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GETAWAY July 19-26: STAYED but not PLAYED in HAVEN- ( WAS that Mr Sheehan???)


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A tiny bit about our family of 5. We cruise about once a year and always at peak season. We have 3 children, all teens. I usually just say that they are 15 or 14, but they are actually twin 15 year olds and a 13 year old. We started cruising as a family when the older two were two and find that it is a wonderful vacation for all of us. We lived in Phoenix until 5 years ago when we relocated to rural USA. Green Acres minus the accent. They are harvesting our hay as I speak. Notice I said "they" and not 'we".


We flew in to FLL, took a service to Miami and stayed at the Hampton Inn on Brickell. Clean, nice breakfast, easy walk to restaurants and shopping. Had a great Greek meal, picked up some water, slept, were in a cab and to the port too early on Saturday morning. We went thru the security check, were pointed to the 'VIP" check in, received an envelope and our cards, were pointed to another room, had a cookie, were then escorted to the large waiting room . We then stood around in the very crowded "Haven" waiting area, which is actually just a part of the general waiting area ( which would have been a better place to wait as there were actually open chairs there!!) I needed to use the ladies room, but it was being cleaned. Oh well!!


At 11:30 a man with a handful of papers wandered in and shouted 'do you all have your forms?" I did not have my forms. I did not know of what forms he spoke. He actually meant DECK PLANS. He had only 6. I didn't really need one- I would get one later. He then said 'follow me" and whisked us all away.


We walked up the gangway- husband and two sons were the first on board! Lots of dancing and fist bumps! My daughter and I got left behind. Our cards didn't work:(. Hubbie had the passports. For some reason the check in guy did not believe that we were the gals in the pictures taken 40 minutes earlier

and wanted to double check. no one else had to show passports again. A second crew member came by and let us board.YIPEE!!!


Reunited with the boys, we were escorted again to the SPECIAL HAVEN ELEVATOR. This is an elevator with a cardboard sign taped next to it that says 'Haven Guests Only". Woosh! Up we went - drinks for everyone!! The kids had punch, champagne or grown-up punch for the adults. We were allowed to drop our bags in our suites and met our steward, Sopi. More on Sopi later. I did not want to bother him, but he already knew our names. We came back out in to the lounge area, which is lovely, and I noticed that a group of travel agents had been boarded for a ship tour. Hmmm....


There had been a lot of scuttlebutt on the board here about the size of the H4 suites and ARE THEY ALL THE SAME SIZE. I decided to find out. So I traipsed along with the agents. I saw 6 other H4 suites. Without pulling out a tape measure I can assure you- THEY ARE ALL THE SAME SIZE. I did NOT see 16722, the suite that only accommodates 5. So- don't fret - you won't miss out on 7 extra inches of space by booking one H4 over another.


All the H4 suites also have the "obstructed" slider window- there is not a single wall of glass in the living room. Guess what? You won't even notice. I was very concerned about this after reading comments by a CC member who had stayed in my very suite. The suites are NOT the same as the family villas on the Jewel class.

NCL was pretty shady in their advertising by showing the living room with the curtains placed to cover a wall that sits between the slider and the sidelight glass in the living room. One would get the impression that the entire wall in the living room is glass, it is not. But I knew this going in. And it really did not affect our enjoyment of the room at all.


Back to my family after my brief stint as a psuedo-travel agent. Sliders and fries were being passed around, but we really wanted to explore the ship and get away from the Haven. We had been advised to get the kids signed up for Entourage and to get their waivers signed for the slides and ropes, so off we went.




I have read time and time and time that this ship has no WOW factor. Baloney Sandwich.


The Miami theme and vibe carries over from the gorgeous hull painting all throughout the ship. Little details here and there, and very tasteful, classy and playful- all at the same time.

We first trotted over to Entourage and signed the kids up. That was all that they ever did at Entourage. They did pop in a few times, but they are actually their own group and had a great time with air hockey, ping pong, the slides and other activities.

We then went to sign waivers , but they are no longer needed for the slides and ropes. Also of note- the "no jewelry' on the slides seemed to be enforced haphazardly for adults. I wouldn't count on being allowed to wear your earrings or wedding band, but I did see several ladies wear hoops and wedding rings on the drop slide while I stood there pretending that I was actually going to go on it. I call it "slide shopping".

