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NCL changes smoking policy too!

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So by confining people who vape (not smoke) to smoking areas security now knows that their rigs don't contain contraband... how?



Whatever you call it I don't want to be around it. This is close to what my coworker looks like when he does it.



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Whatever you call it I don't want to be around it. This is close to what my coworker looks like when he does it.


So don't go near it. I'm not advocating for people vaping on the Promenade, my point is that the current policy is forcing non-smokers into smoking areas. I'm going to assume that you don't like it that the casino is now filled with cig smoke, I don't either.

Edited by jstraw20
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Whatever it is that is in that vapor they exhale; glycol, nicotine, germs, whatever, I don't want to breath it. So I don't want it near me.


Glycol- I'm guessing you don't go to any of the production shows, the ice show, the Quest, any of the performance events on the promenade, or dancing the the night club. There is more glycol fog in the air than 1000 people vaping could ever produce.


Nicotine- Trace amounts. Better not eat tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower, or potatoes either. Because there's tons of people who become addicted from a whiff of second hand smoke or vapor, right?


Germs- Better buy a respirator, 'nuff said there.


As far as the lameness factor goes, those who have managed to break the smoking habit with vaping devices couldn't care less what others think. They *know* they've made a good decision.

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People are so nasty to smokers. I am not a smoker but I do recognise that it is addictive. So many people need educating on addiction. Ad usually its people who polute the atmosphere in other ways, with their big cars, flash houses, excess weight issues and lack of environmental knowledge.


So makes me laugh when they don't want smoke, vapour near them, but quite happy to breathe in petrol fumes, eat fat laden burgers and sit all day in the sun getting burned.


To me its just an excuse to pick on someone and feel superior.

Edited by Adayatatime
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Glycol- I'm guessing you don't go to any of the production shows, the ice show, the Quest, any of the performance events on the promenade, or dancing the the night club. There is more glycol fog in the air than 1000 people vaping could ever produce.


Nicotine- Trace amounts. Better not eat tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower, or potatoes either. Because there's tons of people who become addicted from a whiff of second hand smoke or vapor, right?


Germs- Better buy a respirator, 'nuff said there.


As far as the lameness factor goes, those who have managed to break the smoking habit with vaping devices couldn't care less what others think. They *know* they've made a good decision.


Such a good post

Edited by Adayatatime
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Whatever it is that is in that vapor they exhale; glycol, nicotine, germs, whatever, I don't want to breath it. So I don't want it near me.


One of my coworkers has an e-cig. His is quite large and lame looking. Much larger than a cigarette. It emits a large cloud of whatever. More than a cigarette emits of smoke. Ick. I don't think people are going to want to be around a bunch of people smoking those in public places. On the positive side while there was some light oder, probably from flavoring, it was not an irritating oder like cigarette smoke. This was outside so it might turn out to be irritating inside.



What on earth does "lame looking" mean?

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Glycol- I'm guessing you don't go to any of the production shows, the ice show, the Quest, any of the performance events on the promenade, or dancing the the night club. There is more glycol fog in the air than 1000 people vaping could ever produce.


Nicotine- Trace amounts. Better not eat tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower, or potatoes either. Because there's tons of people who become addicted from a whiff of second hand smoke or vapor, right?


Germs- Better buy a respirator, 'nuff said there.


As far as the lameness factor goes, those who have managed to break the smoking habit with vaping devices couldn't care less what others think. They *know* they've made a good decision.


In answer to this post and your last post, lame is a subjective opinion. That is my opinion. That device looks lame to me. That is why I included the picture.


Those e-cigarettes are a drug delivery device for nicotine. I don't want to be exposed to any residue. I don't care if you use the drug, just don't subject me too it. From my minimium exposure to someone using one I would not like to be near it. There was a lot of vapor.


That said from that one time exposure, my initial conclusion is that unlike cigarettes, e-cigarettes could be allowed on balconies. Maybe even in cabins. Not in inside public areas though.

Edited by Charles4515
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What on earth does "lame looking" mean?


Purely subjective, that is why I linked to a picture. It just looks ugly. I don't think it can be made to look cool with that device like tobacco companies made cigarettes appear to be.

Edited by Charles4515
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Unbelievably naive and lacking in knowledge.


