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Back from carnival splendor and it was awful


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I was sooooo sick for 6 days of an 8 day trip!

I thought it was the ventilation on the carnival splendor but it wasn't it was the careless lazy staff

Let me say I have taken about thirty cruises in the 8 years and this is the first I have ever been on where I thought I was going to die, no lie, I was that sick.

I was sitting in the relaxation room in the spa, i saw a staff member empty the dirty mugs and glasses and put them in the clean glass area, then leave the room , I couldn't believe what I just saw and I went to check. T

Yes they were clearly dirty so I went to get the spa staff to confirm and they did confirm yes they are dirty. Then they called like the spa manager when he also confirmed the glass ware was dirty I started to cry I was so sick for six days and the only thing I was doing was drinking water in the relaxation room because I couldn't eat or do much of anything else. After I saw this, I started to think about a few times while in this room I had picked up dirty glass ware and thought that a guest must have misplaced the glasses but now I'm not so sure. I was so sick I couldn't do much except use the steam room and sauna area and relaxation room drinking plenty of hot water and honey.

This was the worst trip ever to be sick on a boat and be charged $120 a visit to see the dr and he says drink plenty of fluids.

Those where useless visits to the dr as he didn't do anything to relieve my chest pain, cough, runny nose, or ear canal pain.

Be cautious if your taking this cruise line or this boat

I haven't even been sick with a common cold in over twenty years, I take excellent care of myself and I'm a healthy woman but being on this ship got me sick in less than two days.





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I was sooooo sick for 6 days of an 8 day trip!

I thought it was the ventilation on the carnival splendor but it wasn't it was the careless lazy staff

Let me say I have taken about thirty cruises in the 8 years and this is the first I have ever been on where I thought I was going to die, no lie, I was that sick.

I was sitting in the relaxation room in the spa, i saw a staff member empty the dirty mugs and glasses and put them in the clean glass area, then leave the room , I couldn't believe what I just saw and I went to check. T

Yes they were clearly dirty so I went to get the spa staff to confirm and they did confirm yes they are dirty. Then they called like the spa manager when he also confirmed the glass ware was dirty I started to cry I was so sick for six days and the only thing I was doing was drinking water in the relaxation room because I couldn't eat or do much of anything else. After I saw this, I started to think about a few times while in this room I had picked up dirty glass ware and thought that a guest must have misplaced the glasses but now I'm not so sure. I was so sick I couldn't do much except use the steam room and sauna area and relaxation room drinking plenty of hot water and honey.

This was the worst trip ever to be sick on a boat and be charged $120 a visit to see the dr and he says drink plenty of fluids.

Those where useless visits to the dr as he didn't do anything to relieve my chest pain, cough, runny nose, or ear canal pain.

Be cautious if your taking this cruise line or this boat

I haven't even been sick with a common cold in over twenty years, I take excellent care of myself and I'm a healthy woman but being on this ship got me sick in less than two days.


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On our recent cruise on the Valor, Carol & I made a conscious effort to avoid things that could ADD to our risk of getting sick. You can't avoid everything. So, we NEVER touched the railings when using the stairs. We opened as many doors as we could using elbows, We turned on the water in the bathrooms with paper towels in our hands. We didn't use the elevators, so that risk was reduced. It is very disturbing to be using one of the public restrooms and hear a fellow passenger (or crew member) leave without water being turned on.


However, what you encountered is very concerning. I am sorry you got sick, it was unfortunate that SOME of the staff didn't exercise due diligence.

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On our recent cruise on the Valor, Carol & I made a conscious effort to avoid things that could ADD to our risk of getting sick. You can't avoid everything. So, we NEVER touched the railings when using the stairs. We opened as many doors as we could using elbows, We turned on the water in the bathrooms with paper towels in our hands. We didn't use the elevators, so that risk was reduced. It is very disturbing to be using one of the public restrooms and hear a fellow passenger (or crew member) leave without water being turned on.


However, what you encountered is very concerning. I am sorry you got sick, it was unfortunate that SOME of the staff didn't exercise due diligence.


It scares me that I took so many precautions and I still got sick, and that so many other passengers were also sick and the ship doesn't have to report it. No one will ever now about what happen to me and others .

Also upsetting that they only thing they did was offer a few bottles of water and a sorry.

I took ten days off from work unpaid , paid for hotel before and after, paid for transportation from nh to ny, paid for a spa cabin $1400 and all I get is I am sorry or staff made you sick.

I would at least like to know that the cdc is doing something about this health risk on these ships.

No credit for a future cruise or a free trip on another ship nothing!

