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OPEN LETTER to Royal Carribbean

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i used to work for a cell company and received the letters to the ceo/bod for accounts that my center had worked.


The 100% angry f! Your company emails got way less then the customers that explained in a thoughtful and courteous way their trials and tribulations. I always found that understanding people that have reached their wits ends often had a more legit complaints then the crazy i'm going to email the ceo to get what i want people.


That said. I hope you didn't get my sheets. I took a cruise, had a drink (or 10) thought it would be a good idea to shave my legs; cut myself several times. Offered to pay for the towels and sheets i ruined trying to get my blood to clot. Gave the room steward a great tip for not even caring at all. But that was like 2 years ago, so (also different ship)


thanks for the laughs! Ha!:)

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I also feel the line between quality cruising in the generic brands, not taking in the botique cruise lines, has changed enough to get our attention. I have felt that the crew seems to be over worked, especially the stateroom attendant. I could be wrong, but on my last two cruises on X I found my stateroom had not truly been cleaned, a quick phone call solved the issue. Crew problems might be limited to certain ships, I have also seen MDR service just barely OK on a X cruise and my lasts RC cruise but on the next cruises it was back to normal.

Remember the Captain has mucho control over all venues on the ship, and may experiment with ways to make his ship more profitable


I agree. We recently completed a blah TA and after 16 days still didn't know the name of our cabin Attendant. I think we saw him twice. He was always way down the other end of the hall and seemed to have a huge number of cabins to clean.

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Reading comprehension may not be your strong suit Silver.


I think the letter mentioned that we enjoyed the cruise as a whole, but then again, I don't get out much.


Whoa. That was a really rather rude response. I think you owe silver an apology.


That said, I am surprised at the number of people that do not realize Adam is no longer CEO of Royal Caribbean. He was promoted to COO of Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. His previous position is currently vacant and they are seeking a replacement. While he will still oversee some of his old duties, this isn't really a "CEO to CEO" letter since..well...he isn't the CEO anymore.


Also, you could do with dropping the condescension in your responses. "What people who work for others don't know..." Give me a break. You aren't special just because you are a named partner/CEO/whatever else. You don't have magical insight into the world. Don't make widesweeping assumptions like that. It is pompous.


And I also question why you needed to post another thread. You said what you wanted to say initially. You then wrote to the company. Why post what you wrote to the company (which is nearly identical to your initial post) here? Right. Attention. Got it.

Edited by cruisnseas
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Rude? Have you seen my avatar.


I do not think I am in anyway " special" but until you have money on the line and have sat up at 2:00 in the morning on the first of every month, there is an experience factor you do not have. My employees were well paid and always respected but did not have their ass in the wind. It's a difference in frame of reference.


I did not know Mr. Goldstein had moved on. Thank you for that and also for the additional amusement.

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Whoa. That was a really rather rude response. I think you owe silver an apology.


That said, I am surprised at the number of people that do not realize Adam is no longer CEO of Royal Caribbean. He was promoted to COO of Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. His previous position is currently vacant and they are seeking a replacement. While he will still oversee some of his old duties, this isn't really a "CEO to CEO" letter since..well...he isn't the CEO anymore.


Also, you could do with dropping the condescension in your responses. "What people who work for others don't know..." Give me a break. You aren't special just because you are a named partner/CEO/whatever else. You don't have magical insight into the world. Don't make widesweeping assumptions like that. It is pompous.


And I also question why you needed to post another thread. You said what you wanted to say initially. You then wrote to the company. Why post what you wrote to the company (which is nearly identical to your initial post) here? Right. Attention. Got it.


Have too agree on your assessment





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I understand the comments completely and I probably agree with you all but I'm not interested in anything but the truth and whatever benefit people wish to derive from this thread. You are welcomed to be as polite as you wish and I will not denigrate that.


As for why I did another thread, please refer to the OP. It is explained there and is for the benefit of those who wish to watch a transparent Customer relations transaction. Frankly, nothing else is important to me. If I were negotiating for anything (the fabled "compensation") I would certainly do it in private. AS is clear in my letter, that is not the case.


Having said that, I prefer that the original benefit to be conferred on those who value facts more than feelings be the main topic so to those people, welcome. To others who object to me, I accept the Christmas Cards I won't get. Either way, I way, I will update as promised when appropriate.

Edited by JohnGaltny
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Whoa. That was a really rather rude response. I think you owe silver an apology.