I don't think the OP is naive or lacking in knowledge. I notice you don't say why you believe that. I agree with the OP about the casino. I would add inside public areas. I don't agree about banning it onboard altogether. Smoking was marketed for years as safe and even healthy. I am old enough to rememeber that (the ecig manufacturers remind me of that marketing). Cigarettes are highly addictive, the companies knew that and dosed on purpose them to addict people. Most smokers are victims of millions of dollars of marketing by tobacco companies. Until the number of smokers is reduced to something under ten percent of the population, which I think will be some time yet, I think it only fair that some outside area be made available on ships for smokers.

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I don't think the OP is naive or lacking in knowledge. I notice you don't say why you believe that. I agree with the OP about the casino. I would add inside public areas. I don't agree about banning it onboard altogether. Smoking was marketed for years as safe and even healthy. I am old enough to rememeber that (the ecig manufacturers remind me of that marketing). Cigarettes are highly addictive, the companies knew that and dosed on purpose them to addict people. Most smokers are victims of millions of dollars of marketing by tobacco companies. Until the number of smokers is reduced to something under ten percent of the population, which I think will be some time yet, I think it only fair that some outside area be made available on ships for smokers.


The person I was referring to wants to ban smoking on cruise ships altogether.

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As far as the lameness factor goes, those who have managed to break the smoking habit with vaping devices couldn't care less what others think. They *know* they've made a good decision.


AMEN!! Which is why I just ignore the rules that treat ecigs like regular cigs. Quit 4 years ago thanks to them. Can't let others' ignorance spoil my bliss.

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AMEN!! Which is why I just ignore the rules that treat ecigs like regular cigs. Quit 4 years ago thanks to them. Can't let others' ignorance spoil my bliss.


While e-cigs are considerably better then cigarettes as far as both the user and 2nd hand impacts are concern they still do cause problems. While 2nd hand impact are minimal outdoors, they can still have substantial impact indoors.


There are several studies that document the negative impacts on indoor air quality. Those most important 2nd hand impacts are:


1. Nicotine in the exhaled vapor

2. micro particles created. This particles are tied to several different negative impacts, including stroke and heart disease as well as lung inflammatory response.


Those two does not include the heavy metal particles found being emitted by some units due to poor quality control during manufacturing or the lack of control and disclosure over what chemicals are included in the various flavorings.


While the major component of e-cigs in Propylene Glycol which is listed as generally being safe by the FDA for use in food, and as a solvent in some drugs. However, it has not been tested or approved for use in any application where it is heated and directly inhaled. The closest use to that is probably where it is used in theater fog where it has been found to have various negative impacts, largely lung capacity and inflammation.


I encourage smokers to switch to e-cigs as a far better choice, but don't consider them to be free of negative health affects.

Edited by RDC1
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Meh, I bet you also said that about the possibility of banning smoking on balconies. Time will tell.


I have said no such thing. I'm more concerned about the lack of understanding about addiction. Meh. I don't smoke, never have. But I do understand when people are derogatory towards other human beings. That's a really bad habit.

Edited by Adayatatime
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Unbelievably naive and lacking in knowledge.


There already is a major cruise line who doesn't allow smoking in their casinos, and one cruise ship has already tried going smoke free. That, along with the ever evolving smoking regs are facts that support a theory of ships eventually going smoke free.


So please, do tell. Lacking what knowledge, exactly? :confused:

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I have said no such thing. I'm more concerned about the lack of understanding about addiction. Meh. I don't smoke, never have. But I do understand when people are derogatory towards other human beings. That's a really bad habit.


What does banning smoking have to do with addiction? The cruise lines are banning smoking due to safety and health concerns. Those who are addicted to smoking aren't forced to cruise. You can call me naive and lacking in knowledge all you want but I don't know you from Adam so really it's just sticks and stones.

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What does banning smoking have to do with addiction? The cruise lines are banning smoking due to safety and health concerns. Those who are addicted to smoking aren't forced to cruise. You can call me naive and lacking in knowledge all you want but I don't know you from Adam so really it's just sticks and stones.


I would suspect that the reasons why the cruise line is more driven by economics and competition then by health and safety. The health and safety items haven't really changed in 20 years. The real driver is demographics. Fewer people smoke. More people are used to smoking areas being restricted. More people are routinely not exposed to smoke during their normal activities and as such do not wish to be exposed to it on cruises either.


The cruise line make their decisions based upon what will enhance their ability to compete for customers and improve their revenue.