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While what you described about the dirty glasses is disturbing how do you know that the ship is what made you sick? You said others were sick so you may have caught it from them. You could have caught it from someone at work or some random person in some random place. Not sure the blame lies solely with the ship since you had been in other places. Colds don't appear over night but over several days. Sorry you were sick but compensation from the cruise line seems extreme to me

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I would at least like to know that the cdc is doing something about this health risk on these ships.


No credit for a future cruise or a free trip on another ship nothing!



I think I missed something here. You caught a cold, and you want the CDC involved? You want a free cruise? Really?





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While what you described about the dirty glasses is disturbing how do you know that the ship is what made you sick? You said others were sick so you may have caught it from them. You could have caught it from someone at work or some random person in some random place. Not sure the blame lies solely with the ship since you had been in other places. Colds don't appear over night but over several days. Sorry you were sick but compensation from the cruise line seems extreme to me



I'm blaming the ship because I'm a nurse by trade and I haven't even had a common cold for at least ten years, I don't take medications at all, i don't get head aches etc I have not even taken a aspirin in over twenty one years? I only drink water, I exercise daily, I eat healthy, I take all precautions possible so I don't get sick in my daily life.


No one at home was sick or at work

But yes I saw other passengers That were sick on the ship and people I was talking to on cruise critic before and during my cruise.

Said that they also got sick on the cruise.

I'm not one to blame but after seeing what that staff member did and how I felt while being on this cruise I do feel they are to blame.

I don't care if you don't feel the same that is your believe and I respect that.

I pray you never get sick on a carnival Cruise ship they were heartless. It wasn't fun at all and I'm still sick eight days later.

Just be cautious that's all

No one cAres if your sick on a cruise and there's no one to take responsibility for any wrong doing just remember that

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If you got sick 2 days into the cruise it could have been something you picked up just prior to your cruise because so many viruses have an incubation period. However you will never know. I don't think it's right to blame a cruise line for your virus IMO as you could have caught it from another passenger too.


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I think I missed something here. You caught a cold, and you want the CDC involved? You want a free cruise? Really?





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I wish there was a "like" button.


We just got off the Inspiration last Friday and one of the teens we brought with us caught a cold in the middle of the cruise. Well they spent each evening up top listening to music and hanging with their friends. We had just been at Disney and took two flights. She could have gotten sick anywhere. Believe me she was not going to let me keep her in her cabin. Luckily I brought a bunch of "just in case cold/flu meds".

My husband and I are also very careful regardless of where we travel. I purchase hand sanitizer by the buckets and use it on the ship as well. There is no way you can blame a cold on a couple of glasses. One bad staff member does not make the whole ship.

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You said you went to the steam and sauna? Your a nurse? Bacteria grows really fast with heat and moisture. Why would you go there of all places? Sorry I am with the others. All your symptoms point to a cold. If you go food poisoning that's one thing but a cold? Sorry, It's on you.

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I'm so sorry you got sick, and there is no excuse to put dirty glasses next to the clean ones. However, it sounds like you got a common cold, which can happen anywhere. There is always more of a chance of getting sick on vacation. Just be glad it wasn't noro virus.

Edited by Fitzget
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I don't trust 100% that everything in my cabin is clean to my specs so I bring a small bottle (1oz.) of dish liquid and I wash our glassware in the cabin before and after we use it. I also bring a ziplock bag of premoistened paper towels with Clorox clean-up. I clean door handles and the phone with them. I hope the dinnerware in the kitchens and buffets has been properly put thru dishwashers. I know I sound paranoid but believe me I am not. During my normal everyday comings and goings I don't take these precautions everywhere I go. I only do it on cruises. I don't want to be sick and lose time that could be better spent having fun. And now after hearing the OP tell of the beverage glasses in the spa its all the more reason to continue to do what I have been doing.


I don't agree that she should get anything for her inconvenience. And it sounds like the Dr office on board is just a money maker. I've heard similar stories waaaayyyy to often to think otherwise. Another reason to stay away from the spa. Too much heat and moisture there. Sunshine and a DOD is all the heat and moisture I need.

Edited by Boozebabe
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Agree, amazes me how many people get sick and want a free cruise cause it's the cruise line fault. With no real proof where you caught the cold, but to lay blaime solely on the ship is kinda silly. While I think the incident with the glass is totally unacceptable, it doesn't mean the whole ship was that careless or the whole cruise line, regardless which it is. I have sailed may times also and have gotten sick twice and missed several fun days but I did not set out to blaime anyone or anything. It's a fact of life and I just roll with it....or sail...

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I, too, haven't been sick in many, many years ... I exercise regularly, etc., when out of the blue just last week I got knocked right on my behind. Completely unexpected.


