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Norwegian Cruise Line Bans Smoking on Balconies


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I was curious what other people were thinking on this subject. WOW. Everyone has their opinion and is entitled to it. I hardly think this is really about taking away rights. For those that believe it is, answer me this...how about a non smoker's right to not have to be exposed to second hand smoke? The staff that cannot get away from it in the casino? It is about a company policy, not personal rights.


I have taken several cruises over the past dozen years or so and always with a balcony. I do not smoke, but my mother and grandmother were both chain smokers. Let me tell you, second hand smoke has given me chronic bronchitis (of which I had no choice). That being said, I have never had a huge issue with smelling smoke of others on my balcony. I have been far more offended by the drunken yelling of other passengers from their balconies late at night.


Having cruised Breakaway, my only negative comment is the smoke in the casino. Even my three year old smelled it and commented (when we were one deck below the casino, no less) on the stench. I personally don't mind if they allow smoking in the casino, that's fine--HOWEVER-- it should be closed off, not open to decks above and below to contaminate the air for those who choose not to smoke.


I am glad there is no smoking allowed on balconies, but as I said, I personally have never had an issue with that. On the waterfront, there are definitely areas that allow smoking that smell very badly to those who do not smoke. I simply avoid those areas in the late afternoon and evenings, as that seems to be the time when most smokers gather in those areas. Simple. It does, however make me hesitate to eat on the waterfront, as I'm not sure with the right wind conditions that I wouldn't be exposed to the same smoke.


Many vacation places, both land and sea, are moving towards more restricted smoking policies. I remember when they started banning smoking in restaurants how smokers complained, yet restaurants are still doing a booming business and don't seem to have suffered any horrific financial losses as a result. I know NCL has their cigar lounge (which is even more restrictive if that is your choice of smoking apparatus) and I'm sure the smoking cruisers would be very upset if there were only one place on the entire ship to smoke. So, it could be worse. Unless society drastically changes, I don't think we will ever see smoke free cruising or other vacations (and smoking allowed for that matter) so everyone has to compromise somewhere. NCL is just trying to find that delicate (yet difficult) balance.

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Thanks for the info!


I just decided that I would try something else for 2015 and then decide if I want to cruise again in 2016. By then I should be used to using an e-cig as a substitute in situations where I can't smoke.


And yes, I know they too are **banned** but seriously, have you ever been around someone using one? There is no smell! I doubt that if I am having nicotine withdrawal at 6 in the morning anyone would even notice if I took one hit off an e-cig on my balcony at 20 knots! :p


Actually I have one but don't care for it much. I have to draw rather hard on it to get a decent amount of smoke. And actually, mine has a wonderful cinnamon smell that I love which which is probably why I still use it from time to time.

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the only problem with this is that no rights were taken away. A rule from a cruise ship was altered. This is a bit over the top.


maybe there should be one more thing on here


Dont like the non-smoking balcony rule? Don't book that cuiseline


Quite a few people are doing just that. And then are being chastised for doing so! Will the wonders never cease?

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What do you do with your cigarette butts all day long?


That's easy. In the military you are taught how to "field strip" a cigarette (field stripping means holding the butt between the thumb and first finger and flicking it with the middle finger to cause the tobacco to separate from the butt). You do not want to flick a cigarette butt on the ground on base because if caught, you'll be on "Weeds & Seeds" for a week.


So to answer your question, I field strip my cigarette and put the butt in my bathing suit pocket until I find a trash can to dispose of them in.

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I have to say, Out to Sea, I totally enjoy reading your posts- sounds like you have a level head and can see both sides- and- are not insulting to others!!!

Re- the e cigs. Are you using the tiny tips that you have to add drops to every few hours? If it's the ones that you fill and last a few days- 1- 3 ml, I think is standard- you can change the wick that you use to get a better 'hit', 'more smoke'. I use the lower ohm numbers- around a 1.9, and it seems to provide the even mix I like. And I agree- the cinnamon is great!!


