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Scandanavia/russia july 6-17 royal review starring florence the tiny zebra


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Time to say goodbye (cue Andrea Bocelli music….) to our little fla in London, and move on – with most of our clothes reasonably dry-ish. By this point we were just looking forward to unpacking properly once onboard the ship, but we still had one more night on the road. As soon as we were all packed up, and finished watching all the Top Gear episodes we could handle, we went and stood forlornly on the street, hoping, praying, and wondering if we would be remembered by the people at TotallyDriven mini-cabs.






As the 9:30 time pick-up time came and went, we began to worry (the kind of worry you don’t let your children see….you know the type…) and at 9:32 my cellphone rang and dispatch let me know that the driver was 10 minutes out due to bad traffic. DH and I exchanged looks of relief mingled with great joy and we continued to wait. Sure enough, exactly 10 minutes later our van pulled up and we loaded up and were off for the longest ride in the history of car-rides to the airport. OK, I’ll admit it – I don’t actually have a lot of experience with getting to the airport from Bishopsgate – oh, right, this was my first time – but it sure felt like we were going in circles (and I’m not talking about those traffic rotaries either….) most of the time with all the detours, and festivals and roadwork. Again, we were glad we weren’t on a meter.



We arrived at Heathrow in good time, if not slightly carsick, since we are kinda OC about leaving a lot of extra time for unexpected adventures. We had our Jamie Oliver wraps while we waited for the gate to be announced for our SAS flight to Copenhagen. Heathrow is so much fun. And when I say fun, I mean fun in a Survivor kind of way. While either sitting in the holding corral for expectant travellers, or shopping through the myriad of stores, one attempts to nonchalantly keep checking the departure board for their gate number. Then once it appears, there is a race to use the washroom (one last time) and find the gate which one doesn’t actually get to sit down at, because they’re already loading the plane by that point. So what exactly IS the point of that departure “lounge”?




I digress. The flight was fine, tea and coffee were free, but not water (or pop…sorry, er…soda.). Go figure. Arrivals at Copenhagen were easy-peasy. We found all our luggage (I NEVER take this for granted – and again, that hot pink strip of duct tape was really helpful!), and procured train tickets relatively easily. Except…..for some reason it wouldn’t accept our MasterCard. Everywhere else on the trip before and after, we had no problem, but both times the Copenhagen train system wouldn’t accept it in their automated machines. So DH used the alternate card. Now, I have to say, that while getting to the train is relatively easy, I would recommend to anyone doing this the first time, that you speak to a real live person and get your tickets that way, instead of doing it as we did. Once we had tickets in hand, we went down to the right track, but there was no English signage at all, and no one to ask….well, there probably was someone to ask, but we are so independent…..finally as the 2nd train came by, I demanded we just ask the person getting off if it was the right train to take to Copenhagen Central. (Sometimes taking on the mentality of an Amazing Race contestant helps.) It was. We got on. What a lovely train! So quiet. So quick. So….Danish. We must have looked totally confused, because a lady sitting near us told us which would be our stop. I realized then that the only times English is spoken in the announcements of next stops, is for Central Station (and the airport stop on the way back) – just for idiots like us! (Loveable idiots, but idiots nevertheless….at least in Denmark.)





We successfully managed to disembark the train, and found our way out of the station, after getting some Danish currency “just in case”. Our kids were amazed by the amount of bicycles parked in front of the station – most without locks. It was the cause of much wonderment to them – that people could leave things and not worry about someone taking them. (When there are 3000 or so parked bikes to choose from, I would never FIND my bicycle- ah, there would be another use for the pink duct tape!) We then walked (big surprise) to our hotel that was about 3 blocks away, where we checked in to our 2 rooms.







Our hotel was Cabinn City – the perfect place to stay just before a cruise. “Why?” you may well ask. Let me tell you….first, the rooms are really really small which makes even an interior cabin for 3 on the ship feel positively cavernous. We didn’t care…we were only going to use them to sleep (hopefully) in for a short time. Then, the hotel’s motto is “All you need to sleep”……apparently A/C is not a “need”. Ah, but we were in Copenhagen! Who cared that the rooms were 2 bunk beds with a roll-out under the bottom bunk. Or that you showered on the floor of the bathroom…..it was a great memory maker. I had to hand it to them though for making the most efficient use of space available.





(Florence thought it was fine...she just didn't know where the rest of us would be sleeping.....)



