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Happy LEGENDary 100th Birthday Panama Cruise Review August 17th-30th 2014!


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Hi Velvetwater - I remember you from Baltic discussions last summer.:) We'd love to do a Panama Canal cruise, but Carnival repositionings always take place at a time when we can't take vacation. Either we change lines or wait until we retire. Looking forward to the rest of your review!

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Thanks for all the lovely comments, its also great to hear from others who were on the cruise with me. You can correct me if I get something wrong..so many sea days so they sometimes merge into one! :)


I will post more photos (including me and the hubby) but having muchos upload problems hence delay in the review.


Can anyone recommend a good free upload website?


Thankies :)

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Hello all!


I realised this thread has been dormant for over 2 weeks and it is due to work promoting me then overworking me which is yay and nay depending on how you look at it. I have not been on these forums at all.


Will try and get the review done completely within a weekend very soon then put the photos on afterwards. That way no one will be left hanging.


Sorry all...this will be a completed review I promise.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Sorry and Sorry....its been so hectic and Ive only just recovered from it all inlcuding Christmas.


I am going to post the whole review today with a posting for each day which will be 13 posts for the 13 days.


The photo issue has been the main reason for not posting so what I am going to do is post without my photos but post some visuals that I can find.


My photos will follow when it is finished.



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Day 1 Tampa Embarkation day

Melting, Waiting,Drinking, Melting and a late night Bridge.


This one will be the longest entry


We wake up in our lovely room and feel so sad to leave it. Next time we will spend more than a few nights in our embarkation port if its abroad.


I look out on the Balcony to try and see anything....even though I know I wont.



After breakfast our Scottish Diamond friend knocks on our door and asks if we want a lift to port. We meet a group of experienced cruisers and an experienced TA who have come to see off all their mates boarding the ship. Turns out they all know Stormin norm who ran our facebook group.


Slightly hungover and excited we catch the Tampa breeze as we head to the Terminal and Suddenly there she is....with her new green thunder slide glistening atop. Im in unknown company but let out an excited shriek and everyone smiles knowingly.


We pull up and Myself, hubby and Diamond lady all start doing the British melting thing as out US companions stand unfazed. A friendly chap takes out bags and sticks orange stickers all over (We got the last FTTF) and we mingle outside and spare a thought for those leaving the ship...haha!



We check in around 10.30 and it takes us ages as non US citizens needed more checks. We head to the priority lounge which is already packed (You will remember me saying that this cruise was the most experienced yet) and we get a seat and wait.....and wait.After an hour of 'just checking stuff' announcements, 'people are blocking please move' speeches and 'thank goodness for air con' shouts they call up Diamond guests which results in a cruiser stampede. I would later find out that the non priority guests were waiting for over 2 hours worse conditions with less seats.


We board with the platinums next (this was not supposed to happen but we ended up standing near and they just let us through....result!)


We are on the Legend! My first thing to do is run up to pub to check out how new it is then we leg it up to the lido and check the green thunder...we love the new features! Its less busy so we eat some food and get a fun ship special ....ok maybe a few.


We then go to our room and see its ready but with a massive fan in the middle. Our letter states that there was an air con leak and the carpet needed airing. They give us 8 drinks vouchers and say they have refunded our FTTF as OBC but we still get the perks. Our carpet is dry so we are thrilled! Thats over $100 of stuff.


Its the cabin we had last year so I give a wall a good hug and hubby thinks I'm bonkers.We unpack and head to the now rammed lido for a deli sandwich and find a seat. We are joined by a couple where the hubby we would see a lot more of than desired...but more on that later (it involves an outdoor shower and Marvin Gaye)


Its half an hour to sail away and we hear we are going to be late on that as they have only started loading up the items.


Hubby and I are in a limbo. Get dinner or stay up on deck for sail away fun that might start for hours? We wander a bit and I put my dinner wear on...its now 2 hours past sail away time and they are still loading....how much lobster? Some drunk guy is wandering about shouting anchors away and being generally rude....maybe use him as a fture anchor?


Its around 7 and we finally sail away to a stunning Tampa Sunset thats just starting. We grab some Tampa Cigar brews and watch Tampa go into the distance. This part is particularly beautiful for me as I had watched the Legend sail away so many times on port cams and now I am there!




