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norwegian = worst customer service department ever


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I think the way you have handled things has been pretty pathetic. Have you REALLY made any positive attempt to contact any of the directors of NCL?


Yes I agree. Why in the world would I contact customer service when I have an issue? That is just silly. I have no idea what I was thinking.

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Yes I agree. Why in the world would I contact customer service when I have an issue? That is just silly. I have no idea what I was thinking.


Seriously. Why would you contact either the directors OR customer service? The entire issue is over what the PCC said to you. The problem is with the PCC...not with customer service, not with the directors, not with Facebook, not with Cruise Critic.


The real question is why isn't this issue being hashed out with the PCC and the PCC's supervisor?



Has the PCC not admitted the mistake and apologized yet???

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So the answer is "Well we screwed up so bad that we know this person is never coming back so we might as well ignore him?" That just confirms the title of thread in my opinion. As a business owner I have to address every issue that comes up. I don't have the luxury of just ignoring those who might not be appeased.


And I have clarified on here several times. That I am more than willing to listen to their side. Several people on here have said there is my side and their side and the truth is somewhere in the middle. I would love to hear their side. If they produce a contract or a reason why they aren't at fault I will gladly let it go and tell everyone on here. So far that isn't the case. The two cruise consultants, the customer rep, the shore excursions department, the steward, and everyone else I have talked to have agreed that NCL made a mistake but they personally couldn't do anything. Should I have pursued further? Probably but I am not a big fan of escalating to supervisors. I prefer to let it flow through natural channels and see how it is handled. I think the way it has been handled has been telling.


OK, you talked to at least five NCL employee's according to this post. Each said they were sorry but there was nothing more to be done. You also have stated you don't want anything from NCL except an apology. Seems you have received as many as five apologies and it continues. What do you really want? You say if they give you a reason they are not at fault, you will tell everyone and let it go. Seems several NCL employees already told you there were at fault and were sorry. If the CEO of NCL posted on here today, I'm sorry but there is nothing more I can do, would that make you happy? I think not.

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No, I don't think it is acceptable customer service to ignore the customer. However, there are times when a business realizes that they are in a no win situation. They know that no matter what they do the customer will not be satisfied and may possibly be even further aggravated. Why spend the resources to respond when they know it will get them nowhere?

Because there are those that have yet to sail with NCL and are reading this interchange between an aggrieved customer and NCL and are using this very thread to formulate their opinion about how NCL treats its paying customers.

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I have followed this thread since it's inception on the 2nd May. I have found it fascinating and yet somewhat bewildering. The gist of it is that the op wished to share a stateroom with his wife/partner and have his 6 year old and 14 year old share a cabin, not something I suspect that many experienced cruisers would do (for many obvious reasons) never mind someone on their first cruise.


It is clear that the Cruise Consultant messed up and clearly thought the stateroom doors would face each other. Once on board given that the ship could not accommodate them the best option would have been to accept the situation and have each adult share with a child which I suspect most would agree was the sensible option in any event.


The amount of energy the op has spent on this thread (some 94 posts and counting having had only one prior post) is staggering and would have been better spent, if deemed necessary, communicating directly with NCL or the cruise consultant albeit possibly failing to get a response. Everything that can be said on this thread re the problem has been said.


I can on occasions if suitably inclined be a bit like a "dog with a bone" so I have some sympathy with the OP, but hey this is one hell of a bone:)


I wish the OP well in his quest but doubt if he will get more than an apology, given that what he hoped to achieve when booking the cabins was against NCL's terms and conditions re Stateroom occupancy.

Edited by Big Chippy
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I have to agree with absolutely everything the poster above has said. Way to much energy has been wasted by the OP and life is just too short!

However, it is a shame the Cruiseline has not bothered to respond in a better manner..,,



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

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I have followed this thread since it's inception on the 2nd May. I have found it fascinating and yet somewhat bewildering. The gist of it is that the op wished to share a stateroom with his wife/partner and have his 6 year old and 14 year old share a cabin, not something I suspect that many experienced cruisers would do (for many obvious reasons) never mind someone on their first cruise.


It is clear that the Cruise Consultant messed up and clearly thought the stateroom doors would face each other. Once on board given that the ship could not accommodate them the best option would have been to accept the situation and have each adult share with a child which I suspect most would agree was the sensible option in any event.


