many. Please Celebrity continue to be a industry leader by tightening/reducing down your smoking areas to eventually eliminating them. The following was my opinion and my wish for Celebrity.



Kevin Reid

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A Few Picture Before Leaving


Before we left Dominica I wandering around the ship taking a few pictures.






Did you notice on the picture above the staff member watering the lawn he has a jacket on? Yikes!




Next a nice shot of Roseau with the clouds rolling by




Almost ready to leave with the captain supervising on the bridge wing.




... and we are off from Dominica. We all relax a little bit before we get ready for our evening at Tuscan and comedian Mr Mike Doyle.





Kevin Reid

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Tuscan - My Fav


I am coming right out with this from the start... I Love Tuscan Grill Speciality Dining. I would easily take/pick Tuscan over Silk Harvest, Qsine, Murano, and yes Blu. But before I share any Tuscan photos here was Dominica's Sunset.








Sorry but I forgot to take pictures of the menus. Maybe you can read them form the picture below? The menu and entree serving method changed a bit from our last March Silhouette visit. Basically you order your meat/fish/entree and they will bring sides separately to the table with them. I like the change because last year that is kind of what I was doing. I would request different sides from other dishes with my entree. When we went last year as two on both nights we got the excellent table with the view of the wake. This table was nice but not quite wake view.




Donna and I both order the ravioli this time. We noticed that the risotto was no longer offered as an app.




I don't remember who had this salad I know it wasn't me.




More Tuscan coming up next.. Stay tuned



Kevin Reid

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More Tuscan


This was my chop salad. A little different from what I remembered from last year.




Our waiter was Victor from India who would settle for nothing less than perfect. Donna is pretty old school when it comes to steak she likes it well done. Me I used to be like that because I though that was the only way... that is how mom cooked it. Then I moved to Calgary, Alberta the home of western beef and acquired a taste for medium.




Donna requested her steak well done and Victor had no problem taking that request. When the steaks were served they were all excellent except Donna's was a little to pink for her liking. Well Victor noticed the pink and and was not happy with the cooking result and persuaded Donna to allow him to get her a new one cooked to her requested cooking temperature. Victor couldn't do anymore for us that evening he was a great waiter and took pride in his work.


A picture of Donna's second steak cooked to her liking.




I just loved their sauce for the beef. Before our cruise Donna and I searched the internet for Peppercorn sauce that we regularly make now.


I didn't forget to get a picture of the desert menu.










Desert Pics Next



Kevin Reid

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Tuscan Desert - Mike Doyle


So our reservation for Tuscan started at 6:00 PM and Mike Doyle's late show was at 9:00 PM would we make it? But first some desert pictures. I will show the best first mine.. the Gelato. I just love that pop rock candy that they put on top of the gelato.




Now Donna's... not sure what ya call it.




When we finished up our deserts and settled up on the bill it was almost 9:00PM we rushed down to Equinox Theatre but it was standing room only. We missed the first few minutes but he was excellent very funny and talented.




We ventured back to our stateroom around 11:00 PM and called it quits to a grand day in Dominica.




Next up St Maarten and Maho Beach. Have to quit here for the evening because I have no more photo uploaded.


Glad you guys are still with me. Keep the comments and questions coming.



Kevin Reid

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Hi Kevin


That shot with your wife on the balcony, has the balcony divider been opened up so that the balconies are effectively 'inter connecting"? The reason I ask is that we will be travelling on Solstice with another couple who are in the adjoining (inter connecting) cabin and we want to open up the balconies too if we can.


If that's the case, how did you arrange to have the divider opened? Was it done via Celebrity or your TA before you sailed or did you just ask your cabin steward?





Edited by Team Alpha
Included the previous post (including photos) in error
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Hi Kevin


That shot with your wife on the balcony, has the balcony divider been opened up so that the balconies are effectively 'inter connecting"? The reason I ask is that we will be travelling on Solstice with another couple who are in the adjoining (inter connecting) cabin and we want to open up the balconies too if we can.


If that's the case, how did you arrange to have the divider opened? Was it done via Celebrity or your TA before you sailed or did you just ask your cabin steward?





Hi, Rob -

We have done this many times in the past with other family members. We usually request it through our TA. But it was never ready when we came on board. We always end up asking our cabin steward to open them.



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Hi Kevin


That shot with your wife on the balcony, has the balcony divider been opened up so that the balconies are effectively 'inter connecting"? The reason I ask is that we will be travelling on Solstice with another couple who are in the adjoining (inter connecting) cabin and we want to open up the balconies too if we can.


If that's the case, how did you arrange to have the divider opened? Was it done via Celebrity or your TA before you sailed or did you just ask your cabin steward?





We have never tried to prearrange this like Mark has. For the last two years we have had side by side balconies and just asked the room steward to open it as soon as we meet them. Last year kind of weird during our second week of our B2B the balcony was closed because Ken and Norma Jean left after week one. As you can see it really opens up the space which can be quite nice. The GoPro fisheye photo also makes it appear larger.


