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Shame on you Chip Romero!

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This thread is just wrong. I am shocked that no one pointed out the most obvious reason the child at question was not picked and told to go back to his seat.



I agree it seems this thread has gotten crazy. I also think you might have missed an important part of the OP's original post. The magician asks for a child volunteer. The OP's child raised his hand and was the first called upon by the magician. It is reasonable that the child thought he was the one selected when the magician initiated the interaction with the question of "How old are you?". The child answered and advanced to the stage. It was at this point that the magician made the Forrest Gump comment and moved on to select another child.


You are right that the magician is free to select which ever person he would like. And obviously not every child can be chosen. But, to the OP, and the way they related the situation it appeared that this joke was part of the act.


I agree with many that have posted on this thread that we do not need to mollycoddle our children. I don't believe that is the situation in this case. Children, especially those likely too young to understand the intended humour, should not be singled out for the sake of a cheap laugh. That is what I understand the main issue to be. In addition the fact that the OP found the said joke offensive.


Unfortunately there has been so many posts from people about how they would or do feel about it that the story begins to take on a life of its own and the issue gets lost. This thread was about what happened to the OP, how they interpreted and felt about it and how they should handle it. It's sad the backlash she has received. The good thing is that it appears NCL has reached out an offered to work with her on the matter. Hopefully privately they can sort things out.




Edited by rochelle_s
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I agree it seems this thread has gotten crazy. I also think you might have missed an important part of the OP's original post. The magician asks for a child volunteer. The OP's child raised his hand and was the first called upon by the magician. It is reasonable that the child thought he was the one selected when the magician initiated the interaction with the question of "How old are you?". The child answered and advanced to the stage. It was at this point that the magician made the Forrest Gump comment and moved on to select another child.


You are right that the magician is free to select which ever person he would like. And obviously not every child can be chosen. But, to the OP, and the way they related the situation it appeared that this joke was part of the act.


I agree with many that have posted on this thread that we do not need to mollycoddle our children. I don't believe that is the situation in this case. Children, especially those likely too young to understand the intended humour, should not be singled out for the sake of a cheap laugh. That is what I understand the main issue to be. In addition the fact that the OP found the said joke offensive.


Unfortunately there has been so many posts from people about how they would or do feel about it that the story begins to take on a life of its own and the issue gets lost. This thread was about what happened to the OP, how they interpreted and felt about it and how they should handle it. It's sad the backlash she has received. The good thing is that it appears NCL has reached out an offered to work with her on the matter. Hopefully privately they can sort things out.




Hi Rochelle

You made me get out of bed when I read your response on my phone LOL

I did not misunderstand the OP. As a child I was in magic shows with my uncle. I also have seen countless acts. I have NEVER heard a magician say " can I get a volunteer who is only a boy and only between 8 and 9." Why would girls not be considered. Why not kids 10, 11 or 12? That makes no sense. As Judge Judy says...if it does not make sense...it is not true.

Just because the magician acknowledged the boy first does not mean he was selected and then rejected. That is a HUGE leap in logic. The boy could have thought he was selected and started for the stage and then told to go back in a funny way since clearly there was another selection.

I don't see anything malicious that the magician purposely did to this child. I think it is wrong to smear him with unfounded attacks. That is so harsh and wrong. This guy does not make lots of money, lives on a cruise ship, and gives all his effort to amaze people. If someone was offended by accident it is unfortunate. But to encourage people to complain to NCL about this guy is way out of line.

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Hi Rochelle

You made me get out of bed when I read your response on my phone LOL

I did not misunderstand the OP. As a child I was in magic shows with my uncle. I also have seen countless acts. I have NEVER heard a magician say " can I get a volunteer who is only a boy and only between 8 and 9." Why would girls not be considered. Why not kids 10, 11 or 12? That makes no sense. As Judge Judy says...if it does not make sense...it is not true.

Just because the magician acknowledged the boy first does not mean he was selected and then rejected. That is a HUGE leap in logic. The boy could have thought he was selected and started for the stage and then told to go back in a funny way since clearly there was another selection.

I don't see anything malicious that the magician purposely did to this child. I think it is wrong to smear him with unfounded attacks. That is so harsh and wrong. This guy does not make lots of money, lives on a cruise ship, and gives all his effort to amaze people. If someone was offended by accident it is unfortunate. But to encourage people to complain to NCL about this guy is way out of line.

You might have missed the last word of the OP's initial posts and that was "thoughts?". I think that is all posters are doing is giving their opinion, since it was asked for.