The amount of energy the op has spent on this thread (some 94 posts and counting having had only one prior post) is staggering and would have been better spent, if deemed necessary, communicating directly with NCL or the cruise consultant albeit possibly failing to get a response. Everything that can be said on this thread re the problem has been said.


I can on occasions if suitably inclined be a bit like a "dog with a bone" so I have some sympathy with the OP, but hey this is one hell of a bone:)


I wish the OP well in his quest but doubt if he will get more than an apology, given that what he hoped to achieve when booking the cabins was against NCL's terms and conditions re Stateroom occupancy.


Booking rooms that face each other across the hall is agains NCL's terms and conditions?


The funny thing is I didn't even think about it but as someone else just pointed out. We had two rooms booked and for some reason our steward had the beds pushed together in our mini-suite instead of apart. And she knew when she greeted us what our arrangement was going to be.


Where we were going to sleep is not the issue. What the issue is that NCL's rep based on our conversation was giving us two rooms that faced each other across the hall. You was sleeping where is immaterial. What matters is that we didn't receive what we were promised.


And now it is one month later and NCL can't even return a call.


I find it sad and telling.

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I have to agree with absolutely everything the poster above has said. Way to much energy has been wasted by the OP and life is just too short!

However, it is a shame the Cruiseline has not bothered to respond in a better manner..,,



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


I agree I have had to expend way too much energy. A simple phone call or email and this would have been over long ago. And I appreciate everyone's advice and opinion. I just don't think it should be necessary to write a letter to the CEO to get a reply.

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OK, you talked to at least five NCL employee's according to this post. Each said they were sorry but there was nothing more to be done. You also have stated you don't want anything from NCL except an apology. Seems you have received as many as five apologies and it continues. What do you really want? You say if they give you a reason they are not at fault, you will tell everyone and let it go. Seems several NCL employees already told you there were at fault and were sorry. If the CEO of NCL posted on here today, I'm sorry but there is nothing more I can do, would that make you happy? I think not.


No they didn't say "there was nothing more to be done." They said they would forward to the people who would handle it. One cruise consultant actually said she would forward it and don't worry about calling the customer service number. From what she knows, people wait on hold forever on that line..


You are reading something into it that just wasn't said. They in fact said something should be done which is quite different than what you are trying to say.

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I have followed this thread since it's inception on the 2nd May. I have found it fascinating and yet somewhat bewildering. The gist of it is that the op wished to share a stateroom with his wife/partner and have his 6 year old and 14 year old share a cabin, not something I suspect that many experienced cruisers would do (for many obvious reasons) never mind someone on their first cruise.


It is clear that the Cruise Consultant messed up and clearly thought the stateroom doors would face each other. Once on board given that the ship could not accommodate them the best option would have been to accept the situation and have each adult share with a child which I suspect most would agree was the sensible option in any event.


The amount of energy the op has spent on this thread (some 94 posts and counting having had only one prior post) is staggering and would have been better spent, if deemed necessary, communicating directly with NCL or the cruise consultant albeit possibly failing to get a response. Everything that can be said on this thread re the problem has been said.


I can on occasions if suitably inclined be a bit like a "dog with a bone" so I have some sympathy with the OP, but hey this is one hell of a bone:)


I wish the OP well in his quest but doubt if he will get more than an apology, given that what he hoped to achieve when booking the cabins was against NCL's terms and conditions re Stateroom occupancy.


If the energy had been spent doing a tiny bit of research........well, hindsight, 20/20, etc, et al.........

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Seriously. Why would you contact either the directors OR customer service? The entire issue is over what the PCC said to you. The problem is with the PCC...not with customer service, not with the directors, not with Facebook, not with Cruise Critic.


The real question is why isn't this issue being hashed out with the PCC and the PCC's supervisor?



Has the PCC not admitted the mistake and apologized yet???



Not to me. To be honest, we haven't had that conversation as to whose fault it is. I am going to send an email now and ask what his position is on this. If he replies that I just asked for two rooms I might have a stroke though. :)

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Booking rooms that face each other across the hall is agains NCL's terms and conditions?



