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It's a Cruise Ship.......


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Good way to approach most things in life. Like "magandab" also - not my circus, not my monkeys.


So much here on CC is people chiming in on a poster's comments -

e.g. my A/C worked on that ship three years ago, so you must be wrong that yours didn't work, my food was hot, so you must be wrong that yours was cold, you gave your bags direct to a steward so that's why your bags were lost, etc. = all negative and blaming and not really informative.


In an ideal world on CC, posters would respond to questions with only positive information to guide the newbie, and reviews would be broad in scope with good and bad given honestly and in perspective. I have stated before, I want to hear CURRENT comments from folks who have been on THAT ship recently, not five years ago on another ship, as those views are not pertinent. Too many times a poster is slammed for asking a question and it never gets answered properly. Let's all try to be more positive.


Well said. I do agree with you apart from one thing - two people can be on the same ship at the same time and have a very different experience, especially when it comes to cabin problems or mechanical issues. No reason to believe one over the other, so best to give credence to both.

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pv girl....some people seem to think because the cabin is clean, the plumbing and AC work, etc. that the cruise line is wonderful. We are not there. We consider these to be the absolute basics...the starting point. O on the fulcrum if you wish.


And we are not so very foolish to believe or have our blinders on so tightly that because we had a great experience on the same ship, same cruise (or even three years earlier), that someone else could not have had an abysmal experience because of cabin condition or something else. It happens.

Edited by iancal
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We do need to be balanced with reviews. Before our last cruise (RCCL) the comments on the CC boards were so slanted to the negative that if we hadn't been past final payment I'd have cancelled. I felt some impending doom as the sailing date got nearer :D


We ended up having a nice cruise and the majority of negative issues I expected were not a problem at all. Even with experienced cruisers - overly negative reports become cause for concern.


I never have a "bad cruise" ... shoot ... somebody cleaning my room 2x daily, cooking my meals, driving the boat, bringing me cocktails as I watch the sea roll by .... as they say in the South ... "It don't get no better" :)

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Really excellent points, and well put. :)


On the other hand, we've found that our house plants do really well if we water them every time there's a smoking thread started and fertilize them when there's a dress code thread is begun.


-:D- ha -:D,, luv it

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We have really only ever had one issue on one ship.


It was NCL 1 1/2 years ago. A/C problem that took 3 tries and 48 hours to finally replace the thermostat.


What impressed us was the follow up. We had a call about 3 hours after each service event to find out if things were OK. All apparently co-ordinated by the front desk team. We had a series of officers knocking on our door each night for 5 nights to check that all was well. And a few times our steward said his boss had been around. A first rate customer problem resolution/escalation process. It was only our second NCL cruise and we were impressed.


Far better than a bottle of cheap wine or some patronizing words by a front desk clerk.

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I want to distinguish between negative reviews and negative posts. I don't mind negative reviews at all- they're either laughably picayune, in which case the OP will get a comeuppance, or they're extremely valuable. They help us put together trends that guide our bookings. That's very valid. I want to hear the good and the bad. Truth be told, the bad is usually more interesting ;).


The negative vibe on the HAL board is what keeps me away and keeps me from posting. The "gotcha" mentality and the over the top touchiness of a small group of regular posters is terrible. It's also catching- there are some on here who used to go with the flow and be humorous and light but who now have gray clouds over their heads. I wish things would go back to the way they were.

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I've been following this thread on the NCL forum. I found it interesting that there was a lot of initial sniping at the OP but as the story unfolded the community really united in support:




May we all react like this.




Just read the whole thread. Very sweet. The NCL board is the nicest I've ever frequented- must be the Freestyle thing. I'll have to cruise over there more often.

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really excellent points, and well put. :)


on the other hand, we've found that our house plants do really well if we water them every time there's a smoking thread started and fertilize them when there's a dress code thread is begun.



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1. No cooking

2. TONS of snuggle time with my girls (and hubby ;) )

3. Husband NOT working 6 days a week 60+ hours.

4. Signature Beverage Package

5. Seeing new sights

6. "Free" gym

7. No "chores"

8. Adventure

9. Dressing for dinner

10. Did I mention time with my hubby and girls?? Yep. That's the best part.


What's to complain about? If the room is clean, the toilets are working, and the A/C works, I'll be a beyond perfectly happy passenger!!

