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norwegian = worst customer service department ever


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where in the heck are you getting the idea NCL is having trouble filling the ships? We were just off the Dawn and it was completely full. So was the Sun when we sailed last Dec.


The super low prices and special perks. NCL has been drastically discounting lots of sailings as they get closer and closer. If you slash prices within a month or two before sailing of course ships will be sailing full. Look at what has been happening to the brand new Getaway and almost new Breakaway. Lots of difficulty selling those cabins. If you don't think NCL is having trouble filling ships at normal pricing you simply have not been paying attention.

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OP. When calling it pays to record ur conversation, and make it a point of letting them know u are taping the conversation. Things change when people think they being recorded. Hope you get response soon. I hate to be ignored, and you must feel so.


I don't believe it is the OP's JOB to know the layout of the ship. Many times we have trusted somebody from NCL to pick our cabins.....it's their JOB and they should be knowable and responsible.

Safe sailing


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Forums mobile app

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The super low prices and special perks. NCL has been drastically discounting lots of sailings as they get closer and closer. If you slash prices within a month or two before sailing of course ships will be sailing full. Look at what has been happening to the brand new Getaway and almost new Breakaway. Lots of difficulty selling those cabins. If you don't think NCL is having trouble filling ships at normal pricing you simply have not been paying attention.


My Epic cruise for Thanksgiving just dropped $500. And to clarify - I did say Thanksgiving. I never thought that would happen over a holiday sailing!!

Edited by SissasMomE
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The super low prices and special perks. NCL has been drastically discounting lots of sailings as they get closer and closer. If you slash prices within a month or two before sailing of course ships will be sailing full. Look at what has been happening to the brand new Getaway and almost new Breakaway. Lots of difficulty selling those cabins. If you don't think NCL is having trouble filling ships at normal pricing you simply have not been paying attention.


Is this problem only with NCL, or do all cruise lines drop prices to sell cabins when they get near sailing date?

Edited by swedish weave
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Is this problem only with NCL, or do all cruise lines drop prices to sell cabins when they get near sailing date?



And of course we mostly all know that all cruise lines including the high end ones do these promotions! I receive daily promotions from the website associated with CC offering "specials" for every one of the major cruise lines including the European river cruises. This has gone on for years among most of the lines. There is no big news to being able to get a lower price on some cruises as it gets close to sailing. Way back in the 80's and 90's it used to be sport to go to the pier and get free/discount tickets and just get on the ship. It was because they had space. When you are boarding 10's of thousands of passengers a week, selling several hundred rooms at a discount does not indicate a problem filling ships. Remember just a year or two ago the numbers on here who were "bragging" about upsells/upgrades? How many do you see now. It is getting pretty rare compared to times past.

Edited by rvsullivan
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The super low prices and special perks. NCL has been drastically discounting lots of sailings as they get closer and closer. If you slash prices within a month or two before sailing of course ships will be sailing full. Look at what has been happening to the brand new Getaway and almost new Breakaway. Lots of difficulty selling those cabins. If you don't think NCL is having trouble filling ships at normal pricing you simply have not been paying attention.


well the last 3 cruises we have been on certainly didn't have slashed prices. In fact the Dawn the price was higher the last month prior to sailing, but of course it was sold out about 2 weeks before we embarked. The larger ships on all lines have had greatly reduced rates the last month or so. When we cruised Princess, from Quebec City to Ft Lauderdale about 2 years ago (almost) the rates for an 11 day cruise were lest than $500 a person for an inside cabin the last month. I am probably more aware of pricing than you have ever been. I am not talking only NCL.

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Is this problem only with NCL, or do all cruise lines drop prices to sell cabins when they get near sailing date?

all cruise lines drop prices if they have not sold out 4 weeks prior to cruising. The usual pricing goes something like this: early booking, high: about 6 to 9 months out the prices might drop a little: about 3 months out, if sales are going well the prices shoot back up and then, toward the end, they may drop, but usually there are not a lot of cabin selection.

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The only reason why certain posters are "picking" on accmiller is the fact that despite many suggestions, he/she sems incapable of taking that advice. He/she is now simply awaiting a call back or E-mail from the customer services of NCL instead of actually doing something positive to sort it. I am aware he/she has had the problem now for 10 days but he/she seems to give in far to easily when trying to speak to somebody. However, he/she has already had a letter on the subject but seems to wish to ignore this letter. As the saying goes "you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink" !!