I am pretty sure you are aware that I meant that it is in breach of NCL's t&c's for two 'children" under 21 years of age to occupy a cabin without an adult.

Given that you have made it perfectly clear on this thread that this was your intention NCL may have little sympathy with your problem. That said you are entitled to a response in a reasonable time but I think any form of compensation (whilst on board on now) would be unlikely.

Edited by Big Chippy
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I am pretty sure you are aware that I meant that it is in breach of NCL's t&c's for two 'children" under 21 years of age to occupy a cabin without an adult.

Given that you have made it perfectly clear on this thread that this was your intention NCL may have little sympathy with your problem. That said you are entitled to a response in a reasonable time but I think any form of compensation (whilst on board on now) would be unlikely.


Even though they had the rooms set-up in advance knowing where everyone was planning on sleeping?


They should have sympathy since they incorrectly booked our rooms. Where people were sleeping has nothing to do with the issue.

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I would prefer to hear it from someone in the corporate office. Sorry.


At the very least, I believe I am entitled to a phone call.


Just to clarify: if a ubiquitous "someone" , and you have been given several names right here on CC and ignored them, in corporate calls you and says " we could not move you. The ship was full." You will be satisfied? Because as much as I was rooting for you, you just make absolutely no sense with your statements , you reply only to posts that with which you can argue. I am not even sure if you even took a cruise at this point!!


Is there a word for cruisingmunchausens? seriously, dude.put on your big boy pants, pick up the phone and ask your PCC to apologize. What DO you seriously want NCL to do? Give you a free cruise in a Haven suite? I at first wished you a refund on the second cabin. Now I wish you a cure for your obsession with this $200 fee you paid. I think that is what it was. That was 344 posts ago.....


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What one person said:


I wish the OP well in his quest but doubt if he will get more than an apology, given that what he hoped to achieve when booking the cabins was against NCL's terms and conditions re Stateroom occupancy.


What the other person heard:


Booking rooms that face each other across the hall is agains NCL's terms and conditions?



And this exchange was done IN WRITING!




Makes one wonder...If a miscommunication occurs so easily with the written word, then is it really a stretch to believe that a miscommunication could also easily occur during a verbal phone conversation?? :rolleyes:

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Even though they had the rooms set-up in advance knowing where everyone was planning on sleeping?



This is something that you will learn after you cruise awhile, so being it was your first cruise I understand why you didn't realize.


The room steward had no idea of your sleeping intentions. The rooms were simply left set up the same way that they were on the previous cruise. The room steward is only going to change the bed configuration if asked. They don't have the time to try to "guess" how each set of people want to sleep.

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This is something that you will learn after you cruise awhile, so being it was your first cruise I understand why you didn't realize.


The room steward had no idea of your sleeping intentions. The rooms were simply left set up the same way that they were on the previous cruise. The room steward is only going to change the bed configuration if asked. They don't have the time to try to "guess" how each set of people want to sleep.


This is true - we've had it set up all kinds of ways (we book connecting cabins). Although I do have to say, every time I've booked a cruise with NCL, the PC has always offered up the fact that even though they need to book DH and I in different rooms, NCL doesn't care where we sleep.

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Not to me. To be honest, we haven't had that conversation as to whose fault it is. I am going to send an email now and ask what his position is on this. If he replies that I just asked for two rooms I might have a stroke though. :)


I certainly haven't taken time to read all the responses or all your zillions of comments but it seems to me, like has been said: it is over, I don't have a clue what you would like NCL to do and if it were me, I would just drop it and get on with your life. What is done is done, no one was hurt by it and life is too short to dwell on this any longer. I understand your concerns and your not getting any response, but let it go.

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I'd like to think NCL is working on something for the OP. That FB post, before it was deleted, was acknowledged by NCL. I've also read post on CC from people saying they've been given a credit towards a future cruise. So, this seems simple:


Dear So and So,

We at NCL are sorry to read about your disappointment on your recent cruise. We'd like to offer you a $200 (or whatever that cancel fee was) credit towards a future NCL cruise...


OP gets the acknowledgement he/she seeks and can choose whether to forfeit the credit if he/she will never sail NCL again after this. If forfeited, NCL is out nothing. If used by the OP, NCL has potentially just sold two cabins plus onboard spending. And let's face it, NCL is obviously having trouble filling ships if they've had to resort to a BOGO sale.