My daughter then decided that she needed the beverage package. We purchased it right at the pool and she was able to get it just for her, and no tax as we often read about here.

We decided then to try the Garden Cafe for lunch, as we were in the vicinity. This place is HUGE!! I really liked the style of it. It was packed, and lots of people had a ton of luggage with them. We managed to find seats and had a tasty lunch. The salad bar offerings were a tad weak when compared to other cruises, including other NCL ships. There is room for improvement here. All in all, however, we enjoyed the lunch. We wandered the ship some more trying to take note of where all the places we HAD to visit were.

We made our way back to the Haven as our room was ready. There was the sparkling wine, many little envelopes waiting, a bowl of gummie bears as a joke for my youngest son, fresh flowers...


I looked around and I HATED IT!!! I could not believe that we had just blown so much money on this tiny, ugly suite! I HATED the bathroom, Hated the dark wood- my first words were ' 'You're kidding me, right ?" Now, I had seen videos, I had dropped my bag in this very room, I had just been on a quickie tour of the Haven as an under cover travel agent- yet this suite made me ill! I stomped around that suite and I was pissed! The kids were looking at me like I had been possessed by a Kardashian.


Something about the dark walnut wood ( which I knew about!!) just irked me. While understated and tasteful, so NOT Miami. Fortunately the doorbell rang before I could throw anything overboard, and the delightful Rodney appeared.

BAM. I snapped out of my idiocy. Rodney was our butler, and he delivered a Bon Voyage cake from the basset hounds to the kids. And I lost my bad, bad badittude. Had some very yummy cake and then MUSTER DRILL!!!


Okay. People need to follow directions and grow the heck up. Michelle said this in her review - what a joke. Our group met in O'Sheehans. We could not even hear the poor leader of the drill. Once she finally got the group to SHUT UP for a minute, specifically asking for no videotaping, people started- videotaping. Then hooting and hollering. It did quiet down for a while. I am very sensitive to these things. My brother is a recently retired CG officer, hubbie and I both medical professionals with lots of trauma experience. I like when people listen and know what to do in an emergency. If the ship were to go down, these folks know what to do-

Step 1- take out your Go-Pro. Step 2 -Shout Step 3-drown


Fortunately this was over quickly and we got to leave!


Back to the Haven for sail away . We often worry about rotten, noisy children That is the royal "we". On our return to the Haven, we encountered Mr Jack Weed and Company

You KNOW him.


Tan. Overly.

Takes up the entire pool with his gang.

Is 65 but thinks he is 40.

Announces MANY times that he IS the party.

Carries a large jambox and plays it LOUD and PROUD.

Chain smokes

Curses every third word when not announcing that he IS the party and WILL BE the party all week.

Mocks the pool stewards accents despite his own heavy accent from a specific part of our beautiful country.

Is the reason that some feel the UBP should be discontinued.


Oh, goodness. Did we have to suffer this jerk all week?

Seriously???? My husband had to restrain me from kicking his jambox into the pool. I liked the music- just TOO LOUD!! He wouldn't let me kick the guy, either!!


We did not hear from him again until St Martaan. Someone beat me to the concierge.

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Note about



I hate those huge bottles of water that they have on board and I don't like the tap water. We stopped at Publix and bought some bottles and 3 black Publix cloth bags. At the pier I twisted the handles of the Publix bags, secured with 2 luggage tags and all 3 bags made it safely to our room. as long as security can see that it is water, no problem with trips to naughty room.


Bill ( EE1999) had recommended Fuji square bottles as they fit nicely in the fridge- they do! But Publix had only 1 package left. Everyone took his advice, I guess!

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We were in the Haven also...Funny you mention the drill. I was so mad that people were so rude. If my kids can sit there and be quiet and follow directions why cant the adults! Put away your stupid I phone for 5 minutes

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Hilarious description of Mr. Weed! I can hardly wait for more and am subscribed to this thread. :D


Mr. Weed is the main reason why I don't waste the money on a suite. I can't stand people like that. Second in line are pretentious folks. Ick and eww!