There are some balconies aft top decks that can not open because of the overhead structural angled supports between the rooms. Not important if don't want it open though.



Kevin Reid

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You cannot arrange to have the balcony dividers opened prior to the cruise. The room steward has to check with both cabins first. If you have the big balconies on the slant of the hump, we discovered that the chairs will slide easily between balconies and we were able to have 4 on our large balcony to gather before dinner. Or after dinner. Or whenever. :)

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I want to thank you for taking the time to post such a great review - fantastic pictures & I've enjoyed reading it all.


Why thank you Christy. Love hearing from our cousins across the big pond. It was the Mike Doyle photo that got you right? Mike worked into his routine that he was from Wales and why he had an Irish last name but born in Wales.



Kevin Reid.

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You cannot arrange to have the balcony dividers opened prior to the cruise. The room steward has to check with both cabins first. If you have the big balconies on the slant of the hump, we discovered that the chairs will slide easily between balconies and we were able to have 4 on our large balcony to gather before dinner. Or after dinner. Or whenever. :)


When I think about it I am pretty sure I asked here on Cruise Critic how to get the dividers open and got the "ask your steward" response. We almost booked one of the final AQ cabins on the hump but researched the Cabin spreadsheet and discovered that the window cleaner overhang was usually left parked near these cabins so passed and took 1509 and 1511.



Kevin Reid

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St Maarten Lets Get to Maho


I don't know for sure but I am going to say that St Marten , USVI, and Grand Cayman are probably the busiest cruise ports of call in the Caribbean. A slow day for them would be less than three ships in for the day. While for my home city of Charlottetown we would love to have "slow days" of three cruise ships during our cruise period. With the arrival of the Royal Oasis class of ships a tremendous amount of money has been spent on upgrading Philipsburg's Cruise Port. I have seen a major difference from my first visit with Celebrity Century in 2005 to today. St Maarten is the place to buy diamonds and electronics. I don't know diamonds but I know a little bit about electronics pricing and seriously I can get them cheaper at Future Shop/Best Buy back here in Canada especially when you factor in foreign exchange and HST/Tax if you go over your $850 Canadian $ allowance. The only "electronics" I purchased on this trip was a spare GoPro battery back at Sawgrass Mills. Okay enough rambling get on with the Photos.


Today the only other ship that was supposed to be with us today was NCL's Gem but upon arrival RCL's Adventure of the Seas was already docked. Heard thru the grapevine that Adventure had some type of problem that prevented her from leaving the previous day. Picture of NCL Gem preparing to back into her docking spot.






We pulled straight into the dock along side Adventure of the Sea for the second time this trip and third time in total.




Here is a GoPro photo of me in my early morning photographers clothing. I love the fisheye look down the railing right down to open blue sky. Donna and I taking it pretty easy before Blu breakfast.




Picture of the RCL logo smoke stack from our balcony.




So at Blu breakfast this morning Ken asked if it would be possible if he could have Steak and eggs. The MaitreD overheard the request and answered "we can't this morning but if you would like I will save two steaks for you from tonight's service for tomorrow?" That was great so Ken and I said Yes!


Donna ready to enjoy a Blu Smoothie.




Next up Maho & Jets.



Kevin Reid

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Maho Beach


So with all of our pre-cruise planning we spent zero time on what we wanted to do at St Maarten. We knew we wanted to go back to Maho Beach and watch the airplanes arrive. Last year was Ken and Norma Jean's first time at St Maarten and we had spent a good bit of time back then watching Maho Beach Airplanes arriving on You Tube. To be honest prior to 2012 I never heard of the Maho Beach Airplane thing. I found out about Maho by accident by picking up a "Cruise Ship Top Attractions" DVD in the sales bin. This was also before I found Cruise Critic. Since you are already here you probably already know about Maho beach.


The large jets generally don't start to arrive at Princess Juliana International Airport until about 11:00 AM. So the Plan was to get there around then. So off Equinox we go to catch a Taxi to Maho. The price was $8/person there were six of us in the mini van taxi and about 15-20 minute ride out.


Picture of Equinox's bow as we exit and head to taxi stand.




We get to Maho around 11:00 Am and arranged with the same taxi driver to pick us up in 2 hours at 1:00 PM. You can do research online to see when the airplanes arrive or you can do what must do and just look at Sunset Bar's Surf Board Billboard.




The big one KLM 747 is scheduled to arrive at 11:34 AM. Prior to 11:00 AM there are quite a few Turbo Prop arrival along with a few Business Jets. I joked with my boss and asked if he wanted me to do a Business Development call on local Winair who flies engines that we have capabilities to repair their engine accessories. He said No! I guess he didn't want an accountant doing BD work. Up next a picture of the beach and crowd.