That said, I am surprised at the number of people that do not realize Adam is no longer CEO of Royal Caribbean. He was promoted to COO of Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd. His previous position is currently vacant and they are seeking a replacement. While he will still oversee some of his old duties, this isn't really a "CEO to CEO" letter since..well...he isn't the CEO anymore.


Also, you could do with dropping the condescension in your responses. "What people who work for others don't know..." Give me a break. You aren't special just because you are a named partner/CEO/whatever else. You don't have magical insight into the world. Don't make widesweeping assumptions like that. It is pompous.


And I also question why you needed to post another thread. You said what you wanted to say initially. You then wrote to the company. Why post what you wrote to the company (which is nearly identical to your initial post) here? Right. Attention. Got it.


Well said... I am also dismayed that the OP felt it necessary to re-post the story. I do not think it is the last we will hear this story.


To the OP...


Why did you feel the need to take this public prior to writing to the CEO of RCI? As a former CEO wouldn't you be more likely to settle this matter CEO to CEO... rather then first in public?


Since this happened on board (the first night, correct?) and you were not satisfied with the remedy, did you not ask to speak to the hotel director or at least the head of housekeeping? I can tell you that the hotel director has always responded to a short note or a request for a quick meeting. It seems with your experience as a CEO you would have gone up the chain right then and there.


And, although your letter is not hateful... it does come across, to me as threatening, rather than informative. I'd have to ask you what would you do, as a CEO if you received that letter? For me, the first thing is I'd pass it along to legal. I am interested in knowing what you expect or how you would have handled it.


Finally, I am curious as to why your grown son and his wife are not handling this. It happened to them, not to you. I do think a letter from the offended party would carry more weight.


I hope you enjoy your next cruise on NCL or whoever you choose to cruise with!

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Well said... I am also dismayed that the OP felt it necessary to re-post the story. I do not think it is the last we will hear this story.


To the OP...


Why did you feel the need to take this public prior to writing to the CEO of RCI? As a former CEO wouldn't you be more likely to settle this matter CEO to CEO... rather then first in public?


Since this happened on board (the first night, correct?) and you were not satisfied with the remedy, did you not ask to speak to the hotel director or at least the head of housekeeping? I can tell you that the hotel director has always responded to a short note or a request for a quick meeting. It seems with your experience as a CEO you would have gone up the chain right then and there.


And, although your letter is not hateful... it does come across, to me as threatening, rather than informative. I'd have to ask you what would you do, as a CEO if you received that letter? For me, the first thing is I'd pass it along to legal. I am interested in knowing what you expect or how you would have handled it.


Finally, I am curious as to why your grown son and his wife are not handling this. It happened to them, not to you. I do think a letter from the offended party would carry more weight.


I hope you enjoy your next cruise on NCL or whoever you choose to cruise with!


I do not understand in any way how it is "threatening". Quite the contrary, it says I'm still with RCI. It also admits I do not have any proof of causation on the rash so I don't see the subject for the lawyers (of which I are one - LOL).


To answer your main question, as a CEO I would address this directly with the Department or employee involved to get that side of the story. I would do what I could to verify the story and, if well founded, take whatever action I could to mollify the client. I have neither threatened, nor asked for anything so what RCI does is totally up to them.


My next cruise may very well be RCI. I think that was in the letter also but hey, what do I know?


If I was negotiating for anything (the fabled compensation) I would certainly conduct that in private. That is, however, not the case.


Once again, my reason has been explained. I see no reason to explain it further. You may like what I write or not as you wish. I would never seek to interfere with that right.


Now I prefer that this thread remain on topic. For those who choose to benefit from a transparent transaction, welcome. To those who prefer feelings over facts, I accept the Christmas cards I won't get. Either way, I will update this thread as appropriate, when appropriate.

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Although I do appreciate your prompt reply to my post... you did not answer any of my questions... Of course, you are in no way required to do so, but your lack of response... and skirting the questions makes me think you are more of a politician (or wannabe LOL) than a CEO and now a lawyer.

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I just spoke to Adam. He said he would prefer pictures of the "young friends".


LOLOL You're a gas Yorkville. Actually, since many were on his ship, I probably owe him at least that much, not to mention all the glorious reviews of my other RCI cruises (see my sig).


Unfortunately, if I even post a link I get sent to the principal yet again. Besides, that would be hijacking my own thread and totally inconsistent with what I'm trying to do here.


However, if you wish to Google some idiot called Bilsen Galleries, you might just be OK.