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I can already tell this review is going to be fun! I am not sure why I expected the Butler to help you change rooms (I know ridiculous) but a girl can dream! Can't wait to read more....

Edited by annietownsend
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After my quick recovery from my attack of Kardashianitis, unpacking was a breeze. The H4 has ample space. Took 10 minutes. The only area lacking is the master bath. The counter top is taken up with the large , twin bowl sinks. I also personally feel that the tub is a waste of space. You have seen the pictures- the huge ( it is not- the man in the tub picture must be small) tub with the big window overlooking the ocean. I never use tubs in hotels or on ships because -I just don't

They DO offer a menu of bath choices, the upper-end choice is your tub filled for you with aromatic spices and perhaps orchids and then a bottle of champagne and cavier for a mere $499!!My kids found this very amusing.

I kept losing my floss under the bowl sinks. Also my glasses. The bathroom drawers are at the floor, and the hand towels hang over the drawers. If you are over 5 feet tall you kind of kick the drawer to open it ( they are all magnet release) and the towel falls if you forget to move it. Poor design on MB sinks/storage.

The toilet/shower booths are as on the Jewel class family villas with a few more stripes.



As mentioned before-


is there only a curtain between the bathroom and the bedroom? Auditory and olfactory . That is all I am saying here. Wise up, NCL. Another pocket door won't kill the budget.


The Bliss Bed in the master bedroom is truly that . SOOO comfortable. Plenty of pillows. We did fill out the pre-concierge pillow menu, it was not fulfilled, but we did not need them. we were fine with what was there.



Sorry- I don't mean to jump around. In the review, not on the bed.

The kids had the upper berth, the lower berth and also used the sofa bed. They found all three beds comfortable . They did have the egg crate foams as we requested pre-concierge. The sofa had an odd feel when in sofa position. Not uncomfortable, just different.


We had our first dinner in the Haven restaurant. We love to dine out, and miss our big city restaurants now that we have gone country. The Haven did not disappoint. The filet was on par with Ruth's Chris .Started with Tuna poke- yum!! While we did not require it, one can order from any of the restaurants and have it in the Haven. Each night the Haven has a special, I don't remember them except for the whole Maine lobster and the turkey. The food and the service are outstanding. We did not have the UDP and I see no need for it if in the Haven. Actually, the menus for all the MDRs looked absolutely amazing.


We did some more exploring, checked out the casino , and then caught the Welcome Aboard Show. i missed part of it and I don't remember why, coming in as they were dancing to that unfortunate yet catchy song that they sing on Carnival that gets some NCL diehard's knickers in quite the twist- the "Hey Bab-bee -ooh-ahhh" song. Well, my husband has a cute little butt and is a great dancer, so watching him and the kids shake it was fun. I am clod, but -whatever. This was my introduction to JC Sanchez, and I fell in love with his accent. First time I ever even paid attention to a cruise director . They are either ubiquitous or I have been been offended by their crassness- there have been a few that were just RAUNCHY in the past. Okay for after hours, but not for the family shows. I found JC to be quite charming and am surprised that I remember his name!


We were introduced to the Burn the Floor dancers- never managed to catch the show, but this little bit was pretty impressive. We also did not see Legally Blonde, but did hear a few tunes by a cast member in another venue. We had no interest in this particular play.


We ended the night with a walk around the ship. Around 10:30 I was walking thru the Haven lounge, the bartenders were cleaning up and a Code Oscar ( man overboard) was called. The bartenders immediately dropped everything, ran out to deck, and a strange, sickening lull came over the ship as everyone went to their places. The flood lights came on and the ship began her slow turn around. We were on deck 16. A woman next to me was sobbing, claiming to have seen the whole thing- a lady jumping overboard . The search was called off after maybe 30-45 minutes when it turned out to be a false alarm. Speaking with an officer later that week it was a 'prank" gone bad. Makes me wonder what was going on in the lady's head that she "saw the whole thing". i know several smaller kids kept saying they saw a body...it was quite surreal and probably quite scary for the younger ones. I posted this when it happened and was "yelled' at by a CC member to explain what the sobbing woman actually saw- sorry- still can't do it!! I am not she!!