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I've been noticing lately how serious so many of our discussions seem to get here.


When was the last time we had a side splitting, LOL, ROFL, thread where we remembered this whole CC Forum and our discussions revolve around the fact we all love Cruise Ships.


We lose sight of the fun, the laughter, the excess, the freedom from our everyday responsibilities.......... for Pete's Sake, IT'S A CRUISE SHIP!!!


Laugh a little too loud, drink a little too much, dance more than you ever do, have FUN! Stop analyzing, for at least a brief period, is the food hot enough? cold enough? did the stewards smile enough? did I wait too long for my drink? did someone have more mariner's stars than me? is someone in a better cabin? a worse cabin? was the tour exactly 4 hours or did it end at 3 hours and 50 minutes? You get the point.


Go, have fun, enjoy and hopefully we can all learn to relax a little more and just enjoy being on a beautiful cruise ship with people knocking themselves out to give us the best cruise possible. LET them. BE receptive to their efforts but we have to do our part.


We have to remember, it's a CRUISE SHIP and its reason for existing is for us to have fun and enjoy.


Off my soapbox. :o


You are absolutely correct Sail!! Thank you for posting this. Lately I have seen nothing but negative posts. Its refreshing to get back to what CC is all about, :D

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I really just started spending time on the HAL Boards because we did a cruise on the E'Dam in November and have one upcoming on the P'Dam and most likely will book another this Fall. I find the HAL posters, especially the frequent ones, to be very helpful and knowledgeable, and more than willing to answer my specific questions quickly. I have learned so much and am thankful for them taking their time to help!


I avoid threads with "discussion" items such as alcohol, gratuity, dress in dining room, smoking, chair hogs, etc as those are the same it seems on all cruise line forums..negative and some ugly responses...

Edited by sunsetbeachgal
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Just to point out I was actually "there" the day the Westerdam sidebar went away (March 2013). For those cruisers accustomed to traveling in a Neptune Suite it was a big deal. It was a "perk" that went away. Many, many of us were curious if it would ever return and be the same as HAL's other Neptune Lounges. May I ask how many Neptune Lounges you have experienced and on which HAL ships? To you it wasn't a "big deal." To some of us it was. Tolerance for our opinions, okay.



Neptune Lounges on Volendam, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Zuiderdam, Oosterdam, Westerdam and Eurodam.


And to clarify my point, not saying it is or isn't a big issue necessarily, but to get this thread which basically lectures those of us on here to remember "it's just a ship" when they themselves have gotten very vocal about some topics seemed a bit hypocritical. OP says they feel my post was inappropriate. I recapped a situation that occurred without personal attack then stated if they are capable of also taking their own advice then it was a point well made.


My point was secondary to the NL. It was more about how can someone make a post that broadly and indirectly trivialized some concerns as it's "just a cruise ship" yet they are not "clear" of such behavior themselves.


At any rate... Just my humble opinion (a line that many a poster has used here to "dodge a bullet")



Sent from my iPad using Forums mobile app

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Er, but OP can dismiss other people's big deals, which may include, but are not limited to, "is the food hot enough? cold enough? did the stewards smile enough? did I wait too long for my drink? did someone have more mariner's stars than me? is someone in a better cabin? a worse cabin? was the tour exactly 4 hours or did it end at 3 hours and 50 minutes?"




We each have our "big deal." If yours is the sidebar in the Neptune Lounge on the Westerdam, that's cool. But don't belittle my "big deal" that I would like my food to be hot.



Precisely my point



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There is a thread on another board here on CC whose topic is "What's the worst thing that ever happened to you on a cruise"




Yes we've paid a lot of money for our vacation (as I was reminded continuously by my Palestinian cab driver in Copenhagen)

but most of our complaints are First World Problems, and, yes, I have complained too

(They gave away my reserved cabana to someone else! The horror.)

So, thank you for the reminder S7S. We have it pretty good.

I personally resolve to not complain again unless it rises to the level of a CNN special (dead in the water-powerless for days, torpedoed or struck an iceberg).



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There is a thread on another board here on CC whose topic is "What's the worst thing that ever happened to you on a cruise"




Yes we've paid a lot of money for our vacation (as I was reminded continuously by my Palestinian cab driver in Copenhagen)

but most of our complaints are First World Problems, and, yes, I have complained too

(They gave away my reserved cabana to someone else! The horror.)