After a dinner of brisket and we rush to see the Bridge and gawp as we miss it by a few feet (its very much like the Oresund bridge we witnessed a year earlier on the same ship).


We go to catch the late Welcome aboard show with our Cheeky Kiwi CD Eli...hes a very personable bloke who was much better than Brent Mitchell last year. His ACD is Laura who is quite dull even if she British but she seems nice enough but many cruisers agreed it seemed like she didnt want to be on the ship.




We hit the sack around midnight and prop open our 4K french door (between lifeboats) to hear the Caribbean waves. My cocktail slumber is blissful as it gets.




NEXT UP: Sea day Shenanigans!

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Day 2: Caribbean seas and A Serenity rush


I wake up exactly how you shpuld wake up...on a cruise ship. Hubby is still asleep and its 10 minutes to sunrise so I pull on my new thai trousers and get dressed and head up to the Lido.


The ship is quiet and I grab Tea...us Brits cannot function without tea and watch the sunrise and feel all happy and snuggly. I have a bagel then take tea down to the cabin to awaken the sleeping Beast.


We decide we have missed Serenity a lot so head up there after Breakfast and see a long line of loungers blocking any access to serenity. This is corperate chair hogging so we take a seat with the other grumpy folk with their Towels and sun block. Some officer comes out and tells a few people it needs to be cleaned more she then shouts at some poor indonesian staff which I wasnt best pleased with and goes inside.




After a while the order is given than Serenity deck has opened and we all charge like Braveheart for the clam shells and hammocks. I have had my eye on a shaded one at the back and grab it before some Aussies get the chance. Serenity is full within under a minute after huffing and puffing and I take a dip....I wish the water was colder so I did not have to share it. I had the pool to myself last Baltic cruise....I like cold water as I am an actual polar bear.


We go for some buffet and I eat enough to sink the Titanic then lounge out with more Tampa brews. As I have english skin I decide it might be best to head in and cool down.


Hubby and I love trivia so we go to the Cafe and take part. It is at this point we learn Carnival have become stingy! To win a stick on a ship you have to first win 3 medals and exchange! Each win on the ship gets you a trophy by the way.


I had been on the fb group and got talking to a few folks my age including a recently wed couple where the hubby was from Germany. After doing the Trivia I notice theres a lady who looks like the wife in Germany football kit...we say hello then she introduces us to her hubby and...


...Cards against Humanity. (A game that became as regular as Trivia and inspired us to buy it when we got home)




Here comes the downer of the cruise. I discover that my night dress has gone from the cabin (I keep it under my pillow) and I go down to guest services who say they will look for it. I would not mind usually but its a dress I always take on holiday and was bought for me by my Grandma who is now quite ill. I was gutted and angry at our already quite useless room steward.


Hubby takes me to see Justin Illusion to forget about it...we saw him last year and hes pretty good and was by far the best act of the cruise.JustinIllusion19.jpg


Guest services call to say they have found my nightdress...although it turns out it was a mistake. :s


I go to bed a bit sad but looking forward to Grand Cayman as my first Caribbean port of call..ever.

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Day 3 - We Came to Grand Cayman.


We awake to find we are already in Cayman and we are taken back by the beatufil sight across the the bay as we get up for breakfast. I didnt think I would be visiting the Carribean for a while (We planned do do a Med cruise originally) and after downing my entire body weight in that wierd orange juice and eating some eggs Benedict we get ready for the Snorkelling tour we booked.


In our cabin we get geared up for the Island. Which includes portable fans, apply 50+ sunblock all over, apply bug spray, spare clothes and suits and basic money and S+S cards. My family are medical so Ive been taught to take and apply everything before setting out on holiday.




We decide to take a Taxi to 7 mile beach which is almost deserted as its 9am which suits us down to the ground and we swim a bit. Some tourists walk past and exclaim its too cold to swim at the moment. Lady, its over 80F out and this water is bath temperature in Scotland ok? After throwing each other in the water and getting sore eyes we head back to port.


Loved Seven Mile....I dont know if I would have liked it when it got busy.