I was very impressed with the reaction of the crew. They were up and out and in position- the ship , as big as she is- WOW! she started that slow turn. Impressive. Also very disquieting to hubbie and I to feel so helpless...and to think that your kids are on a cruise where someone is most certainly dead and very publicly within the first few hours..and mostly- OMG- the poor victim's FAMILY!!!! All this going through all of our minds, i am sure. Thank goodness it was just an idiot playing a sick, most likely alcohol-fueled joke. One caveat- that is the story that I was told by an officer at an officer's party-I did not write down his name, do not YELL at me!!! Thank you.


And that was a very memorable first day of the cruise.

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Really enjoying your review! You have a great sense of humor and writing style. I would've wanted to be a pseudo-travel agent too, but I would have been too scared to try it...


We were thinking about sailing on the Getaway someday...

Looking forward to the rest of your review! Thanks for sharing.



Upcoming cruise:

Norwegian Spirit (W. Mediterranean) - 2014!


Past cruises:

Norwegian Star (Mexican Riviera) - 2014

Golden Princess (Alaska) - 2013

Norwegian Pearl (Alaska) - 2010

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Those of you reviewers who obviously take notes or still have memories that work- BLESS YOU!!


I tried to do this day by day but appear to have come down with adult ADD. Just wanted to mention the famous APP


IConcierge- started as a GREAT IDEA!!!! I was so excited that i downloaded the APP a month ahead of time. I would be at home and my phone would show ' you are now connected to the ship's WiFi" HOW EXCITING!!! I must be going on a cruise!!!


We all downloaded it to our various devices- 3 iPhones, one iPod and a Samsung Galaxy. It was AMAZING and IRREPLACEABLE for about 17 minutes. The features that worked were the free features. Then bizarre and strange things began to happen. Despite all the precautions we took, I began to get push notifications from Facebook. I don't even HAVE Facebook on my iPhone-SERIOUSLY!!! Then the previous occupant of our suite's contacts all showed up. All 5 of us started to get various texts and notifications even when we had data and cellular off- it was as though our devices became possessed. This happened slowly over several days. On about the 4th day, all the weirdness stopped. Then the app just stopped having the ability to send texts. It was "unavailable for messaging" . We finally gave up.


Sticking to the good old post-it note in the cabin.


I was able to see our invoice all the times.


Some other guests I spoke with had the same issues, some had no problems, and one gal who was traveling with (GASP) 41 people , found it totally COOL.

Go figure.

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Really enjoying your review! We have booked a Haven Spa cabin for the last week in February and the first week in March and we can't wait. It will be our first time on NCL. I am really looking forward to the rest of your review!


Btw, I know that feeling, when you begin a cruise and some, usually, little thing, sets you off. The cabin isn't what you expected, some person in your vicinity is acting like a jerk and you have to restrain yourself from going one on one with the guy or gal. Usually it's my husband who reins me in! During our last cruise on the Breeze, this European passenger started tearing a strip off a crew member, in their shared language, for not cleaning his table right away. I was shocked and told him that he was being so rude and selfish. It did not end well. I am going to have to learn to walk away from these scenes. I just feel so,horrible for the crew members who have to take this kind of abuse. You must have been so relieved when the Blowhard was dealt with!

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This is the BEST review EVER!


You're like the voice inside my head... Especially regarding the Muster Drill, the overly tan life of the party, and I really did LOL at "auditory and olfactory" privacy needs.


Keep it coming!

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We used the iconcierge app also ....4 smart phones and one I pod. It worked great for us. It does kick out now and then but usually if you re open it starts right up. This was great with the kids. Could keep in touch.

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Our first full day at sea began too early...wanted to sleep in in our yummy bliss bed, but just could not. Mike and I decided to brew a cup in our Lavazza machine ...wanna annoy a 15 year old girl? Turn on on of those puppies at 7 am!!! The machine is located in the same room as the sleeping sofa on which the sleeping princess sleeped. There was some SERIOUS eye glaring And rolling at the SAME TIME!! Naturally there was an issue and the machine did not want to cooperate, so we strolled out to explore the morning Getaway.