But after a trip to the doctor, it was determined I have no one to blame but the oak pollen.


Sorry you were ill during your vacation.


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Question.....in your first post, you stated you have not even had a cold in 20 years. In a following post, you stated you have not had a cold in ten years! Which is it? You are not trolling are you?!?

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OP, I understand your emotions and nobody likes to be sick, from the common cold or flu - but, facts of daily lives, on and off public transport, facilities and yes, including cruise ships (and, I'm in both primary care and as administrator)


However, I'm struggling and trying to understand the direct connections between catching the common cold, as you described those symptoms and the (one & only) impropery trained/supervised crew member who didn't follow established "infection control" guidelines in removing dirty mugs & glasses in the spa lounge area, and returning it to use by other unsuspecting guests - as directly observed by you. You subsequently reported it/discussed your concern with another spa member and the spa manager, and received no apology or that your allegations ignored - and, that you would like CDC to be involved to investigate. You said you spoke to and know of others on the same cruise were sick - that is a very generic description?? Was it the common cold, flu, seasonal allergies, Noro-virus and/or a combination of: these are pretty serious allegations and health risks factors, I agreed if they are valid & true.


Being sick on day 3 on a cruise with the common cold, and, observing dirty glasses & mugs being "recycled" as clean without being washed - two (2) indirectly related matters, I believe. And, you used those mugs/glasses & felt cheated & sick to the stomach, thinking about it - is that it ??


Did you contact any other senior officers on the ship? I'm sure you know that there is a chain of command and you could've escalate the matter further, and contact the head of guest services and/or hotel services for the ship, and documented it with names, dates & times, etc. to substantiate your claims - and, it's clear you are dissatisfied with the ship's responses, etc. The next steps would be to contact CCL's corporate office and request their help & intervention, and be reasonable by giving them time to respond & address your concern, etc.


Flll disclosure, we are both cruisers and also tiny, micro-minority shares or stockholders for CCL and would definitely be concerned if this is their S.O.P which I am sure isn't and NOT defending CCL at all nor trying to dismiss what you've raised. It does read about a serie of rants with missing details - you sailed the Splendor with high expectations, got sick after 2 days and remained sick for the remainding 6 days and still sick now and you only drank water for the duration? I'm sorry and confused, could you please kindly share with us a better timeline and sequence of events.


It would give those planning to sail the Splendor a better heads up and maybe the Roll Call folks can "advocate" for you & bring up the questions during their Q&A with the ship's liaison - being from CC, as they tend to extend a bit of courtesy in listening to our concerns (without violating any off-shore HIPAA regs.) Much appreciated in advance.


Meanwhile, advise to definitely see your own PCP upon returning from the cruise as it would not then be wise to return to work until cleared by employee health services, as that would be policies in our facilities & as best practices.


(P.S. as seasoned travelers & cruisers, we always pack a mini medication kit, stocked with our prescription Rx and common/popular OTC meds, as it's often difficult to buy/get them while being away from [foreign] ports - it's happened to us, never expected to get "sick" while on vacation, hmmm.)

Edited by mking8288
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First off nursing is not a trade it is a profession. And secondly nurses are somewhat prone to catch colds because they nurse sick people. Why not blame the airline that you flew on. Stuck in such a small space with 100 plus others, anyone of them that could have been carrying that cold germ. That facts are is that there is absolutely no way you will ever know what made you sick. It happens to all of us.. Too bad it had to be on vacation. As far as the ships medical staff I would say the treatment for colds is just what they told you. I came down with pneumonia on the Elation years ago in the middle of a 7 day cruise and the medical staff was very professional and gave me all the treatment they had available. Upon getting home I spent 3 days in the hospital but not once did I ever think about blaming the ship or staff. S***t happens.

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I'm blaming the ship because I'm a nurse by trade and I haven't even had a common cold for at least ten years, I don't take medications at all, i don't get head aches etc I have not even taken a aspirin in over twenty one years? I only drink water, I exercise daily, I eat healthy, I take all precautions possible so I don't get sick in my daily life.


No one at home was sick or at work

But yes I saw other passengers That were sick on the ship and people I was talking to on cruise critic before and during my cruise.

Said that they also got sick on the cruise.

I'm not one to blame but after seeing what that staff member did and how I felt while being on this cruise I do feel they are to blame.

I don't care if you don't feel the same that is your believe and I respect that.

I pray you never get sick on a carnival Cruise ship they were heartless. It wasn't fun at all and I'm still sick eight days later.