We head to a private dock with 15 other Cruisers. Hubby gets obsessed with the amount of Lizards everywhere and takes lots of photos. We see one the size of me in a tree and he acts like Liv Tyler just lost her dress. We are now on the other side of the Island heading out to the reef and its getting to Melting weather and observe the 3 ships in the distance (Disney Fantasy and MSC ____ have joined us).




We get the drill and asked if weve ever snorkelled before. I have but never in clear waters like this and we head out. Hubby and I agreed afterwards that it was an amazing experience. Instructor was very friendly and said I had an eye for where to snorkel as everyone else headed where it murkier.

My highlight was Special education fish who head butted rocks every time I was pat him. We also did the 'Ah, how bloody sweet holding hands while your snorkel' couple stuff.


Back near port we are pretty hungry so eat some Jerk chicken and fries...really good but bloody hot. Ive had hot curries and food in Jamaican restaurants back home but this really had kick. We also sampled some Caybrew (tastes like Lizard urine) and Rum Cake (tastes like heaven) and shop for jewellery....not the fine kind I am more a wooden necklace type of chick. Hubby gets some little carved figure for the house too and we buy some rum and head back to the ship.





I try and sneak the booze on by tucking my smallish handbag in the folds of my top. Guy notices I put it through scanner. I tell him its suncream and he gives me the 'you are BS' so I head to the table to find the guy isnt looking. Hubby is too honest and motions me to go before I can run off...FAIL on all accounts.


We watch the sail away which is on time and have a cocktail. We have a good bit of trivia with our friends from Florida and have hilarious dinner with them as we are all MTD and meet his twin brother and amazing mother who I mention later. We also realise that the wife has won the mixology competition.


The waiters on this cruise were top notch and even though we saw different ones each one was so friendly...could not ask for more.

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Day 4 -At sea sea sea


Now I have just realised that I cant remember if the first formal formal night was the first sea day (as usual) or this sea day so it will be in this review.



We wander out in the mood for another swim, got up too late for beds on Serenity so perch on some chairs which are in the shade. I am happy the sea air stops me from melting.


We then round the afternoon off with some cards against humanity and meet fellow 20/30 somethings when playing cards against humanity with folk.Including a couple that successfully smuggled whiskey using the mouthwash technique. It is around this time we become the group that always plays Cards against humanity. It was such a regular feature that some cruisers looked for it in the fun times. Now I know some people think the game is offensive and vile but if you want to get a group together on a cruise...its a way to go. After playing we wine some trivia...great...2 medals to go before a SOAS!


As this cruise is a special one they announce elegant night is Captain's night which is a nice surprise. We get dressed up..myself in a long gown with embellishments (hey I am a tomboy...I make an effort when needed) and hubby in his velvet jacket and shirt. We would letter get comments on how english we looked which is understandable. I am pale with long Auburn hair and light eyes and hubby is blonde and blue eyed with pale skin.


The lobby has music playing and there is free drinks galore (red/white wine, beer, cocktails...and as much as you could drink) with the Captain, officers and all the senior cruise staff dressed to the nines and mingling with everyone. This is not what I expect of Carnival but I really enjoyed it. Everyone was also dressed up just like our Baltic cruise.


We get to dinner and dont eat too much as weve been grazing for a lot of the day...thank goodness the frozen lobster is small! We enjoy the dining crews rendition of hey baby and wander out to see the free drinks have gone but will be back later. I must admit that I did get a little silly later on running around deck 3 singing 'Im on a boat' and claiming I was Ariel from the little Mermaid and that I owned Panama....er yes.




After some drinks we wandered to the Captains show where 2 singers and a small band entertained us as they introduced most of the senior crew and key staff and the Captain came out with his children and wife which was nice.


After the fun we head to the comedy show with everyone where upon being seated at the front the comedian talks to hubby, saying he looks a bit rock and roll (he is to be fair) and then to me where after all the free drinks I shout 'Because England is the home of rock'. Comedian approaches the audience with this notion and no-one disagrees so the room erupts into hysterics.


Bed time and rest head time.