The weather was gorgeous, so those who wanted to changed into cooler clothes, and we walked back to Tivoli Gardens (right across from the train station). We spent 6 hours and lots of DKK there (all for food – nothing was cheap!). There was so much going on there, and lots to do and see. We watched an old-fashioned pantomime theatre, a dance band with dancers on the stage that weren’t as entertaining as the “real” people swing dancing AMAZINGLY down below, and a laser show after it got dark.




Here, another first for us….while sitting and waiting for the pantomime to begin, I noticed that it was a nice photo op for Florence to take a selfie with the Tivoli Gardens sign in the background. I must look VERY uncoordinated, needy, or challenged when I do this, because one of the workers from Tivoli stopped, and said “Would you like me to hold him for you?” QUOTE OF THE DAY. No one has ever WANTED to hold Florence! Well, except for DD#2, but she’s like that. And so I let him. And I didn’t even try to crop his hand out of the picture. And I didn’t correct him that he was indeed a she (Florence that is, not the worker). These were special times.





Speaking of getting dark. It doesn’t. Well, later in the trip it wouldn’t. Now it was just really late when darkness fell. We opted out of the fireworks show that wouldn’t be until 11:45 p.m. and walked home by 11:00. We did get to see some of it in the reflections of the windows across the street and it was very very easy to hear!




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“All you need to sleep” apparently is a few minutes, because I don’t recall getting a full night’s sleep, but what I got was deep, and hey! Today was the day! Yay! (Such a poet…..) DH was up bright and early (well, early anyway….at 5) for his walk. I just couldn’t do it…..the eyes, the feet just wouldn’t cooperate, so I just read about Copenhagen for a while instead. He was back by 7:30 a.m. having seen everything he could by foot – including walking to the Mermaid statue, ascertaining that our ship had indeed come in, and seeing other beautiful landmarks. That I missed. Good thing one of us got to see all of that….if I want to see it all, we’ll just have to go back I guess.



















We had breakfast egg mcmuffins back at the train station’s McDs, DD#2 had blueberries from 7-11….they were NOT the blueberries of Nova Scotia – very tasteless. Coke by the can worked out to $3….making getting carbonated beverages a real steal on the ship! (Not that we had coke for breakfast - oh my, no!) After having packed up but not checked out, we walked around a little of Copenhagen, saw the Rathaus and visited a lovely open-air market where the girls found some glassware as souvenirs of Copenhagen.







The front desk back at Cabinn City had ordered a large taxi for us for check-out time 11:00 and when we got back from our walk shortly before 11, it was already there. So we gathered our bags and tore ourselves away from our little rooms, and were off to the port!!!!!!




(sniff...we'll miss you little room.....)



Again, remember that it takes very little to amuse our girls and this day, it was getting to ride backwards in the taxi…… apparently we could really give them a good time without even going to Europe. A ferry ride to Newfoundland would have probably done the trick. Not.


We got to the port and entered the building by 11:20 and were in group #10 for embarkation. The excitement builds! We sat happily in our lineup of chairs and made it through the process quickly and without incident. Before we knew it we were on our way to the kids’ room – interior on Dolphin deck midship. Our offspring have never been on Princess – they have been on 2 Carnival cruises, so they thought it was very cool to get to go to their room straight away. DD#2’s luggage even arrived before we were done inspecting their room, followed shortly thereafter by the rest – I can’t think of a time luggage got to our rooms THAT quickly. Alas, her room card did not work and she and DH headed down to remedy that and then we were off to inspect our room on Emerald deck, #109. We booked it because of the balcony size and the lower price since it’s listed as “obstructed” because of the bulkhead. We loved it! Loads of room and great views, and as long as I didn’t look down over the edge too quickly I didn’t have palpitations. Yes, people can see you from above, but they just get to see how big your balcony is…..whoa, did I just say that? Pardon me. Stay tuned.....it's coming....cruise time is next!

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yes, people can see you from above, but they just get to see how big your balcony is…..whoa, did i just say that? Pardon me. Stay tuned.....it's coming....cruise time is next!


lol.... :D ;)

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Can't wait for the rest! I do remember Florence from a previous review, which was great as well.


Have you started planning for your next cruise yet?


We haven't got a definite plan for the next one - we have dreams for another, but it'll have to wait until the funds are in place...so the next one will be closer to home, THEN on to Sicily the land of my DH's ancestry!

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For those of you concerned about my laundry, I'm all caught up now. I'll be here shortly with the next installment. If I can figure out which pictures to include - I now have DH's, DD1s, and mine totalling 2900 pics.....that's a lot of choosing.

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First, allow me to congratulate those of you who are still hanging in there, waiting for me get on with it. I did warn you at the beginning though, did I not? Here we go…….