No main line cruise line wants to be recognized as the smokers cruise line of choice. Probably one driver in NCL announcing their decision so soon after Carnival.

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No main line cruise line wants to be recognized as the smokers cruise line of choice. Probably one driver in NCL announcing their decision so soon after Carnival.


Strangely, HAL seems OK with it. :confused:

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Strangely, HAL seems OK with it. :confused:


For the time being. A couple of years ago when cruise lines were eliminating smoking in cabins you had a similar pattern where everyone changed (of the US mainstream cruise lines) except HAL. They followed a few months later. I expect them to follow the same pattern this time.


Also you had a number of Carnival cruisers being very vocal about canceling cruises and booking NCL cruises strictly because of their smoking policy. Very few expressed the same for HAL (different competitive profile) so they are not under the same degree of immediate pressure as far as the perception of their brand.

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For the time being. A couple of years ago when cruise lines were eliminating smoking in cabins you had a similar pattern where everyone changed (of the US mainstream cruise lines) except HAL. They followed a few months later. I expect them to follow the same pattern this time.


Also you had a number of Carnival cruisers being very vocal about canceling cruises and booking NCL cruises strictly because of their smoking policy. Very few expressed the same for HAL (different competitive profile) so they are not under the same degree of immediate pressure as far as the perception of their brand.


It is a different demographic, that's for sure ---- The HAL board was pretty fired up as well.


Someone on that board pointed out that HAL was also the last line to ban dinning room smoking. Yes kiddies, smoking was once allowed in the dinning room :eek: The times have changed. :)

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Glycol- I'm guessing you don't go to any of the production shows, the ice show, the Quest, any of the performance events on the promenade, or dancing the the night club. There is more glycol fog in the air than 1000 people vaping could ever produce.


Nicotine- Trace amounts. Better not eat tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower, or potatoes either. Because there's tons of people who become addicted from a whiff of second hand smoke or vapor, right?


Germs- Better buy a respirator, 'nuff said there.


As far as the lameness factor goes, those who have managed to break the smoking habit with vaping devices couldn't care less what others think. They *know* they've made a good decision.


It is true that e-cig vapor contains less nicotine than cigarette vapor...


"The researchers measured nicotine levels of 2.5 micrograms per cubic meter of air in the first study. Nicotine levels from e-cigarettes in the second study were slightly higher at about 3.3 micrograms per cubic meter. But tobacco cigarette smoking resulted in nicotine levels ten times higher at almost 32 micrograms per cubic meter." -- (see http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/vapor-e-cigs-nicotine-toxins-tobacco-study-article-1.1565760)


However the amount of nicotine in in foods ranges from 100 ng/g (nanogram per gram) in eggplants to 7.1 ng/g in potatoes. So you'd have to eat 33 grams (about 1.1 ounces) to of eggplants or 464 grams of potatoes (about a pound) to get the same amount of nicotine as shown in the above study. It's a good thing I don't eat eggplants! :D


However, recent studies out of UC San Francisco have put doubts on the claims that e-cig vapors are harmless. -- (see http://www.ucsf.edu/news/2014/05/114301/e-cigarettes-expose-people-more-%E2%80%98harmless%E2%80%99-water-vapor-and-should-be-regulated).


I think the cruiselines are wise to regulate e-cigs the same as cigarettes at this juncture as the long-term health and safety effects of them just isn't well known or understood. The e-cig manufacturers are reluctant to allow their devices to be studied at length because they're trying to achieve better saturation before the government steps in the regulate them.

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Has anybody else took the time to research the criteria and parameters that the second hand smoke test were done? You will have to work at it because they are not easy to find. But you could probably use your favorite perfume and fail the test.I am not trying to change anybody's opinion, as that is their right, but think people should educate themselves. F.Y.I. I am a non-smoker with a smoker for a wife and that was my reason to educate myself.

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I've stated this in another thread but I think it's worth repeating: forcing users of E-cigs into smoking areas is actually illegal in many locales because they aren't smokers. I think the current policy should be re-visited at some point.

I'm one who doesn't really care if you "vape" on your balcony. But I've never heard anything about what you claim above. Care to supply some links showing locales where that's actually illegal?

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Unbelievably naive and lacking in knowledge.
But I do understand when people are derogatory towards other human beings. That's a really bad habit.

I'm glad you understand that bad habit, since you practice it here SO often yourself! :rolleyes:

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