Actually I have one but don't care for it much. I have to draw rather hard on it to get a decent amount of smoke. And actually, mine has a wonderful cinnamon smell that I love which which is probably why I still use it from time to time.
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I have to say, Out to Sea, I totally enjoy reading your posts- sounds like you have a level head and can see both sides- and- are not insulting to others!!!

Re- the e cigs. Are you using the tiny tips that you have to add drops to every few hours? If it's the ones that you fill and last a few days- 1- 3 ml, I think is standard- you can change the wick that you use to get a better 'hit', 'more smoke'. I use the lower ohm numbers- around a 1.9, and it seems to provide the even mix I like. And I agree- the cinnamon is great!!


Thank you. I have no problem being accommodating and level headed towards those who deserve such a response. Some have proven they are just not deserving of such respect.


Actually, the e-cig I use is a V2 e-cig that uses pre-mixed cartridges. They are not adjustable or refillable. I do love the flavor of them and they can produce a nice smoke, but as I said, compared to a regular cigarette, I seem to have to draw hard to get the same quantity of smoke.

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Of course no one is perfect and of course we all affect one another. But no, I don't think there is any sane reason to support smoking or suggest that smokers have "the right" to smoke, especially around others. It's an addiction like heroine is an addiction. Doesn't make it okay. We cannot support or defend truly bad things just because some like it or say they like it because of their addiction.

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I can breathe now and I don't smell like an ashtray anymore. Am able to walk miles instead of a block now. No longer cough and wheeze. Blood pressure no longer requires prescription drugs. I could keep going but yup, that's better and you know it. Why would you coddle someone who is literally killing himself? What is better about that?


I grew up on a small farm and my father was a heavy smoker for 30+ years.


1 day he decided to quit cold turkey. I am sure it was a struggle but he did it.


6 months after quitting, he announced that food had a taste again and it was nice to be able to smell the clover in the hay fields too. He hadn't realized it was that bad.


He finally realized what we all had been saying about the smell of cigarette smoke.

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Dont like the non-smoking balcony rule? Don't book that cuiseline


That's my problem - there IS only one cruise line left and I'm hoping they continue to allow balcony smoking.


How wonderful it would be if there were choices for everyone.


Shame non-smokers didn't follow this suggestion and cruise on a line that did not allow smoling on balconies. They had a choice and they decided to cruise with NCL and complain and complain. Now that they have their way they still continue to complain. I wonder how many are now posting on the HAL threads to try and change their policy just like some here have never sailed on NCL. Many of which never have and never will cruise on HAL. Some just live to complain and bask in other's misery.


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Forums mobile app

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Thank you. I have no problem being accommodating and level headed towards those who deserve such a response. Some have proven they are just not deserving of such respect.


Actually, the e-cig I use is a V2 e-cig that uses pre-mixed cartridges. They are not adjustable or refillable. I do love the flavor of them and they can produce a nice smoke, but as I said, compared to a regular cigarette, I seem to have to draw hard to get the same quantity of smoke.


I use the same V2 with prefilled cartridges. Found to be better than others. Cool ice and coffee are the best IMHO. Cool ice has no smell. Coffee does a little if you are within 3 or 4 feet but the only complaint I hear is it makes everyone want dessert.


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Forums mobile app

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Not according to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION 7 year study into the impact of ETS http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/90/19/1440.full.pdf


For those who can not be bothered reading it all there was 2 startling results


1. The risk rating for a non smoker in continual exposure to ETS was 1.16 or 16% but you have to remember that is 16% of 0.01


2. That children exposed to ETS were 22% less likely to contract lung cancer again that's still only 22% of 0.01


There are a lot of studies taking place at the moment into the coincidental rise in asthma cases in 1st world countries and the drop in smoking rates


another interesting article http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100251229/passive-smoking-another-of-the-nanny-states-big-lies/


I have no problem with NCL new restrictions based on fire safety but disagree with them being implemented on the grounds of bad science


The information I referenced was from the CDC.


The study you referenced was only 650 subjects. A pretty small study to have any degree of statistical significance.


A larger study of 1669 patients yielded significantly different results.


Second hand smoke, age of exposure and lung cancer risk.