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The two cruise consultants, the customer rep, the shore excursions department, the steward, and everyone else I have talked to have agreed that NCL made a mistake but they personally couldn't do anything. Should I have pursued further? Probably but I am not a big fan of escalating to supervisors.


Why oh why would you think the shore excursion department could possibly help you in this situation? Honestly I think you spent your whole cruise complaining to anyone who would listen.

Sorry to say but when I have a quick question to ask the front desk I always roll my eyes when someone like you is in front of me telling me your tale of woes. I know I will be standing in line another 20 minutes longer then I should while you complain like your quoting war & peace to the rep.

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This is true - we've had it set up all kinds of ways (we book connecting cabins). Although I do have to say, every time I've booked a cruise with NCL, the PC has always offered up the fact that even though they need to book DH and I in different rooms, NCL doesn't care where we sleep.


Yes it is quite evident that is NCL's position because they told me that as well.


Where we choose to sleep as absolutely nothing to do with this. I wish those fixated with this part would just realize that.

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What one person said:




What the other person heard:





And this exchange was done IN WRITING!




Makes one wonder...If a miscommunication occurs so easily with the written word, then is it really a stretch to believe that a miscommunication could also easily occur during a verbal phone conversation?? :rolleyes:


There was NOTHING in writing that said we were required to abide by those sleeping arrangements.

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This is something that you will learn after you cruise awhile, so being it was your first cruise I understand why you didn't realize.


The room steward had no idea of your sleeping intentions. The rooms were simply left set up the same way that they were on the previous cruise. The room steward is only going to change the bed configuration if asked. They don't have the time to try to "guess" how each set of people want to sleep.


Except for the fact when we met our steward she immediately said she had both of our rooms and had set them up for us. She already knew what the plan was.

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OP...so let me summarize. You had a good cruise. Had a hiccup with which way the doors faced on the two cabins you booked. You told customer service on board the ship. They appologized that they couldn't change your cabins because (like all NCL cruises) they were sailing full.


Unfortunate? Yes! But, now you're in the area of "making a mountain out of a molehill".


You can continue complaining to NCL, or here, for that matter. NCL doesn't feel the issue is serious enough to warrant more than the apology you received while on board.


Not sure where NCL can go from here, nor where you can go. It's a dead issue from where I'm sitting. No need to expend any more energy.


One. I never received an apology


Two We asked for something specific and didn't receive what we were promised.


Three We paid a premium to have those two rooms face each other.


Four NCL has yet to send us any communication that acknowledges the problem.

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I just can't believe the number of posters slamming the OP, whose family's cruise was significantly disturbed by the mistake of the NCL person in assigning rooms. Instead of easing the expected cramping in the originally purchased mini-suite by selling the two adjoining cabins the OP asked for, the NCL rep supplied rooms that were really not together at all and thus led the family to squeeze into smaller accommodations. To add insult to injury, he had to pay a fee to have this asinine room change made.


If I were in the OP's shoes, I would certainly want some higher-up at NCL -- someone well above the rank and file crew who have been the only people to respond to the OP -- to acknowledge that a mistake was made and that it was serious. Certainly a refund of the change fee is warranted.


Because of many of the comments made here, in the OP's shoes, I'd be wondering what sort of passengers NCL attracts. On this board, it seems that the customer is always wrong. And, for Pete's sake, questioning the OP as to why he hasn't contacted the board of directors, puh-lease! Also, here the OP has repeatedly returned to defend himself and to clarify things and add detail, and he then is criticized as obsessed because of the number of posts he's made!


What sort of impression about Cruise Critic, the NCL forum and cruising in general does the participation on this thread make on a new cruiser?


I hope the OP has success in achieving actual conversation with someone in a responsible position at NCL.


You might be psychic. :)


It is scary the burden of research some veteran cruises put on the first-timers.

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The only reason why certain posters are "picking" on accmiller is the fact that despite many suggestions, he/she sems incapable of taking that advice. He/she is now simply awaiting a call back or E-mail from the customer services of NCL instead of actually doing something positive to sort it. I am aware he/she has had the problem now for 10 days but he/she seems to give in far to easily when trying to speak to somebody. However, he/she has already had a letter on the subject but seems to wish to ignore this letter. As the saying goes "you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink" !!



10 days????


It has been over a month now. That is 30 days right?


Far to easily?


I have done everything suggested other than contact the board of directors.

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You response supports Sea Sharks post:o


Yes you two are correct.


I called in and said "I would like two rooms but please put one as far away as possible but make it look like they are next to each other. Then when I complain about it please ignore me for over one month."