Sounds simple enough to me anyway. :cool:

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I'd like to think NCL is working on something for the OP. That FB post, before it was deleted, was acknowledged by NCL. I've also read post on CC from people saying they've been given a credit towards a future cruise. So, this seems simple:


Dear So and So,

We at NCL are sorry to read about your disappointment on your recent cruise. We'd like to offer you a $200 (or whatever that cancel fee was) credit towards a future NCL cruise...


OP gets the acknowledgement he/she seeks and can choose whether to forfeit the credit if he/she will never sail NCL again after this. If forfeited, NCL is out nothing. If used by the OP, NCL has potentially just sold two cabins plus onboard spending. And let's face it, NCL is obviously having trouble filling ships if they've had to resort to a BOGO sale.


Sounds simple enough to me anyway. :cool:


where in the heck are you getting the idea NCL is having trouble filling the ships? We were just off the Dawn and it was completely full. So was the Sun when we sailed last Dec.

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OP...so let me summarize. You had a good cruise. Had a hiccup with which way the doors faced on the two cabins you booked. You told customer service on board the ship. They appologized that they couldn't change your cabins because (like all NCL cruises) they were sailing full.


Unfortunate? Yes! But, now you're in the area of "making a mountain out of a molehill".


You can continue complaining to NCL, or here, for that matter. NCL doesn't feel the issue is serious enough to warrant more than the apology you received while on board.


Not sure where NCL can go from here, nor where you can go. It's a dead issue from where I'm sitting. No need to expend any more energy.

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I just can't believe the number of posters slamming the OP, whose family's cruise was significantly disturbed by the mistake of the NCL person in assigning rooms. Instead of easing the expected cramping in the originally purchased mini-suite by selling the two adjoining cabins the OP asked for, the NCL rep supplied rooms that were really not together at all and thus led the family to squeeze into smaller accommodations. To add insult to injury, he had to pay a fee to have this asinine room change made.


If I were in the OP's shoes, I would certainly want some higher-up at NCL -- someone well above the rank and file crew who have been the only people to respond to the OP -- to acknowledge that a mistake was made and that it was serious. Certainly a refund of the change fee is warranted.


Because of many of the comments made here, in the OP's shoes, I'd be wondering what sort of passengers NCL attracts. On this board, it seems that the customer is always wrong. And, for Pete's sake, questioning the OP as to why he hasn't contacted the board of directors, puh-lease! Also, here the OP has repeatedly returned to defend himself and to clarify things and add detail, and he then is criticized as obsessed because of the number of posts he's made!


What sort of impression about Cruise Critic, the NCL forum and cruising in general does the participation on this thread make on a new cruiser?


I hope the OP has success in achieving actual conversation with someone in a responsible position at NCL.

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I just can't believe the number of posters slamming the OP, whose family's cruise was significantly disturbed by the mistake of the NCL person in assigning rooms. Instead of easing the expected cramping in the originally purchased mini-suite by selling the two adjoining cabins the OP asked for, the NCL rep supplied rooms that were really not together at all and thus led the family to squeeze into smaller accommodations. To add insult to injury, he had to pay a fee to have this asinine room change made.


If I were in the OP's shoes, I would certainly want some higher-up at NCL -- someone well above the rank and file crew who have been the only people to respond to the OP -- to acknowledge that a mistake was made and that it was serious. Certainly a refund of the change fee is warranted.


Because of many of the comments made here, in the OP's shoes, I'd be wondering what sort of passengers NCL attracts. On this board, it seems that the customer is always wrong. And, for Pete's sake, questioning the OP as to why he hasn't contacted the board of directors, puh-lease! Also, here the OP has repeatedly returned to defend himself and to clarify things and add detail, and he then is criticized as obsessed because of the number of posts he's made!


What sort of impression about Cruise Critic, the NCL forum and cruising in general does the participation on this thread make on a new cruiser?


I hope the OP has success in achieving actual conversation with someone in a responsible position at NCL.


I couldn't have said it any better. Also, if some of these posters are so tired of this thread then maybe they shouldn't read it.

Edited by thistimeplease
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