Asomaning K1, Miller DP, Liu G, Wain JC, Lynch TJ, Su L, Christiani DC.

Author information



Exposure to second hand smoke (SHS) has been identified as a risk factor for lung cancer for three decades. It is also known that the lung continues to grow from birth to adulthood, when lung growth stops. We hypothesize that after adjusting for active cigarette smoking, if SHS exposure took place during the period of growth, i.e. in the earlier part of life (0-25 years of age) the risk of lung cancer is greater compared to an exposure occurring after age 25.


Second hand smoke exposure was self-reported for three different activities (leisure, work and at home) for this study population of 1669 cases and 1263 controls. We created variables that captured location of exposure and timing of first exposure with respect to a study participant's age (0-25, >25 years of age). Multiple logistic regressions were used to study the association between SHS exposure and lung cancer, adjusting for age, gender and active smoking variables.


For study participants that were exposed to SHS at both activities (work and leisure) and compared to one or no activity, the adjusted odds ratio (AOR) for lung cancer was 1.30 (1.08-1.57) when exposure occurred between birth and age 25 and 0.66 (0.21-1.57) if exposure occurred after age 25 years. Respective results for non-smokers were 1.29 (0.82-2.02) and 0.87 (0.22-3.38), and current and ex-smokers combined 1.28 (1.04-1.58) and 0.66 (0.15-2.85).


All individuals exposed to SHS have a higher risk of lung cancer. Furthermore, this study suggests that subjects first exposed before age 25 have a higher lung cancer risk compared to those for whom first exposure occurred after age 25 years.

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I wasn't going to go there with Mr. I have read studies that back up my opinion and your studies don't count but I didn't because it is an exercise in futility...However I am kinda glad that someone else did


Actually what is rather funny is for all its claims, it still does show an increased trend towards increased lung cancer. The problem is that the study is not sized to actually show statistical significance. That is considerably different then saying that shs does not result in increased lung cancer.


How many studies would you like to see that have shown other results?

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I'm wondering if all the people who say they hate the casino smoke so much and some of the outside designated areas switch to a cruise line that has non smoking casinos and limited outside smoking? You are suggesting we smokers switch to HAL if we don't like the rules how about you guys who are still complaining switch if u don't like the rules? And if any of you haven't noticed I am NOT complaining have NOT been complaining about the balcony smoking. For me it's not that big of a deal.

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Of course no one is perfect and of course we all affect one another. But no, I don't think there is any sane reason to support smoking or suggest that smokers have "the right" to smoke, especially around others. It's an addiction like heroine is an addiction. Doesn't make it okay. We cannot support or defend truly bad things just because some like it or say they like it because of their addiction.


I have never smoked. Don't like it. But whoa there. Comparing smoking to heroin? One is legal and the other is not. To compare a courteous law-abiding smoker to a heroin addict is just wrong!!! And a little hurtful to our smoking friends. Do you have any? I have a wonderfully kind and amazing SIL who smokes and it breaks my heart you would say "we cannot support or defend..." I defend her rights to do what is legal and to follow rules. Oh, I know she smokes but she is so very considerate she has never one time smoked near me or in front of me in the almost 18 years She has been with my brother.


But do not worry she went on one cruise and did not care for it.

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I wonder how many are now posting on the HAL threads to try and change their policy just like some here have never sailed on NCL. Many of which never have and never will cruise on HAL.


Before Q3 2015 HAL will have a similar no balcony smoking policy.

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Shame non-smokers didn't follow this suggestion and cruise on a line that did not allow smoling on balconies. They had a choice and they decided to cruise with NCL and complain and complain. Now that they have their way they still continue to complain. I wonder how many are now posting on the HAL threads to try and change their policy just like some here have never sailed on NCL. Many of which never have and never will cruise on HAL. Some just live to complain and bask in other's misery.


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Forums mobile app


1) I chose to cruise with Ncl because of the freestyle concept and plan to cruise even more in the future.