There were very few chair hogs to be found. only two or three by the main pool, and one ambitious woman with a snorkel doing laps.


There was a sad looking dad by the Sponge Bob pool, surrounded by all the crap his wife made him carry down to lay claim to their territory. I would find him there several more mornings. His forlorn face reminded me of my basset hounds- one morning I had to stop myself from giving him a belly rub.


We saw more chairs 'reserved" on the decks above the pools. On the mornings that I was walking around, there were never more than half a dozen claimed at 7am in the direct pool area.


Anyway, we wandered in to the GC and grabbed a cup of coffee. I do not understand the fuss about the coffee. It is FINE. I liked it it. Mike liked it. We liked it. No need to make it half hot water half coffee. So do not pre-fret about your morning Joe. Mike handed me mine, I took a sip and then must have had a look of either astonishment or relief on my face, because he said "what's wrong?' to which I replied" nothing! I was expecting crap coffee".

To which Mike replied "See why I never read anything before we go on vacation?Why let someone else ruin your coffee?" (He did not even know the name of the ship or the cruise line until we were leaving . I swear that I told him when we booked it! He may have remembered if held at gun point..Back in the olden days he did all sorts of research. Now he just enjoys the ride!!)


We went back with our yummy coffee to some awake kidlettes and headed off to breakfast in our little Haven restaurant. Yum yum yum. They have a nice spread of pastries, fruits, cheese, salmon and meats and then a menu for ordering. We never did eat in the courtyard area though that was available as well. My fave were the hotcakes with lox and capers as an appetizer. The service at each meal in the Haven was impeccable . We already have an unsolicited offer to have our children move to Malaysia for two weeks so that Mike and i can take a TA without them. Cool.


The kids were dying to try the slides- why they did not on embarkation day i do not recall, so off we went. i mean, off THEY went. I cozied up to a clamshell and grabbed my book and stared at the ocean for a while ...decide that the slides might be the way to go. Arrived at the slides to the funniest scene- the slide guys were opening a hatch in the middle of one of the slides, about half way thru the ride and extricating a child who had gotten stuck!!

He was really CUTE - big brown eyes, looked to be about 9 , almost pudgy but not quite....YUP- that's my 13 year old!!! I was laughing so hard because he was so cool about it.

He weighs just over the 100 pound requirement- and after they freed him, he kept on riding! He got stuck a few other times as well, but learned to self-extricate . His rash guard shirt was causing problems.

My skinny 15 year old daughter, also barely 100 pounds but 5 foot 4 to Brad's 4 foot 8 NEVER got stuck. Incidentally, on the last day, my older son, 15 , 5 foot 7 and 120 pounds and lanky, had to be removed via the hatch. I swear it was his brillo pad head that got him stuck, he claims it was also his rash guard. I am sticking with the afro.

BTW, I am frequently asked if my sons have the same father. Mark is blonde and as pale as Lilith Sternan ( hat tip to Bill EE1999) , Brad has olivey skin with brown hair and ebony eyes. I usually smile and say " I just don't know". That tends to shut people up.


The lunch choice this first full day started our descent in to decadence.

Had I not been a CC lurker and then a member, I would not have heard of the Ocean Blue lobster roll.


Listen to Nike.

Just do it.

Some may gasp at spending 9.95 for an extra while on a cruise. Pish posh.

It was sooooo goooood!! The roll was a bit too thick and chewy for me to accompany the tender lobster meat- tasty - it is a cuban style roll, and you will find it again at Flamingo when you have your pulled-pork. I ate the lobster meat and the zesty and expertly administered sauce with a fork. Drool! We also shared some calamari and ate right out there on the waterfront. It was delightful!! JC Sanchez , the quirky and adorable CD stopped by, as did Ruth the concierge and a variety of official looking people.


We had a cocktail party that evening for Haven guests at Bliss- lots of boozes, all the officer people AND it was followed by lobster night. We did not stay at the party too long- had some drinks, kids got bored except when they were talking to JC Sanchez who has, by day 2, already become their folk hero.

I can't remember if we had played bingo yet, but they also found Adam from Canada a hoot also. I didn't so much. I think he may have been a lech!!But the mommy sees things that the teens do not...