My thought would be to forget about it, as I'm sure your son already has and won't remember it, unless you keep reminding him. That is unless you are looking for compensation or trying to get the performer fired so he loses his livelyhood, then continue to explore the possibilities.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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He is REALLY HURT ON THIS ONE!!!!!!!! Wait till the GEM comes back on SATURDAY!!!!!!! He"s a good guy!!!!!!! And when you hit him( 1000 SORRYS} Is not enough!!!!!!



This is sad. It's horrible that this was even reported, and worse that NCL would even entertain this nonsense. :rolleyes:

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This thread is just wrong. I am shocked that no one pointed out the most obvious reason the child at question was not picked and told to go back to his seat. Did it ever occur to anyone the magician saw another hand go up first and the magician stuck to his guns in picking who he wanted to. I feel bad if the other child was a bit over zealous in wanting to be picked and started to head for the stage. But where is the compassion for the other kid who may have had his hand up first and would have been rejected just because someone may have appeared to have wanted it more.

I cant even believe I am responding to this thread. I am secretly hoping it is some sort of 3rd grade homework assignment to see what reactions would be. I cant believe some of the things I have read. People would go to the service line to complain about the magician for doing his job.....entertaining.

Of all the threads I have read on CC, this one takes the cake from "Can I bring my own mattress."

This is a messed up world and all children should be taught to share and be tolerant of others. Life is never fair and that is a lesson that seems to not be taught these days.


I was particularly fond if the couple that wanted to bring their own baccarat crystal glasses. Lol



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I quit reading on page 6, because I find it appalling that so many adults are making excuses for the magician. What type of person thinks it's okay to get a laugh at a child's expense?


I was thinking the same thing. The OP said her son attempted to go up on stage, but didn't say he was invited to go up on the stage. Seems like the little guy jumped the gun, when he was asked how old he was. I don't think this was a "joke" in the performers show, just his way of stopping the boy from going up on stage to be embarrassed when told he was not picked and he would have had to get down from the stage in front of the audience. I realize that everyone want's their child to be picked and, yes, there is disappointment when not picked, but it happens in everyday life. We all want to be picked first for the softball team, but in the end, someone is always last...it is a life lesson.


The entertainer asked for a 7 - 8 yr. old. He should never have acknowledged the OP's son, if he wasn't chosen. He met the criteria. Any reasonable person would have assumed he would be chosen. If the 6 yr. old was chosen in advance, the magician should never have asked for volunteers. Nothing good could have come from that. Getting a laugh at an adult's expense can be funny. Doing that to a child is wrong. It's sad to see there are adults out there who think that's okay.


The OP has a history on CC of posting about the entitlement of her son. Some of us take this with a grain of salt because of other experiences.


This appears to be influencing opinions even though it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. I agree that the elevator statement was laughable. That doesn't mean it's okay to intentionallly embarrass a child. Reading between the lines, it appears some people think it's funny this happened to the OP. I hope that's not the case, because that's just as wrong as gloating that your child is so special that the elevator is held for him or her.

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I quit reading on page 6, because I find it appalling that so many adults are making excuses for the magician. What type of person thinks it's okay to get a laugh at a child's expense?


Hell, I have a laugh at my own kids' expense every.damn.day. As someone else mentioned I would never consider my kids fragile - life happens. There's disappointments, there's successes. You can either roll with it or you can play the victim. Your choice, but let's not pretend for one second that 'Tommy' has been curled in a ball of rejection every day since this 'incident' happened. I'm sure he's juuuuuuust fine - it's mom that's incensed on his behalf.

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Hell, I have a laugh at my own kids' expense every.damn.day. As someone else mentioned I would never consider my kids fragile - life happens. There's disappointments, there's successes. You can either roll with it or you can play the victim. Your choice, but let's not pretend for one second that 'Tommy' has been curled in a ball of rejection every day since this 'incident' happened. I'm sure he's juuuuuuust fine - it's mom that's incensed on his behalf.



Great Post lzybeanie!!! People need to regroup and move on.

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Hell, I have a laugh at my own kids' expense every.damn.day. As someone else mentioned I would never consider my kids fragile - life happens. There's disappointments, there's successes. You can either roll with it or you can play the victim. Your choice, but let's not pretend for one second that 'Tommy' has been curled in a ball of rejection every day since this 'incident' happened. I'm sure he's juuuuuuust fine - it's mom that's incensed on his behalf.


This, plus this...


This is sad. It's horrible that this was even reported, and worse that NCL would even entertain this nonsense. :rolleyes:


...equals sanity.

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Hell, I have a laugh at my own kids' expense every.damn.day. As someone else mentioned I would never consider my kids fragile - life happens. There's disappointments, there's successes. You can either roll with it or you can play the victim. Your choice, but let's not pretend for one second that 'Tommy' has been curled in a ball of rejection every day since this 'incident' happened. I'm sure he's juuuuuuust fine - it's mom that's incensed on his behalf.