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So glad you came back! I was really enjoying when you first started and so happy to see you're back. I reread the first part again to get caught back up. I am still laughing, I love your humor and am looking forward to the rest. I just have to add that we got "Cards Against Humanity" and laugh like crazy when we play it. Didn't think to bring it on our last cruise. :D


Thank you for doing this review and I'm looking forward to the rest.

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Just to mention before the next part that my keyboard has various faults so I apologise for any major typos. :)


By the way this was the route of the Cruise if anyone is interested in a particular port:



2-Day at sea

3-Grand Cayman

4)-Day at sea

5) Cartagena, Columbia

6) Day at sea

6)Panama Canal Transit

7) Puntarenas, Costa Rica

8) day at sea

9)day at sea

10 day at sea

11) Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

12) Day at sea

13)Los Angeles, US

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"The waiters on this cruise were top notch."


Thanks for coming back to complete your review and congrats on your promotion in your career.


I followed your previous threads for the other Carnival cruise you took and in particular your distaste for the American system of compensating service staff with money. How did you reconcile your preference for not tipping the staff because you believe Carnival's business model should include the tips in the cost of the fare? I agree with you and Carnival does use the model you prefer on their Australian runs because Aussies don't have a tipping culture just as you do not in the U.K.

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Day 5 - Columbian sweat


We wake up and are surprised that at the present time that Columbia is cooler than Florida...we would later learn that this drastically changed in the afternoon.


Hubby and I do not really book tours so we were all for wandering around on our own. We know we want to spend most of our time in the old town so head there after getting a taxi.


The old town is gorgeous with its brightly coloured hacienda style buildings and amazing street food where ever you looked. We hit the shops for a bit but have to stop every so often because of the heat...walk,sweat,walk , sweat, drink and so on.





Other cruisers said they thought it was dirty and they felt unsafe but we love the rustic feel and all the stalls and shops...we bought some salad tossers and fabrics and I bought a lot of Jewelry.


We ate fabulous street food that spanish influence has brought to this part of the world with things like Empenadas, Arepas and Bandejas. These are essentially all deep fried cheesy meaty things that rock...I could feel my arteries clogging as I munched. We also sampled the local beer (club columbia) which tasted like donkey urine. You may have gathered by now that hubby and I are craft brew/real ale types and cannot tolerate much fizzy water beer.




The heat starts to beat down so we decide to....


...walk round a high wall! This offered great views of the old town and the bay. We sucked in the South American air and decided that as we were almost a puddle we should get back to the ship.


We were so hot and this guy walks up and offers a Taxi. He explains stuff about the city then heads back with us in the Taxi and if we were less hot we would have told him where to go, he then tries to get a tip from us and we tell him to get stuffed. We also figured afterwards due to his intervention the Taxi cost us $20 more but hey we were back on the ship.


The Cartegena port has a mini animal area on the way back with lots of parrots and monkeys. People loved them but I just saw a whole load of cruelty and disease so walked on past.


We have some good cigar brews have a wonderful room service feast with different sandwiches as we weren't feeling a full dining room dinner. We had some pasta and things at the buffet before going to see Epic rock or the Brits (cant remember). Hubby really liked them but my experience in drama and whatnot left me thinking they were just ok. We had the band on our last cruise so it felt cheapened a little that this was missing.


With the ship running on high speed we start our voyage to the Canal....but a sea day first!

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"The waiters on this cruise were top notch."


Thanks for coming back to complete your review and congrats on your promotion in your career.


I followed your previous threads for the other Carnival cruise you took and in particular your distaste for the American system of compensating service staff with money. How did you reconcile your preference for not tipping the staff because you believe Carnival's business model should include the tips in the cost of the fare? I agree with you and Carnival does use the model you prefer on their Australian runs because Aussies don't have a tipping culture just as you do not in the U.K.


A few comments on the above.


1) I have always tipped the staff on my cruises...because I feel forced to..I would not have them go without (my feelings on that are in other posts).

2) I have had top notch waiters/bar staff all over the world with most of them being paid a good hourly wage instead of the US/North Africa system therefore Performance/tipping culture seems to not affect service greatly.


Its odd you mention Carnival Aus as we have our eye on a cruise with them next summer but we shall see.