Having gotten on the ship by 12:30 (I think…who looks at their watch once they’re on vacation….oh, me, right….) we headed up to the buffet. Wow. This one is big, but you’ve heard all that from everyone else already. Hardly anyone else was up there at this point, and I didn’t even see all of it – basically, once I saw the scallops, I was done for, and that’s as far as I got. DH made it to the fajitas and he was superbly content. We loved the Horizon Bistro area with its lighter brighter décor, and it became the meeting place for our family if we had gotten separated – always easy to find a place to sit – even for 5 of us…..er, 6 of us…sorry Florence.



Exploring time was next, and you know what that means! Treasure hunt! Well, we lasted through the first stop – the spa tour, which was great in that we got to see all the spiffy rooms where one can spend lots of money, but if I could have taken a picture of the pained looks on the guys’ faces while we wandered obediently through all the areas, that would have been priceless. So, to reward them for their suffering, we threw in the towel so to speak – actually, the treasure hunt cards, and gave up the hunt.


That the piazza was spectacular was unanimous. The string quartet was playing as we went through and now our children REALLY knew they were not on Carnival! Once they saw the International Café, they could hardly contain themselves. The peanut butter cups were calling them, and they had no attention for the rest of our exploring time.





We took some time to unpack all our wrinkly clothes (finally!), and met our room stewards (who were both excellent, though we seemed to “connect” more with other room stewards in our respective hallways!). Muster drill was next, and we were on opposite ends of the ship from our kids for that – one of those things we didn’t really give much thought to when we booked, but now, with visions of the string quartet playing as we tipped over into the icy sea, it was a bit disconcerting. However, we survived it, and they found their way to their station – though, they did lose DS along the way. DH and I dozed through our drill (sorry…) – there’s something about the air in the theatre that makes us fall asleep within minutes of sitting down. Having proved we could wear a life jacket (except for DS whose sisters promised him that they would help him should the need arise…), we were off and running.



(Florence would like to debate the one size fits all subject)


With the Love Boat theme sounding on the ship’s horn we were pulling away. Corny, but it never got old for me! The rest had an ice cream cone as an appetizer for dinner but I chose to be exemplary and not over-indulge (yeah, right…).







We had anytime dining and went to Symphony dining room on deck 5. Our waiter was efficient if not personable. The girls were giving us their best Carnival Snob looks, which implied strongly that the wait staff on Princess was definitely lacking – ALL the wait staff of course, since they had experienced ONE by this point. Everyone was happy with their meal, and we then set out to see what was going on.



(DS's photo....remember this for later....if I remember....)





DS, DH and I went to the Where in the World game in the Vista Lounge, where we scored horribly, but blamed it on the poor picture quality of the slides we were shown. We did however get Vancouver, which would have been terribly embarrassing to miss. (Yes, it IS on the other side of our country, but I am from BC originally).



Because so many had mentioned how hard it was to get a seat in the theatre, we arrived 30 minutes early for the 10:15 Welcome Aboard Showtime. There was no one there. No one.






However, AFTER 10:15 it filled up totally, so apparently the people who complain about not getting seats are not getting there BEFORE the lights go down? In fact there were still people trying to get in to seats around and in front of us at 10:45! Really? Why bother? Maybe THEY needed a quick nap too. DH dozed through the whole production, as he always does, waking after it’s over to say “that was nice.”


We have a rule in our family – no elevators, except for that time when they make you go on the elevator as you board the ship. I broke the rule that night, as we were trying to get up to the buffet to get some ice cream for DD#2 to take her meds with, and for anyone who would like to know if the buffet REALLY closes at 11, it does. Promptly. We were there at 11:01 and the ice cream place and the buffet were shut tight. So being very tired, I allowed us to take the elevator down to the International Café for another peanut butter cup to go.


DH was sound asleep by the time I got back, and while it took me a little longer, the beds and bedding were nice and cozy and there was so much room and there was air conditioning and …….ahhhhhhhhh.


And in the What I Learned Today on the Royal category…….the carpet colours are the same on both sides of the ship. Now how am I going to remember which is the odd side? Oh, of course, I’m on the odd side. That makes sense. (I only went ALL the way down the even side to 108 once……good exercise, good exercise.)

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i waited to start reading this until I could read the whole thing at once...well I see its not quite done (in fact barely started)...now I'm hooked and have to wait along with everyone else! I love your writing and your pictures.

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Marla, These posts have grabbed me and won't let go. You are a fantastic writer, and I love watching the escapades of Florence, as well. We will be on the Royal in August for a Baltic and will spend a day or so in Copenhagen before hand. Am starting to be concerned about all the reports I read about no A/C. Being from Houston, I have trouble imagining a summer without it.