For those of you who have not been to Maho Yet! I want to show just how close the runway is to the beach with the next picture. Just on the other side of that fence is the runway.




Picture of Jet Blast Warning. Seriously! People don't pay attention to this warning and try to ride out the jet blast by holding onto the fence. You have a chance with the Business Jets but zero chance of not getting hurt for the large Commercial jets if you stand directly in the jet blast. Sometimes liquor wins out on common sense. This might also be the reason why we don't see ship sponsored excursions to Maho because they can't stop stupidity




Next picture is a Jet that has taxied to the top of runway and is ready to leave. Pretty neat when the large Jets are taxiing because some times the pilot will open there window and wave to the crowd watching.




Up next more Maho.



Kevin Reid

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Maho Planes Arriving


This next picture was taken by Donna on her iPhone. I didn't even notice this picture until I was downloading it into Aperture at home. As soon as I saw it I knew it was becoming my new desktop wallpaper.




Donna got this next picture of the same United Airlines with her iPhone. I went thru all of my photos and could not find any nicer than these two that Donna took. Thanks Sweetie! As you can tell the Commercial jets are flying pretty low when they are making their final approach. I swear they are low enough that you could throw a tennis ball at them. Pretty neat when you are waiting for the jets to arrive because it is just a little dot that appears over the ocean in the sky.




Next Photo Pano of Maho Beach.




Next up KLM 747 picture series.



Kevin Reid

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Maho KLM 747


I think you will enjoy this next series of six photos. I captured them from Ken's video that he took of the KLM 747 arriving. When this airplane first appeared as a dot in the sky you hear the excitement on the beach. Everybody jockeyed for position. Ken was in the perfect position almost directly under the path while I was off to the left with GoPro on head. I will let the next six picture do all the talking.















Kevin Reid

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Back to Port


So after the arrival KLM we stuck around for a little bit and I made sure I did not make the same mistake. I didn't buy a t-shirt at Sunset Bar last year so this year we got the t-shirt. I think I might just wear it this summer when I go down to watch our cruise ships leave form Charlottetown Harbour. Out Taxi driver was there at 1:00 PM to pick us up.


Look who I see Mark and Beth returning with bags in their hands. I Didn't see any Go Pro bags in Marks' hands.




After lunch we gave came back out to do some window shopping. In the far right of the next pano you can see they are building some new buildings for diamond stores of course.




I like where they placed this next sign at the Taxi drop off.




A final pano of all three ships before we go back before departure.




A picture of the port from Equinox's bow.




While I was wandering I noticed this barge that was tucked up real close to the starboard aft side of Equinox. Anybody have any idea what it was for?




Up next a few late afternoon pics.



Kevin Reid

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More Wandering


Like most afternoons before we left I wandering around the ships taking more pictures. Today I was going to watch Equinox leave from the Gym balcony Bow Deck 10.




Directly across from the Sky Lounge is this "Miracles" art I didn't read the posted sign anybody know the significance of this?




Lots of room around the pool area this time of day.




Always like to take photos of the Lawn Club with the landscape of the port in the background.




The bows of our two neighbouring ships.




Equinox backing out of the dock leaving Adventure and Gem behind.




Up next Blu and a Rare Late Night



Kevin Reid

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Back to Port


So after the arrival KLM we stuck around for a little bit and I made sure I did not make the same mistake. I didn't buy a t-shirt at Sunset Bar last year so this year we got the t-shirt. I think I might just wear it this summer when I go down to watch our cruise ships leave form Charlottetown Harbour. Out Taxi driver was there at 1:00 PM to pick us up.


Look who I see Mark and Beth returning with bags in their hands. I Didn't see any Go Pro bags in Marks' hands.




After lunch we gave came back out to do some window shopping. In the far right of the next pano you can see they are building some new buildings for diamond stores of course.




I like where they placed this next sign at the Taxi drop off.




A final pano of all three ships before we go back before departure.




A picture of the port from Equinox's bow.




While I was wandering I noticed this barge that was tucked up real close to the starboard aft side of Equinox. Anybody have any idea what it was for?




The barge is refueling the ship. The process is called bunkering. The fueling takes place at ports with refineries that can provide the type of bunker fuel required to run the generators on the ships.

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Day 02 Sea Day Celebrity Today


Page 1



Page 2



Page 3






Featured Today (front)



Featured Today (Back)




Kevin Reid


I am enjoying this review...Interesting that all the "featured today" items relate to revenue makers for the cruise line....even the one on how to select a time piece!

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The barge is refueling the ship. The process is called bunkering. The fueling takes place at ports with refineries that can provide the type of bunker fuel required to run the generators on the ships.


That makes sense. I am pretty sure I noticed this same barge tucked at the back of Adventure of the Seas when we were arriving. I am guessing cheaper to fill up outside of Florida?



Kevin Reid

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