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Day 6- Sea Day


Hubby and I have a huge lie in as we are feeling a little off....we would find out later this is due to the Malaria medication we took for the cruise but having a slightly icky belly was worth taking it just in case. We had Malaria tablet belly for most of the cruise but it didnt affect our activities/appetite or mood apart from this day. We checked medical advice for safety of swimming, buffet and whatnot and as it was due to medication we were told it was fine.


Our friends actually had their first date on the Legend and were on honeymoon on the ship so I get a knock at my door and shes forgot some of her make up so asks if she can borrow it as they are having a shoot round the ship. At various points we see them posing in their wedding attire and from fb the photos are amazing! Congrats to them. She then brings me a little Daytona Beach gift as a thank you.


I wander and eat a little, the food choice is Mexican but I cant face it so go round the deck to chill out and get some liquids. Hubby joins me later on and although we are in good spirits we do not feel like doing usual activities but squeeze in a cocktail and some Chopsticks chinese food as its fresh with lots of veggies....loved Chopsticks throughout the cruise tbh.




To cheer up we go and play some Trivia (We win a medal!) and Cards against humanity and meet another load of Seahawk fans,we always seem to befriend Seahawk fans. Another couple join us and walk aways after a few rounds slightly offended. They leave their whole fishbowl drink behind so we grab straws and finish it....wayhey!




Feeling better we get ready for dinner and dine with our friends. The mother of party was originally from Germany and has kept her great accent and European blunt humour. Some best quotes from the cruise came from her including 'If I drink Tequila Ill be topless on the table' and 'Oh that retirement resort in Florida...theres a lot of AIDS there they say'...the whole party were a good laugh all cruise and got these stuffy Brits being more extrovert!


We hit the comedy club to find some drunk guy complaining about his wife...ah well what can you do?



After a gentle day we hit the sack anticipating the Canal tomorrow.

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Day 7- Panama Canal - The Crown Jewel of the cruise.



Like most cruisers we get up earlyish and we are up just in time to see the sun rise above Panama as the canal is in the viewable distance. Hubby and I cannot contain our excitement at this point as we wolf down eggs and Lucky charms and wait on deck 10 in the middle.


The weather is cloudy and rain is imminent which you can expect in these parts and we approach the first lock which takes a good hour with all the contraptions. It really is a sight to see the movement of the water and how close you are to the walls of the canal. Eli kept asking people to not touch the walls...Doh!




After going through the Gatun locks we approach the massive lake and as its gonna be a while for more locks we take in the scenery and head inside for food and a few drinks. The Canal has divided the ship...there are those that are staying looking at the Canal and those making use of the empty facilities...we did a bit of both as you might see.


Hubby and I cant believe where we are but our friends and us decide it might be Cards against humanity time as we can see the lake from the pub. Hubby suddenly runs out the pub then comes back a little later shouting 'I got Panamaad!' he is SOAKING wet and very happy and says theres never been rain like it which is a statement when you live in the UK. It is at this point we decide to enjoy this hot heavy rain by going on the Green Thunder. We all run to get our swimwear.


We get up dressed to slide and its shut but the wonderful heavy tropical rain is coming down so much it shuts your eyelids. We decide to head to the hot tub and the rain stops.


We see that the central pool and hot tub are busy and the rain starts up again which clears every single pool/tub on the ship. We laugh and head the hot tub and watch as we pass the next set of locks.


Best moment of the cruise bar none. Sitting in a hot tub, looking at the Canal with a cocktail in tropical rain with friends and pouring rain. All the other and more elderly cruisers looked at us like we were mad. We had a few drinks by then so told them it was bloody beautiful and they should join us...they didn't.


Our new friends started arguing about American football at this point so I scooted off to get another drink.


Then the finale of the Canal...


After drinks, rain and fun we pass the last locks, Panama city and then the Bridge of Americas...All while having fun in the tub. Let me tell you...Best way to see the Canal.




Hubby and I celebrate being in the Pacific as does the whole ship and the atmosphere was wonderful and something I will not forget for a long time.


Panama traders are on board with gifts so we buy some things then get ready for dinner. At dinner we celebrate with wine and Limoncello and after a show and some Pub Quiz trivia it is time for bed.


Next up: Costa Rica!

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