2) I have never posted on anything but the Ncl boards (don't even read the others either)


3) Complainers on BOTH sides of the issue


4) I love looking at people's signature lines to see how many completed cruises they have on any specific cruise line.:) You are right that some have never/rarely been on Ncl. I know I can't comment on another cruiseline if I have never been on any of their ships.:)


Not trying to sound snarky but just calling what I see.......

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I have never smoked. Don't like it. But whoa there. Comparing smoking to heroin? One is legal and the other is not. To compare a courteous law-abiding smoker to a heroin addict is just wrong!!! And a little hurtful to our smoking friends. Do you have any? I have a wonderfully kind and amazing SIL who smokes and it breaks my heart you would say "we cannot support or defend..." I defend her rights to do what is legal and to follow rules. Oh, I know she smokes but she is so very considerate she has never one time smoked near me or in front of me in the almost 18 years She has been with my brother.


But do not worry she went on one cruise and did not care for it.


What's strange is I posted the same thing about that poster comparing smoking to her ion and they deleted my post. Very strange that smokers posts are getting deleted. And I wasn't nasty about it either so I'm scratching my head on that deletion. This one probably will go poof to

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I'm wondering if all the people who say they hate the casino smoke so much and some of the outside designated areas switch to a cruise line that has non smoking casinos and limited outside smoking? You are suggesting we smokers switch to HAL if we don't like the rules how about you guys who are still complaining switch if u don't like the rules? And if any of you haven't noticed I am NOT complaining have NOT been complaining about the balcony smoking. For me it's not that big of a deal.
I think some moved on to other lines with more restrictive smoking, like Celebrity, and others stayed betting on the chance they wouldn't get a smoker next to them and some just want to complain. I don't know why people complain about a cruise line and then continue to cruise with them, complaining over and over again.
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I think some moved on to other lines with more restrictive smoking, like Celebrity, and others stayed betting on the chance they wouldn't get a smoker next to them and some just want to complain. I don't know why people complain about a cruise line and then continue to cruise with them, complaining over and over again.


Yep for sure

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So.....obviously I'm not about to read all these pages......but the whole discussion never ceases to amaze me.


Non-smokers will never be happy, no matter what, until smoking is banned completely. Which isn't going to happen.


Non-smokers have been given a nice "gift" by the cruise lines, and yet still have to make nasty posts. I just don't get it. :confused:

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Of course no one is perfect and of course we all affect one another. But no, I don't think there is any sane reason to support smoking or suggest that smokers have "the right" to smoke, especially around others. It's an addiction like heroine is an addiction. Doesn't make it okay. We cannot support or defend truly bad things just because some like it or say they like it because of their addiction.

Here is a sane reason, people enjoy it and it is legal. Heroin is not. Comparing Heroin to tobacco is quite possibly the most ridiculous comment in the entire thread. I'm not trying to be rude but seriously, just because they are both addictive does not equate them. I don't think the normal smoker is out robbing/killing/commiting crimes to get cigarettes like a drug addict.

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I'm wondering if all the people who say they hate the casino smoke so much and some of the outside designated areas switch to a cruise line that has non smoking casinos and limited outside smoking? You are suggesting we smokers switch to HAL if we don't like the rules how about you guys who are still complaining switch if u don't like the rules? And if any of you haven't noticed I am NOT complaining have NOT been complaining about the balcony smoking. For me it's not that big of a deal.


Isn't it obvious? They would have nothing to complain about if they went to a non-smoking cruise line.


Sent from my SCH-I545 using Forums mobile app

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Also the e-cig ban is completely pointless. By the time they get to your room if someone complained (who would) there is no smell, no ash, nothing. Same goes for using it in the cabin. The vapor dissipates so quickly in the air you'd be hard pressed to even notice someone using one on the balcony next to you.

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, I have cruised with HAL. An enjoyable Panama cruise..other than the smoking issue. We knew the score before booking and hoped for the best. Well, did not work out. Out balcony was not accessible for the majority of the cruise due to smokers on either side of us. As I say we knew the rules before we signed up. Prior to this cruise we have only sailed with NCL. We have since only sailed with Celebrity for obvious reasons. NCL is now on the radar for future cruises once more. HAL? Forget about it!


, did not work out

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