My kids are so used to letting the nonsense roll off their backs it truly amazes me!


Maybe that is why they smile and laugh frequently and have absolutely no issues at school


Just sayin



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My kids are so used to letting the nonsense roll off their backs it truly amazes me!


Maybe that is why they smile and laugh frequently and have absolutely no issues at school


Just sayin


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I mean don't get me wrong, I have 5 yo and 3 yo girls - 'drama' is pretty much their middle name. But they're not unaccustomed to an unsympathetic head pat, or a 'suck it up buttercup' for issues such as these. And in this particular situation, they would have gotten a :shrug: and maybe a head-tousle.

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Hell, I have a laugh at my own kids' expense every.damn.day. As someone else mentioned I would never consider my kids fragile - life happens. There's disappointments, there's successes. You can either roll with it or you can play the victim. Your choice, but let's not pretend for one second that 'Tommy' has been curled in a ball of rejection every day since this 'incident' happened. I'm sure he's juuuuuuust fine - it's mom that's incensed on his behalf.


As do I. Most people probably do. There's a difference in laughing, when your kids make what we call a dunderhead move than someone embarrassing them in front of a few 100 or 1,000 total strangers. Do you take your kids out to public places, call them out so everyone is looking at them, then make them a butt of a joke? Somehow, I doubt it. Again, if this guy wanted a specific child to help him, he shouldn't have asked for volunteers. It would have been easy for him to ignore the child he wasn't interested in choosing.

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As do I. Most people probably do. There's a difference in laughing, when your kids make what we call a dunderhead move than someone embarrassing them in front of a few 100 or 1,000 total strangers. Do you take your kids out to public places, call them out so everyone is looking at them, then make them a butt of a joke? Somehow, I doubt it. Again, if this guy wanted a specific child to help him, he shouldn't have asked for volunteers. It would have been easy for him to ignore the child he wasn't interested in choosing.


Given the sense of entitlement the OP has displayed on these boards, I strongly question her version of the event. I highly doubt the kid was called on, and then made fun of. More than likely, little Tommy, who is clearly used to getting his way, made a beeline for the stage, uninvited. Instead of "calling him out" for his behavior, the guy turned it into a joke, making light of how fast he ran to the stage. :rolleyes:

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Given the sense of entitlement the OP has displayed on these boards, I strongly question her version of the event. I highly doubt the kid was called on, and then made fun of. More than likely, little Tommy, who is clearly used to getting his way, made a beeline for the stage, uninvited. Instead of "calling him out" for his behavior, the guy turned it into a joke, making light of how fast he ran to the stage. :rolleyes:

could someone explain the entitlement comment some are talking about and how does it relate to this situation.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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As do I. Most people probably do. There's a difference in laughing, when your kids make what we call a dunderhead move than someone embarrassing them in front of a few 100 or 1,000 total strangers. Do you take your kids out to public places, call them out so everyone is looking at them, then make them a butt of a joke? Somehow, I doubt it. Again, if this guy wanted a specific child to help him, he shouldn't have asked for volunteers. It would have been easy for him to ignore the child he wasn't interested in choosing.


Exactly. I feel really bad for the kids of some of the "parents" on this board.

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Given the sense of entitlement the OP has displayed on these boards, I strongly question her version of the event. I highly doubt the kid was called on, and then made fun of. More than likely, little Tommy, who is clearly used to getting his way, made a beeline for the stage, uninvited. Instead of "calling him out" for his behavior, the guy turned it into a joke, making light of how fast he ran to the stage. :rolleyes:


Precisely - I didn't read the OP's description of the events like Chip called on her kid specifically for the purpose of ridiculing him. No I don't put my kids in the spotlight explicitly to point and laugh, but I will call shenanigans on them even if it means that other people might get a snicker.


To be clear, I don't really blame Tommy for starting to haul @ss up on stage. He thought he was chosen - I don't fault a 7 yo for not distinguishing between 'asked his age' and 'invited on stage' in these circumstances. And I would expect a 7 yo to be initially disappointed. But I also don't think that Chip's comment was out of line or purposefully malignant. And I wouldn't expect a grown-@ss adult to make such a big deal out of the situation as it was presented to us. Shrug it off, give the kid a snuggle, maybe an extra trip to the fro-yo machine and move on.

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Exactly. I feel really bad for the kids of some of the "parents" on this board.


Don't you go worrying about my kids...they are just fine living in a world where they know that they may be disappointed now and again. They experience plenty of happiness and know it's OK to laugh at themselves now and again. They also know the world doesn't revolve around them and even if someone does purposefully try to make them feel bad or use them as the butt of a joke they'll learn that often people like that aren't worth their time and they can just brush it off, move on and not dwell on it.

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