I would absolutely love to hear what you think NCL's side of the story might be.


It is tiresome to hear how I exaggerate the story. For goodness sake, it has been over a month without a single reply from them.


How is this remotely acceptable??

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Why oh why would you think the shore excursion department could possibly help you in this situation? Honestly I think you spent your whole cruise complaining to anyone who would listen.

Sorry to say but when I have a quick question to ask the front desk I always roll my eyes when someone like you is in front of me telling me your tale of woes. I know I will be standing in line another 20 minutes longer then I should while you complain like your quoting war & peace to the rep.


I didn't say a word to him. When we were booking an excursion he asked for the room numbers. When we gave them to him. He said "Oh My these aren't even close." My wife then told him what happened. He then told us we weren't the first ones it has happened to and you would think they would fix the issue.


But I am sure your quick question is far more important than anyone else's needs. Yes your need to know what time Ships of the World trivia starts is far more important.

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It is tiresome to hear how I exaggerate the story. For goodness sake, it has been over a month without a single reply from them.


How is this remotely acceptable??


It is not acceptable.


Furthermore, if NCL is fully aware of this thread as some have suggested as a result of a Facebook post, it's just down right insulting.

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OP. When calling it pays to record ur conversation, and make it a point of letting them know u are taping the conversation. Things change when people think they being recorded. Hope you get response soon. I hate to be ignored, and you must feel so.


I don't believe it is the OP's JOB to know the layout of the ship. Many times we have trusted somebody from NCL to pick our cabins.....it's their JOB and they should be knowable and responsible.

Safe sailing


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Forums mobile app


Do you realize that NCL does tape the phone conversations and had the OP actually talked to a supervisor and IF he was actually told the cabins had doors facing each other, they could have pulled the conversation and verified it. Who knows if after all this time of wasting time pleading his case here instead of with NCL whether the tapes are still available.


I know this for a fact because we had an incident and the tape was pulled and the PCC was fired because of it and they took very good care of my DIL (who was the aggrieved party). But then we complained right away instead of posting a million times where it would do no good.


The first post contained some good information that may help others to not have the same situation but it has gone no where but downhill since then.

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10 days????


It has been over a month now. That is 30 days right?


Far to easily?


I have done everything suggested other than contact the board of directors.


Did you call The Executive Resolution desk after ten o'clock on a week day ?

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Do you realize that NCL does tape the phone conversations and had the OP actually talked to a supervisor and IF he was actually told the cabins had doors facing each other, they could have pulled the conversation and verified it. Who knows if after all this time of wasting time pleading his case here instead of with NCL whether the tapes are still available.


I know this for a fact because we had an incident and the tape was pulled and the PCC was fired because of it and they took very good care of my DIL (who was the aggrieved party). But then we complained right away instead of posting a million times where it would do no good.


The first post contained some good information that may help others to not have the same situation but it has gone no where but downhill since then.


How did I not complain right away???


I appreciate your opinion but for the life of my can't understand those of you who say it is my fault for the way I handled.


I did nothing wrong here. NCL did and has continued to ignore the incident.


Our initial reservation was 7 months ago. I hope they do still have the recording of the conversation. I would love to hear it.


Even if you don't like the way I handled it. I can't believe anyone can justify the fact they have not contacted me yet. If I received an email from someone that they are looking into and will contact me by such and such date I would be great. But I can't even get that.

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How did I not complain right away???


I appreciate your opinion but for the life of my can't understand those of you who say it is my fault for the way I handled.


I did nothing wrong here. NCL did and has continued to ignore the incident.


Our initial reservation was 7 months ago. I hope they do still have the recording of the conversation. I would love to hear it.


Even if you don't like the way I handled it. I can't believe anyone can justify the fact they have not contacted me yet. If I received an email from someone that they are looking into and will contact me by such and such date I would be great. But I can't even get that.


What does the initial reservation have to do with it? You didn't change the reservation 7 months ago. The tape you need would be from the change where they specifically told you that the doors would be across from each other. Without that, you have no proof you were mislead into booking cabins with entrances so far apart. Call and see if it is still available before it is too late.

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What does the initial reservation have to do with it? You didn't change the reservation 7 months ago. The tape you need would be from the change where they specifically told you that the doors would be across from each other. Without that, you have no proof you were mislead into booking cabins with entrances so far apart. Call and see if it is still available before it is too late.



You are correct. The change was about 5 months ago.

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