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Although I do appreciate your prompt reply to my post... you did not answer any of my questions... Of course, you are in no way required to do so, but your lack of response... and skirting the questions makes me think you are more of a politician (or wannabe LOL) than a CEO and now a lawyer.


I'm sorry. Evasion was not my purpose and I thought I answered your main premise. Let me go back and look again. Not exactly customer service in this context but I'll try to be more responsive. As for my profession, you can believe me or not. Reality is real and opinions do not change fact. Aristotle taught me that.


Be right back.


Well said... I am also dismayed that the OP felt it necessary to re-post the story. I do not think it is the last we will hear this story.It isn't. I will update as appropriate


To the OP...


Why did you feel the need to take this public prior to writing to the CEO of RCI? As a former CEO wouldn't you be more likely to settle this matter CEO to CEO... rather then first in public? I think I answered this but I am not in negotiations which would be private. My objective, based upon my surprise at the responses to my first thread, is to conduct a transparent correspondence. It is one way of giving back to this community which has been so valuable to me.


Since this happened on board (the first night, correct?) and you were not satisfied with the remedy, did you not ask to speak to the hotel director or at least the head of housekeeping? I can tell you that the hotel director has always responded to a short note or a request for a quick meeting. It seems with your experience as a CEO you would have gone up the chain right then and there. We did speak to the head of housekeeping about my son's room. In fact, he handled that quite well. It was the SECOND appearance that necessitated this letter as well as the loss of the personal touch that makes me so fond of RCI. I thought that was clear in the OP.


And, although your letter is not hateful... it does come across, to me as threatening, rather than informative. I'd have to ask you what would you do, as a CEO if you received that letter? For me, the first thing is I'd pass it along to legal. I am interested in knowing what you expect or how you would have handled it. I did answer this one initially so take another look


Finally, I am curious as to why your grown son and his wife are not handling this. It happened to them, not to you. I do think a letter from the offended party would carry more weight.My son handled the matter on board. However, he is mid 20s, hardly an even match for a corporate entity. In addition, I paid the bills and feel perfectly justified in addressing this matter at the higher levels. Rest assured I am showing him everything I do for the time when he will need to assume this role.


I hope you enjoy your next cruise on NCL or whoever you choose to cruise with! Again, please show me where in my OP letter I stated that I am done with RCI. Facts please, not "feelings".

Edited by JohnGaltny
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Thanks Mat. I appreciate your perception and I can handle them.


No question that happens to anyone, no matter how much of a RCI client they have been. There are many in our current political process on both sides who are of the same ilk.


It's why I coined the term "Royal Carribots". LOLOL

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Thank you for your quick response. It is very interesting. Again... I hope your next cruise is carefree and enjoyable.


Thanks Linda and, believe it or not, I wish the same for you and all of us. If you read the reviews in my sig, you'll see what I do when it goes right. This one, not so much. There's even one that compares RCI and NCL that comes out pretty well for RCI.

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Finally, I am curious as to why your grown son and his wife are not handling this. It happened to them, not to you. I do think a letter from the offended party would carry more weight.<font color="Red">My son handled the matter on board. However, he is mid 20s, hardly an even match for a corporate entity. In addition, I paid the bills and feel perfectly justified in addressing this matter at the higher levels. Rest assured I am showing him everything I do for the time when he will need to assume this role.



Ok I got to ask , your taking on a large corporate entity ,but your not looking for compensation , um I would be almost certain that there were apologizes given on the ship for the problems you encountered , so really what's more could you be after ? ....from the street to the suite




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Thanks Mat. I appreciate your perception and I can handle them.


No question that happens to anyone, no matter how much of a RCI client they have been. There are many in our current political process on both sides who are of the same ilk.


It's why I coined the term "Royal Carribots". LOLOL


I like your name... I like what it stands for. That said you remind me more of Ellsworth Toohey... I hope I am misjudging you, but somehow, sadly, I doubt it.



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I have read both threads, and am wondering, now that you have started this one, why, after the last thread, do you need to continue to present your feelings to this blog? If you want to keep your comments....CEO to CEO, and Goldstein is still there till a replacement is found, why have you started this thread?


I have found your original thread to be presented well, and to the point.


I have had surprises on Royal Caribbean that would make you wonder why I still sail with them, but I don't air these accounts, except to say, if you take the time to look them all up, that Mr. Goldstein would rather have more first time customers, than repeat customers.


Now, you seem to be trying to defend yourself against any other blogger on this thread that either supports or finds your posts not to their liking.


So, I guess I have to ask.........what is the true purpose of this thread?:)



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