Anyway, the lobster was good, we ate it and ran off to Headliners for our first night of comedy.




The Headliners venue is reminiscent of Mike's old stomping grounds in the Village. Yup, I married a guy who spent his formative years in Washington Square Park and survived with neither accent nor bad attitude- and I can say that because my kids are half New Yawk! Anyway, if you have been to any of the clubs in the Village, you know the ambiance. Now subtract the smell of stale beer and vomit, clean the crap off floors, remove the profanity carved in to the table tops and you have Headliners. What a charming place!! Having spent a lot of time in comedy clubs in New York and alleged clubs in New Haven , we fell in love with this little piece of the Getaway.


Frank Townsend is the MC and his opening is an act in and of itself. The 9:00 show is appropriate for teens. there are 2 comedians, they rotate times and shows and change their material. They are solo acts at Headliners, one evening in the theater all 3 gentlemen give a performance. It is appropriate for all ages.


Back to this show. Frank came out as the MC and did an amazing 10 minute or so bit . No typical cruise ship jokes- funny, funny stuff . We were CRYING. the main attraction was Rodney Laney. He started off slow..I got a bit worried..but then he KILLED it. NAILED it. OMG!! My kids are still quoting him. He is so incredibly talented. Do not miss this show!!


One cannot describe comedy. But if the comedians that rotate through are anywhere near the caliber of Mr Laney , then NCL has a real winner on their hands.


We saw Frank the MC all over the ship. He is funny all the time! Funny at lunch, funny at the pool, funny judging contests. He even waves funny. You will LOVE Headliners. If you don't..well, try again. Or take an immodium cuz you must not be feeling well!


I don't know what we did after this. Kids probably played ping pong and Mike and I probably went to the casino. It was a great , great day!


Oh, yes- each day our butler would bring us treats. yummy! He knew that the kids loved the chocolate chip cookies and brought tons of them. I miss those cookies....we also had some incredible towel animals. I still love towel animals and appreciate the time that Sopi put in to making them!! We also had chocolates each night. And I was all done with hating our suite, if I had not mentioned it. I now loved it. It was open and bright ( except for the wood!!) lots of space and great cookies!! I chose suite 16720 for specific reasons that i will tell you about later.


I have to figure out what we did on day 3- or day 2 full day at sea!!

Edited by Annmeat
i don't know
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This is fun to read - thanks for sharing, and I look forward to more!


We have also cruised with JC Sanchez and feel that he is the most personable CD we've ever had. He was all over the ship, talking with people, remembering names (which I find incredible when you have thousands of passengers and they change every week.) And he's funny.

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You're back!! I've been looking for your review, which by the way, is hilarious and well written. My kids said to tell you to give Rodney back to us, they miss him so much :)


Sounds like you guys had a good cruise so far.


Anxiously awaiting more review

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Thanks for the Lilith reference! We did not experience Mr. Weed luckily.


It sounds like you really did it right. I still think our big mistake was trying to get the most out of the Haven. Now I have to convince Erin to go back on Getaway.


The slides and ropes course were 2 of the funnest things I have ever done at sea.

Keep the review coming. I keep kicking myself every time I say wow I should have done that.



P.S. It also sounds like the CD and concierge changes were for the better

Edited by ee1999
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This is fun to read - thanks for sharing, and I look forward to more!


We have also cruised with JC Sanchez and feel that he is the most personable CD we've ever had. He was all over the ship, talking with people, remembering names (which I find incredible when you have thousands of passengers and they change every week.) And he's funny.


How he does this is beyond me. I barely keep my kids straight and I only have three!! His accent is SOOO adorable. Really enjoyed our interacting with him. He kept teasing Brad about getting stuck in the slide...

this is the first time that I have ever had a cruise director speak to me, and the first time that I have cared!

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I absolutely LOVE your review and your style of writing! It is very entertaining and very funny! Thank you for taking the time to write it. I cannot wait to read the rest of it!

I usually pass over reviews of the Getaway because we are in NY and going on the Breakaway in Sept. I know the ships are very similar, so I decided to give yours a shot. So glad I did!!

Please...keep it coming!!


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