Just be cautious that's all

No one cAres if your sick on a cruise and there's no one to take responsibility for any wrong doing just remember that



A "nurse" that has never gotten sick in 20, or was it 10 years? (You changed your tune from post to post)


I call PURE BS on this one.


Sorry but hospitals are more of a "petri-dish" than a cruise ship.

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you are my sunshine my only sunshine, i'm so sad that you got sick. my wife works at a Dr's office and i sure hope she don't get sick or bring it home to me.


where did the OP go ?:eek:

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I'm sorry that you got sick on your cruise. Not fun. Been there, done that. :(


Since cold symptoms begin 2 to 3 days after exposure, I am thinking that you probably "caught" that nasty cold on your mega bus trip from NH to NY. Buses, like planes, and their confined quarters make excellent breeding grounds.


Hope you feel better soon.

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If you got sick 2 days into the cruise it could have been something you picked up just prior to your cruise because so many viruses have an incubation period. However you will never know. I don't think it's right to blame a cruise line for your virus IMO as you could have caught it from another passenger too.


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From previous postings looks like she took 2 buses to get to the ship... no germs on the bus????

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I was sooooo sick for 6 days of an 8 day trip!

I thought it was the ventilation on the carnival splendor but it wasn't it was the careless lazy staff

Let me say I have taken about thirty cruises in the 8 years and this is the first I have ever been on where I thought I was going to die, no lie, I was that sick.

I was sitting in the relaxation room in the spa, i saw a staff member empty the dirty mugs and glasses and put them in the clean glass area, then leave the room , I couldn't believe what I just saw and I went to check. T

Yes they were clearly dirty so I went to get the spa staff to confirm and they did confirm yes they are dirty. Then they called like the spa manager when he also confirmed the glass ware was dirty I started to cry I was so sick for six days and the only thing I was doing was drinking water in the relaxation room because I couldn't eat or do much of anything else. After I saw this, I started to think about a few times while in this room I had picked up dirty glass ware and thought that a guest must have misplaced the glasses but now I'm not so sure. I was so sick I couldn't do much except use the steam room and sauna area and relaxation room drinking plenty of hot water and honey.

This was the worst trip ever to be sick on a boat and be charged $120 a visit to see the dr and he says drink plenty of fluids.

Those where useless visits to the dr as he didn't do anything to relieve my chest pain, cough, runny nose, or ear canal pain.

Be cautious if your taking this cruise line or this boat

I haven't even been sick with a common cold in over twenty years, I take excellent care of myself and I'm a healthy woman but being on this ship got me sick in less than two days.




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Sorry you were sick. What did you have? What did your Dr. at home tell you? You surely must have gone straight away when you got home.


We always do pack meds for the "just in case" illnesses. I'm sure you will next time!

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We also take a mini-kit of a bunch of just-in-case stuff -- pepto, advil, rolaids, cold stuff, cough syrup, etc.


The usual stuff flying around on a cruise that makes people so sick is GI related, not a URI. No telling when or where you encountered the bug that got you. I can tell you that in AZ, docs are seeing a late surge of influenza B and it is a knock-you-on-your-butt misery. Hubby and I have both been fighting it the past week and hubby even took 2 sick days and I can count on one hand the number of days he's called out sick in the past decade. I would have thought nothing about getting on a ship a week ago, and then lots of people would have been exposed to my crud and my vacation would have been totally un-fun.


Bottom line is the dirty glasses in the spa are no more likely to have made you sick than just existing in any sort of public place. The combination of the added stress of travel and greater exposure to other people just increased your odds of getting sick.

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I'm blaming the ship because I'm a nurse by trade and I haven't even had a common cold for at least ten years, I don't take medications at all, i don't get head aches etc I have not even taken a aspirin in over twenty one years? I only drink water, I exercise daily, I eat healthy, I take all precautions possible so I don't get sick in my daily life.


No one at home was sick or at work

But yes I saw other passengers That were sick on the ship and people I was talking to on cruise critic before and during my cruise.

Said that they also got sick on the cruise.

I'm not one to blame but after seeing what that staff member did and how I felt while being on this cruise I do feel they are to blame.

I don't care if you don't feel the same that is your believe and I respect that.

I pray you never get sick on a carnival Cruise ship they were heartless. It wasn't fun at all and I'm still sick eight days later.

Just be cautious that's all

No one cAres if your sick on a cruise and there's no one to take responsibility for any wrong doing just remember that


Haven't had a cold in 10 years?! I guess you were due. Not sure how that is the ships fault. Another CC member just came back from Splendor and loved it! It does suck getting sick on vacation. But it happens.

Edited by Jimmy Geegitz
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