Will be waiting eagerly for your next post.



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I am really enjoying your posts Marla. My husband and I did the Canada/New England cruise last fall, we have never been "down East", and loved Halifax. We did the Baltic cruise a couple of years ago and loved it. We spent a lot of hours at Trivoli to so your write-up brought back great memories. Looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!

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After a reasonably good night’s rest, we had a lovely leisurely breakfast in the dining room. Oooooh…..chocolate Danish? You bet! Every day if I can…..oh right, I’m the one being exemplary and showing restraint. Well then, just one. Today. Well, this morning.



We docked in Oslo around 10 a.m. and got set to go. With the help of Cruise Critic we had determined that doing Oslo on our own would work easily enough and we prepared to launch ourselves. What a beautiful day!





Sure, the forecast in the patter had been “partly cloudy with a chance of showers”, but we’re from Canada – we can handle itty bitty showers! So raincoat – no (it’s enough that I packed it in the first place), umbrella – why bother, ball cap – yes, and off we went. We got to the tourist information place easily, not too much of a walk – basically just followed everyone else who was walking with confidence toward something and that worked. While DH got our Oslo passes, DD#1 and I made quick use of the free Wi-Fi, and we were on our way again quickly.




We headed to the ferry and were the 2nd party in line for the next crossing, having missed the last one by 5 minutes or so. We were glad to stay in line, as the lineup quickly grew and once we boarded, many had to wait for the next ferry, which I think comes every 20 minutes.






From the stop on the other side, we enjoyed a leisurely walk to the Outdoor Folk Museum. A few sprinkles while we walked, but they were refreshing, and no problem.





The folk museum was very interesting – at the first indoor exhibit where DD#2 got to card and spin wool the old-fashioned Norse way, the heavens opened and we said “Good thing we’re indoors for this shower!”











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So, following the spinning, we girls headed to look at antique dollhouses (but NOT the dolls – they creeped the girls out) in the indoor museum while the guys braved the shower to see a few other buildings and exhibits. Then, since the shower had pretty much ended, DH and I went to explore the old Golstave Church, c. 1200, and moved on site around 1880. We thought about going in another building that seemed quite popular with a tour group of (much older than us of course) tourists who were all filing out, until we realized they had just been in there to be sheltered from the rain, and after helping many of them down the stairs, DH nodded at me in that “let’s get out of here” way, and we headed back down to the main museum.










After a look at the rest of the museum and gift shop (where I promised DD#1 that she’d find that cute little troll at all the other gift shops we’d be going by…..she didn’t….my bad) we headed on our way to the Viking Ship museum, with barely a misty drizzle to contend with. The museum was fascinating, even for me, who isn’t really a shippy kinda gal.





The stories were well written, and I found the bones and what could be told about the people who they belonged to incredibly interesting, while DD#2 found the same incredibly sickening, and just wanted to leave after seeing them. Ship yes, bones no.





After checking out the gift shop there, we noticed it wasn’t easy to see outside…what’s this? A shower? A really really big shower? Maybe we’ll just look at the gift shop a little longer, and never mind that line-up to purchase something, we’ll get something anyway. Hmmmm, it’s really not letting up. So, mustering all our courage and putting that ball cap firmly on my head so I’d still be able to see through my spectacles, out we went. We were completely soaked by the time we got to the road….there’s that point where you try not to get your feet wet, and then there’s that point where you realize there isn’t a dry spot on your body, so what’s the point in worrying about it. DD#1 who I was concerned would be a basket case about this, was literally singing in the rain as we went. Fortunately for us, and all the people of Norway, and the Royal Princess, there was no lightning or thunder, because that would have surely put her over the edge. By the time we got to the 3rd museum where the ferry terminal was, we knew that we couldn’t go IN to the museum, so we decided to call it a day, and head back to the ship.







Which we did. Umbrella-less, raincoat-less, and totally wet-ful. Interestingly, later in the trip, Oslo was proclaimed one of the kids’ favourite places. We were a little disappointed that we missed the Sculpture Park, but as those downpoars continued throughout the afternoon, we knew we couldn’t have done that. So we got on the ferry, where the floors were VERY slippery – the girls, in their flip-flops (I tried, ok? I tried to be the mom who encouraged them to wear “walking shoes” – I failed….) were slipping, and DD#1 said to DD2 – “be careful, it’s really slippery” just as DD2 did a glorious fall right after getting down the steps. You could have heard a pin drop – everyone on the edge of their seats, waiting to see how badly hurt she was. And then, and then…..she laughed, and couldn’t stop laughing. She was ok., everyone relaxed, and when we later discussed favourite parts of the day, that was hers. So, a trip on the ferry to Newfoundland, use the washroom, sit backwards AND fall on a slippery deck should be good next time. Once underway, DH was trying to get the soaked Oslo Passes out of his pocket to be scanned. He was waving them gently trying to dry them off as one started to disintegrate in front of our very eyes. When the guy came around to scan them, he tried in vain, and finally said (our Quote of the Day) “uh……it’s ok.” and ran away.