So, thank you for the reminder S7S. We have it pretty good.

I personally resolve to not complain again unless it rises to the level of a CNN special (dead in the water-powerless for days, torpedoed or struck an iceberg).





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There is a thread on another board here on CC whose topic is "What's the worst thing that ever happened to you on a cruise"




Yes we've paid a lot of money for our vacation (as I was reminded continuously by my Palestinian cab driver in Copenhagen)

but most of our complaints are First World Problems, and, yes, I have complained too

(They gave away my reserved cabana to someone else! The horror.)

So, thank you for the reminder S7S. We have it pretty good.

I personally resolve to not complain again unless it rises to the level of a CNN special (dead in the water-powerless for days, torpedoed or struck an iceberg).



Well said Mark. It's nice to see you posting again.


Linda - Who is still hoping HAL returns to Norfolk some day!

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This is cruise critic, not cruise praise. However I do think some could be less over dramatic, and confrontational. I haven't seen it so much on the HAL threads myself, but loyalists rivalry can get ridiculous!



Why is it NOT Cruise PRAISE?

Critics do not exclusively write negative reviews.


A food critic often praises a new chef or restaurant.

A theatre critic well can rave about the show that just opened.


Cruise critic posters do not only see negative.

They certainly can post positive comments and reviews. :)


Some people tend to take the word critic in Cruise Critic's name a little too literally and only think negative.


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i've been noticing lately how serious so many of our discussions seem to get here.


When was the last time we had a side splitting, lol, rofl, thread where we remembered this whole cc forum and our discussions revolve around the fact we all love cruise ships.


We lose sight of the fun, the laughter, the excess, the freedom from our everyday responsibilities.......... For pete's sake, it's a cruise ship!!!


Laugh a little too loud, drink a little too much, dance more than you ever do, have fun! Stop analyzing, for at least a brief period, is the food hot enough? Cold enough? Did the stewards smile enough? Did i wait too long for my drink? Did someone have more mariner's stars than me? Is someone in a better cabin? A worse cabin? Was the tour exactly 4 hours or did it end at 3 hours and 50 minutes? You get the point.


Go, have fun, enjoy and hopefully we can all learn to relax a little more and just enjoy being on a beautiful cruise ship with people knocking themselves out to give us the best cruise possible. Let them. Be receptive to their efforts but we have to do our part.


We have to remember, it's a cruise ship and its reason for existing is for us to have fun and enjoy.


Off my soapbox. :o



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Why is it NOT Cruise PRAISE?

Critics do not exclusively write negative reviews.


Why is it not Cruise Praise? You'll have to forward that suggestion on to the administrators and developers.


You're right that critics don't write about exclusively about the negative, they don't write exclusively about the positive either. I wouldn't go onto rottentomatoes and request, "can't we all just agree that we love film and focus on the positive of each feature?"

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"Criticism" is a loaded word as is "critic"; they both have an automatic negative connotation. When one is criticized one expects every aspect of the conversation to be bad. Okay. Enough of Messrs. Webster, Funk, & Wagnell.


Evaluating, judging, and comparing are all similar terms to criticizing, and we here in CC do all of the above. The negative and the positive, sometimes both together. We are here to share our experiences of the better and the worse so our fellow cruisers may benefit from our joys and disappointments. Raising our voices also provides our cruise providers with feedback as to how to improve their offerings. And perversely, some peoples' disappointing situations may be heavenly for others. We can only provide our own insights and share them--it's the _information_ that is vital, not merely the coloration of our opinions.


Soapbox mode: OFF.

Cruise mode: ON!:D

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I wish you could stand on that soap box in the Gangway every morning ! We need more you, remembering people that not having your favorite jam at elegantly served tea in the afternoon is a situation, not a problem.


Sometimes for some of the complaints I hear ( and please please please , take note that I believe there are sometimes real problems on a cruise) , I envy these people so much... if such things are a problem for them, that means that they must have a pretty nice life otherwise.

This morning, getting off a cruise I talked with a lady at the airport who had been on the same cruise. Her version of it was that there was NOTHING that tasted good and that it was "awful awful food", that is was served cold etc etc and she made a face like a baby biting in a lemon. My first taught was : wow, what a chef she must have at home !!! ;-)


You have my blessing to get back on that box anytime. :-) We , I anyway, cruise to be happy , and positive attitude is part of that.

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