So, maybe I should try WEARING the raincoat, instead of just packing it.

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Once we had changed into drier things, the girls (having suffered through lunchtime with nothing more than a lousy granola bar) were off for carrot cake.


This was followed by our traditional girls-have-to-have-tea time, while the guys opted for pizza and pineapple on deck 16. DD2 discovered that 4 packs of sugar make 1 cup of tea almost palatable, but later replied, “I’m really not a tea kinda girl.” I just love scones. And cream. And whatever else they give me. As the couple next to us commented (in their beautiful British accent) “It’s a bit of all-right isn’t it? Quite civilized.” We showed our agreement by nodding vigorously since our mouths were full.


Well, once we had done that we wandered quite innocently into the Piazza, where we saw our guys sitting and just being served their fresh cookies and milk. I, being the stalwart and exemplary parent that I am, totally refrained from accepting a cookie, but the rest had one to tide them over until dinner.

With some time to spare, the girls went to enjoy their on-demand movies in their room, DS researched tomorrow’s port with Rick Steve’s help, and DH…..guess! Oh come on, guess what DH did! Yes! You got it – he napped! Apparently the food also has a sedative effect on him – I don’t know where he’s safe on board this ship! He REALLY needed a vacation.



I don’t know why, but tradition in our family is that we eat at 6, so off we went (because obviously we had gone so long without food) and were virtually the first patrons in the dining room. Don’t you just want to high five all the waiters lined up to greet you? The girls giggled all the way through that. We got a lovely table by the window, with a wonderful team of waiters, who would become our regulars later on – but I’m getting ahead of myself. My main course was lovely, especially since it had orange hollandaise sauce on it – I can eat anything with hollandaise on it, AND I got everyone else’s asparagus, SCORE!


We went to see the comedian in Vista Lounge, billed as “The Hilarious Comedy of Tim Walkoe, direct from Las Vegas!” Remember the Carnival Snob look we got the first night in the dining room? Yes. More of that from our grateful children. He was not hilarious, to be kind, he was mildly amusing, and then we had to listen to how the comedians on Carnival were SO much better, and SO much funnier and…….ok, maybe they were right at that point but we were hoping to give this cruise a chance in the entertainment department.


Tonight we didn’t worry about going so early to Showtime, which was the “Dynamic Entertainer Chris Watkins – fireworks on four strings”, and we went to the 8:30 show, arriving at 8:20. Still lots of seats even for groups of 5 like ourselves (No, I didn’t forget Florence, she stayed in and ordered room service tonight.). He was VERY good and we all enjoyed his show very much, DH found it very….restful.


Back at the room, we thought we’d give the port lecturer a try on the TV, but apparently after telling us dozens of times how to pronounce Aarhus, the TV couldn’t take it any longer and it ceased working. So we accepted this as a sign, and went to sleep.




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Love your stories.

Reading these is getting me through the next three days before we leave on same cruise. I check cruise critic every few hours to see if you have posted more. You are such a great writer ---thank you. I laughed so hard looking at poor Florence in the life jacket. Good thing she didn't need to use it!

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Back at the room, we thought we’d give the port lecturer a try on the TV, but apparently after telling us dozens of times how to pronounce Aarhus, the TV couldn’t take it any longer and it ceased working. So we accepted this as a sign, and went to sleep.





How does this sound - OOR HOOS ??? :)

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I am enjoying your travelogue immensely, as I am reliving this trip as I read. My family of 5 (3 adult sons) plus 6 other family members were on the sailing just before yours. We were in Vigelund Sculpture Park as it began to lightning and thunder in the distance. We hightailed it to the National Gallery and made it indoors before the heavens opened. A Princess organized tour group kindly allowed my sister and her son to catch a ride back with them to the ship. We braved the storm with our 2 umbrellas and picked up another from The Grand Hotel where a river was now running down the street in front. Like you, we got back to the ship like drowned rats, but Oslo remained one of our most memorable days! :D Keep your stories comming!

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